Januar y12t h&Januar y19t h NewRel eases
JANUARY 12TH NEW RELEASES -------------------------------
• SHAME - SONGS OF PRAISE | Cassette (DOC144cass) | Dead Oceans PHYS UPC:656605144405
• SHAME - SONGS OF PRAISE | CD (DOC144cd) | Dead Oceans PHYS UPC:656605144429 • SHAME - SONGS OF PRAISE (BLACK VINYL) | LP (DOC144lp) | Dead Oceans PHYS UPC:656605144412 • SHAME - SONGS OF PRAISE (SKY BLUE VINYL) | LP (DOC144lp-C1) | Dead Oceans PHYS UPC:656605144436 • UPHEAVAL - ALTAR OF ASH | LP (GR034lp) | Ghost Ramp PHYS UPC:616892503842
JANUARY 19TH NEW RELEASES -------------------------------
• SHOPPING - THE OFFICIAL BODY | CD (FAT0147cd) | FatCat Records PHYS UPC:600116514721 • SHOPPING - THE OFFICIAL BODY (BLACK VINYL) | LP (FAT0147lp) | FatCat Records PHYS UPC:600116514714 • SHOPPING - THE OFFICIAL BODY (OPAQUE WHITE VINYL) | LP (FAT0147lp-C1) | FatCat Records PHYS UPC:600116514790 • SALAD BOYS - THIS IS GLUE | CD (TIM128cd) | Trouble In Mind PHYS UPC:630125983461 • SALAD BOYS - THIS IS GLUE (BLACK VINYL) | LP (TIM128lp) | Trouble In Mind PHYS UPC:630125983485 • SALAD BOYS - THIS IS GLUE (POWDER PINK VINYL) | LP (TIM128lp-C1) | Trouble In Mind PHYS UPC:630125983492 • LARAAJI - VISION SONGS | CD (NUM079cd) | Numero Group PHYS UPC:825764107921 • LARAAJI - VISION SONGS (BLACK VINYL) | LP (NUM079lp) | Numero Group PHYS UPC:825764107914 • MOON DUO - JUKEBOX BABE/NO FUN (BLACK VINYL) | 12" (SBR193lp) | Sacred Bones Records PHYS UPC:616892548447 • MOON DUO - JUKEBOX BABE/NO FUN (WHITE VINYL) | 12" (SBR193lp-C1) | Sacred Bones Records PHYS UPC:616892549949 • ROBERT HAIGH - CREATURES OF THE DEEP (BLACK VINYL) | LP (UW017lp) | Unseen Worlds PHYS UPC:766008587690 • STRAND OF OAKS - HARDER LOVE (BLACK VINYL) | LP (DOC151lp) | Dead Oceans PHYS UPC:656605145112 • HANZ - PLASTY I (BLACK VINYL) | 12" EP (TRI041lp) | Tri Angle Records PHYS UPC:616892523543 • CHASTITY - CHAINS (BLACK VINYL) | 12" EP (CT269lp) | Captured Tracks PHYS UPC:817949014155
------------------------------• RETAIL & DOMESTIC SALES - SHELLY WESTERHAUSEN - shelly@secretlydistribution.com - 812.822.3886 • DOMESTIC SALES & MARKETING - ANN JONKER - ann@secretlydistribution.com - 812.822.3884 • INTERNATIONAL SALES & MARKETING - LAUREN BROWN- lauren.brown@secretlydistribution.com - 812.822.3894 • DIGITAL DISTRIBUTION & PROMOTION - CHARLEY KIEFER - charley@secretlydistribution.com - 812.822.3885
------------------------------2062 / Arbutus Records / Acéphale / Asthmatic Kitty / Awesome Tapes From Africa / Bloodmoss / Captured Tracks Cloud Recordings / Constellation / DFA Records / Dead Oceans / Family Vineyard / Felte / Flying Nun / Ghostly International Hometapes / Jagjaguwar / Joyful Noise Recordings / K Records / Lovepump United / Magnetic South / Merge Records No Quarter / Numero Group / Omnian Music Group / Overcoat Recordings / Paradise of Bachelors / PPM / Quarterstick Records Quite Scientific Records / RVNG Intl. / Sacred Bones Records / Secretly Canadian / The Social Registry / Sounds Familyre Suicide Squeeze / Temporary Residence Ltd. / Tomlab / Tri Angle Records / Trouble in Mind / Underwater Peoples We Are Free / Western Vinyl :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Secretly Distribution
1499 West 2nd Street Bloomington, IN 47403 USA
Dead Oceans
SHAME Songs of Praise About the album
