32 minute read

Section 5 Action Plans

Driver 6: Technology – Sub-driver Questions (c. Security and Privacy)

c.1. Responsibility

NA. None of the statements apply (AP 6.1.4)

B. Security and privacy issues are driven ‘bottom-up’ in the organisation (AP 6.2.5)

D. Security is viewed as an IT issue, but has oversight from and regular reporting to, non-IT stakeholders (AP 6.3.7)

L. Security is viewed as a critical component of the organisation’s overall risk management via strong ‘tone at the top’

c.2. Scope

NA. None of the statements apply (AP 6.1.5)

B. Compliance with regulatory requirements drives security efforts; Focus on the importance of digital assets to organisation strategy is limited; Security issues are identified and addressed reactively (AP 6.2.5)

D. Security architecture is in place that supports a defence strategy. This provides layers of deterrence that limits attackers’ ability to access critical digital assets; The security function recognises and regularly evaluates the ecosystem including reliance on third parties and partners (AP 6.3.7)

L. Security efforts follow an ‘active defence’ approach with proactive identification of issues driven from inside the organisation; Security and privacy strategies are driven by protection of the most critical digital assets and support of organisation growth drivers

c.3. Focus

NA. None of the statements apply (AP 6.1.6)

B. The security focus is on building and/or maintaining perimeter controls and legacy end-point controls (e.g. anti-virus) (AP 6.2.5)

D. The company recognises and balances investment and operational effort between preventative controls and a strong monitoring and response capability (AP 6.3.7)

L. The focus is on operating a resilient security and privacy capability

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Section 5 Action Plans

This section provides an overview of the action plans a TAC can carry out based on the intended growth stages – Basic, Developing or Leading. The action plans are identified for each growth driver across the 3 growth stages.

How to review action plans based on growth stages?

After determining your TAC’s current state of maturity for the selected growth driver(s) and where it aspires to be in the future, it is time to take a look at the action plans to help grow the organisation. You can click on any of the tiles below to see the action plans for each growth driver. For example, if you have assessed your TAC to be at the Developing stage for the Member driver and would like to be at the Leading stage, you can select “Stage: Leading” tile under Member to see the relevant action plans for achieving your goal.


Stage: Basic

Stage: Developing

Stage: Leading Finance

Stage: Basic

Stage: Developing

Stage: Leading

Strategy Planning & Operations

Stage: Basic

Stage: Developing

Stage: Leading Risk

Stage: Basic

Stage: Developing

Stage: Leading


Stage: Basic

Stage: Developing

Stage: Leading Technology

Stage: Basic

Stage: Developing

Stage: Leading

The following action steps and consideration points serve as a guide to help your TAC grow into the “Basic” stage for this driver.


1.1.1 Establish vision, purpose and mission of the organisation Key considerations ► Are your organisation’s vision, purpose and mission clearly defined? ► How are members made aware of your organisation’s vision, purpose and mission?

1.1.2 Use basic segmentation to identify different categories of members Key considerations ► Are members in your organisation segmented in any way? ► What are the member categorisations based on?

1.1.3 Analyse competitive environment to inform organisation’s pricing strategies Key considerations ► How does your organisation obtain information on its competitors for benchmarking? ► How is benchmarking data used to inform your organisation’s pricing strategies?

1.1.4 Align organisation’s promise with member experience Key considerations ► How does your organisation ensure that the product/ service offerings are aligned to its advertised vision, mission and purpose? ► How does your organisation resolve reported discrepancies between its promise and member experience?

1.1.5 Facilitate growth opportunities for members through local initiatives and programmes Key considerations ► What kind of local initiatives or programmes your organisation currently has in place for the members? ► How do these help facilitate growth opportunities for the members?

The following action steps and consideration points serve as a guide to help your TAC grow into the “Basic” stage for this driver.


1.1.6 Promote products and/or services using marketing activities Key considerations ► Are members aware of the products and/or services offered by your organisation? ► What medium(s) of marketing are utilised in your organisation?

1.1.7 Develop plans to engage members periodically Key considerations ► How often does the organisation engage with the members? ► Is there a structured member engagement plan in place? ► What are the key objectives of member engagement activities carried out by your organisation?

