Graduation 2020

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N O I T A U D A GR Keepsake



BOCES page 33


Eldred Central School page 4


Fallsburg Central School page 6


Hancock Central School page 15


Honesdale High School page 9


Liberty Central School page 17


Livingston Manor Central School page 13


Monticello Central School page 35


Roscoe Central School page 41


Sullivan West Central School page 23

u Tri-Valley Central School page 30

A special section of the S U L L I VA N C O U N T Y

July 3, 2020 Section G Callicoon, New York



FRIDAY, JULY 3, 2020





he past three months have certainly given us all pause to think about what is important in our lives. For me – my family, their health, my community, my work and my family’s educational and professional well-being seemed to take up most of my time. And as I began to reflect on all these things, I realized how fortunate my family has been to be blessed with the education – and by association the educators – who have truly made a difference in our lives. I tried to imagine myself in my children’s shoes, having to attend my last semester of college by computer, go to work on Zoom or travel to an empty classroom and hand out awards through a car window. Surreal as these images are, they are now very meaningful to me and, I am sure, every family reading this edition today has similar stories to share. As my staff began planning and then producing this graduation edition I felt it was important to thank the hundreds of teachers, administrators and staff who helped make Graduation 2020 a reality. Your hard work and determination in helping your students complete their high school careers was amazing. The seniors also did an amazing job of staying focused and working hard to finish up all the loose ends needed to earn their high school diploma. I want to personally thank all those teachers who have helped me and my family along the way – you did a great job! The more I thought about it, my children spent more time at school than at home with their parents. You – their teachers – helped mold, educate, guide, counsel, discipline, and raise my children as much as we did. You have inspired so many of your students to reach their goals and become productive members of the community. And while everyone’s life takes a different path, please remember that what you did was meaningful in their lives. As we look around Sullivan, Wayne and Delaware counties, we are blessed to have high schools which strive to turn out exceptional students. Harvard, Yale and Columbia are certainly on the list of schools our graduates will be attending – but there are literally hundreds of colleges and uni-

versities across the country where “our” children will attend on the next step of their journey. And most of them are very well prepared for that next step. There are also many students who will be entering the world of work or possibly enlisting in the Armed Services. Their high school education was equally as important and no one can ever take their high school diploma – or what they learned – away. Education has always been something I’ve embraced. Maybe it was because my mother and grandmother were both schoolteachers or maybe it was my thirst of knowledge and discovering something new every day. Whatever the reason, I am thankful to the dozens of teachers who gave me the foundation to build my future on. Memories are a funny thing, and our graduates will learn that in years to come. It has been 41 years since I sat on the stage of Delaware Valley Central School and looked out at several hundred community members who had come to congratulate our graduating class of 52 students. A lot of water has spilled over the dam since that hot June night in1979, but one thing I will never forget is the teachers, coaches, and administrators who were there for me and my classmates during my 13 years at DVCS. Being a teacher is a special gift you get to share with your students. Thank you, one and all.

monies during my tenure at the Democrat and I can honestly say I have enjoyed every one of them. Maybe it’s the excitement. Or the sense of accomplishment. Or the fact that I’m playing witness to our future. Please enjoy your success, dear graduates, you deserve it! Go out and conquer the world. And I want to leave you with just one piece of advice, probably the most important thing I ever learned. “You don’t need to know all the answers. You just need to know where to find them or who to ask.” God bless you, graduates.

A final word to our graduates Congratulations. This past week you passed a milestone in your life that is very important – you earned your high school diploma. Many of you have already made the decision about what comes next – work, the service or possibly going on to college. Whatever you choose, please continue to work hard and remember that all those people who supported you – your parents, siblings, friends, and teachers – are rooting for you. Never be afraid to reach out for support or call a friend to say hello. You are not in this alone and there is a long list of people who want each and every one of you to succeed in whatever path you choose in life. I have had the privilege to cover more than 50 Sullivan County graduation cere-

On the Cover: Pictured, clockwise from upper left: • Sullivan BOCES Daniel Blias, left, was elated as he was handed his diploma. • Manor's Class of 2020 was safely spaced out during Saturday's ceremony. • Monticello's Jenna Borko throws her cap, decorated with her college’s name, Penn State, in the air in celebration. • Fallsburg's Derryck Payton is embraced by family.



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FRIDAY, JULY 3, 2020




FRIDAY, JULY 3, 2020

Eldred celebrates 43 graduates STORY AND PHOTOS BY PATRICIO ROBAYO


amily and friends gathered at Yulan Firemen’s Field to see an important milestone in their student’s life ... graduation. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the ceremony was held outdoors, with cars parked at least ten feet apart. Students were sat on the risers, and they were at least ten feet apart. Everyone in attendance wore a mask, and the school’s teachers and administration wore a special made Eldred mask. Before the diploma was given out, Eldred Central School District’s Superintendent Dr. John Morgano, recognized Eldred’s Educator of the Year, Ms. Padua. “This is due to our dedication to all of our students, and our advocacy for all students makes a difference,” said Morgano. Morgano said to the graduating students that they were a class of many firsts. “You are the class of many firsts; you were the first graduating class to graduate on this field. And the first graduate on a Friday night. You were the first to sell knives to

raise money... You were first to complete your schooling strictly online,” said Morgano. He went on to say, “I believe that you have the potential to improve how the human race treats each other. You have heard me say to you on numerous occasions that you need to look out for each other and treat each other with kindness and respect. Be a role model for change as you move forward in life. Believe me, that you can make a difference.” The special speaker was Eldred alum Bradley Diuguid, who studied at the Harvard Graduate School of Education and is now Program Manager of Hudson Valley Writing Project and is an Adjunct Professor at SUNY Sullivan. Diuguid told the graduating class, “The future is it’s especially. I

remember when I was in school, the Eldred school motto ‘Strive to excel’ and I think about that a lot now. Not just as an order, or a compulsion but as a statement of values. Strive to excel isn’t just saying to work hard or to try your best. Trying to excel is calling on you to be the best, to do everything in your power to overcome adversity. So when life knocks you out, you get up, and you throw sand in life’s eyes, and you punch him right in the head. We call that grit. The ability to achieve in the face of obstacles in spite of often inequitable, always unfair, ways that we have been disadvantaged.” For the Junior/Senior High School Principal, Traci Ferreira, she had this to say to her students. “Each one of you has grown into capable, mature, and responsible young

adults. I applaud everything you have done to make this day a reality. Today we celebrate your accomplishments. Life is about perseverance. Get up every day with a purpose. Make a list of things to accomplish, check things off. William H. McRaven, retired US Navy Admiral, stated: ‘If you want to change the world, start off by making your bed...’ If you make your bed every morning, you will have accomplished the first task of the day. It will give you a small sense of pride, and it will encourage you to do another task and another and another. We will always be here for you. Don’t forget to visit. Come home every once in a while. This is a new adventure for you. Enjoy it! Take risks. Make mistakes. Learn something new every day, but remember to make your bed and persevere.”

Charles Amoroso during last Friday’s ceremony.

All spread apart and as their family and friends watch, the Eldred graduating class of 2020, waited to hear their names to receive their diplomas.

The special speaker, Eldred alumni Bradley Diuguid.

Grace Fraccio takes in the moment of her high school graduation.


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Congratulations to the Class of 2020

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at Congr

Be kind to all you meet along the road of life, and above all be kind to yourself. All the Best of Happiness in College and in your life. Best Wishes and Love Always, Grandpa Frank and Nana

and the best of everything to

Josef Haas and the Class of 2020, Eldred Central School. With love, Jeffrey (Class of 99’), Kaitlin, and Callan (Class of 2037) Haas

Best of luck to the Class of 2020!

The Town of Highland Lions Club

From the Eldred Central School District Faculty Association



Graduation is a time to look back proudly on your achievements and to look forward to a future filled with possibilities.

– Theodore Roosevelt

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Congratulations to the Eldred Class of 2020!


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Congratulations and Good Luck to Grace Fraccio and the Class of 2020!

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Congratulations to the Class of 2020! We are proud of you!

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Good job!

Congratulations to the Entire Eldred Class of 2020

Good Luck ECS Yellowjacket Class of 2020!



Congratula ons & Best Wishes to the Eldred Class of 2020!


This special section congratulating the Eldred Central School graduates is sponsored by these community-minded businesses & individuals: Congratulations to the Eldred Class of 2020. To a wonderful future!!



atu Congr


Michael Frey came to graduation in style.


Wendy Rodriguez shows off her diploma.



FRIDAY, JULY 3, 2020


Charles Amoroso

Alexia Bieler

Destiny Burnette

Dylan Campbell

Cole Cooper

Colleen Donnelly

Ivan Doskotch

Robert Dunker

Paige Dunning

Brad Flood

Sophia Foster

Grace Fraccio

Michael Frey

Joseph Furlipa

Josef Haas

Alexandra Hulse

Brenna Knibbs

Jissela Labuda

Alexis Mapes

Megan Mapes

Ryan McCormick

Elijah McGrail

Kailee Mohan

Brandon Motta

Jaiden Ocasio

Jaylin Ocasio

Lindsey Ort

Kloe Petrin

Adalynn Rausch

Jordan Reed

Trinity Rickle

Angelina Rivera

Hunter Roberts

Kylie Robertson

Wendy Rodriguez

Courtney Rumsey

Craig Sickmiller Jr.

Breanna Smith

Paige Spradling

Jaxon Stutz

Brittany Thiele

Paige Weyant

Maddison Wong

Top of the Class

sible and hope you all flourish whether you’re going onto college, military, trade school, etc. We come from a unique place here in lil ol’ Eldred. Unlike a lot of schools, we can name every person who has ever been in our class. We’re all so closely knit together and though we curse that sometimes, I believe it has allowed us to grow up to be more compassionate and understanding with other people. Never forget your roots and bloom to be the greatest you all can be.” Elijah McGrail Eldred Salutatorian GPA: 3.9 Favorite Subject: English Extracurricular activities: Soccer, Basketball, EPAC, Mu Alpha Theta, Key Elements. Best Memory: Winning salutatorian is pretty noticeable.

Josef Haas Eldred Class President some of the most challenging stages of life. We have become a family with bonds that are unbreakable, and we will persevere through the hardest of times, because we will always have those bonds to come back to. I am eternally grateful and proud of my fellow classmates, and I can say beyond a shadow of a doubt, that each and every one of you will find

your own success and happiness. We share memories together that can never be replaced, and will stay with each of us for the rest of our lives. Thank you all for your endless support and friendship, and keep your heads high, because we will grow stronger with every challenge that we face.”

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To All Eldred GRADUATES!


Elijah McGrail Eldred Salutatorian

Josef Haas Eldred Class President Josef graduated from Eldred Central School with a GPA of 83.754 His favorite subject is history. Josef participated in numerous extracurricular activities including: The Yulan Fire Department, The American Legion Ambulance Corps, Performing Arts Club, SADD, Student Council, Varsity Golf, Eldred Key Element and Band and Chorus. Josef’s notes his most salient memory from high school is “The strong relationships that I was able to build

Message to the class: “We began this year feeling as if we were on top of the world, and as we close this year we feel as though the weight of the world has fallen upon our shoulders. We are amongst hundreds of thousands of other seniors who are in the same position as us. We are facing a very unclear and daunting future. However, I believe the Eldred Class of 2020, is strong, smart, and supported enough to overcome whatever comes our way. We have stuck together throughout these thirteen years of our lives, and through

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Message to her class: “I wish you all the best lives pos-


Brenna Knibbs Eldred Valedictorian

Message to the class: “I want to congratulate you. Not based on how hard you worked, or how many sports you have played, or even what the numbers on your report card show. I want to congratulate you because I know you have grown so much. Even if I did not have the chance to get to know some of you as well as others, the fact of the matter remains the same. Not only did all of us grow physically (excluding a select few), but we grew emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. Throughout our years, both in middle school and high school, we have gone through so much. As young men and women, we have had to navigate our identities, search for our purpose, and attempt to peel off the facade of our personalities. Some of us got further than others. But that does not matter much, because I know for a fact that each one of us got somewhere. So, I want to congratulate you on who you have become. I want to congratulate you for who you are, and who you will be ten, twenty, fifty years from now. Sure, report cards are exciting. Grades are important. But something I have come to understand is that they never have, and never will make us who we are. I hope that at some point you realize that what you do, and what you’ve done, or even what you might do, holds no weight on who you are. You are you, and that deserves to be congratulated.

with my teachers and peers because of the small school environment that we had the benefit of learning within. I will never forget the dedication that my teachers had towards my success and the support that my classmates gave me throughout my entire journey. Josef is joining the Army National Guard Military Police Training followed by attending CUNY John Jay College to study criminal justice. Josef plans on successfully completing his military contract while also completing his bachelor’s degree in criminal justice. He then hopes to continue his career in federal law enforcement.


Brenna Knibbs Eldred Valedictorian Brenna graduated from Eldred Central School with a GPA: 97. Her favorite subjects included “Anything science really interested me but I have to say Earth Science with Mrs. Padua was my absolute favorite class out of all of high school.” Brenna participated in just about every club there was. She was President of National Honor Society and Junior Honor Society, PBIS, Interact Club, Key Elements (a cappella group), Eldred Performing Arts Clubs, Mu Alpha Theta Math Honor Society, band, chorus, Track and Soccer all four years and Cross Country just for senior year. “There’s are many memories all throughout high school so it is really hard to pick just one, but I think my favorite moments are simple; walking down to the local supermarket with my best friend Liz Amoroso after school at least once a week, walking down the side of the road as we talked, laughed, and ranted about our days and what was upcoming. It is definitely something I am going to miss next year.” Brenna will be attending Siena College in Albany New York this coming fall with plans to major in environmental studies and pre-law. She has been accepted into their 4+3 Pre-Law Program with Albany Law. Brenna says, “I want to make a difference in the most positive way possible, and I believe by becoming an environmental lawyer I can succeed in doing so.”

Future Plans: I will be going on the World Race: Gap Year program through the organization Adventures in Missions (AIM). This program is a 9month long mission trip that sends out about 300 racers and leaders combined to do a variety of ministry, partnering with local programs throughout the world. Career/ University plans: undecided.






FRIDAY, JULY 3, 2020

Congratulations to 80 Fallsburg graduates BY DR. IVAN KATZ SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS


ear graduates, parents, family, and friends: As Superintendent of Schools, it is my yearly honor to be able to say a few words to the graduating class. This year because of circumstances beyond our control, we have *reimagined* our graduation ceremony and have made it one that celebrates the rights of passage in a different way thanks to technology and the commitment of our staff, students, and families. This year’s graduates are

living in historic times. The challenges facing our graduates, as well as our great nation, are not small. I am sad for what our graduates have not been able to experience in terms of end of the year ceremonies and celebrations *because* of the closure of schools but, at the same time, I am inspired by how our graduates have continued to rise to every challenge that they have had to face: in school, in competition, and in life. They are Comet Strong, and they are true champions. While there is no way to deny the reality of this moment in history, I believe that

*what* will emerge from here are new realities and new ways to define our lives moving forward. In that respect, our graduates are truly entering a brave new world much different than any graduating class, perhaps in history. And, history has shown us, time and again, that challenging times also bring forth brand new opportunities. It is these opportunities that will define the direction that life takes our graduates as they leave Fallsburg’s hallowed halls equipped with the lessons they have learned in their time here. As superintendent, it is odd that I am not handing each

graduate their diploma as I have done in the past, but I also realize that this graduation ceremony is much more than a walk across the stage with thunderous applause and flashing cameras. Graduation symbolizes how our seniors have endured in the face of adversity and continue to find ways to move forward successfully. These newest life lessons were forced upon them, and I am awed by how well they have adapted; building this metaphorical airplane while it’s flying. In this moment we celebrate the accomplishments of the class of 2020, we celebrate their successes at all

levels, and we encourage them to use this unique time in history as a springboard to dive into a world that awaits their special skills, their passions and their yet to be realized contributions to mankind. On behalf of the Fallsburg Central School district and the Board of Education, I congratulate the graduating class of 2020 and wish them the best of everything in the weeks, months, and years to come. Comets, go out and make a difference! BY DAWNE ADAMS JUNIOR/SENIOR PRINCIPAL

This has certainly been an adventure of a first year for

me as a principal. I am beyond thrilled that I was given the opportunity, however brief, to get to know the Fallsburg JSHS class of 2020. I only wish we had been able to offer them the senior year they deserve. I believe they are destined for great things in the future. They have already proven that they can overcome any challenge that is put in their path and rise above even stronger. I wish them the best of luck. Fallsburg Central School District held a virtual ceremony and could be seen on the district’s website,

Mubbera Shahjahan, right, with Fallsburg’s Junior/Senior High School Principal, Dawne Adams. CONTRIBUTED PHOTOS

Ethan Mednick receives his diploma from Fallsburg’s Junior/Senior High School Principal Dawne Adams


Staff and teachers were happy to see their students in the caravan that went through the school’s district.

Emily Bassett, right, is congratulated by Fallsburg’s Junior/Senior High School Principal, Dawne Adams.

Meet Eldred’s Third in the Class: Kylie Robertson BY PATRICIO ROBAYO

For Kylie Robertson, her senior is not what he had imagined it would be as the school had to transition to virtual learning due to COVID-19. “This year has definitely been different than any other in all aspects. Obviously, being a senior is exciting, scary, and weird as is. Stuff becomes serious and we have to start to think like adults, and what we want to do for our lives, instead of being fairly stressfree and acting like kids. Right in the beginning of the year, we are expected to hold ourselves to higher standards and really give our all to achieve and get what we want out of our last year in high school. Most challenging of all, everything we have worked towards at the end of the year had to be stripped away from us –– our senior trip, proper graduation, skip day, senior prank, and so many more things. Most importantly, that last little bit of time we get with our class, and the comfortability of little Eldred was taken away. That small amount of time where we had some idea of what was going on was taken away, we are being thrown into a time of uncertainty and a new chapter of our lives where everything will be new,” said Robertson. But throughout it all, Robertson was be able to see the silver lining in all this. “Fortunately, with the stay at home orders, teachers have been more lenient on the workload and due dates. No matter how good of a student you are, you definitely slacked a little while being at home. I mean, come on how much do you really want to work when you’re new classroom environment contains laying in your bed. So yeah, being home has definitely helped to compensate for senioritis,” said Robertson. Robertson said she has proud moments in Eldred that she will cherish most as she leaves to begin her new adventure after high school. “I am most proud of the unity throughout Eldred, whether neighbors reaching out to neighbors, students to students, or


Kylie Robertson teachers to students. We really all have stayed so connected. We all check up on each other and help each other out, during a time filled with so much uncertainty. Also, the way we all uplift one another for each other’s achievements. Any big milestones among students or members of the staff at school has been posted on the website or Facebook page, so that we can all congratulate one another and make them feel worthy and appreciated, no matter how alone they may feel at home,” said Robertson. During her time in Eldred, she was a member and officer in Honor Society and Mu Alpha Theta. “I am also treasurer for our senior class. During the fall, I participate in Soccer, and (normally) during springtime, I participate in softball. I also work at the local pizzeria, in Barryville, multiple nights a week,” said Robertson. After high school, Robertson will be attending Binghamton University, where she will be taking courses on a pre-med track so she can one day go to medical school and become a trauma surgeon. “While at Binghamton University, I hope to be involved in clubs, sports, and possibly greek life!,” said Robertson. For the class of 2020, she had this to say, “For the seniors, like myself, I would just like to say stay true to yourselves. Never conform to anyone else’s standards, and never give up no matter how stressful things may be. Everything will pass in time. Always strive for greatness, to keep learning, and to better yourself!”

ELDRED HIGH SCHOOL CLASS OF 2020 AWARDS AND RECOGNITION Charles James Amoroso - Peck’s Market Scholarship; Certificate of Merit from Assemblywoman Aileen Gunther; Certificate of Achievement from Senator Jen Metzger Alexia Sophia Morgan Bieler Certificate of Merit from Assemblywoman Aileen Gunther; Certificate of Achievement from Senator Jen Metzger Destiny Susan Burnette - Peck’s Market Scholarship; Eldred Faculty Association Ken Bjorn Award; Certificate of Merit from Assemblywoman Aileen Gunther; Certificate of Achievement from Senator Jen Metzger Dylan Hunter Campbell - Certificate of Merit from Assemblywoman Aileen Gunther; Certificate of Achievement from Senator Jen Metzger Cole Thomas Cooper - Certificate of Merit from Assemblywoman Aileen Gunther; Certificate of Achievement from Senator Jen Metzger Colleen Faith Donnelly - Eldred Faculty Association Ken Bjorn Award; Eldred Faculty Association Visual Arts Award; Knights of Columbus Scholarship; Certificate of Merit from Assemblywoman Aileen Gunther; Certificate of Achievement from Senator Jen Metzger Ivan Adriyovych Doskotch - Certificate of Merit from Assemblywoman Aileen Gunther; Certificate of Achievement from Senator Jen Metzger Robert Henry Dunker - NY Attorney General’s Triple C Award; Eldred Faculty Association Ken Bjorn Award; Certificate of Merit from Assemblywoman Aileen Gunther; Certificate of Achievement from Senator Jen Metzger Paige Lynn Dunning - Community Foundation of Orange and Sullivan- Can’t Hurt Steel Scholarship; Certificate of Merit from Assemblywoman Aileen Gunther; Certificate of Achievement from Senator Jen Metzger Brad Flood Jr. - Peck’s Market Scholarship; Certificate of Merit from Assemblywoman Aileen Gunther; Certificate of Achievement from Senator Jen Metzger Sophia Nunzia Foster - Student Council Member; Eldred Faculty Association Stanley Naumovitz Scholarship; Marge DiSilvestro Delta Kappa Gamma Award; Eldred CSEA Unit Scholarship; Certificate of Merit from Assemblywoman Aileen Gunther; Certificate of Achievement from Senator Jen Metzger Grace Sallyann Fraccio - Mu Alpha Theta - Math Honor Society; Knights of Columbus Scholarship; Town of Highland Lions Club Scholarship; The Abraham Kellogg Scholarship; Nursing Excellence Award; The Hartwick College

Michael Batista

Founder’s Award; Certificate of Merit from Assemblywoman Aileen Gunther; Certificate of Achievement from Senator Jen Metzger Michael Thomas Frey - Certificate of Merit from Assemblywoman Aileen Gunther; Certificate of Achievement from Senator Jen Metzger Joseph Martin Furlipa - Raymond Bryon Clouse Scholarship; Certificate of Merit from Assemblywoman Aileen Gunther; Certificate of Achievement from Senator Jen Metzger Josef John Haas - Senior Class President; Student Council Member; Lumberland Lions Club Scholarship; Knights of Columbus Scholarship; Rodney Nieke Scholarship; Town of Highland Lions Club Scholarship; Sylvan Liebla American Legion Post 1363 Annual School Award; The Christine S. Myers Scholastic Award; Certificate of Merit from Assemblywoman Aileen Gunther; Certificate of Achievement from Senator Jen Metzger Alexandra Mahaila Hulse Peck’s Market Scholarship; Lumberland Fire Department Marv Hocker Community Service Award; Certificate of Merit from Assemblywoman Aileen Gunther; Certificate of Achievement from Senator Jen Metzger Brenna Morgan Knibbs - Senior Class Vice President; Mu Alpha Theta - Math Honor Society; Eldred Faculty Association Valedictorian Scholarship; Greater Barryville Chamber of Commerce Scholarship; Lumberland Fire Department Marv Hocker Community Service Award; Certificate of Merit from Assemblywoman Aileen Gunther; Certificate of Achievement from Senator Jen Metzger Jissela Janae Labuda - Senior Class Secretary; Eldred Faculty Association Ken Bjorn Award; Lumberland Lions Club Scholarship; Knights of Columbus Scholarship; Greater Barryville Chamber of Commerce Scholarship; Town of Highland Lions Club Scholarship; Community Foundation of Orange and Sullivan- Can’t Hurt Steel Scholarship; Sylvan Liebla American Legion Post 1363 Annual Healthcare Award; The Bernice W. Haas Citizenship Award; Lumberland Fire Department Marv Hocker Community Service Award; Certificate of Merit from Assemblywoman Aileen Gunther; Certificate of Achievement from Senator Jen Metzger Alexis Mariya Mapes - Certificate of Merit from Assemblywoman Aileen Gunther; Certificate of Achievement from Senator Jen Metzger Megan Lee Mapes - National Tech Honor Society President's Academic Excellence Award; Certificate of Merit from Assemblywoman Aileen Gunther; Certificate of Achievement from

Shauna Bellacicco strikes a 2020 grad pose.

Senator Jen Metzger Wendy Janeth Marban Rodriguez - President's Academic Achievement Award; Career and Tech President’s Academic Achievement Award; The Joan E. Whalen Americanism Award; Certificate of Merit from Assemblywoman Aileen Gunther; Certificate of Achievement from Senator Jen Metzger Ryan Michael McCormick Peck’s Market Scholarship; Certificate of Merit from Assemblywoman Aileen Gunther; Certificate of Achievement from Senator Jen Metzger Elijah Corey McGrail - Mu Alpha Theta - Math Honor Society; Eldred Faculty Association Salutatorian Scholarship; Eldred Faculty Association Performing Arts Award; Certificate of Merit from Assemblywoman Aileen Gunther; Certificate of Achievement from Senator Jen Metzger Kailee Anne Mohan - Student Council President; Student Liaison to the Board of Education; Lumberland Lions Club Scholarship; Andrew Parker Scholarship; ECS Central Office and Administrative Scholarship; Lumberland Fire Department Marv Hocker Community Service Award; Certificate of Merit from Assemblywoman Aileen Gunther; Certificate of Achievement from Senator Jen Metzger Brandon Joseph Motta - National Tech Honor Society President's Academic Excellence Award; Certificate of Merit from Assemblywoman Aileen Gunther; Certificate of Achievement from Senator Jen Metzger Jaiden Ishmael Ocasio - Certificate of Merit from Assemblywoman Aileen Gunther; Certificate of Achievement from Senator Jen Metzger Jaylin Rosa Ocasio - Certificate of Merit from Assemblywoman Aileen Gunther; Certificate of Achievement from Senator Jen Metzger Lindsey Elizabeth Ort - Certificate of Merit from Assemblywoman Aileen Gunther; Certificate of Achievement from Senator Jen Metzger Kloe Caroline Petrin - Student Council Member; Certificate of Merit from Assemblywoman Aileen Gunther; Certificate of Achievement from Senator Jen Metzger Adalynn Mae Rausch - Eldred Faculty Association Greatest Effort Scholarship; Certificate of Merit from Assemblywoman Aileen Gunther; Certificate of Achievement from Senator Jen Metzger Jordan Alexander Reed - Student Council Member; Andrew Parker Scholarship; Certificate of Merit from Assemblywoman Aileen Gunther; Certificate of Achievement from Senator Jen Metzger Trinity Breanne Rickle - Certificate of Merit from Assembly-

woman Aileen Gunther; Certificate of Achievement from Senator Jen Metzger Angelina Leah Rivera - Student Council Member; Eldred Faculty Association Humanities Award; Port Jervis Rotary “Service Above Self” Scholarship; NY Attorney General’s Triple C Award; Walter Family Scholarship; Certificate of Merit from Assemblywoman Aileen Gunther; Certificate of Achievement from Senator Jen Metzger Hunter Ethan Roberts - Certificate of Merit from Assemblywoman Aileen Gunther; Certificate of Achievement from Senator Jen Metzger Kylie Ann Robertson - Senior Class Treasurer; Mu Alpha Theta Math Honor Society; Eldred Faculty Association Math/Science Award; Eldred Faculty Association Financial Need Award; Nicholas Adam Moscatiello “Be Free Foundation” Scholarship; Lumberland Lions Club Scholarship; Community Foundation of Orange and Sullivan- Sheila Birkett Gift of Life Scholarship; Certificate of Merit from Assemblywoman Aileen Gunther; Certificate of Achievement from Senator Jen Metzger Courtney Ann Rumsey - Mu Alpha Theta - Math Honor Society; Lumberland Lions Club Scholarship; Certificate of Merit from Assemblywoman Aileen Gunther; Siena College Franciscan Scholarship; Siena College Saint Francis Scholarship Craig Daniel Sickmiller Jr. - Certificate of Merit from Assemblywoman Aileen Gunther; Certificate of Achievement from Senator Jen Metzger Breanna Marie Smith - Certificate of Merit from Assemblywoman Aileen Gunther; Certificate of Achievement from Senator Jen Metzger Paige Elizabeth Spradling - Alan Sclway Citizenship Award; Certificate of Merit from Assemblywoman Aileen Gunther; Certificate of Achievement from Senator Jen Metzger Jaxon Thomas Stutz - Jacob E. Gunther, III Memorial Scholarship; Raymond Bryon Clouse Scholarship; Certificate of Merit from Assemblywoman Aileen Gunther; Certificate of Achievement from Senator Jen Metzger Brittany Lee Thiele - Certificate of Merit from Assemblywoman Aileen Gunther; Lumberland Fire Department Marv Hocker Community Service Award; Certificate of Achievement from Senator Jen Metzger Paige Raeann Weyant - Certificate of Merit from Assemblywoman Aileen Gunther; Certificate of Achievement from Senator Jen Metzger Maddison Paige Wong - Certificate of Merit from Assemblywoman Aileen Gunther; Certificate of Achievement from Senator Jen Metzger

Sadia Abohussien



FRIDAY, JULY 3, 2020

Jesse Acevedo


Korayma Alvarado Sosa

Rachael Baer

Erica Barahona

Emily Bassett

Michael Batista

Austin Beach

Shauna Bellacicco

Christopher Bruno

Nayeli Chacon

Ashanti Collins

Faith Colombo

Zachary Detzauer

Jaylyn Diaz

Kebba Dumbuya

Lamar Fitts

Yeimin Flores Mayrena

Tyler Gold

Cindy Granados

Joncarlos Guzman Fuentes

Amber Hatt

Ashley Hernandez Avelar

Anthony Iemma Skeete

Allison Jacobsen

Jade Kessler

Victor Kessler

Henry Luba IV

Kimberly Mahler

Khadijah Mamburay

Helen Mancia

Mailee Martinez

Ethan Mednick

Kiara Mims

Jared Mohammed

Tristan Mohammed

Edwin Morales

Angelique Murcia

Gohan Norford

Ethan Olmsted

Aliyah Pacheco

David Parsons

Tulsi Patel

Rebecca Patterson-DaCosta

Derryck Payton

Sky Perry

Elisander Pomales Jr.