Shame thrives on confrontation. Whether it be the seething intensity crackling throughout debut LP Songs of Praise or the adrenaline-pumping chaos that unfolds at Shame’s shows, it’s all fueled by feeling. NPR’s Bob Boilen noted, “Of the 70 bands I saw at this year’s SXSW, the band Shame seemed to mean what they played more than any other.” Comprised of vocalist Charlie Steen, guitarists Sean Coyle-Smith and Eddie Green, bassist John Finerty, and drummer Charlie Forbes, the London-based five-piece began as school boys. From the outset, Shame built the band up from a foundation of DIY ethos while citing The Fall and Wire among its biggest musical influences. Utilizing both the grit and sincerity of that musical background, Shame carved out a niche in the South London music scene and then barreled fearlessly into the angular, thrashing post-punk that would go on to make up Songs of Praise, their Dead Oceans debut. From “Gold Hole,” a tongue-in-cheek takedown of rock narcissism, to lead single “Concrete” detailing the overwhelming moment of realizing a relationship is doomed, to the frustrated “Tasteless” taking aim at the monotony of people droning through their day-today, Songs of Praise never pauses to catch its breath.
CD UPC: 656605144429
56605 14442 9
CASSETTE UPC: 656605144405
56605 14440 5
LP UPC: 656605144412
56605 14441 2
DIGITAL UPC: 656605144467
56605 14446 7
Tracks Selling Points ~U S tours in Nov 2017, Feb & March 2018. SXSW ~T ouring with Ought, Protomartyr, Snail Mail
1. Dust On Trial 2. Concrete 3. One Rizla 4. The Lick 5. Tasteless
6. Donk 7. Gold Hole 8. Friction 9. Lampoon 10. Angie
Exclusively Distributed By Secretly Distribution Phone: (812) 335-1572 / Fax: (888) 678-0167 US Domestic Sales Contact Shelly Westerhausen shelly@Secretlydistribution.com International Sales Contact Lauren Brown lauren.brown@Secretlydistribution.com
COLORED LP UPC: 656605144436
56605 14443 6
GR034 UPHEAVAL Al t arofAsh TRACKLI ST 01Bur ni ngDar k 02Evi scer at et heLi ght 03BeastofCar nage 04Abyss
05Al t arofAsh 06ConsumedbyFi r e 07Ressur ect i on 08Ascensi on
Upheavalar eaf our manwr ecki ngcr ewf r om Bost on,Massachuset t s,whospeci al i zei ndr amat i c,bl ackenedsl udge met al— t hi nkEyehat egodbywayofMayhem af t eracol d NewEngl andwi nt er .Foundedi nJune2014byvet er an Bost onmusi ci ansJust i nDoucet t e( gui t ar / vocal s) ,Al ex Bet ancour t( dr ums)andJohnBel mont e( bass/ backi ng vocal s) ,Upheavalqui ckl ygai nednot or i et yi nNewEngl and pl ayi ngacr ushi ngbl endofsl udgeanddoom.I nFebr uar y 2015anEastCoastt ourexpandedt her eachoft hef i r st demobeyondt henor t heastUni t edSt at es.AUSt ouri n June2016sawt headdi t i onofEr i cSt r ut honl eadgui t ar , andbr oughtt hesel fr el easedcasset t e“ Summoni nga Gi ant ”acr osst heUni t edSt at es.
Cat al ogueNumber :GR034 For mat :LP Rel easeDat e:Januar y12t h,2018( Nor t hAmer i ca) Januar y12t h,2018( WW) UPCLP:751937439417 Ter r i t or yRest r i ct i ons:None Genr e:Met al Vi nyli snotr et ur nabl e BoxLot :25
Wi t ht hel i neupsor t edout ,t hebandbeganwor ki ngt i r el essl yt ocr af tanewal bum.Adept l ymai nt ai ni ngt heunr el ent i ng heavi nessofSummoni ngaGi antwhi l ef ul l yembr aci ngt hei r bl ackmet ali nf l uences,ei ghtsongswer ewr i t t enandAl ec Rodr i guezofNewAl l i anceSt udi osi nCambr i dge,MAwas enl i st edt opr oduceandengi neeri t .Theendr esul t ,“ Al t arof Ash” ,i sahal fhouropusofaur alsavager y .
