January 17th New Releases

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January17thNewRel eases

January 17th New Releases -------------------------------

• BILL FAY - COUNTLESS BRANCHES (BLACK VINYL) | LP (DOC141lp) | Dead Oceans PHYS UPC:656605144115 • BILL FAY - COUNTLESS BRANCHES (DELUXE EDITION) | CD (DOC211cd) | Dead Oceans PHYS UPC:656605151120 • BILL FAY - COUNTLESS BRANCHES (DELUXE EDITION) (BLACK VINYL) | 2xLP (DOC211lp) | Dead Oceans PHYS UPC:656605151113 • THE DEER - DO NO HARM | CD (KS042cd) | Keeled Scales PHYS UPC:682604702711 • THE DEER - DO NO HARM (BLACK VINYL) | LP (180 gram) (KS042lp) | Keeled Scales PHYS UPC:682604703275 • THE DEER - DO NO HARM (SMOKY OPAQUE ORANGE VINYL) | LP (KS042lp-C2) | Keeled Scales PHYS UPC:682604703299 • DESERTA - BLACK AURA MY SUN | CD (FLT064cd) | Felte PHYS UPC:843563122570 • DESERTA - BLACK AURA MY SUN (BLACK VINYL) | LP (FLT064lp) | Felte PHYS UPC:843563122563 • DESERTA - BLACK AURA MY SUN (HALF MINT GREEN / HALF SEAFOAM VINYL) | LP (FLT064lp-C1) | Felte PHYS UPC:843563123843 • ELUVIUM - VIRGA I (CRYSTAL CLEAR VINYL) | LP (TRR340lp-C1) | Temporary Residence Ltd. PHYS UPC:656605334011 • THE TWILIGHT SAD - KILLED MY PARENTS AND HIT THE ROAD (BLACK VINYL) | LP (FAT0087lp) | FatCat Records PHYS UPC:600116998712 • YOSHINORI HAYASHI - BJØRN TORSKE/PRINS THOMAS REMIXES (BLACK VINYL) | 12" EP (STS358lp) | Smalltown Supersound PHYS UPC:7072822358303 • FIDDLEHEAD - GET MY MIND RIGHT (PINK VINYL) | 7" (RFC202lp-C2) | Run For Cover Records PHYS UPC:811408033794


------------------------------• RETAIL & DOMESTIC SALES - SHELLY WESTERHAUSEN - shelly@secretlydistribution.com - 812.822.3886 • DOMESTIC SALES & MARKETING - ABBY GOLDSMITH - abby@secretlydistribution.com - 812.961.7098 • INTERNATIONAL SALES & MARKETING - international@secretlydistribution.com - 812.882.3894 • DIGITAL DISTRIBUTION & PROMOTION - CHARLEY KIEFER - charley@secretlydistribution.com - 812.822.3885



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Dead Oceans

BILL FAY Countless Branches About the album

Bill Fay returns with the third album in the celebrated second phase of his recording career. A prime Fay song is a deceptively simple thing which carries more emotional weight than its concision and brevity might imply. There are ten of these musical haikus on Countless Branches, as pointed and as poignant as anything he’s ever recorded. For decades now - it’s almost 50 years since he cut his classic albums “Bill Fay” and “Time of the Last Persecution” - songs like these have been Fay’s ambassadors helping rave reviews and endorsements from the likes of Jim O’Rourke (Tortoise) and Jeff Tweedy (Wilco) which led to a huge revival of interest in his music. He had continued to make music almost every day in the intervening decades. For Countless Branches he’s completed new toplines over some of his cache of backing tracks, most of them 20 to 40 years old.

Selling Points

~ Deluxe edition 2xLP set includes two exclusive tracks + a reworking of “Don’t Let My Marigolds Die.” ~ This is the third, and best, album from the celebrated second phase of Bill Fay’s career. ~ A broader, multiple track promo campaign with a number of press features will lead into release. ~ Vocal and enthusiastic fans include Nick Cave, The War on Drugs, Oneohtrixpointnever, Kevin Morby, Wilco, and many more. Exclusively Distributed By Secretly Distribution Phone: (812) 335-1572 US Domestic Sales Contact: domestic@secretlydistribution.com International Sales Contact: international@secretlydistribution.com

