2019 Columbia Book of Experts

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May 13, 2019 | Volume 12, No. 8

LETTER FROM THE EDITOR MIDLANDS NEWSROOM Editor - Melinda Waldrop mwaldrop@scbiznews.com • 803.726.7542 MIDLANDS ACCOUNT EXECUTIVES Senior Account Executive - Alan James ajames@scbiznews.com • 803.726.7540 Account Executive - Lucia Smith lsmith@scbiznews.com • 803.726.7547 LOWCOUNTRY NEWSROOM Executive Editor - Andy Owens aowens@scbiznews.com • 843.849.3142 Senior Copy Editor - Beverly Barfield bbarfield@scbiznews.com • 843.849.3115 Editor, Custom Publishing Division Steve McDaniel smcdaniel@scbiznews.com • 843.849.3123 Senior Graphic Designer - Jane James jjames@scbiznews.com • 843.849.3118 Assistant Graphic Designer - Jessica Stout jstout@scbiznews.com • 843.849.3113 UPSTATE NEWSROOM Associate Editor, Custom Publishing Division Jim Tatum jtatum@scbiznews.com • 864.720.2269


elcome to the 2019 edition of the Columbia Regional Business Report Book of Experts. Inside you’ll find a wide variety of expertise in fields such as finance, telecommunications, human resources, hospitality, retirement living and more. Each expert within these pages offers advice, tips, strategies and solutions to help you make the most of your business. They are part of locally operated companies that are focused on helping their Midlands neighbors grow and prosper, whether it’s help opening a payroll account, finding a meeting space for 10 people or 1,000, Steve McDaniel, Editor or creating the right way to market your Custom Media Division company’s unique brand. As you read through the wealth of knowledge offered here, keep these experts and their companies in mind whenever you find yourself in need of business services. You’ll find knowledgeable, friendly and capable staffs at each, ready to help you and your employees reach their full business potential. We especially thank our title sponsors, whose support is vital to bringing this publication to life. They are Lutheran Homes of South Carolina, Mutual of Omaha Advisors, SLS Consulting, Splash Omnimedia and Woodforest National Bank. SC Biz News is proud to bring you this valuable resource, and we know you will find advice and knowledge inside that is useful to you and your business.

South Carolina’s Media Engine for Economic Growth President and Group Publisher - Grady Johnson gjohnson@scbiznews.com • 843.849.3103 Vice President of Sales - Steve Fields sfields@scbiznews.com • 843.849.3110 Creative Director - Ryan Wilcox rwilcox@scbiznews.com • 843.849.3117 Events Director - Kathy Allen kallen@scbiznews.com • 864.720.1225


Annual subscribers receive 20 issues of the Business Report, including two special supplements: The Book of Lists and Profiles in Business One year (20 issues) for $57.95; Two years (40 issues) for $92.95; Three years (60 issues) for $129.95. Subscribe, renew, change your address or pay your invoice by credit card online at www.columbiabusinessreport.com or call 843-849-3116.

Events Account Executive - Melissa Tomberg mtomberg@scbiznews.com • 864.720.1220 Audience Development & IT Manager Kim McManus kmcmanus@scbiznews.com • 843.849.3116 Accounting Manager - Vickie Deadmon vdeadmon@scbiznews.com • 803.726.7541 CUSTOM MEDIA DIVISION Director of Business Development - Mark Wright mwright@scbiznews.com • 843.849.3143 Business Development Executive Elizabeth Hodges lhodges@scbiznews.com • 843.849.3105


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SLS Consulting LLC

16 Lutheran Homes of SC

25 Cool Care


Splash Omnimedia

18 Hilton Greenville

27 Scott and Company LLC

12 Mutual of Omaha

20 Blue Cross Blue Shield

28 American Heart Association


22 Columbia Economic Development

31 Complete Employee Services

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he 2019 Columbia Regional Business Report Book of Experts is made possible with the generous support of our title sponsors. They are (from left) Andrew Rabuck, with Woodforest National Bank; Tim Goldman and Logan Lupia with Mutual of Omaha Advisors; and Manning Kolb, with Splash Omnimedia. Not pictured are Frank Shepke of Lutheran Homes of S.C. and Sharon Sellers of SLS Consulting. SC Biz News would like to thank these title sponsors, as well as the other companies that contributed to make the Book of Experts a successful reality. The cover photo was taken on the grounds of the South Carolina State House in downtown Columbia. (Photo/Jeff Blake)


2019 Book of Experts | Special Advertising Supplement

Special Advertising Supplement | 2019 Book of Experts



SLS Consulting, LLC: Experts in human resources help businesses thrive Offering guidance on complex issues, including harassment claims, performance evaluations, compensation and much more B Y S H A R O N L . S E L L E R S • P R E S I D E N T • S L S C O N S U LT I N G , L L C .


