Grupo Alumni 4E, El Salvador

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GIZ global connect - Information, knowledge management and networking platform for GIZ Alumni Impact Letter No. 03/2012

Alumni 4E El Salvador

ALUMNI 4E EL SALVADOR An alumni group for Renewable Energy The network „Alumni 4E El Salvador“ was founded in 2011 as an initiative of the programme „Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency in Central America” of GIZ (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit), This voluntary group of alumni supports the 4E-programme in El Salvador. Its members are nine energy experts with long-term experience in various institutions of the energy sector.

For a sustainable development in El Salvador The “4E El Salvador” alumni meet once a week. It is their common goal to promote cooperation and continuing education as well as an exchange of ideas among its members. We exchange our experiences in discussions held during our weekly meetings and we use the Web 2.0 to communicate themes or topics that might be interesting to the group members. Furthermore, the „4E El Salvador“-network supports the country’s sustainable development by raising awareness for the significance of renewable energy and energy efficiency in the Central American region. Since this region has great potential in the production of clean energy, this can help mitigate the effects of global warming.

GIZ IMPACT LETTER Promote your network or your association. What is a GIZ Impact Letter for? Activities of alumni and their networks and associations are of special interest for fellow alumni worldwide. The exchange of knowledge in specific working fields and the experience made in applying professional skills therefore is a crucial means for development. Alumni networks and associations set up their own service portfolio for members as well as external partners, develop marketing strategies and cooperate closely with partners at place.

In order to enhance the further exchange among Alumni and with GIZ, we offer the opportunity to present services provided and activities organised by the members of respective Alumni networks and associations on a regular basis in form of an GIZ Impact Letter. We invite all members of alumni networks and associations to take part in this exchange. Further information: 8

IMPACT LETTER No. 03/2012 - ALUMNI 4E EL SALVADOR – An alumni group for Renewable Energy


Services The group „Alumni 4E El Salvaldor“ cooperates with local institutions in the following areas: Development of teaching materials on Renewable Energy These materials can enable those parts of El Salvador’s population who have no access to pertaining information to gain a better understanding of the subject. This initiative helps project managers, government authorities and regional institutions to create a better understanding for projects of renewable energy in the communities and to argue against possible objections. Consultation and training in the field of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Fan Page: The group offers training courses to corporate bodies and individuals in the field of energy efficiency and renewable energy. Focus topics include: 8 8 8

Project financing Pilot studies and studies on feasibility Efficient and sustainable use of resources

Consulation on the development of internet portals for the exchange of information

Consultation and development of projects on the responsible treatment of the environment

Development (concept and administration) of online platforms which promote the sustainability of projects of renewable energy and energy efficiency.

Theoretical and practical training regarding the efficient use of natural resources, conducting studies, waste management, energy efficiency and renewable energy. This work is complemented by seminars on environmental subjects for children and young people.

We recently created our Fan Page on Facebook. The reason to create it is to share our projects with others and to educate the population through social media. In the short term, we are determined to share our educational programme for children on the web. The comics we are creating about renewable energy and energy efficiency will be accessible for those who are interested in the education of children, and Facebook is a handful tool to spread the news.


IMPACT LETTER No. 03/2012 - ALUMNI 4E EL SALVADOR – An alumni group for Renewable Energy


Relations with strategic partners and successful projects The successful cooperation of local and international institutions is supported by networks and personal contacts of our members. Since nearly all of our members work in key companies or institutions in the energy sector, it is easy for us to contact the decision makers in our workplaces. Our personal contacts are General Managers, CEOs or senior management officials (Board of Directors) in the private and governmental sector.

The most successful projects to date Publication of textbooks on the subject of renewable energy Textbooks designed like comic books were published with the aim of giving schoolchildren a better understanding of the subject of renewable energy. There is one comic book for each of the following renewable energies: hydro power, geothermic energy, solar cells, biomass and wind power. Currently, teaching and visual materials on the subject of energy efficiency are being developed.

8 Project management: „Alumni 4E El Salvador, 4E-GIZ“ 8 Financed by: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit, GIZ, Programm 4E 8 Participants: „Alumni 4E, GIZ“ and free-lance designers.

Support of the Salvadorian Association of Renewable Energy ASER (Asociación Salvadoreña de Energías Renovables The plan to found an association for renewable energy in El Salvador was submitted and realized by the group “4E El Salvador”. Supported by the GIZ 4E Programme, events for potentially important actors were organized. Furthermore, three workshops were organized, with expert support by the alumni. 8 The ASER website: 8 Financed by: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit, GIZ, Programm 4E 8 Project management: “Alumni 4E El Salvador, 4E GIZ” 8 Participants: Alumni 4E, GIZ-employees


IMPACT LETTER No. 03/2012 - ALUMNI 4E EL SALVADOR – An alumni group for Renewable Energy


Perspective Planned committee activities 1. Strengthening the group as a Think Tank, to suggest concrete solutions in the field of renewable energy and energy efficiency. 2. Sharing the experiences gained in El Salvador. Since this is an alumni group which has successfully implemented concrete projects, these positive experiences could be shared with other networks of GIZ-alumni. 3. To keep open the possibility of becoming a partner of GIZ. 4. Providing consultants who can help GIZ with concrete projects if the need arises.

Alumni Networks und Associations call for Papers!

Contact person Lic. Silvia Cardona Coordinator Alumni 4E El Salvador Phone: (503) 7729-4475 8 8

The nine energy experts: 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8

Pedro José Girón: Calixto Arias: Carmen Elena Torres: Ángel Arturo Díaz: Selma González de Lino: Evelyn Núñez: Jaime Chavarría Cuadra: Carolina Baiza: Silvia Cardona:

GIZ contact Imprint Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH OE 8170 Alumni, New Media, Networks Registered offices Bonn and Eschborn Friedrich-Ebert-Allee 40 53113 Bonn T +49 228 44 60-0 F +49 228 44 60-17 66

Konstanze Lang Project Manager OE 8170 Alumni, New Media, Networks T +49 228-4460-1672 F +49 228-4460-2672 8

Dag-Hammarskjöld-Weg 1-5 65760 Eschborn T +49 61 96 79-0 F +49 61 96 79-11 15 E I


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