Beacon Media Kit - 2012

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Ottawa County’s Largest Circulated Newspaper Published By Schaffner Publications, Inc.

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Port Cli IM SPORT wins 200



Paid U.S. Postage Standard Mail, Ohio Permit #80 Port Clinton



A Pages 4-5


March 4,


ber 3

Num Volume 28

ed ded Unit aThis inclu s, Salv agencies. rican Red Cros Choices, Way, Amey, Independent, WSOS, NER N SCHAFF tion Arm nal Housing d Abuse By JOH Chil sitio l econPublisher lost in the locaCounty. Tran A, Family andStein Hospice at All is not rn Ottawa Phase I YWCention and g its facilities easte Prev the rgin in on omy Center which is enla inues e than Sutton Work cont store in the center. nsion will mor office n of the expansioin the old Pharm are beThe expasize of availablelocated clocated ton. Renovations cies now Constru triple the Port Clin led by Focht l contrac- space. New agen rtbeat Pregnan are Hea ing hand of several loca ect. at Sutton 3A proj one , the TER tion was creking on TON CEN tors wor inal center one-stop See SUT as a The orig al service 2006 ago ated in of county soci location

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With that said LOC Clas seems but, acbe done. memorie more left to , coaches or play solution to class of have ram feeling and help what we cording , one in the prog county no one is satisfied with memberskeep jobs in the ership ers, who tment with that can es thrive. as a Lead g and royal treart from the ect the done.” ness got busi esco discussin l e this proj The team fire truck city and to the “We chos nty group after shopping loca and Cou a police of town into thereturn from Mimember Ottawa the impact that s said class east side ol upon their realizingour economy,” l purchase keep points loca h high scho 19 on has for us.” over cis had ison. “Eac with lan. 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Various Sizes le Availab


Units •


Standard Mail U.S. Postage Paid Port Clinton, Ohio Permit #80

Volume 28



wba www.cata

• 11:30 a.m. — Downtown Toledo Parade: It will start near OwensCorning at 11:30 a.m. and end at Promenade Park. Crystal will do a two or three-song concert at Promenade Park after the parade. (Parade will begin on Ottawa Street in front of O-C, heading toward the high-level bridge, then turn on Washington and on to Summit Street back toward downtown. Parade will end near the Key Bank building downtown on Summit Street.) • 4 p.m. — Ottawa County Fairgrounds, “Bower-Stock”: There will be a small parade on the fairgrounds at 4 p.m. then Crystal will do a two- or three-song concert. Gates open at 1 p.m. • 6 p.m. — Toledo Mudhens Game, Fifth Third Field: Crystal will sing the National Anthem and throw out the first pitch. Information courtesy of Tom Cook, program director at 101.5 FM, The River, Toledo. The schedule is subject to change and will be updated on the River’s Facebook fan page, via e-mail and on the radio at 101.5 FM.

Enter for free tickets


Fish fry planned Friday at Port Clinton’s K. of C. Hall



We had 88 correct entries in our Find Wylie contest last week. Our winner is Neil Wilson, of Oak Harbor, who found Wylie in the Choice Lawn Care ad on page 11A last week. Gene wins a $20 gift card from Friendship Convenient Stores. We’ll hide Wylie again this week. If you find him, drop us a note at our office … or click on the Find Wylie icon online at

Memorial Day Weekend is only two weeks away, and the Oak Harbor Area Chamber of Commerce would like to honor those who have served or are serving in the military. They would like to display the photo of the service member at Flat Iron Park May 21-28. The pictures can be any size and will be displayed on an 11-inch by 17-inch poster with a red, white and blue ribbon and the charge is only $8.50 each. For information, call the Chamber at 419898-0479 or stop in their office at 178 W. Water St. Proceeds will be donated to Honor Flight of Northwest Ohio. Deadline is May 18. nnn

Did you ever want to try “Barbershop” singing? Here’s your chance! The Lake Plains Chapter of the Barbershop Harmony Society is holding a special guest night from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. Monday, May 17, at Peace Lutheran Church, 900 Jefferson St. in Port Clinton. There are something like 15 Ottawa County men who sing in the Lake Plains Choir, and many of them have branched out with their own quartets.


