"Your Block" - The User Journey

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the user journey


The target audience of 10-15 year old students are introduced to the ‘YOUR BLOCK’ scheme through citizenship lessons in school.

who is 'your block'?

contents what is your block? why build your block? who benefits? whats in it for me? how does it work? how do i start? want to know more?

why build your block?

‘Your Block’ is a national campaign that aims to make

Your block enables young people aged 10-20 to

social action part of life for as 10 to 20 year-olds across

register and complete social action in their area, in

the UK. Through collaboration and partnership we are

return for a government certified qualification, giving

spreading the word about the benefits of youth social

personalised recognition for the work completed

action, working to embed it in the journey of young

under the scheme. YOUR BLOCK can be persnalised

people and create fresh opportunities for participation.

to your own specific needs and career goals allowing

The campaign is coordinated by the charity Step Up To

you to build your block for your future.

Serve, governed by an independent board and has cross-party support.

Powered by:

whats in it for me?

how does it work?

how do i start?

Register your interest online, or downlad the app to

Register online at www.YOURBLOCKco.uk or

recieve your personalised welcome pack and begin to

Visit www.YOURBLOCK.co.uk for more information

also offers you a range additional benefits. These include:

download the app to start registering your actions and

and to register your interest.

- Meeting new members of your community and

build your block. Once registered you can explore the

being building your future...

expanding your social circle

opportunties in your area and get involved in a range

- Building your social skills as well as employablilty skills

of social actions that excite you - helping build your

- Events celebrating the success of your area, such

local community while building skills of employability

asexclusive block parties.

that can be tailored to your chosen career path. Set

- The knowldege your time has been put to good use,

personal goals along the way and celebrate your

helping those in your block that need it most.

achievements with local awards and prizes including the much celebrated exclusive ‘Block Party’ upon completion of your award.

who is 'your block'?

lock? r block?

me? ork? ? more?

why build your block? Your block enables young people aged 10-20 to

Everyone! As part of the scheme you recieve many

social action part of life for as 10 to 20 year-olds across

register and complete social action in their area, in

perosnal benefits, but so does the rest of your block!

the UK. Through collaboration and partnership we are

return for a government certified qualification, giving

Employers gain experienced young workers with

spreading the word about the benefits of youth social

personalised recognition for the work completed

developed social skills and your community benefits

action, working to embed it in the journey of young

under the scheme. YOUR BLOCK can be persnalised

from a more social communal atmosphere. Its a benefit

people and create fresh opportunities for participation.

to your own specific needs and career goals allowing

all round!

The campaign is coordinated by the charity Step Up To

you to build your block for your future.

Serve, governed by an independent board and has

Powered by:


how do i start?

want to know more?

Register online at www.YOURBLOCKco.uk or

e pack and begin to

Visit www.YOURBLOCK.co.uk for more information

download the app to start registering your actions and

and to register your interest.

you can explore the

being building your future...

nvolved in a range

elping build your

ls of employability career path. Set

celebrate your

d prizes including

ck Party’ upon

who benefits?

‘Your Block’ is a national campaign that aims to make

cross-party support.

wnlad the app to

want to know more?

As well as a certified employability qualification your block

Or search the app store for the YOUR BLOCK app, available on both Android and ios.

Or search the app store for the YOUR BLOCK app, available on both Android and ios.


Interested students can then register with the scheme online by signing up through the website.

Detailed information explaining how the scheme works gives more background on the ‘YOUR BLOCK‘ brand, to inform the target audience.

When they register, students can personalis their career goals to recive suggestions of actions tailored to their future.


After registering the user recieves a personalised information booklet in the post, encouraging continued engagment with the scheme and giving personalised pointers on how they can get started.

thank you for registering with your block!

start building your block

your interests Based on your interests we think you might be intersted in...

weekly cash register worker, cornwall hospice care

welcome to your block To explore more opportunities in your area simple scan the code below with your smartphone...

Zap with the app to find out more...

to build this block 1) Fold along the lines heavy lines marked on the leaflet. 2) Use a gluestick to apply glue to the marked flaps 3) Build your block by attaching each glue tab to its neighbouring cube side.

Hello Scarlet! Welcome to your block - the place to start building your future. Don’t forget to download the YOUR BLOCK app to start registering your actions.

your area Based on your area we think you might be intersted in...

weekly volunteer waitress at the community church coffee morning Zap with the app to find out more...


The YOUR BLOCK app - the key step of engagement for the taget audience. The user downloads the app and starts registering their completed social actions to begin working towards their qualification and career goals.


The OUR BLOCK app. The key stage of engagment from the community side of the project. Businesses upload their opportunities for young people to take part in, allowing for mutually beneficial gains.


Ambient Marketing, placed around the community area to advertise the scheme. Businesses can show their support and opportunties on offer, while stragtegically placed live billboards advertise directly to the taget audience.


Once the user has completed their award by registering the required amount of social actions they receive a government accredited Completion Certificate to show as evidence to future employers.

Your Block Social Action Certificate awarded by the governing body 'Step up to serve' to

Scarlet Roberts



on attaining the 'your block' ceritfacte of 100 hours of voluntary community action. signed on behalf of 'step up to serve' by

Katie Breach

k.j.Breach 20/06/2016 Step Up To Serve is registere in Eng an an Wa es - Company No. 08729271 an Registere C arity No. 115458







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