New Releases - June 14th & June 21st

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JUNE 14TH NEW RELEASES -------------------------------

• SHELLAC - THE END OF RADIO | 2xCD (TG424cd) | Touch and Go Records PHYS UPC:036172112425 • SHELLAC - THE END OF RADIO (BLACK VINYL) | 2xLP (TG424lp) | Touch and Go Records PHYS UPC:036172112418 • CRUMB - JINX | CD (CR002cd) | Crumb Records PHYS UPC:843563116807 • CRUMB - JINX (BLACK VINYL) | LP (CR002lp) | Crumb Records PHYS UPC:843563116401 • CRUMB - JINX (TRANSLUCENT YELLOW VINYL) | LP (CR002lp-C1) | Crumb Records PHYS UPC:843563116777 • [XXX] MONO - HYMN TO THE IMMORTAL WIND (10 YEAR ANNIVERSARY EDITION) | CD (TRR348cd) | Temporary Residence Ltd. PHYS UPC:656605334820 • [XXX] MONO - HYMN TO THE IMMORTAL WIND (10 YEAR ANNIVERSARY EDITION) (BLACK VINYL) | 2xLP (TRR348lp) | Temporary Residence Ltd. PHYS UPC :656605334813 • [XXX] MONO - HYMN TO THE IMMORTAL WIND (10TH ANNIVERSARY EDITION) (PEARLESCENT BLUE-GREEN VINYL) | 2xLP (TRR348lp-C1) | Temporary Residence Ltd. PHYS UPC:656605334851 • DUSTER - STRATOSPHERE (BLACK VINYL) | LP (NUM1286lp) | Numero Group PHYS UPC:825764608619 • DUSTER - STRATOSPHERE (CREAM VINYL) | LP (NUM1286lp-C1) | Numero Group PHYS UPC:825764608626 • DUSTER - CONTEMPORARY MOVEMENT (BLACK VINYL) | LP (NUM1287lp) | Numero Group PHYS UPC:825764608718 • DUSTER - CONTEMPORARY MOVEMENT (OPAQUE ORANGE VINYL) | LP (NUM1287lp-C1) | Numero Group PHYS UPC:825764608725 • MIKE ADAMS AT HIS HONEST WEIGHT - THERE IS NO FEELING BETTER | CD (JNR292cd) | Joyful Noise Recordings PHYS UPC:753936903869 • MIKE ADAMS AT HIS HONEST WEIGHT - THERE IS NO FEELING BETTER (BLACK VINYL) | LP (JNR292lp) | Joyful Noise Recordings PHYS UPC:753936903876 • SADGIRL - WATER | CD (SSQ167cd) | Suicide Squeeze Records PHYS UPC:803238016726 • SADGIRL - WATER (PH BALANCED BLUE VINYL) | LP (SSQ167lp-C1) | Suicide Squeeze Records PHYS UPC:803238016719 • "BLUE" GENE TYRANNY, PETER GORDON - TRUST IN ROCK | 2xCD (UW018cd) | Unseen Worlds PHYS UPC:744790142440 • "BLUE" GENE TYRANNY, PETER GORDON - TRUST IN ROCK (BLACK VINYL) | 3xLP (UW018lp) | Unseen Worlds PHYS UPC:744790142457 • "BLUE" GENE TYRANNY - OUT OF THE BLUE | CD (UW024cd) | Unseen Worlds PHYS UPC:744790142419 • "BLUE" GENE TYRANNY - OUT OF THE BLUE (BLACK VINYL) | LP (UW024lp) | Unseen Worlds PHYS UPC:744790142426 • ANATOLIAN WEAPONS FEAT. SEIRIOS SAVVAIDIS - TO THE MOTHER OF GODS (BLACK VINYL) | LP (BIS037lp) | Beats In Space / RVNG INTL. PHYS UPC: 747742391125


------------------------------• MORT GARSON - MOTHER EARTH'S PLANTASIA | CD (SBR3030cd) | Sacred Bones Records PHYS UPC:843563116029 • MORT GARSON - MOTHER EARTH'S PLANTASIA (BLACK VINYL) | LP (SBR3030lp) | Sacred Bones Records PHYS UPC:843563116036 • MORT GARSON - MOTHER EARTH'S PLANTASIA (GREEN VINYL) | LP (SBR3030lp-C1) | Sacred Bones Records PHYS UPC:843563116043 • DIVINO NIÑO - FOAM | Cassette (WSP029cass) | Winspear PHYS UPC:704751183547 • DIVINO NIÑO - FOAM | CD (WSP029cd) | Winspear PHYS UPC:704751183554 • DIVINO NIÑO - FOAM (BLACK VINYL) | LP (WSP029lp) | Winspear PHYS UPC:704751183516 • DIVINO NIÑO - FOAM (TRANSLUCENT ORANGE VINYL) | LP (WSP029lp-C1) | Winspear PHYS UPC:704751183523 • ROB BURGER - THE GRID | CD (WV183cd) | Western Vinyl PHYS UPC:843563111581 • ROB BURGER - THE GRID (BLACK VINYL) | LP (WV183lp) | Western Vinyl PHYS UPC:843563111598 • ROB BURGER - THE GRID (COSMIC CLEAR VINYL) | LP (WV183lp-C1) | Western Vinyl PHYS UPC:843563111574 • RIMARIMBA - ON DRY LAND (BLACK VINYL) | LP (FTS006lp) | Freedom To Spend / RVNG INTL. PHYS UPC:603786278870 • RIMARIMBA - IN THE WOODS (BLACK VINYL) | LP (FTS007lp) | Freedom To Spend / RVNG INTL. PHYS UPC:603786278900 • FREEDOM AFFAIR - RISE UP (BLACK VINYL) | 7" (CLMN169lp) | Colemine Records PHYS UPC:674862653720 • FREEDOM AFFAIR - RISE UP (BLUE VINYL) | 7" (CLMN169lp-C1) | Colemine Records PHYS UPC:674862653713 • KELLY FINNIGAN - CATCH ME I’M FALLING (BLACK VINYL) | 7" (CLMN170lp) | Colemine Records PHYS UPC:674862654031 • KELLY FINNIGAN - CATCH ME I’M FALLING (PINK VINYL) | 7" (CLMN170lp-C1) | Colemine Records PHYS UPC:674862654024 • THEE SINSEERS - IT WAS ONLY A DREAM (BLACK VINYL) | 7" (CLMN171lp) | Colemine Records PHYS UPC:674862653768 • THEE SINSEERS - IT WAS ONLY A DREAM (GOLD VINYL) | 7" (CLMN171lp-C1) | Colemine Records PHYS UPC:674862653751 • LEE FIELDS & THE EXPRESSIONS - WAKE UP/ YOU’RE WHAT’S NEEDED IN MY LIFE (BLACK VINYL) | 7" (BCR072lp) | Big Crown Records PHYS UPC:349223007213