Various Sizes Available



Sign up to win four free tickets to Friday’s Mud Hens Game where Crystal Bowersox will be performing. Enter at Community Markets in Oak Harbor. No purchase necessary. The drawing will be held Friday morning.

Band presents 4th annual Stars, Stripes and SOUSA


Tell Tales









Refreshments will be served. For information, contact Paul Rothschild at 419-343-7246. nnn

The Port Clinton Women’s Club is hosting its annual Mother to Mother Sale from 9 a.m. to noon Saturday, May 15, at the K. of C. Hall, 109 E. Perry St. They will have some great deals on “gently used” children’s clothing and gear. nnn

The Catawba Island Garden Club will have its annual plant sale this Saturday, May 15 at the Shelter House at John Braun Park on Ohio 53 North, just north of Cemetery Road. The sale starts at 9 a.m. and will feature perennials, annuals, bulbs, bushes, pots and many other items related to gardening.

The Port Clinton High School Concert Band will pay tribute to “The March King,” John Philip Sousa at a 3 p.m. concert Sunday, May 16, at the PCHS Performing Arts Center. Admission is free, however, a free-will donation will be taken at the end of the concert. Music includes something for someone of all ages and of course, the concert will conclude in traditional Sousa style with the playing of “The Stars and Stripes Forever.” Tim Olt, tuba, will serve as the guest soloist for the concert. Rod Miller, PCHS band di-

rector, will portray John Philip Sousa. Miller is currently in his fourth year as director of bands for the Port Clinton City Schools and this is the 23rd year he has presented such a concert. The PCHS Band always honors veterans at the Sousa concert and this year will pay special tribute to veterans of the Korean War. Audiences have always been close to capacity and the same is expected again this year. Doors will open at 2 p.m. and seating is on a first-come, firstserve basis.


The Ottawa County Retired Teacher’s Association luncheon meeting will be held at noon May 27 at Trinity United Methodist Church in Port Clinton. The speaker will be Ohio Retired Teachers Association Executive Director Ann Hanning. Reservations may be made until Monday, May 17, by leaving a message at 419-635-2446. n



Band director Rod Miller as John Philip Sousa.




Hours: 8:00 - 4:30 Monday - Friday • Heated Boat Storage • Mini-Storage • Business Units •

BUSINESS 1B 4789 E. Muggy Rd. Port Clinton, OH



July 8, 201


Standard Mail Port Clinton U.S. Postage Paid , Ohio Permit #80

Back to the Future

• 8 a.m. — Interview on 101.5 FM, The River: In studio with Mary Beth and Rick.


Jamie Wight, who was just in town for his mother Joanne’s funeral, is once again playing with the Dukes of Dixieland Band in New Orleans. A longtime member of the Cake-walkin’ Jazz Band and the Joy-makin’ Jazz Band at Tony Packo’s in Toledo, Jamie recently performed at the New Orleans Jazz and Heritage Festival.

Number 21


If American Idol Contestant Crystal Bowersox survives Wednesday night’s elimination, this is her tentative “Hometown Visit” schedule for Friday, May 14:

A local girl with a special connection to overnight superstar Crystal Bowersox is hoping to be front and center Friday at the American Idol contestant’s event at the Ottawa County Fairgrounds | See 2A

The Port Clinton Knights of Columbus will be holding another Fish Fry from 5 to 7:30 p.m. Friday, May 14, at the Knights of Columbus Hall, 109 E. Perry St. Perch dinners are $12 and sandwich platters are $10.


