17th WCEC Booklet

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Organised by:

Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry

47 Hill Street #05-01/02, Singapore 179365

Tel: +65 6337 8381 Fax: 65 6339 0605

E-mail: corporate@sccci.org.sg

Website: www.sccci.org.sg


9 – 12 September 2024

Disclaimer: The contents of this directory have been compiled from information and material supplied from participating companies. Whilst every effort has been made to ensure that the contents are correct, the organisers are unable to accept liability for errors that may occur.

马来西亚中华总商会将在吉隆坡隆 重举办第十七届世界华商大会,我 谨代表新加坡中华总商会献上诚挚 的祝贺!

自第七届世界华商大会2003年在吉 隆坡举行,相隔逾二十载后,是次

再回到马来西亚举办,对于有意探 索东南亚蓬勃商机的全球华商,提供了绝佳的交流 良机。

马来西亚具备了优良的法治与政策、得天独厚的天 然资源和多元文化等优势,近来成功吸引大量外资 入驻,经济大放异彩。而放眼亚细安,本区域更有 望在2030年成为世界第四大经济体,生产总值合计 达10万亿美元。

秉承大会的创始初衷和共赢愿景,本届大会以“擘 划新序共创新局”为题,彰显主办方对于华商精诚 团结、合作创新,必将取得成功的信心。因此我鼓 励全球华商与会者继往开来,本着“和而不同”的 大会创办精神——发挥好“不同”的差异化优势, 集思广益,强强联手;同时扎根“相同”的中华文 化价值观,以诚信为本,团结耕耘,同心发掘时代 赋予的黄金机遇!

谨祝第十七届世界华商大会圆满成功、与会者收获 满满!



President’s Message

On behalf of Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry (SCCCI), I would like to congratulate The Associated Chinese Chambers of Commerce and Industry of Malaysia (ACCCIM) for hosting the 17th World Chinese Entrepreneurs Convention (WCEC) in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Malaysia hosted the 7th WCEC in 2003. Its return to Malaysia this year marks a significant milestone for Chinese entrepreneurs worldwide to network and explore opportunities in the vibrant and fast-growing Southeast Asia.

Malaysia’s favourable regulatory policies, abundant natural resources, and multicultural society has attracted a substantial inflow of foreign investments, resulting in strong economic growth in the recent years, while ASEAN is also prospering to be the world’s fourth largest economy by 2030, with a combined GDP exceeding US$10 trillion.

Staying true to its vision, the theme of this year’s WCEC is “Reimagineering the Future” – focusing on ACCCIM’s determination to unite and collaborate with Chinese entrepreneurs on innovation and greater success. I thus encourage the Chinese business community worldwide to forge ahead with WCEC’s core value of “Harmony in Diversity” – leveraging on “diversity” by sharing collective wisdom and uniting our strengths as we live out the traditional Chinese values of integrity, unity and hard work. Together, let us seize the opportunities of our era!

I am confident that the 17th WCEC will be a resounding success, and a fruitful gathering for all delegates!

Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry

新加坡中华总商会成立于1906年,是新加坡历 史悠久的商业团体。总商会不但是本地华商的 最高领导机构,在国际商业舞台上享有良好的 信誉,同时也是世界华商大会的创办机构,并 拥有广泛联系世界各地华人企业的商业资讯网 站“世界华商网络”(www.wcbn.com.sg)。 在维护新加坡商家利益、推动国内外商贸、教 育、文化与社区发展各个方面,都扮演积极和 重要的角色。总商会于1995年荣获 ISO 9001国 际标准证书,不断为会员提供国际水准的优质 服务。2018年,总商会通过国际标准组织的审 核,获颁 ISO 9001:2015 国际标准证书。

总商会目前拥有超过160个商业团体会员和近 5,000名商号会员,网络涵盖超过40,000间来 自各行各业的跨国公司、政联机构、大型金融 与商业组织和中小型企业。总商会为会员提供 多种交流平台、以便分享丰富的资源和商机, 并共同建设极具影响力的世界华商网络,为经 贸、教育、文化和社会发展作出贡献。成为总 商会的会员,不但能够分享彼此间强大的归属 感、认同感,而且可以享受多种服务、设施与 活动优惠。

About Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry

Established in 1906, the Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry (SCCCI) is an internationally renowned business organisation and the apex body of the Chinese business community in Singapore. It is the founder of the biennial World Chinese Entrepreneurs Convention and the World Chinese Business Network (www.wcbn.com.sg), a global online business information portal. It plays a key and pro-active role in representing the interests of the local business community. In its continued drive for service excellence, the SCCCI has become the first business chamber in the region to be awarded ISO 9001 certification since 1995. In 2018, the Chamber successfully upgraded its ISO certification to ISO 9001:2015.

The SCCCI has a membership network comprising some 5,000 corporate members and has more than 160 trade association members, representing over 40,000 companies including large financial and business organisations, multinational corporations, government-linked companies, and small and medium enterprises from a wide spectrum of trades and industries. These members together provide vast resources and opportunities which enable the SCCCI to develop an influential global Chinese business network for business, education, culture and community development. In return, they share a strong sense of pride and identity together and benefit immensely from the SCCCI’s membership services, facilities and activities.

Honorary Advisor

高泉庆 Mrs Marilyn Kho

会长 Spouse of Mr Kho Choon Keng


Kho Choon Keng

President Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry


Group Executive Chairman


Lian Huat Group

163 Tras Street, #11-00 Lian Huat Building Singapore 079024

Tel: +65 6222 8313

Email: ckkho@lianhuatgroup.com

Website: http://www.lianhuatgroup.com/



Line of Business

Lian Huat Group has business interests in Singapore, Australia and China and its business activities cover property and hotel development, investments and management.

执行主席 Executive Chairman





Teo Siong Seng

Honorary President Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry

Pacific International Lines

128 Beach Road, Guoco Midtown Singapore 189773

Tel: +65 6321 6942

Email: stephanie.liu@sgp.pilship.com

Website: www.pilship.com

经营业务 航运、物流、集装箱制造

Line of Business

Shipping, Logistics and Container Manufacturing

Honorary Advisor

黄山忠 余 鸯

前任会长 Jee Ngiap Yang


Roland Ng

Immediate Past President

Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry

董事经理兼集团首席执行官 董事

Managing Director & Director Group CEO


Tat Hong Holdings Ltd

82 Ubi Ave 4, #05-01 Edward Boustead Centre

Singapore 408832

Tel: +65 6922 7608

Email: veronica@tathong.com.sg

Website: www.tathong.com



Line of Business

Rental & sales of cranes & other heavy equipment

主席 Chairman


李思亮 副会长


Lee Sze Leong


Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry

Sing Holdings Limited

96 Robinson Road, SIF Building #13 -01

Singapore 068899

Tel: +65 6305 0330

Email: dawnquah@singfinance.com.sg

Website: http://www.singholdings.com/

经营业务 房地产

Line of Business Real Estate

Mission Delegate

董事经理 Managing Director




Ho Nai Chuen, Charles

Core Council Member

Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry


On Cheong Co Pte Ltd

251 South Bridge Road

Singapore 058800

Tel: +65 6223 4788

Email: honaichuen@oncheong.com

Website: www.oncheong.com


成立于1936年,它是新加坡旅游局推荐的优秀传承零售 商之一,也是新加坡唯一获得新加坡素质级别(人力与服 务)认证的珠宝零售商,并在过去获得无数殊荣及奖项。

Line of Business

Founded in 1936, it’s one of the heritage brands MADE WITH PASSION under Singapore Tourism Board and also the only certified Singapore Quality Class SQC( People & Service ) jewellery retailer in Singapore, winning multiple accolades in the past years.

Mission Delegate

董事经理 Managing Director





Pek Ee Perh Thomas

Core Council Member Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry

Tai Hua Food Industries Pte Ltd

No. 12 Jalan Besut Singapore 619566

Tel: +65 6265 9911

Email: eppek@taihua.biz

Website: http://www.taihuafood.com.sg



Line of Business

Manufacturer of Soy Sauce; Sole Agent and Distributor of Canned Food, Trading of Commodities.

Mission Delegate

行政总监 CEO




Anthony Tan

Chairman, Culture, Education & Community Affairs Committee

Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry


MOH Holdings Pte Ltd

1 North Buona Vista Link #09-01 Elementum

Singapore 139691

Tel: +65 6622 0980

Email: atan@mohh.com.sg

Website: www.mohh.com.sg



Line of Business

Singapore Public Healthcare


Mission Delegate

主席 Chairman




Tan Bock Huat

Chairman, Trade Association & Membership Affairs Committee

Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry


Min Ghee Auto Pte Ltd

8 Jalan Lembah Kallang, #01-01 Min Ghee Building

Singapore 339564

Tel: +65 6291 6118

Email: bhtan@minghee.com

Website: www.minghee.com



Line of Business

Import and Export, Wholesale and Retail of Auto Parts; Specialist in Fence Intrusion Detection System.

Mission Delegate




Kiam Meng

Technology Committee Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry


Group CEO and Executive Director


JUMBO Group Limited

4 Kaki Bukit Ave 1 #03-08 Singapore 417939

Tel: +65 6265 8626

Email: ang.kiammeng@jumbogroup.com.sg Website: jumbogroup.sg



创建于 1987 年的珍宝海鲜是珍宝餐饮集团的前身。这家新 加坡风味的海鲜餐馆以辣椒螃蟹和胡椒螃蟹闻名。历经多 年的发展,餐馆逐渐演变成为 供多样化亚洲美食的餐饮业巨 头。每天能为 8,000 多位就餐者 供美食服务

Line of Business Restaurants

JUMBO Group began with the inception of JUMBO Seafood, a Singapore-style seafood restaurant, in 1987. Best known for its chilli and black pepper crabs, the company has evolved over the years and now offers multiple diverse Asian dining experiences, serving more than 8,000 diners daily.

Mission Delegate

执行总裁兼主席 Chairman and CEO




Ang Boon Cheow, Edward Chairman, International Affairs Committee

Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry


Ocean Sky International Limited

29 Tuas South Street 1 Singapore 638036

Tel: +65 6789 9988

Email: edwardang@oceanskyintl.com

Website: www.oceanskyintl.com


式佳国际有限公司(“式佳国际”或“公司”,连同其子 公司,“集团”)是凯利板上市的建筑和房地产公司。本 集团从事土木工程,建筑及相关服务业务(「建筑及工程 业务」)及物业发展,投资及管理业务(「物业业务」)。

Line of Business

Ocean Sky International Limited is an investment holding company with an interest in civil engineering, construction and related services as well as property development, investment and management.