Click the link below to view Secretly Distribution’s current Label Roster: Secretly Distribution • 1499 W. Bloomfield Rd. Bloomington, IN 47403 USA




2004 PEEL SESSIONS TRACK LISTING: Ghosts / The End of Radio / Canada / Paco / Steady As She Goes / Billiard Player Song / Dog And Pony Show / Il Porno Star TRANSMISSION: JOHN PEEL SHOW, 2 DECEMBER 2004, REFERENCE: XLN448/00JY3660 RECORDING: LIVE FROM MAIDA VALE SESSION, 1 DECEMBER 2004, BBC MAIDA VALE STUDIO 4 THE BAND Steve Albini / Guitar Todd Trainier / Drums Bob Weston / Bass


DATA This is Shellac’s sixth album. PACKAGING Both the 2xLP and the 2xCD version are packaged in a top-load single pocket wide-spine jacket with two printed inner sleeves. The LP includes a CD of the full album. QC Audio quality is paramount, as always, with Shellac. The LP was mastered by Chicago Mastering Service. The vinyl is manufactured at RTI in Camarillo, CA. The pressings are 180 gram audiophile quality. PROMOTION Other than the informational sheet you hold in your hand (or virtual hand), this record will have no formal promotion. There will be no advertisements, no press or radio promotion, no promotional or review copies, no promotional gimmick items, and otherwise no free lunch. Photos of the band are available. And the band is available for email or telephone interviews. TOURING The band will continue to play shows or tour at the same sporadic and relaxed pace as always. There is no correlation between shows and record releases.

2xCD UPC: 036172112425

DIGITAL UPC: 036172112456




Cr umbi st hec o l l a b o r a t i o no fBr o o kl y nb a s e d mus i c i a nsLi l aRa ma ni( g ui t a r ,v o c a l s ) ,Br i a nAr o no w ( s y nt h,ke y s ,s a x ) ,J e s s eBr o t t e r( b a s s ) ,a ndJ o na t ha n Gi l a d( dr ums ) .Thef r i e ndsc a met o g e t he ri n2 0 1 6wi t h t heg o a lo fde v e l o p i nga ndr e c o r di ngac o l l e c t i o no f s o ng sRa ma niha dwr i t t e ni nhi g hs c ho o la ndc o l l e g e , t hewo r kul t i ma t e l yr e s ul t i ngi nt heb a nd’ sf i r s tt wo EPs ,2 0 1 6 ’ sCr u mba nd2 0 1 7 ’ sLo c k e t .Enc o ur a g e db yt he wa r mr e c e p t i o no nl i nea nda ts ho ws ,t heb a nde v o l v e d i nt oaf ul lt i met o ur i nga ndr e c o r di ngp r o j e c t .

CATALOGUENUMBER:CR0 0 2 RELEASEDATE:J une1 4 ,2 0 1 9 FORMAT:CD/ LP/ Di g i t a l CD BOXLOT:3 0 LPBOXLOT:4 0 GENRE:Al t e r na t i v e KEYMARKETS:Lo sAng e l e s ,NYC,Chi c a g o ,Lo ndo n TERRI TORYRESTRI CTI ONS:No ne VI NYLNOTRETURNABLE

I nJ une2 0 1 9 ,Cr umbwi l lr e l e a s eJ i n x ,t he i rf i r s t f ul l l e ng t ha l b um a ndb e s tdi s t i l l a t i o nt oda t eo ft he i r s i ng ul a rb l e ndo fp s y c hr o c ka ndj a z z .OnJ i n x ,Ra ma ni c o nt i nue st ohe l mt hes o ng wr i t i ng ,wi t hAr o no w, Br o t t e r ,a ndGi l a de a c hb r i ng i ngdi s t i nc t i v ei de a st o ma t c hhe re t he r e a l ,i nt i ma t ev o c a l sa ndl umi no us g ui t a rl i ne s .I nf o r me db yt woy e a r so fne a r l yno ns t o p we e pa nds we l lt oc a p t ur et he t o ur i ng ,t hes o ng ss b e g ui l i ngl i v es p i r i to fCr umbs ho ws ,whi l et a ki ng l i s t e ne r so nes t e pf ur t he rdo wnt heb a nd’ sdi z z y i ng , hy p no t i cp a t h.

S E L L I NGP OI NT S -So l dOutUSTo uri nMa r c h/ Ap r i l2 0 1 9 -Ful lUSt o urOc t o b e r / No v e mb e r2 0 1 9 -He a dl i ni ngNYCSumme r s t a g eAug us t2 0 1 9 -Bo nusTr a c k“ Be t t e r ”e x c l us i v et op hy s i c a lf o r ma t s

CD UPC: 8 4 3 5 6 3 1 1 6 8 0 7

LPUPC: 8 4 3 5 6 3 1 1 6 4 0 1

COLORED LPUPC: DI GI TALUPC: 8 4 3 5 6 3 1 1 6 7 7 7 6 5 6 6 0 5 3 4 3 6 4 8



1 .Cr a c ki ng 2 .Ni na 3 .Gho s t r i de 4 .Fa l lDo wn 5 .M. R.

6 .TheLe t t e r 7 .Pa r tI I I 8 .AndI tNe v e rEnds 9 .Fa c e s 1 0 .J i nx 1 1 .Be t t e r( Bo nusTr a c k)



ARTIST: MONO TITLE: Hymn to the Immortal Wind – Anniversary Edition CATALOG: TRR348 RELEASE DATE: June 14, 2019 FORMAT: CD • LP • LP-C2 • Digital UPC CD: 656605334820 UPC LP: 656605334813 UPC LP-C2: 656605334851 BOX LOT: CD: 35 • LP: 25 • LP-C2: 25 TERRITORY RESTRICTIONS: NONE VINYL IS NON-RETURNABLE

TRACK LISTING 1. Ashes in the Snow (11:44) 2. Burial at Sea (10:39) 3. Silent Flight, Sleeping Dawn (6:00) 4. Pure as Snow (Trails of the Winter Storm) (11:26) 5. Follow the Map (3:54) 6. The Battle to Heaven (12:52) 7. Everlasting Light (10:18) PRESS “One of the most distinctive bands of the 21st century.” – Pitchfork “Essential, really” – Exclaim! SALES POINTS • Remastered, repackaged reissue celebrating the 20th anniversary of MONO, and the 10th anniversary of their most iconic album

56605 33482 TRR348CD



56605 33481 TRR348LP



56605 33485 TRR348LP-C2


BIO To commemorate the 20th anniversary of MONO – and the 10th anniversary of their most iconic album – Temporary Residence Ltd. proudly presents Hymn to the Immortal Wind – Anniversary Edition. Beautifully remastered from the original analog master tapes by Bob Weston at Chicago Mastering Service, this super deluxe reissue sounds, looks, and feels more pure and powerful than ever before. The CD format has been repackaged in a gorgeous full-color gatefold jacket with metallic gold inks, matte varnish, and custom inner sleeve. The 2xLP vinyl format is packaged in a mind-blowing full-color, custom die-cut jacket with metallic gold foil stamping, matte varnish, and 7 interchangeable full-color cover inserts. The vinyl is pressed onto 100% virgin, audiophile-quality vinyl. No expense was spared in properly honoring what has become MONO’s most beloved album. A limited number of Metallic Ocean Blue & Green Colored Vinyl (TRR348LP-C2; Edition of 1,000) are available while supplies last. LIMITED EDITION VARIANT AVAILABLE: TRR348LP-C2 (Edition of 1,000): 2xLP Metallic Ocean Blue & Green Colored Vinyl packaged in a mind-blowing full-color, custom die-cut jacket with metallic gold foil stamping, matte varnish, and 7 interchangeable full-color cover inserts. Vinyl is 100% virgin audiophile-quality, pressed at Record Technology Inc. in California, USA.