Home visit Friday


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- 4:30 Boa Hours: 8:00 ay • Heated - Frid Monday

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Thursday, May 13, 2010


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BY ROBERTA REDFERN She has been compared to musical greats Janis Joplin and Bonnie Raitt. She has been called “the one everyone has to beat” and a “true artist” from the infancy of this year’s season of the wildly popular Fox television show “American Idol.” But local native and Idol contestant Crystal Bowersox — who calls a small western Ottawa County town home — has already made a mark on the world regardless of the show’s eventual outcome. “I hope she makes it. She deserves it,” said fellow Ottawa County resident and fan Emmie Crump. The show has aired weekly since February, and Elliston resident Bowersox made it to at least the final four before a winner is crowned in just a few weeks (The Beacon’s deadline for this publication was Wednesday morning before the elimination round airs Wednesday night). But if Tuesday night’s performance had the impact it should have had on the nation, she’s still around. “I have been saying this since Day One — you are definitely an artist,” said Idol Judge Randy Jackson. The top three contestants are jetted off to their hometowns for local performances that will air nationwide next week. Should Crystal still be on the show at the time of this publication, she is scheduled for a whirlwind of activities Friday in Ottawa and neighboring Lucas counties, including a mini-concert Friday afternoon at the Ot-

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Volume 28 Number 13

Singer could be headed home for performance

Group kicks off al shop loc n campaig

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Strings of Band at KeGlory, North Coast Co eper’s Ho use 8A ncert

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Klondike Bars

6 ct. Assorted Varietie

$ 99 lb.

FresAhrAgus Asp.48 lb. $

On sale

On sale this week:

Fresh Gerber st Chicken Brea ers or Breast Tend


On sale


Former Port Clinton High School athletes being inducted this weekend SPORTS 3B

B JOH PublisherN SCHAFFNER With all the loca of the nega tive pub cess storl economy, ther licity abou t telephon y. What start e is at least one ed affordab e company desi as a small sucloca nesses, le service to locagned to prov l has ide l and media com blossomed into a mularea busiCompute pany based ti-facete 1994 as r Resources in Port Clinton. d Port Clina computer storstarted in July was duri ton Shoppin e located in of boom, ng the early stagg Plaza annex. the and ured they owner Mik es of the Inte It rnet e Christia come the were in the good nsen They got area’s primary position to figbeit goin service a shelf prov and start g with four well-kno mod ider. wn nam ed to compete ems on PHOTOS Within es with COURTES a few yearas AOL and Prod such Y OF THE 1,10 0 lines NRA COM s, igy. PETITIVE 8,000 and and mod the company SHOOTING ems and had 10,000 it was DIVISION loca betw all l Christia on dial-up. customers … een ularly fornsen turned to Seeing the futuand ers. The his many loca broadband, part re, do we don the question l business cust icswitches with all of thescame up … omwha ? e phone The answ lines andt Some but he figu er was a little petitive 6,000 of the nati ness-ori red, “why not “out of the rifle on’s finest com and pisto gather companyented telephon start a local box” at busi weeks of Camp Perr l shooters willborn. The?” In 2002, e service prov y Ohio Tele ider competi intense shou for nearly five ternet cust service was com tion. The lder-toPistol Cha net (Co omers who sold to existing was National shoulder mpi mpu subs onships 18. Con Rifle and ter Reso cribed to InThe first urce cros. Series of sidered to be run July 11-A provide customer for s online serv ug. ices) Matches Shooting Spo America’s Wor vice was local and long Ohio Telecom . ld distance the to since 1907have been heldrts, the National The com Jet Express. phone serat Cam At stak . p Perry 2007 whe pany grew between NRA’s e are the National Russo to n Christiansen 2002 Cha Trophies works of mpionship hired Denand phone sidedo direct sales and old, repr art, many mor Trophies. The come the exploded. Thework and the nis se esen e than telet loca ir some of awards a century aim was by bundlin l “phone for to belections sporting endeAmerica’s olde able pho g services tocompany you keep ne pass phy Rooare on display avors. Both col-st along affo ” ing with rates to loca Perry’s m, Building in the NRA Tro- Volunteers able to in the 419 areal business. By rdVendor 1021 — who stay provide a place Champi Row duri C on Cam help keep to their local and code, they wereto stay onsh ng the Nati p the mat and daily personal Also featu ips. 20 perc customers and ches runn onal stipend ent and red duri save them service a place ing smo are som for livin bills. 30 perc ng the othly — betw g expenses ent on competi ance to to stay and a sma els to gete chances for shoo are rew their phoeen Today, . tion help offse arded with ll ne learn and in on the actio ters at all lev- year, hun t living daily allowcom numthe customer base for costs. Each Matches around dreds of volu manship shoot in the n. Sign up of 2009 bers in the thou , July Ohio Tele ntee the , they sand Schools Program’s SmaCivilian Mar to tional Cha country to staff rs come from Rifle SAFS, 31-Aug. 1 — were prov Internet s. By the ksAug. for mpionsh High the NRA Rifle The Voluntee pistol or rifle ll Arms Firin custome protocol” capa iding “voice fall Na- High Matches, 2-7 — National Power g SAF schedule is: ips. ring is anot . Aug. 8 Trophy volved Pow S, July July 12-1 wind worrs even more. bility saving over her in the thei Springfi er Rifle Match,— Whistler Boy matches way to get in- es, July 18 13-17— NRA 3 — Pisto more opp ld of technolo But, in the whir r Aug. 8 — . Voluntee Pistol Mat l Nationaleld Match, Aug — Nati gy, Mat ortu lNRA ther ches nitie onal Trop rs get The new e were still ch- 14-1 High Pow . 9-13 s out tion Mat, July 21-24 — NRA/ hy Pisto er Rifle 8— Russo is est offering by there. — ches, July l For info NRA Long Ran Matches, Aug 25-29 —SBR 3-Posihave garn just now getti Christiansen . compete rmation, visit ge Matches SBR Pron for Dire ered the loca ng started. and , www.cplc e or www They network.ct TV, a satellite l service fran .odcmp. chis com/Natm/aboutus.html cal deal They are now television view e By JOHN ionalMa er for Otta the auth ing tches. SCHAFF Huron NER counties. wa, Erie, Sandorized loDirect TV is theusky and largest y