Mission Delegate




Chia Kim Huat Chairman, Commerce & Industry Committee

Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry

公司和非讼业务部, 区域主任

Regional Head, Corporate & Transactional Practice


Rajah & Tann Singapore LLP

9 Straits View #06-07, Marina One West Tower Singapore 018937

Tel: +65 6232 0464

Email: kim.huat.chia@rajahtann.com

Website: www.rajahtannasia.com


立杰亚洲拥有 1,000 多名律师或专业人士,联合了柬埔 寨、中国、印尼、老挝、马来西亚、缅甸、新加坡、泰 国、菲律宾和越南十个国家的顶尖律所和律师。每家律所 都为本地客户提供最高标准的服务,同时共同具备处理最 复杂的地区和跨境交易的能力,为整个地区提供无缝衔接 的卓越法律咨询服务。我们为一个共同的目标而努力,我 们是深谙亚洲的律师,并为客户提供本土优势。

Line of Business

With over 1,000 fee earners, Rajah & Tann Asia unites leading law firms and lawyers across ten countries: Cambodia, China, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Myanmar, Singapore, Thailand, the Philippines, and Vietnam. Each firm offers the highest standards of service to locally-based clients while collectively having the capability to handle the most complex regional and cross-border transactions, providing excellent legal counsel seamlessly across the region. Working towards one shared goal, we are lawyers who know Asia and give our clients a home advantage.

代表团成员 Mission Delegate

黄健华 黄凌萱 产业委员会主席 Mandy Ng 新加坡中华总商会

Patrick Ng

Chairman, Property Management Committee Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry


Deputy Chairman


Pan-United Corporation Ltd

7 Temasek Boulevard, #16-01 Suntec Tower One Singapore 038987

Tel: +65 6305 7390

Email: patrick.ng@panunited.com.sg Website: www.panunited.com.sg


泛联集团(新)有限公司是一家以亚洲为基地的新加坡上 市公司,致力于推动预拌混凝土和物流领域的变革。通过 混凝土创新,已跻身全球低碳混凝土技术前沿。作为可持 续发展的信奉者,泛联集团以让混凝土变得更环保、更坚 固来实现世界脱碳、降低世界的碳足迹、为子孙后代创造 一个更安全的世界而感到自豪。



Company Profile

Pan-United Corporation Ltd is a listed Asia-based technology company catalysing change in the ready-mix concrete and logistics space. Through concrete innovation, it has advanced to the global forefront of low-carbon concrete technology. A believer in sustainability, Pan-United takes pride in making concrete greener and stronger to decarbonise the world, lowering the world’s embodied carbon footprint to create a safer world for future generations.

Line of business

Basic Building Materials, Technology, Trading and Shipping


Mission Delegate


财政委员会副主席 新加坡中华总商会


Deputy Chairperson, Chief Executive Officer & Executive Director


Mewah International Inc

5, International Business Park Singapore 609914

Tel: +65 6829 5060

Email: clsaw@mewahgroup.com

Website: https://www.mewahgroup.com/


美华国际公司是一家全球性的农业企业,专注于马来西亚 和新加坡的炼油厂和加工设施的食用油脂和全球营销网 络。我们的业务遍及食用油和脂肪供应链,从原材料的采 购和加工到产品的包装、销售、运输和分销。

Line of Business

Mewah International is a global agri-business focused on edible oils and fats with refineries and processing facilities in Malaysia and Singapore and a worldwide marketing network. We are one of the largest palm oil processor in the world by capacity and produce a wide range of refined vegetable oils and fats principally from palm and lauric oil, and also soft oils, canola oils, sunflower seed oil and corn oil. Our operations are integrated throughout the edible oils and fats value chain, from the sourcing and processing of raw materials, to the packing, merchandising, shipping and distribution of our products.

Mission Delegate

董事 Director


商团与会员事务委员会副主席 新加坡中华总商会

Allan Tan

Vice-Chairman, Trade Association & Membership Affairs Committee

Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry

锦 食品工业私人有限公司

Kim Hing Food Industries Pte Ltd

23 Senoko South Road #01-02

Singapore 758080

Tel: +65 6280 4169

Email: allantss1953@gmail.com

Website: dragonbrand.com.sg


燕 ,瓶装即食燕窝,雪蛤,鲍鱼 造商,批发及出 口商

Line of Business

Manufacturer, wholeseller and exporter of edible bird’s nest. Bottled bird’s nest, bottled hashima etc

Mission Delegate





Voo Choon Ling

Vice-Chairperson, Research & Publications Committee

Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry

Group Managing Director


Woodlands Transport Holdings Pte Ltd

8 Gul Circle

Singapore 629564

Tel: +65 6799 6886

Email: clvoo@woodlandstransport.com.sg

Website: www.woodlandstransport.com.sg


巴士运载服务, 旅行社, 建筑行业运输服务, 维修服务, 典当 服务, 洗衣业服务和投资

Line of Business

Bus Transport Services, Travel and Tour Services, Construction Transport Services, Engineering Workshop Services, Pawnshop, Laundry, Investment


Mission Delegate




Jeremy Lim

Vice-Chairman, External Relations Committee

Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry

首席执行官 Chief Executive Officer


Cortina Watch Pte Ltd

391B Orchard Road #18-01 Ngee Ann City Tower B

Singapore 238874

Tel: +65 6496 9392

Email: jeremylim@cortinawatch.com

Website: www.cortinawatch.com



Line of Business

Luxury Watch Retail

Mission Delegate





Keith Tan

Vice-Chairman, International Affairs Committee

Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry

Founding and Managing Partner


Dymon Asia Private Equity (Singapore) Pte Ltd

One Temasek Avenue #11-01, Millenia Tower

Singapore 039192

Tel: +65 6705 1666

Email: keith.tan@dymonasia.com

Website: Dymonasiaprivateequity.com



Line of Business

Investment Management


Mission Delegate

创始人 Founder

群发 产业委员会副主席


Tew Koon Huat

Vice-Chairman, Property Management Committee

Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry


Yong Huat Hardware Pte Ltd

Blk 47 Toa Payoh Lorong 6 #01-138

Singapore 310047

Tel: +65 6251 0826

Email: tewkoonhuat@gmail.com

Website: yhhardware.com.sg


永发五金团队在欧洲和亚太地区采购和供应优质硬件产品 方面拥有20多年的经验

Line of Business

The YONG HUAT HARDWARE team has over 20 years of experience in sourcing and supply of quality hardware products from Europe and the Asia Pacific region


Mission Delegate


青年商务与永续发展委员会副主席 新加坡中华总商会

Wong Chee Herng Vice-Chairman, Youth Business & Sustainability Committee

Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry

集团董事经理 / 首席执行官

Group Managing Director / Chief Executive Officer

Straits Construction Group Pte Ltd

16 Jalan Kilang, #05-01 Hoi Hup Bldg

Singapore 159416

Tel: +65 6222 6722

Email: cheeherng@straitsconstruction.com

Website: www.straitsconstruction.com


“海峡建筑公司很自豪能够成为新加坡领先的建筑商之一,其项目 涵盖公共和私营部门,从住宅、商业、工业到机构项目。从一开 始,我们就看到了如何才能做得更好、更快。我们不仅仅是深谙工 艺的建造者,而且我们始终在思考如何推动业务更进一步。我们是 创新者和解决方案提供商,寻求可持续的方法来改善社区生活和工 作的空间。

我们致力于为我们的项目实现最好的结果。我们通过三合一综合管 理体系 BCA ISO 9001、BCA ISO 14001 和 BCA OHSAS 18001, 实现并维持最高的质量、健康、安全和环境标准。

我们的一些最新举措包括利用创新和技术来提高生产力和质量;持 续学习和发展以提高技能水平;实施可持续和生态友好的措施,尽 量减少建筑工地的废物。

Line of Business

Straits Construction is proud to be one of Singapore’s leading builders with a repertoire of projects spanning the public and private sectors, from residential, commercial, industrial to institutional projects. Right from the start, we saw how we could do things better and faster. We are not just builders who know our craft well, but we are always thinking of ideas to take the business even further. We are innovators and solution providers looking for sustainable ways to improve the space where communities live and work in.

We are committed to achieving the best for our projects. We achieve and maintain the highest standards of quality, health, safety and environment with our 3-in-1 integrated management system – BCA ISO 9001, BCA ISO 14001 and BCA OHSAS 18001.

Some of our latest initiatives include leveraging innovation and technology to improve productivity and quality; continuous learning and development to raise the skill levels; implementation of sustainable and eco-friendly measures to minimize waste at our construction site.


Mission Delegate

董事经理 Managing Director


Hupco Pte Ltd

郑谦木 董事


Tay Khiam Back Council Member Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry

Block 20 Pasir Panjang Wholesale Centre #01-136

Singapore 110020

Tel: +65 6776 2188

Email: admin@hupco.com.sg

Website: www.hupco.com

经营业务 自1992年以来, 作为新鲜水果和蔬菜进出口和批发的领先公 司之一,我们一直为新加坡的主要超市、传统市场以及食 品服务行业供应各种新鲜农产品。

Line of Business

As one of the leading companies in the import, export & wholesale of fresh fruits and vegetables, we have been supplying a wide variety of fresh produce to major supermarkets, traditional markets, as well as the food service industry in Singapore since 1992.

Mission Delegate

总裁 CEO

曾宪相 董事


Chan Hian Siang Council Member

Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry


SP Chemicals Pte Ltd

No. 15 Beach Road #05-01 Beach Centre

Singapore 189677

Tel: +65 6336 6188

Email: hs.chan@spchemicals.com

Website: www.spchemicals.com


生产和销售化学和石化原料,如烧碱、液氯、氯乙烯、苯 乙烯、乙烯、丙烯、甲烷、氢气

Line of Business

Manufacturing and Sale of Chemicals and Petrochemical Raw Materials, e.g. Caustic Soda, Chlorine, VCM, Styrene Monomer, Ethylene, Propylene, Methane, Hydrogen

Mission Delegate

主席/总裁 Chairman/CEO


Yit Hong Pte Ltd

吴斯仁 董事


Ted Ngo Soo Lin

Council Member

Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry

40 Penjuru Lane Office Tower 2 Level 4

Singapore 609216

Tel: +65 6896 5189

Email: ngosl@yithong.com

Website: www.yithong.com



Line of Business

Canned Food, Snacks and Drinks Products, Property and Equity Investments

Mission Delegate


Business CEO


潘凌峰 董事


Frank Phuan Council Member

Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry

EDP Renewables APAC

23 Rochester Park Singapore 139234

Email: frank.phuan@edp.com

Website: edpr.com/apac



Line of Business

Renewable Energy

Mission Delegate

总裁 CEO

吴淑敏 董事


Cindy Goh

Council Member

Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry


Meiban Global Pte Ltd

11 Ubi Road 1 Singapore 408723

Tel: +65 9189 1000

Email: cindy.goh@meibanglobal.com

Website: www.meiban.com



Line of Business

Meiban Global stands as a premier provider in precision engineering and manufacturing solutions, comprising two distinct divisions to serve diverse industries with excellence. In our Oil & Gas division, we specialize in machining for O&G tools, focusing on super long parts and exotic high-performance metals, delivering unmatched quality and reliability to meet the sector’s stringent demands.