Numero Group Duster: Stratosphere

Catalog Number: num1286 Artist: Duster Title: Stratosphere Release Date: 6/14/2019 UPC: LP: 825764608619 LP-C1 825764608626 Available format: LP Genre: Electronic Box Lot: 50 Territory Restrictions: None Vinyl is not returnable Track Listing A 1. Moon Age 2. Heading for the Door 3. Gold Dust 4. Topical Solution 5. Docking the Pod 6. The Landing 7. Constellations 8. The Queen of Hearts

Best listened to from inside the womb, Duster’s 1998’s debut Stratosphere simultaneously capped off and reinvented the slow core’s first wave. A four track dreamscape that will wake the neighbors and then lull them back to sleep. Hazy, arpeggiated guitars layer over a deliberate drummer with no real place to be, as semi-inaudible vocals warn of millennial B malaise and subtly encourage the listener to 1. Two Way Radio 2. Inside Out “rock out, rock out, rock out, rock out.” 3. Stratosphere “Music for dark spaces and closed eyelids, deeply 4. Reed to Hillsborough psychedelic but without sprawl, ambient music with a 5. Shadows of Planes serrated edge of punk.”—The Ringer 6. Earth Moon Transit 7. The Twins / Romantica “Warm, fuzzed-out sounds that hit home like a tight, 8. Sideria melancholic embrace from your favorite person.”—Vice



Numero Group Duster: Contemporary Movement

Catalog Number: num1287 Artist: Duster Title: Contemporary Movement Release Date: 6/14/2019 UPC: LP: 825764608718 LP-C1 825764608725 Available format: LP Genre: Indie Rock, Space Rock, Dream Pop Box Lot: 50 Territory Restrictions: None Vinyl is not returnable Track Listing A 1. Get the Dutch 2. Operations A muffled cry into the technological darkness, 3. Diamond Contemporary Movement slid into the world 4. Me and the Birds right as the MP3 was seeping out of college 5. Travelogue dorms. A 39-minute drift into the void, drenched in Cold War-era reverb and then B submerged in four track hiss for good measure. 1. The Phantom Facing Me Duster constructed a Brutalist masterpiece on 2. Cooking the outskirts of a suburban mall, as if to say, 3. Unrecovery 4. The Breakup Suite “We were here.” 5. Everything You See (Is Your Own) “Music for dark spaces and closed eyelids, deeply 6. Now It’s Coming Back psychedelic but without sprawl, ambient music with a 7. Auto-Mobile serrated edge of punk.”—The Ringer

“Warm, fuzzed-out sounds that hit home like a tight, melancholic embrace from your favorite person.”—Vice



Mike Adams At His Honest Weight There Is No Feeling Better LP / CD / Digital

Overview There Is No Feeling Better, the fourth album from Bloomington, Indiana's Mike Adams at His Honest Weight finds the titular Adams—the singer/songwriter/multi-instrumentalist/producer at the center of the independent pop institution—focused less on who he is and more on where he is. Though the album’s not short on truthful introspection, it’s an outward gaze that defines these eleven songs. In their hovering melodies and warm tones, Adams tries to make sense of an increasingly baffling world. He comes up with a couple of answers, but more often than that, he’s come up with good questions: “What if I was wonderful to love?” Could a modest getting by be enough to build a life? What if our best guesses turn out wrong? Who’s going to remember us when we’re gone? Why is it so hard to tell the difference between the good guys and bad guys? “How come the laugh track ain’t the last thing before the fade?” 
It’s the kind of record you can make only after really knowing how to make records. It’s ambitious, but never labored sounding, sweeping but always intimate. All the qualities that have made the Adams songbook such a joyful collection to engage with—the witticism of 2011’s Oscillate Wisely, the playful experimentalism of 2014’s Best of Boiler Room Classics, the gigantic melodies of 2016’s Casino Drone—are on display here yet again, but they feel heightened, deeper, funnier, sweeter, and more resonant. Pulling from disparate sources, like retro-pop era Starflyer 59, ELO, the Beach Boys at their most transcendental, the Southern gospel of the Isaacs, and the dead-serious humor of The Roches, Adams has shaped these touchstones into a new world. The sock hop mysticism of “Free & Reduced,” the noir mood of “That’s One Way,” the lush cooing of “Educated Guess,” the daydream pop of “Olivia”—you can live in songs like these. They’re testaments to the act of creation and recreation, examinations of the glee that can be accessed by ripping up the map and getting lost: “Even if it gets so we hate that sound, if heaven isn’t great we can waltz right out,” Adams sings like a choir boy on “Do You One Better.” 
Whereas past albums were mostly recorded by Adams on his own, There Is No Feeling Better was built, slowly and over the course of a couple years, with longtime collaborators and members of the Honest Weight touring crew (with whom Adams records his tour diary/travelogue podcast Tan Van Tour Talk). Though Adams plays plenty on the album, providing guitar, keys, bass, and vocals, it’s the least he’s ever played on an Honest Weight album. Armed with ace musicians in the room and structured workbooks custom built for the process, challenges became excitements. Adams was freed up to chase down the songs as he heard them in his head. “What’s that sound everyone’s on about,” Adams asks on the chiming “Datsun Dashes.” With There Is No Feeling Better, he’s gathered up his ideas and given them names. He’s figured the sounds out.

Selling Points - Recomend if you like: ELO, The Beach Boys, Guided by Voices (half because of the music, half because of the high kicks), Matthew Sweet, Starflyer 59 (retro-pop era), Superchunk/Portastic

Note! Colored Vinyl Pictured is Fictional! Yes... that is the cover art. Details Release Date : June 14, 2019 Catalog # : JNR292 Available Formats : LP / CD / Digital Genre : Indie Rock / Alternative Box Lot Quantity : 20 LP / 30 CD Packaging : LP - Jacket / CD - Jacket Key Markets : Indianapolis, IN; Chicago, IL; The Midwest; New York City, NY; Brooklyn, NY; Los Angeles, CA Territory Restrictions : None. Vinyl Non-Returnable.

