HOUSE Reports
Dunblane What an incredible year it has been to lead Dunblane House! We’ve absolutely loved strengthening our House ties and continuing to be tough competitors this year, and despite setbacks, it’s been amazing to see our Dunblanians strive to their personal best in all aspects of the College. What started off as a normal year, quickly changed as we moved into online learning and uncertain times. Whilst this could have posed a challenge, Dunblane fully embraced the opportunity to be resilient and have a positive attitude to make this year not only full of fun, but memorable too. The way our girls were able to stay connected and responsible for their learning at home is certainly a reflection of the strong students that Dunblane has always had!
Something that was really exciting during lockdown was the Big Sister Little Sister project that the Prefect team set up. During this project, Year 13 Dunblane students were partnered up with Year 7 Dunblane students, and the pairs could connect online and chat about what they were getting up to during lockdown. This reminded us all of the importance of taking the opportunity of lockdown to slow down and be present with ourselves and our families. Our tutor leaders and tutor teachers were also huge pillars of support in keeping Dunblane connected, particularly through our weekly online ‘tutor class’. We have been incredibly lucky to have had 3 school terms, where Dunblane was able