In our Precision Engineering division, we elevate innovation in plastics, catering to the Electrical & Electronic (EE) and medical industries. Our expertise spans from fabricating tools to injection molding highly precise parts, including multi-material components with intricate designs. Additionally, we serve a diverse portfolio of clients, including Fortune 500 companies in industries such as consumer electronics, healthcare, and technology. Through our contract manufacturing services for electronics products, we bring full turnkey solutions for utmost quality and efficiency throughout the manufacturing process. At Meiban Global, our commitment to precision, innovation, and client satisfaction drives us to deliver exceptional solutions tailored to meet the unique needs of each industry we serve.


Mission Delegate

执行主席 Executive Chairman


Meiban Group




Goh Tiong Yong George Honorary Council Member Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry

11 Ubi Road 1, Meiban industrial Bldg Singapore 408723

Tel: +65 6735 5111

Email: gg@meiban.com

Website: www.meiban.com



Line of Business

Contract Manufacturing; Plastic Injection Moulding; Tooling and Design; Oil and Gas


Mission Delegate

执行总裁兼主席 Chairman & CEO




Raymond Toh Committee Member, International Affairs Committee Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry


Greenbay Marine Pte Ltd

26 Boon Lay Way #01-82/83 Tradehub 21

Singapore 609970

Tel: +65 6861 4178

Email: greenbay@greenbay.com.sg Website: www.greenbay.com.sg


绿湾船舶集团致力于提供多样化的船舶服务,涵盖船舶设 计、船舶建造以及长期租赁,同时也积极推广绿色能源、 电动能源及混合式能源动力零排放船舶。截至目前,我们 已向全球40多个国家成功交付了450艘新建船舶。

我们的船型种类丰富,包括港口拖轮、内河交通船、探油 供应船、风电补给船、海岸警卫队和海关高速船,以及豪 华游艇等。

凭借卓越的运营管理,高效的船舶设计,优质的建造品质 和按时交付的承诺,绿湾船舶集团赢得了业界的高度赞 誉。

Line of Business

Greenbay Marine Group operates & provide Ship Design, Ship Building, chartering of Marine Vessels services. Greenbay Marine Group of Companies has delivered more than 450 vessels to more than 40 countries worldwide, and our products include Harbour Tugs for Terminal used, Ropax Ferries for Interisland transportation, Supply & Anchor Handling Vessels for Offshore oil rigs and platform, Crew Transport Vessel for wind farm services, Coast Guard and custom High-speed vessels, leisure and luxury Yachts. Based on its unique, advance ship design concept, Greenbay Marine is able to delivery consistent products with good quality to our customers all over the world.

Mission Delegate

董事经理 Managing Director




Benny Pua Committee Member, International Affairs Committee

Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry

United Texmac Pte Ltd

1 Pemimpin Drive, #05-10 One Pemimpin Singapore 576151

Tel: +65 6897 8123

Email: bennypua@unitex.com.sg

Website: www.unitex.com.sg



Line of Business

Established in 1996, Unitex is a Singapore based company specialized in the manufacturing and global sales of circular knitting textile machines. With manufacturing based in Fujian, Shanghai and Malaysia, Unitex marketed its products to more than 45 countries and is recognised as one of the few major players in the field of precision textile machine manufacturing, employing some of the most advanced precision machining centers imported from Japan and Germany. Majority of our machines are supplied to key manufacturers of sporting wear companies, who supply high valued fabrics and apparels to some of the best know global brands.

代表团成员 Mission Delegate

执行主席 Executive Chairman





Nelson Lim Committee Member, International Affairs Committee

Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry

JP Nelson Equipment Pte Ltd

28 Benoi Road Singapore 629899

Tel: +65 6365 9991

Email: nelsonlim@jpnelson.com.sg

Website: www.jpnelson.com.sg



从事全新工业机械,更新工业机械及二手工业机械的销售 和租赁。我们的客户群包括终端客户,机械经销商,以及 国际拍卖行网络。产品范围包括发电机、新能源工业电池 存储系统(BESS)、液压振动打桩机、空压机、焊接设 备、起重机、挖泥机、装载机、振动压路机、气动工具, 以及其他基础设施建设机械。

Line of Business

JP Nelson Group of companies is a leading supplier for equipment/machinery and major solution provider to the building environment, battery energy storage systems (BESS), oil & gas, marine, offshore, shipbuilding and other relevant industries. Our core values of growth, commitment, performance, quality and integrity have always been our best guidance to nurture relationships and growth with our business partners. We take pride in building long-term relationships with our customers, partners, and employees.


Mission Delegate



Achieve Career Consultant Pte Ltd

10 Eunos Road 8, #12-08 Singapore Post Centre Singapore 408600

Tel: +65 6323 0050

Email: joshua.yim@achievegroup.asia

Website: www.achievegroup.asia


ACHIEVE Group 卓胜扬集团是新加坡本地的顶尖龙头人 力资源和移民服务的企业,专注于为跨国机构和政府相关 部门提供中高端职位猎头以及国际企业到新加坡拓展亚太 海外事业及高净值移民规划服务。1990年成立至今,总部 设在新加坡,并在马来西亚吉隆坡设有办事处。我们与亚 太地区的跨国公司和中小型企业建立了强大的合作伙伴关 系,并在各行业为超过50000多名求职人士, 员工, 申请人提 供了我们的服务。

多年来,因我们坚韧,灵活转变,成功化风险为契机和对 本地就业市场的贡献而多次受到赞扬,并荣获新加坡顶尖 企业50奖,新加坡人力部颁发的优质企业奖(HCP)和新 加坡中小型企业商联会颁发的金字品牌奖(SPBA)的珍贵 荣誉!

Line of Business

ACHIEVE Group is a multi-award-winning agency, specialised in Search & Selection, Temps & Contracts and Immigration & Corporate Services. Established since 1990, with headquarters in Singapore and an office in Malaysia, we have strong partnerships with MNCs and SMEs across the Asia Pacific region and have facilitated more than 50,000 placements across industries.

Over the years, we have been numerously lauded, and were accorded the rare honour of being conferred the Enterprise 50 Award, the Human Capital Partnership Programme for Employment Agencies (HCP) by the Ministry of Manpower (MOM) and the Singapore Prestige Brand Award (SPBA) by the Association of Small and Medium Size Enterprises (ASME)!

代表团成员 Mission Delegate


林春 Lin

Business Development Director


Achieve Technology Asia Pacific Pte Ltd

10 Eunos Road 8, #12-08 Singapore Post Centre

Singapore 408600

Tel: +65 9348 5696

Email: 740409792@qq.com

Website: www.achievegroup.asia


ACHIEVE Group 卓胜扬集团是新加坡本地的顶尖龙头人 力资源和移民服务的企业,专注于为跨国机构和政府相关 部门提供中高端职位猎头以及国际企业到新加坡拓展亚太 海外事业及高净值移民规划服务。1990年成立至今,总部 设在新加坡,并在马来西亚吉隆坡设有办事处。我们与亚 太地区的跨国公司和中小型企业建立了强大的合作伙伴关 系,并在各行业为超过50000多名求职人士, 员工, 申请人提 供了我们的服务。

多年来,因我们坚韧,灵活转变,成功化风险为契机和对 本地就业市场的贡献而多次受到赞扬,并荣获新加坡顶尖 企业50奖,新加坡人力部颁发的优质企业奖(HCP)和新 加坡中小型企业商联会颁发的金字品牌奖(SPBA)的珍贵 荣誉!

Line of Business

ACHIEVE Group is a multi-award-winning agency, specialised in Search & Selection, Temps & Contracts and Immigration & Corporate Services. Established since 1990, with headquarters in Singapore and an office in Malaysia, we have strong partnerships with MNCs and SMEs across the Asia Pacific region and have facilitated more than 50,000 placements across industries.

Over the years, we have been numerously lauded, and were accorded the rare honour of being conferred the Enterprise 50 Award, the Human Capital Partnership Programme for Employment Agencies (HCP) by the Ministry of Manpower (MOM) and the Singapore Prestige Brand Award (SPBA) by the Association of Small and Medium Size Enterprises (ASME)!

Mission Delegate

创始人 Founder



Advancedata Network Pte Ltd

10 Ubi Crescent #05-96 Ubi Techpark

Singapore 408564

Tel: +65 6560 6228

Email: kkloa@advancedatan.com

Website: www.advancedatan.com



Line of Business

Information Technology, AIoT, Energy Monitoring, Facilities Management, Solar and Battery Solution, Data Centre Solution

Mission Delegate

会长 President

林正杰 Allen Lim


Asia Estate Planning Association [AEPA]

190, Clemenceau Avenue, #06-01

Singapore 239924

Tel: +65 9846 0336

Email: allen.chfc@gmail.com

Website: https://aepa.asia/


亚太遗产规划协会 (AEPA) 提供遗产和继承规划方面的研 究, 市场开发 和专业发展蓝图。家族企业家遗产和继承规划 是本学会一个很重要的项目. AEPA 是新加坡第一家本地成 立的遗产规划协会.

Line of Business

Asia Estate Planning Association (AEPA) provides research, market, and professional development programmes in estate and succession planning. Family business owner succession planning is one important research areas for the association. AEPA is the first locally founded estate planning association in Singapore.

Mission Delegate

关叶蓓 Angela Guan

执行董事 Chief Executive Director


BNHG Pte Ltd

OCBC Centre

Singapore 049514

Tel: +65 6766 7406

Email: BNHGSG18@gmail.com

Website: http://bnhgpte.com



Line of Business Account, Tax Form

Mission Delegate

投资董事 Investments Director

李佩銮 Anne Lee


Bowen Enterprises Pte Ltd

21 Bukit Batok Crescent #27-72 WCEGA Tower

Singapore 658065

Tel: +65 9833 3786

Email: anne.lee@bowendistribution.com

Website: www.bowen.com.sg



Line of Business Investments Holding Company & Small Family Office

Mission Delegate


Chief Representative




6 Temasek Boulevard, Suntec Tower 4, #27-04

Singapore 038986

Tel: +65 9661 3750

Email: zhejiangcenter@163.com

Website: http://zcom.zj.gov.cn/


2003 年,应新加坡政府邀请,浙江省人民政府在新加坡设立第 一个境外商务促进机构“中国浙江中心(新加坡)”(又名“ 浙江省驻新加坡(东南亚)商务代表处”)。浙江省时任副省 长钟山、中国驻新加坡大使馆领导、新加坡贸工部时任部长杨 荣文主持揭牌仪式。代表处由浙江省商务厅负责管理,旨在秉 承“服务全省、服务开放”的宗旨,积极开展“引进来”和“ 走出去”双向促进工作:一是帮助新加坡政府机构、商协会和 企业了解浙江产业环境和招商政策,推动新加坡企业到浙江投 资兴业。二是为浙江企业到新加坡设立公司、发展跨国经营、

从事融资并购提供服务,支持浙江企业以新加坡为节点开拓全 球市场。浙江代表处是浙江省在新加坡及东南亚的“窗口”, 是浙江和新加坡企业沟通合作的“桥梁”。

Line of Business

On November 17, 2003, Zhejiang Vice Governor Zhong Shan, and SMS for Foreign Affairs & Trade and Industry Raymond Lim, signed the MOU On the Establishment of Zhejiang-Singapore Economic & Trade Council Meeting. They presided over the inauguration ceremony of China Zhejiang Center (Singapore) . The Council was designed to establish a mechanism of cooperation for government agencies and enterprises on both sides, promoting multi-sectoral cooperation in trade & economy, science & technology and education & culture, etc. China Zhejiang Center (Singapore) was the first overseas business representative organization set up by the Government of Zhejiang Province of China. Later, it was also named “Zhejiang Commercial Representative Office in Singapore (Southeast Asia)”. The purpose of the office is twofold: attracting foreign investment into Zhejiang and boosting Zhejiang enterprises’ cooperation with foreign partners.