f you want to make SLS consultants laugh, ask about a “typical” day. “Each day is different and challenging,” says Sharon L. Sellers, SHRM-SCP, President of SLS Consulting, LLC. “But as we assist employers in successfully handling a myriad of employment issues, we also find each day rewarding.” A portion of a recent week’s communication list is an indication of the variety of employee engagement services provided by SLS Consulting: • An ongoing client asked that SLS perform a compensation study and assist with updating its compensation strategy to retain top talent. • A new client requested customized harassment and respect training for top management for an upcoming on-site senior VP meeting. • A client approved a new performance appraisal system created by SLS where managers could coach employees on embodying the organization’s Core Values through their daily work activities. • A human resources audit was completed that discussed ways for an HR department to be more efficient and reduce liability, and included SLS recommendations for the organization’s future growth. “Our SLS consultants are all experts in their respective HR fields,” says Sellers. “All are certified through nationally recognized credentialing bodies, all have decades of human resources experience, and all bring their unique perspective SLS Consulting President Sharon Sellers


2019 Book of Experts | Special Advertising Supplement

CONSULTING to better assist our clients’ unique needs.” SLS consultants are not attorneys but often work hand-in-hand with clients’ attorneys in preparing documentation, writing handbooks, and conducting objective investigations. In addition to being well-versed in cutting-edge employee relations issues, each consultant also has a specialty. For example, Sellers is recognized nationally as an expert regarding harassment and retaliation in the workplace. She is often interviewed through such national media outlets as the Wall Street Journal, the Chicago Tribune, and National Public Radio. Recently, she was invited to attend a meeting of the Administrative Committee of the U.S. House of Representatives to discuss revisions to their sexual harassment policies. Consultant Beth Blanchard, SHRMSCP, has a master’s degree from Cornell University and is focused on bringing HR into the 21 century through the efficient use of HR technology and reducing costly administrative functions. Peggy Smith, SHRM-SCP, has experience in both federal organizations as well as nonprofits, and is an expert in assisting clients when faced with potential litigation. Deanna Cunnane, SPHR, brings to the group experience in large for-profit businesses, primarily in the financial industry. Because SLS services include providing guidance regarding sexual harassment complaints, Sellers was asked what has surprised her the most in the wake of the #MeToo movement. “I am amazed that in light of all of the

press regarding appropriate behavior in the workplace, some employers tell me they don’t want to have employee training on this topic. Our new harassment training, which focuses on respect in the workplace for everyone, explains to employees about harassment and encourages them to communicate with co-workers and managers if they feel someone is being disrespectful. “Some managers don’t want to discuss this issue,” she continued. “I ask them — if an employee feels he or she is being discriminated against or harassed, would you rather them know the in-house complaint procedure and come to you? Or would you rather them just go straight to an outside agency, such as the South Carolina Human Affairs Commission or the EEOC and file a complaint?” Sellers says that today’s employees see news every day regarding harassment complaints. It is helpful to the employer if the details of harassment are explained and employers emphasize that they want to keep illegal harassment out of the workplace. SLS Consulting, LLC has been helping clients by providing employee management solutions since 2004. Sellers summarized SLS Consulting’s continuing success by saying, “Our well-rounded group of HR professionals work together as we study our clients’ needs and brainstorm from our various perspectives to determine how SLS can help them not just survive but THRIVE.” Learn more about SLS’ expertise in all facets of the complex world of human resources consulting at www.consultsls.com.

“If employees feel they are discriminated against, would you rather them know the in-house complaint procedure ... or go straight to the EEOC?” — SHARON SELLERS

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Strategically Creative, Results Driven Great Marketing Starts Here B Y M AT T T H O M P S O N • S E N I O R P A RT N E R • S P L A S H O M N I M E D I A


ith a name like Splash Omnimedia, it should come as no surprise that this team of marketing professionals is making waves in their industry. Named one of the fastest-growing companies in America by INC. Magazine, Splash Omnimedia continues to be recognized as one of the most innovative firms in South Carolina. What makes Splash Omnimedia different? It’s all in the approach. With over 30 full-time team members, they strive to create effective, cohesive strategies tailored to the individual needs and goals of your business. They begin by identifying your target market, then craft a message that resonates with that audience, and determine which advertising vehicles will have the greatest impact. Incorporating both online and offline marketing tactics has continued to deliver results for their clients. The plethora of services includes online solutions such as web design, landing pages and microsites, digital display advertising, retargeting, search media, email campaigns, social media and much more. When you combine these tactics with traditional offline solutions such as media buying, TV advertising, radio advertising, print publications, outdoor advertising, direct mail and much more, you get a very powerful and cohesive strategy. Splash Omnimedia connects you with your customers, wherever they may be. But marketing, truly great marketing, is much more than that. While an organization’s primary marketing and advertising objective is to drive additional opportunities, marketing is actually interwoven into every aspect of your organization. For instance, how does your organization answer the phone? Is there a confirmation email with a video of your services and products prior to an appointment? What’s your followup plan? What messages are on the wall of your lobby or on your trade show display? How do you engage and retain your current customers? Do they feel valued? If you go to trade shows, what is your followup


(left to right): Matt Thompson, Manning Kolb, Mike White

strategy? Would your customers say that you truly have a full customer experience? Every message, every point of contact and every person within your organization is a representation of who you are and, more importantly, who your prospective customers perceive you to be. As your marketing partner, Splash Omnimedia goes way beyond what other agencies define as “marketing.” How can you effectively communicate with your customer base if your internal communication falls short? Splash Omnimedia offers full business coaching, leadership training

2019 Book of Experts | Special Advertising Supplement

and team growth plans. Splash Omnimedia has certified business coaches on staff and is currently serving business owners across the state and region. Whether in person or over the phone, Splash enables everyone in your organization to function at their highest level — empowering you and your organization to truly optimize all of your marketing and advertising efforts. Whether you’re a small business, a nonprofit or a large corporation, the expert team at Splash Omnimedia is extremely versed in helping any organization at any size maximize their success.