Jose Reyes Lopez

Xiverliz Rivera Aponte

Jose Rodriguez Diaz

Jaylynn Sepulveda

Cameron Stratton

Diomar Tejada

Raymond Thompson

Genesis Kimberly Campos Reyes Canales Mendoza

Johnathan Gallo

Andrew Kharzhanovsky

Janiel Vitali

Matthew Vollmer

Angelina Werner

Anisah Williams

Angelica Angel Rodriguez Tellez Sandoval Melara

Dereck Williams

Amanda Zeno

Not pictured: Komasii Alegria Jorlin Alvarez Daniel Blias Jason Cabrera Adrian Davis Kristopher Edwards Mercedes Daniela Lainez Hernandez Ricki Garcia Ponce Trevor Johnson

Willializ Lopez Ortiz Kevin Manjarrez Paredes Mateo Pelaez Carvajal Mubbera Shahjahan Ojani Sierra Kate Vanderpyle Zariah Williams Tevan Whittaker

Top of the Class Tulsi Patel Fallsburg Salutatorian

BY RICHARD A. ROSS Amanda Zeno Fallsburg Valedictorian and Class President

Amanda graduated from Fallsburg Central School with a GPA of 98.38. Her favorite subject was math. Amanda participated in a plethora of extracurricular activities. She was Class President from seventh through 12th grade, played varsity basketball for five years and served as team captain for four years. She played varsity soccer, was a Future Problem Solver, a member of Key Club, on the Math Team, was the Dance Team Manager, a member of the National Honor Society, Secretary of the Environmental Club, served on the Comet Newspaper and was in band from seventh grade through 12th. Amanda says her most salient memory from high school was “when I was able to attend my basketball senior night. After being in the hospital for months, I was thrilled to see my teammates, classmates, friends and the Fallsburg community. I also had the opportunity to score one last basket as a Fallsburg Comet, received my 1000point ball and saw my name that was placed on the 1000point score banner.” Amanda will be attending Marist College and majoring in Biomedical Sciences. She plans on attending graduate

Amanda Zeno Fallsburg Valedictorian and Class President school and studying to become a Biomedical Engineer. Message to her Class: Class of 2020, we did it! During our four years in Fallsburg, we have had several experiences that deserve to be embraced and celebrated. Both the negative and positive, good and bad, our experiences have formulated into growth; growth in our personality, judgement, character, morals and perspective.

We must never stop growing. Do not allow any of your circumstances to stop you from thriving. Instead, use them as boosts to motivation. The various lessons derived from our experiences are vital as we enter the next phase of our lives. They will allow us to determine what we want to do, who we want to be, and most importantly, what we desire to achieve. So consider, how will you use your experiences?

Tulsi graduated from Fallsburg Central School with a GPA of 96.84 but she notes, “We have yet to receive our final transcripts so that is subject to change.” When asked about her favorite subject she noted, “Although I am heading into a science major, math classes have always been my favorite in high school. My math teacher, Mrs. Lynn Colavito encouraged me and also helped motivate me through her challenging college courses. She played a big role in me developing a love for math and numbers.” Tulsi’s extracurricular activities included Varsity Volleyball, Sr. Math team, Yearbook Club, The Comet Chronicles (newspaper club), Future Problem Solvers, Key Club, Interact Club, Band, Blood Drive Coordinator and Student Government Association Tulsi recalls her most salient memory as follows: “My most memorable moment from high school would have to be the last spirit week I had Junior year. My fellow student council members and I had such a fun time planning the week and the end result was perfect. We, as a class, got a lot of bonding time and were able to become closer because of it. High school spirit weeks and pep rallies have been the best times during my high school experience.”

Tulsi Patel Fallsburg Salutatorian Tulsi will be attending Binghamton University in the fall as a Biology major. She plans on continuing her education in post grad Dental school and specializing in pediatrics. “I wish to open my own clinic one day in a low income community, so I can help as many children as possible receive critical dental care!” Message to the class of 2020: Thank you. You each have taught me how to be a better person and how special the bond we have built together is. We may all have a lot to say about our time at Fallsburg Junior Senior High School, but one thing I know we can all agree on is that the last

four years were unforgettable. The experiences we had and the lessons we learned are going to last us a lifetime and will forever be engraved in our minds. I wish each of you the very best in the future and cannot wait for you all to accomplish greatness. As we all step into adulthood, I wish that each of you take the task of making this world better than what was left to us seriously because we are now the adults. We are now in charge of leading, innovating, teaching, and so much more. We have the power to address every societal problem from rising sea levels to the nationwide opiate crisis, so please join me in using your power to do good.




FRIDAY, JULY 3, 2020

Meet Fallburg’sThird in the Class: Derryck Payton BY PATRICIO ROBAYO For Derryck Payton, his senior year was not what he had imagined it would be as the school had to transition to virtual learning due to COVID-19. “For me, I’d say that this year has been the most challenging and unique, but at the same time, it was my best year in terms of character development and maturation. I think my biggest challenges were stepping out of my comfort zone, overcoming my academic and mental struggles, and, of course, transitioning to online learning in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic,” said Payton. But it was not all bad for Payton; he has very fond memories of his time in Fallsburg and all the friends

he has made and said he would think back upon this year with pride. “This year was something that I wish I had learned/applied a long time ago, and it goes ‘Accept the things you cannot change, have the courage to change the things you can, and be wise enough to know the difference.’ This has really helped me get through these difficult times and has taught me to always do the best that I can in the face of adversity,” added Payton. Payton was part of the Drama Club, Indoor Track team, and spring (outdoor) Track team for Fallsburg. “I am most proud of the Indoor Track team and everything we achieved during the season. Fallsburg is my home, and its people are my family, no one will


Valedictorian - Amanda Zeno Salutatorian - Tulsi Patel Mathematics - Arthur Townsend, Abe Wasserman Award For Excellence In Mathematics: Amanda Zeno English - Eugene Feldman, Sandra Williams Award For Excellence In English: Tulsi Patel Social Studies - Trudy Kapito, Award For Excellence In Social Studies: Amanda Zeno Science - Samuel Beytin Award For

Excellence In Science: Tulsi Patel Art: Nayeli Chacon Spanish: Cindy Granados Drama: Ethan Mednick Girl’s Physical Education: Kimberly Mahler Boy’s Physical Education: Derryck Payton Instrumental Music: Kimberly Mahler, Jose Rodriguez Diaz Vocal Musicianship: Ashley Hernandez Avelar, Ethan Mednick Samuel Beytin Fallsburg Community Scholarship: Sadia AboHussein, Nayeli Chacon, Faith Colombo, Kimberly Mahler, Tulsi Patel Edward Bryan Memorial Scholarship: Angelica Rodriguez Tellez

ever be able to take that from me,” said Payton. After high school, Payton’s next adventure will be attending the University of Michigan, where he will study Computer and Electrical Engineering. For the graduating class of 2020, Payton had this to say to his class: “One day, we will all laugh together over the tears, the struggles, and the pain we endured. One day we’ll all look back with no regrets, forging our own futures. One day is all it takes. One day to decide who we want to be, who we will be. Because no one else can decide that for us but ourselves. “Yes, there will be days when you feel like there’s no point in moving forward, and you want to give up.

Just remember that failure and hardship are part of the journey, part of the process,” Payton continued. “We all fall down, but not all of us choose to get back up. We’ve made it this far, and we can make it even further. No one gets to say what we can and cannot achieve. We are who we choose to be, and so far, we are incredible. We are the best group of talented, intelligent, determined, courageous, athletic, and amazing people this world has seen; the decade isn’t ready for what we will accomplish. Don’t ever lose who you are, don’t ever forget where you came from, and don’t ever forget the people who helped you get this far. We’ve survived a pandemic and high school, I’m sure we will survive whatever is next.”

Derryck Payton with cap and gown shares a moment with his family, his older brother and fellow Fallsburg alum Taran (top), to his right his mother Yvomme and his cousin up front is Amir KimblePayton.

Candy Gold Memorial Scholarship: Cindy Granados Esthyr Mintz-Flanagan Scholarship: Ethan Mednick Milton Brizel Scholarship: Cindy Granados Hertz-Laruffa Scholarship: Shauna Bellacicco, Khadija Mamburay, David Parsons, Xiverliz Rivera Aponte, Amanda Zeno Seymour And Minnie Feldman Scholarship: Kimberly Mahler Salon Memorial Scholarship: Ethan Mednick, Amanda Zeno Samuel Beytin – Eugene Feldman – Trudy Kapito Gussie Kasofsky – Arthur Townsend – Abe Wasserman Sandra Williams SGA Memorial Scholarship: Sadia AboHussein, Tulsi Patel Triple C Award: Genesis Campos

Kiwanis Club Scholarship: Sadia AboHussein, Faith Colombo, David Parsons, Tulsi Patel, Amanda Zeno Fallsburg Alumni Award: Shauna Bellacicco, Cindy Granados, Ethan Mednick, David Parsons, Tulsi Patel Robynne Anderman-Pacheco Memorial Scholarship: Ethan Mednick The Fallsburg Alumni Award In Honor Of Jack Leshner: Sadia AboHussein, Khadijah Mamburay Monticello Rotary Service Award: Shauna Bellacicco, Kimberly Mahler, Ethan Mednick Timothy Hill Memorial Scholarship: David Parsons Fallsburg Lions Annual Achievement Award: Sadia AboHussein, Shauna Bellacicco, Cindy Grana-

dos, Kimberly Mahler, Ethan Mednick The Jocelyn Levner-Nissenbaum Memorial Scholarship: Kimberly Mahler Young Entrepreneurs Club Award: Helen Mancia The Michael Lorino Perfect Attendance Award: Faith Colombo Fallsburg Fire Department And Rescue Squad Scholarship: Genesis Campos, Nayeli Chacon, Amanda Zeno Mel Mednick Memorial Scholarship: Ethan Mednick Sheryl Kalter Memorial Scholarship: David Parsons The Coach Mike Weiner Scholarship: Tulsi Patel, Amanda Zeno Red Cross Blood Drive Scholarship: Tulsi Patel


Brian Ingber Memorial Foundation, Inc Achievement Award: Nayeli Chacon, Ethan Mednick SUNY Sullivan Presidential Scholars Program: Michael Batista, Faith Colombo, Cindy Granados, Xiverliz Rivera Aponte, Angelica Rodriguez Tellez, Matthew Vollmer Jacob E. Gunther III Memorial Scholarship: Khadijah Mamburay Albert Shanker Memorial Scholarship: Ethan Mednick Woodbourne Activities Scholarship: David Parsons Sullivan County Bar Association Ira Jay Cohen Scholarship: Nayeli Chacon Sullivan Lodge #521 Scholarship: Michael Batista Peter H. Cahalan Scholarship: Kimberly Mahler



Cars were decorated with well-wishes for all the students during the caravan.

Fallsburg Central School District held a caravan of the school staff and teachers that went through the district to celebrate the graduating class of 2020. The Fallsburg Comet was ready to roll with FCSD Principal Dawne Adams.

This special section saluting the graduates of Fallsburg Central School is sponsored by these community-minded businesses & individuals:

Fallsburg Library 82918

Funeral Home


Chief Simmie Williams and all the members of the Fallsburg Police Department

Congratulations to the

Fallsburg Teachers Association CONGRATULATIONS

Penny Esposito - President David Bendell - Vice President Kasey Conrow - Vice President Christine Decker - Secretary Julia Levner - Treasurer To the Class of 2020: We are very proud to watch you end this chapter of your lives and begin another. We wish you peace, success and happiness as you begin the next phase of your lives. Be proud of what you have achieved, but don’t ever stop trying to be the best at what you do and never stop learning! Congratulations!



The Fallsburg Teachers Association

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Congratulations Graduates!





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Congratulations Fallsburg Class of 2020!

Compliments of a friend


Best Wishes to our 2020 Fallsburg Graduates!

CONGRATULATIONS to Amanda Zeno & the Fallsburg Class of 2020


FRIDAY, JULY 3, 2020



Honesdale’s 145th senior class – 208 strong – celebrate amid new normal STORY AND PHOTOS BY ISABEL BRAVERMAN


ttitude, gratitude and fortitude were the themes of speeches during the Honesdale High School 145th graduation ceremony, held on June 13. The ceremony looked a little bit different this year amid the coronavirus pandemic. Since the beginning of the pandemic plans for graduation were unclear and remained so up until almost the last minute. However, with the goahead from Pennsylvania government, Honesdale was able to hold a ceremony to honor the senior class who had already endured so much. “This extraordinary situation that we have been facing has challenged each one of us to find a new normal,” Class President Taylor Maxson said. “Our new normal is six feet apart, online school, and drive-in graduations. This day is not what any one of the graduates of the Class of 2020 has pictured. This day has challenged us to look at the positive side of every situation, because life is full of celebrations but also adversity.” On a sunny and breezy afternoon the 208 graduating seniors and their families drove into the high school parking lot and stayed in their cars, awaiting the ceremony to begin. Gone were the celebratory hugs and posing for photos, but the seniors were just as happy to have the ceremony to mark the grand occasion. After the opening remarks, speeches and musical selections, the students exited their cars and made their way to the stage to pick up their diplomas. “Through it all there has been one very important thing that has been re-

These lawn signs celebrated every single graduating senior of the Honesdale High School Class of 2020.

Class Secretary Natalee West was all smiles under her mask as she made her way to the stage to get her diploma.

Graduation looked a little different this year at Honesdale High School amid the COVID-19 pandemic, as students stayed socially distant in their cars. sounding—Class of 2020, we need you,” Superintendent of Schools Gregory Frigoletto said. “We need you to lead, demonstrating that perspective is a wonderful thing, make yours one that is thankful for everything you have instead of worrying about what you don’t. We need you to be leaders with true grit, not just performing in good times, but showing us how to roll up our sleeves and produce when times get difficult.” With that, the seniors got back in their cars, driving

Top of the Class BY RICHARD A. ROSS Dominic Maglione Jr. Honesdale Valedictorian Dominic graduated from Honesdale High School with a 4.5157 cumulative weighted GPA. Science has been his favorite subject, specifically, he really enjoyed biology and organic chemistry. Dominic participated in student council, where he served as class president, homeroom representative, and student council president. He was involved in the stage crew for all of the high school and middle school plays for the past four years. Dominic was involved in many science competitions such as the Science Olympiad, Pennsylvania Junior Academy of Science, and the PA Envirothon. He was on the Honesdale High School Mathletes team, where he competed in many math competitions such as the Marywood math contest, Kings College math contest, and the online math madness competition. Dominic has been involved in Future Business Leaders of America where he competed at the regional, state, and national level. He was a member of Honesdale High School's Interact club, and St. John's Youth Group. He was a member of the National Honor Society, where he served as a chair for the Red Cross Blood Drive Committee. In addition, he was a statistician for both junior high and varsity track and field meets. Dominic recalls his most salient memories from high school. “They are definitely all of the late nights spent at the school with stage crew before our large productions. Although technical theater was not my peak interest, it was always enjoyable to spend time with my friends and work toward a definitive goal together that

we would all be proud of in the end.” Dominic will be attending University of Florida and majoring in microbiology for pre-med. He plans on attending medical school after. At present he is undecided about his career aspirations. Message to Class of 2020: “I know we are all disappointed in the way our four-year journey together has ended, but this pandemic is merely one small page in this chapter of our lives. We cannot forget all of the great memories we made together before our high school years were cut short. From traveling to Washington DC together, spending 24 hours on a bus ride to Florida together, and most importantly winning spirit week three times together, our class has made lifelong memories that we will never forget. We also cannot forget the important values we learned throughout these experiences together. I urge you all to tackle all of life’s adversities head on because you are strong enough to do so. I encourage you all to respect those around you as we have learned at Honesdale High School. And most importantly, I urge you all to work hard to earn the bright futures you all deserve. Whether you plan on going to college, enlisting in the military, or entering the workforce, I wish you all the best of luck in all of your future endeavors.”

The seniors lined up before taking a walk across the stage to receive their diploma. away from the place they called home the last four years and entering a world that may look a little differ-

ent than it did a few months ago, but is nonetheless ready for their accomplishments and contributions.

salient memory is going on the senior trip to Florida, where I spent a week celebrating the four-year journey taken with my classmates. Jacob plans on majoring in chemical engineering at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. Message to Class of 2020: “What the past couple of months have shown me that I cannot take anything I have for granted. Time with my friends, barbers and even toilet paper can never enter my mind again without me thinking what it was like without them. As the world moves back into some form of normality, I challenge my classmates to be grateful for everything they have. Too often we become envious over the possessions others exhibit, and we get completely wrapped up in an obsession to have more, own more. But there is more to this world than the things we own. It has become clearer and clearer that what we do have can be taken away at the blink of an eye, so gratitude for what we do own and the good moments in life is essential. Even in the tough trials we will face as we move into adulthood, let us be grateful for the lessons we will learn and the courage and maturity we will gain through them. The next phase of our life is about to begin, and gratitude can go a long way to ensure that we enjoy it as much as possible.

Taylor Maxson Honesdale Class President Taylor graduated from Honesdale High School with a GPA of 4.1. Her favorite subject was chemistry. Taylor’s extracurricular activities included National Honor Society, Student Council, Fellowship of Christian Athletes, Interact Club, Varsity Basketball (Captain), Varsity Tennis (Captain), President of the Class of 2020, Unified Track and Field Volunteer. Member of Grace Ridge Church and Youth Group and Class of 2020 Club. Taylor says this about her most salient memory. “I don’t have one particular experience from high school that I

Taylor Maxson Class President

The seniors lined up for their last final moments at Honesdale High School, ready to receive their diplomas and enter the “real world.”

will remember forever but rather the experience as a whole was something that I learned and grew from. I made countless unforgettable memories with my friends these past few years. Taylor will be attending the University of Scranton to major in nursing. She plans on becoming a labor and delivery Nurse Anesthetist. Message to the Class of 2020: “At graduation I will be giving a speech on achieving and maintaining a positive attitude. To the class of 2020- I thank you for the countless memories and laughs we have had together. My hope for you is that you look at life with a positive attitude and look for the bright side in every situation. Having a positive outlook on life through trials and tribulations can be just as hard as the conflict you are facing. Life is full of celebrations, but also, adversity and it is important to treat every obstacle as an opportunity to grow. People who achieve great things do not ignore the negativity around them, they just choose to give all of their mental energy to the positive. This strong mindset changes your entire outlook on life. One of the most valuable lessons I learned in high school is that people can change their future simply by changing their attitude.”

HONESDALE HIGH SCHOOL CLASS OF 2020 HONOR GRADUATES 2020 SUMMA CUM LAUDE Dominic Kenneth Amato, Lilah Grace Carmody, Ezekiel F. ConleyVaverchak, Christian Rain Dury, John William Firmstone, Chloe L. Fox, Miranda Fritz, Hannah Marie Holbert, Dominic Nicholas Maglione, Jr., Alexis T. Mathews, Katherine Lynn Matlaga, Taylor Maine Maxson, Tara Maureen McLaughlin, Margaret E. Murphy, Jacob Matthew VanDelinde, Kelly Marie Varcoe, Isabella Mae Watson

MAGNA CUM LAUDE Jared Bochnovich, Anna Elisabeth Branning, Eva G. Cooley, Arjun Fulp, Jack Christopher Hopkins, Leonidas Evan Kehagias, Rachel E. Olver, Jesse M. Schwab, Katherine A. Williams, Victoria Rose Wormuth

CUM LAUDE Dalen Eileen Banicky, Adam A. Blake, Mathieu Z. Frost, Sierra Friscia, Alicia M. Lloyd, Alexandria Emily Reed, Luke W. Schwab, Taylor E. Slish, Libby Ann Stephens, Maya Marie Wehrmann, Leigha June Welsh

Jacob VanDelinde Honesdale Salutatorian Jacob graduates with a GPA of 4.4. His favorite subject was chemistry, specifically organic chemistry taken in his junior year. Jacob played varsity soccer all four years at Honesdale. He was also a member of Envirothon Club and Student Council. His most


Dominic Maglione Jr. Valedictorian

Jacob VanDelinde Salutatorian





FRIDAY, JULY 3, 2020

Morgan Abbott

Dominic Amato

Arthur Ames

Alex Atcavage

Luke Bancroft

Dalen Banicky

Cole Bannan

Daniel Becker

Michael Benson

Emily Bialecki

Joshua Bishop

Hannah Blaine

Adam Blake

Elizabeth Blum

Jared Bochnovich

Sophia Bodnar

Elizabeth Boumil

William Bowen

Gracie Box

Anna Branning

Morgan Brown

Gabriella Bruford

Keagan Bucksbee

Andrew Buckwalter

Robert Campen

Lilah Carmody

Walker Carney

Kyle Castellano

Christopher Cepedes

Ethan Chokshi

Johnathan Chrisler

Tyler Clemo

Ezekiel Conley-Vaverchak

Devina Consiglio

Eva Cooley

Trinity Costa

Samantha Crum

Alexis Curreri

Nathan Davies

Scott Davis

Joseph Dawo

Daniel Decrotie

Jason Demers

Grady Dereamer

Kassandra Diehl

Katherine Diehl

Zachary Doherty

Luke Durdach

Christian Dury

Dustin Edsall

Michael Ehrlich

Danielle Eifert

Rose Marie Eldred

Alexis Everard

Brenden Feliciano Figueroa

Riley Findeis

John Frimstone

Ryan Forelli

Chloe Fox

Morgan Franklin

Dacota Freiermuth

Isabella Frigoletto

Sierra Friscia

Miranda Fritz

Mathieu Frost

Arjun Fulp

Jacqueline Gager

Justin Gannon

Evan Gelatt

Zachary Goble

This special section congratulating the Honesdale High School graduates is sponsored by these community-minded businesses & individuals:


Elegante Restaurant & Pizzeria Serving Wine & Beer


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Congratulations to the Class of 2020!

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Congratulations to Dominic, Carson & the Class of 2020!

Congratulations to the Graduates!

Congratulations Graduates!



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Congratulations Tayler Johannes and HHS Class of 2020


Best Wishes to the Graduating Class of 2020!


Congratulations to the Class of 2020!



FRIDAY, JULY 3, 2020


Zakari Goerndt

Phillip Gombita

Megan Gordish

Sophia Goyette

Maddison Grasse

Jessica Grataski

Kaitlyn Gries

Tyler Gries

Lydia Grossman

Jack Grund

Amanda Gunuskey

Kyler Gunuskey

Colby Harrison

Tedra Harrison

Zachary Heddy

Gavin Hedgelon

John Hiller

Vance Hiller

Hannah Holbert

Jack Hopkins

Julia Hopkins

Julian House

Joshua Hover

Jonathan Ingenito

Kiersten Johannes

Tayler Johannes

Thomas Johnson

Leonidas Kehagias

Angelica Kelch

Matthew Kinzinger

David Kizer

Peter Klinger-Hiller

Anthony Komar

Victoria Komar

Giana Krehel

Tyler Kromko

Dayle Kulikowski

Taylor Kuta

Alexander Landers

Hunter Lane

Hannah Langendoerfer

Hannah Langford

Ethan Lehutsky

Liadan Leonard

Alicia Lloyd

Lindsey Lloyd

William Long

Olivia Lord

Joseph Loretta

Noah Luben

James Ludwig

Trent Lyons

Dominic Maglione Jr.

Ally Maraza

Caleb Martin

Alexis Mathews

Katherine Matlaga

Taylor Maxson

Christopher McDevitt

Hailey McElroy

Tara McLaughlin

Grace Mead

Sam Mickel

Thea Miller

Benjamin Miner

Vincent Modugno

Jenna Mohn

Alyssa Mohrmann

Damian Mueller

Navarah Meyer

Meet Honesdale’s Third in the Class:

Honesdale Class of 2020 -

Miranda Fritz

Seniors Who Plan to Join the Military Phillip Gombita On June 30, 2020, Phillip will report to Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri with the United States Army for basic training. His plan is to serve as an Army Active Duty 31 Bravo Military Police Officer with a future career in law enforcement.


Miranda Fritz spent much of her high school career giving back to others. The 17year-old said of her experience, “It was so fun, I gave back in so many ways.” As a member of the Interact Club, Rotary International's service club for young people ages 12 to 18, she worked with underprivileged elementary school students on projects to give them a positive role model. She was also a part of the Youth Group at her church, volunteers at the Ritz Playhouse in Hawley, and is part of the Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA). As a member of the FBLA, Fritz and two other students started a “dress to impress closet” at the high school where they took donations of dress clothes and hygiene products to give to students who are in need. In tandem with her enthusiasm for service, is her love for science and math. Fritz will be attending the University of South Carolina in the fall to study biochemistry and molecular biology on the premed track. During her years at Honesdale High School she was Treasurer on the Student Council, participated in the Pennsylvania Junior Academy

Peter Klinger-Hiller On June 30, 2020, Peter will report to Fort Sill, Oklahoma for basic training with the Pennsylvania Army National Guard. He will further train as a 68-W United States Army combat medic. His future plan is to pursue a career in anesthesiology. HONESDALE HIGH SCHOOL CLASS OF 2020 AWARDS AND RECOGNITION NATIONAL HONOR SOCIETY MEMBERS CONTRIBUTED PHOTO

Miranda Fritz of Science, Science Olympiad and Mathletes. She also was in chamber choir and chorus, managed the boy’s soccer team and was a math tutor. And if all of that didn’t already keep her very busy, she also holds two jobs, bussing tables at Joey C’s and working at Dirlam Brothers Lumber Co., where her dad is a man-

ager. Fritz was born and raised in Honesdale with her younger brother, Evan, and her parents, Diana and Matthew Fritz, (Matthew is also from Honesdale). Her work ethic, devotion for service and giving back were inspired by her parents. “They raised me that way,” she remarked.

Arthur Ames, Dalen Banicky, Adam Blake, Jared Bochnovich, Anna Branning, Lilah Carmody, Kyle Castellano, Ezekiel Conley-Vaverchak, Eva Cooley, Trinity Costa, Samantha Crum, Jason Demers, Christian Dury, Dustin Edsall, Danielle Eifert, John Firmstone, Ryan Forelli, Chloe Fox, Miranda Fritz, Mathieu Frost, Arjun Fulp, Tyler Gries, Lydia Grossman, Amanda Gunuskey, Tedra Harrison, Hannah Holbert, Jack Hopkins, Julia Hopkins, Leonidas Kehagias, Matthew Kinzinger, Alicia Lloyd, Dominic Maglione, Jr., Alexis Mathews, Katherine Matlaga, Taylor Maxson, Christopher

Anthony Komar On August 4, 2020, Anthony will report to Recruit Training Command at Great Lakes, Illinois. Further training will take place in San Antonio, Texas. He will pursue a career with the United States Navy as Master at Arms, which includes pivotal security roles on land and sea. James Ludwig IV On September 15, 2020, James will report to Lackland Air Force Base in Texas. His future plan is to pursue a career in HVAC and refrigeration technology.