LP (BLACK VINYL) 753936903876

D I G I TA L 7 5 3 9 3 6 9 0 3852

CD 753936903869

Track Listing 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

3: 02 3: 33 3: 01 3: 12 2: 51 3: 33 3: 53 2: 46 2: 39 4: 32 4: 58

Pressing Mesh Do You One Better Free & Reduced Wonderful To Love That's One Way Educated Guess No Feeling Better Datsun Dashes Olivia I Need You So Faded

Noteworthy Quote “Part crooner and part pop star, Adams projects an outsize persona from the stage, which he then punctures with his between-song banter. Somehow he manages to come across as both ironic and deeply sincere, goofing on the conventions of pop music, even as he embraces them as a means of communicating some deep pain.” -Pitchfork

joyful noise recordings 1030 Orange St | Indianapolis, IN 46203

SADGIRL WAT E R With their new album Water, Los Angeles trio SadGirl taps into the romantic and nostalgic spirit of their native city while exuding a time-tested authenticity suggesting they’ve had a peek behind the curtain of the glitzy boulevards and relentless sunshine. It’s a collection of breezy pop songs captured with the timbre of old-time recording techniques. Songs like “Little Queenie” touch upon the yesteryear reverberations and longing of a Ken Boothe ballad. Similarly, a tormented love song like “Miss Me” transports the listener back to slow dances at a previous generation’s sock hop, only to be subverted by a chorus of “miss me with that bullshit.” It’s as if guitarist/vocalist Misha Lindes, drummer David Ruiz, and bassist Dakota Peterson want to conjure an idealized past only to remind us of innocence lost. “If you want to learn about water, go to the desert.” It’s a piece of wisdom that made an impact on Lindes. “Here we are in Los Angeles, a desert, ping-ponging between drought and El Niño. This record is an attempt to share a small portion of my experience growing up and living here,” said Lindes. “It’s basically about the fluidity of water and its power and importance.”

TRACKLISTING 1. The Ocean 2. Chlorine 3. Hazelnut Coffee 4. Miss Me 5. Breakfast for 2 6. Little Queenie 7. Mulholland 8. Strange Love 9. Avalon 10. Water Catalog #: SSQ167 Street Date: June 14, 2019 Genre: Alternative Format: CD / LP Export Restrictions: None

“L.A.’s SadGirl make slow and hazy pop perfect for your summer soundtrack” - Paste Magazine “SadGirl craft exciting new takes on classic Americana, refreshing its clean-cut codes with eerie lo-fi energies a la Twin Peaks and Suicide.” - i-D

Packaging: CD Wallet CD Box Lot Qty: 30 UPC-CD: 803238016726

“SadGirl sounds like what you’d hear on your dad’s ’64 Mercury Comet cruising down the highway to catch a wave.” - What Youth


Packaging: Single LP (pH Balanced Blue vinyl) 1 x LP LP Box Lot Qty: 40 UPC-LP: 803238016719 Vinyl Non-returnable


Suicide Squeeze Records PO Box 80511, Seattle, WA. 98108

Exclusively distributed by Secretly Distribution Phone: (812) 335-1572 Fax: (888) 678-0167 US Domestic Sales contact International Sales contact

J une14t h2019


Track Listing A1. Tarachti Katarrachti A2. To The Mother Of Gods A3. Kalesma A4. Ofiodaimon B1. Chaire Eos B2. Ston Stavraito B3. Limnothalassa B4. Tarachti Katarrachti (Reprise) Cat#: BIS037 Release date: June 14, 2019 Formats: LP / Digital Genre: Psych Rock / Folk LP Box Lot: 25 Inner / 50 Outer Vinyl Not Returnable LP UPC: 747742391125

RVNG Intl. PO Box 20752 Tompkins Sq. New York NY 10009 | 718 812 8443

Aggelos Baltas is a veteran of the global electronic music scene, responsible for a handful of celebrated EBM 12”s as Dream Weapons, and a particularly heady and open-ended brand of krautrock as Fantastikoi Hxoi. His newest project, Anatolian Weapons, was conceived as a way to bring together these two seemingly mismatched concepts, with the polyrhythmic percussion and wailing tones of Greek folk music serving as their unlikely bonding agent. His output garners praise particularly around the Golden Pudel scene, such as Vladimir Ivkovic, and Phuong Dan. Lena Willikens, from the same circle, included Baltas’ track “Disillusioned” on her Dekmantel Selectors compilation in 2018. But where much of what Baltas has released as Anatolian Weapons is instantly recognizable as dance music, To The Mother Of Gods—Baltas’ debut album for Beats In Space—is something else entirely. Created in tandem with Greek folk musician Seirios Savvaidis, it is a work of simultaneous collaboration and subtraction whose meticulous construction becomes more apparent with every listen. An album-length exploration of what happens when the principles of dance music are applied to pre-digital musical modalities. It is a record of psychedelic folk music that has more in common with Kikagaku Moyo, Minami Deutsch, and the Habibi Funk label than it does with anything else Baltas has produced under any alias. It’s difficult to imagine this music in any kind of club setting. And yet, it’s very much the work of a DJ. Baltas initially heard Savvaidis’ music through a friend, and was absolutely amazed. “It was his very esoteric, pagan [music and] beautiful lyrics that grabbed me,” he writes. Seirios is a composer and performer of traditional Greek folk music with a growing discography of regional psych-rock gems. Baltas reached out to collaborate and the seeds of To The Mother Of Gods were sown. Savvidis contributed stems of ten songs, which Baltas deconstructs and rearranges with appreciation of the ancestry of their lineage and of the deceptively ancient eerie, droning qualities inherent in the style. Occasionally augmenting Savvaidis’ recordings with his own, Baltas treats these elements as if raw materials for an architectural process. To The Mother Of Gods showcases Baltas’ arrangement skills. He treats Savvaidis’ songs as landscapes, filling them with slanted, droning light and setting the singer’s vocals in dead center. His years behind the decks have given him an intuitive understanding of dynamics—drums crest and recede like tides, snippets of bassline repeat and swirl. He knows how to entrance, and when to push the music from the head to the body. Opener “Taratchi Katarratchi” (“Stormy Cataract”) is sung as a spell to ward off the fear of death, but Baltas’ orchestration demonstrates that dancing is an equally effective way of dispelling the darkness. The beat he assembles from Savvaidis’ playing recalls the late-night ecstasies of Primal Scream circa Screamadelica. To The Mother Of Gods is a reminder that folk music and dance music are both powered