1.1.8 Recognise member loyalty Key considerations ► How can recognising member loyalty improve your organisation’s member retention outcomes? ► What are the different ways in which member loyalty can be recognised by your organisation?

1.1.9 Acquire members through traditional means Key considerations ► What are the ways in which your organisation acquires new members? ► How are member acquisition rates across different channels evaluated for effectiveness?

Outcome: Organisation has well defined vision, purpose and mission that are clearly articulated to the members. Members are segmented based on needs and products and/or services are catered according to those needs. Members are engaged periodically and loyalty is recognised by the organisation.

The following action steps and consideration points serve as a guide to help your TAC grow into the “Developing” stage for this driver.


1.2.1 Develop brand management strategy for the organisation Key considerations ► How can your organisation strengthen its brand to further increase the awareness and confidence of members and the community? ► What measures can be taken by your organisation to drive consistency and alignment of its activities to its brand image?

1.2.2 Use analytics to assess the needs of different member segments for identifying the appropriate member service and experience Key considerations ► What kinds of data does your organisation require in order to assess the different member segments and their needs? ► How does your organisation use such data to identify appropriate member services and experiences for specific groups of members?

1.2.3 Leverage on competitor analysis to influence pricing strategies Key considerations ► Based on competitor analyses, where does your organisation stand in relation to its competitors’ scale of services and pricing? ► How does your organisation use such benchmarks to position its pricing strategies in a way that justifies membership costs?

1.2.4 Align organisation’s promise with member experience Key considerations ► What can be done to ensure continuous alignment of member experience to your organisation’s promise as it grows in scale of operations?

1.2.5 Identify international business matching opportunities for members Key considerations ► How to drive growth opportunities for your members beyond the local landscape? ► What are the international business landscapes and regulations?

The following action steps and consideration points serve as a guide to help your TAC grow into the “Developing” stage for this driver.

Outcome: Organisation has marketing and brand management strategies in place that drive brand awareness and member acquisition and retention. Members are engaged on a regular basis and supported in expanding overseas beyond the local landscape. There are also membership recognition programmes and rewards in place to recognise member loyalty.


1.2.6 Focus marketing efforts on branding and member retention Key considerations ► What aspects of your organisation's branding are lacking public awareness? ► Which member segments have been identified as declining in population? ► How can marketing efforts be more focused on targeted member demographics?

1.2.7 Introduce regular member engagement and feedback process Key considerations ► How can more regular member engagement and feedback-gathering benefit your organisation in being more responsive to member needs? ► What are the key intervals of member engagement that would provide the most valuable insights to your organisation?

1.2.8 Introduce membership recognition programmes and rewards Key considerations ► How can your organisation introduce a more structured approach to reward member loyalty? ► What types of recognition programmes and rewards would effectively incentivise better member retention and loyalty?

1.2.9 Use various channels to acquire new members Key considerations ► What are other channels that your organisation can use for outreach and acquisition of new members? ► How can these alternative channels add value to your organisation’s current approach to member acquisition?

The following action steps and consideration points serve as a guide to help your TAC grow into the “Leading” stage for this driver.


1.3.1 Enhance brand management strategy to ensure its relevance Key considerations ► What can your organisation do to ensure that its brand is continuously providing value and relevance to members’ needs? ► Is rebranding required to keep up with the VUCA (volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous) environment?

1.3.2 Introduce predictive analytics to proactively identify potential growth opportunities for the different member segments Key considerations ► What kinds of datasets are required for identifying emerging growth opportunities for the different member segments?

1.3.3 Periodically review and refine products and/or services to value add to members Key considerations ► What are the emerging market trends? ► How does your organisation evaluate the value add of the products and/or services provided to the members? ► How can your organisation incorporate members’ feedback into the product and/or service offerings to provide a more tailored experience to the members?

1.3.4 Develop plans to promote enhanced and consistent member experience across all channels and touch points Key considerations ► What measures can your organisation take to ensure consistency of its members’ experiences across all channels and touch points?