McDevitt, Tara McLaughlin, Jenna Mohn, Margaret Murphy, Rachel Olver, Cindy Perricone, Aidan Pietraszewski, Dana Pratt, Kayleigh Pugh, Alexandria Reed, Macey Rutledge, Jesse Schwab,, Luke Schwab, Nicholas Sherman, Taylor Slish, Libby Stephens, Alyssa Urban, Jacob VanDeLinde, Kelly Varcoe, Isabella Watson, Maya Wehrmann, Leigha Welsh, Natalee West, Katherine Williams, Katherine Wilson, Victoria Wormuth

CLASS OFFICERS Taylor Maxson………… President Chloe Nicolini………Vice-President Natalee West………… Secretary Danielle Eifert………… Treasurer Mr. Blaskiewicz, Mrs. Van de Bogert, Mrs. West…Class Advisers

INSTITUTIONAL AWARDS 2020 Dominic Amato - West Virginia University - Scholarship of Distinction

Trent Lyons On August 11, 2020, Trent will report to Recruit Training Command at Great Lakes, Illinois. He will specialize in submarine sonar and radar detection.

Benjamin Miner On February 17, 2021, Benjamin will report to Fort Jackson, South Carolina with the National Guard. He will further his training at Fort Eustis, Florida to pursue a career as a helicopter mechanic.

Level 1, Engineering Excellence Level 1 Scholarship Arthur Ames - Worcester Polytechnic Institute - Presidential Scholarship Daniel Becker - Marywood University - Opportunity Award Jared Bochnovich - University of Delaware, Trustee Scholarship Robert Campen - Misericordia University - Mission Award/MCAuley Award/Merit Award Eva Cooley - Patrick Henry College Pursuit of Excellence Award/Forensics Scholarship, Presidential Opportunity Scholarship Trinity Costa - East Stroudsburg University - Pennsylvania Achievement Award Samantha Crum - Misericordia University - Merit Award/McAuley Award/Deans’ Scholarship, Alumni Referral Award, Wilkes UniversityPresidential Scholarship





FRIDAY, JULY 3, 2020

Krystal Muller

Shayla Mullican

Margaret Murphy

Leah Neu

Chloe Nicolini

Nia Oakley

Rachel Olver

Ryan O’Neill

Sean O’Neill

Jordan Palmer

Hunter Parenti

Ethan Parker

Jared Peer

Cindy Perricone

Adriana Phillips

Aidan Pietraszewski

Alexis Pollack

Madison Polt

Dana Pratt

Kayleigh Pugh

Emily Quinn

Joseph Randisi

Madison Randolph

Alexandria Reed

Edward Renner

Kiely Marie Roegner

Bryan Rohrbach

Morganne Rongetti-Eastwood

Macey Rutledge

Joseph Scarfalloto

Jesse Schwab

Luke Schwab

Jasmin Selimovic

Seth Senss

Victoria Sheard

Nicholas Sherman

Dylan Silon

Taylor Slish

Andrew Smith Jr.

Trevor Smith

Carson St. Clair

Faith Stadtler

Libby Stephens

Madison Stone

Desiree Stynes

Riellie Tiernan

Alyssa Urban

William Utegg

Aaron Van Horn

Katarina Van Houten

Jacob Vandelinde

Kelly Varcoe

Bennet Velazquez

Cassandra Warfield

Michael Wasylyk

Isabella Watson

Maya Wehrmann

Jeremy Weidow

Leigha Welsh

Natalee Natalie West West

Katherine Williams

lantic University- Provost’s Scholarship Thea Miller - Kutztown University Emerging Scholar Award Margaret Murphy - Lehigh University- University Grant, Bucknell University - The Bucknell Women in Science and Engineering Scholarship, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Rensselaer Leadership Award/Rensselaer Grant, Rochester Institute of Technology- Presidential Scholarship, 2020 Performing Arts Scholarship Chloe Nicolini - McDaniel College Academic Scholarship Ryan O'Neill - Montana Stale University -Achievement Award Sean O'Neill - Montana State University -Achievement Award Rachel Olver - Juniata College Calvert Ellis Scholarship, State University of New York: SUNY CobleskillDestination Scholarship, Delaware Valley University- Faculty Scholarship Aidan Pietraszewski - The University of Scranton- Faber Scholarship/Xavier Grant, Marywood University - Liguori Grant/Deans’ Scholarship, DeSales University- University Grant/Trustee Scholarship, Muhlenberg College College Grant, The Pennsylvania State University: Scranton Commonwealth Campus - Provost Award Dana Pratt - Duquesne UniversityLeading Teacher Program 50% Tuition Award On-Campus Room Award, King’s College- St. Andre Bessette Scholarship/College Grant Kayleigh Pugh - DeSales UniversityTrustee Scholarship/Talent Scholarship/University Scholarship Bull Dog Bash Scholarship Emily Quinn - Wagner College- Athletic Band Scholarship/Music Depart-

Molly Williams

ment Scholarship Macey Rutledge - The Pennsylvania State University- Provost Award Dylan Silon - Universal Technical Institute- 2020 Imagine America High School Scholarship Jacob VanDelinde - Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute -Access Grant/Rensselaer Leadership Award Rensselaer Grant, North Carolina State University -Academic Enhancement Grant University Tuition & Fees Grant/University Tuition Assistance Grant, Virginia Tech- Provost Achievement Scholarship Isabella Watson - Marywood University - Presidential Scholarship, DeSales University - Presidential Scholarship Maya Wehrmann - California University of Pennsylvania -Vulcan Merit Scholarship/Cal U Need Grant, The Pennsylvania State University - Summer Start Scholarship, The University of Scranton - Loyola Scholarship Leigha Welsh - Marywood UniversityLiguori Grant/Founders’ Scholarship Natalee West - The Pennsylvania State University: Hazelton Commonwealth Campus - CWC First Year Award Benjamin Williams - Marywood University - Opportunity Award



Not Pictured: Raymond Door Hannah Langendoerfer, Taylor Maxson Friends of Football Award - Samantha Crum, Ethan Parker Friends of Golf Award - Cole Bannan, Daniel Becker, Jack Hopkins, William Long, Aidan Pietraszewski, Benjamin Williams Friends of Girls Soccer Scholarship Lilah Carmody, Tara Mclaughlin Friends of Softball Scholarship - Cindy Perricone, Libby Stephens, Natalee West G.A.L.S. Letterman Award - Natalee West A.M. Skier Agency- Bob Hafner Scholarship - Chloe Fox Jeremy Hiller Memorial Scholarship Daniel Becker, Luke Schwab, Madison Stone, Maya Wehrmann Honesdale Area Jaycees Jennifer Killam Memorial Scholarship - Kelly Varcoe Honesdale Dime Bank Director's Award - Aidan Pietraszewski Honesdale Fraternal Order of Eagles Lodge #1858 Scholarship - Luke Schwab Honesdale High School Technical Support Award - Kyle Castellano, Arjun Fulp, Dominic Maglione, Jr.




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Congratulations to the Class of 2020!

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Congratulations Graduates!

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Coach and Mrs. Andrews Tennis Scholarship - Jason Demers, Taylor Maxson Edward Balanovich, Jr. Memorial Cross Country Award - Dustin Edsall The Beach Lake Treasures of the Red Hats Foreign Language Kathleen Haudberg Memorial Scholarship Leonidas Kehagias Beech Grove Grange Scholarship Margaret Murphy, Leah Neu, Rachel Olver James L. and Ruth Brennan Scholarship - Taylor Maxson, Joseph Scarfalloto Richard Chulada Wrestling Scholarship - Trinity Costa Cristopher Ciarrocchi Memorial Scholarship - Maya Wehrmann Catherine Collins Memorial Nursing Scholarship - Joseph Scarfalloto, Alyssa Urban Cross Country Parents Association Academic Excellence Scholarship Dustin Edsall, Isabella Frigoletto Michele E. Curtis Memorial Scholarship - Eva Cooley Suzanne Marie Landers Weist Duallo Memorial Award - Gabriella Bruford District II P.I.A.A. Academic Excellence Award - John Firmstone, Taylor Maxson Fall Music Festival Scholarship - Margaret Murphy, Victoria Wormuth Friends of Girls Basketball Scholarship Sophia Goyette, Lydia Grossman,

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Victoria Wormuth

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Katherine Wilson

AWARDS AND HONORS 2020 Kristina Adams Memorial Scholarship Ezekiel ConleyVaverchak American Red Cross Congratulations to the Blood Drive Scholarship - Dominic Class of 2020 from Maglione, Jr., Katherine Matlaga, Isabella Jim & Carol Rutledge Watson

This special section congratulating the Honesdale High School graduates is sponsored by these community-minded businesses & individuals: Congratulations Taylor Kuta & the Class of 2020!

Rebecca Williams

Barna Law

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Benjamin Williams


Daniel DeCrotie - Gordon College- F. L. Chappell Achievement Award/Visit Scholarship, Friends of Gordon Gran/James Higginbotham Legacy Fellows Program Jason Demers - Ithaca College - College Scholarship Zachary Doherty - Johnson College College Grant Luke Durdach - The University of Scranton - Xavier Grant/General Endowment Scholarship, Wilkes University- University Award/Blue and Gold Opportunity Grant, Marywood University- Father James Connerton Scholarship/Liguori Grant Opportunity Award, King’s College- College Grant Christian Dury - The Pennsylvania State University- U.S. Airforce ROTC High School Scholarship Type 2 Dustin Edsall - Wilkes UniversityDean Scholarship/University Grant/University Award, The University of Scranton - Xavier Grant/General Endowment Scholarship Books & Supply Award Danielle Eifert - University of Pittsburgh - Pitt Success Grant Ryan Forelli - Lehigh University- University Grant, University of Pittsburgh - University Grant, The University of Scranton - Loyola Scholarship Chloe Fox - Hofstra University- Presidential Scholarship, Long Island University - Scholars Award, Arcadia University- Distinguished Scholarship, University of Connecticut- Husky Achievement Award, Bryant University- Trustee Scholarship Miranda Fritz - University of South Carolina - Academic Scholar Excellence Award, The University of Alabama - Presidential Scholarship, Clemson University- Out-of-State Tuition Scholarship, Coastal Carolina University - Presidential Scholarship, University of the Pacific- Regents’ Scholarship/University Grant, Emory University- University Grant Mathieu Frost - Rochester Institute of Technology- Presidential Scholarship Arjun Fulp - Northeastern UniversityUniversity Grant, U.S. Airforce ROTC High School Scholarship Type 2 Justin Gannon - Lincoln Technical In-

stitute - Bennett Mechanical Test Scholarship Imagine America Scholarship Lydia Grossman - The University of Scranton - Merit Scholarship Tedra Harrison - Mansfield University -Achievement Award Gavin Hedgelon - LIM College- Future of Fashion Award Jack Hopkins - Misericordia University- Sister Mary Glennon Full Tuition Scholarship, Ithaca College - Merit Scholarship, Seton Hall University Merit Scholarship Julia Hopkins - New England CollegePresidential Merit Scholarship Kiersten Johannes - Seton Hill University- University Award/Collegiate Academic Personal Success Award Field Hockey Athletic Scholarship Leonidas Kehagias - The George Washington University - Presidential Scholarship, The College of William & Mary - College Grant, Villanova University - University Grant, Dickinson College- Presidential Scholarship Victoria Komar - Kutztown University - Outstanding Scholar Award Giana Krehel - The Pennsylvania State University: Scranton Commonwealth Campus -Academic Grant Alicia Lloyd - Westminster College Titan Scholarship/College Grant/Deans’ Award Lindsey Lloyd - Allegheny CollegeTrustee Scholarship/College Grant William Long - The Pennsylvania State University: Hazelton Commonwealth Campus-CWC First Year Award Dominic Maglione, Jr. - Florida Gulf Coast University - Blue and Green Scholar’s Award, The University of Tampa - Presidential Scholarship, Wilkes University- Trustee Scholarship Ally Maraza - Full Sail University Dedication Scholarship/Creative Minds Scholarship Alexis Mathews - La Salle University Founder’s Scholarship/University Grant/Resident Scholar Award, Syracuse University- Falk Leadership Scholarship, Immaculata University Centennial Scholarship Caleb Martin - Winthrop UniversityMen’s Baseball Scholarship/Athlete Out-Of-State Fee Grant Tara Mclaughlin - Palm Beach At-





FRIDAY, JULY 3, 2020


Livingston Manor graduates 27 STORY AND PHOTOS BY RICHARD A. ROSS


or the besieged Livingston Manor Class of 2020, not having a graduation would have been the final blow to a spring devoid of so much already. No prom, no senior trip, no sports and then with the onset of a monsoon, almost no graduation which had been planned to take place in front of the school. Last minute adjustments allowed the ceremony to take place inside with the seniors sitting six feet apart, the parents scattered throughout the building to watch a zoom presentation and masks in evidence. As Superintendent John Evans noted, the ability to adapt to the impact of Covid-19 would become a hallmark of this class, a unique part of their history and a strengthening agent for them after hav-

ing dealt with the adversity it rendered. The scaled down annual rite of passage took place with a bevy of smiles, inspirational speeches, a deft trumpet solo of The Pink Panther by multi-talented Valedictorian Jacob Pasquale and the presentation of diplomas to which parents were invited to view a few at a time as their sons and daughters posed for pictures. At the end it was tossed caps, rampant spraying of silly string, lots of hugs, some tears and a few antics as the pent-up emotions of not just the ceremony, but the entire bizarre spring came to an end. Over the past months those circumstances morphed from the shocking and unexpected to a numbing routine that was often isolating and empty. At the end of the ceremony, departing into the maelstrom outside and

exiting their beloved school for the last time as Wildcats, the seniors and their families put a coda to a stormy last semester which should have been a placid time of sweet unfolding memories. The Processional was led by Valedictorian Jacob Pasquale and Salutatorian Lindsey Parks. In her opening remarks High School Principal Shirlee Davis quoted Ralph Waldo Emerson who noted, “What lies behind us and what lies before us are small matters compared to what lies within us.” She was alluding to the promising future facing the seniors as they undertake the next phase of their lives. In her salutatory address, Lindsey Parks referenced many fine memories incurred during her 13-years at Manor. She imparted some sage advice to her classmates

LMCS graduates stand following the processional. They were seated six feet apart.

Faculty, Administration, Board of Education Members, Guest Speaker Ryan Mead and Class Advisor Joyce Hoag occupy one half of the gymnasium.

to set goals and realize how precious time is. “Covid-19 taught us how important little things are and how important school was when it became obvious that many of the “last” experiences had already passed. Jacob Pasquale followed with an impressive trumpet solo of the Pink Panther. After a quick drink of water he took to the podium for his Valedictory Address. Pasquale revisited the arc of years from kindergarten and the changes and salient memories he associated with them. Part of that adjustment was relocating to a different part of the school. Pasquale remembered that being in the back seat of the driver’s ed car was akin to feeling like one was about to die. Despite the exigencies of the Coronavirus, Pasquale noted, “Today is the day we’ve been waiting for. The day we finally graduate. He urged his classmates to hold fast to their memories at LMCS before closing by saying, “That’s a wrap.” Guest Speaker Ryan Mead was a graduate of Manor’s Class of 2000. A PhD in sociology he is the Coordinator for Academic Support Services at Binghamton University’s Educational Opportunity Program where he assists low income under-represented students to become the first in their families to earn a college degree. Mead’s message was that the unusual circumstances defining this class would influence things for years to come. He told them they would have to apply what they learned in new ways. He told the class that they were in a unique position to change the world and that they had a great start at Livingston Manor. Mead’s course of study exposed him to people from all over the world as well as engaging and learning from low income college students particularly from NYC.

The Presentation of the Class Gift of new furniture for the senior lounge by Class President Marlee Madison, Class Treasurer Conner Manell and Class Adviser Mrs. Joyce Hoag.

Mead counseled, “Be humble and open to new things. Accept feedback from a wide variety of sources and try to be your best. Work hard,” he added, “for self-improvement. Always build on the knowledge you learned here at LMCS. Learn to have a more meaningful live. Be present and enjoy the life you have, not the life you don’t. Don’t wait for life to happen to you. Go out in the unknown and strive to create a better life for yourself and the world at large.” The presentation of the Class gift by Class President Marlee Madison, Class Treasurer Connor Maxwell and Class Adviser Mrs. Joyce Hoag followed. The gift was new furniture for the senior lounge. Superintendent John Evans certified the gradu-

ation of the Class of 2020. Evans thanked everyone for their flexibility and willingness to adapt. He congratulated the graduates on not giving up in the face of changing circumstances. Each graduate came forward to accept his or her diploma as pictures were taken. A list of awards for each student was read. Parents came down to the gym a few at time to witness the presentation. Diplomas were distributed by Board of Education President Elliot Madison, Evans and Davis. It was not a typical Livingston Manor graduation, but it was a graduation, nonetheless, arranged even in the face of daunting circumstances. Congratulations to the Livingston Manor Class of 2020.

Lindsey Parks delivers the Salutatory Address.

This special section congratulating the Livingston Manor graduates is sponsored by these community-minded businesses & individuals:


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Lindsey Parks

Congrats Class of 2020! Wishing you all the best on your next adventure.

Congratulations to the LM Class of 2020!


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Congratulations to Conner Manell, Lindsey Parks and the Livingston Manor Class of 2020! from George & Shirley Fulton

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The Beaverkill Valley Fire Department


from Dr. Jorge R. Delgado Dr. Kathleen Brandt, Jodi & Staff

Livingston Manor Fire Department

from the members of

Peters Realty

We Salute the Determination of the 2020 Graduating Class!

Congratulations Class of 2020 Graduates. Michael Brooks

Congratulations to All our 2020 Graduates!

& the LM Class of 2020!



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Congratulations to Lindsey Parks,

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Congratulations & Best Wishes Lindsey Parks!!


Congrats to Manor Class of 2020

Congratulations to Marlee and the rest of our 2020 graduates!





Ember Brown

Giovanni Costantino

Marlee Madison

Conner Manell

Amari Crummell

Mason Mills



Patrick DiBartolo

Ty Fagan

Zachary Freitas

Randon Gordon

Isaiah Grace

Megan Kleingardner

Patrick Lenihan

Jesse Ouimet

Lindsey Parks

Jacob Pasquale

Krish Patel

Gavin Pierpoint

Erik Rodriguez

Felicia Rothberg

Shelbie Ward

Jasin Watson

Antonio Whiting

Top of the Class BY RICHARD A. ROSS

Kathryn Shea

Madison Strong

artistic aspect of it. I hope to design shoes and clothes and have my own brand.” Message to the Class of 2020: “Many people know that I am OBSESSED with musical theater. Ninety percent of the words that come out of my mouth are musical references or lyrics of some sort. So to keep on my trend of doing such, I am going to quote the musical, Wicked. It goes as follows:

“It well may be that we will never meet again in this lifetime, so let me say before we part; so much of me is made of what I learned from you. You'll be with me like a handprint on my heart. And now whatever way our stories end, I know you have rewritten mine by being my friend…” As a class, we may not have always gotten along, but we have made some great memories. I’ll leave off with the end of the song, because

it’s what I feel is most important. It reads: “Who can say if I've been changed for the better? But because I knew you, I have been changed for good.” “I can honestly say that I wouldn’t trade you all for the world, because you have TRULY made me the person I am and hope to always be. I cannot thank you enough for that.”

Best wishes to all graduates from your friends at


included Soccer, Basketball, Track & Field, National Honor Grey Garrett Society, Class of 2020 Vice Schweitzer Shaver President and a member of the Student Council. Her favorite Memory was a love for English. I'm the editorMaking any game in gym class in-chief of Manor Ink newspaper, competitive. and I love reading and writing.” Lindsey will be attending SUNY For extracurricular activities, Marlee Cortland and majoring in Exercise has participated in LOTS. She has Science. been in Drama club (stage manHer career plans are to become a ager, and acting), Set Design club, Chiropractor, Physical Therapist or Yearbook (Editor-in-chief senior an Athletic Trainer. year) and Tech club (since 4th grade. She was president and vice Message to the Class of 2020: president... different years), in the “I know this senior year was not Interact club, Varsity cross country what everyone expected, but hey, and band.. we will always remember it. It Her most memorable moment from makes you look back and think high school was when she made it how fast those 13 years of school to states for Cross Country. “It was flew by. Do not take time for special because two of my teamgranted. Live your life to the mates also made it to states, so it fullest. The 13 years that I look was a really fun time, and we were back on I only remember bits and all really proud of each other,” she pieces or barely anything at all. I avers. think we can all say that we’ve In the fall Marlee will be attending never been asked to state our fathe Fashion Institute of Technology vorite memory of our time at Liv(FIT) and I will be studying ingston Manor other than this past footwear and accessory design. year. When I get asked that, I put As for her career, notes Marlee, “I down a different answer every have always adored fashion. It has time. How am I supposed to have been an important thing in my life one favorite time out of 13 years? and I really enjoy the creative and I can hardly remember any moments anyways. I always end up putting gym class, or stealing candy from the High School Office, or my senior game, or getting in trouble for being too loud in the lounge. I can barely remember this last year let alone the 12 before that. It just really shows how time can go CONTRIBUTED PHOTOS in the blink of an eye; you can’t Jacob Pasquale take it for granted. “Yeah, I know, the closer and closer you get to senior year, Message to the Class of 2020: you hear “time is gonna fly, “Hello, fellow classmates! It has don’t take it for granted, soon been a crazy ride to get here, but you’re gonna be a senior”. we finally made it. We are graduatHearing that you’re like “I ing and moving on to the next know I know that’s what everychapters of our lives, most of one says”. Now, as I sit here which will be away from each reading this, I cannot agree other. However, we should not be with those people more.” saddened when looking back at our time together nor should we Marlee Madison mourn the time we lost due to Livingston Manor Covid-19. We should look back and Class President be grateful for the time we did Marlee is graduating from LMCS have. For instance, remember the with a GPA of 98.23 Asked time we did the play, The Great about her favorite subject, MarKapok Tree, in 3rd grade? Or, what lee replied, “As far as my faabout the 8th grade Washington vorite subject goes, I love art, D.C. Trip? Or the time we made a Marlee Madison but in case that doesn't count Sponge-Bob piñata in Spanish as a subject, I have always had class and destroyed it outside? And let’s not forget about all the fun times we had in the Senior Lounge. We’ve had a lot of fun times together, but it is time to move on. It is time to let the good times we had become memories to look back on and smile.” Jacob Pasquale Livingston Manor Valedictorian Jacob graduates from LMCS with a GPA of 101.13. His favorite subject was math. Jacob participated in band, Drama Club, Manor Ink and the National Honor Society. His most salient memory was when his class made a Sponge Bob themed pinata in Spanish Class and destroyed it outside. Jacob will be attending Ithaca College and majoring in film, photography and the visual arts. At present he is unsure of what career he will pursue but knows it will be related to film.

Lindsey Parks Livingston Manor Salutatorian Lindsey graduated from Livingston Manor Central School with a GPA of 98.63. Her favorite subject was any science. Lindsey’s extracurricular activities

Lindsey Parks



FRIDAY, JULY 3, 2020



Meet Livingston Manor’s Fourth in the class: Krish Patel BY MATT SHORTALL

For Livingston Manor student Krish Patel, High school has been a wild ride and he expects the next thing to be even better. The fourth-ranked student in his graduating class, Patel said he plans on attending Ithaca College with his friends in the hope of pursuing his dream of becoming the kind of talented family practitioner that the world needs. Patel received a scholarship from the Frank A. & Lulu Rose Foundation. “In 10 years, I see myself wrapping up my studies and being very close to becoming an excellent family

practitioner,” Patel said. When it comes to his favorite memory in high school Patel said, “There have been many fun memories in high school, so I don't even know where to start. I would say that my favorite memory in high school would be the time that my materials processing teacher and I built an amazing desk lamp.” When it comes to his favorite subject in school, Patel said it’s another difficult question because he “loved all subjects very dearly and the teachers that have taught me everything I know about them. I would say that my favorite subject is math since it connects

with the world very closely. It has also helped me create many amazing things in my woodworking and computer design classes since they relate very closely with math.” Patel has been involved in many activities relating to the town, including the Livingston Manor town cleanup as well as helping run a family-owned gas station that is located on Main Street. “Running the gas station is an all-day activity since I have many roles to do ranging from being a cashier to working on the network to make sure that the store does not have any downtime, which can cause a lot

of confusion and frustration,” Patel said. In his final words to fellow graduates, Patel said, “[You] should never give up no matter how many times you fall. You should think in the same manner that a spider does. My father always tells me, ‘When a spider falls when it is trying to make a web, it gets back up and gets back at it again. It does not forget that it fell, however it does not hold onto the fact that it fell. It will get back up and try once again and in the end it will make sure that it reaches its final goal of making its web so that it can prosper.’”


Adam Lasky Memorial Award Daniel Grace Agudas Achim Society Award for Highest Regents Average - Jacob Pasquale American Legion Award for highest average in Social Studies - Marlee Madison American Red Cross Life Shares High School Scholarship Program - Garrett Shaver Arlene and Mecky Schwartz Award Ty Fagan, Felicia Rothberg Art Scholarship Award - Marlee Madison Avery Foundation Scholarship Award - Lindsey Parks Beaverkill Chapter of the National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution - Jacob Pasquale Board of Education Award for the student who ranks 3rd in class standing - Marlee Madison Board of Education Award for the student who ranks 4th in class standing - Krish Patel Certificates of Merit and Achievement - Ember Brown, Giovanni Costantino, Amari Crummell, Patrick DiBartolo, Ty Fagen, Zachary Fre-

itas, Randon Gordon, Daniel Grace, Megan Kleingardner, Patrick Lenihan, Marlee Madison, Conner Manell, Mason Mills, Jesse Ouimet, Lindsey Parks, Jacob Pasquale, Krish Patel, Gavin Pierpoint, Erik Rodriguez, Felicia Rothberg, Eliza Schweitzer, Garrett Shaver, Kathryn Shea, Madison Strong, Shelbie Ward, Jasin Watson, Antonio Whiting Craig R. Sturdevant Memorial Award - Conner Manell Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) Good Citizen Award Marlee Madison David Pollack Award for Class Salutatorian - Lindsey Parks David Pollack Award for Class Valedictorian - Jacob Pasquale Don R. Zeininger Memorial Award for Industrial Arts - Jesse Ouimet Dorothy Dolgas Memorial Award Krish Patel Dr. Lewis G. Denman Memorial Scholarship Fund - Garrett Shaver Elinor E. Decker Memorial Award Lindsey Parks Frank A. & Lulu Rose Foundation Marlee Madison, Lindsey Parks, Jacob Pasquale, Krish Patel Frank and Lois Gibson Boys’ Athletic Achievement Award - Garrett Shaver Frank and Lois Gibson Girls’ Athletic

Achievement Award - Lindsey Parks Grad Program Cover Design Award Marlee Madison Hilda M. Neild Scholarship Fund Marlee Madison HOPE: “Help Open People’s Eyes” Award - Lindsey Parks, Garrett Shaver Jamie Bertholf Memorial Scholarship - Kathryn Shea Jamie Lyn Ford Memorial Award Kathryn Shea John DuMond Memorial Scholarship Lindsey Parks John Hundley III & Josh Hundley Memorial Scholarship Fund - Patrick DiBartolo Justin Cristaldi Memorial Scholarship - Marlee Madison, Conner Manell, Jacob Pasquale Knoll Scholarship Fund - Lindsey Parks, Garrett Shaver Liberty Elks Lodge #1545 Awards for Citizenship and Service - Randon Gordon, Felicia Rothberg Livingston Manor Community Center Service Award - Ty Fagen Livingston Manor Lions Club Tony and Kelly Lackey Memorial Award Mason Mills Livingston Manor Rotary Club Service Award - Lindsey Parks Livingston Manor Teachers’ Assoc. Awards for Higher Education - Marlee Madison, Jacob Pasquale

LMCS “Plaque of ‘39” given by the 50th Anniversary Alumni Association - Lindsey Parks LMCS 50th Anniv. Alumni Award Student who ranks 1st in class standing - Jacob Pasquale LMCS 50th Anniv. Alumni Award Student who ranks 2nd in class standing - Lindsey Parks LMCS School-Related Professionals’ Association Graduation Award for the student who ranks 5th in class standing - Mason Mills Lorna B. Hoag Perseverance Award Jesse Ouimet Louis A. & Rita Hick Smith Memorial Fund - Lindsey Parks Madeline O'Brien Scholarship - Krish Patel Manor Ink’s “Inspired Words & Images” Award - Marlee Madison, Jacob Pasqaule Maureen J. Reisner Memorial Award for Music - Marlee Madison Michael Dolgas Environmental Award - Conner Manell Misner Agency Award for Greatest Improvement in High School English - Zachary Freitas National School Choral Award - Randon Gordon NYS Attorney General's Triple “C” Award - Marlee Madison, Krish Patel NYS Comptroller’s Achievement Award - Garrett Shaver, Lindsey


Manor’s Krish Patel.

