Toilet Tails

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Written by Carys Homer Illustrated by Scarlet Roberts Printed by

There once was an Elephant, whose name was Eddie, His Dad was called Edgar, and his Mum was called Ali. They all lived together under a tall, leafy tree, Which was the perfect home for their family!

One sunny day Eddie decided to spend, The afternoon outside with his friend. So he rushed off to go and play, With his best friend, whose name was Faye.

The two elephants had lots of fun, Playing together in the sun. With a rainbow-striped ball, first they played catch, And then they had a football match.

Eddie and Faye were enjoying their game, When suddenly Eddie didn’t feel the same. They were having fun and he didn’t want to spoil it, But he knew that he needed to go to the toilet.

At first Eddie felt ashamed, But then he remembered his parents had explained: If ever he was out and he needed a wee, He just had to return to the family tree!

Eddie told Faye what was wrong, He said “I have to go home but I won’t be long.” On his way he reached a place where two paths crossed, And at first he was worried that he might be lost.

But kind Perrie parrot, who’d spotted Eddie looking sad, Helped him find his way back to his Mum and Dad. She said “Keep walking straight on but make sure that you take, The path on the left when you get to the lake.”

At the lake Flissy fish asked “Where are you walking to?” To which Eddie replied “Home. I need the loo.” “Well done!” said Flissy “That’s very grown up!” “Keep on going, don’t let me hold you up!”

After he’d thanked her for being so kind, Eddie ran on, leaving Flissy behind. Soon he arrived back at his family tree, And thought “My parents will be so proud of me!”

Eddie went to the toilet straight away, And he was glad that he’d paused his play. He thought “I’m so clever because now I know, If I need the loo the family tree is where to go!”

When Ali noticed that Eddie was done, She sprayed some water over her son. She said “It’s important to always keep clean, So make sure that you wash after you’ve been!”

Then Edgar came over and smiled, Because he was so happy to see his child. He said: “You needed the toilet, and you knew what to do, Oh Eddie, we are so proud of you!�

Soon Eddie was hurrying on his way, Back to the place where he’d left Faye. He couldn’t wait to get back but knew it was okay, to take a break from his play.

And so Eddie returned to his proud friends, And that is where his story ends. But as he grew up he kept in his head, Those important words that his parents had said:

“If ever you are out and you need a wee you just have to return to the family tree!�

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