POI NTSOFI NTEREST -OpaquePur pl eCol or edVi nyl -Br ut al l ygor geousar t wor kbyMar kW.Ri char ds -Feat ur edbyREVOL VERMAG LABELCONTACT GhostRamp 715NewHi ghSt .Uni tC. LosAngel es,CA90012 pat r i ck@ghost r amp. com www. ghost r amp. com
Release date: 01/19/18
Following on the success of their two previous albums for FatCat, which were praised on both sides of the pond as “breakneck, open-eared, positivist post-punk canter” (NME) and “direct, smart, catchy, and extremely punk” (Pitchfork) – the band returns to shake some asses with an agenda yet again. The album was produced by Edwyn Collins (Orange Juice) at his studio in Helmsdale, Scotland, who brought his taut post-punk ear to the Shopping’s acclaimed evolution of brittle ‘70s polti-punk.
If the band’s approach was prescient in the past, our current political landscape renders them ever more indicative of the restlessness of youth’s current dilemma. Rachel Aggs (vocals, guitar) reflects, “We wrote the album submerged in a political Only available to North America, South America atmosphere that felt particularly chaotic and disorientating. It was tempting to take ourselves a little more seriously on this record but I feel as though we held on to our sense of humor and our general irreverence in the face of so many oppressive systems.” The album’s title (established before any of the songs were written), The Official Body, is a play on the idea of official bodies of power and control, “the mystical 6 00116 51479 0 powers that be” as bassist Billy Easter deems them, as well as the construct of a FAT0147 LP-C1 physical body that fits within the societal paradigm of what is “acceptable.” UPC: 600116514790
File Under: Rock Territory Restrictions:
Box: 30 Vinyl is non-returnable
FAT0147 LP UPC: 600116514714 Box: 30 Vinyl is non-returnable
FAT0147 CD UPC: 600116514721 Box: 30
TRACKLISTING 1. The Hype 2. Wild Child 3. Asking For a Friend 4. Suddenly Gone 5. Shave Your Head 6. Discover 7. Control Yourself 8. My Dad’s a Dancer 9. New Values 10. Overtime
Collins helped the band develop their sound, diverting the setup away from the standard drums, bass, guitar stance that’s been the band’s staple. The album is the first to incorporate synths to Shopping’s frenetic dance, ushering in an updated line of post-punk progressiveness. “We introduced a Novation Bass station and drum pads which has amped up the party vibe on this new album,” says Aggs, “and possibly introduced some surprising elements including a song with no guitar at all – “Wild Child.” The band manages to walk the razor thin line between inspiring euphoric dance and shouldering societal anxiety. They face down gender politics and environmental peril (“Suddenly Gone”), breakdown social media as both a vital emotional mask and conduit of spirit (“Wild Child”). The Official Body stays true to the minimal dance-punk ethos of Shopping’s previous releases, fans of which will undoubtedly find this logical unfolding of their musical approach thoroughly satisfying.
Key Points
*Limited White Opaque Vinyl, Limited to 200 pcs *Full US PR Campaign from Pitch Perfect PR *Full US Radio Campaign from Shine On *Spring US Tour "Direct, smart, catchy, and extremely punk, Shopping is a band for our confusing times. “ - Pitchfork “Shopping are smart enough to keep us on our toes and dancing from start to finish, with not a second spilt.” – Rolling Stone
Also Available
FAT0139 - LP Why Choose
FAT0139 - CD Why Choose
Salad Boys This Is Glue TRACKLIST
1. Blown Up
7. In Heaven
2. Hatred
8. Under The Bed
3. Psych Slasher
9. Dogged Out
4. Right Time
10. Scenic Route To Nowhere
5. Choking Sick
11. Going Down Slow
6. Exaltation
12. Divided RELEASE BIO
RELEASE INFO Christchurch, New Zealand’s Salad Boys are back with “This Is Glue”, the follow up to
Catalogue Number: TIM128 Format: CD, LP, LP-C1
their critically acclaimed 2015 debut album “Metalmania”. Recorded once again by
Release Date: Januar y 19th, 2018
bandleader/guitarist Joe Sampson at his home studio, “This Is Glue”s twelve songs dig
CD: 630125983461
deeper, with sharper hooks embedded deep within a more mature musicality.