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Special Advertising Supplement | 2019 Book of Experts



Mutual of Omaha is about the power of information Educating people about serious life decisions and options is key to successful planning BY T I M G O L D M A N • S A L E S D I R ECTO R & F I N A N CI A L A DV I SO R • M U T UA L O F O M A H A


hen it comes to planning your financial future, believe us, we know it’s easy to put it off. No one likes thinking about life’s unknowns, much less planning for them. Too often, people just get overwhelmed and put off planning, or worse, do nothing. That’s scary! Make no mistake, there will come a time when you will have to deal with major life issues. You don’t want to wing it. That’s where Mutual of Omaha Advisors can help. To us, the most important piece is for any client to have a trusted financial advisor, someone with resources and industry knowledge, they can talk to about these issues. It’s almost impossible for the average person to put all the pieces of the puzzle together — they just don’t have the time or expertise. Fortunately, that’s what we do — very well. To us, education is empowerment. Good information leads to good decisions. We strive to build strong, trusted relationships with our clients, families and businesses. The best way to do that is to listen to our clients and provide them the information they need to take control of their financial planning and make the best decisions for themselves. With people living longer these days, one retirement roadblock many will face is longterm care expenses, which in the U.S. can easily average $100,000 per year. But even if you stay healthy and independent during your later years, will you outlive your savings? Generally, most Americans have similar goals and questions about retirement, insurance coverages, legacy planning and other important financial issues. A key to developing your plan is understanding your needs and resources — what benefits are available to you from work vs. what you might need to personally provide — and how that all works together. For example, one of our clients, a single


Tim Goldman (left), Sales Director & Financial Advisor, and Logan Lupia, Marketing Director & Financial Advisor, are available to help you devise a plan for retirement and other major life events.

mother, found her disability and life insurance coverage through work wouldn’t provide enough to take care of her daughter in the event something happened to her. We helped her augment her coverage so that her daughter would be well taken care of — which gave her great peace of mind. We advise most people that they don’t need

2019 Book of Experts | Special Advertising Supplement

to do everything we’re discussing at once — but they do need to think about it. Start the education process early; there is a learning curve. You can make a plan, prioritize and set goals and keep analyzing, augmenting and refining that plan over time. Again, that’s what we do, and we are always ready to help.

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Segra is right-sized to meet all of your business communication needs Telecomm provider offers responsive, adaptable resources for ethernet, data center, IP, voice and cloud solutions B Y G R E G G U E R R A • C H I E F O P E R AT I O N S O F F I C E R • S E G R A 8 3 3 .G O. SEG R A • SEG R A .CO M


arge enough to generate economies of scale but small enough to be nimble and customer-focused, Segra resides in the sweet spot of business communications solutions to enterprise and government clients.


Greg Guerra, COO, Segra Segra Park in Columbia, SC

If your business has endured an unsatisfying transactional relationship with one of the behemoth cable companies and bandwidth providers, Segra offers the relational service every business deserves along with the highest

2019 Book of Experts | Special Advertising Supplement

performing infrastructure and the full suite of communication services like ethernet, data center, IP, voice and cloud solutions. Segra operates 21,000 miles of cutting-edge fiber optic cable connected to 9,000+ locations

TELECOMMUNICATIONS and 44 data centers covering nine Mid-Atlantic and Southeastern states. Segra delivers local service supported by one of the largest and most advanced infrastructure networks in the eastern U.S. The result is superior products and prices and a quantum leap in service. At Segra, the success of the companies and organizations it serves is the driving force behind the daily work of all 900 employees — service technicians, engineers, customer advocates and executives alike. Their efforts are rooted in the values of integrity, teamwork and a relentless commitment to remaining on the cutting edge of technology. Segra is large enough to commit resources to customer-driven innovation and small enough to respond to individual customers with tailored solutions. Right-sizing keeps Segra agile enough to bring solutions quickly to market while maintaining one-on-one service not possible with the national brands. Case in point: Calling customer service in South Carolina connects Segra clients with an in-state call center and an ability to reach a specialist whose expertise covers the specific technology and industry in question, and who is personally responsible for solving that individual customer’s issues. Segra customers are equipped with a five-tiered escalation list of customer service personnel and their cell phone numbers. Segra also scans its network 24/7 for interruptions, alerting customers to issues and initiating recovery efforts in real time. This reliability and responsiveness contrasts with the big national providers that attempt to deflect the queries of customers in need. Segra was spawned by the merger of Lumos Networks and Spirit Communications, which had served their communities with a passion for innovation for more than a century. A one-stop shop for business communication services, Segra can offer internet, voice, data center services and more in one place. For businesses requiring the highest level of network availability and security, Segra provides diverse network and data center services that eliminate the need for a third-party provider and can ensure that your data, internet and voice services reroute in the case of a network interruption. Whether your business is small, mid-sized or large, it can benefit from a regional communications solutions provider big enough to handle all your needs and small enough to innovate, respond quickly and treat your company’s growth as its top priority.