1.3.5 Enhance global network of partners to provide international business opportunities for members Key considerations ► What kinds of cross-collaboration opportunities are available in facilitating members in expanding their businesses overseas? ► How can your organisation be more effective in selecting optimal international business partners and opportunities that benefit the members?

The following action steps and consideration points serve as a guide to help your TAC grow into the “Leading” stage for this driver.

Outcome: Organisation has strong brand image and reputation within the sector or industry resulting in more membership sign-ups. Member experience is consistent across all channels and touchpoints. Members’ contribution and participation in organisation activities are tracked and rewarded accordingly, driving member loyalty and retention. Organisation also has a strong network of partners in facilitating the development and growth of its members.


1.3.6 Develop digital marketing strategy to integrate with or replace traditional marketing methods Key considerations ► Which of your organisation’s existing marketing methods can be replaced or be integrated with digital marketing?

1.3.7 Use members’ feedback to drive product and/or service innovation Key considerations ► What technologies or methods can your organisation use to gather members’ feedback on its product and/or services offerings?

1.3.8 Track and reward member’s contribution and participation in organisation’s activities Key considerations ► How can your organisation adopt a more systematic approach in tracking the members’ contributions and participation? ► In what ways can your organisation use this tracked data to allocate rewards and recognition consistently?

1.3.9 Explore further channels for member acquisition Key considerations ► How can your organisation incorporate different methods of digital marketing to improve member attraction and acquisition? ► Are there any additional forums or platforms frequented by your organisation’s target audience that can be tapped into for member acquisition?

The following action steps and consideration points serve as a guide to help your TAC grow into the “Basic” stage for this driver.

Outcome: Organisation leaders have clarity and insights into the overall working capital structure for providing the necessary funds to grow the organisation. There are internal controls in place to ensure the integrity of financial and accounting information and drive compliance across the organisation.


2.1.1 Develop a revenue strategy with membership being a core revenue source for the organisation Key considerations ► What is your organisation’s business model and overall goals? ► What are some revenue sources for your organisation? ► How effective is membership in driving the organisation’s long-term financial sustainability?

2.1.2 Develop a plan to increase visibility and gain clarity and insights into the organisation’s overall working capital structure Key considerations ► What are your organisation’s current assets and liabilities? What is the net working capital and how does it support funding in growing the organisation? ► How effective is your organisation in managing its liquidity?

2.1.3 Implement detective control procedures for the organisation Key considerations ► What are your organisation’s goals and objectives and the risks in achieving them? ► What kinds of controls can help detect or uncover issues within your organisation’s finance processes? ► Who is responsible for the execution of such internal control responsibilities?

2.1.4 Build trust with stakeholders by focusing on risk and compliance Key considerations ► How does your organisation’s compliance function link to its strategic priorities and risk appetite? ► Are they aligned with the overall organisation strategy, purpose and values?

The following action steps and consideration points serve as a guide to help your TAC grow into the “Developing” stage for this driver.


2.2.1 Identify and evaluate different revenue sources to achieve financial sustainability for the organisation Key considerations ► What are the market trends and activities provided by other organisations? ► What other alternative sources of revenue are viable for the organisation?

2.2.2 Review and improve net working capital position Key considerations ► What are some ways your organisation can shorten the working capital cycle to improve its short-term liquidity position? ► Is there a way your organisation can further use the current assets to generate additional revenue or funds? ► What are some ways your organisation can avoid unnecessary expenses and delays in payment? ► How often do your organisation review capital and operating expenses position?

2.2.3 Perform review of internal controls to ensure that they are preventive and detective in nature Key considerations ► How effective are your organisation’s internal control activities in managing and reducing financial and compliance risks? ► What are the types of preventive controls the organisation has in place to help avoid or mitigate exposure to risks?

2.2.4 Develop stakeholder management strategy and plan to effectively manage the stakeholder expectations and needs Key considerations ► Who are your organisation’s key stakeholders? What are their needs and areas of interests? ► What are the various communication channels, approaches and techniques to drive optimal stakeholder relationships and ensure they are constantly kept informed?

The following action steps and consideration points serve as a guide to help your TAC grow into the “Developing” stage for this driver.