Details CATALOG NUMBER: DOC141 RELEASE DATE: January 17, 2020 FORMAT: LP / Digital CD BOX LOT: n/a LP BOX LOT: 50 GENRE: Folk Rock KEY MARKETS: New York City, Los Angeles, Portland, San Francisco/Bay Area, Chicago, Austin, Boston, Seattle, UK, Germany, Netherlands, Norway, France, Sweden TERRITORY RESTRICTIONS: None VINYL NOT RETURNABLE

LP UPC: 656605144115


DIGITAL UPC: 656605144160



1. In Human Hands 2. How Long, How Long 3. Your Little Face 4. Salt Of The Earth 5. I Will Remain Here

6. Filled With Wonder Once Again 7. Time’s Going Somewhere 8. Love Will Remain 9. Countless Branches 10. One Life

Dead Oceans

BILL FAY Countless Branches (Deluxe Edition) About the album

Bill Fay returns with the third album in the celebrated second phase of his recording career. A prime Fay song is a deceptively simple thing which carries more emotional weight than its concision and brevity might imply. There are ten of these musical haikus on Countless Branches, as pointed and as poignant as anything he’s ever recorded. For decades now - it’s almost 50 years since he cut his classic albums “Bill Fay” and “Time of the Last Persecution” - songs like these have been Fay’s ambassadors helping rave reviews and endorsements from the likes of Jim O’Rourke (Tortoise) and Jeff Tweedy (Wilco) which led to a huge revival of interest in his music. He had continued to make music almost every day in the intervening decades. For Countless Branches he’s completed new toplines over some of his cache of backing tracks, most of them 20 to 40 years old.

Selling Points

~ Deluxe edition 2xLP set includes two exclusive tracks + a reworking of “Don’t Let My Marigolds Die.” ~ This is the third, and best, album from the celebrated second phase of Bill Fay’s career. ~ A broader, multiple track promo campaign with a number of press features will lead into release. ~ Vocal and enthusiastic fans include Nick Cave, The War on Drugs, Oneohtrixpointnever, Kevin Morby, Wilco, and many more.

Exclusively Distributed By Secretly Distribution Phone: (812) 335-1572 US Domestic Sales Contact: domestic@secretlydistribution.com International Sales Contact: international@secretlydistribution.com

Details CATALOG NUMBER: DOC211 RELEASE DATE: January 17, 2020 FORMAT: DLX CD / 2xLP / Digital CD BOX LOT: 30 LP BOX LOT: 20 GENRE: Folk Rock KEY MARKETS: New York City, Los Angeles, Portland, San Francisco/Bay Area, Chicago, Austin, Boston, Seattle, UK, Germany, Netherlands, Norway, France, Sweden TERRITORY RESTRICTIONS: None VINYL NOT RETURNABLE 2XCD UPC: 656605151120


DIGITAL UPC: 656605151137

2XLP UPC: 656605151113



1. In Human Hands 2. How Long, How Long 3. Your Little Face 4. Salt Of The Earth 5. I Will Remain Here

6. Filled With Wonder Once Again 7. Time’s Going Somewhere 8. Love Will Remain 9. Countless Branches 10. One Life



11. Tiny 16. Filled With Wonder Once Again 12. Don’t Let My Marigolds Die (Live in Studio) (Band Version) 13. The Rooster 17. How Long, How Long (Band Version) 14. Salt Of The Earth 18. Love Will Remain (Band Version) 15. Your Little Face (Acoustic Version)

Ke e l e dSc al e s

TheDe e r DoNoHar m

Aboutt heal bum Aus t i ni ndi e r oc kba ndTheDe e rha sf ul l ys t e ppe dout s i det he f ol k/ Ame r i c a nawor l dt he y' vei nha bi t e df ort hepa s ts e ve r a lye a r s wi t ht he i rne wa l bumDoNoHar m. Si ngl e s" Conf e t t it ot heHur r i c a ne , "" Movet oGi r l s , "a nd" Swoon" a r edyna mi c ,powe r f ulpopr oc ks ongswi t hde e phooksa ndnua nc e d i on. i ns t r ume nt a t Thi sa l bumi st he i rf our t h,butt he i rf i r s twi t hKe e l e dSc a l e s . The ywe r e a bl et os pe ndc l os et ot woye a r swor ki ngont hi sa l bumi nCa l i f or ni a , Col or a do,a ndTe xa s ,a ndwha tt he y’ vec r e a t e di sde e pl ynua nc e d, i ns t a nt l ya c c e s s i bl e ,a ndi nc r e di bl ymovi ng. TheDe e ra r eaba nda de pta tl i vepe r f or ma nc ea ndwi nni ngove rne w a udi e nc e sont hef e s t i va lc i r c ui t ,a ndt hi sa l bumi sas t r ongdoc ume ntof wha tt he y’ r ea bl et odoi nt hes t udi oa swe l l . The i rge nr ei sf l ui d,but s t r ongs ongwr i t i nga ndmus i c i a ns hi pa r ea tt hehe a r toft he s es ongs . Fa nsofFl e e t woodMa c ,ShookTwi ns ,El e pha ntRe vi va l ,J oniMi t c he l l , Bi gThi e f , TheBa nd,Ca l l i peMus i c a l s ,a ndGi nBl os s omswoul dbe r i ghthomea twi t ht hi sa l bum.