Segra Headquarters in Columbia

Segra Stadium, Fayetteville, N.C.

Special Advertising Supplement | 2019 Book of Experts



Lutheran Homes: Unmatched level of care 100 years of commitment to highest quality of physical, mental and spiritual well-being at five locations across South Carolina BY D E N I SE D I CK I NSE N • V I CE P R E SI D E N T • LU T H E R A N H O M E S O F SO U T H C A RO LI N A

Frank Shepke (left), President and CEO, and Denise Dickinsen, Vice President of Planned Growth and Development, help ensure each resident at Lutheran Homes of South Carolina’s five campuses receive the best care possible.


or anyone considering a retirement community, there is a plethora of options throughout South Carolina. Only one offers the array of benefits provided by Lutheran Homes of South Carolina at its five campuses around the state. Lutheran Homes boasts all this: • a 100-year history of commitment to residents • continuum of care services at five locations • doting attention on residents only possible


at a nonprofit care community • full suite of activities that promotes the well-being of mind, body and soul • in-home care services to help nonresidents age well in place • the loving comfort of hospice services No other retirement community delivers so much. As a bonus for those who value a spiritual dimension, the five campuses — Franke at Seaside in Mount Pleasant, Heritage at Lowman near Lake Murray, Trinity on Laurens in Aiken,

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RoseCrest in the foothills of the Blue Ridge mountains, and Rice Estate in Columbia — are built on a Christian mission of service to the community. They imbue their programs with a spiritual underpinning, including chaplaincy services at all their locations. A value add for those so inclined, Lutheran Homes welcomes people of all faiths and creeds to join their communities. Team members at Lutheran Homes facilities are fully engaged in the culture of service, devoted to the needs and desires of

SENIOR LIVING still active and independent. Residents residents whom they refer to as “Priorities.” at Franke at Seaside can get into sticky Their mantra is “Five to THRIVE” — an wickets at the new croquet field while acronym for the quintet of ways team enjoying a fulfilling, independent lifestyle members can take five minutes of extra among the sea oats, cattails and sea-salt effort to provide a world-class experience breeze just minutes from the Atlantic for every individual “Priority.” Ocean. Those wishing to be closer to the “Priorities who come to be served by middle of the state can sit back and relax or us are the most important thing we do stay busy with a full social calendar at the every day,” says Frank Shepke, Lutheran Heritage at Lowman near Lake Murray, Homes President and CEO. or work on their short game on the A care continuum guides residents putting green. over time through a comprehensive array For those needing a helping hand of health services spanning all levels and for daily activities or hygiene, Trinity intensity of care, from independent living on Laurens is an oasis in the middle of to assisted living and skilled nursing. Four downtown Aiken — a beautiful, fun-filled of the five Lutheran Home communities town where time seems to stand still. also include short-term rehabilitation RoseCrest, located north of Spartanburg, programs that help speed recovery and and Rice Estate return patients in Columbia are to their lives at “With a focus on perfect refuges to the highest level ministry, mission focus on healing of independence and wellness around and let go of the possible. worries of daily life. W h e t h e r the state, Lutheran Instead, residents positioned amid the Homes campuses offer and clients have full hubbub of cities or programs for nearly access to state-ofensconced in pastoral every lifestyle, rooted the-art rehabilitation settings, Lutheran in faith and obsessive equipment with Homes campuses are dedication to treating a knowledgeable, oases of community, caring staff available with programs residents like royalty.” to ensure your that stimulate all road to recovery dimensions of — DENISE DICKINSEN is smooth and wellness, not just efficient so you’re physical. sure to get back to your optimal level of Imagine living in a community where independence. daily programs keep life interesting, such as Lutheran Homes’ commitment to inter-generational activities with children, well-being goes beyond their campuses. holiday parties, musical activities, field Their suite of BeWell Home Services and trips, computer training, guest speakers on BeWell@Home includes nonmedical topics as varied as economic development assistance for residents and nonresidents and the lives of hummingbirds, and so alike, and BeWell@Home adds a much more on and off campus. continuum of care and healthy lifestyle Dedication to the whole person, coaching. Lutheran Hospice provides supported by the mission-driven compassionate end-of-life care. The goal in philosophy, is a hallmark of Lutheran all cases is to help everyone, regardless of Homes communities. where they live, to remain as independent “We believe that every Priority as possible for as long as possible. deserves wellness that extends throughout With a focus on ministry, mission one’s life,” says Denise Dickinsen, and wellness around the state, Lutheran Vice President, Planned Growth & Homes campuses offer programs for Development. nearly every lifestyle, rooted in faith and Staff on the five campuses provides obsessive dedication to treating residents the full spectrum of health care services, like royalty. but they also cater to the lifestyles of those