Parks NYS Education Department Scholarship for Academic Excellence Jacob Pasquale, Marlee Madison Peck’s Market Graduation Award - Ty Fagen, Conner Manell, Lindsey Parks, Erik Rodriguez, Garrett Shaver PTSA Service Scholarship Award Ember Brown, Giovanni Costantino, Amari Crummell, Patrick DiBartolo, Ty Fagen, Zachary Frietas, Randon Gordon, Daniel Grace, Megan Kleingardner, Patrick Lenihan, Marlee Madison, Connor Manell, Mason Mills, Jesse Ouimet, Lindsey Parks, Jacob Pasquale, Krish Patel, Gavin Pierpoint, Erik Rodriguez, Felicia Rothberg, Eliza Schweitzer, Garrett Shaver, Kathryn Shea, Madison Strong, Shelbie Ward, Jasin Watson, Antonio Whiting Rolling V. Academic Improvement Award - Zachary Frietas

Rose & Kiernan, Inc. Scholarship Fund - Garrett Shaver Stephanie Babich-Youmans Scholarship Fund - Patrick DiBartolo, Lindsey Parks SUNY Presidential Scholars Award Ember Brown, Patrick Lenihan Tech Scholarship Award - Krish Patel Theodore Gordon Fly Fishers’ Science Award - Kathryn Shea Trevor Simpson Memorial Award Garrett Shaver The Siegel Family Music and Arts Endowment Fund (The John Philip Sousa Band Award) - Jacob Pasquale Van Etten Oil Co. Award for Excellence in Language - Jacob Pasqaule VanPut Family Scholarship - Conner Manell Will Hardware - Industrial Arts Award - Zachary Frietas William Kelly Scholarship Award given by the Kelly family, in memory of Billy - Lindsey Parks

Hancock High School honors 36 grads in 132nd graduating ceremony


ancock High School has long been a tightknit community with small class sizes, specials bonds with teachers and an administration that really cares about its students. That camaraderie was recognized at the high school’s 132nd graduation commencement, held on June 26. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the graduation was held outside with a limit of 150 people. The graduating

seniors and their families sat on the football field and honored all of their achievements. Class Valedictorian Kelsey Young said her generation was born in the wake of 9/11 and grew up bearing witness to school shootings, natural disasters and economic recessions, and is now graduating amidst a global pandemic. “This definitely was not what anyone thought our

them into who they are today. “We all have our own paths to follow, and this individuality that we gained from high school helps us take our own desired paths in life, unless one of us is lost in the woods because then by all means follow someone else’s path,” joked Class Salutatorian Roger Newman III.


Evan Kenyon at last week’s Hancock graduation.

Vanessa Tompkins smiles in front of her lawn sign.

senior year would be like. But facing unprecedented circumstances is nothing new to us,” Young said. Indeed, the 36 seniors will enter a world that is drastically different than it was just a few months ago. Some are going on to college, while some are joining the armed forces or entering the workforce. Whatever their future may be, it is certain that Hancock High School helped shape

Graduation was held outside on the football field.

Adam Goebel is all smiles after he receives his diploma.

Read Scholarships: Lily Ogozalek & Brenna Gleim Gerald B. Leonard Scholarship: Roger Newman III Hancock Alumni Association Scholarship: Emily Rubera Hancock Teachers Association Scholarship: Kelsey Young Kenneth L. Parker Memorial Scholarship: Liam Galloway Dylan Noble Memorial Scholarships: Ariel Kellam & Zachary Alderman Gerard J. Gilleran Memorial Commercial Scholarship Award: Alexis Bennett Nikki Vetrone Memorial Scholarship: Ariel Kellam Dean B. Wheeler Memorial Scholarship: Roger Newman III Louise Linkroum Chamberlain Scholarship: Catherine Bennett Legacy of Honor Patriot Awards: Lana Evanitsky, Evan Kenyon, Castin Ostrander, and Adam Goebel Kevin Crane Scholarships: Alexis Bennett, Ariel Kellam, Brenna Gleim, Nicholas Gross, Lily Ogozalek, Roger Newman III, Kelsey Young Nyberg Science Regents Scholarship: Roger Newman III Bruce V. Gardner Memorial Scholarships: Alexis Bennett Sidney Federal Credit Union Scholarship: Kelsey Young Socorro Marin Awards: Lily Ogozalek & Roger Newman III Helen & Wellington Lester Math/Science Award: Sierra Francisco




FRIDAY, JULY 3, 2020

Zachary Alderman

Richard Banks

Alexis Bennett

Catherine Bennett

Joshua Brown

Jeremiah Burrows

Nicole D’Elia

Lana Evanitsky

Sierra Francisco

Liam Galloway

Christopher Geer Jr.

Brenna Gleim

Adam Goebel

Nicholas Gross

Gaven Hendrickson

Ariel Kellam

Evan Kenyon

Blaze Kuehn

Harrison Layman

Max McAndrew

Brandon McElroy

Emily McGraw

McKenzie Mead

Michaela Mirch

Roger Newman III

Lily Ogozalek

Sara Orlowski

Castin Ostrander

Sarahann Rake

Vanessa Tompkins

Kelsey Young

Zane MacRabie-Groat

Top of the Class BY RICHARD A. ROSS Kelsey Young Hancock Valedictorian/ Co-Class President

Kelsey graduated from Hancock Central School with a GPA of 102.58 Her favorite subject is art, but academically speaking it is English. Kelsey participated in cross country, indoor and outdoor track, basketball, National Honor Society, Spanish Club, all school plays, the senior class play, YES Leads, and student council. Kelsey’s most salient memory was going on an art trip to the Met. “On the train to the city, we lost power and were stranded for over an hour. To make matters worse the train was packed and we were forced to stand shoulder to shoulder with the other passengers. Unfortunately the man standing next to me was claustrophobic and ended up passing out (he made the news and he is okay). In the moment it was intense, but my friends and I can laugh about it now.” Kelsey will be attending Northern Arizona University in the fall and will be dual majoring in Special/Elementary Education. As to future aspirations Kelsey notes, “I am definitely interested in teaching abroad.”

Message to Class of 2020: “Wow, what a senior year we’ve had! I think it’s safe to say no one saw our high school career ending like this, but facing unprecedented circumstances is nothing new to us. We came into this world in the wake of 9/11, we’ve grown up watching countless incidents of terrorism and school violence on the news, and now we are graduating high school amidst a global pandemic. Yet, from all of this pain and chaos, we never sat still and wallowed. We have

become a generation characterized by resilience. A diamond doesn’t just start out Emily as a diamond. Rubera Before it becomes one of the signing and hardest and most building infrabeautiful crystals structure projin the world, it is ects somewhere just carbon in an urban atoms. Those cityscape. carbon atoms are put under exMessage to treme heat and 2020 graduates: pressure, but “This is our year they do not to shine. The Kelsey Young break, they do tough times that not give in. In- Hancock Valedictorian/ we are living in Co-Class President stead, they are only making emerge stronger us more well and more unified. The word equipped to withstand anydiamond comes from the thing that can be thrown at us Greek word adamas, which in the future. These unique means, ‘unconquerable, unal- times call for unique people terable, unbreakable, and un- to step up and to put their tamable.’ To my dear class of well-earned skills to use. We 2020, we are the “unconquer- are the next group of unique able, unalterable, unbreak- people who will begin making able, and untamable.” We are changes to the world we live the diamonds in the rough. in as we move to the next We all are stronger than this.” chapters in our lives. Everyone in the class of 2020 at Roger Newman III Hancock and elsewhere is Hancock Salutatorian very special in their own ways Roger graduated from Han- and I know that we will all cock High School with a GPA: change the world for the bet101.555 (as of third quarter ter when problems arise that during his senior year). we must solve. I want to conHis favorite subjects were gratulate all of us on making it science, math, and history. He this far and to put my best found it very hard to choose because he loved all of them . Roger participated in Student Council, National Honor Society, Drama Club musicals and plays, High School Choir, Spanish Club, Varsity golf and tennis, Junior Varsity basketball and baseball, Oneonta Leaderships Conferences, Oneonta NHS Academic Trivia Contests, and Yes Leads. His most salient memory was having the longest spring break in high school history (due to COVID-19 of course. Roger will be attending Penn State University and majoring in civil engineering. Roger Newman III Roger hopes to work in the Hancock Salutatorian public or private sectors de-

Noah Rubera

Scott Smith

Christian Sokol

We are officially done with Hancock, all of us are going in separate paths whether it be going across state to the college of your dreams, going to SUNY Broome like many of us are, joining the military, or working in the family business. I can proudly say each of you impacted me. When I started to attend Hancock 4 years ago, I didn't think that

my life would change as much as it did. I was set on being a doctor for years, then I decided I wanted to work in the justice department, and now I'm joining the Air Force. I am so proud of each of us, and so thankful that I met all of you. I wouldn't want a different class to graduate with, and here we all are. Congratulations to the Class of 2020.

Meet Hancock’s third in the class: Brenna Gleim Lana Evanitsky Hancock Co-Class President wishes to those who are going even farther.” Lana Evanitsky Hancock Co-Class President Lana graduated from Hancock Central School with a GPA of----Her favorite subject was gym. Lana’s extracurricular activities included Volleyball, Bowling, Student Council, Spanish Club, and Rotary Youth Leadership Awards. Her favorite memory was the joy of hanging with her friends. Lana will be joining the Air Force and aspire to be an investigator for the major crimes unit. Message to the Class of 2020: “I am just as surprised as you are to have been the Class President for 4 years. No one saw that coming. We also didn't know that our senior year would be cut short. We will no longer tell Mr. Davis dad jokes, annoy Mr. Bedient beyond belief, and get bombarded with hugs when you walk by Seniora Gross’s room.


Brenna Gleim learned how to bowl as soon as she could walk, thanks to the help from her dad who owns Fox Bowling Center in Hancock. Now, the Hancock High School graduating senior will go on to play on the Division One Bowling Team at Duquesne University in Pittsburgh, where she was awarded a scholarship. The Equinunk, Pa. native will study early childhood education in college, hoping to fulfill her dream of teaching young children. “I want to help make the world a better place,” she says of going into the education field. In college she is most looking forward to traveling with the bowling team and getting field experience teaching in schools in the Pittsburgh area. Bowling isn’t the only sport Gleim excels at, during her high school career she was also on the boys’ varsity golf team and girls’ varsity bowling team for all four years, and the girls’ varsity softball team


Brenna Gleim

for three years including being captain. In addition to sports, Gleim is also passionate about theater and singing. She was a member of the school’s chorus and played oboe in band, and did musical theater and plays at the Scranton Culture Center, including starring in musicals such as Beauty and the Beast, Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat and Shrek. As she reflects on her time at Hancock High School, she is appreciative for the close community, especially getting to know the teachers and staff. “I loved Hancock,” she said. “It was a great place and you got to know everyone.”

This special section is sponsored by these community-minded businesses & individuals: Congratulations Alexis!



Congratulations to the Class of 2020!


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Congratulations to the Class of 2020!

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FRIDAY, JULY 3, 2020

Liberty graduates 114 students


Liberty Superintendent of Schools Dr. Augustine Tornatore addresses the Class of 2020.

Liberty High School Principal Derek Adams waves on his way to the ceremony, which was held at Bethel Woods.

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The end of your Senior year was not to have been imagined to occur in such a dark lonely way. Senior year is to be filled with expressions of celebration. We celebrate you and the entire class of 2020. Born the year after 9/11, the country filled with disbelief and grief. New Life arrived to bring love and hope with the premise of renewal. We wish to take away the pain and disappointment for all the lost expectations. This class of 2020 is special and strong. Continue to learn and move forward. Care for each other. Hold strong to our earned Liberties. Make great changes in your adult life ahead.

Congratulations Graduates!

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Class gift

Graduates each received a celebratory lawn sign on the day of their individual graduations. At Bethel Woods they received a gift bag containing a Liberty t-shirt and joggers, purchased with surplus funds raised by the class.


ongratulations! For many of you this is your first multi-year, dedicated, and significant accomplishment of your life, but it will not be the last. We will miss you. We will miss your warm greetings as you enter the building each morning. We will miss your energetic smiles in the halls. We will miss the positive example you set for Liberty High School and our underclassmen. We will miss your cohesive, teambased approach to winning Color Wars. We will miss your music, theater, and athletic performances. I will miss taking birthday selfies with you. We will miss all of the things that made you a part of Liberty High School, but most of all, we will miss you. As I reflected on this class many descriptors and ideas came to mind. Resilient, goaloriented, service-minded, historical. Regardless of what happens with future classes, the class of 2020 will forever be known as the first historical class who persevered

Congratulations!!! EVERYDAY SPECIAL 2 Large WE DELIVER!

hard in everything that you do. As Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson said, “Be Humble. Be Hungry. And always be the hardest worker in the room.” Lifelong learning is a long journey. Learning comes in many forms. Embrace it, as it is the action that keeps us growing and allows us to better ourselves over time. Learning is a journey and although it is not linear, it must never stop if you are to reach your true potential. Class of 2020, you will be missed, but not forgotten. You join a distinguished group of Liberty High School alumni and will be forever a part of Liberty Pride.


This special section congratulating the Liberty Central graduates is sponsored by these community-minded businesses & individuals: AT ULATIO NGR O ASS OF N S C Y CCLLA T R S S O F202 E TY 2 00! LIIBBE R 15 L

ing the Great Depression and fought in World War II. Finding ways to help others and perform your civic duties, making decisions and following directions for the greater good, the selfless acts of bettering society, and the sacrifice that comes with the actions are a few examples of some parallels. As you end this chapter in your life I offer three tips of encouragement: Be a leader- Remember that it is only through the appropriate influence of your voice, actions, and civic engagement such as organizing others and voting, that our society changes for the better. As Martin Luther King Jr. stated, “Intelligence plus character, that is the true goal of education.” Accept the challenge- Life is a challenge, and so is college, the armed forces, the workforce, and many other things you will face as an adult. Accept the challenge and work



iberty, as we all know, is a special place, and I have been reminded of this repeatedly as we’ve faced, one after another, the challenges, setbacks and disappointments that have come our way. What makes Liberty special is, of course, the people here. We’re strong and resilient and spirited, and we are not strangers to difficulty. The community has had to deal with change, and the challenges they bring, since its inception in 1807. Liberty has what my grandparents called “Forza.’ You might call it inner strength, or resilience, or chutzpah. The Class of 2020 has shown us that they indeed possess this gift. Through every twist and turn, you kept moving forward. When one of you faltered, you helped one another up. You comforted each other through the disappointments and celebrated victories large and small. On

Messages from Liberty Central School’s Administration


the field I’ve watched you win victories and face defeat with equal grace, I’ve applauded your artistry on the stage, I’ve been amazed and impressed by your academic achievements, and then, when nearly every expectation and plan for your senior year was turned upside down, you did not let it stop you. So here you are now, proud graduates of Liberty High School. As you leave us you step into a world of unrest, one that is grappling with questions and facing difficult problems. That world will rely on you to seek answers, explore solutions, and to be the agents of positive change, and I have faith that you are up to the task. Some of you are heading to college or career training, some will enter our military, and others will head directly into the workforce. You are leaving Liberty, but know that we will be here for you, and I hope that you will keep in touch. Let us know how you are doing, reach out if you need anything, and remember that wherever you go we will always be proud of you.


through the swift and unforeseen leave from school and all the missed senior events, memories, and rights of passage. The COVID-19 pandemic has marked the Class of 2020 and the effects are certainly felt by every grade level, but especially this class. You have been affected by historical events in the past. You were born and raised in the wake of September 11, and you completed your primary education during the Great Recession. Now during this pandemic, you are showing the same mental fortitude, solidarity, and resilience that you have grown to need from your past observations during the turbulent times of your adolescence. Although your generation has many years to define your impact on each other, our country, and the world, there can already be several comparisons to “The Greatest Generation,” which is the generation who grew up dur-



Love, Mom, Dad & All the LaGattuta Family



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FRIDAY, JULY 3, 2020

Lily Alejandro

Julia Austin

Juana Azcona Lopez

Kylie Bachman

Juan Bajana Alegria

Ana Barragan

Vanessa Barrera Duran

Christopher Bayer

Austin Bertholf

Nicole Blais

Ean Blank

Faakirah Brimfield

Ashakira Brown

Joseph Call

Bryan Carino Ruiz

Anthony Carrion

Breckin Cheh

Celina Christian

Nicholas Connal

Nichole Connal

Megan Culton

Elizabeth Daniels

Natalie De la Cruz

Kassidy DeGroat

Franny De la Cruz Solano

Kymanni Dennis

Alexis Doering

Jasmine Fancher

Lucas Feijo

Leah Fitzgerald

Sydneigh Fleischman

Kylie Flynn

Gabriella Fontana

Eder Fuentes

Balvina Garcia

Leydi Gonzalez Gonzalez

Lucia Gonzalez

Jarod Hellerer

Tatiana Hinkley

Ian Hoag

Annalyse Holbert

Cody Hook

Jennifer Hyzer

Richard Jandik

Julia Johnston

Liam Keaveney

Kelsey Kellam

Mya Kennie

Andralyn Lagattuta

Erick Ledoux

Andrea Licona Palma

Nico LoCascio

Gabriella Magie

Rory Magie

Ysabel Manzi

Bella Mateo

Francisco Miguel Castandea

Jah-Heam Mitchell

Jackson Morgan

Tessa Nettleton


Julia Austin -(BOCES) Syracuse Universty Award of Recognition Christopher Bayer - Patrick Gilmore Award for Band, LFA Scholarship, Liberty NY Rotary Club Richard Fosler Memorial Scholarship, Music Department Scholarship Austin Bertholf - (BOCES) President’s Academic Excellence Award (NTHS) Nicole Blais - National School Orchestra Award, Outstanding AP Biology Award, Peter H Cahalan Scholarship, Liberty NY Rotary Club Scholarship Sponsored by BFY Brands/Ideal Snacks, LFA Scholarship Ean Blank - Liberty NY Rotary Club Scholarship Sponsored by New Hope Community Foundation

Celina Christian - (BOCES) Barbara Hallenbeck Professionalism Award, (BOCES) President’s Academic Excellence Award (NTHS) Natalie De la Cruz - Outstanding Career and Financial Management Award Kassidy DeGroat - The Beaverkill Foundation Award, LFA Scholarship, Bette Burke Memorial Basketball Scholarship Kymanni Dennis - Liberty NY Rotary Club Scholarship Sponsored by Colonial Ramsay Funeral Homes Jasmine Fancher - Outstanding Fundamentals of Accounting Award, Visual Arts Scholarship Marissa Figueroa - Outstanding Drawing and Painting 2 Award, Outstanding Math with Financial Application Award, Outstanding College Composition I Award Leah Fitzgerald - LFA Scholarship, Liberty NY Rotary Club Scholarship PHOTO BY LISA RAMIREZ

The Liberty Class of 2020 enters the ceremony.


Sponsored by Colonial Ramsay Funeral Homes, Music Department Scholarship Sydneigh Fleischman - Outstanding Statistics Award Kylie Flynn - Liberty Elks Lodge Citizenship Award Gabriella Fontana - Louis Armstrong Jazz Award, Leon and Marjorie Siegel Memorial Scholarship Leydi Gonzalez Gonzalez - Outstanding Spanish 5 Award

Jarod Hellerer - Liberty Elks Lodge Citizenship Award Jennifer Hyzer - Outstanding Ceramics Award, Outstanding Drawing & Painting Award, Outstanding Entrepreneurship Award, Visual Arts Scholarship Richard Jandik - Outstanding Government Award Liam Keaveney - Outstanding Advanced Personal Fitness Award Kelsey Kellam - Outstanding English

Special recognition to the Graduating Class of 2020 for your extraordinary efforts. All the Best for a Bright Future!

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Joshua Derek Schmidt Liberty

12A Award, The Sinacore Family Scholarship, LFA Scholarship, (BOCES) President’s Academic Excellence Award (NTHS), (BOCES) Trading Post Award Andralyn LaGattuta - Outstanding Economics Award, Outstanding Photography 3 Award, Visual Arts Scholarship, Photography Club - Alfred Stieglitz Award


Not pictured: Nicole Albelo-Irizarry Aakeyah Anderson Inioluwatomiwa Aridegbe James Ayuso Victoria Bullock Jared Espinoza Marissa Figueroa Chandler Fink Michael Francis Jr Tyrice Halloway George Lopez Maria Maldonado Ciara Mathis Nicolas Molina Rogello Molina Ordonez Luis Nivelo Cruz Karen Ortiz Bustillo Eriberto Perez-Cordero Devon Ranne Joseph Robinson Kyle Simmons Lucas Stellino Kyle Simmons



FRIDAY, JULY 3, 2020


Arianna Nieves

Isxel Nivelo Cruz

Alexandria Ocasio

Hillary Ortiz-Vega

Adam Otero

Montana Papacharalambous

Niyuti Patel

Destiny Pearson

Jadenn Perez

Shalese Pinzon

Gavin Racette

Kevin Raymond

Stanley Rivas Cornejo

Jerry Robbins II

Joseph Robinson

Noe Romero Bello

Julisa Rosa

Brianna Roth

Brooke Roth

Samantha Santana

Jonathan Sarney

Patricia Scarlett

David Schiff

Joshua Schmidt

Gabriella Schrader

Alyssa Slater

Baley Smith

Marshall Thomas

Ashli Torres

Hannah Trujillo

Liberty Graduation Awards CONTINUED FROM 18G

Erick Ledoux - (BOCES) President's Academic Excellence Award (NTHS) Andrea Licona Palma - Sullivan Masonic Lodge #521 Scholarship, (BOCES) Burmax Award Gabriella Magie - Outstanding Physical Education Award Rory Magie - National School Choral Award, PTA Scholarship, Visual Arts Scholarship Ysabel Manzi - National School Choral Award, Outstanding Business Math Award Bella Mateo - (BOCES) President’s Academic Excellence Award (NTHS) Francisco Miguel Castaneda Leonard Bernstein Musicianship Award Jackson Morgan - Outstanding Introduction to Computer Science Award Tessa Nettleton - Outstanding Physics of Toys Award Arianna Nieves - LFA Scholarship, Briker Family Scholarship, Leon and Marjorie Siegel Memorial Scholar-

ship, Keep Your Dreams Scholarship Destiny Pearson - Fred Waring Director’s Award for Chorus, Outstanding Calculus Award, LFA Scholarship, Lowell Heffley Memorial Scholarship Gavin Racette - LFA Scholarship Noe Romero Bello - Outstanding Physical Education Award Julisa Rosa - Visual Arts Scholarship Brianna Roth - Outstanding Honors Economics Award, Outstanding AP Biology Award, LFA Scholarship, Worden Family Scholarship, Liberty NY Rotary Club Scholarship Sponsored by Operation Endeavor, PTA Scholarship Brooke Roth - Outstanding Advanced Personal Fitness Award, Outstanding Forensics Award, Outstanding Fundamentals of Speech Award, LFA Scholarship, Peter H Cahalan Scholarship, PTA Scholarship Patricia Scarlett - Outstanding Photography 2 Award, LFA Scholarship, Visual Arts Scholarship

Dorlyn Valencia Bamac

Adell Velazquez

Gabriella Schrader - John Philip Sousa Award for Band, Briker Family Scholarship Baley Smith - LFA Scholarship Hannah Trujillo - Outstanding Adaptive PE Award Adell Velazquez - Outstanding English 12B Award, (BOCES) President's Academic Achievement Award Gavn Werring Mendez - Outstanding Studio Art Award, The Sinacore Family Scholarship Isis Wright - Outstanding College Political Science Award

Gavn Werring Mendez

Austin White

Troy Willis

Karol Wood

Isis Wright

TOP TEN STUDENTS OF THE CLASS OF 2020 1. Nicole Blais 2. Brianna Roth 3. Christopher Bayer 4. Gabriella Fontana 5. Gavin Racette 6. Leah Fitzgerald 7. Destiny Pearson 8. Sydneigh Fleischman 9. Jarod Hellerer 10.Brooke Roth

Congratulations Liberty Class of 2020


Nicholas Connal receives his diploma from Liberty CSD Board of Education President Matthew DeWitt.

Congratulations to the

Liberty High School Class of 2020

Christopher Bayer

Nicole Blais

Kassidy DeGroat

Destiny Pearson

Gavin Racette

Brianna Roth


Leah Fitzgerald

of 2020 Brooke Roth

Kasey Kellam

Arianna Nieves

Patricia Scarlett

Baley Smith

A special congratulations to the 12 recipients of George V. Hutchinson Scholarships for 2020. The Liberty Faculty Association has awarded more than $352,150 to Liberty graduates since its inception. Thank you to the entire community for your continued support of our fundraising efforts over the years.


from the Liberty Faculty Association!




FRIDAY, JULY 3, 2020

Breckin Cheh hugs Class Advisor and Liberty Math Teacher Liz Fuentes.

At left: A fun graduation tradition is the decoration of caps. This one read, “How lucky am I to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard.”

Liberty seniors Gabby Magie, Ysabel Manzi and Bella Mateo take in the moment.


The Liberty Class of 2020 was honored in a socially distanced graduation ceremony at Bethel Woods last Friday.

This special section congratulating the Liberty Central graduates is sponsored by these community-minded businesses & individuals:


e Class of


We’re so proud of you both!

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We Salute the Determination of the 2020 Graduating Class!

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Congratulations Class of 2020!


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From Your Friends At

Hurleyville Performing Arts Centre

We are so proud of you and LOVE you very much!

WE ARE SO PROUD OF YOU! Remember to always remain true to yourself, Reach for your dreams, Listen to your heart and Keep smiling.


Congratulations 2020 Graduates! 83856

We are proud to salute you for all your accomplishments and wish you the best in your future endeavors.



We love you! Nana & Papa

Congratulations Liberty Class of 2020 Graduates!

Ean Blank & Annalyse Holbert 845-292-4200 • 170 LAKE STREET, LIBERTY, NY


from your Brookview Neighbors 84223


Dad, Tiffany, Mason, Lexi, Anna and Aubrey



Grandson, always remember you are Braver than you believe Stronger than you know and Smarter than you think. Love you always Grandma & Grandpa Hellerer

Congratulations Sydneigh Fleischman from the Monticello Bagel Bakery

Joseph N. Garlick


Class of 2020









FRIDAY, JULY 3, 2020


Top of the Class testament to the resilience of the Class of 2020. From Pre-K and Kindergarten to today, all of us have worked hard to sit where we are sitting. Wherever you are going, I wish you good luck for your futures and I want to leave you with a few pieces of advice. Take advantage of every opportunity that may come your way. Always be willing to learn and able to adapt to new things. As we all now know, you never know what’s going to happen. Treat everyone you meet with kindness. Maya Angelou said, “I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel”. And finally, believe in yourself because you are capable of anything you put your mind to. Congratulations, Liberty High School Class of 2020.”

Brianna Roth Liberty Salutatorian

Nicole Blais Liberty Valedictorian

BY RICHARD A. ROSS Nicole Blais Liberty Valedictorian

Nicole Blais graduated from Liberty Central School with a GPA of 4.0. Her favorite subject was history. “I love everything about history and every era of history!” says Nicole. Nicole was very active in Extracurricular activities. She was the Moderator of the LHS Student Council in her Senior year and has been a part of the Student Council since she was in 10th grade She was Parliamentarian of the LHS Future Business Leaders of America in her Senior year and was in Science Olympiad in 10th and 11th grades. Nicole played Varsity Tennis in her junior and senior year and she was a co-captain in her senior year. Nicole ran Varsity Indoor Track for 3 years and ran Varsity Outdoor Track for 2 years (including senior year). Nicole played Varsity Golf for 5 years (including senior year) and played JV Volleyball in 9th and 10th grades. She was in National Honor Society and National Junior Honor Society and a part of the Tri-Music Association for 3 years. Nicole has been a part of Liberty Performing Arts since 7th grade. She acted/sang for 3 years, played in pit band for 2 years (violin), and was Stage Manager of the production of the Little Mermaid in her senior year. Nicole played in AllCounty and NYSSMA (violin and chorus) since I was in 5th grade and sang at AreaAll State in 11th grade (alternate in 10th). Nicole served as secretary for the Senior Class when she was in 10th and 11th grade and was a Student Liasion member in her senior year. She has been in orchestra since 4th grade and chorus since 5th grade. “My most notable memories from high school are Color Wars and Homecoming. Both events are always so much fun to be a part of and they are times when

school spirit is strong and everyone comes together.” Nicole will be attending Binghamton University in the fall where she will be majoring in Business Administration with minors in history and psychology. “In the future, I want to work for a major company and I want to own my own business. Even though I am unsure of what type of busi-

Brianna Roth graduated from Liberty High School with a GPA of 99.33. Her favorite subject was math. She participated in Varsity Outdoor and Indoor track as well as Varsity Volleyball. She was the treasurer of the National Honor Society and Math Con, a skills club for preparing for competition. Her most salient memories from high school include anything involving sports including practices and meets/games. In the fall she will be attending Marywood University and l be studying in the pre-physicians assistant program. Brianna aspires to work in the medical field as a physician’s assistant with a specialty of either orthopedics or dermatology.

