Annual Lion’s Club Community Breakfast and Egg Hunt Saturday March 27 Breakfast: First Presbyterian Church 8 a.m. to noon, $5/Adults, $3/Children Egg Hunt: Huron Boat Basin 1:15 p.m., Free (ages 2-8 years) Bring your camera, a basket for the hunt and a non-perishable food donation
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March 25, 2010 Vol. 5 Number 28
Firefighter Awarded For Heroism by State Huron Captain Kurt Schafer was commended recently by Interim State Fire Marshal Donald C. Cooper for his bravery in saving the life of a train-car crash victim on Jan. 19. Cooper awarded Schafer during a ceremony at the Huron Fire Department on March 18. “Captain Schafer’s extraordinary heroism and devotion to duty are keeping with the highest traditions of the fire service,” Cooper said. “His valiant actions bring credit to himself, his family, his department, and Ohio’s fire service.” According to the nomination, on Jan. 19, Schafer, who was off-duty that night, overheard the 10 p.m. dispatch on his fire radio about a train vs. car crash west of the River Road railroad crossing in Huron. Being only Captain Kurt Schafer was commended one-quarter of a mile from the accident scene, by Interim State Fire Marshal Donald C. Schafer immediately responded and was first at Cooper for his bravery.
the scene. He was able to report to crews that the road was blocked by the train and an overturned vehicle was on fire. The impact from the train, traveling at a speed of 50 mph when it hit the tracks, caused the vehicle to flip, roll over and immediately catch on fire. Without regard to his own personal safety, Schafer cross under the train, ran to the vehicle and found a victim trying to crawl out of a window. Grabbing the victim, he pulled him through a narrow hole in the window, and as he moved the victim to a safe distance, the vehicle became fully engulfed in flames. The Award for Heroism was unveiled in 2001, and is given based on a nomination by a member of the fire service, state legislature, or local government. For more information, call Karen Bowman at 614-995-5791 or go to
Huron Kindergarten Screenings to be Held
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Huron City Schools will conduct kindergarten registration and screening May 4, 5 and 6 at the Huron United Methodist Church, 338 Williams St. Any child who will be 5 by Sept. 30, 2010, is eligible for kindergarten this year. Parents are being asked to accompany their child to the screening, and make sure the child is wearing tennis shoes. They are also being asked to bring the following: An original birth certificate, immunization records, and custody
papers if applicable. Parents also need to bring one current electric bill as well as one additional proof of residency to complete the registration papers. Reservations to register and screen each child are required. Parents can call Shawnee Elementary School between March 29 and April 1 at 419-433-1234, Ext. 5102. Little Tigers Preschool will also be accepting applications about the same time. Parents can
pick up applications for their 3 or 4 year olds at the Shawnee office, and an appointment will be scheduled at that time. Children are eligible if they turn 3 or 4 by Sept. 30, 2010. Tuition is based on a sliding fee scale and families with special needs or reduced tuition qualifications will be given priority. Immunization clinics are also coming up. For more information, call 419-626-5623 or go to
Huron Schools Approve Open Enrollment Policy By JENNIFER KILLBURy Beginning with the 2010-2011 academic year, students from others districts will be able to enroll in Huron City Schools through the open enrollment policy. The school board voted on March 16 to try open enrollment next year. This attempt is to recover the money the district is currently losing to area students enrolled in others district’s open enrollment programs. More than 50 students living within the Huron City School District are enrolled in other public schools that offer open enrollment. These students leaving the district are creating a deficit of close to $300,000 a year. The breakdown, per student, of these dollars equates to about $2,400 of state tax dollars and $3,400 of local property tax dollars, totaling $5,800 of school funding leaving the Huron community with each student. Huron City School Treasurer Mike Weis estimates this year’s loss of school funding due to lack of open enrollment to be about $292,332, which would require an additional 0.75 mills in local taxes to be made up. The Huron City School Board has carefully developed and reviewed an inter-district open enrollment policy that will allow Huron City Schools to accept transfer students along with their school funding (state and local tax mon-
Open Enrollment Policy The Huron City Schools Board of Education believes students should, under certain circumstances, benefit from an inter-district open enrollment policy. Based on guidelines established by the school administration and in conjunction with recommendation from officials of the Ohio Department of Education, the following requirements and guidelines for the transfer of students into our district are listed below. 1. The applicant must follow procedures for admission to the Huron City Schools. 2. The district capacity limits by grade level, school building and program in admitting an interdistrict transfer students are as follows: • Kindergarten class sizes 21 and below, • Grades 1-4 class sizes of 23 and below, • Grades 5-12 class sizes 24 and below, i. Special Education and gifted