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Thousand flood ar s will ea nationa for l matches

Tell Tal es

Wine an d kicks off Cheese Party Parade o f Homes




This week end is annual Catawbathe BIG third Parade /Ma tawb of The Beac Homes spon rblehead Beac a Bay, Fairway off at 6 on. The evensored by Vine on, Minutem Villas, The July 8) p.m. today (Th t kicks the yard on Cata an Press, The the parade sites with a spec wba and United ursday, . Cheese Party at ial Wine and Sutton Cen Way office from This Sun n n n Club. Tick in the the Nor ter. The will day is also Arts & tour ceeds go ets are $20 ’Easter Satu take place 10 a.m. to itself iew ParkCrafts festival the annual all rday and to prothe Way cam 5 at Lake in Port paign. The2010 United Sunday, July noon to 4 p.m. sored vClinton at the follo by the 10-11. Our p.m. y are on Channel spon wing loca sale partner, en’s Club thatPort Clinton Wom tions: Ca- air their 11 from Tole coin ann show live Saturday mor do, will Barbual Port Clincides with the INSIDE ning ton from one ecue or severalTV from 11 in the shel Kiwanis BEACO ter hou a.m. of Kiw N BITS anis men to 4 p.m. Sun se 2A n day’ u inclu RECOR LIMITED des the s Locals chec DS fa4A last year k out jewelry n CA SPACE . Artists LENDA and craf during Port Clin AVAILABLE R 5A n ters will SCHOO be set up ton Women’s Club • Mini-Storage LS 6A n Sunday in Lake ’s art event BUSINESS view Park 419-797 . 1B n -630

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December - March....12,000 April, Oct. & Nov. .....14,000 May - September.......17,000 ––––––––––––––

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“The Voice of Ottawa County”

WE MEAN BUSINESS! Audit report effective Jan. 1, 2010: Beacon Readers respond:

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Beacon Readers are: • Upper Income: Six out of 10 (60%) have a $50,000+ income, over 50% have an income of $75,000+ and 15% earn $100,000+ • Better Educated: Over 54% of readers have attended or graduated from college.