Outcome: Organisation achieves financial sustainability through regular review and enhancement to revenue strategy and control of the working capital. There are also robust internal controls in place to manage and mitigate financial and compliance risks. Organisation understands the different stakeholder needs and is transparent in its communications with the stakeholders.


The following action steps and consideration points serve as a guide to help your TAC grow into the “Leading” stage for this driver.

Outcome: Organisation achieves long-term financial sustainability through a robust revenue model that leverages on multiple revenue sources, effective capital allocation strategy, and financial policies and procedures in place to drive efficient financial management and risk mitigation.


2.3.1 Develop a revenue model that leverages on multiple sources of revenue to fund organisational growth and drive long-term financial sustainability Key considerations ► Are there new ways of generating revenue for the organisations? ► What are the stakeholder needs and how to deliver value add through the expansion of functions and/or products/ service offerings?

2.3.2 Develop capital allocation strategy and plan to improve liquidity and operational efficiency Key considerations ► How can your organisation’s assets be fully optimised? Are there any assets that can b e divested in order to fund more strategic initiatives? ► Are there any inefficient or ineffective spending that can be deprioritised to reduce operating expenses in order to fund value-creating strategic initiatives?

2.3.3 Develop robust financial policies, procedures and controls which are consistent across the organisation Key considerations ► What are the financial policies, procedures and controls your organisation has in place? Are they aligned and consistent across the organisation? ► How often are they subjected to review and updates?

2.3.4 Establish effective stakeholder communication plan to ensure stakeholders are provided with timely access to the organisation’s financial information Key considerations ► Do decision makers in the organisation have timely access to financial information needed to make informed decisions? ► Do staff receive regular updates and training on the financial policies and procedures of the organisation? ► Are the staff clearly informed on their roles and responsibilities in carrying out the financial procedures?

Action Plans: Driver 3 – Strategy Planning & Operations

The following action steps and consideration points serve as a guide to help your TAC grow into the “Basic” stage for this driver.

Outcome: Organisation has a defined overall strategy that promotes operational excellence, continuous improvement and organisation continuity to achieve efficient, consistent and quality day-to-day operations.


3.1.1 Define an organisational strategy for your TAC Key considerations ► What are your organisation’s strategic issues and goals? ► What are the market opportunities and threats?

3.1.2 Create value for members by understanding their needs Key considerations ► What do your members need? ► Do you offer products and/or services to cater to their needs?

3.1.3 Develop organisation continuity plans and measures to ensure organisation continuity in the event of disruption or crisis Key considerations ► What are the critical functions and processes in your organisation? ► What are the risks associated with the key components of the business operations?

3.1.4 Develop and communicate standard operating procedures (SOPs) to staff Key considerations ► Are the SOPs aligned with the organisation’s objectives? ► Do the SOPs promote operational excellence in sustaining efficiency, consistency and quality of operations?

3.1.5 Develop continuous improvement strategies and plans to meet organisational goals and targets Key considerations ► What are the organisation’s continuous improvement goals and targets? ► What are the functional key performance indicators?

Action Plans: Driver 3 – Strategy Planning & Operations

The following action steps and consideration points serve as a guide to help your TAC grow into the “Developing” stage for this driver.


3.2.1 Work together with strategic partners to tap on each others’ competencies and/or to deliver scale Key considerations ► Who are your organisation’s key strategic partners? ► How can they contribute to your organisation’s strategies and objectives?

3.2.2 Explore new ways and opportunities to create or add value for members Key considerations ► What are the existing products and/or services offered to the members and how are the uptake? ► What are the emerging industry trends that may impact the member needs?

3.2.3 Communicate and educate staff on organisation continuity plans to ensure organisational awareness Key considerations ► What are the roles and responsibilities of staff in execution of the organisation continuity plans? ► What are some channels in your organisation to communicate the organisation continuity plans?

3.2.4 Encourage cross-functional collaboration amongst teams to drive productivity and cost-optimisation across the organisation Key considerations ► Are there synergies across functions? ► Are there collaboration opportunities to drive operational productivity and cost-optimisation?

3.2.5 Communicate and educate staff on continuous improvement initiatives to drive a common approach towards identifying improvements to processes Key considerations ► Are the staff aware of the functional key performance indicators? ► What are the roles and responsibilities of staff in execution of the continuous improvement initiatives?