De t ai l s Cat al ognumbe r :KS042 Re l e as edat e :J a nua r y17,2020 For mat :LP/ CD/ Di gi t a l LPl i s tpr i c e( 180gr am bl ac k) :$22. 98 LPC1l i s tpr i c e :$20. 98 LPC2l i s tpr i c e :$20. 98 CDl i s tpr i c e :$13. 98 Di s c ount :None LPboxl ot :25 CDboxl ot :40 Ge nr e :I ndi e ,Fol k,Roc k,Pop,Bl ue gr a s s , Ame r i c a na Ke ymar ke t s :Aus t i n,De nve r ,Por t l a nd, Se a t t l e ,Sa nFr a nc i s c o Te r r i t or yr e s t r i c t i ons :None Vi nylnotr e t ur nabl e

LP( 180gr a m) :

Se l l i ngpoi nt s +“ Swoon”pr e mi e r e dvi aBi l l boa r dMa ga z i ne +I nc l ude donNPR’ sHe a vyRot a t i on2019 +I nc l ude donSpot i f y’ s“ Gr a s sRoot s ”pl a yl i s t +“ Conf e t t it ot heHur r i c a ne ”pi c ke dbyRobThoma sa sSongoft heDa y LPC2 +Tour i ngt heWe s tCoa s ti nNove mbe r2019a ndMi dwe s t / Ea s tCoa s t i ne a r l y2020

Pr e s sc o n t a c t :Ma d d i eCo r b i nma d d i e @l u c k y b i r d me d i a . c o m



Tr ac ks Si deA: 1.Conf e t t it ot heHur r i c a ne 2.MoveToGi r l s 3.Eve r yt hi ngWa sBe a ut i f ula ndNot hi ngHur t 4.Di s s ol ve 5.Swoon Si deB: 1.St a r kRa ve n 2.Chi l lVe i l 3.HowNott oDi e 4.Pr e l udet ot heI nt e r s t e l l a rFr ont i e r 5. Wa l ki ngi nSpa c e

Deserta Black Aura My Sun 01. Save Me 02. Paradiso 03. Monica

04. Hide 05. Be So Blue 06. I’ll Be Gone 07. Black Aura

RELEASE BIO Matthew Doty didn't set out to write a solo album. His first batch of weightless and brightly lit material under the name Deserta began to take shape in 2017. Shortly after finding out he was going to be a father, Doty started working on a batch of songs inspired by the joy and the unknown of the world he was about to enter. That inspiration is the sonic and emotional backbone of debut album Black Aura My Sun. Like a hot air balloon headed straight for the stratosphere, Deserta reveals yet another side of the songwriting Doty has spent decades refining. As experimental as it is enthralling, Black Aura My Sun applies the vapor-trailed production values and sublime dynamics of Doty's previous group projects (including post-rock band Saxon Shore and the synth-laced postpunk of Midnight Faces) to a shoegaze-y sound that splits the difference between Slowdive and Sigur Rós.