by their audience as much as the musicians themselves. Savvaidis’ lyrics echo pagan Greek themes, touching on what Baltas calls “the magic of nature.” At times, as on “Kalesma” (“Invitation”), this can feel incantatory. Savvaidis chisels his vocal melodies into hard, clipped syllables, their cadence recalling Gregorian chant, and yet Baltas cloaks these details in washes of distortion. “Ston Stavraito” (“In Stavraithos”) is delivered with a lamentive tenderness that Baltas swells into a prideful stomp, immersing Savvaidis in marching drums and distant vocals that form a resilient protest-song. To The Mother Of Gods is a testament to the ongoing and innate truth that music can take us beyond ourselves. That repetition and drone can shepherd us to a liminal space beyond thought and rationality, where the wall between perception and reality does not exist. Call it spirit, if you want, and watch as it courses its way through modern-day dance music, mid-century psych, and the ancient sounds of the anatol. Anatolian Weapons’ To The Mother Of Gods will be available from Beats In Space on June 14, 2019 in limited vinyl and unlimited digital forms. Artist Highlights • Aggelos Baltas is an Athenian music producer creating and Djing under the monikers of Anatolian Weapons, Fantastikoi Hxoi, and Dream Weapons. • The Anatolian Weapons moniker is an outlet for Baltas to explore global music—from African to Anatolian and Middle Eastern, while also incorporating sounds from his home country of Greece. • The Anatolian Weapons first release with Beats in Space titled, To The Mother Of Gods is a continuation of the work Baltas as done through his Fantastikoi Hxoi identity. • Baltas characterizes Fantastikoi Hxoi as being a reaction to the influence of folk, psychedelia, and Krautrock blended with the traditional music of his home region. • Comprised of edits and remixes, To The Mother Of Gods is a collaboration between Baltas and the Greek psych-folk songwriter, Seirios Savvaidis. • Baltas created To The Mother Of Gods by transforming Savvaidis’s sound via subtraction, keeping components like a bassline and building around it or in other instances complementing what was already there. • Baltas was inspired by Savvaidis’s serious esoteric, pagan and beautifully written lyrics coupled with his extraordinary musicianship involving ancient greek instruments and strange guitar tunings. • Savvaidis’s Lyrics often have to do with subjects that are commonly found in folk music. Themes like the magic of nature and summoning spirits for the protection from death (Tarrachti Katarrachti) are often found in Savvaidis’s writing.

Mort Garson Mother Earth’s Plantasia 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

track listing: Plantasia (3:23) Symphony for a Spider Plant (2:41) Baby’s Tears Blues (3:03) Ode to an African Violet (4:04) Concerto For Philodendron And Pothos (3:09) Rhapsody In Green (3:28) Swingin’ Spathiphyllums (2:59) You Don’t Have To Walk A Begonia (2:31) A Mellow Mood For Maidenhair (2:17) Music To Soothe The Savage Snake Plant (3:23)

Key Information / Selling Points: Hometown / Key Markets: • San Francisco, Los Angeles, NYC, Chicago, Austin, Portland, Seattle

If you purchased a snake plant, asparagus fern, peace lily, or what have you from Mother Earth on Melrose Avenue in Los Angeles (or bought a Simmons mattress from Sears) in 1976, you also took home Plantasia, an album recorded especially for plants. Subtitled “warm earth music for plants…and the people that love them,” it was full of bucolic, charming, stoner-friendly, decidedly unscientific tunes enacted on the new-fangled device called the Moog. Before Brian Eno did it, Mort Garson was making discreet music. Julliardeducated and active as a session player in the post-war era, Garson wrote lounge hits, scored the 1969 moon-landing and plush arrangements for Doris Day, and garlanded weeping countrypolitan strings around Glen Campbell’s “By the Time I Get to Phoenix.” But as his daughter Day Darmet recalls: “When my dad found the synthesizer, he realized he didn’t want to do pop music anymore.” Garson encountered Robert Moog and his new device at the Audio Engineering Society’s West Coast convention in 1967 and immediately began tinkering with the device. “My mom had a lot of plants,” Darmet says. “She didn’t believe in organized religion, she believed the earth was the best thing in the whole world. Whatever created us was incredible.” And she also knew when her husband had a good song. Novel as it might seem, Plantasia is simply full of good tunes. This release marks the first official re-issue of the long sought-after cult classic. Hearing Plantasia in the 21st century, it seems less an ode to our photosynthesizing friends by Garson and more an homage to his wife, the one with the green thumb that made everything flower around him. “My dad would be totally pleased to know that people are really interested in this music that had no popularity at the time,” Darmet says of Plantasia’s new renaissance. “He would be fascinated by the fact that people are finally understanding and appreciating this part of his musical career that he got no admiration for back then.” Garson seems to be everywhere again, even if he’s not really noticed, just like a houseplant.

Selling Points / Key Press: • First official re-issue of this legendary 1976 album • The original pressing is a rare, sought-after record, in thousands of Discogs wantlists • Includes full reproduction of original booklet plus new liner notes by Andy Beta (Pitchfork) • Mort Garson was a pioneer of the Moog synthesizer and created the soundtrack for the 1969 moon landing • A song from Plantasia became the basis for “Zelda’s Lullaby” in Ocarina of Time • Green vinyl limited to 3000 copies • Each record comes with a plantable download card printed on seed paper RiYL: Brian Eno, Wendy Carlos, Suzanne Ciani, Tangerine Dream, Giorgio Moroder, video game music catalog #: sbr-3030 genre: Electronic/New Age Release Date: 6-21-2019 available formats: CD, LP, lp-c1 UPC-CD: 843563116029 UPC-lp: 843563116036 upc-lp-c1: 843563116043 export restrictions: none Vinyl is not returnable Box Lot: cd 30 / lp 30



Green vinyl lp label contact: Sacred Bones Records 144 N. 7th Street #413 Brooklyn, NY 11211

ABOUT THIS RECORD Rob Burger’s talents as an arranger, composer, and keyboardist have been nurtured by more than two decades of contributions to a diverse roster of recognizable names, at the very least including John Zorn, Laurie Anderson, and Iron & Wine with whom Burger presently records and tours. His new album The Grid combines neo-classical soundscapes, ‘70s kosmische, and jaunts of 20th-century exotica into a completely unique genre-quilt that synopsizes his long musical trek through multiple cities, scenes, and sounds. A lifelong musician, Rob began learning piano at age four and would go on to study under jazz luminaries Max Roach, Archie Shepp, and Yusef Lateef at the University of Massachusetts. As if his formal education weren’t impressive on its own, his informal one consisted of frequent visits to New York City creative hubs The Knitting Factory, and The Kitchen, where Burger became a fly on the wall to the likes of Arthur Russell, David Byrne, and Laurie Anderson (In a cosmic closing of the loop, Burger would go on to contribute to Anderson’s 2010 album Homeland, and here she appears on The Grid’s ninth track “Souls of Winter”). With the avant-garde door having long been kicked open, Burger relocated to the Bay and made a lasting impression upon the area’s music scene with his group Tin Hat Trio, while furthering his session and film-score work adjacently. When that group disbanded in the early ‘00s Burger found himself back in NYC where playing a Neil Young tribute show would entwine his path with that of Sam Beam-- aka Iron & Wine. From then on, Burger has been an inextricable component of Beam’s live band and discography spanning from 2007’s The Shepherd’s Dog to 2017’s Beast Epic. Somewhere in the interim between those titles, the growth of Burger’s family and his yearning for quieter climes led him to Portland, Oregon, where he built a studio, amassed an enviable collection of vintage keyboards, and began sowing the seeds of The Grid. Burger’s mysteriously upturning chord-changes express depth and melancholy without ever fully straying from a sense of curiosity and charm making the somber moments believable and palatable, as indicated in the album’s first moments. The Grid rolls in on a cloud bank of old-world sorrow with its piano and accordion prologue “Alternate Star,” but by the initial note of the second-track “Harmonious Gathering” all the sonic elements-- dusty drum machines, choral keyboard patches, and rubberized synth bass-- seem to be smiling in glorious unison. This song, as well as the title track that shortly follows it, hint at what it might sound like if Harmonia had stayed intact and were scoring A24 films. Throughout the album, The Grid captures the undeniably exploratory spirit of a lifelong sound-seeker who can’t help but let his enthusiasm for the process-- and all that leads up to it-- bleed into his work. CD