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Event planning: Never leave money on the table Hilton Greenville offers tips, advice on how to get the best possible deal B Y H AY L E Y W I L D E R A N D K R I S T I B A N N I N G • S E N I O R S A L E S M A N A G E R S • H I LT O N G R E E N V I L L E


Senior Sales Manager, Kristi Banning Senior Sales Manager, Hayley Wilder


he art of negotiating goes back thousands of years, and since then, people have been talking about how to do it best. The following are some topics Hilton Greenville recommends that planners consider for perspective venues and themselves during the contract negotiating stage of the planning process to get the best deal. First, when booking a hotel, the planner needs to determine the “musthaves” when planning a meeting or event. Amenities, commission, flexibility, reward points and complimentary room nights are all negotiable during the planning process. In order to determine what is most important, the planner has to decide what is best for them and their attendees. Each property is unique when offering complimentary amenities called concessions. These concessions are often at the beginning of the negotiation stage, listed in a venue’s proposal to the potential client. Likewise, some planners request a list of concessions when sending a proposal in order for a venue to be considered. Many concessions can be negotiable; audio visual discounts, complimentary suite upgrades for VIPs, complimentary parking, complimentary event décor, etc. Some unique concessions Hilton Greenville offers are an indoor pool and whirlpool and a Concierge Level for planners and speakers. If a planner is negotiating a multiyear conference or meeting, one concession to keep in mind is requesting fixed pricing for each year, or ask if a discount is available for booking all the dates at once. Every event is different and this allows the Sales Manager to customize the proposal to best suit the event’s needs. Some concessions are viewed as “hot buttons,” whether it is complimentary parking, complimentary wireless internet or complimentary breakfast. Likewise, an incentive for planners is negotiating a commission percentage on each hotel room. For most venues, this must be negotiated in the contracting phase and will not be honored if requested after the contract has been signed. Another way to save money while booking with hotels is to request a Local Negotiated Rate. Although the rates cannot be used for group travel, it is great for anyone who travels to the same hotel routinely for work. Before calling for a rate, great information to have is stay pattern, number of nights in the market, a budget or per diem for the company. Negotiating a discounted rate instead of booking at the regular rate increases potential for employees to save their company money when traveling. At Hilton Greenville, we pride ourselves in our flexibility for each event to best suit the needs of planners and attendees. During the planning stages of an event, many questions are asked. As a planner, it is important to know the right questions to ensure no money is left on the table.

2019 Book of Experts | Special Advertising Supplement

Special Advertising Supplement | 2018 2019 Book of Experts 2017



BlueCross BlueShield of SC offers helpful recruiting tips


Sound advice for finding top talent from state’s top medical benefit provider W W W.T H I N K B L U E S C . C O M • 8 3 3 - 2 7 1 - 6 6 6 1 • G E T A Q U I C K Q U O T E T O D A Y


..ith unemployment declining to 3.3 percent this past fall, South Carolina is enjoying record employment levels. That’s great for the economy — but it can be tough for employers seeking qualified talent. Here are some ideas that may help you find your next great employee. 1. Expand your employee search. In fact, it pays to search before you’re even ready to hire. You can build a list of top candidates via personal contacts, LinkedIn and other social networks. Building relationships with local universities is also an excellent way to connect with fresh and

eager job candidates. When the time comes to hire, you’ll already have a pool of qualified people. 2. Motivate your employees to help. Provide a cash referral bonus to employees who recommend a person who is ultimately hired. You can add caveats to the bonus. For example, you could require that the newly hired employee remains with your organization for at least six months before paying the bonus to the referrer. 3. Increase your budget. You shouldn’t have to settle for average candidates in the hope you can develop their skills. Chances are, you’ll save money by investing in the most qualified person right off the bat. Plus, those who take jobs below

their pay grade are more likely to leave if they get a better offer somewhere else. 4. Use professional recruiters or online tools. Your time is worth too much to spend hours and days searching for solid candidates. If you don’t have the budget for a professional recruiter, consider online tools such as ZipRecruiter.com and Indeed.com. 5. Broaden your benefits. If you can raise your level of benefits slightly above the industry standard, you will stand out from the crowd of other potential employers. According to HR Gazette, health, dental, vision and other insurance are the most desired employee benefits, followed by flexible hours. With BlueCross BlueShield of South Carolina, you can enjoy large-employer benefits with a small-group budget. With dozens of plan options available and the ability to contribute as little as 50 percent toward employee premiums, it’s easy to find a plan that fits your budget. By choosing BlueCross BlueShield of South Carolina, you and your employees enjoy confidence in a local company you know and trust. BlueCross BlueShield of South Carolina has more than 70 years’ experience serving South Carolina and is rated A+ (Superior) by A.M. Best for16 years — the highest rating in the state for a health insurance company. We offer comprehensive benefits for hospitalization, doctors and specialists, prescriptions and more, with access to the largest provider network in the state and BlueCard® benefits to cover you and your employees while traveling nationwide.