RELEASE INFO Label: felte Catalogue Number: FLT064 Release Date(s): January 17, 2020 Format: LP / CD UPC-LP-c1: 843563123843 UPC-LP: 843563122563 UPC-CD: 843563122570 Genre: Indie Rock, Shoegaze, Dream Pop RIYL: M83, Sigur Rós, Slowdive, The Cure, My Bloody Valentine, Explosions In The Sky, Cocteau Twins Export Restrictions: No Exports Box Lot: LP = 40, CD = 30 Vinyl Is Non-Returnable

Doty began finding his own musical voice in the early '00s with the sky-piercing efforts of Saxon Shore. While it was initially a collaboration with Josh Tillman (a.k.a. Father John Misty), Doty was Saxon Shore's only consistent member over the course of five acclaimed records. His responsibility spilled over into everything from booking shows to the songs themselves. He was never completely alone in his pursuit of post-rock perfection, however, so Deserta is very much a new endeavor: a trial-by-fire that was written, recorded, and mixed in total solitude. Deserta expands and contracts, with chords that drift like clouds, drums that drag and dissipate, and hooks that hang in the air for what feels like forever. That doesn't mean Black Aura My Sun is a subtle or soft record. It actually whips up quite a racket and is particularly heavy when piped through a pair of headphones. Deserta is Doty's main creative outlet right now and a one-way ticket to another dimension entirely.

POINTS OF INTEREST • Debut album & solo project of Los Angeles based Matthew Doty (ex-Saxon Shore, Midnight Faces) • Past project (Midnight Faces) key media support from SPIN, VICE, Entertainment Weekly, AV CLUB, Consequence of Sound, KEXP, EARMILK, Under the Radar, WNYC, Magnet • 350 Units of the limited color vinyl (½ Mint Green + ½ Sea Foam)

http://desertamusic.com https://www.instagram.com/desertamusic www.facebook.com/desertamusic https://twitter.com/desertamusic

LABEL CONTACT Felte info@feltesounds.com http://felte.net

LP-c1 UPC 843563123843

LP UPC 843563122563

CD UPC 843563122570

CONTACT | Felte <info@feltesounds.com> for any press, radio, photos, etc. requests | http://felte.net 8

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43563 12256 3


43563 12257 0





TRACK LISTING 1. Virga I (19:56) 2. Abyss Forms (11:19) 3. House Taken Over (10:48) SALES POINTS • Limited-edition new Eluvium album • The first in a series of ambient albums made from generative music and long-form loops • Vinyl format is Crystal Clear Colored Vinyl (edition of 1,000) PRESS “An ambient institution.” – Pitchfork “An accomplished veteran of ambient music, Eluvium’s work has earned him a distinguished spot on Pitchfork’s 50 Best Ambient Albums of All Time.” – PopMatters

56605 33401


BIO Virga I is the first album in a new ambient music series by Eluvium. Matthew Cooper, the composer behind the Eluvium moniker, explains: “I had recently been playing around with various forms of generative music and long-format looping – as well as practicing patience interacting with musical systems and recordings – hesitantly dueting with them, trying to keep things minimal while also encouraging as much depth as possible. It was really just something fun to privately experiment with for personal gain. Over time I’d created a group of pieces and had them on various mixes that I would make for myself, but I hadn't really given them much thought. Over the winter, my wife and I were subjected to an unexpected move from our home, into our tiny garage studio as we had some work done on the house. It was a little like an unexpected backyard camping trip but with two dogs and two people in a very small space, with the majority of our belongings in boxes on the driveway – all while weathering a snowstorm. It got a little weird in there, but also oddly comfortable. At some point, my evenings became very much about relaxing, stretching, and breathing to these pieces. They gradually fostered a very specific mood that I found intoxicating. The music seemed to enhance the soft orange glow in this small room in the dark of night, with the snow falling just outside. They also reminded me of some of my earliest works, those which were a bit less researched and considered. Perhaps they were simply more “felt” than anything. It occurred to me that other people might find that peculiar feeling inside these works in the same manner that I have, and that I might enjoy returning to working in this way again soon. I decided it might be nice to start a series inspired by this setup. A place for me to relax and experiment with emotions, and slow movements with various toys in my studio, in honor of strange deep feelings, gentle touches, and memories from a long time ago. I titled it Virga, after the drifting of rain we sometimes catch drooping on the horizon, disappearing before it reaches the ground.” Virga I is available on limited edition Crystal Clear Colored Vinyl (edition of 1,000), and all digital formats.