代表团成员 Mission Delegate


裘谷城 Andrew Qiu Gucheng

Commercial Representative



6 Temasek Boulevard, Suntec Tower 4, #27-04

Singapore 038986

Tel: +65 9371 1459

Email: chz_527@163.com

Website: http://zcom.zj.gov.cn/



年,应新加坡政府邀请,浙江省人民政府在新加坡设立第 一个境外商务促进机构“中国浙江中心(新加坡)”(又名“ 浙江省驻新加坡(东南亚)商务代表处”)。浙江省时任副省 长钟山、中国驻新加坡大使馆领导、新加坡贸工部时任部长杨 荣文主持揭牌仪式。代表处由浙江省商务厅负责管理,旨在秉 承“服务全省、服务开放”的宗旨,积极开展“引进来”和“ 走出去”双向促进工作:一是帮助新加坡政府机构、商协会和 企业了解浙江产业环境和招商政策,推动新加坡企业到浙江投 资兴业。二是为浙江企业到新加坡设立公司、发展跨国经营、 从事融资并购提供服务,支持浙江企业以新加坡为节点开拓全 球市场。浙江代表处是浙江省在新加坡及东南亚的“窗口”, 是浙江和新加坡企业沟通合作的“桥梁”。

Line of Business

On November 17, 2003, Zhejiang Vice Governor Zhong Shan, and SMS for Foreign Affairs & Trade and Industry Raymond Lim, signed the MOU On the Establishment of Zhejiang-Singapore Economic & Trade Council Meeting. They presided over the inauguration ceremony of China Zhejiang Center (Singapore) . The Council was designed to establish a mechanism of cooperation for government agencies and enterprises on both sides, promoting multi-sectoral cooperation in trade & economy, science & technology and education & culture, etc. China Zhejiang Center (Singapore) was the first overseas business representative organization set up by the Government of Zhejiang Province of China. Later, it was also named “Zhejiang Commercial Representative Office in Singapore (Southeast Asia)”. The purpose of the office is twofold: attracting foreign investment into Zhejiang and boosting Zhejiang enterprises’ cooperation with foreign partners.


Mission Delegate


CEO, CIMB Singapore


CIMB Bank Berhad

30 Raffles Place #04-01 Singapore 048622

Tel: +65 9387 0528

Email: komala.viswalingam@cimb.com

Website: https://www.cimb.com.sg


联昌国际集团(CIMB)是东盟领先的银行集团之一,截至 2023年12月31日,市值约为624亿令吉,是马来西亚第二 大金融服务机构。CIMB于马来西亚证券交易所上市,隶属 于CIMB Group Holdings Berhad。集团总部位于吉隆坡, 业务遍及八个东盟国家(马来西亚、印度尼西亚、新加 坡、泰国、柬埔寨、越南、缅甸和菲律宾)。新加坡是其 最重要的市场之一,拥有约1,000名员工,为超过500,000 名零售、商业和批发银行客户提供服务。

Line of Business

CIMB is one of ASEAN’s leading banking groups and Malaysia’s second largest financial services provider by assets, with a market capitalisation of ~RM62.4 billion as of 31 December 2023 and is listed on Bursa Malaysia under CIMB Group Holdings Berhad. Headquartered in Kuala Lumpur, the Group is present in eight ASEAN nations (Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore, Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam, Myanmar & Philippines). Singapore is one of its most important markets with approximately 1,000 employees serving over 500,000 customers in retail, commercial and wholesale banking.

代表团成员 Mission Delegate



CIMB Bank Berhad

30 Raffles Place #04-01

Singapore 048622

Tel: +65 6661 2297

Email: charlesks.ho@cimb.com

Website: https://www.cimb.com.sg


联昌国际集团(CIMB)是东盟领先的银行集团之一,截至 2023年12月31日,市值约为624亿令吉,是马来西亚第二 大金融服务机构。CIMB于马来西亚证券交易所上市,隶属 于CIMB Group Holdings Berhad。集团总部位于吉隆坡, 业务遍及八个东盟国家(马来西亚、印度尼西亚、新加 坡、泰国、柬埔寨、越南、缅甸和菲律宾)。新加坡是其 最重要的市场之一,拥有约1,000名员工,为超过500,000 名零售、商业和批发银行客户提供服务。

Line of Business

CIMB is one of ASEAN’s leading banking groups and Malaysia’s second largest financial services provider by assets, with a market capitalisation of ~RM62.4 billion as of 31 December 2023 and is listed on Bursa Malaysia under CIMB Group Holdings Berhad. Headquartered in Kuala Lumpur, the Group is present in eight ASEAN nations (Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore, Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam, Myanmar & Philippines). Singapore is one of its most important markets with approximately 1,000 employees serving over 500,000 customers in retail, commercial and wholesale banking.


Mission Delegate



CIMB Bank Berhad

30 Raffles Place #04-01 Singapore 048622

Tel: +65 6302 3892

Email: sockkuan.toh@cimb.com

Website: https://www.cimb.com.sg


联昌国际集团(CIMB)是东盟领先的银行集团之一,截至 2023年12月31日,市值约为624亿令吉,是马来西亚第二 大金融服务机构。CIMB于马来西亚证券交易所上市,隶属 于CIMB Group Holdings Berhad。集团总部位于吉隆坡, 业务遍及八个东盟国家(马来西亚、印度尼西亚、新加 坡、泰国、柬埔寨、越南、缅甸和菲律宾)。新加坡是其 最重要的市场之一,拥有约1,000名员工,为超过500,000 名零售、商业和批发银行客户提供服务。

Line of Business

CIMB is one of ASEAN’s leading banking groups and Malaysia’s second largest financial services provider by assets, with a market capitalisation of ~RM62.4 billion as of 31 December 2023 and is listed on Bursa Malaysia under CIMB Group Holdings Berhad. Headquartered in Kuala Lumpur, the Group is present in eight ASEAN nations (Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore, Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam, Myanmar & Philippines). Singapore is one of its most important markets with approximately 1,000 employees serving over 500,000 customers in retail, commercial and wholesale banking.

陈伟川 Benjamin Tan

亚洲业务与策略管理主管 商业及交易银行业务主管

Head, Asean Banking & Strategy Management

Head, Commercial and Transaction Banking


CIMB Bank Berhad

30 Raffles Place #04-01

Singapore 048622

Tel: +65 6302 7654

Email: benjamin.tan@cimb.com

Website: https://www.cimb.com.sg


联昌国际集团(CIMB)是东盟领先的银行集团之一,截至 2023年12月31日,市值约为624亿令吉,是马来西亚第二 大金融服务机构。CIMB于马来西亚证券交易所上市,隶属 于CIMB Group Holdings Berhad。集团总部位于吉隆坡, 业务遍及八个东盟国家(马来西亚、印度尼西亚、新加 坡、泰国、柬埔寨、越南、缅甸和菲律宾)。新加坡是其 最重要的市场之一,拥有约1,000名员工,为超过500,000 名零售、商业和批发银行客户提供服务。

Line of Business

CIMB is one of ASEAN’s leading banking groups and Malaysia’s second largest financial services provider by assets, with a market capitalisation of ~RM62.4 billion as of 31 December 2023 and is listed on Bursa Malaysia under CIMB Group Holdings Berhad. Headquartered in Kuala Lumpur, the Group is present in eight ASEAN nations (Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore, Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam, Myanmar & Philippines). Singapore is one of its most important markets with approximately 1,000 employees serving over 500,000 customers in retail, commercial and wholesale banking.

Mission Delegate

Head of SEA


Comvita Malaysia Sdn Bhd

A5-A07, Armanee Terrace, Jalan Pju 8/1, Damansara Perdana 47820 Petaling Jaya, Selangor Tel: + 60 166558966

Email: rommel.irwan@comvita.com

Website: https://comvita.com.my/



Line of Business

Comvita was founded in 1974 in New Zealand, with a purpose to heal and protect the world through the natural power of the hive.

With a team of 550+ people globally, united with more than 1.6 billion bees, we are the global market leader in Mānuka honey and bee consumer goods. Seeking to understand, but never to alter, we test and verify all our bee-product ingredients are of the highest quality in our own government recognised and accredited laboratory.

We are growing scientific knowledge on Mānuka trees, the many benefits of Mānuka honey and propolis and bee welfare. We have planted millions of native trees, improving our natural ecosystems and biodiversity, and mitigating climate change in conjunction with our focus on carbon emissions reduction, while helping ensure the supply of high quality Mānuka honey. In 2023 Comvita was certified B Corp, a global community of like-minded companies that strive to balance profit with purpose, seeking to use business as a force for good. Comvita has operations in Australia, China, North America, Southeast Asia, and Europe – and of course, Aotearoa New Zealand, where our bees are thriving.

Mission Delegate

吴小玲 Pearline Goh

业务发展总监 Business Development Director


Comvita Singapore Pte Ltd

10 Bukit Batok Cres #05-05

Singapore 658079

Tel: +65 9877 7406

Email: pearline.goh@comvita.com

Website: comvita.com.sg



Line of Business

Comvita was founded in 1974 in New Zealand, with a purpose to heal and protect the world through the natural power of the hive.

With a team of 550+ people globally, united with more than 1.6 billion bees, we are the global market leader in Mānuka honey and bee consumer goods. Seeking to understand, but never to alter, we test and verify all our bee-product ingredients are of the highest quality in our own government recognised and accredited laboratory.

We are growing scientific knowledge on Mānuka trees, the many benefits of Mānuka honey and propolis and bee welfare. We have planted millions of native trees, improving our natural ecosystems and biodiversity, and mitigating climate change in conjunction with our focus on carbon emissions reduction, while helping ensure the supply of high quality Mānuka honey.

In 2023 Comvita was certified B Corp, a global community of like-minded companies that strive to balance profit with purpose, seeking to use business as a force for good. Comvita has operations in Australia, China, North America, Southeast Asia, and Europe – and of course, Aotearoa New Zealand, where our bees are thriving.