Gabriella Fontana Liberty Class President such a unique class as your Salutatorian and I want to congratulate each and every one of you for everything you have accomplished so far and wish you the best of luck in your future endeavors.”

Gabriella Fontana Liberty Class President Gabriella graduates with a GPA of 98.640. Her favorite subjects were math and science (specifically Pre-Calculus and Physics). Her extracurricular activities included: Science Olympiad (President), Band, Chorus,


Jazz, Plays (Clue) Musicals (The Little Mermaid), Pep Band, and TSTT Today’s Students Tomorrow’s Teachers. Her most salient high school memory is going through the school smiling and making people laugh/ She will be attending U.Albany (SUNY at Albany) majoring in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. She aspires to become a college professor.

Message to the Class of 2020: “First off I have to thank each and every last one of

! r e t t E oN e b



you for electing me as your president four years in a row. I have loved getting to know each of you and seeing what you have conquered in your high school experiences. We all grew up together and managed to overcome of the some of the toughest challenges. I cannot wait to see what each of you does with your lives as I know each and every one of you has capabilities to be whatever you want to be. During these times, do not let your fires burn out! Keep smiling and laughing! I will miss you!”





When Y Yo ou Do One Betterr,, The World Seems T To o Notice. Congratulations to the Class of 2020

Brianna Roth Liberty Salutatorian ness right now, I want it to be a place where people can come together and give back to the community. Community service is very important to me and I want to continue helping my community and others in the future.” Message to the Class of 2020: “Congratulations fellow graduates! Today, we close a chapter of our lives and begin a new one. I know it did not end how we expected it to but we took it in stride. Sitting here today is a

Message to the Class of 2020: “When I look at Liberty High School's class of 2020, I see a class like no other. The individuals of this class have a variety of unique talents that when put together make a strong whole. The individuals of the class of 2020 have accomplished amazing things throughout their high school journeys and I have no doubt that each and every student that makes up this class will do outstanding things in their future. I am honored to represent





FRIDAY, JULY 3, 2020

Meet Liberty’s Third in the Class: Chris Bayer BY JOSEPH ABRAHAM In four years at Liberty High School, senior Chris Bayer has accomplished a lot. He’s the third ranked student in the Class of 2020, a member of National Honor Society and plays Tuba in the band. You might have also heard he’s great at sports. Bayer has been the starting quarterback of the varsity football team for the past two seasons, set the school’s single game three-point shots

made record (hit 11 treys against Livingston Manor this past winter), and was the starting catcher on the varsity baseball team during his sophomore and junior seasons. His play on the baseball field earned him team MVP honors last spring. “It’s definitely been great,” Bayer said of his Liberty High School experience. “I felt support from my coaches and teachers. I like the connections I’ve made here. It’s played a big part in my development as an ath-

lete and in the classroom by giving me good examples to follow.” On the current pandemic and its effect on his senior year, Bayer said, “It’s been weird, but a good lesson to learn from. You have to adapt and keep going,” adding that it helped him become better at time management. So what’s next? Bayer will be attending Ithaca College in the fall for clinical health studies/physical therapy. His interest in the field

came from seeing his older brother Michael go through the process of becoming a physical therapist. Bayer said being a physical therapist will allow him to stay physically active, work with athletes and is a good fit for him because he enjoys helping others. Bayer thanked his parents and siblings, as well as his teachers and coaches for pushing him to be better. He also thanks his friends for, “being there for me and making it [the high school years] enjoyable.”


Chris Bayer is off to Ithaca College in the fall.


Liberty’s Class of 2020 stands for the National Anthem.

Jadenn Perez beams with pride while observing his diploma.


Kymanni Dennis, a standout football and basketball player, shows off his radiant smile.


FRIDAY, JULY 3, 2020



Sullivan West bestows 78 diplomas on 2020 graduating class


Clockwise from upper left are: Maggie Russell and Philip Bergen enjoy a moment between classes at Sullivan West; Ronni Gorr and Alexa Minckler work together on an art project; Arieon Frazier with her artwork; Morgan O'Connor, Brandon Farragher and Chad Mercado go out on the town; Kerintin Burr with her drawing of a bird; Efrain Martinez dives to make a timely save; Carrie Skyes readies a serve; Gabe Campanelli muscles his way inside for a Bulldogs' basket; Henry Peters runs for a big gain for the Bulldogs on the football field; Shawn Barlow, Olivia Hendrickson and Hunter Mall enjoy a laugh.

Bryce Reimer Congratulations to you and the entire Class of 2020!! Bryce, We are so incredibly proud of the respectful young man you have become and of all you have accomplished both academically and athletically! You set goals for yourself, continually challenged yourself and the hard work and determination have paid off! Being named Valedictorian of the Class of 2020 and recruited to play Division 1 Baseball at Bucknell University is a remarkable achievement and an amazing way to end your high school career and start your next chapter! While the pandemic unfortunately interrupted the best part of your Senior year, we believe bigger and better things await you. Stay focused on your dreams, continue to work hard, make smart decisions, be happy and be kind and your future will be so bright! We wish you much success, good health and lots of happiness that you so deserve! Remember how much you are loved and know that we will always be here cheering you on!



Love, Mom, Dad, Bret, Brad, Kasi and Everly




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FRIDAY, JULY 3, 2020

The Western Sullivan United Teachers & School Related Professionals

2020 Retirees

Proudly Announces and Honors Our

Gail Cicchetti

Paul Cooper

Catherine Dickey

Richard Ellison

Mike Ellmauer

28 Years Teacher Aide

31 Years Teacher Aide

21 Years Teacher Assistant

20 Years HS English

33 Years Physical Education

37 Years HS Science

Dave Franskevicz

Elizabeth Huggler

Karen Kehrley

Arleene McArdle

34 Years Physical Education

11 Years Technology Director

31 Years Kindergarten Teacher

35 Years Teacher Aide

Protect Educate Serve Deb Molusky

Reed Scott

Ross Reynolds

Carol Rotundo

Peggy Share

Pat Tabacco

10 Years Secretary

23 Years Cleaner

33 Years HS Band Teacher

23 Years Teacher Assistant

26 Years Teacher Aide

10 Years Teacher Aide


Bethany Bingay

24 Great Reasons


Congratulations to the winners and theClass of 2020

Ismail Abdelmegied

Clarissa Calabrese-Lewis

Arieon Frazier

Roan Gillingham

Ronni Gorr

Derrick Hanslmaler

Maggie Herbert

Ruth Homenick

Zachary Keebler

Brooke Kloss

Morgan Kraack

Michael Kren

Bryce Maopolski

Efrain Martinez

Nicholas Mills

John Muzuruk

Kevin O’Connor

Nikita Parikh

Henry Peters

Benjamin Reeve

Bryce Reimer

Maggie Russell

Carrie Sykes

Zackary Waldman

Western Sullivan United Teachers & School Related Professionals congratulates our annual scholarship winners. Thank you Union & community members for past, present, and future support. Working together, we can enhance future awards! 83531

Contributions can be made to: WSUT & SRP Scholarship Fund

SW High School, 6604 Route 52, Lake Huntington, NY 12752



FRIDAY, JULY 3, 2020

Top of the Class Bryce Reimer Sullivan West Valedictorian Bryce Reimer graduated from Sullivan West Central School with a GPA of 99.89. “Math was always my favorite; however, I enjoyed every subject and had a passion to succeed in all of them,” Bryce avers. Bryce participated in Baseball (9-12), Basketball (9-10), National Honor Society (1012), Student Council (12), Yearbook Club (12). By far his most salient memories were pitching a perfect game and being named Class of 2020 Valedictorian. Bryce will be attending

twenty with mere percentage points between each of us. Managing our emotions and frustration during this pandemic has challenged us all in ways that we couldn’t have imagined, but I believe it has brought us closer as a class. We are resilient, we are smart, and we are determined to do good things in this world. For the Class of 2020, never forget those who supported us and helped shape our identity. This class is bound for success, I am so proud to have been a part of your school years and I wish you all the best in your future endeavors.”


Bucknell University, where he will play baseball, and major in Mechanical Engineering. Bryce has always been clear about his career aspirations: “I aspire to play baseball professionally. My plan B is to work as an engineer and start my own business.” To the Class of 2020: I thank you all for helping me to grow and learn so much about myself and I hope you all feel the same way about one another. We started our Senior year expecting it to be one of the best years of our lives. While the global pandemic unfortunately disrupted our Senior year, we were fortunate to share great experiences

Bryce Reimer Valedictorian

throughout our high school career and we built friendships that will never be forgotten. In this time of uncertainty, we can find solace in knowing we were in this together. We have emerged a stronger group of young adults. We are resilient and innovative. I wish all of you the best of luck and look forward to seeing what the future holds for all of us. As we say goodbye to this chapter of our lives, let us remember to thank our families and educators for their guidance, support, and for inspiring us to be our best.” John Aidan Muzuruk SW Salutatorian John graduated from Sullivan West Central School with a GPA of 98.59. His favorite subject was math. His extracurricular activities included Soccer (9th-12th), Basketball (9th and 10th), High School Band (Percussion), Jazz Band, Pep Band. John’s best memories were Watching sports games with friends. John will be attending Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT) and majoring in Mechanical Engineering. John’s career aspirations- “I plan on attending RIT to earn my master's degree in Mechanical Engineering and aspire to find a career creating

John Muzuruk Salutatorian innovative ways to meet the needs of our ever-changing society.” Message to Class of 2020: “First, I would like to thank the administration, my teachers, my friends, and most importantly my family, for making my high school experience unforgettable. Although this isn’t how any of us expected our senior year to end, I’m extremely grateful for the memories I have made. Many think growing up in a small school as a disadvantage, however, my experience was filled with a sense of community and close friendships that I have had since kindergarten. From an academic perspective, this class had a supportive, yet competitive, camaraderie often resulting in academic achievements that otherwise may not have seemed important. Among our friends, I look at the top


Ryan Kocher Sullivan West Class President Ryan graduated from Sullivan West Central School with a GPA of 85. His favorite subject was U.S. History. Ryan participated in football, track, band, Student Council and was Class President. His most salient memories were in football, in the locker room and on the bus rides to games. Ryan will be attending SUNY Cortland in pursuit of Bachelors/Master’s degrees in both Physical Education and Health Education. Ryan plans to become a gym and health teacher. But most of all he aspires to coach football. Message for the Class of 2020: “This year is one for the history books. We have missed out on priceless memories. Things like our last sporting events, last prom, last concerts and even the last


Ryan Kocher Class President

lunchtime conversations. This year has been unkind and unfair to all of us. But we can’t allow it to define us. Let these last few months serve as a teacher. These unprecedented times have taught us to cherish every moment because you never know what goodbye will be your last. Moving forward I will be focusing on living in the moment and not taking opportunities for granted. For the classes below us, let us serve as an example. Go play the sport you’ve always wanted to play. Go on the trip you always dreamed of, and always give it your all. When you reminisce about high school you should be thinking of all the good times, not about the things you wish you had done. To the Class of 2020, I’d like to thank you. Thank you for all the smiles and the laughs. Thank you for all the memories through the years.”

Congratulations Maggie


We are so proud of all that you have accomplished. Keep working hard and living life to its fullest. There is nothing that you can’t achieve! Love always, Mom, Dad, Evan, Lanie, & Ella

Congratulations Class of 2020!

Love your Godparents, Uncle Kurt & Barbie


Joseph Herbert Proprietor

5065 State Rte 52, PO Box 441, Jeffersonville, NY 12748 845-482-4460 • fax 845-482-5516



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Congratulations Alexa!

on his retirement

Behind you,

33 Years of sharing and nurturing a love of music in his students. It’s time to pass the baton, take a final bow and enjoy the symphony that is life.

all your memories.

Before you, all your dreams.

Around you, all who love you.

Within you,

To our Sullivan County Graduates

all you need.

Mom, Dad & Kailyn

Congratulations on your well deserved success. Love the Arnolds

Grandma is Proud of you!

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The Arnolds, The Kurtzs The Carpenters, The Smestads Grandpa & ‘Grandma’ Mom, Dad & Kailyn

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We are proud of your strength & determination & the beautiful lady you have become. We love you to the moon & back.





Ismail Abdelmegied

Lucas Arzilli

Ashlyn Cicchetti

Shane Cross Jr.

Ronni Gorr

Mya Barca


FRIDAY, JULY 3, 2020

Luke Barile

Shaun Barlow

Edward Barry

Philip Bergen

Kerintin Burr

Clarissa Calabrese Lewis

Gabriel Campanelli

Jacob Degroat

Rachel Dungey

Nicholas Dworetsky

Brandon Farragher

Zachary Favre

Julianne Feigenbutz

Arieon Frazier

Road Gillingham

Derrick Hanslmaier

Olivia Hendrickson

Maggie Herbert

Ruth Homenick

Alexxander Houghtaling

Ayesha Imtiaz

Zachary Keebler

Benjamin Kelly

Brooke Kloss

Ryan Kocher

Morgan Kraack

Michael Krentz

Veronica Labato

Luis Leon Guzman

Olivia Lopez

Ayden Lowitz

Hunter Mall

Bryce Maopolski

Efrain Martinez

Kelsie Maurizzio

Chad Mercado

Nicholas Mills

Alexa Minckler

Douglas Mirra

Matthew Moran

John Muzuruk

Nicholas Neiger

Kevin O’Connor

Morgan O’Connor

2020 Sullivan West Graduation Awards

Carrie Gabrielle Sykes

RI E -

Courageous as well as an Admired Athlete! Respectful and Resourceful and a Responsible young adult. She’s Independent and Inspiring as she Enthusiastically Enriches the lives of so many by Encouraging and Empowering her family and friends... Endearing herself to one and all!

With Pride and Endless Love! Grandma and Grandpa Our Family and the Angels above

The best is yet to come.


Behind you, all your memories. Before you, all your dreams. Around you, all who love you. Within you, all you need. We love you now and forever!!! Mom, Kyle, Danielle, Eddie, Kole and Beth

CLASS OF 2020 AWARDS AND RECOGNITION Two Jeffersonville Lions Club Scholarships presented to seniors based on citizenship - Nicholas Dworetsky and Nikita Parikh A $1,000 award in memory of John and Lori Gempler, given by the Finn and Bodenstein families, presented to a student majoring in a science or medical –related field - Maggie Herbert Two $100 awards presented by Dick’s Auto Sales of Kohlertown to seniors who have shown proficiency in mechanical skills and pursuing further education in a related field Matthew Moran and Jared Rakowicz Fifteen $200 Achievement Awards from Peck’s Market to students, who have demonstrated a high level of participation in school activities, try hard, do the best they are able, and show a positive attitude toward fac-

Congratulations Graduates!



and the Class of 2020


Carrie is... C - Compassionate and

ulty and peers - Lucas Arzilli, Nicholas Dworetsky, Arieon Frazier, Derrick Hanslmaier, Olivia Hendrickson, Ruth Homenick, Morgan Kraack, Hunter Mall, Efrain Martinez, Nicholas Mills, John Muzuruk, Henry Peters, Bryce Reimer, Montana Schmidt, and Zackary Waldman A $500 award in memory of Frederick W.V. Schadt, Jr., presented by the Jeff Bank Board of Directors, to a student furthering his/her education in the field of law - Carly Simpson A $1,000 Graduation Award in memory of Gertrude Kohler, longtime high school English teacher at Jeffersonville-Youngsville Central School Ryan Kocher A $1,000 Alan Gerry Beaverkill Foundation Scholarship awarded to a graduating senior who is pursuing postsecondary education, who demonstrates promise to do collegelevel work, and shows strong leadership skills - Bryce Maopolski Sixteen awards from the Charles P. and Pauline M. Kautz, Charles Thorwelle Foundation, and Sawyer Foundation Lucas Arzilli, Ronni Gorr, Olivia Hendrickson, Alexxander Houghtaling, Nicholas Mills, Alexa Minckler, Morgan O’Connor, Enoch Peters, Nicolas Ramirez Guzman, Benjamin Reeve, Bryce Reimer, Mason Reimer, Kassandra Sherman, Allen Stagl, Emma Switko, and Carrie Sykes Six Opportunity Grants from the Charles P. and Pauline M. Kautz, Charles Thorwelle Foundation, and Sawyer Foundation - Philip Bergen, Ruth Homenick, Kassandra Krob, Olivia Lopez, Lawrence Schenck, and John Valastro Twenty-four scholarships totaling $9,700 from the Western Sullivan United Teachers and School Related Professionals - Ismail Abdelmegied, Clarissa Calabrese Lewis, Arieon Frazier, Roan Gillingham, Ronni Gorr, Derrick Hanslmaier, Maggie Herbert, Ruth Homenick, Zachary Keebler, Brooke Kloss, Morgan Kraack, Michael Krentz, Bryce Maopolski, Efrain Martinez, Nicholas Mills, John Muzuruk, Kevin O’Connor, Nikita Parikh, Henry Peters, Benjamin Reeve, Bryce Reimer, Maggie Russell, Carrie Sykes, and Zackary Waldman A $250 Charles and Ruth Anderson Memorial Scholarship - John Muzuruk A $3,000 Billy Moran Academic/Athletic Scholarship - Nicholas Dworetsky Delaware Valley Class of 1999 Scholarship - Mason Reimer A $100 Societas Tertiae Palmae Award given by Laura Mosher – DV Class of 1980 - Bryce Maopolski A $100 James Brown Memorial Scholarship given by Ronald Bauer to a Sullivan West Central School football




FRIDAY, JULY 3, 2020


Nikita Parikh

Enoch Peters

Henry Peters

Matthew Peters

Jared Rakowicz

Nicolas Ramirez Guzman

Benjamin Reeve

Bryce Reimer

Mason Reimer

Charley Riedel

Mackenzie Ripley

Meghan Rose

Maggie Russell

Michael Rydell

Lawrence Schenck

Montana Schmidt

Kassandra Sherman

Carly Simpson

Albert Smith

Allen Stagl

Emma Switko

Carrie Sykes

John Valastro

Emily Van Pelt

Zackary Waldman

Nathan Weyant

Colin Wilson

Not Pictured:

Kassandra Korb

player - Henry Peters A $275 award presented by the Callicoon Lodge #521, F & AM to a collegebound senior who demonstrates academic potential and good citizenship skills - Lucas Arzilli

Six $300 awards from the Kiwanis Club of Callicoon - Ronni Gorr, Olivia Hendrickson, Maggie Herbert, Nicholas Mills, Bryce Reimer, and Mason Reimer A $100 award in memory of Anna M.

Todd to a student furthering his/her education in a health-related field presented by the Youngsville Fire Department Auxiliary - Nicholas Dworetsky Two $100 awards in memory of

Winifred Boxberger sponsored by the Youngsville Fire Department Auxiliary to students furthering their education and who have proven to be dependable, reliable, and conscientious in carrying out responsibilities to school and

community - Rachel Dungey and Matthew Peters Two $100 awards presented by the Jeffersonville Chamber of Commerce to a male and a female senior who have been involved in community service

and have either taken business courses during high school or plan to major in business in college - Kevin O’Connor and Nikita Parikh


This special section congratulating the Sullivan West graduates is sponsored by these community-minded businesses & individuals:

Shane Cross Jr.


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OFFICE HRS by Appointment Mon.-Fri. 8:30am-5pm Sat. 9am-12pm

Love, Mom, Dad & Collin


Congratulations to Maggie Herbert & the S.W. Class of 2020! Best Wishes from

Like a bulldog you’re all sweet, predictable, dependable. And this year, in particular, strong and adaptable.

All our love, Mom, Dad and Reece Grammy & Grampy Nana, Pop and Amy




Ryan Kocher, Brandon Farragher, Chad Mercado, Nicholas Neiger

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& the SW Class of 2020!


Michaela Mirch

Love, Dad, Mom, Elijah, Faith, Sam, Larry, Grandma & Grandpa


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Alexa Minkler

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Congratulations to


We are so proud of all your accomplishments!!!! Great things are ahead for you at Kings College! We love you! Love, Mom, Dad, Amy & Holly


We love you, Dad & Mom


Cong at lations.

We love you and are so proud of you! Mom & Dad, Grandma Gail, Grandma Susan & Grandpa Norm, Alex, Jeremy, Kevin & Sabryna


& the SW Class of 2020!

from Hancock Central

Wishing them and the Class of 2020 the Best of Luck in their future endeavors.



Thank you for showing me and helping me experience so many new things. Being my big sister meant you did things first and I could benefit from your amazing advice. Finally thank you of course for being an amazing friend and sister. Love, Grant


we are so proud of you. Everything you have accomplished has made you who you are, a pure soul with a heart of gold.


Congratulations to

Congratulations & Good Luck


Thank you for making us good parents. From the time you were a small girl to this very day we have been successful because you were you. Aside from those 4 years of Spanish we forced you to take your decisions were all your own and they were good ones. Disappointing us was never an option you gave yourself. You chose to work hard in school when you could have taken an easier path. You took on jobs that added responsibility and brought new people and experiences into your life. You chose to be tolerant, compassionate and honest even when circumstances didn’t make it easy. Those choices were guided by your integrity and strong convictions. The credit is all yours. You are your own person and we are so proud to call you our daughter. With Love and Admiration, Mom & Dad





from the Long Eddy Fire District 83999

Come in and see Dennis, Raymond, Donald & Cathy


Ayden Lowitz & Morgan Kraack

We are so proud of you in all that you have achieved. Reach for your dreams and make them come true & you’ll have a future of happiness & success.


We love you, Nan and Pa “My Edward”

Our season will continue next year and we want to see you in 2021. Tusten Theater, Narrowsburg NY


Believe in yourself... You’re someone who can make a difference. We are so proud of you both.

Become a volunteer and join the Long Eddy Hose Company

(845) 887-5926

Love, Mom, Dad & Dillan

ulations Congrat to Herbert Maggie & the lass S.W. C ! of 2020


Congratulations to the Class of 2020!!



Congratulations to all the 2020 Graduating Seniors Still Banking Strong!

(845) 482-4000 • •


Sales • Service • Repair Open 6 days a week M-F 8-5 Sat 8-1 845-887-5350 Callicoon, NY 12723

We knew when we watched you light up that stage as a fearless 3 year old that it was the start of something special. Through the years you have made us proud both on and off the stage. We can’t wait to see what the future holds for you. Just keep singing!!


Congratulations! We are so proud of you. The sky’s the limit.

Dear Ronni Grace,


Congratulations Sullivan West Class of 2020!




FRIDAY, JULY 3, 2020

Meet SW’s Third in the Class: Bryce Maopolski BY JEANNE SAGER

NARROWSBURG — Bryce Maopolski planned to spend more of his senior year at home. He just had no idea it would be nearly as much time as he’s spent since the COVID19 pandemic shuttered schools across New York State. After spending the first three years of high school focusing on AP and college classes to earn credits for college, the third ranked senior in Sullivan West’s Class of 2020 said he wanted his final year in Lake Huntington to be different. Vocalist and guitar player in the Christian metal band Brotality, which also features Maopolski’s younger brother, Reece, and friend Liam Fenton, Bryce planned to make senior year about what else — music. “I wanted to focus a little more on stuff I’m going to use in life more,” Maopolski confessed. “I started taking a music theory class, and I scheduled my day so I went to school for the first five periods and then after that I would go home so I had time to practice guitar and write music.” Time at home to practice guitar and write music he cer-


It was a big day for academics as the Sullivan West Valedictorian and Salutatorian earned their recognition. From the left are: High School Principal Mark Plescia, Valedictorian Bryce Reimer, Salutatorian John Muzuruk, Assistant High School Principal Scott Haberli and Superintendent Stephen Walker.


Nicholas Dworetsky, left, and Zackary Waldman share a laugh at school.


Bryce Maopolski tainly got. “It’s funny how it worked out,” he told the Democrat. Like most seniors who saw their last year interrupted, Maopolski has things he misses. This was a year that he hoped to return to states with the Sullivan West cross country team, and he’d been enjoying his time on Bulldog Bytes, a tech-based program run by the district’s newly named head of technology, Dan Parisi. “But it really wasn’t a huge bummer for me,” Maopolski said. “My brother and I have

really made the most of the time during this pandemic. We’ve been able to write music for an entire new album that we’re going to be releasing later this year, and we both love to mountain bike so the property we’re on is filled with mountain bike trails and jumps! “Even though some of the fun senior stuff got canceled, we still did a lot of really fun stuff that I really enjoyed and, I don’t know, I think it might have been better,” he said. Looking back, Maopolski is glad to have been brought up

by parents Dee and Paul in Narrowsburg and attended Sullivan West from kindergarten through his senior year, first and foremost because of the other students. “We all know each other really well and we’re tightly knit,” he says of the Class of 2020. He also feels lucky to have attended a school set in an area like Sullivan County. “I really love where Sullivan West is and how much Sullivan West uses the resources — like our gym class in high school, we go down to the lake and do kayaking and we do mountain biking on the crosscountry trails,” he notes. Though he’s headed to SUNY Oneonta in the fall, Maopolski doesn’t expect to stay too far away from Sullivan County. After all, Brotality was recently signed to a record deal, and the band has a song that just hit number seven on the loud metal charts. “Brotality’s really taking off, so I wanted to make sure I was close so I could come back a lot for practices,” he noted. Certainly his work at Oneonta, where he’ll be studying the music industry, will come in handy.

This special section congratulating the Sullivan West graduates is sponsored by these community-minded businesses & individuals:



28 Upper Main Street, Callicoon

Congratulations & Best Wishes to the Class of 2020!

Congratulations to the SWHS Class of 2020!

Advanced ocular technology Latest in fashion eye wear 84117

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Congratulations to the Sullivan West Class of 2020! Best of Luck to each of you!


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Congratulations & Best Wishes to the Class of 2020!


from the

North Branch Fire Department

We’re so proud of you! You’re a talented kid, a hard worker and can do anything. Best of Luck in the fall at Delhi.


Words can never express how proud we are of you. With hard work and determination we know you can make all your dreams come true. Always remember we are here for you and forever love you. Mom, Dad & Cortney

Love, Mom, Dad & Mike

Congratulations & Best Wishes to the S.W. Class of 2020!

Looking forward to seeing you again


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at our new home at 4917 State Rte 52 in Jeffersonville! (Same building as the Post Office).

Congratulations & Best of Luck to the Sullivan West Class of 2020! Callicoon, NY 12723 (845) 887-4210 Jeffersonville, NY 12748 (845) 482-5510

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or stop by any Thursday Night.



and wish them the very best of luck in their futures!

Congratulations to Mason Reimer & the Sullivan West Class of 2020!


would like to Congratulate

The entire Sullivan West Class of 2020

27 Maple Avenue, Jeffersonville, NY (845) 482-3405 •


Protection Hose Co. #1


Providing caring and knowledgeable funeral and cremation services in Sullivan, Wayne and Pike Counties since 1898.

Narrowsburg, NY


"Serving the Community for over 60 years"

Mr. Stephen Walker Superintendent of Schools

Patrick J. Harrison - Licensed Funeral Director NY and PA

Congratulations to all Graduates! Best Wishes to the Class of 2020!

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Rasmussen - Harrison Funeral Homes


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Congratulations to the Class of 2020 & Ryan Kocher!


Best of Luck to our S.W. Graduates! AMERICAN ELECTRIC, LLC



Although your high school career may have had a less than traditional ending, please know that you can weather anything. This is a time to be proud of all your accomplishments and to celebrate each and every one of you. The Class of 2020 has faced a true hurdle, but I know you all have the potential to rise above it and succeed. Best wishes as you head out into the world, and remember you can do anything. We’re so very proud of you.


Love, Mom, Dad & Julius

14 Hankins Rd., Hankins, NY 12741

Eric & Beth Johnson • 845-482-3548 PO Box 393, Youngsville, NY 12791

Congratulations & Best of Luck to the S.W. Class of 2020!

Congratulations to the Sullivan West Class of 2020!



May you have unlimited success and happiness always.


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Maggie, we are so proud of you and your success. Go after your dreams with the same determination and never lose that beautiful smile. We love you! Mom, Dad, Katie and Regan


We are proud of your accomplishments! Congratulations Sullivan West Class of 2020!


