Survival Reads Ready. Set. Play! Arcade Age Exhibit

I Am Still Alive
Kate Alice Marshall
Jess is alone with a burned down cabin. It’s freezing outside. She must survive to avenge her father.

by Johnathan David Hill
After an earthquake hits the Cascadia fault line, life as we know it is changed forever.

All That’s Left in the World by
Erik J. Brown
A postapocalyptic, queer adventure that screams What If It’s Us meets They Both Die at the End

by Megan E. Freeman
Perfect for fans of Hatchet and the I Survived series, this novel-in-verse tells the story of a young girl who wakes up one day utterly alone...

Do you have what it takes to earn a high score on some of the most iconic arcade games, including Tetris, Pong, Pac-Man, Street Fighter 2 and more?
Check out The Arcade Age exhibit at the Central Library! The exhibit will be available in Commons until January 5th, and you can explore the history of video games through informational posters and gameplay.
The Arcade Age exhibit tells the story of video arcade games from the pioneers in the early ‘40s and ’50s to the golden age in the late ‘70s and early ’80s all the way to its crash, revival, and ultimate decline in the ‘90s.
The exhibit tells the story of the creative and innovative people who explored groundbreaking technologies, the games that sprung from their ingenuity, and a culture that was
shaped by their developments. This is a display you do not want to miss!
Did you also know that playing video games can decrease feelings of loneliness and isolation by allowing people to travel vast virtual spaces while their real-world space might be restricted? Video games can also bring comfort and encourage collaborative thinking, along with building problem-solving skills.
All of the games in this exhibit are free to play and set to free-play, meaning you can come in and play any time the Library is open without worrying about having enough hearts or enough quarters. The twelve games will be stationed throughout the Library for players of all ages, so bring your friends and family to battle it out for the highest score! Teen Services: • (847) 923-3240