T h eT wi l i g h t S a d

K i l l e dMyP a r e n t sA n dH i t T h eR o a d

Wi t ht h ema j o r i t yo ft r a c k smi x e da n dma s t e r e db yI a i nCo o ko fAe r o g r a mme , ‘ Ki l l e dMyPa r e n t sAn dHi tTh eRo a d ’e n c o mp a s s e st h eb a n d ‘ sb a r e , u n f e i g n e d u s eo fme l a n c h o l ywi t hr o u s i n g , e p i ci n t e n s i t y , n e v e rs t r a y i n gt o of a rf r o mh i t t i n g s e n t i me n t a ln e r v e s . Th r o u g h o u tt h er e c o r d , me l o d i e ss t a g g e rb e t we e nf e e d b a c k l a d e ni n s t r u me n t a l sa n dr i c h , s e e mi n g l ye f f o r t l e s sa c o u s t i cb a l l a d s , e a c h a c c e n t e db yGr a h a m’ ss t r o n gSc o t t i s ht o n e s , c r e a t i n gac o l l e c t i o no fs o n g st h a t a r ea si n -t r i g u i n ga st h e ya r ee n g u ln g . Al o n g s i d et h e i ro wnt r a c k s , t h eb a n d h a v ec h o s e nt oc o v e rs o n g sb yJ o yDi v i s i o n( ‘ Twe n t yFo u rHo u r s ’ ) , Ye a hYe a h Ye a h s( ‘ Mo d e r nRo ma n c e ’ )a n dTh eSmi t h s( ‘ Ha l fAPe r s o n ’ ) , p r o v i d i n gg r e a t e r s c o p ei n t ot h et r a c k s ’ p e n s i v ea n dwi s t f u ls u b j e c t s , wh i l s tr e t a i n i n gt h es t i r r i n g a n de n g a g i n gq u a l i t i e so ft h eo r i g i n a l s .

T h eT wi l i g h t S a ds p e n t 2 0 1 8o nawo r l d wi d es t a d i u mt o u rwi t hT h eC u r e F i r s t t i mee v e ro nv i n y l F e a t u r e sc o v e r so f J o yD i v i s i o n , T h eS mi t h s , Y e a hY e a hY e a h s

F AT0087L P

Ar t i s t : TheT wi l i ghtSa d Ki l l edMyPa r ent sAnd Ti t l e: Hi tTheRoa d F AT0087 Ca tNo: 01 / 1 7 / 2 02 0 Rel da t e:

UPC: 6001 1 69987 1 2 F or ma t : L P BoxL ot : 3 0 T er r i t or yRes t r i c t i ons : NoExpor t s T r a c k l i s t : 1 . Wa l k i ngF orT woHour s 2 . Tha tSummer , AtHomeI Ha d Bec omeTheI nv i s i bl eBoy 3 . Unt i t l ed#2 8 4. Col dDa y sF r om TheBi r dhous e 5 . AndSheWoul dDa r k enTheMemor y 6. T went yF ourHour s 7 . TheWea t herI sBa d 8. Ha l fAPer s on 9. Unt i t l ed#2 7 1 0. Moder nRoma nc e 1 1 . I Wa sHopi ngWi nt erWa sOv er

YOSHINORI HAYASHI Bjørn Torske / Prins Thomas Remixes ABOUT THE 12” RELEASE The Tokyo based producer Yoshinori Hayashi released a new 12inch with remixes from Bjørn Torske and Prins Thomas. These are the first remixes of his debut LP, Ambivalence, from 2018 which received a glowing 4.0 review from Resident Advisor.


Hayashi has studied under Japanese avant-classical composer Mica Nozawa. When not DJing, he works in a record store in Tokyo. Thus far, Hayashi has released a string of 12”s on labels including Going Good Records, Jinn Records, Lovers Rock, Gravity Grafitti and Moscoman’s Disco Halal. Check out his recent mix for Resident Advisor here.

Previous work by Hayashi has been called “a complex patchwork of studio gear, live instruments, dusty jazz records and smartly cut library sounds, whose textures are soft and inviting. But its arrangements are constantly ruffled, squeezed, brushed and pinched—which is to say, nothing stays still for long” (Resident Advisor).

CATALOG NUMBER: STS358 RELEASE DATE: January 17th, 2020 FORMAT: LP/digital LP BOX LOT: 25 GENRE: Electronic, experimental KEY MARKETS: London, New York, Tokyo TERRITORY RESTRICTIONS: None


LP UPC: 7072822358303

Digital UPC: 7072822358006


SIDE A: 1. Side B: 1.