UPC-LP: 630125983485
This Is Glue” hones Sampson’s songwriting chops to a razor edge, with many of the
UPC-LP-C1: 630125983492 Territor y Restrictions: None
album’s songs sounding utterly timeless. The riffs and melodies seem all too familiar,
Genre: Indie / DIY / Alternative
perhaps recalling greats that came before them ( The Chills, R.E.M., The Bats), but Sampson has a voice all his own and “This Is Glue”s tunes tread upon a singular path of
RIYL: Feelies, Nap Eyes, NE-HI, Yo La Tengo, The Clean, Ultimate Painting, R.E.M. Vinyl is not returnable
measured melancholy. The themes are darker, the lyrics more claustrophobic and
Box Lot CDs: 300 Box Lot LP: 30
yearning with Sampson confronting anxiety, mortality, and fear through the his abstract lyrical lens; a cracked world view, to be sure. Songs like “Exaltation”, “Dogged Out” and
“Divided” convey a world-weariness of a man twice his age. That’s not to say that “This Is Glue” is all doom and gloom; album opener “Blown Up” kickstarts with motorik
- Limited powder pink vinyl available direct to shops
drumming that crescendos into a thrilling guitar riff that could crack mountains. “Psych
- Christchurch, NZ band’s second album - Recorded & mixed by bandleader Joe Sampson in his home studio
Slasher” crashes forward frenetically awash in phaser before easing into a melodic
- Mastered at Saff Mastering by Carl Saff
denouement buoyed by a bubbling synthesizer before a tidal wave of guitar crashes down again. Existential angst has never felt so exhilarating.
“This Is Glue” is released on compact disc, vinyl (including a limited, powder pink
TROUBLE IN MIND RECORDS P.O. BOX 30079 Chicago, IL 60630-1340 troubleinmindrecs@gmail.com www.troubleinmindrecs.com
version available to direct shops), and via all digital retailers.
Numero Group Laraaji: Vision Songs Catalog Number: num079 Artist: Laraaji Title: Vision Songs Release Date: 1/19/2018 UPC: LP: 825764107914 CD: 825764107921 Available format: LP, CD Genre: New Age/Ambient Box Lot: LP: 30, CD: 30 Territory Restrictions: None Vinyl is not returnable Track Listing
Vinyl: Vision Songs Vol. 1 (1984) is the LARAAJI album like no other, located at the intersection of new age and gospel. It is both his outlier and magnum opus, the feel-good DIY tape of the century. Discovered busking in Washington Square Park by Brian Eno in the late 70s, engagement with the eternal flow has led Laraaji to, seemingly by magic, emerge as the most beloved avatar of the unstoppable new age music revival of recent years. Now Vision Songs rewrites Laraaji’s musical history. Unlike the many instrumental, free form albums upon which his reputation was built, this is an album of songs , with lyrics, verses, choruses. Vision Songs is literally a revelation -- of a master songwriter whose unbelievably catchy best compositions such as “We Shall Be Lifted”, “All Of A Sudden”, and “Is This Clear?” belong in any great American songbook.
A 1. Hare Jaya Jaya Rama I 2. Is This Clear? I 3. Great Bells In The Morning 4. All Of A Sudden 5. I Can Only Bliss Out (F’Days) B 1. We Shall Be Lifted 2. Cosmic Joe 3. Hare Jaya Jaya Rama II 4. Laws Of Manifestation 5. Is This Clear? II 6. Is This Clear? III
Casio synth jams recorded at spiritual retreat guest rooms and a tiny bedroom on the Upper West Side, lysergicallyspectacular anthems for a continually arriving new moment, “channeled,” as Laraaji states in the album’s eloquent liner notes, “from the sky,” previously available in an edition of 100 cassettes sold at yoga retreats and on the streets of New York City, Vision Songs is humbly offered on vinyl, CD, and streaming for the very first time.
This is where this is going on, this is where this is taking place, this is how this is going on. Is this very clear?