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from all of

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Congratulations to the S.W. Class of 2020! Wishing you all the very best for a successful future.

tions Congratula hes & Best Wis to the 20! Class of 20


Linda Lee Babicz 845-482-2021

Love, Aunt Barb & Ber l


Congratulations Michael!



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S.W. Class of 2020!

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With much love, Grandma & Grandpa

Building Traditions

Fosterdale Equipment Corp.

Cong at lations Ronni and the Sullivan West Class of 2020.

on a job well done. We are beyond proud of you and wish you the very best of luck as you begin your life journey.


Congratulations to the S.W. Class of 2020! Best of Luck!

Congratulations to the Class of 2020! 2019! You make this community very proud!

Congratulations to the S.W. Class of 2020!


Love, Beryl

Complete DESIGNING & PLANTING Service 845-482-4184

RICHARD THONY Jeffersonville, NY


I hope to be here to see what Act II holds for you.

Thony Landscaping


Watching you grow from a precious newborn to a beautiful young woman has been one of my greatest joys.

Congratulations Zachary

Congratulations & Best Wishes to the Seniors of 2020!


Congratulations Olivia



FRIDAY, JULY 3, 2020

SW AWARDS: and Recognition



o the Bulldog Class of 2020, Parents, Board of Education members, administrators, faculty, staff and community, It is an honor to have the opportunity to speak to you for one final time before you officially become alumni of Sullivan West High School. During the past few months, I have no doubt that many people have shared with you their thoughts on the moments that you have missed out on, or have had to experience differently, due to the COVID-19 pandemic. And there is no question, your senior year has been significantly impacted, and some of you may feel cheated out of some of the rites of passage that you were most looking forward to. However, I wanted to take a moment today to offer my thoughts, not on what you have missed out on, but what you have gained, through this challenging senior year. As graduates who are preparing to begin life after high school, you will quickly learn, or be reminded, of two immutable truths about life: first, that life celebrates and rewards those who are unique, and those whose life experiences help them stand

out from the crowd. The experience of being a senior in high school during this pandemic is one that you will take with you for the rest of your lives, and it is one that, I hope, will serve to bond you together as a class. Life is about experiences, about memories, and about stories. This period of time will provide you with all of those things, in a way that so many others will never have. The second immutable truth is that life demands perseverance – the ability to face obstacles and disappointment head on, and to embrace the journey, through all of the bumps in the road. During the past few months, you have all demonstrated the perseverance to work through your disappointment, and the constantly changing situation, all of which was beyond your control. You will all be better adults for having persevered through this time, and my hope for all of you is that when you face similar uncertainty, and similar disappointment in the future, that you will have the support of your family, your friends, and your community, the way that you did during this time. The way that you ended your high school careers doesn’t define you as learners or as students in our District; the journey does.



Stephen Walker Finally, Class of 2020, I want to close by expressing my sincere appreciation to each of you for the contributions that you have made to our School District community. As I was reflecting on how to articulate that feeling, I was inspired by the parking spot design painted by the Class of 2020’s Maggie Russell. As you know, your class was the first in Sullivan West to be able to design and paint your own parking spot, and this Fall I noticed that Maggie’s design included a beautiful saying written by the author A.A. Milne, “How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard.� On behalf of the entire Sullivan West Central School District community, we consider ourselves incredibly lucky to have been a part of your lives so far, and although it is hard to say goodbye to you, please know that the doors of our communities will always be open to you. Congratulations to the Class of 2020! We’re proud of you, Bulldogs!

The Hancock Grange Award - Benjamin Reeve The Zeltman-Dorrer Memorial Scholarship Award - Mason Reimer The annual “Dr. Barry & Jane Bodenstein Music Achievement Scholarship� of $500 presented to a student of the Sullivan West School District by the Delaware Valley Arts Alliance - Olivia Hendrickson The Lynne Kraack Memorial Award - Morgan Kraack Two $100 awards presented by The Liberty Elks Lodge to a male and female student who have demonstrated good citizenship - Ronni Gorr and Hunter Mall Dexter Nursing Scholarship - Ashlyn Cicchetti Merel Scheidell Scholarship - Maggie Herbert William Kohler Memorial Scholarship, given by Protection Hose Company #1, Inc., of Jeffersonville to two seniors continuing their education in a vocational or technical area - Maggie Herbert and Hunter Mall A $500 Bradley and Barbara Harder Memorial Engineering Scholarship - John Muzuruk A $500 Bradley and Barbara Harder Memorial Health Care Scholarship Nicholas Dworetsky A $50 John Philip Sousa Band Award presented to a senior showing outstanding achievement in band - Michael Krentz A $50 Louis Armstrong Jazz Award - Benjamin Reeve A $50 National School Choral Award Hunter Mall A $50 High School Vocal Award - Olivia Hendrickson A $2,500 Katherine & Albert Luchs and Casper & Sadie Eggler Memorial Scholarship - Efrain Martinez Three $2,250 Katherine & Albert Luchs and Casper & Sadie Eggler Memorial Scholarships - Derrick Hanslmaier, Nikita Parikh, and Jared Rakowicz A $1,000 Katherine & Albert Luchs and Casper & Sadie Eggler Memorial Scholarship - Zachary Keebler A $100 Callicoon Volunteer Fire Department Award - Nicholas Mills

Three $100 Sullivan West High School PTSO “Kindness Awards� - Nicholas Dworetsky, Maggie Herbert, and Alexa Minckler A $250 H. Russell Kenyon VFW Post #5808 Award - Arieon Frazier A $500 Kathleen & Elizabeth Ference Memorial Award to a deserving student going into a helping field - Emily Van Pelt A $500 Carol Boragine Memorial Award to a deserving student who is known for their kindness and generosity and who is continuing their education in an animal related field - Clarissa Calabrese Lewis A $3,000 David F. Curreri Memorial Scholarship - Bryce Reimer Two $100 Allan Milk Memorial - VFW Auxiliary #7276 Awards - Olivia Hendrickson and Morgan O’Connor Two Triple “C� Award Certificates from the New York State Office of the Attorney General recognizing two students for their commitment, character, and courage - Ismail Abdelmegied and Emily Van Pelt A $500 St. Tammany Chapter #492 – Order of the Eastern Star Scholarship Derrick Hanslmaier Two awards from the Triquart Scholarship Foundation, Inc. - Alexa Minckler and Benjamin Reeve A $500 Callicoon Center Fire Department Scholarship - Kevin O’Connor A $100 Beaverkill Chapter of Daughters of the American Revolution Award to a senior with the highest average in American History - Nicholas Dworetsky Hazel and Francis Valley Scholarship Fund - Mya Barca Two $250 Sullivan County Long Beards Scholarships - Matthew Peters and Mason Reimer A $500 Charles and Dorothy Mae Smith Memorial Scholarship - Nikita Parikh A $1,000 Henry A. Umnik Trade Scholarship – Narrowsburg Class of 1963 Nicholas Neiger Two $500 Grace Johansen Memorial Foundation Scholarships - Maggie Herbert and Bryce Maopolski A $500 Mid-Hudson Chapter of NYS Association of School Business Officials

Scholarship - Nikita Parikh Two $200 scholarships from the Youngsville Firecrackers Cornell Cooperative Extension Community Group - Ismail Abdelmegied and Matthew Peters A $500 Rebecca Pisall Kingfisher Award presented by the Kingfisher Project Charley Riedel A $500 award given by the Lake Huntington Fire Co., Inc. - Morgan Kraack A $250 Rose & Kiernan, Inc., Scholarship to a student pursuing a career in the field of healthcare, wellness, education or business - Morgan Kraack A $500 American Youth Soccer Organization Region 647 Scholarship - Maggie Russell A $500 “Patriot Award� given by Legacy of Honor to a student entering the military in Memory of SSG Justin R Whiting, KIA Mosul, Iraq 1/19/2008 - Julianne Feigenbutz Six Kathleen Ann Jamieson Memorial Kindness Awards - Ismail Abdelmegied, Maggie Herbert, Ryan Kocher, John Muzuruk, Nikita Parikh, and Henry Peters Three $100 Beaver Brook Rod and Gun Club – Klendon Kirby Annual Scholarship Awards - Arieon Frazier, Ryan Kocher, and Nicholas Neiger A $500 Sullivan County Trail Association Scholarship - Nicholas Mills A $1,000 Brian Ingber Memorial Recognition Award - Maggie Herbert Two $1,000 Donald Meckle Memorial Scholarships - Ismail Abdelmegied and Clarissa Calabrese Lewis Two $500 Donald Meckle Memorial Scholarships - Lucas Arzilli and Nikita Parikh A $750 Sullivan County Music Educators Association – Janet Von Ahnen Memorial Scholarship - Olivia Hendrickson A $250 Sullivan County Music Educators Association – Janet Von Ahnen Memorial Scholarship - Benjamin Reeve Two $2,000 Earle and Elizabeth Wilde/Cornell Cooperative Extension Sullivan County Scholarships - Derrick Hanslmaier and Maggie Herbert A $750 Community Foundation of Orange and Sullivan - Peter H. Cahalan Memorial Scholarship - Nikita Parikh

This special section congratulating the Sullivan West graduates is sponsored by these community-minded businesses & individuals:

Congratulations & Best of Luck to the S.W. Class of 2020!

Congratulations SW Class of 2020!


Justus Auto


would like to wish the Sullivan West Class of 2020 the Very Best of Luck in all that they do! Good Luck!


Wishing the Sullivan West Class the Very Best of Luck! From


Klein & Sons Excavation

21 Lower Main St., Callicoon, NY 12723 • 845-887-9004 •

Peters Plumbing & Heating

Youngsville Veterinary Clinic Small & Large Animals Dr. & Mrs. Joseph Nebzydoski & Family Rt. 52 • Youngsville •482-3330

Youngsville, NY (845) 482-3869

Congratulations to Enoch & S.W. Class of 2020!

Congratulations to all the Sullivan West Grads! From Everyone at the

the s to 2020! grat Con lass of .C S.W

200 Mueller Rd. Cochecton, NY 12726-5132

voice 845.482.3854 fax 845.482.5894

Way to Go S.W. Grads! Congratulations!

Jeff Sanitation Inc.

Bob, Mark & Jeff

Radiant, Air Conditioning Serving Sullivan County for 52 Years!

PO Box 16, North Branch, NY 12766 845-482-5452 • Fax: 845-482-5993

– RESIDENTIAL GARBAGE SERVICE – Rubbish Removal - Dumpsters Available - Recycling 10, 15, 20, & 30 yd. Rolloffs Available

(845) 482-0926

State Route 52, P.O. Box 387, Jeffersonville, NY 12748

Congratulations to the Class of 2020!

Congratulations SW Class of 2020!

Congratulations & Good Luck to the Class of 2020!

Rebecca L. Rhodes, EA




and the graduating Class of 2020

Become a volunteer and join the CALLICOON CENTER VOL. FD (845) 482-3020

Serving Sullivan County for Over 30 Years

Mel’s Garage



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Western Sullivan United Congratulations Teachers & School Related Professionals Best wishes

Serving Homemade Chicken - Fries Ice Cream and More...

from Radio Catskill

Congratulations to the S.W. Class of 2020!



Congratulations and Best Wishes for a Bright & Successful Future!

Congratulations to the S.W. Class of 2020!


From Cochecton Volunteer Ambulance Corps

Paul D. Salzberg, M.D. 9741 Route 97 P.O. Box 898 Callicoon, NY 12723

Tel. (845) 887-6112 Fax (845) 887-6245


Wishing the S.W. Class of 2020 the Best of Luck!

Kratz Concrete Construction LLC


Congrats S.W. Class of 2020!


Congratulations Graduates!

Frank and Kasey Kratz, Owners


St. Rt. 52, Jeffersonville, NY 12748 Tel. 845-482-5162 Joan & Bob Hert, Owners

Open every day but Sunday

from your friends at the


to the

Sullivan West

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Congratulations to the S.W. Class of 2020!

Your Mom & Pop Store



Restaurant & Bar



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See Our Facebook Page

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Justin J. McElroy, Proprietor 83958

Congratulate the Class of 2020 on graduation. We wish them much success in the future.


Love, Mom, Dad, Jay, Pooja, Ashok, Sandhya Ben and the entire Parikh Family





TAKE OUT ONLY for Dinner


Congrats to S.W. Class of 2020!

z < ZZ/ >

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We are so proud of all your accomplishments and can't wait to see what the future has in store for you. May you always remain humble and kind and ready to meet every challenge head-on. Success will be yours! Love, Pop and Grandma

We are so proud of you and all that you have accomplished. Best of luck to you at Albany University.


Mom & Dad

County Rt. 121, North Branch, NY Mel’s (845) 482-4963 • Nick’s (845) 701-5180

Congratulations to Nikita Parikh!!!


We are very proud of you! All our love & support always!


Mon-Fri 8am-6pm • Sat 8am-6pm • Sun 8am-5pm CALLICOON, NY 845-887-5100




Congratulations Ayden Lowitz


Congratulations Sullivan West Class of 2020!

Delaware Valley Farm & Garden

Service Available Shop Online at Rte 17B • Callicoon, NY • 845-887-4804

Nick’s Body & Fab Shop



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The Full Service Body Shop Let Us Handle Your Insurance Claim Bill Sedlack 3520 State Route 42 (845) 794-0648 Monticello, N.Y. 12701 Fax (845) 794-0654

Congratulations to the S.W. Class of 2020! Rocky Rhodes, EA

Best of Luck Sullivan West Class of 2020 on Your Future Endeavors




Congratulations to Bryce Reimer & the S.W. Class of 2020!



Jeffersonville • 482-4815

495 Swiss Hill Road N, Jeffersonville, NY 12748 845-482-4949 • 845-482-4646 Youngsville, NY 12791

112 Kirk Road Pete’s Plaza, Narrowsburg, NY 12764




Pizza • Pasta • Subs • Salads

Sedlack’s Auto Body,Inc.



Congratulations Class of 2020!


• Perennials • Hanging Baskets • Vegetables & Herbs







FRIDAY, JULY 3, 2020

Rain doesn’t stop Tri-Valley from honoring 65 grads of Class of 2020 STORY AND PHOTOS BY SARAH CLARK

Due to COVID-19, many schools were faced with tough decisions regarding graduation. For Tri-Valley, even though the school was able to host a graduation ceremony with its class of 65 students, several aspects of graduation were altered to accommodate students, faculty and families while adhering to New York State’s safety guidelines. Attendees were required to wear masks, cars were spaced one parking spot apart, and social distancing was required when graduates lined up. “All the small things started to come together and form a full picture. A picture of a small tight knit community with friends, family, and the Class of 2020,” said TriValley Salutatorian Victoria Swett. “I know that regardless of whatever I do, or wherever I go, I can take this picture with me.”


he Tri-Valley Class of 2020 graduated on June 27 with an outdoor graduation, which was held in the school parking lot. Despite the rain, seniors and families smiled, cried, and celebrated the achievements of the students. “On a celebrative day like today, I think it is so important that everyone finds the time to remember and recognize all of the family –– blood relatives or chosen –– whose love and support has gotten you to where you are today,” said Tri-Valley Valedictorian Juliette Eddings. “Who are you? What do you want? Why do you want it? I can give you this tool that has helped me when I needed to hone in on my priorities and goals, this tool that has come in handy when I needed to find some direction.”

Seniors standing outside of their cars for the cap toss after receiving their diplomas.

Tri-Valley’s Valedictorian Juliette Eddings speaks to parents, students, and administrators about their experiences throughout school. Eddings was the class president and was in the National Honor Society.

Tri-Valley’s Salutatorian Victoria Swett as she delivered her speech at the Class of 2020 Graduation Ceremony. Swett was the class vice president and was in the National Honor Society.

Sadiq Cosme with his diploma.

Brant Gorton walks across the stage.

Rebecca Coombe poses pridefully. She will be attending Cornell University in the fall.

Reanna McGregor shoots a smile to friends and family in attendance.

During an annual Tri-Valley tradition –– The Armed Forces Presentation –– Class Advisor and Graduation Coordinator Brenda Sloan presents a certificate to senior Sean Rush, who will serve in the United States Navy.

This special section congratulating the Tri-Valley Central School graduates is sponsored by these community-minded businesses & individuals: at the Congratulations 141st Grahamsville Little World’s Fair! GRADUATES! August 13th-15th, 2021!

Congratulations! Hi, my name is Rose.

Available for Graduation Parties Birthday Parties All Occasions

Call me today for a phone reading or appointment 845-985-3038 Entertainment purposes only.

Best of Luck to our next generation of leaders!


“If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you ARE a leader.” ~ John Quincy Adams ~

Congratulations to the Graduates! Way To Go Teams!!


I have 20 years experience being a clairvoyant who uses tarot cards.

Sheeley Oil & Excavating, Inc.

Fuel Oil • Kerosene Driveways Built • Oil & Chip Septic Systems • Drainage Roads Built, Driveway Plowing & Sanding Phone: (845) 985-2231 Fax: (845) 985-0186


See you Next Year

Congratulations to Rebecca Coombe and the Tri-Valley Class of 2020!

PO Box 255, Claryville, NY 12725

Best wishes to our 2020 Graduates!


We are very proud of you, your smile brightens our lives.

Blooming Green Lawn Service

Love, Mom, Dad, Grandma & Poppy




Spring & Fall Cleanups Firewood Also Available Over 20 years of Custom Lawn Service Ben Knight, Owner Check Out Our Website Neversink, NY (845) 985-0516

Sand & Gravel • Filter Sand Mason Sand • Bank Run Crusher Run Round & Crushed Various Stone Sizes

Congratulations Rachel Bronte Brooks

Congratulations to the Class of 2020!

May you have success and happiness in all you do! Tri-Valley Central School Board of Education, Administration, Faculty and Staff



The Gillette Family


Gardiner, NY • Albany, NY 1-800-522-2507






FRIDAY, JULY 3, 2020


Samantha Ackerley

Reagan Allison

Kira Ambrosi

Michael Babcock

Cheyenne Bradford

Kristyn Brewer

Rachel Brooks

Elizabeth Burger

Jordan Carmody

Jayda Cesar

Abigail Conklin

Rebecca Coombe

Logan Cossack

Colby Costa

Andrea Decker

Austin Delaney

Jospeh Deni

Nicholas Dexheimer

Trevor Dibble

Christopher DiToro

Hannah Dolfini

Juliette Eddings

Emma Edwards

Jake Eherts

Jeremy Fisher

Isaac Galli

Christopher Garlinghouse

Kyle Giminiani

Heather Goetschius

Brant Gorton

Rourke Hamilton

Noah Hendrickson

Ian Hill

Samantha Houghtaling

Brianna Hynson

Anastazia Johnston

Lexie Kloss

Elizabeth Lane

Sarah Levy

Matthew Longo

Erin Markle

Edward McCombs

Reanna McGregor

Kelsey Meyer

Devin Mullen

Jaylah Pineda

Joseph Poppo

Tiffany Porter

Jordan Rider

Ariel Rose

Amaya Rupprecht

Daniel Rush

Sean Rush

Elijah Scott

Ethan Shaver

Jared Sutton

Victoria Swett

Athan Tiaseca

Jessie Walsh

Destiny Weed

2020 Tri-Valley Graduation Awards

Valedictorian - Juliette Eddings Salutatorian - Victoria Swett Madelene Adams Memorial Scholarship - Logan Cossack, Joseph Poppo Madelene Adams Memorial Teaching Scholarship - Kira Ambrosi, Jordan Carmody, Emma Edwards, Samantha Houghtaling, Victoria Swett Athletic Perseverance Award - Colby Costa, Reanna McGregor Athletic Sportsmanship Awards – Jordan Carmody, Joseph Poppo Matthew R. Bertholf Scholarship Michael Babcock, Logan Cossack Pamela Bright Scholarship - Samantha Houghtaling, Victoria Swett Gerard J. Buckenmeyer FASNY Volunteer Scholarship Award - Colby Costa Peter H. Cahalan Scholarship Joseph Poppo Catskill Region AACA Antiques Car Club Scholarship - Ed McCombs 2019 Clarkson University Achievement Award – Nicholas Dexheimer Claryville Fire Department Scholarship - Juliette Eddings Ira Jay Cohen Scholarship - Colby Costa Daughters of the American Revolution History Award (Beaverkill Chapter) - Juliette Eddings Delta Kappa Gamma Award - Victoria Swett Distinguished Portfolio - Reagan Allison, Jordan Carmody, Rebecca Coombe, Colby Costa, Andrea Decker, Nicholas Dexheimer, Juliette Eddings, Emma Edwards, Erin Markle, Reanne McGregor, Victoria Swett, Heather Winters Elks BPOE Lodge #1545 - Colby Costa, Victoria Swett Elmira College Key Junior Award Rebecca Coombe, Colby Costa Elmira College Langdon Award - Jordan Carmody Elmira College Teacher Education Grant - Jordan Carmody Elmira College Octagon Grant - Jordan Carmody Engineering/Chemistry Scholarship Reanne McGregor, Devin Mullen FFA Alumni James Gorman Leadership Award - Kyle Giminiani FFA Alumni Scholarship - Rebecca Coombe FFA Alumni Richard Strangeway Perseverance Award - Samantha Ackerley FFA English Award - Rebecca Coombe FFA Catherine Harth/Memphis Raines Memorial Scholarship - Rebecca Coombe

Frost Valley YMCA Scholarship - Juliette Eddings Barrie Gavurnik Memorial Scholarship - Heather Winters Grahamsville Fire Department & Ladies Auxiliary Scholarship - Colby Costa High Honor Roll throughout High School - Rebecca Coombe, Emma Edwards, Brant Gorton, Brianna Hynson International Thespian Society: Outstanding Senior - Juliette Eddings Antonia Kessler Memorial Scholarship - Brant Gorton Robert T. McLean Memorial Art Scholarship - Rachael Brooks Mercy College Excellence Scholarship - Reagan Allison Mercy NY Aspire Scholarship - Regan Allison Miles of Hope Breast Cancer Foundation Scholarship - Andrea Decker Mount St. Mary’s (Maryland) Presidential Scholarship - Emma Edwards National Choral Award - Michael Babcock, Juliette Eddings, Emma Edwards Neversink Charles Nielsen EMS Scholarship - Andrea Decker Neversink Fire Department Scholarship - Devin Mullen Neversink Ladies Auxiliary Scholarship - Austin Delaney Neversink Rondout Antique Machinery Association Scholarship - Devin Mullen NYS Academic Excellence Scholarship - Juliette Eddings, Emma Edwards, Victoria Swett NYS Attorney General Triple “C” Awards - Colby Costa, Andrea Decker NYS Comptrollers Achievement Award - Victoria Swett NYS Theatre Education Association Senior Award - Kira Ambrosi, Juliette Eddings 2018 Hugh O’Brian Youth Seminar Participant - Michael Babcock, Victoria Swett OCIAA Scholar Athletes - Devin Mullen, Victoria Swett Outstanding Senior Athlete Awards Daniel Rush, Victoria Swett Outstanding Senior in Music – Emma Edwards Periwinkle Fund for The Arts Scholarship - Juliette Eddings President’s Academic Excellence Award (NTHS) - Hannah Dolfini, Brant Gorton, Brianna Hynson, Amaya Rupprect, Ashlin Wood President’s Award for Educational Achievement - Kira Ambrosi, Jordan Carmody, Andrea Decker, Emma Edwards, Isaac Galli, Brant Gorton, Brianna Hynson, Ariel

Rose, Amaya Rupprecht, Heather Winters President’s Award for Educational Excellence - Rebecca Coombe, Nicholas Dexheimer, Juliette Eddings, Samantha Houghtaling, Reanna McGregor, Devin Mullen Principal’s Honor Roll - Juliette Eddings, Victoria Swett 2019 Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Medal for Science & Math - Rebecca Coombe Rider University Presidential Scholarship - Juliette Eddings 2019 Rochester Institute of Technology Computing Award – Heather Winters 2019 Rochester Institute of Technology Innovation & Creativity Award – Victoria Swett Rolling V Bus Company Scholarship Rebecca Coombe Mike J. Schulte Scholarship - Jordan Carmody, Rebecca Coombe, Colby Costa, Andrea Decker, Austin Delaney, Juliette Eddings, Samantha Houghtaling, Elizabeth Lane, Devin Mullen, Joseph Poppo, Victoria Swett Ruth G. Scully Memorial Scholarship Kira Ambrosi, Jordan Carmody, Emma Edwards, Samantha Houghtaling, Victoria Swett Stanley Segal Visual Arts Scholarship Emma Edwards Albert Shanker Memorial Scholarship - Victoria Swett Shenandoah University Academic Scholarship - Andrea Decker ShopRite Award - Jayda Cesar John Phillip Sousa Award for Band Emma Edwards Standing Ovation Award – Kira Ambrosi, Michael Babcock, Colby Costa, Erin Markle, Reanna McGregor, Devin Mullen, Victoria Swett Sullivan County Farm Bureau Scholarship - Rebecca Coombe Sullivan County Teachers Council/Albert Shanker Memorial Scholarship Victoria Swett SUNY Oswego Merit Scholarship Heather Winters SUNY Sullivan Presidential Scholarship - Brant Gorton Frances Tavormina Memorial Scholarship - Samantha Houghtaling, Victoria Swett Theatre Directors Award – Emma Edwards Time in the Valley’s Museum Scholarship - Rebecca Coombe Tri-Valley Essential Support Staff Association Award - Kristyn Brewer, Rachel Brooks, Andrea Decker Tri-Valley Teachers’ Association Scholarship - Emma Edwards, Samantha Houghtaling, Victoria Swett Tri-Valley Volunteerism Awards - Reagan Allison, Kira Amborsi, Michael Babcock, Jordan Carmody, Rebecca Coombe, Colby

Costa, Andrea Decker, Trevor Dibble, Emma Edwards, Kyle Giminiani, Heather Goetschius, Brant Gorton, Brianna Hynson, Lexie Kloss, Sarah Levy, Reanna McGregor, Tiffany Porter, Ariel Rose, Amaya Rupprecht, Victoria Swett, Destiny Weed, Heather Winters 2019 University of Rochester Bausch & Lomb Award - Rebecca Coombe 2019 University of Rochester George Eastman Kodak Young Leaders Award – Victoria Swett 2019 University of Rochester Frederick Douglass & Susan B. Anthony Scholarship – Kira Ambrosi 2019 University of Rochester Xerox Award for Technology – Heather Winters U.S. Army Reserve National Scholar Athletes - Colby Costa, Andrea Decker U.S. Marine Corps Award for Scholastic Excellence - Colby Costa

Jonathan Wilhelm

Heather Winters

U.S Marine Corps Distinguished Athlete Award – Jordan Carmody, Austin Delaney U.S. Marine Corps “Semper Fidelis” Music Award – Kira Ambrosi 2019 Wells College 21st Century Leadership Award - Michael Babcock, Victoria Swett Woodbourne Activities Committee Scholarship - Victoria Swett


1. Juliette Eddings 2. Victoria Swett 3. Emma Edwards 4. Rebecca Coombe 5. Heather Winters 6. Brant Gorton 7. Brianna Hynson 8. Samantha Houghtaling 9. Nicholas Dexheimer 10. Andrea Decker


Mike Babcock AND

Ethan Shaver Proud Members of the

and to their fellow

2020 Graduates from the Tri-Valley School From the Officers and Members of the Lock Sheldrake Fire Department 83263




FRIDAY, JULY 3, 2020

Top of the Class BY RICHARD A. ROSS

was an incredible support and mentor and made the class so enjoyable. She helped me succeed and showed me how much I love math.� With the Tri-Valley Theater Club, Juliette participated as an actor, choreographer, and assistant director. She was active in the International Thespian Society, Varsity Softball, JV and Varsity Basketball, JV and Varsity Soccer, Chorus –– She went to Area-All State twice with Tri-Valley, FBLA, National Honor Society and

Juliette Eddings Tri-Valley Valedictorian and Class President

Juliette graduates from TriValley with a weighted GPA of 99.74, and an unweighted GPA of 97.45 Her favorite subjects were pre-calc and calculus, both taught by Mrs. Kackos. Juliette says, “ I am so grateful that I had her as a teacher in high-school. She

was class President for junior and senior year. In addition she helped out with yearbook. Asked about her most salient memory from high school, Juliette recalls, “Definitely playing Mary Poppins in Tri-Valley’s production during my junior year. That has been a dream role of mine since I was a little kid, and I felt so lucky that I was able to take part in that incredible show. I am so proud of the work that our theater club accomplished during that production. Little did I know that would be my last musical at Tri-Valley, as our 2020 production of Annie: the Musical was unfortunately canceled when school was. I am so appreciative of Ms. Hartman and Ms. Beresick for all of the hard work and love they put into our theater club and our productions, and I want to personally thank them for how much they supported me throughout high school.� Juliette will be attending Rider University, double majoring in Acting and Arts & Entertainment Industries Management. She aspires to be a professionally working actor, and would love to do work on the stage and screen. Another goal is to have her own film and theater production company, similar to Nine Stories Productions.

favorite subject was Psychology. Victoria participated in Soccer, Basketball, Softball, FBLA, Yearbook Club, Chorus, Student Government. Her most salient memory was Joining FBLA and the experience that goes along with it. She will be attending Bloomsburg University and majoring in Early Childhood Education/Deaf and Hard of Hearing. She aspires to become an Elementary teacher.