43563 11158 1




43563 11159 8

LP- C 1


Release Date JUNE 21, 2019

Formats CD, LP, LP-C1

Catalog Number WV183



84356 31116 04

TRACK LIST 01 Alternate Star


02 Harmonious Gathering


03 Walk The Plank


04 The Grid


05 Sleeping Queen


06 Pink Lenses


07 Roadside Deal


08 Bent Moon


09 Souls Of Winter ft. Laurie Anderson 3:33 10 Love Light


11 Will The Sun Come


12 Talk To Me


13 Broward County


14 Ghost On A Wire


MORE INFO • Rob Burger has maintained a 12-year creative partnership with Iron & Wine. • Burger has also worked with John Zorn, Trevor Powers, Lucinda Williams, Richard Buckner, Laurie Anderson, Neko Case, and many others. • The Grid features vocals by Laurie Anderson. • Limited edition LP on cosmic clear vinyl. • R.I.Y.L. Harmonia, Roedelius, Cluster, Dustin O’Halloran, Goldmund, Popol Vuh, Brian Eno

43563 11160 4

Packaging 4-PANEL WALLET / LP JACKET Export Restrictions NONE

Box Lots CD 50 / LP 25 Return Policy VINYL IS NON-RETURNABLE



Freedom To Spend’s first catalog wide deep dive into an artist’s career focuses on four albums from Rimarimba, beginning with 1983’s Below The Horizon, followed by 1984’s On Dry Land, 1985’s In The Woods, and finally, the once-imagined, now-realized assembly of 1988’s Light Metabolism Number Prague. Somewhere out there around the turn of the 1980s, to the left of the post-punk crew, to the right of the minimalists, and surfacing with a friendlier face than the dour industrialists of the time – there existed, seemingly unbidden, an entire, networked, tape-trading community; a community that crossed continents and oceans, that relied on the postal service to do its bidding; a community full of humble visionaries and lost, misunderstood, or just plain ignored home steeped genius. Exploring that thicket of weirdness in the UK wild, you’d likely stumble across labels like Cordelia, Hamster, and Unlikely; compilations like the should-be-legendary Obscure Independent Classics series, or the Real Time cassettes; and inexplicable one-offs like The Deep Freeze Mice, Jody & The Creams, R. Stevie Moore, Leven Signs, Jung Analysts, and Rimarimba. Rimarimba was the project of Robert Cox, based in Felixstowe, on the seaside in Suffolk, UK. Rimarimba was not Cox’s first entry into the world of recorded music, but was the first time he explored, most perceptively, the parameters of a particular musical mode: one where minimalism is removed from its “highart” mantle, Cox inveigling its practices in amongst the do-it-yourself creativity of a burgeoning and beguiling underground, letting the music breathe – and most importantly, letting it play, gifting it with imagination. For Rimarimba’s 1984 album On Dry Land, and third in our series, Cox advances along the terrain explored on Below The Horizon. It’s an enchanting album, one which, at times, seems to comment on its own practice; a picture of everyday life in the hobbyist’s, or part-time musician’s, recording studio. Some moments point towards the tourist-explorer aesthetic that would eventually coalesce under the

banner of Fourth World music. Other moments where Cox seems to be channelling an otherness, a kind of hauntological reverie, the feeling of music that gives us an uncanny sense of déjà vu. Writer David Keenan’s description of Japanese naïve-pop group Maher Shalal Hash Baz’s music, that it “feels like sketches of places where we once were, places now made poignant by our absence” feels like an alternate take On Dry Land. On June 21, 2019, Freedom To Spend will offer On Dry Land in a one-time edition of 750 copies. Each album features artwork reinterpreted from its original edition by Will Work For Good, and accompanying abstracts by Jon Dale. Artist Highlights • Rimarimba is the audial environment harvested in Felixstowe, Suffolk, UK by Robert Cox. • Peers of Rimarimba include deviants of 80s UK cassette culture - found left of postpunk, right of minimalism - steeped amongst the period’s wildest, playful imaginations. RIYL: The Deep Freeze Mice, Jody & The Creams, R. Stevie Moore, Leven Signs, Jung Analyst • Freedom To Spend’s deep dive into Rimarimba’s career focuses on four albums: 1983’s Below The Horizon, 1984’s On Dry Land, 1985’s In The Woods, and finally, the once-imagined, now-realized assembly of 1988’s Light Metabolism Number Prague. • Rimarimba’s music possesses an urban, DIY folk expression: the music from small towns where not much happens, but hidden away in bedrooms, lofts and tacked-together studios, all kinds of strangeness, inventiveness percolates. • On Dry Land will be released on June 21, 2019 in a one-time edition of 750. • Matthew Reed will explore the dreamy seaside environs of Rimarimba’s hometown with a “visual postcard” for single from each album, and a fictionalized documentary of Robert Cox in the mode of precious Freedom To Spend “action” pieces focused on Michele Mercure, Marc Barreca, and Ursula K. Le Guin and Todd Barton. • Each album features artwork reinterpreted from its original edition by Will Work For Good, and accompanying abstracts by Jon Dale.