H H Angie Adair Zam, Editor

Connie Roberts, Director of Sales

Phone: 419-734-4838 • Fax: 419-734-5382 205 SE Catawba Rd. • Suite G • Port Clinton, OH 43452

205 SE Catawba Rd. Suite G Port Clinton, OH 43452 Email: Phone: 419-732-2154 Fax: 419-734-5382

Promotional Calendar 2012 May North Coast Golf Guide Walleye Tournaments Local Graduation Pages Memorial Day North Coast Live

January Cleveland Boat Show Health February Women In Business Valentines Day Ottawa County Focus March Tri County Medical Directory St. Paddy’s Day April Home and Garden Week American Home Week Open House Weekend Lake Erie Fishing Preview The Beacon

June Welcome Tab National Rifle & Pistol Championships at Camp Perry North Coast Live July Ottawa County Fair North Coast Live Parade of Homes Publisher JOHN SCHAFFNER


August Accountant CONSTIEN High SchoolCINDY Football Classic CarCirculation ShowManager

Editor/Production Manager ANGIE ADAIR ZAM

® SM TM 1992

Published by Schaffner Publications, Inc. 205 S.E. Catawba Road, Suite G Port Clinton, OH 43452 419-732-2154 n FAX 419-734-5382


Graphic Design


September Cedar Point Boat Show Sept. 11th Patriot Day

October Best Cancer Awareness Oak Harbor Apple Festival Marblehead Lighthouse Festival

November Veteran’s Page Home for the Holidays H.S. Winter Sports Preview Account Executives JOLENE EDGAR

The Beacon is published every Thursday and is circulated free to the public, via US Postal Service under Permit #80, as well as by independent carriers. The Beacon serves, and is mailed to the communities of Port Clinton, Lakeside/Marblehead, and Oak Harbor, as well as Catawba, Danbury, Portage, Erie, Bay, Benton, Carroll and Salem Townships in Ottawa County. The Beacon is owned and operated by Schaffner Publications, Inc., John Schaffner, president. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form without the expressed, written consent of the Publisher. The views expressed by the contributors are not necessarily those of the management of The Beacon. The Beacon and its heading and logo are protected through trademark, servicemark and copyright registration. Real estate and classified ads close Monday by noon and retail ads close Monday by 4 p.m.

December Don’t Drink and Drive ANGIE DINE New Years’ Walleye Drop


Corporate Secretary MARY ALICE SCHAFFNER

CLASSIFIEDS 419-732-1500

Billing/Customer Service CHERYL WOLF



The Beacon is published every Thursday Account Executives The Beacon is published every Thursday and is and is Account Executives circulated freepublic, to theviapublic, via US Postal Service under circulated free to the US Postal Service under JOLENE EDGAR JOLENE EDGAR Permit #80, Permitas #80, as by independent carriers. The well as as well by independent carriers. The serves, and istomailed to the communities serves, and is mailed the communities of Port of Port Beacon Beacon

SM TM TM 1992 1992 heB Beacon eacon ®® SM TThe

Editor/Production Manager Editor/Production Manager ANGIE ZAM ANGIEADAIR ADAIR ZAM


Catawba, Bay, Carroll Benton, Carroll Catawba, Danbury,Danbury, Portage, Portage, Erie, Bay,Erie, Benton, ANGIE DINE ANGIE DINE and Salem in OttawainCounty. andTownships Salem Townships Ottawa County. is ownedis and operated by Schaffner The Beacon The Beacon owned and operated by Schaffner


Published by by Published SchaffnerPublications, Publications, Inc. Inc. Schaffner 205S.E. S.E.Catawba Catawba Road, Road, Suite Suite G 205 G PortClinton, Clinton, OH OH 43452 43452 Port n 419-732-2154 FAX 419-734-5382 419-732-2154 n FAX 419-734-5382