Action Plans: Driver 3 – Strategy Planning & Operations

The following action steps and consideration points serve as a guide to help your TAC grow into the “Developing” stage for this driver.


Outcome: Strategic partnerships and collaborations are leveraged to achieve organisation’s strategies. Staff are aligned on their roles and responsibilities in implementing organisation continuity and continuous improvement plans.

Action Plans: Driver 3 – Strategy Planning & Operations

The following action steps and consideration points serve as a guide to help your TAC grow into the “Leading” stage for this driver.


3.3.1 Develop a plan that leverages on strategic partnerships to drive longsustainable growth for the organisation term Key considerations ► What is your organisation’s long-term strategy? ► Which partners will be able to help your organisation achieve the strategy?

3.3.2 Inculcate an innovative culture aligned with differing member needs and requirements to deliver optimal growth and financial sustainability Key considerations ► What is your organisational culture? ► What can be done to deliver optimal growth and financial sustainability while meeting the different member needs and requirements?

3.3.3 Conduct regular review and update of organisation continuity plans to effectively manage future disruptions or crisis situations Key considerations ► How often does your organisation review continuity plans? ► Are the current continuity plans effective in managing disruptions?

3.3.4 Integrate operations within the organisation to drive productivity, efficiency and cost effectiveness Key considerations ► What is the optimal structure for your organisation? ► How can the operations be optimised to drive productivity, efficiency and cost effectiveness?

3.3.5 Establish a proactive and innovative culture in consistently identifying continuous improvement measures to enhance processes for optimisation Key considerations ► What are your organisation strategies, tools and techniques in continuous process improvement? ► How can your organisation refine existing framework to identify continuous improvement measures?

Action Plans: Driver 3 – Strategy Planning & Operations

The following action steps and consideration points serve as a guide to help your TAC grow into the “Leading” stage for this driver.

Outcome: Organisation adopts an innovative culture to deliver optimal growth and financial sustainability. This is seen across developing strategic partnerships and optimising operations.


The following action steps and consideration points serve as a guide to help your TAC grow into the “Basic” stage for this driver.

Outcome: Organisation has basic governance structure in place with formalised roles and responsibilities which are clearly articulated and understood by all. Organisation understands and applies basic principles of risk management to mitigate the effects of risk on the organisation.


4.1.1 Clearly define the roles and responsibilities of the Executive Committee (Exco)/ Council/ Board of Directors and the Secretariat in carrying out the governance function Key considerations ► What are the roles and expectations of the Exco/ Council/ Board of Directors as opposed to the Secretariat ? ► Are the roles and responsibilities clearly articulated and understood by all?

4.1.2 Evaluate and discuss key risks on a regular basis Key considerations ► How often are risks assessed in your organisation? ► Are there regular sessions set up to discuss on such matters?

4.1.3 Develop risk policies and procedures for key risks Key considerations ► What are the key risks and potential impact to your organisation? ► Who is involved in risk management and what are their roles and responsibilities?

4.1.4 Develop a reactive approach to comply with the Constitution and external regulations Key considerations ► What are the governing regulations your organisation has to comply with? ► How does your organisation keep up to date to changes in the business environment and regulatory landscape? ► What steps are taken by the organisation in ensuring compliance with the Constitution and governing regulations?

The following action steps and consideration points serve as a guide to help your TAC grow into the “Developing” stage for this driver.

Outcome: Organisation has in place a good governance structure and effective compliance strategy to manage and mitigate risks and ensure compliance with the Constitution and governing regulations.


4.2.1 Establish good governance structure for the and make effective decisions organisation to mitigate risk Key considerations ► Do members in the Exco/ Council/ Board act in collective leadership to provide strategic oversight in ensuring organisation’s strategies reach its intended goals and objectives? ► Does the Secretariat drive the governance function in ensuring compliance across your organisation?

4.2.2 Develop a structured approach to identify and assess key risks and set risk appetite Key considerations ► What are the signification risks and risk levels that your organisation is willing to accept in order to achieve its goals and objectives? ► How can your organisation monitor and quantify the key risks to ensure that they are within acceptable levels?

