his crisis has revealed the es-
merited recognition of the essential
autonomy, the freedom and capacity
sential role schools play in the
role schools play in the daily life of
to act, has always been a topic
daily life and livelihood of so many
our society, not just for learners but
of serious dialogue and debate
in our community. It has taught us
also in the livelihoods of teachers,
when discussing performance and
that school is not merely where our
parents, and others in the communi-
achievement. This form of self-
children grow and pursue goals but
ty. According to the National Associ-
governance grants schools the
where we all learn to live together.
ation of Independent Schools, as of
authority to make decisions aimed
This last year has revealed concerns
late July, 40% of private schools were
about the toll the pandemic may take
planning on full in-person reopening,
on student achievement. But private
19% were preparing for entirely virtu-
schools have responded by looking
al instruction, and 41% were offering
beyond these immediate concerns to
a hybrid option. Private schools were
what may be possible for education
able able to achieve reopening safely
on the other side of the pandemic.
through clear and frequent communi-
They have a strong focus on helping
cation. They provided their constitu-
learners grow in a broad range of
ents opportunities to provide feed-
competencies and skills to ensure
back on processes and procedures
that they emerge stronger by pre-
for academic, social, and emotional
serving options, autonomy, flexibility,
support of in-person, virtual, and
and most importantly-relationships.
hybrid instruction. They offered clear responsiveness to what they heard
Private Schools have become an at-
from their community by implement-
tractive solution offering consistency
ing changes that empowered parents
through unique options and reopen-
to support their child's education
ing plans. They have recognized and
through choice and flexibility.
adapted to the learning that takes place beyond their walls and tailored
With more autonomy, private
opportunities to meet the needs
schools were also able to plan a
of the entire family. There is finally
more aggressive reopening. School
at improving student performance by choosing the best fitting course choices and using their funds to attract and hire the most qualified teachers. The pandemic has created autonomy opportunities not just for decision-making responsibilities at the school level but for resource allocation, curriculum and testing, and even the implementation of instructional, behavioral, and health-related interventions. The early adoption and aggressive mobilization of these opportunities will undoubtedly provide better outcomes for students. Embracing flexibility and innovation, private schools prioritized engagement as they faced the many challenges of the pandemic. Education is most successful when it is responsive to student needs,