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Driver 4: Risk

Driver 3: Strategy Planning & Operations –Sub-driver Questions (c. Continuous Improvement)

c.1. Continuous improvement

NA. None of the statements apply (AP 3.1.5)

B. There is an application of continuous improvement to organisation activities and processes, however done on an ad-hoc basis (AP 3.2.5)

D. Clear roles and responsibilities are appointed for continuous improvement initiatives, driving a common approach towards identifying improvements to processes (AP 3.3.5)

L. The organisation has an established proactive and innovative culture in consistently identifying continuous improvement measures to enhance processes for optimisation

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Risk Driver: Introduction

a. Governance Structure and Responsibilities

c. Policies, Procedures and Compliance b. Risk Management

All fundamental challenges a growing organisation faces, from recruiting the best people to managing finance, have an element of risk. To succeed in today’s fastmoving environment, the organisation leaders must have a strategic approach to risk management. Regardless of an organisation’s stage of growth, the ability to identify and manage risk stands out as a vital element of success. Operating an organisation requires taking risks. Organisations that identify and manage these risks well are positioned to grow and remain successful. Organisations that wish to become leaders should not fear risk, but approach it intelligently in order to reap its rewards and accelerate growth.

Risk Driver Components

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Questions to think about:

1. What is your organisation’s structure and responsibilities? 2. Is there a strong governance structure in place? 3. Where is the accountability for risk identification and mitigation? 4. How would you describe the approach to identifying and mitigating risks within the organisation? 5. How do you monitor adherence to the Constitution?

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Driver 4: Risk – Sub-driver Questions (a. Governance Structure and Responsibilities)

a.1. Structure and responsibilities

NA. None of the statements apply (AP 4.1.1)

B. An Executive Committee (Exco)/ Council/ Board of Directors exists. The roles and responsibilities of the Exco and Secretariat are clearly defined and understood by all (AP 4.2.1)

D. The Exco acts by collective leadership and is actively involved in strategic oversight without stepping over their responsibilities and boundaries; The Exco sets the overall strategic direction of the organisation while the Secretariat drives the governance function in ensuring compliance with the Constitution, the Societies Act and Societies Regulation and relevant laws (AP 4.3.1)

L. There is a strong governance structure in place; The Exco exercises independence and sets the risk culture and appetite in a tone from the top

Driver 4: Risk – Sub-driver Questions (b. Risk Management)

b.1. Risk identification management

NA. None of the statements apply (AP 4.1.2)

B. Responsible risk taking is seen as core to organisation success; Key risks are discussed on a regular basis by the leaders (AP 4.2.2)

D. There is a structured approach to identifying, monitoring and assessing key risk and controls (e.g. operational, finance and compliance). Risk management is clearly articulated in all role descriptions and performance criteria (AP 4.3.2)

L. Key organisation risks are aligned to key performance indicators and managed to ensure organisation objectives are met; Risk is embedded in the operational culture of the organisation; The organisation proactively communicates its risk management programme to the relevant stakeholders

In Australia, Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (ACCI) developed surveys and advisories in response to COVID-19, providing access to up-to-date resources and information, including guides to navigate temporary legislation and new employment frameworks.

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