Mission Delegate


Managing Partner

Contigo Law LLC


10 Anson Road, #33-13A

Singapore 079903

Tel: +65 9781 7922

Email: kelvin@contigolawllc.com

Website: www.contigolawllc.com


CONTIGO LAW LLC 是一家专门诉讼的新加坡律师事务所 包括离婚,刑事,民事之类的案子.

Line of Business

CONTIGO LAW LLC is a full-service law firm in Singapore which specialises in commercial litigation, divorce, criminal defence work as well as mergers and acquisitions and probate matters.


Mission Delegate

董事 Director


陈艺文 Lawrence Tan

Corporate Locators (SEA) Pte Ltd

14 Robinson Road #08-01A

Singapore 048545

Tel: +65 9746 7231

Email: lawrence.tan.gb@gmail.com

Website: www.findyournextoffice.com


商业房地产; 办公楼、购物中心、店屋、优质平房、豪华住 宅开发项目的销售和租赁。土地、种植园销售;新加坡、 马来西亚、印度尼西亚、日本、迪拜等. 各类业务和资产的 出售、并购。

Line of Business

Real Estate Brokerage. Commercial real estate. Sale and rental of office buildings, shopping malls, shophouses, Good Class Bungalows, Luxurious residential developments. Land, Plantations. Sale, Merger and Acquisitions of all kinds of businesses and assets in Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Japan, Dubai etc.

Mission Delegate


Head of Singapore



10 Anson Road #05-01

Singapore 079903

Tel: +65 9892 7149

Email: hao@creal.jp

Website: https://asia.creal.jp/



Line of Business

CREAL Group is a Tokyo Stock Exchange-listed asset management company that provides the leading online real estate investment platform in Japan. CREAL as a group is able to provide Japanese real estate asset sourcing, fund structuring, asset management, property management and divestment for our investors.

Mission Delegate

董事 Director



10 Anson Road #05-01

Singapore 079903

Tel: +65 8188 3398

Email: calvin.sin@creal.jp

Website: https://asia.creal.jp/



Line of Business

CREAL ASIA is the Singapore office of CREAL Group providing a bespoke approach to Japanese real estate investments for our global clientele.

Mission Delegate

惠玲 许良淇

Christina Tin Vincent Koh

董事长 执行董事 Managing Director Executive Director

CTES Consulting Pte Ltd

50 Raffles Place, #19-00

Singapore Land Tower

Singapore 048623

Tel: +65 6223 0331

Email: christina@ctes.com.sg / vincent@ctes.com.sg

Website: https://ctes.com.sg



Line of Business

CTES – Consulting, Training and Executive Search services

代表团成员 Mission Delegate

销售总监 Sales Director


丘展纬 Darren Khew

Falcon Safe (Singapore) Pte Ltd

2 Petir Road #07-03

Singapore 678265

Tel: +65 8913 2939

Email: darren.khew@falconsafe.com.sg

Website: www.falconsafe.com.sg


福肯是一家保险箱、安全存款箱、金库、金库门、模块化 金库、防火柜等产品的制造商和供应商,以保护您的资产 免受意外情况的影响。通过我们在研发方面的持续投资, 福肯参与了新加坡的许多项目,如政府项目和私人企业项 目。

Line of Business

Falcon Safe Singapore is a manufacturer and supplier of safe boxes, safety deposits, vaults, vault room doors, modular vault, fire cabinets etc. to keep your assets in unexpected situations. With our continuous investments in research and development, Falcon Safe is involved in many urban developments like government projects and private developments in Singapore.


Mission Delegate



Falcon Safe (Singapore) Pte Ltd

2 Petir Road #07-03

Singapore 678265

Tel: +60 13-464 6222

Email: francis@falconsafe.com

Website: www.falconsafe.com.sg


福肯在过去十年中一直提供优质的安全和安保产品。我们 一直在打破传统界限,改进和革新安全行业。如今,福肯 已成为一个全球品牌,是优质安全产品的代名词。在一些 最受欢迎的安全产品中,福肯新加坡是保险箱、保险箱、

金库、金库室门、模块化金库、消防柜等的制造商和供应 商,可在意外情况下保护您的资产。随着我们对研发的持 续投资,福肯参与了许多城市开发项目,例如新加坡的政 府项目和私人开发项目。

Line of Business

Falcon Safe Singapore has been providing quality safe and security products for the past decade. We have been improving and revolutionizing the security industry by breaking traditional boundaries. Today, Falcon is a global brand that is synonymous with quality security products. Amongst some of the most sought for security products, Falcon Safe Singapore is a manufacturer and supplier of safe boxes, safety deposits, vaults, vault room doors, modular vault, fire cabinets etc. to keep your assets in unexpected situations. With our continuous investments in research and development, Falcon Safe is involved in many urban developments like government projects and private developments in Singapore.

代表团成员 Mission Delegate

刘溪 Louis Liu

FOMO Pay Pte Ltd

Level 17, 140 Robinson Road, Tahir Building Singapore 068906

Tel: +65 8571 5461

Email: liuxi@fomopay.com

Website: Fomopay.com

Line of Business

FOMO is the leading one-stop digital payment, digital banking, and digital asset solution provider from Singapore. It is currently building Asia’s fully licensed financial platform, helping institutions and businesses connect between fiat and digital currency

Mission Delegate

GeoPost 东南亚区域总裁

Head GEOPOST Southeast Asia


60 Paya Lebar Road #06-21 Singapore 409051

Tel: +65 9821 2992

Email: mark.tan-sea@geopost.com

Website: www.geopost.com



主要市场在欧盟,也在全世界布有广泛的运输网络。快递 巧捷博通,让我们以专业知识和无比信念,为广泛客户群 连接、扩大、加速线上线下贸易,开启新领域,创造新优 势。通过积极的社区合作,释放多元化网络力量,坚持可 持续发展方针,以更好服务社会与客户。

Line of Business Logistics and transport

代表团成员 Mission Delegate

董事 Director

洪维恩 Ang Jwee Herng


Hai Sia Seafood Pte Ltd

35A Fishery Port Singapore 619743

Tel: +65 9638 6061

Email: enquiry@fishmerchant.org.sg

Website: www.haisia.com.sg

经营业务 海鲜批发及海鲜加工

Line of Business Seafood dealer and seafood processing

Mission Delegate



Zhuang Wei

Deputy Chairman & Chief Executive Officer


Haitong International Securities Group Limited

28/F, One International Finance Centre

1 Harbour View Street, Central, Hong Kong

Tel: +852 56121678

Email: w.zhuang@htisec.com

Website: https://www.htisec.com/



Line of Business Finance

Mission Delegate

副所长 Deputy Head

余文心 Yu Wenxin


Haitong Securities

No. 888 South Zhongshan Road, Shanghai China 200020

Tel: +86 13924668066

Email: ywx9461@haitong.com

Website: https://www.htsec.com/



Line of Business Research Department

Mission Delegate

总经理助理 Deputy Head

王嘉 Wang Jia


Haitong Securities

No. 888 South Zhongshan Road, Shanghai China 200020

Tel: +8621 23219922

Email: wj8924@haitong.com

Website: https://www.htsec.com/



Line of Business Corporate Finance Department

Mission Delegate

总裁 Chief Executive

黄慧莉 Ng Wee Lee


HL Bank Singapore

1 Wallich Street, #29-01, Guoco Tower Singapore 078881

Tel: +65 6349 8228

Email: weeleeng@hlbank.com.sg

Website: www.hlbank.com.sg

经营业务 金融机构

Line of Business Banking and financial services

Mission Delegate

陈观佑 Tan Kon Yew

首席投资官 Chief Investment Officer


IFDI Capital Pte Ltd

111 North Bridge Road

#07-13 Peninsula Plaza

Singapore 179098

Tel: +65 9017 2065

Email: konyew.tan@ifdicapital.org

Website: https://www.linkedin.com/in/kon-yew-tan-singapore/



Line of Business

We invest in equities, bonds and private equity.


Mission Delegate

IVF 阳光奶爸集团

薛杰瑞 Jerry Xue

IVF X Project group Co.,Ltd

Siamese Surawong Condo ROOM 75/132 Sap Rd

Si Phraya, Bang Rak

Bangkok Thailand 10500

Tel: +66 6562 06804

Email: thinkaboutanewday@gmail.com

Website: www.sunniedaddieart.com


试管婴儿 冻卵 第三代试管婴儿 辅助生育

Line of Business

IVF and assisted reproductive technology

Mission Delegate


JC Group

Mission Delegate

首席运营官 COO

JC Group

何小钰 Xiaoyu He

9 Temasek Blvd, #21-01 Suntec City Tower Two Singapore 038989

Tel: +65 8518 4826

Email: jason@jcgroup.sg

Website: https://www.jcconsulting.sg/


JC Group 旗下有两个品牌:JC Consulting 和 ChoiceAsia。

JC Consulting 是一家专业的人力资源及商业咨询服务 公司,总部设在新加坡,并在北京、上海、成都设有办公 室。ChoiceAsia 主要为客户的收并购业务和企业融资需求 提供协助。

Line of Business

JC Group consists of 2 portfolio brands: JC Consulting & ChoiceAsia. JC Consulting is an award-winning business consulting and executive search firm with offices in key business hubs like Singapore (headquarters), Beijing, Shanghai, and Chengdu. ChoiceAsia mainly provides assistance for customer’s M&A and fund raising request.

9 Temasek Blvd, #21-01 Suntec City Tower Two Singapore 038989 Tel: +65 9824 6931

Email: xiaoyu.he@jcgroup.sg

Website: https://www.jcconsulting.sg/


JC Group 旗下有两个品牌:JC Consulting 和 ChoiceAsia。

JC Consulting 是一家专业的人力资源及商业咨询服务 公司,总部设在新加坡,并在北京、上海、成都设有办公 室。ChoiceAsia 主要为客户的收并购业务和企业融资需求 提供协助。

Line of Business

JC Group consists of 2 portfolio brands: JC Consulting & ChoiceAsia. JC Consulting is an award-winning business consulting and executive search firm with offices in key business hubs like Singapore (headquarters), Beijing, Shanghai, and Chengdu. ChoiceAsia mainly provides assistance for customer’s M&A and fund raising request.

Mission Delegate


BD Director

JC Group



Mission Delegate



Jeffrey Nah

9 Temasek Blvd, #21-01 Suntec City Tower Two Singapore 038989

Tel: +65 8696 2643

Email: vanessa.wu@jcgroup.sg

Website: https://www.jcconsulting.sg/


JC Group 旗下有两个品牌:JC Consulting 和 ChoiceAsia。

JC Consulting 是一家专业的人力资源及商业咨询服务 公司,总部设在新加坡,并在北京、上海、成都设有办公 室。ChoiceAsia 主要为客户的收并购业务和企业融资需求 提供协助。

Line of Business

JC Group consists of 2 portfolio brands: JC Consulting & ChoiceAsia. JC Consulting is an award-winning business consulting and executive search firm with offices in key business hubs like Singapore (headquarters), Beijing, Shanghai, and Chengdu. ChoiceAsia mainly provides assistance for customer’s M&A and fund raising request.

