er 1996
Walnut Greens, Summ
Schaumburg Golf Club Construction, May 1992.
Schaumb u William T rg Airport Dedicati ucknott, C o ommissio n, June 1998. L to Nancy Wro R: Comm ner Dave b le w s k i, is Jo Brandenb C urg and E ommissioner Mik hnson, Commiss sioner e io xecutive Director J Daniels, Commis ner sioner Jo erry Hand hn lon
Childhood phard Early Patricia She ion, May 1994. L to R: at Center Dedic d Jim Shephar Patricia and
Volkening Heritage Farm Grand Ope ning, Oct. 1997. L to R: Schaumburg Park Foundation Trustee Glenn Szur got, Commissioner John Brandenburg, Commissioner Mike Daniels, Commiss ioner Dave Johnson, Carrie Volkenin g (with family members behind), Scha umburg Park Foundation Trustee Marg e Connelly and Executive Director Jerr y Handlon
Schaumburg Heritage Farm, Winter 1993.
Board of Commissioners Mike Daniels Sharon DiMaria Dave Johnson George Longmeyer Bob Schmidt
Tony LaFrenere, Executive Director
A Pictorial History
1990 - 2000
Michael P. (Commis Doherty Park D e sioner 1 971-1983 dication, May 19 93. Pictu ) and fam red, Mic ily ha
Schaumburg Park District – The Nineties
el Dohert
The Schaumburg Park District continued to expand in the 1990s. In 1995 the District received its second Gold Medal Award for Excellence in Park District Management. The District recognized its forefathers (and foremother) by dedicating Mraz Park, Doherty Park, McLemore Park, MacIntyre Park and Connelly Park. Recreation facilities grew with the opening of Woodfield Lake Fitness Club in 1991, Schaumburg Golf Club in 1992, The Water Works in 1995, Olympic Park in 1996 and Schaumburg Tennis Plus in 1998. Baseball and airplanes came to Schaumburg with the opening of the Schaumburg Baseball Stadium and Schaumburg Regional Airport in 1998. Spring Valley’s Volkening Heritage Farm developed greatly in the 90s to foster a sense of local history. An old-fashioned barn raising in 1993 led to the site’s grand opening and dedication in 1997. The early childhood program thrived with the opening of an early childhood center in 1992. The center was named the Pat Shephard Early Childhood Center in 1994, memorializing the District’s early childhood supervisor. Following the expansion of educational programs for children, Safety Park opened in 1998 and was named for former Schaumburg Police Chief Ken Alley in 1999.
oner : Commissi 1993. L to R b Bock, Former ay M , n io at Park Dedic sioner (1963-1977) Bo nott, Former McLemore Douglas O. burg, Former Commis issioner William Tuck missioner en emore, Com herty, Comm John Brand Michael Do 77-1983) Douglas McL er n o si is m & 19 Com elly ner (1972-73 issioner Marge Conn Commissio m m o C d an n Dave Johnso
The Water Works, Fall 1996 e
Right Choic xercise the 997 E to . .E .R D.A n. 1 e Show, Ja Cable Gam
SPD 1995 Nat ional Gold Med & 1984-2000) al Winner. L to Jo R Tucknott, Com hn Brandenburg, Commis : Commissioner (1969-1981 sioner (1981missioner (197 2003) William (1985-2007) N ancy Wroblew 3-Present) Dave Johnson, Commissioner ski and Comm Daniels issioner (1995Present) Mike
, Oct. 1996.
e Heritage Farm
st Fest at th Autumn Harve
• Grand Opening of New Administration Building • Woodfield Lake Fitness Club Opened • Grand Opening of Woodfield Lake Fitness Club • Mraz Park Dedicated
1990 1991
• Early Childhood Center Opened
• Heritage Farm Barn Raising • Grand Opening of Schaumburg Golf Club • Maintenance Building Dedicated • Doherty Park Dedicated • Dedication of Pat • McLemore Park Dedicated Shephard Early
Childhood Center • MacIntyre Park Dedicated
1992 1993
Schaumburg Golf Club Grand Opening , Sept. 1993. L to R: (1978-2004) Jerry Handlon, Assistan Executive Director t Director Jerry Ba 1995) Marge Conn er, Commissioner elly, Golf Club Mana (1983 ger Pepi Irwin, Co Wroblewski, Comm mmissioner Nancy iss Commissioner John ioner William Tucknott, Commission er Brandenburg and former Golf Club Ma Dave Johnson, Merenda nager Vince
ioner R: MWRD Commiss ation, July 1996. L to denburg, Commissioner Olympic Park Dedic an mmissioner John Br ioner Thomas S. Fuller, Co Wroblewski Commiss mmissioner Nancy Co tt, ls nie William Tuckno Da Commissioner Mike Dave Johnson and
• Grand Opening and Dedication of The Water Works • Farm Officially Renamed Volkening Heritage Farm • Park District Receives Second Gold Medal Award for Excellence in Park District Management
• Connelly Park Dedicated • Grand Opening and Dedication of Olympic 1996 Park
1994 1995
• Grand Opening and Dedication of Volkening Heritage Farm • Veterans Park Dedicated
• Safety Park Opened • Schaumburg Tennis Plus Opened • Schaumburg Airport Opened • Schaumburg Baseball Stadium Opened • Dedication of Ken Alley Safety Park
1998 1999
Michael P. (Commis Doherty Park D e sioner 1 971-1983 dication, May 19 93. Pictu ) and fam red, Mic ily ha
Schaumburg Park District – The Nineties
el Dohert
The Schaumburg Park District continued to expand in the 1990s. In 1995 the District received its second Gold Medal Award for Excellence in Park District Management. The District recognized its forefathers (and foremother) by dedicating Mraz Park, Doherty Park, McLemore Park, MacIntyre Park and Connelly Park. Recreation facilities grew with the opening of Woodfield Lake Fitness Club in 1991, Schaumburg Golf Club in 1992, The Water Works in 1995, Olympic Park in 1996 and Schaumburg Tennis Plus in 1998. Baseball and airplanes came to Schaumburg with the opening of the Schaumburg Baseball Stadium and Schaumburg Regional Airport in 1998. Spring Valley’s Volkening Heritage Farm developed greatly in the 90s to foster a sense of local history. An old-fashioned barn raising in 1993 led to the site’s grand opening and dedication in 1997. The early childhood program thrived with the opening of an early childhood center in 1992. The center was named the Pat Shephard Early Childhood Center in 1994, memorializing the District’s early childhood supervisor. Following the expansion of educational programs for children, Safety Park opened in 1998 and was named for former Schaumburg Police Chief Ken Alley in 1999.