Victoria Swett Salutatorian “As we graduate highschool and take our next steps forward, we move closer to becoming the leaders of tomorrow. It’s time we asked ourselves-- is the current USA one that we would be proud to lead? George Floyd was not the first. Unfortunately, he will not be the last. Staying silent or inactive or being “sick of politics� only contributes to a society that does not value the lives of many citizens. Black lives matter. Our duty as the future of our country is to educate ourselves, listen to others, and take action to create change. I believe in the youth of

Message to the Class of 2020: “The youth of today are the leaders of tomorrow.� - Nelson Mandela

Juliette Eddings Valedictorian and Class President

To the Tri-Valley Class of 2020: “I would like to thank all of you for making my 14 years at Tri-Valley so memorable. Growing up in a small school is different because you know everyone and are with the same kids from Preschool or Kindergarten on. However, I couldn’t imagine it any other way. I am beyond thankful that I was able to share my memories and make bonds with all of you. My biggest advice is to never give up and always try to achieve what you want to achieve. “Everyone needs to find their motivation from somewhere, so pick one thing that motivates you and push yourself to get there. It’s hard to believe that not too long ago we were the four-year olds sitting and coloring all day, but now it’s time to move on. I wish everyone the best of luck in the years to come!�

today. We are the future. We have the power to create real change in our world --but it is up to us to take hold of that power and wield it. REGISTER TO VOTE! Educate yourself on important issues. Listen to those who are different from you. Value and respect the voices of others. Challenge yourself to be better. Refuse to be silent. Refuse to be powerless. “Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.� - Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. #blacklivesmatter� Victoria Swett Tri-Valley Salutatorian Victoria graduated from TriValley with a GPA of 96.7. Her

Tri-Valley FFA marks year’s end virtually

Meet Tri-Valley’s Third in the Class: Emma Edwards BY JOSEPH ABRAHAM

For Tri-Valley senior Emma Edwards, ranked third in the Class of 2020, it’s all about the arts. She played flute in band and also plays piano. She was a soprano in chorus, and loves drawing, painting and crafting. Edwards has also been involved with theatre and school productions. She was slated to have the lead role in “Annie� this spring, which was canceled due to the pandemic. “I just love it,� Edwards said of the arts, adding that it’s satisfying to have a finished product that sounds or looks good. She’s also been very involved with her class, serving as a class officer at one point and was a committee leader during past Competition Nights, which pits the classes against one another in friendly competition. She was also a past mem-


Tri-Valley’s Emma Edwards shows off her Mount St. Mary’s University gear. She’ll be attending the school in Emmitsburg, Maryland this fall. ber of the Junior Honor Society and is currently a member of the National Honor Society. This fall she will be contin-

uing her education at Mount Saint Mary University in Emmitsburg, Maryland, where she intends to major in art education.

Her mother volunteered there once and Edwards went to help, falling in love with the campus in the process.


With large gatherings still out of the question due to the corona virus, the TriValley FFA held their endof-the-year ceremony virtually on June 16 from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. During the traditional opening, during which the officers present their roles, the scene switched virtually from officer to officer as they spoke their parts. Speeches and awards were presented and received by club members and 2019-2020 officers were thanked as they looked into a camera. It was a different and a very unique type of ceremony. New officers for the 2020-2021 year, are: President: Alora Carey, V. President: Jacob Lucek, 2nd V. President: Dyian Poley, Secretary: Gail McAndrews, Treasurer: Cathy Flores, Reporter: Adam Furman, Web Master: Erin Duffy, Historian: Keara Stroop, and Sentinel: Louis Bilancione.

Edwards looks forward to the small class sizes, which allows the professors to give more attention to students, which is important for an artist. “I loved all the art teachers I had [at Tri-Valley],� said Edwards, who plans to one day be in their shoes when she becomes an art teacher. “They’ve been really great and supportive.� On why she wants to be an art teacher, Edwards said she loves kids, art and creating art with kids. She particularly enjoys watching them create something and having so much fun in the process. Edwards noted that she is grateful for her parents and teachers for always pushing her and for their support. Reflecting on the entirety of her time at Tri-Valley, Edwards said, “It’s been pretty great. I’ve done a lot of amazing stuff with my community. I’ve gone far in music and with what I enjoy. It’s been a really great run.�

This special section congratulating the Tri-Valley Central School graduates is sponsored by these community-minded businesses & individuals:

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Congratulations Class of 2020 Graduates.

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Congratulations Tri-Valley Graduates!




Congratulations to Rebecca & the Class of 2020!





FRIDAY, JULY 3, 2020


Nicole Albelo-Irizarry

Luke Barile

Daniel Blias

Sara Blinston

Jason Cabrera

Dylan Campbell

Jasmin Dumas

Amari Edwards

Kristopher Edwards

Jared Espinoza

Tyrice Holloway

Robert King

Alexis Mapes

Megan Mapes

Ashton May

Walker McIntyre

Alexandria Ocasio

Lindsey Ort

Devon Ranne

Xavia Schmeiser

Jahriek Tomlinson

Ashli Torres

Courtney Wingfall

Megan Kleingardner


Liberty Elks Award Nicole Albelo-Irizarry, Tri-Valley CSD Luke Barile, Sullivan West CSD

Liberty Rotary Club Award Daniel Blias, Fallsburg CSD Jared Espinoza, Liberty

BOCES Board Award Kristopher Edwards, Fallsburg CSD

American Citizenship Award Daniel Blias, Fallsburg CSD Dylan Campbell, Eldred CSD Ashton May, Roscoe CSD

The Gene Smith School to Work Award Megan Mapes, Eldred CSD

Antonia Keesler Memorial Award Sara Blinston, Monticello CSD

President’s Academic Achievement Awards Daniel Blias, Fallsburg CSD Jason Cabrera, Fallsburg CSD Dylan Campbell, Eldred CSD Amari Edwards, Monticello CSD Kristopher Edwards, Fallsburg CSD Tyrice Holloway, Liberty CSD Robert King, Liberty CSD Megan Kleingardner, Livingston Manor CSD Alexis Mapes, Eldred CSD Ashton May, Roscoe CSD Lindsey Ort, Eldred CSD Ashli Torres, Liberty CSD Alexandria Ocasio, Liberty CSD Courtney Wigfall, Monticello CSD

President’s Academic Excellence Awards Nicole Albelo-Irizarry, Tri-Valley CSD Luke Barile, Sullivan West CSD Sara Blinston, Monticello CSD Jasmin Dumas, Monticello CSD Jared Espinoza, Liberty CSD Megan Mapes, Eldred CSD Walker McIntyre, Fallsburg CSD Devon Ranne, Liberty CSD Xavia Schmeiser, Monticello CSD

Career & Technical Education Award Alexandria Ocasio, Liberty CSD Daniel Blias, Fallsburg CSD

Thelma Newman Award Xavia Schmeiser, Monticello CSD

Outstanding Achievement Ashli Torres, Liberty CSD

Perseverance Awards Nicole Albelo-Irizarry, Tri-Valley CSD Luke Barile, Sullivan West CSD Daniel Blias, Fallsburg CSD Dylan Campbell, Eldred CSD Jasmin Dumas, Monticello CSD Amari Edwards, Monticello CSD Kristopher Edwards, Fallsburg CSD Tyrice Holloway, Liberty CSD Alexis Mapes, Eldred CSD Megan Mapes, Eldred CSD Walker McIntrye, Fallsburg CSD

Lindsey Ort, Eldred CSD Devon Ranne, Liberty CSD Xavia Schmeiser, Monticello CSD Jahriek Tomlinson, Monticello CSD Courtney Wigfall, Monticello CSD

Elizabeth Lane, Tri-Valley CSD Felicia Rothberg, Livingston Manor CSD Carly Lawler, Roscoe CSD Ayden Lowitz, Sullivan West CSD Brianna Hynson, Tri-Valley CSD

BOCES CAREER AND TECH 2020 AWARDS & SCHOLARSHIPS Antonia Keesler Memorial Scholarship Brant Gorton, Tri-Valley CSD Automotive Technology Attendance Award Nicholas Neiger, Sullivan West CSD Barbara Hallenbeck Professionalism Award Ashlyn Cicchetti, Sullivan West CSD Celina Christian, Liberty CSD Elizabeth Granados, Monticello CSD Jenaya Romero, Monticello CSD Burmax Award Andrea Licona Palma, Liberty CSD Catskill Region AACA Antique Car Club Scholarship Edward McCombs, Tri-Valley CSD Everyday Apparel Award Thomas Vaeth, Monticello CSD Liberty Elks Citizen Service Award Derrick Hanslmaier, Sullivan West Carly Lawler, Roscoe CSD Liberty Rotary Club Award Sarah Shamah, Monticello CSD Medi-Fair Award Ashlyn Cicchetti, Sullivan West CSD President’s Academic Achievement Award Clarissa Calabrese-Lewis, Sullivan West CSD Jacob DeGroat, Monticello CSD Kyle Summerson, Roscoe CSD Daniel Grande, Monticello CSD Benjamin Kelly, Sullivan West CSD Adell Velazquez, Liberty CSD Anisah Williams, Fallsburg CSD Wendy Marban-Rodriguez, Eldred CSD

President’s Academic Excellence Award Clarissa Calabrese-Lewis, Sullivan West CSD Alida Goldsmith, Ellenville CSD Derrick Hanslmaier, Sullivan West CSD Maggie Herbert, Sullivan West CSD Megan Mapes, Eldred CSD Erick Ledoux, Liberty CSD Nicholas Neiger, Sullivan West CSD Austin Bertholf, Liberty CSD Brandon Motto, Eldred CSD Sara Blinston, Monticello CSD John Michael Madera, Roscoe CSD Amaya Rupprecht, Tri-Valley CSD Ashlin Wood, Tri-Valley CSD

From left, Alexis Mapes, Dylan Campbell and Megan Mapes take in the moment of their graduation. Ashton May with his diploma.

Genesis Campos, Fallsburg CSD; Kristopher Edwards, Fallsburg CSD; Brant Gorton, Tri-Valley CSD Symanski Scholarship Maggie Herbert, Sullivan West CSD Syracuse University Award of

Recognition Gabrielle Acosta-Herrera, Monticello CSD; Julia Austin, Liberty CSD; Genesis Campos, Fallsburg CSD; Nayeli Chacon, Fallsburg CSD; Nicholas Chimienti, Monticello CSD; Briana Ibanez, Monticello CSD; Dana Kurthy, Monticello CSD; Tulsi Patel,

Fallsburg CSD; Sasrika Rajan, Monticello CSD; Abigail Rustic, Monticello CSD; Sarah Shamah, Monticello CSD; Nathaniel Varughese, Monticello CSD Trading Post Award Kelsey Kellam, Liberty CSD

Where Futures Begin& Dreams are Achieved!

Ray and Charlotte Kautz Memorial Scholarship Derrick Hanslmaier, Sullivan West CSD; Maggie Herbert, Sullivan West CSD Richard M. Dunwell Memorial Scholarship Nicholas Neiger, Sullivan West CSD Schmidt’s Wholesale Award Daniel Grande, Monticello CSD ShopRite Award Jayda Cesar, Tri-Valley CSD

Providing individuals with educational opportunities to succeed in life.

SkillsUSA Student of the Year Award Shelby Taggart, Monticello CSD Sullivan County BOCES Board Award Maggie Herbert, Sullivan West CSD; John Michael Madera, Roscoe CSD; Nicholas Chimienti, Monticello CSD; Sarah Shamah, Monticello CSD

Congratulations Class of 2020

Sullivan County BOCES Teachers Association Award John Michael Madera, Roscoe CSD SUNY Sullivan Scholarship John Michael Madera, Roscoe CSD;

This special section congratulating the Sullivan County BOCES graduates is sponsored by these community-minded businesses & individuals:



and very trying circumstances. You will remember the year 2020 for many reasons. A global pandemic will only be a small part of your memories. You will not be an asterisk; you will not be a footnote. You will remember this year because you were successful under very abnormal circumstances. Sullivan BOCES congratulates you! We wish you every success and happiness in your future. Dreams do come true; the bigger you dream, the bigger the reward. So set your sights high, climb the highest mountain, see all that there is to see in this great big world. It is beautiful; it is mesmerizing, it is yours for the taking! Congratulations!

15 Sullivan Avenue, Suite 1W, Liberty, NY 12754 | Ph: (845) 295-4000 |

Congratulations Class of 2020 from

Kelsey Kellam Maggie Herbert Clarissa Lewis Derrick Hanslmaier Sarah Levy Samantha Ackerley Kyle Giminiani



humble a society and bring the world to a grinding halt. But throughout this pandemic, you have persevered. You have shown you have what it takes to survive in this great big unpredictable world in which we live. You stood tall, toughed it out, adapted to a new normal, and continued on. Flavia Weedn, an author and artist, said, “If one dream should fall and break into a thousand pieces, never be afraid to pick one of those pieces up and begin again.” You began again; you held on to your dreams. It may not have been what you were planning and preparing for, but you made the best of it. You never looked back; you found your way forward, kept climbing, did what you had to do, and succeeded under very different



ou have reached a milestone in your life, and Sullivan BOCES is proud of you and your accomplishments. Unfortunately, we are unable to be there in a traditional manner for your graduation, but that does not diminish the significance of your achievement. These are difficult, but not unprecedented times. In the past 50 years, schools have never been closed for such a long period for a public health crisis. The last time schools were closed in this country for a health crisis was in response to a polio outbreak in 1955. Prior to that, schools were closed for an extended period in 1918 for the Spanish flu and in 1916 for another polio outbreak. Despite all of our modern science and medicine, a simple germ can



31868 74042


This Important Message Is Brought To You As A Public Service Of These CommunityMinded Businesses & Individuals:

FRIDAY, JULY 3, 2020


MATURITY. STRENGTH. PERSEVERANCE. That’s what makes you special, Class of 2020! You’ve shined brightly. You’ve conquered unprecedented challenges. And you’ll convert the lessons of today into amazing tomorrows! Imagine. Believe. Achieve! May health and happiness be yours. As you celebrate safely and responsibly, remember — You Did It!


Vote Mike Martucci for the 42nd State Senate District 84092


Paid for by Friends of Mike Martucci




FRIDAY, JULY 3, 2020



Monticello graduates 186 in the Class of 2020 BY SARAH CLARK • PHOTOS BY COURTNEY BONFANTE


ith the COVID-19 pandemic, schools across the world had to adapt to new ways of learning, and seniors were especially affected with the cancellation of graduation ceremonies and monumental events in the seniors’ last year of high school. Seniors from Monticello High School celebrated despite the challenges that the pandemic has created. “Those are moments that are sometimes defining for a student,” said Monticello High School Principal Stephen Wilder. “It was tough on the students, tough on the parents who also love and care for their children and want to see their children enjoy those staples of school.” Normally graduations are held at the Sullivan County Community College Fieldhouse in Loch Sheldrake with class sizes typically around 230 graduates. In 2020, the Monticello High School graduated 186 students. This year, because of COVID-19, the Monticello district decided to have individualized gradua-

This cap was designed to reflect current events.

tion ceremonies for seniors that allowed for them to receive recognition for their achievements while allowing families and friends to still celebrate with them. “We found that we wanted to create an opportunity for as many of the staples of a graduation ceremony to exist possible, so we created stations within the school, and we held graduation over four days, five hours per day, for a total of 20 hours.” Students were able to use Microsoft booking to schedule their own time for graduation, which created flexibility for them and their families. At check in, which was when students and families first arrived in the parking lot, the graduation coordinators made sure that there was distancing in the parking lot between cars, and every graduate and guest had their temperatures checked by the school nurse. Every student and guest had to have a mask that covered their nose and mouth. Once in the high school auditorium, which has a capacity of 1,000 occupants,

Amelia Layne shows off her decorated cap.

students were set up with their graduation caps, gowns, cords and medals. With the limit of gatherings being 10 people, students were allowed up to six guests, and the only administrator present was Wilder, which was done to maximize the amount of people a student could bring. There were also three photographers, one in the auditorium, one that was taking pictures throughout the building, and one outside taking photographs. “What was special is that even though they couldn’t graduate with their peers in a traditional ceremony, all the guests, their family and friends, were closer than they would ever have been to the graduates at the stage,” said Wilder. “It was much more intimate than it has been, it was certainly quicker for each individual graduate.” Following the ceremony where students received their diploma with family and friends present, they proceeded to walk down the hallway to sign the senior mural, painted by Monticello seniors Kali Pantone, Gabrielle Acosta-Herrera and Olivia Brewer. “We put a ton of information up on our website so that they could be as prepared as possible for what the expectations were to ensure their safety, health and wellness while also ensuring that it was celebratory and honoring them,” said Wilder. “None of that could replace the social experience and we completely understand that, so if there are opportunities in the future we’re certainly going to consider them and do what we can to provide opportunities.” Although a total of 20 hours

were spent on graduation, each student only spent around 30 minutes going through the process of getting their diploma, taking pictures, and saying goodbye to their alma mater. “It certainly didn’t reduce the emotional impact, the pride that the family and friends had in watching their friend or sibling or child walk across the stage with their diploma in hand and just feeling that sense of accomplishment,” said Wilder. “It was a phenomenal experience to have one at a time. I am both proud of the efforts of our graduation committee, which is very large for this project, much larger than normal, and just proud of all of our graduates for demonstrating their resilience and their tenacity.” The graduation committee consisted of nearly a dozen members, which included two graduation coordinators. The committee met on nearly a weekly basis, with some meeting multiple times per week for over a month. The district also purchased yearbooks, caps and gowns, and other items for the students. “During difficult times, communities come together. There may be differences, and there’s plenty of differences and challenges we face as a nation, as communities, but when things get hard and your neighbor needs your help, people come together,” said Wilder. “This was no different, and I am proud of how so many people in our community came together, teachers, staff members, were generous with their time, money, energy, to make sure our community was taken care of and that our seniors were celebrated.”


The Class of 2020 senior mural that students Kali Pantone, Gabrielle Acosta-Herrera and Olivia Brewer painted. The mural will be displayed in the Main Office for the upcoming school year.

Nicholas Chimienti and Senior Class Advisor Stephanie Byrne.

Reem Nada and her parents, each sporting masks showing how proud they are of her accomplishments.

Congratulations & Best wishes to the

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FRIDAY, JULY 3, 2020

Meet Monticello’s Top 10



From the beginning of high school I have dreamt about college and all the great things that come with getting older. Even though I was eager to go on to college, high school was one of the best experiences. It brought me my closest friends, showed me my true passion for business, and created the person I am today. I am so excited to be spending the next four years at Penn State University, University Park. From my high school experience, one piece of advice I’d give is to live in the present because you never know what could happen next.

Gabrielle Acosta Herrera

I’ve never been good with these kinds of things, but at least I can rest assured that I won’t be running the “Dear Abby” column anytime soon. I think I can look back

Briana Ibanez

So you may be wondering how I got here. Well it took a lot of hard work and patience not only with school

work and teachers, but with myself. I think it’s important to not do things only to be involved in the school but it’s important to be involved in what makes you passionate. It’s important to know that education is the most important tool you could ever have. It’s important to sign up for the extracurriculars you actually care about. It’s important to want to learn. When you do all of these things school doesn’t feel like a chore but instead it’s a place that can awaken passion in you. Monticello High School has given me the opportunity to do things I never dreamed of and I’m so thankful to have that environment and amazing educators that let me grow to become the person I want to be.

on this year and consider it well spent for what it was. I counted my days in spontaneous trips, sports events, daily practices, and moments that made me laugh until my sides split. Even though I dreaded the early trudges to school, it wasn’t something I would claim as “taken for granted”. I’ve heard that phrase more times than I can count during this entire pandemic and I can’t help but disagree with it. So, if this class clown could provide a shred of advice to any high school student, it won’t be the cliché phrase “don’t take things for granted”. It might be something even cheesier!

First and foremost, shoutout to my family, who have had the immense privilege of watching me grow up. Additional shoutouts to Antonio, Alan, Eric, Kolby, Thaddeus, Nathaniel, Patryk, and my baseball brothers for

One piece of advice I have for my classmates and really everyone is to never take things for granted. I believe my class took our senior year for granted because everyone gets to experience a normal senior year with a prom, graduation, senior trip and many other things. We didn’t get that and we never imagined not being able to experience those things. For that reason, I think everyone should live everyday as if the next day may not exist. This way you have no regrets for not being able to do the things you wanted.

When I think of this young woman two words immediately come to mind, talented and determination. Sydney is the unique type of individual who does not shy away from a challenge. On the contrary, this tenacious young woman meets every obstacle head on. Her success in high school can be directly attributed to her “never say die” attitude and willingness to go the extra mile to reach her goals. Sydney will be attending the University of Florida and will be studying International Business. She plans on eventually attending law school and becoming an attorney.

Sarah Shamah

Sasrika Rajan

unlocking the gates to my future, I can fully realize how lucky I am. To have a family, friends, supportive teachers who have gotten so far, clean water, fresh air, food, and energy. Unfortunately, it’s often easy to forget about these blessings and get caught up in drama, materials, and petty arguments. Don’t allow yourself to get stuck on these fruitless factors, always remember who you are and the things you have been given then go out into the world and improve the lives of others. The most empowering thing we can do is to become more educated.

If high school taught me anything, it is that the most important things in life are the ones that bring you joy. Balancing a full schedule of college classes, extracurriculars, community service and babysitting through

these four years took patience, flexibility, and hard work. I found that the key is to enjoy the journey while keeping an eye on the destination. Finding joy in the little things in my school routine and taking genuine interest in classes made me love my high school experience. I would not be the person I am today without the individuals that surround me. I would like to thank my parents and teachers for their invaluable support. Thank you Monticello High School for the milestones and the memories. I am looking forward to the next four at the Binghamton University honors program to pursue a career in medicine.

sticking with me despite my antics. To those yet to finish high school, I have some tips which can help you. #1: Don’t make getting awards your primary motivation for excelling in school. This will help you avoid the colossal disappointment that follows when you don’t get any. #2: Don’t waste time on reconciling with people because you aren’t even going to see 99.99% of these people after high school. #3: Stop listening to NBA Youngboy, please stop. #4: Drink more water, so you can cry even more tears for the Class of 2020. #5: Stay inside and practice social distancing, so the Class of 2021 doesn’t get screwed over like us. It’s been real, Monticello.

Janvi Patel

Sydney Lemmerman

Hanna Oestrich

As my time in high school comes to an end, closing the doors of the past and

Dhruv Patel

he following are either statements about students who ranked in the top 10 of Monticello High School’s Class of 2020 or messages written by them to their peers. They are not listed in order of rank.

Jenna Borko

I will be attending the University of Texas at Austin to study Biomedical Engineering. I have chosen this course of study as I am motivated to develop technology and devices to improve patient’s quality of life. In my time at MHS I have been an active student and leader. I was President of National Honor Society, Vice President of Tri-M Music Honor Society and Treasurer


for Student Council and Class of 2020. I was a chairperson for the Food and Toy Drives. I have been actively involved in music and participated in the Area All State Music Festival as the Principal Flute and in the Hudson Valley Honors Band. I was on the Varsity Alpine Ski team for 6 years and Varsity Golf for 5 years. Beyond my school, I am actively working against the presence of anti-Semitism. I have written and illustrated a children’s book about tolerance. The Jewish Federation of Orange County awarded me the Woman of Valor Award for my work to fight against anti-Semitism. I am very grateful for the amazing teachers who have helped me grow and learn. Thank you to my family for always supporting my journey. The best is yet to come. In the words of Mahatma Ghandi, “You must be the change, you wish to see in the world.”

Drew Taylor

The Monticello Teachers’ Association would like to send a special

Congratulations to Rosalie Sheppard who is the 2020 recipient of the Monticello Teachers’ Association Education Scholarship. This special award is presented to deserving seniors Rosalie Sheppard

entering the field of education. The Monticello Teachers’ Association is extremely proud of the Monticello High School Class of 2020 and wishes you a lifetime of success and fulfillment. The tenacity and strength you have shown over the past four months is a testament to your character and resolve. Your educational journey has been singularly unique. Use it as a springboard to catapult yourself into the vast possibilities of your future. Congratulations and all the best to our Monticello Panthers!


“Go confidently in the direction of your dreams! Live the life you’ve imagined.” HENRY DAVID THOREAU

Drew Taylor is a bright and hard-working young woman. She will be attending Marist College in the Fall. She is mature, respectful and kind. She is also a star athlete. Drew is the epitome of what a studentathlete should be. Drew works hard and is a great role model to the younger members on her teams. Drew has spent the past two years in the National Finance Academy. This rigorous program has most certainly prepared her for college, as some of our strongest students participate in those classes. Drew is a warm and sincere person who is sure to be successful in all she sets out to accomplish.


FRIDAY, JULY 3, 2020






RHFD Scholarship Winners

Jessica Blaksley Firefighter Candidate

Quentin Cruz

Aubrey Soller

Auxiliary Member

Auxiliary Member

Kaitlyn Babcock

Dana Kurthy

Brandon Mancroni

k c u L d oo G

to all 2020 Graduates


Sarah Shamah




FRIDAY, JULY 3, 2020

Gabrielle Acosta-Herrera

Marc Alcivar

Justalina Allen

Katelyn Babcock

Kolby Bailey

Steven Bello

Shane Bittinger

Arthur Blair

Jessica Blakesley

Sara Blinston

Jenna Borko

Olivia Brewer

Ashanti Brooks

Andrew Brush

Kristian Calderon

Karhl Campbell Jr.

Carlos Carvajal

Nicholas Chimienti

Jade Clark

John Creighton

Quentin Cruz

Dylan DeGrote

Erik Dennis

Damali Denton

Marlana DeRosa

John Dima

Denise Dumas

Jasmin Dumas

Kevon Dumornay

Amari Edwards

Mariam Elsayed

Katriona Faison

Alyza Fernandez

Shanai Fields

Rafael Flores

Afton Florez

Nyreka Forrest

Jenassis Forteza

Sha’Asia Foy

Patryk Galek

Oscar Gaona Ruiz

Joshua Gattling-Roque

Hannah Geagley

Amelia Gleyzer

Antonio Gonzalez

Elizabeth Grandos

Daniel Grande

Trevon Gray

Julianna Grillo

Damorn Hall Rucker

Jylasia Hardy

Ahliyah Hart

Allan Holland

Destiny Holland

Kevin Hurney

Brooke Hutton

Briana Ibanez

Paige Innis

Collin Jackson

J’nya Jaquez

Walter Jones

Destiny Junior

Hannah Kaplan

Ariana Kendrick

Danielle Knapp

Andr’e Knight

Dana Kurthy

Courtney LaPolt

Amelia Layne

Sydney Lemmerman

Mayrangelic Leon-Hernandez

Theresa Licausi

Alan Lin

Kayla Lindstadt

Zeus Rey Llamera

Sean Long

Elder Lopez Genis

Andrew Lounsbury

Candice Lozada

Declan Lyons

Brandon Mancroni

Aaliyah Miller

Jaden Milton

Kelvin Morocho

Reem Nada

Timothy Nash Jr.

Gina Nigro

Hannah O’Donohue

Hanna Oestrich

Chynna Outley

Kali Pantone

Talea Panzer

Christian Parisi

Dhruv Patel

Janvi Patel

Rontejah Payne

Christian Perez

Hannah Pienkowski

Shaienne Poole

Sasrika Rajan

Antoine Reid III

Brianna Reside

Liriam Rivera Carreto

Alyssa Rodriguez

Jenaya Romero

Abigail Rustic

Eric Ayanna Salzman-Hunter Sanchez-Surman

Congratulations to the Class of 2020!

Dafne Guzman-Torralba

Siniah Sealy




Sarah Shamah

Rosalie Sheppard

Azizah Simmons

Julia Simonetti

Savion Singletary

Dustin Smith

Robert Smith

Aubrey Soller

Olivia Steigler

Alonzo Stergis Jr.

Kenneth Stretch Jr.