Track Listing A1. Do Wonders For Me A2. Tacky Travel Tune A3. Crash A4. Fairground A5. Down From The Sky A6. I Wouldn’t Ask A7. Can’t You Feel It A8. Welsh Water A9. On The Range A10. Gnats A11. Cacoughanation B1. Sick B2. Spirit B3. Foulground B4. Machinebeat B5. Beyond Pain B6. Not Enough Time Cat#: FTS006 Release date: June 21, 2019 Formats: LP / Digital LP Box Lot: 50 Outer / 25 Inner Genre: home grown minimalism / looney tunes / diy clitter clatter Vinyl Not Returnable LP UPC: 603786278870

RVNG Intl. / Freedom To Spend PO Box 20752 Tompkins Sq. New York NY 10009 718 812 8443


Freedom To Spend’s first catalog wide deep dive into an artist’s career focuses on four albums from Rimarimba, beginning with 1983’s Below The Horizon, followed by 1984’s On Dry Land, 1985’s In The Woods, and finally, the once-imagined, now-realized assembly of 1988’s Light Metabolism Number Prague. Somewhere out there around the turn of the 1980s, to the left of the post-punk crew, to the right of the minimalists, and surfacing with a friendlier face than the dour industrialists of the time – there existed, seemingly unbidden, an entire, networked, tape-trading community; a community that crossed continents and oceans, that relied on the postal service to do its bidding; a community full of humble visionaries and lost, misunderstood, or just plain ignored home steeped genius. Exploring that thicket of weirdness in the UK wild, you’d likely stumble across labels like Cordelia, Hamster, and Unlikely; compilations like the should-be-legendary Obscure Independent Classics series, or the Real Time cassettes; and inexplicable one-offs like The Deep Freeze Mice, Jody & The Creams, R. Stevie Moore, Leven Signs, Jung Analysts, and Rimarimba. Rimarimba was the project of Robert Cox, based in Felixstowe, on the seaside in Suffolk, UK. Rimarimba was not Cox’s first entry into the world of recorded music, but was the first time he explored, most perceptively, the parameters of a particular musical mode: one where minimalism is removed from its “highart” mantle, Cox inveigling its practices in amongst the do-it-yourself creativity of a burgeoning and beguiling underground, letting the music breathe – and most importantly, letting it play, gifting it with imagination. For Rimarimba’s 1984 album On Dry Land, and third in our series, Cox advances along the terrain explored on Below The Horizon. It’s an enchanting album, one which, at times, seems to comment on its own practice; a picture of everyday life in the hobbyist’s, or part-time musician’s, recording studio. Some moments point towards the tourist-explorer aesthetic that would eventually coalesce under the

banner of Fourth World music. Other moments where Cox seems to be channelling an otherness, a kind of hauntological reverie, the feeling of music that gives us an uncanny sense of déjà vu. Writer David Keenan’s description of Japanese naïve-pop group Maher Shalal Hash Baz’s music, that it “feels like sketches of places where we once were, places now made poignant by our absence” feels like an alternate take On Dry Land. On June 21, 2019, Freedom To Spend will offer In The Woods in a one-time edition of 750 copies. Each album features artwork reinterpreted from its original edition by Will Work For Good, and accompanying abstracts by Jon Dale. Artist Highlights • Rimarimba is the audial environment harvested in Felixstowe, Suffolk, UK by Robert Cox. • Peers of Rimarimba include deviants of 80s UK cassette culture - found left of postpunk, right of minimalism - steeped amongst the period’s wildest, playful imaginations. RIYL: The Deep Freeze Mice, Jody & The Creams, R. Stevie Moore, Leven Signs, Jung Analyst • Freedom To Spend’s deep dive into Rimarimba’s career focuses on four albums: 1983’s Below The Horizon, 1984’s On Dry Land, 1985’s In The Woods, and finally, the once-imagined, now-realized assembly of 1988’s Light Metabolism Number Prague. • Rimarimba’s music possesses an urban, DIY folk expression: the music from small towns where not much happens, but hidden away in bedrooms, lofts and tacked-together studios, all kinds of strangeness, inventiveness percolates. • In The Woods will be released on June 21, 2019 in a one-time edition of 750. • Matthew Reed will explore the dreamy seaside environs of Rimarimba’s hometown with a “visual postcard” for single from each album, and a fictionalized documentary of Robert Cox in the mode of precious Freedom To Spend “action” pieces focused on Michele Mercure, Marc Barreca, and Ursula K. Le Guin and Todd Barton. • Each album features artwork reinterpreted from its original edition by Will Work For Good, and accompanying abstracts by Jon Dale.

Track Listing A1. Spafft Moutafft Seeall + California A2. In The Can A3. Firedance A4. Bamboo Link + Couldn’t Top The Demo A5. California + Saxes A6. Clearview A7. California + Bell A8. Gone To Hell In An Even Smaller Bucket A9. xit A10. He’s A Good Lad B1. Pacific B2. From 6 To 13 B3. California + Guitars B4. Fitall Wall B5. Gone To Hell In The Smallest Bucket Of All B6. Few Parameters B7. Bamboo Duck B8. Hey! Almost Chinese Ain’t It? Cat#: FTS007 Release date: June 21, 2019 Formats: LP / Digital LP Box Lot: 50 Outer / 25 Inner Genre: home grown minimalism / looney tunes / diy clitter clatter Vinyl Not Returnable LP UPC: 603786278900

RVNG Intl. / Freedom To Spend PO Box 20752 Tompkins Sq. New York NY 10009 718 812 8443


The Freedom Affair Rise Up



Led by Chris Hazelton, The Freedom Affair is a freight train of Kansas City soul! Dirty, funky drums, gritty horns, and the combined vocals of Misha Roberts, Seyko Groves, and Paula Saunders to put this band over the top. Politically charged soul music for the dancefloor!

ARTIST: The Freedom Affair TITLE: Rise Up LABEL: Colemine Records CATALOG NUMBER: CLMN-169 RELEASE DATE: June 21, 2019 FORMAT: 7-inch (blue), 7-inch BOX LOT: 175 GENRE: R&B, Soul

FOR FANS OF… Sharon Jones, Ann Peebles, Betty Davis, The Staple Singers

KEY MARKETS: Kansas City, NYC, Cincinnati, Nashville VINYL NOT RETURNTABLE

SELLING POINTS - Blue colored vinyl limited to 900 - B-side features instrumental

TRACKS 1. Rise Up 2. Rise Up (instrumental)


7-inch UPC (blue): 674862653713

7-inch UPC (black): 674862653720

E x c lus iv e ly d i s t rib u t e d b y Se c r et l y D is t ri b ut io n / P ho ne : ( 8 12 ) 3 3 5 - 1 5 72 / Fa x : ( 8 8 8) 6 7 8 -0 1 67 U S d o m e s t ic s a le s c on t a c t: d om e s t ic @ s ec r e t ly d is t ri b ut i on .c o m / Int e r na t io n a l s a le s c on t a c t : i nt e rn a t io na l @ s ec r e t ly d is t ri b ut i on .c o m


Kelly Finnigan Catch Me I’m Falling



The lead single that kicked off Kelly’s solo career. Ultra sweet, super mellow, just one of the most tender moments on Kelly Finnigan’s solo LP The Tales People Tell. Utilizing the pocket playing of Max and Joe Ramey from The Ironsides, Kelly’s falsetto shines bright for all to hear.