4.2.3 Develop risk policies and procedures for individual functions across the organisation Key considerations ► What are the underlying risks in each functional unit across your organisation? ► Are the functional strategies aligned with the defined risk appetite of your organisation?

4.2.4 Develop an effective compliance strategy for the organisation Key considerations ► What is the regulatory landscape and requirements of your organisation? ► How can the organisation move beyond reactive ways to proactive ways in managing compliance risks? ► Is the compliance strategy aligned with the overall organisation’s goals and objectives?

The following action steps and consideration points serve as a guide to help your TAC grow into the “Leading” stage for this driver.

Outcome: Organisation has in place a strong corporate governance structure and robust risk management framework driven from the top by an independent Executive Committee (Exco)/ Council/ Board.


4.3.1 Improve and drive strong corporate governance structure Key considerations ► Do the Board and respective committees have the right skills and experience and encompasses diversity in their composition? ► Do the members of the Board and respective committees exercise independent judgement and set the risk culture and tone for ethical and responsible decision-making throughout your organisation?

4.3.2 Prioritise risk management across the organisation Key considerations ► Does your organisation has effective systems in place for risk management and oversight? ► How does your organisation review its performance and indicators against its strategies and goals? ► Are there regular communication and trainings on risk management provided to all levels of the organisation? ► How does your organisation ensure effective, transparent and regular communication with its stakeholders?

4.3.3 Develop robust risk management framework for the organisation Key considerations ► What are your organisation’s goals and objectives and the environment it operates in? Who are your internal and external stakeholders? ► What the existing and potential risks and controls your organisation has in place? ► Does your organisation conduct ongoing review of its risk management strategies to evaluate relevance and effectiveness?

4.3.4 Contribute to the longlandscape term development of the industry regulatory Key considerations ► How is the current industry regulatory landscape like? ► What is your organisation’s involvement in the industry regulatory landscape?

Action Plans: Driver 5 – People

The following action steps and consideration points serve as a guide to help your TAC grow into the “Basic” stage for this driver.


5.1.1 Align leaders with overall organisation strategy Key considerations ► Are the leaders aligned with the vision, culture and goals of your organisation? ► Are leaders aware of the roles they play in contributing to the organisation’s goals and key objectives?

5.1.2 Establish HR policies within the organisation Key considerations ► What types of HR policies are essential to your organisation? ► Do the HR policies support organisational values and principles? ► Is there proper documentation of HR policies in your organisation?

5.1.3 Define roles and responsibilities for all job roles in the organisation Key considerations ► What are the expectations of the job roles and how do they align with the overall goals and key objectives of your organisation? ► What are the specific tasks or functions to be performed by the job roles? ► Are the roles and responsibilities clearly articulated to the employees?

5.1.4 Clearly articulate organisation’s purpose, mission and values to drive alignment across the organisation Key considerations ► What communication channels can be leveraged to weave in the purpose, mission and values information? ► Is communication clear, concise and transparent across your organisation?

5.1.5 Align organisation and HR needs Key considerations ► What are your organisation's goals and key objectives? ► Can your organisation’s internal capabilities deliver its goals and key objectives?

Action Plans: Driver 5 – People

The following action steps and consideration points serve as a guide to help your TAC grow into the “Basic” stage for this driver.

Outcome: All employees are aligned to the organisation’s purpose, mission and values and recognise the role they play in contributing to the organisation’s goals and objectives. There are HR policies in place to ensure compliance with employment legislation and inform employees of their roles and expectations. The organisation encourages innovation, collaboration and feedback where employees are rewarded for performance and achievement of outcomes.


5.1.6 Encourage innovation and collaboration across the organisation Key considerations ► Are there open communication channels that facilitate the exchange of ideas and collaboration across your organisation? ► Is your organisation tolerant of mistakes when trying something new? How does your organisation embrace failure?

5.1.7 Implement feedback process within the organisation Key considerations ► What are the different channels of feedback available within your organisation? ► When and how frequent do the managers provide feedback to employees?

5.1.8 Reward for performance and achievement of outcomes Key considerations ► What are the organisational and employee needs and drivers? ► What are the current reward offerings and their effectiveness?

