Huron Hometown News - March 31, 2011

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Huron Tigers Spring Sports Preview

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Huron Market

525 Cleveland Rd. 419-433-2499


HOURS: Mon.-Fri. 7am-10pm Sat. 8am-10pm Sun. 8am-9pm

March M h 31, 2011 VOL. 6 NUMBER 28


Huron Native and Peace Corps Volunteer, Adam Carruthers, Shares His Experiences

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BY LISA YAKO On March 1, 1961, President John F. Kennedy signed an executive order that officially established the Peace Corps. President Kennedy’s vision for this new agency was “to send out volunteers to serve their country and the cause of peace by living and working in the developing world.” Over the past 50 years, more than 200,000 Americans have joined the ranks of the Peace Corps and have served in over 139 countries. The primary areas of service in these foreign lands include education, health and HIV/ AIDS, business development, environment, agriculture, and youth development. After completing his undergraduate degree in environmental policy at Bowling Green State University and working for a few years, Huron resident, Adam Carruthers, decided to join the Peace Corps. Early in 2008, Adam completed his paperwork for the Peace Corps on which he stated that he was willing to travel anywhere and help with any project except teaching English. By September 2008, Adam was in Nicaragua. He spent three months in a training program where he learned Spanish and was introduced to the agricultural methods employed in Nicaragua. Helping with agriculture was to be Adam’s primary mission, but he found himself being required to do more than he thought was possible. At the end of the three month training period, Adam was sent to La Sabaneta, a rural village of 800 residents where he was the only Englishspeaking person. For his first four months in the village, Adam lived with a host family in their cinderblock house with a dirt floor. After that time, Adam lived in his own house which was constructed of brick and which had a concrete floor. Adam’s first goal was to build the

trust of the villagers because building relationships was crucial to the success of his work in La Sabaneta. During his time there, Adam helped

Friends- (l to r) Mercedes, Nery, Adam, Rosa, Katia, and Martha. to strengthen and establish community banks, our lives with all of the choices we have.” stated improved ovens for baking purposes, created Adam. One aspect of life in America for which family gardens, and worked with local women he is immensely thankful is the availability of to increase the profits from the sale of their clean drinking water. This is a luxury that is handmade wares. Most importantly, Adam be- not found in many parts of the world. All in all, came involved in the lives of many of the vil- Adam truly enjoyed his experience in the Peace Corps and has benefited in unimaginable ways. lagers. ________ After living amongst the people of La Sabaneta for two years, Adam returned to Huron in If you are interested in learning more about December 2010. Adam was moved by the fact Adam Carruthers’ experiences in the Peace that he had made such a mark on the villagers’ Corps, you can hear him speak at St. Peter’s lives during those two years that they did not Church on Thursday, April 7 at 7:00 PM. For want him to leave. Adam has yet to realize the information, contact Jane Miller at 419-433depth to which this experience has affected him, 3543.

Sunday Afternoon at Old Woman Creek

Huron Playhouse Announces New Status and Board THE SHOW WILL GO ON! The Huron Playhouse, Ohio’s oldest continuously running summer

The Playhouse also established its Board of Directors with the appointment of Mark Koch as

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Wine of the Week

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Newly formed Board of Directors for The Huron Playhouse, Inc. Pictured from left to right: Mark Koch, president; Sue Cloak, Secretary; Jann Graham Glann, Artistic and Managing Director, Jackie Mayer, director at-large, John O. Bacon, Vice-President/Treasurer. Not pictured: Rob Smith, director at-large. theatre, is planning for the future. For 62 years, the Playhouse has operated in Huron under the guidance of the Theatre Department of Bowling Green State University. However, for its 63rd consecutive season The Huron Playhouse is now an independent non-profit corporation operating under a local Board of Directors and management. In August of 2010, The Huron Playhouse filed the Initial Articles of Incorporation with the State of Ohio and recently received approval from the IRS to act as a charitable 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. These actions enable the Playhouse to assemble the 2011 summer season and to accept taxexempt donations from individual and business supporters.

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but he has come to the realization that life in America is not inherently better than life in Nicaragua. “In some sense, we have complicated

President, John O. Bacon as Vice President and Treasurer, Sue Cloak as Secretary and Jackie Mayer and Rob Smith as at-large Directors. The Board then selected Jann Graham Glann to continue as the Artistic and Managing Director and Frank W. Glann as Associate Director. The Board and staff are currently working on the final arrangements for the 2011 season and in the near future will be announcing ticket prices and the specific shows and schedule. For additional information or to make a donation, please contact any Board member or Jann Graham Glann at: The Huron Playhouse, Inc., P.O. Box 487, Huron, OH 44839, 419 433-3503, jglann@


BY LISA YAKO The trees groaned with the force of the wind as my husband and I began our journey on the trails at Old Woman Creek National Estuarine Reserve in Huron. The first signs of spring were apparent along the trail, with the small splashes of green that had emerged from below last year’s fallen leaves and the birds that flitted about in anticipation. The air was brisk, but the hope that comes with the change of seasons was upon us. As we walked along the paved trail, we stopped often to identify birds. In our brief walk, we encountered the following species: bald eagle, redtailed hawk, turkey vulture, blackcapped chickadee, tufted titmouse, Canada goose, blue jay, red-winged blackbird, downy woodpecker, redbellied woodpecker, American crow, great blue heron, and eastern phoebe. We were also delighted to view a muskrat meandering along while we stood at the observation deck. Huron and the surrounding communities boast many natural areas, but my favorite place to escape has always been Old Woman Creek. Old Woman Creek is unique in that it was the first Great Lakes freshwater estuary in the National Estuarine Research Reserve System. Designated in 1980, Old Woman Creek, which encompasses 571 acres, is managed as a cooperative partnership between the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and the Ohio Department of Natural Resources, Division of Wildlife. Interestingly, Old Woman Creek was the only freshwater estuarine reserve in the NOAA system until 2010 when the Lake Superior National Estuarine Research Reserve in Wisconsin was welcomed into the reserve system. Having these two freshwater

systems in the estuarine reserve system is exceptional in that an estuary is defined as a place where freshwa-

ter and saltwater meets. These two freshwater reserves qualify as estuaries because there are distinctive characteristics (e.g. chemistry) of the water in the wetland versus the lake into which it empties. Old Woman Creek Reserve has welcomed researches from all fifty states. According to NOAA, “the purpose of the Old Woman Creek research program has been to identify the various components and processes within this freshwater estuary and to determine the role of this and other estuarine areas within the Great Lakes ecosystem. The program is also developing a database that can be used to evaluate the subtle, long-range changes in the Lake Erie system.” The research at Old Woman Creek is critical to our understanding of the role of wetlands in ecosystem processes, particularly because Ohio has drained nearly 90% of its wetlands. I encourage everyone to take advantage of this natural jewel that we have right here in Huron. Throughout the summer and fall, Old Woman Creek offers various programs that give you the opportunity to explore the estuary and learn something about it. There are also guided canoe trips that allow you to explore the wetland itself. More information can be found at the Old Woman Creek web site.

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