Circulation Manager Circulation Manager BRUCE DINSE BRUCE DINSE

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Lakeside/Marblehead, and Oak Clinton,Clinton, Lakeside/Marblehead, and Oak Harbor, asHarbor, well as as well as

Publications, Inc., John Schaffner, president.president. No part ofNo part of Publications, Inc., John Schaffner, this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form without the expressed, written consent the of the form without the expressed, written of consent Publisher. Publisher. The views by the contributors are not are not The expressed views expressed by the contributors necessarily those of those the management of The Beacon. necessarily of the management of TheThe Beacon. The Beacon and its heading and logo are protected through through Beacon and its heading and logo are protected Billing/Customer Service servicemark and copyright registration. Billing/Customer Servicetrademark, trademark, servicemark and copyright registration. CHERYL WOLF Real estate and classified ads close Monday by noon CHERYL WOLF Real estate and classified ads close Monday by noon and retail ads close Monday by 4 p.m. and retail ads close Monday by 4 p.m.

Corporate Secretary Corporate Secretary MARY ALICE MARY ALICE SCHAFFNER SCHAFFNER

205 SE Catawba Rd. Suite G Port Clinton, OH 43452 Email: Phone: 419-732-2154 Fax: 419-734-5382

Policies and Procedures

Contract & Copy Regulations

General Information - The Beacon is published weekly and is circulated free to the public via U.S. Postal Service as well as independent carriers to the communities of Port Clinton, Marblehead/ Lakeside, Catawba Island, South Bass Island and Oak Harbor. The Beacon also serves the residents of Bay, Erie, Portage, Danbury, Benton, Carroll, Salem and Catawba Townships located in Ottawa County, Ohio. The Beacon’s coverage area is known for its proximity to Lake Erie and the Lake Erie Islands. Port Clinton is one of Ohio’s premiere tourism, recreation, resort, retirement and art centers. Nearly 20,000 boats are docked within The Beacon’s coverage area. It is an area known for dramatic growth and development as a resort and vacation region. It is also known as the Walleye Capital of the World for its incredible year around sport fishery.

The rates listed apply to local display advertising. Special Section Advertising Rates will be made available to the advertiser on request. Schaffner Publications, Inc. reserves the right to insert the word “advertisement” in all ads. Liability for errors in advertisements shall not exceed the cost of the space occupied by the errors unless the Publisher allows a larger discount. We will provide a correction letter if we have failed to correct errors clearly marked by the advertiser on return proofs. The newspaper shall not be liable for more than one insertion of the advertisement in which the error occurs. All advertising accepted is subject to the approval of the publisher. We reserve the right to revise or reject in whole or in part any advertisement that is not in the best interest of our newspaper or its readers. All rates on this schedule are net and non-commissionable to advertising agencies (unless otherwise noted). Dates and times for cancellation of ads are the same as deadlines for placing new ads. Credit applications are required from all businesses or individuals seeking credit accounts with Schaffner Publications, Inc. Only accounts having an approved credit application on file or an account that has been established for a period of 6 months or longer can be billed for advertising. All advertising other than from established accounts must be paid in advance of publication. A minimum deposit of $100 or the cost of advertiser’s first insertion - whichever is greater - is required to open an account. The advertiser understands that he will be charged a finance charge of 1.5% per month (18% APR) for bills not paid by the end of the month. (Minimum service charge is $1.50) The advertiser will also be held personally liable for any and all bills, whether operating as a proprietorship, partnership or corporation. The advertiser will be personally responsible for all costs of collection, including a reasonable attorney’s fee.

