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SwitchSwitch BrandBrand Guidelines Guidelines Version Version 1.0 1.0

Cornwalls Digital Sector

Switch Brand Guidelines Version 1.0

Introduction - Digital Cornwall


Switch Brand Guidelines Version 1.0

The Problem “Cornwall is noted for its wild moorland landscapes, its long and varied coastline, its attractive villages, its many placenames derived from the Cornish language, and its very mild climate.�

Cornwall as a static backwards county that remains trapped inside its own history. This image needs to be SWITCHED.

This static opinion of an old fashioned County is unfortunately one held by many people across the UK with very few people thinking of the south-west peninsula in connection to the digitial industry. Cornwalls digital industry is a thriving sector providing opportunties of investment and employment for the Cornish County. The main issue preventing these opportunties becoming a reality however is the outdated image of


Switch Brand Guidelines Version 1.0

Switch - The Brand The Brand The Myth The Strategy Brand Values


Switch Brand Guidelines Version 1.0

A Changing identity for a Changing Cornwall...

The Brand With a pulsing current of digital businesses growing stronger by the day Cornwalls digital sector is in need of its own identiy, a brand that can be presented to the rest of the UK as an image embodying the idea of a new DIGITAL Cornwall. It’s time to SWITCH on to Cornwalls Digital Future. Based around the concept that switches are only ever ‘on’ or ‘off’, the SWITCH brand plays on the fact that this is also the case in digital communication. Digital signals are a series of pulses consisting of just two states: ON (1) or OFF (0). Unlike analogue there are no values in between.

From this the idea of ‘Switching’ comes into play - you are either switched on to Cornwalls digital future or not - there is no inbetween. The ultimatum creates a sense of urgency and importance and makes the audeince feel they are missing out if they are not part of the ‘SWITCH’ community. The idea of a switch also provides the basis for the brand imagery - using the binary 0 and 1 as they key visual elements for the brand logo (see page 10), with the same geometric shapes being evident in a circuit board denotation of a switch.


Switch Brand Guidelines Version 1.0

The Myth

The Strategy

Changing Perceptions, Changing Minds. Changing Futures. ‘SWITCH’ is a Changing identity for a Changing Cornwall.

With open minds and a host of opportunties SWITCH aims to target the younger members of the UK’s digitial industry, appealing to the more open minded nature of young entrepreneurs looking for a new exciting landscape in which to develop their digital buisness.

A fresh image that SWITCHes on to the potential of Cornwalls digitial future, the brand places emphasis on the idea of becoming part of a “Digital Community”, SWITCH is not a rebellion against the current image of Cornwalls but an additional element adding diversity to the county’s identity, using the networking and support of the local community at the heart of the campaign. With bold images, bright colours and strong statements SWITCH promises to be the movement to progress forward Cornwalls Identity with a new current of digital energy.


Solving a two-fold problem SWITCH first aims to provide an internal platform allowing Cornwalls digital sector to come together under one title, connecting them as one digitial community to present Following this, with a focus on outward marketing SWITCH then aims to change the perception that you need to be in a busy built up city centre to conduct your business successfully, using interactive and engaging adverts placed in major UK cities to create publicity and media hype surrounding the SWITCH identity.

Switch Brand Guidelines Version 1.0



Switch Brand Guidelines Version 1.0

Switch - Brand Tone of Voice Slogan Tone of Voice Brand Language


Switch Brand Guidelines Version 1.0

A friendly feel for a Community driven County...



Switch Brand Guidelines Version 1.0

Tone of Voice Addressing the audience directly SWITCH aims to talk to the user from the perspective of someone who is already part of the movement. The audience should feel a sense of belonging with the brand; addressing the SWITCH idea as a large community and movement they can become part of. Highlighting one of Cornwalls most posative recognised features of being a friendly location driven by a powerful community at its heart, SWITCH talks with a familiar feel using a friendly and approachable tone. Targeting the new generation of digital entreprneurs the SWITCH also takes


an energetic and fun tone, injecting some electricity and excitment into the conecpt of a digital future. Moving away from the traditional historic language Cornwall is so frequently associated with, SWITCH talks in present and future tenses, using colloquial language modern digitial terms.Sounding current and familiar to the outside general public, the tone of voice also plays with specific digital phrases inside digital industry can specifically relate too for a tailored brand experience, making the audience feel an individual contributing their part to something bigger.

Switch Brand Guidelines Version 1.0

Brand Language Playing on the idea of circuits and switchboards SWITCH uses phrases playing around the idea of digital signals and electric pulses. Examples of such play include: “SWITCH on” “Press the SWITCH” “Make the SWITCH“ “Get on Board” “Pulsing Current” “Get connected with Cornwalls Digital Sector”


Switch Brand Guidelines Version 1.0

Switch - Logo Primary Logo Secondary Logos Typography


Switch Brand Guidelines Version 1.0

A Dynamic Logo for a Dynamic Industry...

Primary Logo

(Static Print Version)

(Animated Digital Version)


Switch Brand Guidelines Version 1.0

Secondary Logos


Switch Brand Guidelines Version 1.0


Brand Typeface: Bariol and Bariol Sans

• Switch • Switch • Switch • Switch • Switch • Switch • Switch

Bariol Thin

Bariol Light

Bariol Regular

Bariol Regular Italic

Bariol Bold

Bariol Serif Regular

Bariol Serif Regular Italic

Bariol (Regular) - Headlines ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz Bariol Serif (Regular) - Body Copy ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz


Switch Brand Guidelines Version 1.0

Cornwall’s no longer just black and white...

Switch - Colour Scheme As part of the new image for Cornwall SWITCH uses an eclectic range of primary and secondary colours, in a limted yet diverse colour scheme. Injecting colour into the otherwise black and white county adds vibrancy into the brand, defining SWITCH as a unique part of Cornwall with a modern take.


Switch Brand Guidelines Version 1.0

Colour Scheme (50% Opacity)

Colour Scheme (100%)

Colour Scheme Diversity


Switch Brand Guidelines Version 1.0



Switching people on to Cornwalls digital future...

Switch - Application Visuals & Marketing Marketing Strategy Icons


Switch Brand Guidelines Version 1.0

Marketing Strategy Promoting a fresh image and new thinking SWITCH focuses on building popularity through Media attention, generated with Geurilla advertising and viral marketing. As a primary goal of the SWITCH campaign the message of working remotely

of the location as a fun aspirational destination to conduct your digitial buisniess. Marketing will predominently be outwards, drawing in the new busniesses and talent to help the economy while esablishing SWITCH as foundations of Cornwalls digital future.

Aiming to inform the audience of the key benefits of moving your busniess to Cornwall alongside building the image

Icons Social Media Icon - Used as logo for the “SWITCHBOARD” app and as representation of the brand in any association with social networking.




“Switch it Up”


Icon design style highlights the simplicty of the visual style of the SWITCH brand, using key white outlines and simple universal symbols to identify different elements of the brand, understandable to a diverse audience.


Switch Brand Guidelines Version 1.0

Cornwalls Digital Sector

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