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ey) into the district to help offset this deficit. Weis, who has open enrollment expertise, said the policy is one of the most complete and comprehensive policies he has ever seen. It was drafted by the school administration with recommendations from Ohio Department of Education officials. The requirements and guidelines for transfer students are very specific. The policy limits class sizes and specifies that the district will not add programs or personnel to accommodate students accepted through open enrollment. Children of employees, children of families in the process of moving into Huron and students who have attended Huron City Schools, but recently have moved away will have priority in entering the district. “Educational integrity will remain our focus,” stated Superintendent Fred Fox. Adding a few students to each grade level would make up for the about 50 students who have transferred to other districts, he said. “By filling those seats alone the $292,332 of school funding would be replaced without going to the taxpayers.” “Open enrollment is a financial issue,” said Weis. “We cannot continue to lose money without going back to the taxpayer.” It is better to live and attend school within your own community; however, when it is not possible, this
classes will be limited to students below what state standards allow. These class size limits may change from year to year. 3. Students being admitted to the school district who are currently not enrolled in the Huron City Schools will be considered for admission in the following order: • Students who are the children of employees; • Students of families who are buying or building a new home in the school district, more than 90 days after the beginning of the school year; • Students whose legal residence is outside the Huron City School boundaries based on the following order: - First, students who have been a part of this program in previous years; - Second, brothers and sisters of students who have been part of this program in previous years; - Third, new applicants. 4. All applications for inter-district transfer must be submitted to
the superintendent between May 1 and June 30. If capacities have not been met, this deadline may be extended by the superintendent. Applications will be acted on by Aug. 1 and parents will be notified in writing. If accepted, parent’s/legal guardians must provide written acceptance of the transfer to the Superintendent by Aug. 10. 5. One application must be completed annually for each student who is requesting an inter-district open enrollment transfer. Even if space is available, no applications will be approved after the first full week in October. 6. In compliance with ORC3313.98, the Huron City School Board of Education will enroll students without differentiation on the basis of academic, athletic, artistic, extracurricular activity or proficiency in English. No person shall on the basis of race, color, creed national origin, sex or disability be excluded from participation in, be denied benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination un-
type of situation can arise and the district needs to react, he explained. Weis said the elementary grade levels may see the most interest in transfers into the district. Parent demographics indicate the elementary years are when friendships and relationships are developing and transfers might be easier. Fox does not expect an overwhelming demand because parents will be required to get their students to and from school. The policy reads that transfers are to provide their own transportation. With the new policy in place, for many of the same reasons students living in Huron have transferred to other districts that have similar policies, (i.e. to attend a district where a parent works, living on a border of a district where parents want their children to attend the same district as the neighborhood children; moving during the school year while keeping the students in their familiar surroundings; and several students open enrolled in other districts for their tuition-free kindergarten programs.) Huron will be able to pick up a few new students under the policy. According to Fox, the 50 students who transferred out make up only 3 percent of the total enrollment, a very low and varied percentage.
der any educational program. 7. No student will be displaced once he/she is accepted, however, assignment maybe changed in the event of unanticipated population growth before Aug. 15. 8. Enrollment in a special program (i.e. gifted, special education, other) may be limited according to space and availability. The school district may reject an applicant if the services specified on an I.E.P. are not available in the district schools. 9. The Huron City Schools is not required to institute any education program, including special education programs, to serve transfer students. 10. All approved applications for open enrollment are good for one school year only and may be discontinued at the discretion of the administration in subsequent years of Board action to discontinue the program. 11. In the event that more students apply for a program/grade
See Policy 2A
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