BlueCross BlueShield of South Carolina does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, disability, age, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation or health status in the administration of the plan, including enrollment and benefit determinations. ® Marks of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association. BlueCross BlueShield of South Carolina is an independent licensee of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association. ± Rating as of Dec. 18, 2018. For the latest rating, access www.ambest.com. *Federal Reserve Economic Data as of 10/29/2018; https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/SCUR **HR Gazette, https://hr-gazette.com/top-5-desirable-employee-benefits/


2019 Book of Experts | Special Advertising Supplement

BOOKof EXPERTS “We believe that every Priority deserves wellness that extends throughout one’s life.” — DENISE DICKINSEN, VICE PRESIDENT, PLANNED GROWTH & DEVELOPMENT, LUTHERAN HOMES OF S.C.

“Each day is different and challenging, but as we assist employers in successfully handling a myriad of employment issues, we also find each day rewarding.” — SHARON L. SELLERS, SHRM-SCP, PRESIDENT OF SLS CONSULTING, LLC

Special Advertising Supplement | 2019 Book of Experts



Columbia is booming — let Columbia Economic Development show you how A vibrant downtown, low cost of living, numerous recreational options are just a few reasons that S.C.’s capital city is the perfect place to locate your business B Y RYA N CO L E M A N • D I R EC TO R • C I T Y O F CO LU M B I A ECO N O M I C D E V E L O P M E N T

Sergio Aparicio (from left), Brenda Jones, Kay Hampton and Ryan Coleman with the City of Columbia Economic Development office.


s your company seeking the next hot city, one developing a dynamic downtown; a young, well-educated workforce; less than two hours from mountains and the beach; with weather designed for year-round recreation and a cost of living that belies the rising quality of life? Say hello to Columbia, South Carolina. Many already know Columbia as the Palmetto State’s walkable capital city, anchored by a flagship state university and the #1 attraction in the state — the Riverbanks Zoo. But if you haven’t visited Columbia lately, you’ll be surprised at just how quickly the local


landscape is changing. On a walk down sunny Main Street today, you’ll find a healthy mix of aspiring college students mixing in with the boom and bustle of office going professionals, all supporting the growing local economy. With nearly $1.5 billion of outside investment over the last five years, Columbia’s economy remains on an upward trajectory, underpinned by the insurance, financial technology, and biotech/life science industries which all offer attractive, high tech employment opportunities. The future has arrived, and it’s an educated

2019 Book of Experts | Special Advertising Supplement

millennial’s dream, which is why the median age of the city is just 28. Downtown is hopping with trendy new restaurants, luxury condos and flourishing nightlife. The Columbia Museum of Art is expanding, the hip Five Points and Vista entertainment districts are cooking, and Soda City Market is drawing thousands with its sights, smells and tastes. This rapidly changing urban landscape has laid the groundwork for Columbia to be the place to be. With all of these amenities, it’s no wonder SmartAsset announced the city as the “2nd Most Popular City Where Millennials Are Moving” last year. “Did anyone know that Columbia is currently a vegan and vegetarian paradise?” asks one reviewer on BestPlace.net. “This city is highly underrated by the media. I totally love it.” For a break from city life, Columbia boasts a national park in Congaree, a national forest in Harbison and Lake Murray, the world’s largest reservoir when it was built, all perched on the city’s doorstep. And these are just a few of the many magnificent parks and outdoor recreation opportunities that are in and surround the city. For all that, the median home price in the city is $140,000, just two-thirds of the national average. Take all that cash you save and see a Gamecocks game, enjoy a widening array of concerts, grab a world-class meal at famed Hall’s Chophouse or enjoy Columbia’s Southern hospitality in some other way. The City is open for business, and Columbia Economic Development helps companies identify and capitalize on new business opportunities, be it a start-up, relocation, or expansion. In July 2018, Business Insider ranked Columbia as one of its “Top 13 Best Cities to Find a Job.” What’s more, much of the excitement has arrived in just the last decade. “We’re in a transformational period,” says Ryan Coleman of Columbia Economic Development. “To see the city changing and all the new offerings popping up is phenomenal and exciting.”