Action Plans: Driver 5 – People

The following action steps and consideration points serve as a guide to help your TAC grow into the “Developing” stage for this driver.


5.2.1 Motivate and inspire employees to achieve organisation’s goals and objectives Key considerations ► What motivated the employees? ► Is there a recognition system to celebrate the achievement of goals?

5.2.2 Conduct regular review and updates to HR policies Key considerations ► Are HR policies up to date with the local statutory requirements? ► How often are HR policies reviewed and updated in your organisation?

5.2.3 Assess internal capabilities to identify gaps Key considerations ► Are there any skill gaps within your organisation? ► Can these gaps be bridged through outsourcing?

5.2.4 Promote behaviours that represent the desired organisation culture Key considerations ► Is recognition or appreciation given to employees who demonstrate the desired behaviours? ► Do the leaders embody such behaviours for employees to model?

5.2.5 Implement strategic HR planning Key considerations ► What is the current HR capacity of your organisation? ► What are the resources needed to meet the organisation’s goals and future needs?

5.2.6 Promote workplace diversity and inclusiveness Key considerations ► Does your organisation embrace diversity? ► Are different perspectives valued and encouraged?

Action Plans: Driver 5 – People

The following action steps and consideration points serve as a guide to help your TAC grow into the “Developing” stage for this driver.

Outcome: Organisation views HR as a strategic business partner instead of a provider of administrative functions. There is an effective performance management framework or system in place, aligned with the overall organisation strategy and culture. Additionally, the organisation encourages a culture of innovation, diversity and inclusiveness.


5.2.7 Establish an effective performance management framework or system Key considerations ► Is performance management aligned with your overall organisation strategy and culture? ► Are employees involved in the goal setting process? Are the individual goals aligned with departmental goals and organisational goals? ► Is there a culture of open communication across your organisation? Is communication open, objective and transparent? ► Is there a continuous feedback and performance review process that happens throughout the year? ► Are there rewards and recognition for good performance and achievement of key objectives? Are they fair and equitable? ► Is training and development provided to employees for continuous improvement?

Action Plans: Driver 5 – People

The following action steps and consideration points serve as a guide to help your TAC grow into the “Leading” stage for this driver.


5.3.1 Develop an effective leadership team who are passionate, inspiring, lead by example and perceived as people-leaders instead of operational managers Key considerations ► Do the leaders in your organisation share the organisation’s vision, mission and values? ► Are leaders in your organisation empowered to make decisions? ► Are there leadership development opportunities and coaching provided? ► Is there succession planning in place to identify and develop future leaders of your organisation?

5.3.2 Align HR policies with local requirements and best practices Key considerations ► What are the best-in-industry HR policies and practices? ► How does your organisation’s HR policies and practices fare against the global trends and best practices?

5.3.3 Develop a People Plan that drives diversity, agility, collaboration and technology adoption across the organisation Key considerations ► What are your organisation’s key priorities? ► What capabilities are needed to implement the plan?

5.3.4 Create a strong employer brand and culture that attracts and retains top talent Key considerations ► Is your organisation’s culture aligned with the people’s values? ► Is there an environment of trust and transparency within your organisation? ► Are employees invited to contribute to the culture through collaboration and innovation? ► What is your organisation’s employee value proposition? How does it differentiate your organisation from the rest?

Action Plans: Driver 5 – People

The following action steps and consideration points serve as a guide to help your TAC grow into the “Leading” stage for this driver.


5.3.5 Build a culture of innovation Key considerations ► Are employees given time to explore novel concepts and ideas? ► Are employees provided with the necessary knowledge, skills and tools to enable them to innovate? ► Are innovative behaviours recognised and rewarded in your organisation?

5.3.6 Build a culture of continuous feedback Key considerations ► What are the channels and tools provided to communicate continuous feedback? ► Are employees educated on the purpose and significance of continuous feedback? ► Do employees understand the functioning of the feedback system and what they can achieve out of it?

5.3.7 Leverage technology and analytics to improve HR practices Key considerations ► What are the organisation needs and goals? ► How does the HR technology and analytics support your organisation’s talent and overall strategy and unique workforce needs? ► Does it meet both current and future requirements?