JN Capital & Growth Advisory

1 Fusionopolis Way #03-06 Singapore 138632

Tel: +65 9738 0967

Email: Jeffrey.nah@jn-capital.com

Website: https://jn-capital.com


我们是一家专注于早期技术初创企业的风险投资公司,提 供投资管理和专业创业咨询服务。我们致力于助力科技企 业从起步,陪伴企业成长,尤其是从种子轮到C轮融资,乐 于见证其每一步的飞跃。我们的客户覆盖行业及地域十分 广泛,包括但不限于:

- 印度尼西亚和越南:农业科技创新

- 印度和新加坡:房地产科技、健康科技、教育科技、金 融科技革新

- 澳大利亚和美国:身份识别认证、网络安全、医疗科技 发展

我们的创始人兼首席执行官,曾是资深银行家,后转型为 企业家和投资人,凭借其超过40年的国际经验,将带领我 们与所有创业者一起,不断砥砺前行!

Line of Business

We are a venture builder providing venture capital and advisory services to help early stage technology startups grow and scale. Our portfolio include AgriTech in Indonesia & Vietnam, PropTech, HealthTech, EdTech, & Fintech in India & Singapore, Authentication, Cybersecurity & MedTech in Australia & USA. We have helped startups to scale from seed to series C. Our founder and CEO is a Banker turned Entrepreneur & Investor. He has over 40 years experience working across 8 countries.


Mission Delegate

合伙人 Partner


明海龙 Ming

Jubilee Technology Fund Pte Ltd

260 South Bridge Road #01-01 Singapore 058809

Tel: +65 9389 4560

Email: minghailong0356@163.com

Website: www.jcmvc.com


1. 颉羿资本

致力于投资具有变革行业潜力的创新技术。专注于人工智 能(AI)、区块链、物联网(IoT)和机器人等领域。我们 的投资涵盖多个行业,包括金融服务、旅游和城市生活解 决方案。

2. 星龙国际 我们专注于高端茶酒贸易,致力于推广这些饮品的文化遗 产和卓越品质。我们代理的品牌有:山西杏花村汾酒,八 马茶业。

Line of Business

1. Jubilee Technology Fund Pte Ltd

Our Jubilee Technology Fund invests in innovative technologies that have the potential to transform industries. We focus on areas such as artificial intelligence (AI), blockchain, Internet of Things (IoT), and robotics. Our investments span a range of sectors, including financial services, travel, and urban lifestyle solutions.

2. Sin Lon International Pte Ltd

Our company specializes in the trade of premium tea and wine, with a strong commitment to promoting cultural heritage and excellence in these beverages. We are the distributor of two distinguished brands: Shanxi Fenjiu, renowned for its rich history and exquisite baijiu, and Bama Tea, celebrated for its exceptional quality and dedication to traditional tea craftsmanship

Mission Delegate


郑良端 David Tay

Kingsmen Ooh-Media Pte Ltd / I-Promo Pte Ltd

22 Changi Business Park Central 2

The Kingsmen Experience, Singapore 486032

Tel: +65 6880 0271

Email: davidtay@kingsmen-int.com

Website: www.kingsmenoohmedia.com


Kingsmen Ooh-Media Pte Ltd / I-Promo Pte Ltd

沉浸式体验活动及品牌激活。户外广告和在线社交媒体平 台贸易、企业以及签名活动. 综合会议展览机构

Line of Business

Kingsmen Ooh-Media Pte Ltd / I-Promo Pte Ltd

Experiential Events and Activation. Out of Home Advertising and Online Social Media Platform. Professional Conference Organizer.

Mission Delegate

曾苡琳 Chan Yi Ling

客户经理 Relationship Manager

Maybank Singapore Limited

2 Battery Road #08-01 Maybank Tower

Singapore 049907

Tel: +65 9391 9676

Email: chan.yiling@maybank.com

Website: www.maybank2u.com.sg



Line of Business Banking

代表团成员 Mission Delegate

林明祥 Nigel Lim

客户经理 Premier Wealth Relationship Manager

Maybank Singapore Limited

2 Battery Road #08-01 Maybank Tower

Singapore 049907

Tel: +65 9299 6954

Email: mxlim@maybank.com

Website: www.maybank2u.com.sg

经营业务 银行业

Line of Business Banking


Mission Delegate

总裁 CEO


Toh Yeow Kwang, Mervin

Office Productivity Solution Pte Ltd

808 French Road, Kitchener Complex, #03-04

Singapore 200808

Tel: +65 6994 3040

Email: mervin.toh@opsolutions.biz

Website: www.opsolutions.biz


Of ce Productivity Solutions(OPS) 立於2008年,是 一家新加坡的IT 商公司。我 能 我 的客 提供完善

的解 方案, 以提高企业效率和生 力。

OPS提供 的IT基 /网络硬体 施、 意 和技术性 支援, 助中小型企业提高 效。我 了解每 公司

都 有自己 特的 性 、IT系 和基 施。因此,我 通过了解每 客 的特定需求而量身定制定解 方案

我 的 品 手 到手 配件和IT配件品牌,如Lenovo, HP 等等 。我 的 品 包括其他IT配件, 如 私屏幕 器 和外部硬 用 。

我 的服 提供各 IT技术咨询服务,云端科技,主 机硬件和软件以及 用程序 (如 站和系 集成等解 方案 )。

Line of Business

Office Productivity Solution Pte Ltd (OPSolution), founded in 2008, is a Singapore based Information Communication Technology (ICT) company. We offer various technology and digital solutions to clients to increase their productivity, efficiency and value. OPSolution helps our client improve their business performance through the appropriate IT infrastructure, expert advice and practical support. We understand that every company would have their own unique business nature, IT systems and infrastructure. It’s why we tailor every solution to meet the specific needs of each client – we do not offer a ‘one size fits all’ service.

Our services range from rendering various IT support such as onsite or offsite managed IT service. We provide IT replacement, reselling of hardware as well as solution development such as development of applications, website and system integration.

代表团成员 Mission Delegate


General Manager

吴名鸣 Goh Miah Meng, Patrick

Products Purchasing & Supply Services

6 Ubi Road 1, #06-04 Wintech Centre Singapore 408726

Tel: +65 6289 2500

Email: sgproductspurchasing@gmail.com

Website: www.products.com.sg


公司成立于1987年。36年来我们的主要业务以进口、出口 和分销是为主。

我们的专长是供应那些难以寻找的工业物品和需要定制的 产品。

我们的客户包括多家跨国公司、制药公司如辉瑞、诺华、 赢创、默克、多家医院和十多家新加坡政府机构。


Line of Business

Products Purchasing & Supply Services was established in 1987. Imports, exports and distribution is our main business for the past 36 years.

Our specialty is to supply hard-to-find industrial items and products that need customization.

Our customers include several MNCs, pharmaceutical companies like Pfizer, Novartis, Evonik, Merck, several hospitals and more than 10 Singapore Government agencies.

We wish to seek business co-operation with more companies.

Mission Delegate

高美珍 郭 雄

Kao Mei Chen Kwok Kwok Hung

S.LH Management Consultancy Pte. Ltd.

Tel: +852-91257288 (Kao Mei Chen) +852-90488799 (Kwok Kwok Hung)

Email: kaomeichen2816@yahoo.com.hk



Line of Business

Other Holding Companies

Mission Delegate


Gao Rong Yun

S.LH Management Consultancy Pte. Ltd.

163 Tras Street #11-00 Lian Huat Building

Singapore 079024

Tel: +86-13806058586

Email: antonnykho@gmail.com

经营业务 控股公司

Line of Business

Other Holding Companies


Mission Delegate



Seah Kim Cheok Construction Co. (Pte) Ltd

120 Hillview Ave #04-06

Singapore 669594

Tek: +65 9673 6302

Email: kahhowe@skcspc.com.sg

Website: skcspc.com.sg


Seah Kim Cheok Construction Co. (Pte) Ltd 是一家成 立于1981 年的家族企业,专注于综合建筑和土木工程。凭 借超过半个世纪的经验,该公司在创建安全且实用的住宅 开发项目方面建立了良好的声誉,项目涵盖了从豪华公寓 到私人有地住宅的各种类型。在新加坡,Seah Kim Cheok Construction积极参与房地产重建,尤其是在独立式和 排屋等细分市场,确保每个项目的质量和可持续性。该公 司目前有意与希望投资新加坡及周边地区房地产重建机会 的投资者合作。他们致力于采用国际建筑卓越标准,使其 成为此类项目的可靠合作伙伴。


of Business

Seah Kim Cheok Construction Co. (Pte) Ltd, established in 1981, is a family-run business specializing in general construction and civil engineering. With over half a century of experience, the company has built a reputation for creating safe and functional residential developments, ranging from luxury condominiums to private landed homes. In Singapore, Seah Kim Cheok Construction has been actively involved in property redevelopment, particularly in niche markets like detached and terrace houses, ensuring quality and sustainability in every project. The company is currently interested in partnering with investors who are keen on property redevelopment opportunities in Singapore and the surrounding regions. Their commitment to adopting international standards in construction excellence makes them a reliable partner for such ventures.

代表团成员 Mission Delegate

IT 经理 IT Manager

SuperInk Pte Ltd

杨奥 Yang Ao

120 Hillview Ave #04-06

Singapore 669594

Tel: +65 9069 5600

Email: yang@skcspc.com.sg

Website: skcspc.com.sg

经营业务 SuperInk 是一家总部位于新加坡的IT 服务提供商,提供广 泛的解决方案,以满足企业的多样化需求。其服务包括定 制软件开发、WordPress 网站设计、SEO 优化、IT 管理和 托管服务。他们的旗舰产品之一是OnePass ERP,一款旨 在简化业务运营的全方位企业资源规划应用程序,包括人 力资源管理和项目跟踪。SuperInk 目前积极寻求与马来西 亚公司合作,转售其IT 服务和HR 与项目管理应用程序的订 阅。他们热衷于与马来西亚企业合作,帮助他们利用这些 先进工具提升运营效率并实现增长。

Line of Business

SuperInk is a Singapore-based IT services provider that offers a comprehensive range of solutions tailored to meet the diverse needs of businesses. Their services include custom software development, WordPress web design, SEO optimization, IT management, and managed hosting. One of their flagship products is OnePass ERP, an all-in-one enterprise resource planning app designed to streamline business operations, including HR management and project tracking. SuperInk is actively seeking to expand its reach by partnering with Malaysian companies to resell IT services and subscriptions to their HR and project management applications. They are keen to collaborate with businesses in Malaysia to help them leverage these advanced tools for better operational efficiency and growth.