Shelby Taggart

Isabella Tagliamonti

Drew Taylor

Myshel Taylor

Erin Thompson

Hailey Thompson

Tariq Thompson

Adam Turner

Deitrick Underwood

Nathaniel Varughese

Roberto Velasquez Osorio

Alexia Velazquez

Angel Virola

Gianna Vitti

Paul Vitti

Mason Warner

Khalea Washington

Alyssa Welsh

Kyle Wheat

Jazmine Williams


Gabrielle Acosta-Herrera - President’s Award for Outstanding Educational Excellence, SC BOCES President’s Award for Outstanding Educational Excellence, Syracuse University Award of Recognition, Andrew Gordon Memorial Award, New Visions Scholarship Katelyn Babcock - President’s Award for Outstanding Educational Excellence, Rock Hill Fire Department Scholarship, Rock Hill Ladies Auxiliary Scholarship Shane Bittinger - Kiwanis Club: Ruth Appel Memorial Scholarship Arthur Blair - Military Service Jessica Blakesley - President’s Award for Outstanding Educational Achievement, Rock Hill Fire Department Scholarship, Rock Hill Ladies Auxiliary Scholarship Sara Blinston - SC BOCES President’s Award for Outstanding Educational Excellence Jenna Borko - President’s Award for Outstanding Educational Excellence, B.P.O.E. Local 1544 Elks Scholarship, Academy of Finance 5K Scholarship Olivia Brewer - Board of Education Award in Visual Art Ashanti Brooks - Board of Education Award in Family and Consumer Science Kristian Calderon - Military Service Nicholas Chimienti - President’s Award for Outstanding Educational Excellence, SC BOCES President’s Award for Outstanding Educational Excellence, Sullivan County BOCES Board Award, Syracuse University Award of Recognition, Pearl Dumont Memorial Scholarship John Creighton - President’s Award for Outstanding Educational Achievement, Charlene Faitell Memorial Scholarship, Shirley Smalls Hornbeck Award, Academy of Finance 5K Scholarship Quentin Cruz - President’s Award for Outstanding Educational Excellence, Kiwanis Club: Ben Golden Memorial Scholarship, Rock Hill Fire Department Scholarship, Rock Hill Ladies Auxiliary Scholarship John Dima - President’s Award for Outstanding Educational Achievement Mariam Elsayed - President’s Award for Outstanding Educational Achievement, Madeleine Gordon Memorial Award, Kiwanis Club: Irving Kaufman Memorial Scholarship Katriona Faison - President’s Award for Outstanding Educational Achievement, Military Service Nyreka Forrest - President’s Award for Outstanding Educational Achievement Patryk Galek - President’s Award for Outstanding Educational Excellence Joshua Gattling-Roque - Boni and Michael Barnofsky Memorial Scholarship Amelia Gleyzer - President’s Award for Outstanding Educational Excellence, Board of Education Award in Health and Physical Education, Board of Education Award in Music, Eugene D. Nesin Memorial Scholarship for Excellence in Music, Sullivan County Conservation Club Award Elizabeth Granados - President’s Award for Outstanding Educational Achievement, SC BOCES President’s Award for Outstanding Educational Excellence Daniel Grande - George Hornbeck Memorial Scholarship, SC BOCES President’s Award for Outstanding

Qataiyah Williams Educational Achievement, Schmidt’s Wholesale Award Dafne Guzman-Torralba - President’s Award for Outstanding Educational Excellence, Nancy A. Camp Memorial Scholarship Allan Holland - SC BOCES President’s Award for Outstanding Educational Excellence Briana Ibañez - President’s Award for Outstanding Educational Excellence, New York State Scholarship for Academic Excellence, Board of Education Award in Foreign Language, Syracuse University Award of Recognition, The New York State Seal of Biliteracy Paige Innis - President’s Award for Outstanding Educational Achievement, Mamakating Knights of Columbus Scholarship, Monticello Alumni School Spirit Award Walter Jones - President’s Award for Outstanding Educational Achievement Hannah Kaplan - President’s Award for Outstanding Educational Excellence, Board of Education Award in Social Studies Dana Kurthy - President’s Award for Outstanding Educational Excellence, Mamakating Knights of Columbus Scholarship, SC BOCES President’s Award for Outstanding Educational Excellence, Syracuse University Award of Recognition, Rock Hill Fire Department Scholarship, Rock Hill Ladies Auxiliary Scholarship Amelia Layne - President’s Award for Outstanding Educational Achievement Sydney Lemmerman - President’s Award for Outstanding Educational Excellence Kayla Lindstadt - President’s Award for Outstanding Educational Excellence, Tybee Arfa Memorial Award, The Nelson Hall Memorial Scholarship Zeus Rey Llamera - President’s Award for Outstanding Educational Excellence, New York State Scholarship for Academic Excellence, Board of Education Award in Technology Andrew Lounsbury - President’s Award for Outstanding Educational Excellence Declan Lyons - President’s Award for Outstanding Educational Achievement Brandon Mancroni - President’s Award for Outstanding Educational Achievement, Rock Hill Fire Department Scholarship, Rock Hill Ladies Auxiliary Scholarship Kelvin Morocho - President’s Award for Outstanding Educational Achievement Reem Nada - President’s Award for Outstanding Educational Excellence, Center for Prayer and Meditation Scholarship, Academy of Finance 5K Scholarship Hanna Oestrich - President’s Award for Outstanding Educational Excellence, New York State Scholarship for Academic Excellence, Social Studies Achievement Award Kali Pantone - President’s Award for Outstanding Educational Excellence, The Interact Service Above Self Award Dhruv Patel - President’s Award for Outstanding Educational Excellence Janvi Patel - President’s Award for Outstanding Educational Excellence, Gordon Memorial School Spirit Award, Academy of Finance Wendy Levinson Award, Social Studies Department Scholarship Hannah Pienkowski - Claire Morgan Memorial Award Sasrika Rajan - President’s Award for Outstanding Educational Excellence, New York State Scholarship for Academic Excellence, Syracuse

Vincent Wright

DayShawn York

University Award of Recognition Brianna Reside - President’s Award for Outstanding Educational Achievement Jenaya Romero - SC BOCES President’s Award for Outstanding Educational Excellence, Sullivan Lodge #521 Scholarship Abigail Rustic - President’s Award for Outstanding Educational Achievement, Monticello Fire Department Scholarship, Syracuse University Award of Recognition Eric Sanchez-Surman - President’s Award for Outstanding Educational Excellence, New York State Scholarship for Academic Excellence, SUNY Oneonta Presidential Scholarship Siniah Sealy - SC BOCES President’s Award for Outstanding Educational Excellence Sarah Shamah - President’s Award for Outstanding Educational Excellence, B.P.O.E. Local 1544 Elks Scholarship, Monticello Rotary Club Scholarship, Trust Family Memorial Scholarship, New York State Scholarship for Academic Excellence, Board of Education Award in Science, Board of Education Award in Mathematics, Liberty Rotary Club Award, SC BOCES President’s Award for Outstanding Educational Excellence, Sullivan County BOCES Board of Education Award, Syracuse University Award of Recognition, Blake and Dorothy Washington Scholarship, Edward M. Maier Memorial Post 4947 Scholarship Honoring Edward and Gladys Maier, Isaac and Ruth Silberman Legal Professional Scholarship, Kiwanis Club: Founders Scholarship, Pearl Dumont Memorial Scholarship, Rock Hill Fire Department Scholarship, Rock Hill Ladies Auxiliary Scholarship Rosalie Sheppard - President’s Award for Outstanding Educational Excellence, Monticello Rotary Club Scholarship, Monticello Teachers’ Association Education Scholarship, Trust Family Memorial Scholarship, Board of Education Award for English Language Arts, Herbert J. Avrutis and Ruthe Silberman Medical Scholarship, Kiwanis Club: Monticello Kiwanis Memorial Scholarship, The Burger King Scholarship Julia Simonetti - President’s Award for Outstanding Educational Excel-

Jordan Long Israel Marrero Jr. Joshua Martinez Arly Martinez-Dominguez Sierra McCarthy Yuber Medina Ruiz Jennifer Nieves Maldonado Rico Padua Sean O'Rourke Jeremiah Osisami Cairo Perez Anastasia Quinones

Justin Roman Bryon Sandoval Xavia Schmeiser Michael Smith Miracle Steele-Jenkins Jahriek Tomlinson Thomas Vaeth Greish Valentin Villafane Robert VanHouten Courtney Wigfall Jalen Wilson Andrew Young

lence Aubrey Soller - President’s Award for Outstanding Educational Excellence, B.P.O.E. Local 1544 Elks Scholarship, Monticello Fire Department Scholarship, Monticello Rotary Club Scholarship, Rock Hill Fire Department Scholarship, Rock Hill Ladies Auxiliary Scholarship Olivia Steigler - President’s Award for Outstanding Educational Excellence, Warren Bergstrom Award

Kenneth Stretch, Jr. - President’s Award for Outstanding Educational Achievement Shelby Taggart - SC BOCES President’s Award for Outstanding Educational Excellence, SkillsUSA Student of the Year, Dominican Heritage Scholarship Drew Taylor - President’s Award for Outstanding Educational Excellence, Board of Education Award in Business, Academy of Finance

Scholarship Award, The Interact Service Above Self Award, Bob and Lynn Walsh Scholarship Erin Thompson - President’s Award for Outstanding Educational Excellence Deitrick Underwood - President’s Award for Outstanding Educational Achievement


Best of Luck to the 2020 Graduates!

Assemblywoman Aileen Gunther 18 Anawana Lake Road, Monticello, NY 12701 845-794-5807 Paid for by the Committee to Elect Aileen Gunther


Savyon Wilks

Not pictured: Miguel Agostini Saul Baez Tyrone Bridges Evan Collazo Evangelina Collazo Elijah Gavins Albin Gjonbalaj Jordyn Hickman Ysanna Jones Katelin Kelly Jamar Lewis Maxine Lewis


FRIDAY, JULY 3, 2020



Timothy Nash Jr. celebrates this special moment with his family.


FRIDAY, JULY 3, 2020

Jenaya Romero takes one last walk down high school memory lane.

J'nya Jacquez adds her name to the Class of 2020 senior mural.

John Creighton, holding cap decorated in honor of Joe Salthouse, a member of the Monticello security team and assistant football coach for the Panthers, who lost his life in 2019.


ns Congratulatio ds! Monticello Gra

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Time flies! Seems like yesterday you were in pigtails and now you’re graduating! We love you so much!



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Community Amenities include: Pool, Playground, Dog Park, Community Center, Basketball Court and On-Site Management.

Congratula ons to the Mon cello Class of 2020! Way to go!

Congratulations to the Monticello Class of 2020!!!

Drew Taylor

John Ferrara

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Congratulations to the Monticello Class of 2020!

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Kinnebrook Estates

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This special section congratulating the Monticello Central School is sponsored by these community-minded businesses & individuals:


Dr. Scott Quick, DVM

The Monticello Fire Department would like to congratulate and wish Abigail Rustic Dana Kurthy Aubrey Soller Kyle Wheat and the Monticello Class of 2020 the very best of luck in their future endeavors. You can make a difference in your community Become a member of the

Monticello Fire Department For more information call:



This sign welcomed seniors when they picked up their caps and gowns.

Thomas Vaeth - President’s Award for Outstanding Educational Achievement, SC BOCES President’s Award for Outstanding Educational Excellence Nathaniel Varughese - President’s Award for Outstanding Educational Excellence, SC BOCES President’s Award for Outstanding Educational Excellence, Syracuse University Award

of Recognition Gianna Vitti - President’s Award for Outstanding Educational Achievement Paul Vitti - President’s Award for Outstanding Educational Achievement Mason Warner - Military Service Khalea Washington - President’s Award for Outstanding Educational Achievement, Academy of Finance Service Scholarship Award, The Interact Service Above Self Award, Hofstra University Dean’s Scholarship Award

Congratulations to the Class of 2020! Wishing you the very best for a successful future.

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Congratu g lations Gradua ates! Do you wa antt tto make k a meaning i gful f l difference in someones’s life?

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Congratula ons & Best Wishes to the Mon cello Class of 2020!

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Rock Ridge Kennels

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Your accomplishments have been many and we know the best is still yet to come.

Congratulatiioons!! TO THE CLASS OF 2020 2 from your friends at the

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Congratulations to the Class of 2020! A special congratulations to Jazmine Williams!


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Congratulations to the Monticello Class of 2020!





Congratulations to the Monticello Class of 2020!

Congratulations to the Monticello Class of 2020!!



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Congratulations to the Monticello Class of 2020!

Congratulations Class of 2020!

We Salute the Determination of the 2020 Graduating Class!



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Congratulations to the Class of 2020!

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All our love, Mom, Dad and Ashley


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Wishing all our Monticello Graduates the Very Best!

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Congratulations & Best of Luck to the Monticello Class of 2020!


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FRIDAY, JULY 3, 2020


At right: Carly Lawler plans to attend SUNY Oswego majoring in Graphic Design.



riends, family, school staff and administrators gathered on the lawn in front of the Roscoe Central School on Friday, June 26 to honor the graduating Class of 2020. These were unusual circumstances for a celebration as COVID-19 continues to be a concern. Families of the graduates sat together, spaced apart from other families. Everyone wore masks, which those who spoke only removed at the microphone to be heard by the crowd. Some people on Orchard and Academy Streets sat in their front yards or on front porches to watch the ceremony from a distance.

The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Graduate John Michael Madera and Graduate Kia Haering delivered the class greetings. “Organizing this graduation in the face of all the restrictions New York State is using to save our lives must have been a monumental challenge,� Haering said. She thanked Principal Janice Phillips, district staff and administration officials for making this graduation ceremony possible. The consequential nature and uncertainty of the current times was not lost on some of the graduates. “The coronavirus has made it apparent that we are living through historic events. I want to take a moment to go off script and recognize the

Nicole Nieves receives her diploma from Superintendent John Evans. Nieves plans to attend SUNY Delhi to study Veterinary Technology.

Black Lives Matter movement as another astronomically important event in the history of the United States,� Haering continued. “Growing up in a small, undiverse town has shielded us from the reality that people of color have to face on a daily basis. I wish the future of Roscoe Central to be a place of kindness and love for every student despite their race, gender or sexual orientation.� Haering wasn’t the only speaker to touch upon the hardships faced by the Class of 2020, or events taking place in towns and cities across America. In her address to the class of 2020, Salutatorian Alisha Trautschold said, “It’s still okay to recognize that you're not prepared to take on all the world’s challenges. You do not have to lose your youthfulness, just because you grow up.� If Principal Janice Phillips had any advice for Roscoe’s Class of 2020, it was that education and personal growth continues long after someone is finished with their schooling. “Seek out opportunities to challenge you and strive for continuous improvement in your lives,� Principal Phillips said. “Remember the people you meet will define you by your character and actions. So take the time to make certain that every action you take is a positive example of who you want to be. May you contin-

Proud families and friends gathered outside the Roscoe Central School to honor the graduating Class of 2020. Wearing masks, families sat together, spaced apart from other families.

Above: Graduates begin to walk into Roscoe’s outdoor graduation ceremony on June 26. uously measure your success on what you do to support others rather than the material possessions you will accumulate. The rich person is one who has true friends and a loving family. Find a way to measure your wealth in the ways that enrich the lives of others.� Assistant Principal Robin Francisco read out the award recipients - and there were many deserving award recipients in this class. Class Valedictorian Breanna Kipp reminded the Class of 2020 that people often learn how to succeed through past failures and that they shouldn’t be discouraged by them but instead see them as an opportunity to grow. In her closing remarks, graduate Carly Lawler said, “I’m glad to be a part of this class and have enjoyed our journey together at RCS.� The class of 2020 gifted a tree to the school that will grow for years to come.

At left: Salutatorian Alisha Trautschold plans to study Evolutionary Biology and Ecology at the University of Buffalo.

At right: Valedictorian Breanna Kipp will be attending SUNY Sullivan.

At right: Graduate William Haas plans to study heating and ventilation at SUNY Delhi. He received his diploma from his uncle, and Board of Education member, Tasse Niforatos.

John Michael Madera (standing in front) will be a Presidential Scholar at SUNY Sullivan majoring in Early Childhood Education. Sitting behind him are graduates Kyle Summerson and Damien O’Connor.

and the

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We wish you a future of success and happiness!

Administration and Board of Education

Congratulations Class of 2020 Graduates. Michael Brooks District 3 Legislator

Always work hard and do your best.

Love, Uncle Tasse, Aunt Cheri, Stavros, Athena and Anastasia



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Your Family & Friends.

A simple Congratulations to the Class of 2020

Congratulations Willie! We are so proud of you.

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Congratula ons Stephen! May your future be ďŹ lled with wonderful surprises. We wish you all the best.



Willie Haas Steven Hecht Jr.

Congratulations & Best Wishes to the Roscoe Class of 2020! 83384

The Roscoe Teachers’ Association Congratulates The Class of 2020

Congratulations to our Volunteer Firefighters


This special section congratulating the Roscoe Central School graduates is sponsored by these community-minded businesses & individuals:

And always make time for family and friends.

from the 5 Star Catskills Vacation getaway on VRBO and Airbnb and CertiďŹ cate of Excellence on TripAdvisor




FRIDAY, JULY 3, 2020

Top of the Class

Chad Kiakis plans to move to Texas to join the workforce and attend college.

Come Celebra te!


Message to Class of 2020: “Life is full of failures and change. Everybody will, or has failed at something. Even the most successful people have failed. Those people have succeeded because they chose to learn from their mistakes. No one truly likes to fail, therefore most people give up if they do not succeed. Failure can be humiliating, discouraging and defeating. However it can also be humbling, enlightening and informative. Failure hurts, but without it we’d have no reason to strive for great things. When you fail you learn things about yourself, and it makes you a better person. Along with failures

come changes. Life is incredibly unpredictable. This year has especially taught us that. We all thought that we would have the perfect senior year, but we haven’t. We missed out on a great deal, but it is better to focus on what we had instead of longing for what could have been. Appreciate the memories we have shared, the friends we have made and the people that have always been there for us. As we enter this new chapter in our lives, remember that life is full of failures and curveballs.” Alisha Trautschold Roscoe Salutatorian Alisha graduated from Roscoe Central School with a GPA of 4.0. Her favorite subject was science. Her extracurricular activities included soccer, basketball, track, band, drama club, yearbook, student interning, student government, RCS Steam Team, student band director. Her most salient memory was winning the Section IV Class D Soccer Championship. Alisha will be attending the University at Buffalo in the Fall. She will Major in Evolutionary Biology and Ecology. As to her career aspirations Alisha says, “ Ultimately I want to become a paleontologist and shark biologist.” Message to the Class of 2020: “I have been able to know each of you personally for a long time. We went to a small school after all. There are so many things that I hope you all accept and take with you in life. However, above all others, I hope you all learn how to learn. Learning in itself is one


of the most amazing tools you can possess. Change is hard. Accept it. Learn from it. And grow from it. We can grow up without actually growing up. Your mindset is what will determine your success. Everyone's success is different. Stay focused. Stay positive. Most importantly, stay young. Allow yourself to make mistakes and get back up and try again. Allow yourself to take a break from time to time. Learn to prioritize. Learn the value of hard work. Then make sure you use what you learn as you take on life. I hope you all can learn to be happy and take the time to enjoy every second, that way when time is up you will know you grew, you learned, you were successful, but most importantly you lived.”


John Michael Madera Roscoe Class President John Michael Madera graduated from Roscoe Central School with a GPA of 3.7. His favorite subject was and always has been English. His CTE program in Early Childhood Education registers as a close second. His extracurricular activities included being the Roscoe Class of 2020 President and the Roscoe Student Government Vice President, RCS Student Government representative, National Honor Society, National Technical Honor Society, Skills USA Member, Skills USA State Competition Competitor, 2018 HOBY Representative, varsity track and field, varsity soccer, Senior High School band, STEAM Team, Independent Art, Jr. Iron Chef, RCS Drama Club, Yearbook Committee and a Jr. member of the RCS PTA. John Michael recalls, “My most salient memory at RCS was when I received the lead role of Prince Eric in our school production of The Little Mermaid Jr. The Little Mermaid is one of my favorite Disney movies/plays, and I got to perform opposite my two best friends who played Ariel and Sebastian.” John Michael plans to attend SUNY Sullivan as a Presidential Scholar in the Fall. His intended major is Early Childhood Education. He aspires to become an elementary school Special Education teacher.

Message to the Class of 2020: “This year our country has faced many hardships. However, we now can say that the Class of 2020 has become a part of history. What I want to tell my fellow graduates is our history making should not stop here. Use your experiences to impact people and make a difference. Live a life of fulfillment and purpose. I’ve known most of you since PreK, and I’m positive each of you has something amazing to offer the world. As we begin our journeys for life in adulthood, I want to leave each of you with one word of advice and that is rise. Rise above the obstacles you may face. Rise beyond your goals and expectations and rise to the occasion.”

Congratulations Graduates!


Congrats to All the 2020 Graduates!

think I would have worked as hard as I did. “I do not have any specific career aspirations, but I know I want a career that makes me both happy and financially stable.”


Kyra Breihof (standing) says she plans to travel the world and find a fullfilling career.

Austyn May plans to enter the workforce in the heavy equipment/logging industry.

Breanna Kipp Roscoe Valedictorian Breanna graduated from Roscoe Central School with a 4.0 GPA (98.22 cumulative average). Her favorite subject was art, specifically the Independent Study course. Breanna participated in STEAM team, community service, Catskill Art Society contributing artist, Sullivan Dove project, Junior/Senior National Honor Society and Class Secretary. She will be attending SUNY Sullivan in the fall, majoring in Liberal Arts. Breanna adds, “ for now until I find what I want to do.” Breanna’s most salient memory was, “In 5th grade I was having a conversation with my teacher Mrs. Clifford as usual. We were probably talking about horses and life on the farm. I don't remember exactly what she said, but she said something that made me feel smart. This memory is important because I had always done well in school. All through elementary school I’d get my work done early and do well on tests, but I never really felt smart. If she hadn’t made me realize that I was smart I don’t



1. Breanna Kipp 2. Alisha Trautschold 3. John Michael Madera

Kyra Breihof



FRIDAY, JULY 3, 2020

Trevor DeCampos

William Haas

Kia Haering

Stephen Hecht Jr.

Chad Kiakis

Breanna Kipp

Stephanie Kirk

Damien O’Connor

Kyle Summerson

Carly Lawler


John Madera


Ashton May

Austyn May

- Stephanie Kirk, Damien O’Connor Derek Haas Memorial Award - Awarded to a senior who has actively participated in school activities and is furthering his or her education - William Haas Dr. Lewis G. Denman Memorial - Awarded to a senior who plans to continue his/her education in the field of health care - Kia Haering Dr. Robert R. Eckert Scholarship Award – Awarded to deserving students who reside in the Town of Colchester and will be continuing their education after high school - Alisha Trautschold Ed Weitmann Beaverkill Valley Fire Department Memorial Scholarship - Awarded to a graduating senior pursuing a college education related to a trade, engineering, first responder, or medicine/nursing Stephen Hecht Eleanor Marks Memorial Award - Awarded to a graduate who is planning a career in nursing or a science related field - Kia Haering Evelyn Tice Button Memorial Award – Awarded to the highest ranking female senior who will be attending college in the fall - Breanna Kipp Excellence In English Award - Awarded to the senior who shows excellence in English and Language Arts, will major in some form of the study of the English language in a post-secondary setting or the student with the highest average in English 12 Breanna Kipp James & Eleanor Cain Scholarship Awarded to students who exemplify community service - Carly Lawler, John Michael Madera, Alisha Trautschold Jim & Betty Tempel Scholarship - Awarded to a senior who will be attending a four year college and meets qualifications of service within the school and community Carly Lawler

Christopher Miller

John Jay Horton “High Point” Memorial Scholarship – Awarded to students who share John’s qualities of humor, gentleness and kindheartedness - Breanna Kipp, John Michael Madera, Alisha Trautschold Julie & Don Allen Memorial Scholarship Fund – Awarded to the female graduate with the highest GPA planning to attend college and major in a business related field or to seniors who show exemplary community service - William Haas, Stephen Hecht, Breanna Kipp, Carly Lawler, John Michael Madera, Alisha Trautschold Kiwanis Club Scholarships – Awarded to graduating seniors pursuing a post-secondary education who have demonstrated school/community service activities and experiences that have contributed to them becoming a good citizen - Kia Haering, Breanna Kipp, Carly Lawler, John Michael Madera, Alisha Trautschold Kurt T. Rowan Memorial Scholarship – Awarded to two graduating seniors who have played two varsity sports, one of which is basketball; who exhibited leadership on and off the playing field; who by their attitude helped to elevate his/her teammates’ play; who maintained an overall academic average for four years of 80% or above; and who will be continuing their education - Alisha Trautschold Lazare and Charlotte Kaplan Foundation Grant – This grant is awarded to seniors to assist with post-secondary education funding - Carly Lawler


Nicole Nieves

Alisha Trautschold

Jared Woods

Meet Roscoe’s third in the class: Kia Haering This year’s student ranked third in the class has an impressive academic record and a bright future ahead of her. Kia is the Vice President of the Class of 2020. She plans to attend SUNY Geneseo to pursue a degree in Biology. Kia has played flute in the RCS band for 9 years and has sung in the RCS choir for the same. She has also participated in many school drama productions including starring as Ariel in The Little Mermaid Jr. She has competed in the varsity sports of soccer, basketball and track and field. Kia was a member of the award winning RCS Iron Chef Competition Team and she was a representative at HOBY. Kia has been a member of the RCS Student Government for the past two years. This year, she held office as the Secretary. Kia has also been a member of the RCS Senior Honor Society where she currently holds the office of President.


Kia Haering Kia has shown her dedication to the community through her volunteer efforts at the local food pantry. “This year has been especially challenging for our class due to the Covid-2019 pandemic that spread across the world and forced us to adapt to new ways of learning in the classroom,” Haering said during her address to the

Class of 2020. “However, we are the lucky ones. We were fortunate enough to have opportunities like remote learning to continue our schooling online. Not every country in this world and every state in this country, is as well prepared to keep its students learning even through these troubled times.”


Aileen Button Memorial Award – Awarded to the Valedictorian and Salutatorian Breanna Kipp, Alisha Trautschold Arthur V. Maus Memorial Award – Awarded to a senior who is either enrolled in the BOCES Vocational School or Industrial Arts Program at RCS - Kyle Summerson Beaverkill Chapter Of The National Society Of The Daughters Of The American Revolution – Awarded to the senior with the highest average in American History - Alisha Trautschold Beaverkill Chapter Of The National Society Of The Daughters Of The American Revolution - Awarded to the senior showing exceptional patriotism - Breanna Kipp Beth A. Clark Memorial Scholarship - Mu Chapter- Alpha Delta Kappa – Awarded to a Sullivan County student who will pursue a degree in education and has been accepted to an accredited college - John Michael Madera Carol Young Herrmann Art Scholarship – Awarded to a graduate accepted and will be attending an institution of higher learning pursuing a degree in visual, theater or musical arts - Carly Lawler Catherine & Alex Portz Memorial Music Award – Awarded to a member of the senior class for dedication in the music program - Alisha Trautschold Cooks Falls-Horton Fire Company Ladies Auxiliary Scholarship - Awarded to the students who reside in the Cooks FallsHorton Fire District - Kyra Breihof, Breanna Kipp, Austyn May, Ashton May, Jared Woods Cooks Falls-Horton Fire Company Scholarship - Awarded to the students of the Cooks Falls-Horton Fire District furthering their education - Kyra Breihof, Breanna Kipp, Austyn May, Ashton May, Jared Woods Dai Dutcher Memorial Award – Awarded to two deserving members of the senior class who have been most respectful, courteous, and cooperative within the school setting - Breanna Kipp, Damien O’Connor Dee Brzytwa Memorial Award - Awarded to the student who has demonstrated honesty and integrity and overall good sportsmanship during his/her high school career




FRIDAY, JULY 3, 2020

t i o a l n u s t t a o r g the n o C

O F S 2 S 0 A 2 L 0 C from the

Sullivan County Volunteer Firefighter’s Association You have shown resilience in the face of adversity over the past few months, know that you can overcome any hardship and that your community stands with you. Best of luck to each of you as you start your new journey. Look forward to the adventure, work hard in everything you do and make the world a better place!

Feed the fire in you… Volunteer now to make a difference in your community.

The Sullivan County Volunteer Firefighter Association welcomes you in joining your local fire department to become a part of the firefighter family and become a part of history and tradition. REWARDS •

Make lifelong friendships

Receive tuition reimbursement from FASNY Higher Education Learning Plan

Learn leadership skills

Obtain new and practical skills and receive training with life-saving equipment and technology For more information on how you can become a volunteer firefighter please contact us at 84143

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