5.3.8 Enhance performance reward system to motivate and retain high performers and teams Key considerations ► Do employees understand the connection between their reward and performance? ► Are desired behaviours rewarded on top of the achievement of outcomes? ► Are there team-based incentives to reward for teamwork and cooperation? ► Does your organisation offer a mix of rewards from financial to nonmonetary rewards and recognition? ► How often are rewards refreshed in your organisation?

Action Plans: Driver 5 – People

The following action steps and consideration points serve as a guide to help your TAC grow into the “Leading” stage for this driver.


Outcome: Organisation is seen as the employer of choice. People agenda is embedded across the organisation, where leaders are seen as peopleleaders instead of operational managers. Technology and analytics are leveraged across different HR processes to drive productivity and efficiency. The organisation also has a robust performance management system in place coupled with a total rewards strategy for the employees.

Action Plans: Driver 6 – Technology

The following action steps and consideration points serve as a guide to help your TAC grow into the “Basic” stage for this driver.


6.1.1 Define the organisation’s digital vision Key considerations ► What is “digital” and what does it mean to you and the organisation? ► What is the direction your organisation wants to head to? How can digital technology help to bring the organisation there?

6.1.2 Develop digital strategy Key considerations ► What is the problem statement and how can digital technology help solve the problem? ► Is the digital strategy aligned with the overall organisation strategy and priorities?

6.1.3 Develop data strategy Key considerations ► What are your organisation's goals and the data needed to help achieve the goals? ► What will be the data sources? How will the data be collected? ► How is your organisation currently collecting and utilising data?

6.1.4 Adopt a ‘bottom-up’ approach towards security and privacy issues Key considerations ► What is your organisation’s approach towards security and privacy issues? ► Is security and privacy a key part of your organisation strategy?

6.1.5 Ensure security efforts complies with regulatory requirements Key considerations ► What are the regulations relevant to your organisation and the industry? ► What are the existing security efforts taken by your organisation? Are they compliant to the relevant regulations? ► How are security issues identified and addressed?

Action Plans: Driver 6 – Technology

The following action steps and consideration points serve as a guide to help your TAC grow into the “Basic” stage for this driver.


6.1.6 Develop procedures for limiting the impact of a security breach Key considerations ► What are the common types of security breaches relevant to your organisation? ► What are the types of security controls available to minimise to impact such breaches?

Outcome: Organisation has a digital and data strategy in place, and adopts a ‘bottom-up’ approach towards security and privacy issues.

Action Plans: Driver 6 – Technology

The following action steps and consideration points serve as a guide to help your TAC grow into the “Developing” stage for this driver.


6.2.1 Assess organisation’s Key considerations current digital state and capabilities ► What is the current digital landscape within the industry? ► What are your organisation’s digital capabilities and how do they fair against the other organisations?

6.2.2 Leverage key digital technologies to value add to the existing operating model Key considerations ► What are the viable digital technologies in the current market? ► Can the digital technologies be integrated into the existing systems? ► What are the costs involved in implementing the digital technology?

6.2.3 Implement data tools and techniques to drive data accuracy and insights Key considerations ► What types of insights does your organisation want to generate from the implementation of the data tool and technique? ► What are the costs involved in implementing the data tool and technique?

6.2.4 Develop data management processes Key considerations ► Is there a process or framework to collect, prepare, manage and store the data?

Action Plans: Driver 6 – Technology

The following action steps and consideration points serve as a guide to help your TAC grow into the “Developing” stage for this driver.


6.2.5 Develop a sound security architecture for the organisation Key considerations ► What security controls do your organisation currently have in place? ► How often is the IT security ecosystem reviewed? ► What are the security threats and vulnerabilities and their impact to your organisation? ► Is there regular reporting of IT issues to stakeholders in your organisation? ► Who are the suitable security vendors and partners? ► Does the security architecture investment and operational efforts align with the organisation's goals and objectives?

Outcome: Digital technologies are embedded throughout the organisation’s operating model. Data is used to generate insights and identify growth opportunities for the organisation and their members. The organisation has a sound security architecture in place against most security threats and breaches.

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