Exclusively distributed by Secretly Canadian Phone: 812.335.1572 US Domestic Sales contact: domestic@secretlydistribution.com International Sales contact: international@secretlydistribution.com

0208 (Prins Thomas Remix) Geckos (Bjørn Torske Version)

Fiddlehead Get My Mind Right

January 17, 2020 ABOUT THE ALBUM

Get My Mind Right is a new two song single from Boston MA’s Fiddlehead. It marks the band’s first release since 2018’s Springtime and Blind and continues their emotive hardcore sound. The title track explodes with vocalist Patrick Flynn’s screamed plea “help me,” leading off the song’s themes of helplessness and broken promises with the call and response chorus of “You said you’d help me get my mind right.” CATALOG NUMBER: RFC202 RELEASE DATE: January 17, 2020 B-side track “Stay In the Room” features a song- FORMAT: 7” long dreary guitar lead and pummeling drum 7” BOX LOT: 120 beat that channels bands like Rites of Spring and GENRE: Alternative / Indie / Hardcore Embrace. Fiddlehead is writing new material and KEY MARKETS: Boston, Philadelphia, New plans to release their second full-length album in York, San Francisco, Austin, Los Angeles 2020. TERRITORY RESTRICTIONS: None VINYL NOT RETURNABLE

Pink 7” UPC 811408033794

Digital UPC 811408033787



Side A - First release since 2018 debut LP Springtime and Blind - Festival appearances at Sound & Fury, Back to School Jam, Life and Death 1. Get My Mind Right Fest, Thrasher x Vans Deathmatch NYC - Regional touring following digital release of single - Featuring members of Basement & Have Heart - New LP coming in 2020

Side B 1. Stay In The Room

RECENTLY AVAILABLE FROM SECRETLY DISTRIBUTION... DECEMBER 6th • CARL STONE - BAROO (BLACK VINYL) | LP (UW026lp) | Unseen Worlds PHYS UPC:744790142570 • EL WALI - TIRIS | CD (SS055cd) | Sahel Sounds PHYS UPC:602318136916 • EL WALI - TIRIS (BLACK VINYL) | LP (SS055lp) | Sahel Sounds PHYS UPC:602318136909 • THE JUAN MACLEAN - FUTURE WILL COME (CLEAR VINYL) | 2xLP (DFA2196lp-C1) | DFA Records PHYS UPC:829732219654 • LAO DAN WITH PAUL FLAHERTY, RANDALL COLBOURNE, DAMON SMITH - LIVE AT WILLIMANTIC RECORDS | CD (FV109cd) | Family Vineyard PHYS UPC:656605410920 • PRINS THOMAS - AMBITIONS REMIXES I (BLACK VINYL) | 12" EP (STS366lp) | Smalltown Supersound PHYS UPC:7072822366100 • PRINS THOMAS - AMBITIONS REMIXES II (BLACK VINYL) | 12" EP (STS367lp) | Smalltown Supersound PHYS UPC:7072822367107 • RACHEL GRIMES - THE WAY FORTH (BLACK VINYL) | 2xLP (TRR294lp) | Temporary Residence Ltd. PHYS UPC:656605329413 • SAM RYSER - WELCOME TO DRIPPER WORLD | Book (SBB011book) | Sacred Bones Records PHYS UPC:9780999609965 • SHIDA SHAHABI - SHIFTS (BLACK VINYL) | LP (FAT1336lp) | FatCat Records PHYS UPC:600116133618 • STEVE HAUSCHILDT - NONLIN (BLACK VINYL) | LP (GI346lp) | Ghostly International PHYS UPC:804297834610 • STEVE HAUSCHILDT - NONLIN (LIQUID MERCURY VINYL) | LP (GI346lp-C1) | Ghostly International PHYS UPC:804297834634 • SUFJAN STEVENS & TIMO ANDRES - THE DECALOGUE | CD (AKR135cd) | Asthmatic Kitty PHYS UPC:656605613925 • SUFJAN STEVENS & TIMO ANDRES - THE DECALOGUE (BLACK VINYL) | LP (AKR135lp) | Asthmatic Kitty PHYS UPC:656605366234 • VARIOUS ARTISTS - CROWN JEWELS VOL. 1 (FOOLS GOLD VINYL) | LP (BCR100lp-C1) | Big Crown Records PHYS UPC:349223010015 • VARIOUS ARTISTS - GHOSTLY SWIM (BLACK VINYL) | LP (GI075lp) | Ghostly International PHYS UPC:804297997551

*All releases are subject to change.


------------------------------• 1/17 Mix - https://open.spotify.com/playlist/22vSIdVh5JQT1XDWqDr6Hg

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