ARTIST: Kelly Finnigan TITLE: Catch Me I’m Falling LABEL: Colemine Records CATALOG NUMBER: CLMN-170 RELEASE DATE: June 21, 2019 FORMAT: 7-inch (pink), 7-inch

FOR FANS OF… Lee Fields, Thee Lakesiders, Durand Jones

BOX LOT: 110 GENRE: R&B, Soul KEY MARKETS: San Francisco, Nashville, LA, London, Paris VINYL NOT RETURNTABLE

SELLING POINTS - Pink colored vinyl limited to 1300 - Debut single from Kelly Finnigan’s LP The Tales People Tell - B-side is exclusive to this 7-inch and will not be on LP - US tours in April 2019, EU in May 2019 - “Catch Me I’m Falling” featured in prominent Bose ad all fall of 2018

TRACKS 1. Catch Me I’m Falling 2. Trouble


7-inch UPC (pink): 674862654024

7-inch UPC (black): 674862654031

E x c lus iv e ly d i s t rib u t e d b y Se c r et l y D is t ri b ut io n / P ho ne : ( 8 12 ) 3 3 5 - 1 5 72 / Fa x : ( 8 8 8) 6 7 8 -0 1 67 U S d o m e s t ic s a le s c on t a c t: d om e s t ic @ s ec r e t ly d is t ri b ut i on .c o m / Int e r na t io n a l s a le s c on t a c t : i nt e rn a t io na l @ s ec r e t ly d is t ri b ut i on .c o m


Thee Sinseers It Was Only A Dream



Straight from East L.A., Thee Sinseers embody the lowrider sweet soul vibe. Love songs, washed with reverb, slow tempos for rolling, and a vibe for days. This type of doo-wop soul has been embraced by the Chicano culture and with a growing scene, Thee Sinseers look to make their own mark. The A-side, a very doo-wop leaning tune is contrasted with the James Brown cover on the B, “I Don’t Mind”. Both sides just crush.

ARTIST: Thee Sinseers TITLE: It Was Only A Dream LABEL: Colemine Records CATALOG NUMBER: CLMN-171 RELEASE DATE: June 21, 2019 FORMAT: 7-inch (gold), 7-inch BOX LOT: 175 GENRE: R&B, Soul KEY MARKETS: Los Angeles, San Diego, San Francisco, San Antonio

FOR FANS OF… Durand Jones, Lee Fields, Sunny & The Sunliners



SELLING POINTS - Gold colored vinyl limited to 900 - Debut 45 - Slow, sweet soul A-side with JB cover on flip

1. It Was Only A Dream 2. I Don’t Mind


7-inch UPC (gold): 674862653751

7-inch UPC (black): 674862653768

E x c lus iv e ly d i s t rib u t e d b y Se c r et l y D is t ri b ut io n / P ho ne : ( 81 2 ) 3 3 5 - 1 5 72 / Fa x : ( 8 8 8) 6 7 8 -0 1 67 U S d o m e s t ic s a le s c on t a c t: d om e s t ic @ s ec r e t ly d is t ri b ut i on .c o m / Int e r na t io n a l s a le s c on t a c t : i nt e rn a t io na l @ s ec r e t ly d is t ri b ut i on .c o m

LEE FIELDS & THE EXPRESSIONS WAKE UP b/w YOU’RE WHAT’S NEEDED IN MY LIFE Following up on the massive success of Lee Fields recently released full length “It Rains Love” we drop another 45 for the DJs and collectors. This time showing off two different sides of Lee & The Expressions range. The A side “Wake Up” is Lee’s heavy duty, drum driven, anthemic tune for the times. Fields calls out the highly over-used and abused term of the current presidency “fake news.” Over a hard as nails sound bed courtesy of The Expressions he goes on asking people to wake up and not let this propaganda sway them from knowing what is right and wrong. CATALOG NUMBER: BCR072lp RELEASE DATE: 6/21/19 FORMAT: 7” 7” BOX LOT: 25 GENRE: Soul / Funk KEY MARKETS: LA, NY, PARIS, LONDON, CHICAGO TERRITORY RESTRICTION: NONE VINYL NOT RETURNABLE

The B side “You’re What’s Needed In My Life” is a gushing testament to the beauty of love. Solidifying his title as the Professor of Love it’s almost like he’s writing your girl’s valentine for you. Going beyond how happy the woman he is singing to makes him and telling of how she makes everyone she meets happier. This two-sider is about as classic as possible, a heavy duty funk banger on the A side, and nothing but love on the ballad B side. Another classic and timeless offering from the one and only Lee Fields.


49223 00721 3

7” UPC: 349223007213

SELLING POINTS: - Produced by Leon Michels - Worldwide touring in support of It Rains Love album





COMING SOON FROM SECRETLY DISTRIBUTION... JUNE 28th • [Back in Stock!] COLD SHOWERS - LOVE & REGRET (BLACK VINYL) | LP (DAIS041lp) | DAIS Records PHYS UPC:638126003645 • [Back in Stock!] COLD SHOWERS - LOVE & REGRET (CLEAR VINYL) | LP (DAIS041lp-C1) | DAIS Records PHYS UPC:638126003638 • DAISIES - WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR? (BLACK VINYL) | LP (KLP274lp) | Perennial / K Records PHYS UPC:789856127412\ • ERIN DURANT - ISLANDS | CD (KS037cd) | Keeled Scales PHYS UPC:682604703589 • ERIN DURANT - ISLANDS (BLACK VINYL) | LP (KS037lp) | Keeled Scales PHYS UPC:682604703565 • JR JR - INVOCATIONS / CONVERSATIONS | CD (LIEZ001cd) | Love is EZ PHYS UPC:843563117392 • MEGA BOG - DOLPHINE | CD (POB049cd) | Paradise of Bachelors PHYS UPC:616892484448 • MEGA BOG - DOLPHINE (BLACK VINYL) | LP (POB049lp) | Paradise of Bachelors PHYS UPC:616892530947 • MEGA BOG - DOLPHINE (CLEAR VINYL) | LP (POB049lp-C1) | Paradise of Bachelors PHYS UPC:843563103739 • OUTER SPACES - GAZING GLOBE | CD (WV196cd) | Western Vinyl PHYS UPC:843563111437 • OUTER SPACES - GAZING GLOBE (BLACK VINYL) | LP (WV196lp) | Western Vinyl PHYS UPC:843563111444 • OUTER SPACES - GAZING GLOBE (TRANSLUCENT SKY BLUE VINYL) | LP (WV196lp-C1) | Western Vinyl PHYS UPC:843563111451 • STEEP LEANS - NAUKEAG (BLACK VINYL) | LP (GR052lp) | Ghost Ramp PHYS UPC:843563116142 • ELISA WAUT - ELISA WAUT (BLACK VINYL) | LP (NUM808lp) | Numero Group PHYS UPC:825764180818

*All releases are subject to change.


------------------------------• 5/31 & 6/7 Mix -

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