Senior Awarded Community Service Scholarship
Varsity Softball Team Has High Hopes for 2010
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April 1, 2010 Vol. 5 Number 29
McCormick’s Academic Challenge Team Takes Tri-County Title
Around Town Page 2
The McCormick Middle School eighth-grade Academic Challenge team brought home the Tri-County title last week after upsetting Norwalk and Oak Harbor at Bowling Green State University Firelands Campus. Norwalk’s three-year winning streak came to an abrupt end when challenged by McCormick’s “magnificent eight,” a team made up of: Abby Wiseman, Morgan Odell, Benji Battiste, Jordan Stutzman, Kris Horman, Kevin Tomczyk, Spencer Maddox, and Will Koenig. The team had advanced to the TriCounty Competition after sweeping the Erie County competition on March 11. The seven schools in Erie County that make up the Sandusky Bay Conference competed on that day, with McCormick’s eighthgrade Team taking first place. Academic Challenge is all about “knowing trivia in five different areas: math, language arts, science, social studies and fine arts,” explained team member Emily Wiseman. The diverse team is comprised of eight witty students – all of whom
Easter Bunny Helps Others
—————— Church Chat & Gardening Page 3 —————— Library,
clearly like to have fun. Outside of proved beneficial for both teams. Academic Challenge Team wanted the Academic Challenge team these The seventh-grade team also did to thank their teacher, Mrs. Sherry students are representatives from very well, tying for second place in Rowen, and their principal, Mr. other areas of the McCormick fam- the Erie County competition. Chad Carter, for helping them to ily, which include: National Junior “We hope to continue our success achieve their goal of obtaining the Honor Society; Student Council; in High School,” said Spencer Mad- title “Champions of Champions!” Power of the Pen; Honorary March- dox. The entire McCormick Eighth ing Band; Cross Country; Track; Soccer; Football; Bowling; Wrestling; and there is even a unicyclist in the group. Aside from their diversity and their desire to have fun, they are motivated to succeed. Will Koenig mentioned practicing with the quiz sheets and the buzzers offered the team success; Emily Wisman felt balancing the team’s strengths and weaknesses also contributed to their first-place title. The team agreed that The McCormick Middle School Eighth-grade Academic Challenge team the weekly practice for made up of (sitting) Abby Wiseman and Morgan Odell; (standing) the past four months were Benji Battiste; Jordan Stutzman; Kris Horman; Kevin Tomczyk; Spenwell worth it and prac- cer Maddox; and Will Koenig won the Tri-County Competition against tice competitions against Oak Harbor and Norwalk at Bowling Green State University’s Firelands the seventh-grade team campus. (Submitted photo)
Clear skies and cool temperatures made for a were collected and donated to the food pantry perfect forecast for the Easter Bunny to make at Lighthouse Church. its annual appearance in Huron on Saturday. The morning was complete as it was kicked Over 175 children ranging between the ages off with a community Pancake Breakfast of two and eight participated in the Huron Parks & Recreation Egg Hunt Saturday morning at the Boat Basin. This number is up from previous years. “We have been lucky with the weather and we look forward to expanding next year,” stated Brian Croucher, Program Coordinator for Huron Parks & Recreation. New this year, Magician Greg Carson entertained people of all ages with his exciting magic and thrilling tricks. Several cartons of canned foods
Nikolajev. The family received over $6,000 in donations from the breakfast combined with additional donations from the Lion’s Club, Stein Hospice, Huron Parks & Recreation, and Huron Presbyterian Church and other members of the community to help Vic’s son fight against Batten Disease (Neuronal Ceroid Lipofuscinosis). Vic has been a dedicated mail carrier in Huron since 1994 with his route in the Wexford/Cleveland Road area and formerly in the Old Plat and Oklahoma areas. Over 400 people had attended and contributed to the pancake breakfast.
Parks & Rec sponsored by the Lion’s Club and Stein Hospice at the Presbyterian Church. This year’s breakfast was a little different from past years. All of the proceeds from the breakfast were donated to the family of Vic
& Taxes Page 4 —————— Schools Page 5-6 —————— Sports & Health Page 6 —————— Classifieds Page 7 Carol's
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Habitat for Humanity Seeks Homeowners Firelands Habitat for Humanity is looking for individuals or families in the Huron area who might qualify to be Habitat homeowners. An informational meeting will be held at 10:30 a.m. Tuesday, April 13 at Huron County Job and Family Services, 185 Shady Lane, Norwalk; or 5:30 p.m. Tuesday, April 20 at Your Job Store, Sandusky. Those interested in learning more about the program can call 419-433-2609 or 1-877-374-3487. Habitat for Humanity is a home ownership program working in partnership with low income individuals or families. Participants are chosen for the program on the basis of three criteria: Need – They must have a need for housing. This can be anything from structural problems to overcrowding to excessive costs for existing space. Ability to pay – The program is geared toward individuals and families who fall within the range of 30 to 60 percent of HUD median income limits. For a family of four in Erie County, the income
range would be $19,000-$38,000. of “sweat equity” labor, attending topics and helping to build houses The family must demonstrate an workshops on homeowner-related of others as well as their own. ability to make a timely monthly Ground Blessing needed: Women looking and Saturdays. Habitat mortgage payCeremony: In conjunction for fun with purpose and ReStore accepts and recycles ment including with seven Norwalk church- meaning to share are invited new or used building and escrow for taxes es, Firelands Habitat for to joing Habitat’s 6th Women remodeling materials that and insurance. Humanity will be hosting a Build home to be construct- are in good condition, in an This housing exground blessing ceremony ed in Norwalk this summer. effort to save landfill cost as pense is estimatat noon, Saturday, April 17 Women Build is a program well as provide a tax deduced to be $375at the site of the upcoming of Habitat for Humanity tion. Items that are espe$400/ month. build, 36 W. Willard Ave, International sponsored by cially needed are doors, winWhen construcNorwalk. Anyone who Lowes Corporation. The dows, cabinets (kitchen or tion is complete attends this community local Firelands Habitat is other) and working appliand requireevent is invited to bring a recruiting women volunteers ances (that are not more ments have been shovel to participate in the who desire to learn how to than 10 years old). ReStore met, the home is service. The churches partbuild simple, decent homes. provides donation pickup sold to the indinering in this project are: No experience is necessary. services once a week when vidual or family First Presbyterian Church; For more information, call scheduled in advance. with a mortgage Foundation Church; Maple 419-433-2609 or 1-877Restore sells these items to written at 0 perCity Church of God; Norwalk 374-3487. the public at 50 to 70 percent interest for First Presbyterian Church; St cent off retail prices. All a period not to Paul Catholic Church; St Firelands Habitat for profits from sales go into exceed 25 years. Paul Episcopal Church; and Humanity-ReStore: Habitat’s building program. Wi l l i n g n e s s St Peter Lutheran Church. Firelands Habitat for For more information, call to Partner – the Refreshments and fellowship Humanity ReStore, 11001 419-602-1205 between the family must will follow the service. Route 250, Milan, Ohio is hours of 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. agree to put in open from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. or visit www.firelandshabibetween 400 Women Build Volunteers weekly on Thursdays, Fridays and 500 hours
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