Huron Hometown News - June 3, 2010

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EHOVE Instructor Awarded

Students Find Gold

Hemmingers Honored for Contribution





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June 3, 2010 Vol. 5 Number 38


Huron River Fest Pays Back Community

Around Town Page 2 —————— Milestones & Church Chat, Health & Wellness Page 3 —————— Library, Parks & Rec & Gardening Page 4 —————— Schools Page 5-6 —————— Sports Page6 —————— Health & Wellness Classifieds Page 8 Carol's

Wine of the Week

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Over the past five years, the Huron River Fest installing fencing, removing trash and man- sponsors in-trade assisting organization, the Committee has paid local groups, civic, school, ning ticket booths. The following groups or costs would be much greater for the weekend and church organizations about $25,325 com- organizations are a random sampling that has and there would be much less to pay the local made a profit over the years from work- groups and organizations that work during the ing the festival: HHS Student Council; weekend. Girl Scouts; HHS National Honor Soci“The opportunity to give back to the comety; Huron Parks and Recreation; Huron munity would not be as great if it were not for Band; Huron Chamber of Commerce; our sponsors in-trade,” Fawcett said. First Presbyterian Church; and members The River Fest Committee is run by volunteers, of the Huron Swim Team. therefore, all of the proceeds of the weekend are This past year, the Huron Boat Basin re- returned to the community in one way or anceived a donation of a new vinyl cover for other. Anyone interested in volunteering on this the canopy over the stage at the amphithe- committee, or who has a group or organization ater from the committee. “This donation looking to make a little extra money this sumwas made to the Boat Basin facility as a mer, should go to way of saying ‘Thank You’ for the endless hours they donate to the festival weekend every year,” said Sue Fawcett, president of the Huron River Fest Huron River Fest Gets New Look Committee. The metal structure The Huron River Fest Committee has launched a new and original cover for the canopy marketing plan for the 2010 festival. A new logo has was purchased about 10 years ago been designed, and a Web site has been added for the by the Lion’s Club. The new cover convenience of the sponsors, vendors, visitors and the has both the Lion’s Club logo and Huron community. On the Web site’s homepage there the new River Fest logo on it as a symbol of community. is a complete list of the 2010 Schedule of Events includThe $25,325 community paying this year’s entertainment lineback does not reflect the income up and the 2010 River Fest made by other local businesses sponsors. This year’s event is being held July 9-11. Members of a few of the different groups and organizations during the fesAlso, new this year are the who have earned money over the years are tival weekend, such as charging Sponsorship Levels. A Gold pictured in the photo. Coming down the for use of private parking lots, stairs are: Dave Zimmerman, Lion’s Club; selling rotators, beer or other sponsor, for $250, includes a Billy Graves, Huron Band; Ben Washburn, food items, or duck races and logo on the poster, a link on the Huron Band; Rachel Stelzer, HHS Student other planned activities that take Web site and inclusion in River Fest Council; Sue Fawcett, President of the Hu- place in conjunction with the responsorship radio advertising during the f e s t i va l ron River Fest Committee; (back row) Doug union weekend. weekend. A Silver sponsor, for $100, includes a listing Fortunately for the River Fest Steinwart, Huron Boat Basin and Sheila Ehon the poster, a listing on the Web site and inclusion in Organization and the Huron rhardt, Huron Chamber of Commerce. the radio advertising during the festival weekend. Log Community, several sponsors on to for more information. bined for assistance with the annual festival of the festival weekend are sponsors Also, the Huron River Fest Committee is helping to weekend. Groups and organizations have in-trade. The sponsors in-trade freadvertise class reunions this year for those planning earned money from River Fest Inc. by working quently includes the radio stations, one. The coordinator’s contact information will be listed different areas of the festival. This year’s event the newspapers and other service on the Web site for $25. Log on to www.huronriverfest. organizations. These groups make is being held July 9-11. com and contact anyone of the committee members for The River Fest Committee reaches out to dif- such a great commitment to the River more information. ferent groups and organizations to assist with Fest weekend that without these loyal

Slider Makes Water Safety Day a Real Splash The 4th Annual Water Safety Day celebration took place at the Huron Boat Basin last Thursday as a special guest visitor stopped by to present the 1000th life jacket. Slider from the Cleveland Indians dropped in to help share with the third and fourth grade students of Huron the importance of Water Safety. The Water Safety Day message was shared for over the 1,000th time as the 1,000th free life jacket was handed out this year to the participating students. Sara Lundy was the lucky fourth grade student from Woodlands Intermediate School to wear and take home the 1000th life jacket. “We are extremely thrilled this program has escalated and developed into what it is today...the students receive hands on approach to the importance of Water Safety,” stated Christine Crawford of the The Chapman Insurance Group. The Water Safety Day program is designed for the students to absorb as much water safety information as possible. The United States Coast Guard had participated in the event by sharing with the students one of their helicopters and a Coast Guard Cutter. The students were able to board both the aircraft and the vessel and ask questions and interact with the crew. U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary members were on hand to assist with all different aspects of the day. Auxiliary members assisted with everything from helping to make sure life jackets were a proper fit on the students, to making sure teachers and students knew where to go and what to do, to distributing goody bags, to teaching students how to tie different types of knots. The Huron Fire Department also participated in the event. The Underwater Recovery Team performed an underwater demonstration for the students while firefighters demonstrated rescue techniques with life rings and

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hooks. The students were allowed to practice pulling the firefighters to safety with the actual equipment. Ohio Department of Natural Resources and the Huron Police Department worked together as a team to teach the students about the different types of personal flotation devices and the proper way to throw them. A little fun was had during the process as relay teams were formed to see who could throw more accurately. The competition stiffened when the girls were able

The Cleveland Indians mascot, Slider, sporting an ODNR life jacket, stops by Water Safety Day to help Mayor Marilyn Shearer deliver a proclamation declaring May 27, 2010 as Water Safety Day in Huron, Ohio.







to out throw the boys. Fish Huron made an appearance this year at WSD. Doug Studer and Don Ritzenthaler spoke to the students about the different types of fish in Lake Erie and the proper lures and nets that should be used. Tory Gabriel from the Ohio Sea Grant also gave a presentation about aquatic invasive species in the Lake. Students were able to learn the importance of these species and what can be done to help protect them. The students enjoyed a little snack at the Huron Yacht Club while learning some very important First Aid basics by the American Red Cross. Denise taught these basics through a questions and answers game that made learning fun for the kids. This fun filled day was made possible by significant contributions by the following individuals, businesses and groups: The Chapman Insurance Group, Huron Fire Department, Huron Eagles, Harbor North, South Shore Marine, Ralph & Bette Smith, Wal-Mart of Sandusky, Kohls of Sandusky, Paul Berlin, Phyllis Wassner, Jim Tremelling, Huron Police Dept, Huron Parks & Recreation, HYC Ladies Auxiliary, USCG Auxiliary 09E-06-05, US Coast Guard Station Marblehead, Cottage Designs, Ohio Sea Grant Program, ODNR-Div of Watercraft, American Red Cross, MetLife Auto & Home, City of Huron, Huron Township, North Coast Prop Tech, Huron Pizza House and Fish Huron. “We are always so excited to be a part of such an important educational day. With Huron being a waterfront and riverside community, WATER SAFETY cannot be stressed enough. Teaching kids the importance of awareness when they are around the water, and having fun at the same time…is a perfect mix for a great day!” stated Christine Crawford of The Chapman Insurance Group.






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