01. Hare Jaya Jaya Rama I 02. Is This Clear? I 03. Interlude I 04. Om Namah Shivaya 05. Today Is This Magic Quality 06. Great Bells In The Morning 07. Interlude II 08. Hare Jaya Jaya Rama II 09. All Of A Sudden 10. Om Tryumbacom 11. I Can Only Bliss Out (F’Days) 12. We Shall Be Lifted 13. Allah 14. Cosmic Joe 15. Laws Of Manifestation 16. Who’s In Love? 17. Is This Clear? II 18. Is This Clear? III
Moon Duo Jukebox Babe / No Fun track listing: 1 Jukebox Babe (Alan Vega Cover) (6:25) 2 No Fun (The Stooges Cover) (8:11) Key Information / Selling Points: Hometown / Key Markets: • Portland, New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Austin Selling Points / Key Press: • Limited edition double-A-sided 12" featuring covers of classic songs by The Stooges and Alan Vega • One-time pressing of 1000 units of black vinyl and 1000 units of white vinyl • 2017’s Occult Architecture Vol. 1 and Vol. 2 both landed on numerous Billboard charts • “Creepin’” from Vol. 1 is the band’s biggest radio hit to date • Two videos from the Occult Architecture cycle premiered on live television on Adult Swim
Following the resounding success of their two-volume, Yin-and-Yang song cycle Occult Architecture, the Portland psych heroes in Moon Duo return with a limited edition 12" paying tribute to two of their musical heroes — Iggy Pop and Alan Vega. Moon Duo’s versions of these classic songs push them into bold new sonic territory, and show that Ripley Johnson and Sanae Yamada’s expansive musical imaginations are still firing on all cylinders. “We started playing ‘No Fun’ after BBC6 Radio asked us to record an Iggy song for his 70th birthday. We added it to our set to work it out for the session and kept playing it every night because everyone loves that song. We worked up a version of ‘Jukebox Babe’ because our sound engineer Larry got it stuck in his head and was singing it all the time. We figured, we may as well play it if we’re going to hear it all the time. The Stooges and Iggy, and Suicide/Alan Vega/Martin Rev, are all huge influences on us. But we never want to do faithful covers of great songs, because what’s the point? So we tried to push both of the tracks in less obvious directions, incorporating other influences, like California psych and cosmic disco, giving them more of a summer vibe. We knew Sonic Boom was working outside of Lisbon, so we asked him to produce the tracks, recording them in August for maximal summer heat.” -Moon Duo, October 2017
• • • • • • •
related catalog SBR-050 Moon Duo Mazes cd/lp SBR-083 Moon Duo Circles cd/lp SBR-097 Moon Duo Circles Remixed lp SBR-122 Moon Duo Shadow of the Sun cd/lp SBR-168 Moon Duo Occult Architecture Vol. 1 cd/lp SBR-169 Moon Duo Occult Architecture Vol. 2 cd/lp SBR-182 Moon Duo Killing Time: Expanded Edition Lp RiYL: The Stooges, Iggy Pop, Suicide, Alan Vega, Spiritualized, The Brian Jonestown Massacre catalog #: SBR-193 genre: Alternative/Psych Release Date: 1-19-2018 available formats: 12", White vinyl 12" UPC-lp: 616892548447 UPC-lp-c1: 616892549949 export restrictions: None Vinyl is not returnable Box Lot: lp 30 label contact: Sacred Bones Records 144 N. 7th Street #413 Brooklyn, NY 11211 info@sacredbonesrecords.com www.sacredbonesrecords.com
white color vinyl 12"
Robert Haigh Creatures of the Deep Unseen Worlds UW17
RIYL Nils Frahm, Brian Eno, Harold Budd, Chilly Gonzales, Omni Trio, Erik Satie, Nurse With Wound RELEASE INFO Genre: Ambient, Instrumental, Solo Piano, Electronic Release date: 11/10/2017 (CD), 1/19/2018 (LP) Formats: CD, LP, Digital UPC: 728028400113 (CD), 766008587690 (LP) Returns: CD, Yes / LP, No HOMETOWN London, UK / Japan RELEASE DESCRIPTION A new album of piano driven ambient music from British composer Robert Haigh. Following in the path of his albums for the Japanese Siren label, Creatures of the Deep is an underground vantage of a meeting between the musical worlds of Harold Budd and Erik Satie. With a storied musical career that has ranged widely in style — from his industrial-avant-garde works on Nurse With Wound’s United Diaries label as SEMA to his legendary ambient drum and bass records as Omni Trio on Moving Shadow — Robert Haigh's work occupies a space between music and mystery. With Creatures of the Deep, Haigh is at the peak of his powers. Among noir, minimal, neo-classical landscapes are robust expression that is subtle and elusive yet uniquely Haigh’s in its voice and masterful execution. The closer we examine, the more is revealed, and the