Special Advertising Supplement | 2019 Book of Experts


BOOKof EXPERTS “To combat food insecurity in the Midlands, we’ve collaborated with TD Bank to host family health and wellness workshops focused on nutritional health, physical activity and eating healthy on a budget.” — ANSLEY LEE, COMMUNITY IMPACT DIRECTOR, AMERICAN HEART ASSOCIATION

“A key to developing your plan is understanding your needs and resources — what benefits are available to you from work vs. what you might need to personally provide — and how that all works together.” — TIM GOLDMAN, SALES DIRECTOR & FINANCIAL ADVISOR, MUTUAL OF OMAHA


2019 Book of Experts | Special Advertising Supplement


Keep your home or business comfortable with Cool Care Heating & Air Knowledgeable, trained and efficient staff will help protect your valuable HVAC investment


B Y T E R E S A W A R D L A W • O W N E R • C O O L C A R E H E AT I N G & A I R

rom the moment our friendly and knowledgeable staff answers your call, you know Cool Care Heating & Air is more than your average contractor. As a family owned business, Cool Care promises that our customers and employees benefit from our legacy of Honesty, Service, Values and Integrity. It’s our philosophy that consumers should get the most from their heating and cooling equipment. We want consumers to be comfortable in their home or workplace. We believe customers should have peace of mind knowing that the individual working on their HVAC equipment is a trained professional who works for a South Carolina licensed contractor. There is no way to prepare for that life-changing day we earn the title “MOM.” The “Motherhood Skillset” prepared me best for everything at Cool Care. My husband, Kenny, and I started Cool Care on January 1, 2001. With a combined 21 years’ experience, we were well-equipped and passionate about customer service, heating and air and indoor air quality. Our Service Professionals are constantly trained and developed. They are NATE-certified, which is the industry equivalent to a master’s

degree. They’re knowledgeable of industry products and advanced technology to better provide customers with smart equipment and products that improve indoor air quality, energy efficiency, health and safety. HVAC equipment is the third largest investment most homeowners make, after their home and automobiles. One of the most important measures a consumer can take to protect that investment is to have a regular maintenance plan. My favorite product we offer is Aeroseal®. Costing less than a duct system, Aeroseal® seals ducts from the inside with a nontoxic glue. The glue is made from the same material as baby bottle nipples, making it effective and safe. According to the Department of Energy, it’s the best home improvement investment, having an average payback rate of 18 months. Recognized as one of the state’s trailblazers in energy efficiency, we received The Century Club Award on behalf of the U.S. Department of Energy and Environmental Protection Agency. We are South Carolina’s BPI Goldstar Contractor. I serve as a Rotarian and was recognized as a 2018 Woman of Influence.

Kenny and Teresa Wardlaw, Owners

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2019 Book of Experts | Special Advertising Supplement


Scott and Company LLC a trusted Midlands business adviser Firm specializes in premiere accounting services for individuals and closely held businesses BY TO N Y P E R R I CE L L I • CPA • SCOT T A N D CO M PA N Y L LC


or more than 20 years, Scott and Company LLC has built a sterling reputation as one of the premiere accounting firms in Columbia and South Carolina. Our founder, N. Randolph “Randy” Scott, wanted to build an accounting firm that would provide the same extraordinary level of service locally that is often touted by larger firms in larger cities. He also strongly believed that a smaller company or closely held business should have access to the same high level of professional acumen —without big firm/big city fees. We continue to build on those ideals every day. If you own or run a mid-sized or closely held company, then you are aware that sometimes you can find yourself in a unique place. You still have all the financial hoops, hurdles and headaches large corporations experience — but you might not be as prepared to commit all the resources such issues sometimes require. That’s where Scott and Company can help. We are in the business of helping businesses thrive. We know it’s difficult to focus all your efforts on clients when there are critical financial and strategic decisions that need to be made. We work with a diverse client portfolio, serving as trusted advisers/partners for closely held businesses and their owners as well as individuals with complex tax situations. While we work in many industries, we specialize in multiunit franchise and hospitality, manufacturing and distribution, medical, real estate, and professional services. How can we help? Well, we are cash-flow and tax savings experts. While traditional tax planning and compliance, audit and accounting services are part of our core offerings, we also provide other business advisory and financial services. These include outsourced tax director services, outsourced CFO services, employee benefit plan consulting, litigation support and general business consulting. Also, as an independent member of BDO Alliance USA, we have access

Tony Perricelli, CPA

to a full array of additional resources that can help you identify valuable tax savings opportunities and provide business consulting services tailored to your specific needs. For example, we helped one of our multiunit franchise clients restructure how they depreciated their property. Working with multiple professionals from our alliance network, we performed a cost segregation study to analyze and reclass their real estate holdings for maximum tax efficiency. As a result of this collaborative process,

we found our client a one-time, multimilliondollar tax deduction! Putting together such a solution for our client, using a wide array of resources available both in-house and through the alliance, was especially rewarding. If you’d like to have one of our accountants conduct a review of your previous year tax returns and other financial statements, or to learn more about how we can help you, please contact us at 803-256-6021 or go to www.scottandco.com.

Special Advertising Supplement | 2019 Book of Experts



American Heart Association: local focus on healthy hearts National organization partnering locally to improve community health B Y A N S L E Y L E E • C O M M U N I T Y I M P A C T D I R E C T O R • A M E R I C A N H E A RT A S S O C I AT I O N

Community Impact Director Ansley Lee


sk anyone what they know about the American Heart Association and they might know who we are, but not what

we do. Yes, we are a national organization and a major fundraiser for important medical research, but what many might not realize is the impact we’re making right here in the Midlands. In fact, here in Columbia, the AHA has partnered with many individuals and organizations, including DHEC, Carolina Nutrition Consultants, Nephron Pharmaceuticals, Eat Smart Move


More, and Holy Stroke, to name a few. Partnering with local organizations allows us to maximize our resources to improve the health of the Midlands community. Last year, in an effort to address the most critical needs, we completed a community assessment together with local organizations. Through interviews, research data and listening to the community, we uncovered these alarming statistics that are affecting the Midlands. • 38 percent of the community experiences low food access and food insecurity issues.