Mission Delegate

总裁/创始人 CEO/ Co-Founder

Sealed Network


30 Prinsep Street, #06-01 Singapore 188647

Tel: +65 9696 4559

Email: ben@sealed.network

Website: https://sealed.network/


Sealed Network 是一家全球人才资源公司。总部位于新加 坡,并在东南亚各地也设有办事处和团队。我们的总服务 包括将世界各地的投资公司、咨询公司和企业等客户与东 南亚的行业专业人士联系起来,给予我们的客户宝贵的资 讯,高管搜寻服务等等。

Line of Business

Sealed Network is a venture-backed talent marketplace headquartered in Singapore and with offices across Southeast Asia. We are a global platform that connects our clients – such as investment firms, consulting firms, and corporations – from all around the world to industry professionals across Southeast Asia, providing business, income and job opportunities for the region.

代表团成员 Mission Delegate

杜云华 Du Yunhua


Shanghai Global Expertise and Talents Co. Limited (SGET)

Room 901-3393, Building 4, No. 2377 Shenkun Road, Minhang District, Shanghai, China

Email: viradu@sgetgroup.com


上海世智人力资源有限公司(SGET)是由业内资深机构共 同创立,专注于为中国企业提供海外人力资源服务综合解 决方案。SGET自2017年起与出海企业合作,创新“合规+ 成本+效率”服务模式,推出国际人才、全球雇佣、国际化 培训咨询三大服务产品,助力中资企业海外发展。目前世 智人力是中国国际商会商业行业商会海外人力资源服务专 业委员会副会长单位,广东省人力资源研究会人力资源服 务贸易专业委员会执行主任单位。

Line of Business

SGET (Shanghai Global Expertise and Talent Co. Limited) Group, headquartered in Shanghai, is committed to serving Chinese companies expanding globally. Since its establishment in 2017, SGET has built a network of experts in China and around the world, providing services from Global Employment, Recruitment, Compliance and Training.

Mission Delegate

关欣欣 王日新

Sheena Guan Xinxin Wang Rixin

董事 董事 Director Director


SIG Tax & Accounting Pte. Ltd.

120 Robinson Rd, #13-01

Singapore 068913

Tel: +65 9006 6765 (Sheena Guan Xinxin) +65 9837 1118 (Wang Rixin)

Email: sheena@sigsg.com / kevin@sigsg.com



在新加坡会计企业监管局合法设立的一家专业的会计(税 务)师事务所,为新加坡企业和海外企业提供专业服务, 为国际企业提供在中国和东南亚之间双向投资的服务平 台。

Line of Business

SIG TAX & ACCOUNTING PTE LTD, founded in 2009, is a professional accounting (tax) firm legally established by Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority (ACRA) to provide professional services to Singapore and overseas companies, as well as a service platform for international enterprises to invest between China and Southeast Asia.

谢静怡 Xie Jingyi


Senior Business Consulting Manager


SIG Tax & Accounting Pte. Ltd.

120 Robinson Rd, #13-01 Singapore 068913

Tel: +65 8688 1466

Email: susan@sigsg.com


新加坡鸿信会计(税务)师事务所,成立于2009年,是 在新加坡会计企业监管局合法设立的一家专业的会计(税 务)师事务所,为新加坡企业和海外企业提供专业服务, 为国际企业提供在中国和东南亚之间双向投资的服务平 台。

Line of Business

SIG TAX & ACCOUNTING PTE LTD, founded in 2009, is a professional accounting (tax) firm legally established by Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority (ACRA) to provide professional services to Singapore and overseas companies, as well as a service platform for international enterprises to invest between China and Southeast Asia.

Mission Delegate


杨文慧 Yeng Wen Hui

Business Consulting Director


SIG Tax & Accounting Pte. Ltd.

120 Robinson Rd, #13-01

Singapore 068913

Tel: +65 9090 8801

Email: stephanie@sigsg.com


新加坡鸿信会计(税务)师事务所,成立于2009年,是 在新加坡会计企业监管局合法设立的一家专业的会计(税 务)师事务所,为新加坡企业和海外企业提供专业服务, 为国际企业提供在中国和东南亚之间双向投资的服务平 台。

Line of Business

SIG TAX & ACCOUNTING PTE LTD, founded in 2009, is a professional accounting (tax) firm legally established by Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority (ACRA) to provide professional services to Singapore and overseas companies, as well as a service platform for international enterprises to invest between China and Southeast Asia.


Soh Yi Da

政府和机构战略伙伴关系副主任 Associate Director, Strategic Government and Institutional Relations


Singapore Telecommunications Limited

Singapore Post Centre #07-31, 10 Eunos Road 8

Singapore 408600

Tel: +65 9189 9697

Email: yida.soh@singtel.com

Website: www.singtel.com


新加坡电信(Singtel)是亚洲领先的通信技术集团,为企 业提供一系列解决方案,包括智能城市、劳动力流动、数 据托管、云计算、网络基础设施、分析和网络安全。

新加坡电信总部位于新加坡,拥有140年的运营经验。在 新加坡发展为重要通信枢纽的过程中,我们发挥了关键作 用。

Line of Business

Singtel is Asia’s leading communications technology group, operating in one of the world’s fastest growing and most dynamic regions.

Together with Optus, our wholly-owned subsidiary, and our regional associates Airtel, AIS, Globe and Telkomsel, we serve a mobile customer base of more than 770 million across 21 countries.

We harness the power of new technologies including 5G to bring an unparalleled network and innovative digital products and services that enrich the experiences of consumers as they lead more digital and connected lifestyles.

With our enterprise solutions and advanced cyber security capabilities, we help businesses accelerate their digital transformation, realise the possibilities enabled by new and disruptive technologies, and unlock new growth opportunities.

Mission Delegate

高级经理 Senior Manager

吕思颖 Ler Ser Yeng


Singapore University of Technology and Design

8 Somapah Road Singapore 487372

Tel: +65 9325 9876

Email: kerm1989@gmail.com


提供高等教育,进行研究,促进个人和社会发展,并为学 生未来的职业做准备。

Line of Business

Provide tertiary education, conduct research, foster personal and societal development, and prepare students for careers.


Mission Delegate

创始人 & 董事 Founder & Director


张玉岗 Andrew Zhang Yugang

Sinnova Consulting Pte Ltd

15 Scotts Road, #03-12

Singapore 228218

Tel: +65 9889 7297

Email: andrew.zhang@sinnova.sg

Website: www.sinnova.sg


新加坡信诺咨询主要为全球华人企业及企业家提供新加坡 业务规划和身份规划服务,服务内容包括但不限于公司注 册、财税审计、猎头服务、新项目孵化和移民服务。

Line of Business

Sinnova Consulting provides business relocation services for global Chinese coming to Singapore to expand their businesses, including company incorporation, finance and taxation, headhunting, start-up project incubation, and entrepreneurial immigration planning.

Mission Delegate


王根发 Wang Genfa

Business Development Director


Sinnova Consulting Pte Ltd

15 Scotts Road, #03-12 Singapore 228218

Tel: +86 13286871666

Email: haiwaiyi@qq.com

Website: www.sinnova.sg


我们为中国企业及企业家出海、为全球华人企业在新加坡 及东南亚的扩张提供全方位的商业落地服务。

Line of Business

We provide consultation services on business relocation and expansion in Singapore and SEA.


Mission Delegate


Vice President

陈钰鑫 Linda Tan


SPH Media

1000 Toa Payoh North Singapore 318994

Tel: +65 9338 8616

Email: lindatn@sph.com.sg

Website: https://www.sph.com.sg/


作为亚洲领先的媒体集团,新报业媒体通过数码和印刷平 台,提供新闻与生活时尚资讯。我们立足本土,连接世 界,致力成为新加坡和亚洲值得信赖的新闻来源。我们提 供超过40个媒体品牌的多样化组合,涵盖新闻出版物、生 活方式品牌和广播电台。

Line of Business

SPH Media aims to be the trusted source of news on Singapore and Asia. The refreshed brand stands for the importance of giving a voice to Singapore, while inspiring conversations and providing quality content that impact the lives of our audiences. We offer a varied portfolio of over 40 media brands ranging across news publications, lifestyle brands, and radio stations. We are relentless in our commitment to creating meaningful experiences that resonate deeply with our audiences.


Mission Delegate

黄小琼 丁宁

Jamie Huang Danny Ding

总裁 营销总监

Managing Director Marketing Director


Superheal Waterproofing Pte Ltd

10 Ubi Crescent #07-44

Singapore 408564

Tel: +65 9386 5011

Email: contact@superhealglobal.com

Website: www.superhealglobal.com


我们自行开发并生产先进的“自我修复”防水材料。它具 有10项其他防水材料所不具备的独特优势。我们的目标是 自我修复混凝土市场:该市场未来10年的年复合增长率超过 30%,市场规模将达到数千亿美元。我们的产品在性能上 超越了行业第一品牌,并且在价格上具有绝对优势!这种 顶级技术以前只有国家级项目才能负担得起,而我们正在 使其人人皆可负担!我们将大力投入市场营销,和开发更 多独家产品。诚招天下伙伴共同实现事业宏图!

Line of Business

We developed and are producing our own advanced selfhealing waterproofing material. It has 10 unique advantages all other waterproofing materials don’t have. Targeting at selfhealing concrete market, which has >30% growth for next 10 years and will reach hundreds of billion USD market size, our product has outperformed the No.1 brand and has absolute advantage in price! The best technology previously only national level projects can afford. We are making it affordable for everyone! We are putting a lot in marketing and developing more exciting products. Sincerely looking for partners to achieve greater results!

Mission Delegate


福 Richie Tjong

新美讯私人有限公司 Symmatrix Pte Ltd

77 Science Park Drive #03-14 Singapore 118256

Tel: +65 6776 6786

Email: richietjong@symmatrix.com

Website: www.symmatrix.com

经营业务 高速高性能计算, 人工智能解决方案

Line of Business

High Performance Computing, Artificial Intelligent Solutions


Mission Delegate




Taiyuan Xingdao Zhisheng Technology Co., Ltd

Room 0913, Floor 9, No. 3 Zhichuangyuan No. 1 Qimao Road, Xuefu Industrial Park Shanxi Transformation and Comprehensive Reform Demonstration Zone

Taiyuan City, Shanxi Province, China

Tel: +86 13934154861

Email: 1048071568@qq.com

Website: http://www.wsxm.net/



全球最大和最具影响力的晋商门户网站。世界晋商网站、 手机版、小程序、抖音号、头条号、搜狐号也是世界晋商 网全球媒体、融媒体的重要组成部分,正在迅速崛起,也 受到全球晋商和山西政商界、山西财经界的高度认同。

Line of Business

World Shanxi Merchants Network (www.wsxm.net) was founded in January 2006. After ten years of refinement, it has become the largest and most influential Shanxi merchants portal website globally. The World Shanxi Merchants Network (www.wsxm.net) website, mobile version, mini program, Douyin account, Toutiao account, and Sohu account are also important components of the World Shanxi Merchants Network’s (www.wsxm.net) global media and integrated media presence, which is rapidly rising. It has gained high recognition from Shanxi merchants communities worldwide, as well as from the political, business, and financial sectors of Shanxi.