SELLING POINTS • New album from Robert Haigh (aka Omni Trio, legendary Ambient-Drum-and-Bass artist) • Download card included TRACK LIST
1. Portrait With Shadow 2. Koto Line 3. Secret Life of Waves 4. Birds of Cadence
Tommy McCutchon Unseen Worlds PO BOX 250558 New York, NY 10025 (917) 420-0788 email: tommy@unseenworlds.com twitter + instagram: @unseen_worlds
6. From the Mystery 7. Winter Ships 8. Sunken Pavilions 9. I Remember Phaedra 10. Autumn Fool 11. European Dusk
PHONE: 812.335.1572 / FAX: 888.678.0167 US Domestic Sales contact Shelly Westerhausen (shelly@secretlydistribution.com) International Sales contact Lauren Brown (lauren.brown@secretlydistribution.com)
66008 58769
Dead Oceans
STRAND OF OAKS Harder Love About the album
‘Harder Love’ is the latest from Strand of Oaks, a collection of Tim Showalter’s original recordings for the album ‘Hard Love.’ Pairing the earliest versions ‘Hard Love’ tracks with previously-unreleased material (including some songs deemed “too weird” for the official release), ‘Harder Love’ feels like an alternate dimension. A whole lot stranger and even more raw, it’s like the tripped out, spiritual brother to its predecessor. “These songs are me unedited…I just want people to have them. I’m sick of overthinking and talking too much about the process and the narrative.” And it’s Showalter’s desire for a wholly unfiltered approach that defines ‘Harder Love,’ a listening experience that often feels like scrolling through the FM dial, not quite getting the station, and listening through the static anyway. Out January 19th, 2018, limited to 500 copies.
Selling Points
~ Limited to 500, limited markets ~ Alternate takes and b-sides from 2017’s critically acclaimed ‘Hard Love’ ~ Hard Love released w/ 20 chart spots: #3 New Artist Albums, #5 Heatseaker, #8 Americana/Folk, #10 Independent Albums, #11 Vinyl Albums, #13 Alternative Albums, #17 Rock Albums
CATALOG NUMBER: DOC151 RELEASE DATE: January 19, 2018 FORMAT: LP LP BOX LOT: 40 GENRE: Alternative KEY MARKETS: New York, Philadelphia, Chicago, Los Angeles, Austin, Indianapolis, Minneapolis, Seattle, Amsterdam TERRITORY RESTRICTIONS: US and Benelux only VINYL NOT RETURNABLE
LP UPC: 656605145112
56605 14511 2
DIGITAL UPC: 656605145167
56605 14516 7
Tracks SIDE A:
1. Harder Love 2. Passing Out 3. Cry (Alt Version) 4. On The Hill (Alt Version)
5. Sober 6. Dream Brother 7. Rain Won’t Come 8. Wicked Water 9. Chill Tent
Exclusively Distributed By Secretly Distribution Phone: (812) 335-1572 / Fax: (888) 678-0167 US Domestic Sales Contact Shelly Westerhausen shelly@Secretlydistribution.com International Sales Contact Lauren Brown lauren.brown@Secretlydistribution.com
Hanz Plasty I
TRACK LISTING: 1. Advice Ad 2. Plasty 3. King Speed 4. Root Words 5. Your Local Shapeshifter 6. A Breathing House 7. Page ADDITIONAL INFORMATION
The key influences for Hanz’ upcoming EPs lie outside music – “They are heavily influenced by film. Things like pacing, tension, comic relief, and climactic moments.” “Plasty I,” his long-overdue new EP, is the first of two recordings that form a kind of mirror shot of each other – you could say one is a frontal shot, while the other a back shot. Both EPs developed in sessions that started right before the re-issue of "Reducer" (on Tri Angle) in 2015.“ I was watching a lot of films and realized the ones I appreciated the most were shorter in length – films like "Tetsuo, The Iron Man". Over a year or so of working, I decided to trim compositions down and get to the point in underneath twenty minutes per EP. I named this work "Plasty" due to its constant structural changes, it’s as if the sound is being operated on surgically.”He adds - “I like tension and action. I edit my music like a movie, placing pieces of a song inside of other songs. Certain parts / melodies from part one reappear in part two and vice versa. That’s my way of making these EPs compliment each other by making them function like puzzles. The temporary moments on both EPs are for you to get better acquainted with this sonic environment. For example, the track "A Breathing House" is a short vignette on “Plasty I” that is based on the imagery of a house with breathing windows, doors, and floors.” Cinematic influences are joined by inspirations from “the Surrealists” and the "cut-up" technique” (of William Burroughs & Brion Gysin). “Plasty” is the sound of an artist evolving and emerging through exploration, it’s the sound of an artist breaking free."