Preferred Positions - Those advertisers who need particular positions will be charged an additional fee of 25% of their ads cost. There is a minimum size requirement of 30 column inches. Composition and Cancellation Charges - Changes from original copy, once composed will be charged at $2.00 per change. Cancellation (ads ordered and typeset by Schaffner Publications, Inc. but cancelled before publication) will be charged at $5.00 per column inch. Proofs - Any account requesting a proof must submit copy a minimum of 24 hours in advance of regular advertising deadlines. No proofs will be shown on ads smaller than 10 column inches. Proofs are for correcting errors in copy only. Advertising Rate Policies - All advertisers receiving contract rates must have signed contracts. Advertising must be paid by the 30th of the month following the advertisement to be eligible for contract rates. Bills not paid within 45 days following the advertisement will be charged at the Open Rate unless arrangements have been made with the approval of the Publisher. Rates may be raised on 30 days written notice to the advertiser. These terms applicable to retail advertising rate are effective Jan. 1, 2010. ROP Makeup Requirements - Minimum retail display advertisement acceptable; 1 column x 2 inch. Advertisements over 20 inches deep will be billed full-page depth.

An automatic hold will be put on any account that is past 60 days in arrears. Any advertisement, including any than have been prescheduled, will not appear in the paper. ––––––– This hold will be effective until the 60-day balance is paid in full or a reasonable payment plan has been arranged. ––––––– We understand the difficult economic times we are all facing, and will work with you to keep your account at a reasonable level. Our mission is to continue to assist you in marketing your business to our exceptional readership.

The Beacon

THE PRIMARY SOURCE OF LOCAL COMMUNITY INFORMATION Community Paper circulation is growing, rather than falling like paid newspapers. Community Newspapers have more than twice the weekly circulation than that of all paid papers combined. Increasingly, readers are looking to their local free paper for information. Clearly advertising in free papers is good business!

Beacon Deadlines

Retail & Classified Ads: Monday prior to 4 p.m. Real Estate Ads: Monday prior to Noon

Full Banner

Vertical Banner 120x240 $150

468x60 $150

Half Banner

234x60 $95

Shown here are actual sizes of the internet ads. All internet ads should be a resolution of 72dpi


205 SE Catawba Rd. Suite G Port Clinton, OH 43452

THE Email: Phone: 419-732-2154 Fax: 419-734-5382


304 Williams Street, P.O. Box 330 Huron, OH 44839 email:


Phone: 419-433-1401 Fax: 419-433-5587


Combo Ad Rates - Retail 2 Inches............................................................ $14.00 10 Inches........................................................... $13.50 20 Inches........................................................... $13.00 30 Inches (Quarter Page)................................. $12.50 60 Inches (Half Page)....................................... $12.00 125 Inches (Full Page)...................................... $11.00

HURON $5.50 $5.25 $5.00 $4.75 $4.50 $4.00

HURON $4.00 $3.75 $3.50 $3.25 $3.70 $2.70

Combo Ad Rates - Classified 20 Inches........................................................... $11.00 40 Inches........................................................... $10.50 60 Inches........................................................... $10.00 100 Inches (Quarter Page)................................. $9.00 140 Inches (Half Page)....................................... $8.00 190 Inches (Full Page)........................................ $7.30

Spot Color is $1.00 Per Col. Inch |

BEACON $8.50 $8.25 $8.00 $7.75 $7.50 $7.00

+ + + + + +

+ + + + + +

BEACON $7.00 $6.75 $6.50 $5.75 $5.00 $4.60

4 Color is $2.00 per Col. Inch

Combo Pre-Printed Insertion Rates - (CPM) Annual Volume 1-11 12-23 24-50 50+

Single Sheet $26.00 $25.00 $24.00 $23.00

CONDITIONS A. Full run requires 16,500 minimum count. January - March 12,500; April & October-December: 14,000 B. Pre-Printed inserts in The Beacon will apply toward Customer ROP Advertising Contract.

4-24 Pages $35.00 $33.00 $31.00 $29.00

Over 24 Pages $42.00 $39.00 $36.00 $32.00

MECHANICAL REQUIREMENTS Overall paper size must be no longer than 8” x 11.5”. Larger sizes must be quarter folded.

20,000 Minimum Run DEADLINE & DELIVERY Deadline for scheduling or canceling pre-prints is one week prior to date of publication. Pre-Prints Delivered To: The Advertiser Tribune 320 Nelson St., Tiffin, OH 44883 Ph. 1-800-448-3235

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