oner : Commissi 1993. L to R b Bock, Former ay M , n io at Park Dedic sioner (1963-1977) Bo nott, Former McLemore Douglas O. burg, Former Commis issioner William Tuck missioner en emore, Com herty, Comm John Brand Michael Do 77-1983) Douglas McL er n o si is m & 19 Com elly ner (1972-73 issioner Marge Conn Commissio m m o C d an n Dave Johnso
The Water Works, Fall 1996 e
Right Choic xercise the 997 E to . .E .R D.A n. 1 e Show, Ja Cable Gam
SPD 1995 Nat ional Gold Med & 1984-2000) al Winner. L to Jo R Tucknott, Com hn Brandenburg, Commis : Commissioner (1969-1981 sioner (1981missioner (197 2003) William (1985-2007) N ancy Wroblew 3-Present) Dave Johnson, Commissioner ski and Comm Daniels issioner (1995Present) Mike
, Oct. 1996.
e Heritage Farm
st Fest at th Autumn Harve
• Grand Opening of New Administration Building • Woodfield Lake Fitness Club Opened • Grand Opening of Woodfield Lake Fitness Club • Mraz Park Dedicated
1990 1991
• Early Childhood Center Opened
• Heritage Farm Barn Raising • Grand Opening of Schaumburg Golf Club • Maintenance Building Dedicated • Doherty Park Dedicated • Dedication of Pat • McLemore Park Dedicated Shephard Early
Childhood Center • MacIntyre Park Dedicated
1992 1993
Schaumburg Golf Club Grand Opening , Sept. 1993. L to R: (1978-2004) Jerry Handlon, Assistan Executive Director t Director Jerry Ba 1995) Marge Conn er, Commissioner elly, Golf Club Mana (1983 ger Pepi Irwin, Co Wroblewski, Comm mmissioner Nancy iss Commissioner John ioner William Tucknott, Commission er Brandenburg and former Golf Club Ma Dave Johnson, Merenda nager Vince
ioner R: MWRD Commiss ation, July 1996. L to denburg, Commissioner Olympic Park Dedic an mmissioner John Br ioner Thomas S. Fuller, Co Wroblewski Commiss mmissioner Nancy Co tt, ls nie William Tuckno Da Commissioner Mike Dave Johnson and
• Grand Opening and Dedication of The Water Works • Farm Officially Renamed Volkening Heritage Farm • Park District Receives Second Gold Medal Award for Excellence in Park District Management
• Connelly Park Dedicated • Grand Opening and Dedication of Olympic 1996 Park
1994 1995
• Grand Opening and Dedication of Volkening Heritage Farm • Veterans Park Dedicated
• Safety Park Opened • Schaumburg Tennis Plus Opened • Schaumburg Airport Opened • Schaumburg Baseball Stadium Opened • Dedication of Ken Alley Safety Park
1998 1999
er 1996
Walnut Greens, Summ
Schaumburg Golf Club Construction, May 1992.
Schaumb u William T rg Airport Dedicati ucknott, C o ommissio n, June 1998. L to Nancy Wro R: Comm ner Dave b le w s k i, is Jo Brandenb C urg and E ommissioner Mik hnson, Commiss sioner e io xecutive Director J Daniels, Commis ner sioner Jo erry Hand hn lon
Childhood phard Early Patricia She ion, May 1994. L to R: at Center Dedic d Jim Shephar Patricia and
Volkening Heritage Farm Grand Ope ning, Oct. 1997. L to R: Schaumburg Park Foundation Trustee Glenn Szur got, Commissioner John Brandenburg, Commissioner Mike Daniels, Commiss ioner Dave Johnson, Carrie Volkenin g (with family members behind), Scha umburg Park Foundation Trustee Marg e Connelly and Executive Director Jerr y Handlon
Schaumburg Heritage Farm, Winter 1993.
Board of Commissioners Mike Daniels Sharon DiMaria Dave Johnson George Longmeyer Bob Schmidt
Tony LaFrenere, Executive Director
A Pictorial History
1990 - 2000