Limited edition, white labels, 300 copies pressed. “Hanz has taken your worst childhood nightmare and turn’t it into an audible hallucination of adventure, leading you down corrosive corridors of music that were only familiar in a dimension of yourself.” Tiny Mix Tapes “Imagine a drone strike simultaneously infiltrating DJ Shadow's Entroducing… and UNKLE's Psyence Fiction, or Flying Lotus and Run the Jewels collaborating, amping up the abstract and dousing the entirety in cinematic verve, and it might sound something like Hanz.”- Exclaim “Hanz approaches music with a willful disregard for any rules, norms, or expectations. Building soundscapes from fractured, almost unrecognizable shards of hiphop, jungle, punk, dubstep, and more his music is a brilliant whirlwind of dystopian menace”- Pigeons & Planes CATALOG: TRIANGLE41 ARTIST: Hanz TITLE: Plasty I GENRE: Electronic / Hip Hop / Beats RELEASE DATE: 11/11/2017 0 AVAILABLE FORMATS: LP Territory Restrictions; Worldwide VINYL IS NOT RETURNABLE LP BOX LOT: 25 LP UPC: 616892523543 LABEL CONTACT:
info@tri-anglerecords.com www.tri-anglerecords.com
• Hometown: Whitby, Ontario • The 2016 reissue of TAPE EP saw favorable coverage from Stereogum, The Fader, Noisey, The 405, and more • 2018 tour dates are forthcoming
Channeling the feeling of youth on the fringe, Chastity focuses on the earnest connections found amongst the pent up suburban blue-collar. Living in Whitby Ontario, Brandon Williams creates music in a space of urgency, melody and chaos - an artifact of youth culture that bridges isolation and collectivity. Chastity is a protean temperament in punk, in recent history sharing the stage with Priests and Fucked Up, the project carries in the ethic of solidarity, antagonistic to the status quo.
CT -269 01 . Ma nning H ill 02 . Chains 03 . Fles h 04 . In s t i t u t i o n 0 5 . Po p ul ar B e li ef
Chains is a brief but loaded EP that takes the bull by the horns. Each track is crafted with the very mindfulness Williams finds so essential. It’s a level of creative intent that has defined Chastity since the project’s inception, but is perhaps most palpable to date on Chains - a progression in intensity resulting more from a rapidly changing world than the artist themself. Williams explains, “when I’m drawn to write I’m either sad or I am pissed. The world has changed since writing my last release, and both the sad and pissed feelings have since increased.”
RELEASE DATE: JANUARY 19th, 2018 GENRE: ALTERNATIVE / INDIE EP UPC: 817949014155 EP LIST: $19.98 “Haunting, brutal and beautiful anthems for suburban dysphoria…a call to arms for all the EP FORMAT: 12” EP lost and tortured souls sticking it out in the burbs.” –BEAT Mag EP BOXLOT: 50 EXPORT: WW, EX: CANADA “Leans on everything from Teenage Fanclub to Hum, exposing an emotional side amidst VINYL NON-RETURNABLE the muscular and soaring guitars.” –CLRVYNT •
“On ‘Chains’, the new song from Chastity, Brandon Williams returns his project to its noise-punk roots. The Whitby, Ontario artist was bespoke and sludge-y on January’s ‘Peroxide’ 7”, but on the title track from his upcoming EP, he’s all snarls and curved riffs.” –The FADER