2019 Book of Experts | Special Advertising Supplement

• Over half of the population is overweight and 32 percent would be classified as obese. • One-third of the population has high blood pressure — a preventable risk factor for heart attack and stroke. To combat food insecurity in the Midlands, we’ve collaborated with TD Bank to host family health and wellness workshops focused on nutritional health, physical activity and eating healthy on a budget. Engaging with local organizations allows us to bridge the gap between available resources and the families in our community. Four workshops are scheduled through June at the Drew Wellness Center. We’re also supporting Dr. Anil Yallapragada in leading the Holy Stroke initiative, a stroke prevention program. The goal of the program is to engage with faith-based organizations to reduce the incidents of stroke through wellness screenings, healthy food and beverage church policies, and stroke education and programs, including the American Heart Association’s Life’s Simple 7. Life’s Simple 7 is a list of small changes we can make in seven areas that will have a major impact in improving heart health — stop smoking, lose weight, control blood sugar, exercise, eat healthy and control cholesterol and blood pressure. Locally, the number of Midlands adults living with high blood pressure could fill Williams-Brice Stadium’s 80,000-plus seats nearly four times. Additionally, high blood pressure is the number one modifiable risk factor for heart disease. Because there is an alarming number of Midlands residents living with high blood presssure, the AHA Midlands Board of Directors has a strategic focus to improve blood pressure outcomes in our community. Changing the health of the community doesn’t happen overnight, but we are getting started, and we’re making an impact now. With community members, for community members, right here in Columbia, we are working to create a culture of health. For more information, go online to www. heart.org/midlands.

BOOKof EXPERTS “We continue to build on those ideals every day. If you own or run a mid-sized or closely held company, then you are aware that sometimes you can find yourself in a unique place.” — TONY PERRICELLI, CPA SCOTT AND COMPANY LLC

“The City is open for business, and Columbia Economic Development helps companies identify and capitalize on new business opportunities, be it a startup, relocation or expansion. In July 2018, Business Insider ranked Columbia as one of its ‘Top 13 Best Cities to Find a Job.’ ” — RYAN COLEMAN, DIRECTOR CITY OF COLUMBIA ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT

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2019 Book of Experts | Special Advertising Supplement


We get you back to business Complete Employee Services takes care of details so you can take care of your business B Y K A R E N TAY L O R • C E O • C A P I TA L C O M P L E T E E M P L O Y E E S E R V I C E S


hen you operate your business, the nonrevenue-generating details can be overwhelming. Hiring employees, bidding annual benefits and renewals, handling payroll, following complex regulations and filing compliance reports, all before you have the time to be the Visionary and Leader. No matter what kind of business you’re in, let a Professional Employer Organization (PEO) take care of these HR and payroll functions for you. That way, you can focus on the essentials — the business of your business — while we take care of your human assets. Complete Employee Services has been partnering with businesses large and small since 2006. Here are some of the many ways we can help: • We offer the power of numbers to companies with a small staff, providing excellent, affordable health insurance and a Fortune 500 401k plan. • We can handle your employee discipline problems, sending in one of our staff to have the hard discussion and make sure rules are followed. • Wouldn’t it be nice to have a secure 24/7 portal to access your data? Our online portal gives you this and more, with high security level SOC 1 Type II systems certification protecting your reports, employee

information, benefits and more. • Need a remote access time clock or scheduling tools? We can set it up specialized for your needs. • A recent study by noted economists Laurie Bassi and Dan McMurrer found that businesses that use PEOs: • Grow 7% to 9% faster • Have lower employee turnover, 23% to 32% • Are 50% less likely to go out of business than companies that do not use PEOs. In addition to our health insurance at large-group rates, we can provide competitive workers compensation insurance and safety training. Our multistate compliance services keep you up to date with the Affordable Care Act, payroll tax and OSHA, among many other regulations. Best of all, when you call our office, you talk with a staff member you know — never voicemail or a general call center. We are continuously improving our systems, security and certifications. We proudly work with businesses from 5 to 2,000 employees in nearly every state. It’s our privilege to be the best HR partner for your company, always providing updated, easily accessible services. Call us today to take care of details; you’ll find you have more time for your business tomorrow.

Complete Employee Services team


Know that all employee-related tasks and issues are handled properly! YOUR HUMAN RESOURCES TEAM √ √ √ √ √

Policies, payroll and inurance guidence Fortune 500 401k plan and investments Spend more productive time with employees Highly-trained, friendly HR and payroll experts Ideal for business with or without trained HR professionals


2700 Middleburg Drive, Suite 105 | Columbia, SC 29204 | 803.255.8190 | www.CompleteEmployeeServices.com

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