Mission Delegate

胡文 Tome Oh

首席运营官 Chief Operating Officer


TS Group Pte Ltd

3 Ang Mo Kio Street 62, #01-55 LINK@AMK Singapore 569139

Tel: +65 6431 3970

Email: tome@tsgrp.sg

Website: https://www.tsgrp.sg


1. 客工住宿设施:在新加坡管理各种专为客工建造的宿舍措施,提供约 42,946个床位。

2. 共享居住空间和共享工作空间:提供共享生活空间,如位于巴西班让 的Cooliv Waterfront,约有 30个床位。

3. 政府隔离设施:在疫情期间,我们管理着临时宿舍、居家通知专用设 施和社区护理设施, 提供大约10,818个床位。

4. 老年护理:我们为特定人员提供全面的培训计划,使其成为合格的护 理专员,以便能够具备管理社区和提供适当养老护理服务的能力。 5. 医护人员住宿设施:我们与MOH Holdings合作管理3个医护人员住宿 设施,约有1300个床位。

6. 授权培训机构:作为SSG-WSG认可的培训机构(ATO),我们拥有 专业知识的培训师,开发宿舍管理模块,旨在提高行业标准。我们也 提供这些模块给内部和外部学习者。

Line of Business

1. Accommodation Facilities for Migrant Workers: We manage various purpose-built dormitories, providing an estimated 42,946 bed spaces in Singapore.

2. Co-living Spaces and Co-working Spaces: Our offerings include shared living spaces such as Cooliv Waterfront in Pasir Panjang, where residents have common interests, with approximately 530 bed spaces.

3. Government Quarantine Facilities: We manage temporary dormitories, Stay Home notice dedicated facilities and Community Care Facilities, providing an estimated 10,818 bed spaces during the pandemic period.

4. Eldercare: We provide a holistic training program for selected personnel to become qualified Care Specialists, equipping them with the capabilities to manage communities and deliver appropriate elder care services.

5. Lodging Facilities for Healthcare Professionals: We manage 3 lodging facilities for healthcare professionals with collaboration of MOH Holdings, with approximately 1300 bed spaces.

6. Authorised Training Organisation: Recognised as an SSG-WSG Approved Training Organization (ATO), we have trainers with the expertise to develop modules on dormitory management, with the aim of raising industry standards. These modules are offered to both internal and external learners.

Mission Delegate


执行主席 & 首席执行官 Executive

VC 加金融资本有限公司

VCPlus Limited

223 Mountbatten Road, #03-08/09/10

Singapore 398008

Tel: +65 9680 6450

Email: catherinetang@vcplus.sg

Website: http://www.vcplus.sg


在新加坡交易所上市的 VC加金融资本有限公司是一家专注 于金融科技的控股公司。提供与金融和区块链技术相关的 顾问服务,如数字资产托管服务。加金融资本也为中小型 企业提供全方位数码技术服务,推动数字经济创新。

Line of Business

VCPlus Limited is an investment holding firm headquartered in Singapore and listed on the Singapore Exchange (SGX). The Group’s FinTech business specializes in providing consultancy services related to financial and blockchain technology, as well as offering digital asset custody services and technology consulting solutions aimed at driving innovation in the digital economy.


Mission Delegate



Vital Wellspring Pte. Ltd.

8 Eu Tong Sen Street, #17-82, The Central@Clark Quay

Singapore 059818

Tel: +65 6969 9687

Email: jennice@vital-wellspring.com

Website: https://vital-wellspring.com/


行健安川集 是一家多元化控股公司,致力于推动多个行 业的可持续发展和创新。我们的投资组合涵盖尖端技术、 可再生能源、医疗保健和金融服务。通过促进战略伙伴关 系和利用我们的专业知识,我们旨在为利益相关者创造价 值,同时为全球进步做出贡献。我们的专业团队专注于发 现和培养符合我们诚信、卓越和可持续发展的核心价值 观的机会。在行健安川集 ,我们热衷于塑造更美好的未 来,并提供有影响力的解决方案,以满足不断变化的社会 需求。

Line of Business

Vital Wellspring Pte. Ltd. is a diversified holding company committed to driving sustainable growth and innovation across multiple sectors. Our portfolio encompasses cuttingedge technology, renewable energy, healthcare, and financial services. By fostering strategic partnerships and leveraging our expertise, we aim to create value for our stakeholders while contributing to global progress. Our dedicated team of professionals is focused on identifying and nurturing opportunities that align with our core values of integrity, excellence, and sustainability. At Vital Wellspring, we are passionate about shaping a better future and delivering impactful solutions to meet the evolving needs of society.


Mission Delegate

董事总经理 Managing Director


Winlykah Trading

37 Tannery Lane, #06-08 Singapore 347790

Tel: +65 9298 7028

Email: winlykah@gmail.com

Website: www.winlykah.com


创立于1988年的永利佳贸易公司从卑微的起点迅速崛起, 现已成为新加坡健康和保健领域的重要角色。我们公司的 愿景是使高品质的传统中药产品能够被更广泛的人群所接 受,因为我们坚信,健康与福祉不应仅仅是奢侈品,而是 每个人应有的权利。作为一家充满活力且富有雄心的公 司,我们专注于中成药产品和保健品的生产、分销和市场 推广。

从创立之初,我们就致力于提供卓越的产品和服务,确保 每一位客户都能享受到最纯正、最有效的中药疗法。我们 不仅追求产品质量的卓越,还注重现代科技与传统智慧的 结合,通过不断创新和改进,推动中药行业的发展。

Line of Business

Founded in 1988 with humble beginnings, Winlykah Trading has swiftly risen as a prominent player in Singapore’s health and wellness sector. Our vision is to offer premium quality Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) products accessible to a broader audience as we believe that well-being should not be a luxury but a right. As a young and ambitious company, we specialize in the production, distribution, and marketing of TCM products and health supplements.

代表团成员 Mission Delegate

董事总经理 Managing Director


Zhan Zhen Chao


Xing Ao Energy Pte Ltd

6 Temasek Boulevard #36-02A Suntec Tower Four Singapore 038986

Tel: +65 6256 4550

Email: zhanzhenchao@xhpec.com

Website: https://www.xinhaiholdings.cn/

经营业务 原油 易

Line of Business

Commodity – Crude Oil Trading


Mission Delegate

数据保护官 Cybersecurity, DPO

Yours Advisory Pte Ltd

342 Ang Mo Kio Ave 1, Teck Ghee Court, #03-1563A Singapore 560342

Tel: +65-9862 3641

Email: leoys@yoursadvisory.asia

Website: yoursadvisory.asia


您的顾问是一家领先的网络安全公司,专注于全面的数据 保护服务。我们的认证数据保护官团队为企业客户确保严 格的合规性和安全措施。我们提供专家主导的培训课程, 帮助公司掌握保护数字资产的知识。在数据泄露或勒索软 件攻击事件中,我们的事件响应团队迅速降低风险并恢复 运营。此外,我们还提供定制的网络风险管理保险,以保 护企业免受财务损失。信任您的顾问,满足您所有的网络 安全需求。

Line of Business

Yours Advisory is a leading cybersecurity firm specializing in comprehensive data protection services. Our team of certified Data Protection Officers ensures robust compliance and security measures for corporate clients. We offer expert-led training courses to empower companies with the knowledge to safeguard their digital assets. In the event of a data breach or ransomware attack, our Incident Response Team swiftly mitigates risks and restores operations. Additionally, we provide tailored Cyber Risk Management Insurance to protect businesses against financial losses. Trust Yours Advisory for all your cybersecurity needs.

代表团成员 Mission Delegate


白俊豪 Kyzer Peh

Yuanyii Agency Pte Ltd

167 Ubi Ave 4 #02-01 Singapore 408787

Tel: +65 6929 4735

Email: junhaopeh@yuanyiiagency.com

Website: www.yuanyiiagency.com


缘毅有限公司主要业务分为人力资源与出海移民。我们提供高 质量的人力资源解决方案,致力于帮助本地和跨国企业更有效 地管理和优化人力资源。不论是长期招聘需求还是临时招聘需 求,我们都能提供灵活可靠的解决方案,以满足客户的特定需 求。

在出海方面,我们专注于为客户提供出海到新加坡和马来西亚 的服务,涵盖成人教育,学生签证咨询,企业出海等。我们拥 有专业的团队,精通移民法律和政策,能够为个人和企业客户 提供个性化的方案,并协助他们顺利办理手续。我们的目标是 帮助客户实现他们的需求,并为他们打开更广阔的发展空间。 缘毅有限公司在新加坡、马来西亚和中国都设有办事处,以便 为客户提供更全面的一站式服务。

Line of Business

Yuanyii Agency Pte. Ltd. is a professional company specializing in human resources and immigration services. We provide highquality human resource solutions to our clients. We are dedicated to helping companies manage and optimize their human resources more effectively. Whether it is long-term recruitment needs or temporary recruitment requirements, we can provide flexible and reliable solutions to meet our clients’ specific needs.

In the field of immigration, we focus on providing immigration services to Singapore and Malaysia, including adult education, student visa consulting, business expansion. With our professional team, who are well-versed in immigration laws and policies, we can provide personalized solutions for individuals and corporate clients, assisting them in smoothly completing the procedures. Our goal is to help clients achieve their needs and opening up broader development opportunities. We have offices in Singapore, Malaysia, and China, offering comprehensive one-stop services to our clients.

Mission Secretariat


Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry

47 Hill Street, #05-01/02

Singapore 179365

Tel: +65 6337 8381

Website: sccci.org.sg


Lim Hock Yu



Email: hockyu@sccci.org.sg


Irene Low


Assistant Secretary-General

Email: irene@sccci.org.sg


Khaw Ping Ping, Kelvin


Director, Research & Communications

Email: pingping@sccci.org.sg


Tiffany Shia


Assistant Director, Commerce & Industry Development

Email: tiffany@sccci.org.sg

Mission Secretariat

符 豪

Chris Foo


Senior Manager, SIRC@SCCCI

Email: chris@sccci.org.sg


Zekson Tan


Senior Manager, Commerce & Industry Development

Email: zekson@sccci.org.sg


Leonardo Wong


Manager, Social Media & Publications Email: leonardo@sccci.org.sg


Lee Sin Poh


Manager, Chinese Content & Knowledge

Email: sinpoh@sccci.org.sg


Kerri Wong


Manager, Commerce & Industry Development

Email: kerri@sccci.org.sg 随团秘书

Mission Secretariat


New Shu Wen



Content & Publications

Email: shuwen@sccci.org.sg


Chua Yi Ting


Senior Executive, Commerce & Industry Development

Email: yiting@sccci.org.sg

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