Press: Grace Jones gracej@grandstandhq.com Sales : Dave Martin dave.martin@omnianmusicgroup.com
COMING SOON FROM SECRETLY DISTRIBUTION... JANUARY 26TH: • BIG BLACK - RACER X (BLACK VINYL) | LP (TG091lp) | Touch and Go Records PHYS UPC:036172079117 • HOLLIE COOK - VESSEL OF LOVE | CD (MRG588cd) | Merge Records PHYS UPC:673855058825 • HOLLIE COOK - VESSEL OF LOVE (BLACK VINYL) | LP (MRG588dlx) | Merge Records PHYS UPC:673855058801 • HOLLIE COOK - VESSEL OF LOVE (BLACK VINYL) | LP (MRG588lp) | Merge Records PHYS UPC:673855058818 • KHRUANGBIN - CON TODO EL MUNDO | Cassette (DOC153cass) | Dead Oceans PHYS UPC:656605145396 • KHRUANGBIN - CON TODO EL MUNDO | CD (DOC153cd) | Dead Oceans PHYS UPC:656605145327 • KHRUANGBIN - CON TODO EL MUNDO (BLACK VINYL) | LP (DOC153lp) | Dead Oceans PHYS UPC:656605145310 • KHRUANGBIN - CON TODO EL MUNDO (OFF-WHITE VINYL) | LP (DOC153lp-C1) | Dead Oceans PHYS UPC:656605145334 • KHRUANGBIN - CON TODO EL MUNDO (VINYL ME PLEASE EXCLUSIVE) (OFF-WHITE VINYL) | LP (DOC153lp-C2) | Dead Oceans PHYS UPC:656605145341 • H.C. MCENTIRE - LIONHEART | CD (MRG602cd) | Merge Records PHYS UPC:673855060224 • H.C. MCENTIRE - LIONHEART (BLACK VINYL) | LP (MRG602lp) | Merge Records PHYS UPC:673855060217
FEBRUARY 2ND: • AKIRA SAKATA & CHIKAMORACHI WITH MASAHIKO SATOH - PROTON PUMP | CD (FV104cd) | Family Vineyard PHYS UPC:656605410425 • AKIRA SAKATA & CHIKAMORACHI WITH MASAHIKO SATOH - PROTON PUMP (BLACK VINYL) | LP (FV104lp) | Family Vineyard PHYS UPC:656605410418 • TASHI DORJI & TYLER DAMON - LEAVE NO TRACE: LIVE IN ST. LOUIS (BLACK VINYL) | LP (FV103lp) | Family Vineyard PHYS UPC:656605410319 • MARCUS MARR - FAMILIAR FIVE 12" EP (BLACK VINYL) | 12" EP (DFA2562lp) | DFA Records PHYS UPC:829732256215 • MONTERO - PERFORMER | CD (CH144cd) | Chapter Music PHYS UPC:711583807640 • MONTERO - PERFORMER (BLACK VINYL) | LP (CH144lp) | Chapter Music PHYS UPC:711583807671 • MONTERO - PERFORMER (GREEN VINYL) | LP (CH144lp-C1) | Chapter Music PHYS UPC:711583807619 • RED RIVER DIALECT - BROKEN STAY OPEN SKY | CD (POB039cd) | Paradise of Bachelors PHYS UPC:616892483946 • RED RIVER DIALECT - BROKEN STAY OPEN SKY (BLACK VINYL) | LP (POB039lp) | Paradise of Bachelors PHYS UPC:616892483847 • THE SOFT MOON - CRIMINAL | CD (SBR192cd) | Sacred Bones Records PHYS UPC:616892546740 • THE SOFT MOON - CRIMINAL (BLACK VINYL) | LP (SBR192lp) | Sacred Bones Records PHYS UPC:616892546542 • THE SOFT MOON - CRIMINAL (WHITE VINYL) | LP (SBR192lp-C1) | Sacred Bones Records PHYS UPC:616892546641 • THE SOFT MOON - CRIMINAL | Cassette (SBR192cass) | Sacred Bones Records PHYS UPC:616892554943 • SUNWATCHERS - II | CD (TIM127cd) | Trouble In Mind PHYS UPC:630125983423 • SUNWATCHERS - II (BLACK VINYL) | LP (TIM127lp) | Trouble In Mind PHYS UPC:630125983447 • SUNWATCHERS - II (RAINBOW SPLATTER VINYL) | LP (TIM127lp-C1) | Trouble In Mind PHYS UPC:630125983454 • THE SOFT MOON - CRIMINAL (SBR MAIL-ORDER) (BLACK VINYL) | LP (SBR192lp-C2) | Sacred Bones Records PHYS UPC:616892554448 • THE SOFT MOON - CRIMINAL (TSM MAIL-ORDER) (BLACK VINYL) | LP (SBR192lp-C3) | Sacred Bones Records PHYS UPC:616892554547
*All releases are subject to change