Sport Center, Opened October 2003
at on the Farm Springtime ritage Farm, He Volkening 0 1 0 2 l Apri
Kay Wojcik Conservation Area at Oak Hollow Dedication, May 2009. L to R: Mr. Norbert Wojcik, Kay Wojcik (former Illinois Senator), Ted Flickingg er (retire Chief Executive of IAPD), Com missioner Bob Schmidt, Commissioner Mike Daniels, Commiss ioner Dave Johnson, Commissioner George Longmeyer, Commissioner Sharon DiMaria and Executive Director Jean Schlinkmann
April 2013. SPD Volunteer Reception,
Thank you volunteers for 50
years of service.
Synthetic T u Soccer Fie rf ld Installed a s t Olympic P ark, Summer 2 008.
Atcher Island, Opened Summer 2005
Meineke Recreation Center Renovation Completed 2010.
Board of Commissioners Mike Daniels Sharon DiMaria Dave Johnson George Longmeyer Bob Schmidt
Tony LaFrenere, Executive Director
A Pictorial History
Schaumburg Park District – 2000 to Today
SPD for m Dodgeb s the Nationa l Amate all Asso ur first ann c ual Dod iation in 2000. champio The geball D a nships takes p ys National lace tha t July.
Growth, dedications and renovations continued in the 2000s. The District received its third Gold Medal for Excellence in Park District Management in 2004 and achieved Distinguished Agency Accreditation in 2010.
The District recognized key figures in its history dedicating Atcher Island Water Park in 2005, Russ Parker Park in 2006, Jerry Handlon Administration Building in 2004, Kay Wojcik Conservation at Oak Hollow in 2009, John Selke Waterfront at Volkening Lake in 2009 and the Macnider Cross Country Course at Hoover Park in 2011. Sport facilities and programs grew with the launch of Dodgeball Days and the establishment of the National Amateur Dodgeball Association in 2000; the opening of the Sport Center, a 110,000 sq.ft. indoor sports facility, in 2003; Nancy Wroblewski Skate Park at Olympic Park in 2007; and synthetic fields at Olympic Park in 2008. The District’s pools underwent improvements with the opening of Atcher Island Water Park, construction of a lap pool at Schaumburg Tennis Plus in 2005, and the grand re-opening of The Water Works in 2007. In 2010, renovations were complete at Meineke Recreation Center. Tribute Park at Volkening Lake opened in 2012 to commemorate and honor memories, special events and achievements of Schaumburg residents and others who make a positive impact on the community. The Schaumburg Park Foundation funded the renovation of the Nature Museum at Spring Valley in 2013.
R: Commission Agency in 2010. L to ed dit cre Ac d he uis SPD awarded Disting utive Director Jean Schlinkmann Exec Dave Johnson and
ter Par
nd Wa
Isla Atcher
ed Su k Open
Commissioner ng, October 2003. L to R: Sport Center Grand Openi mmissioner Co ls, nie Da e issioner Mik issioner George Longmeyer, Comm mm Co t, issioner Bob Schmid Nancy Wroblewski, Comm Director (1978-2004) Jerry Handlon ive Dave Johnson and Execut
lass, October
Youth Ballet C
• Jerry Handlon Administration Building Dedication • Park District Receives Third Gold Medal Award for Excellence in Park District Management
• STP Lap Pool Opened • Atcher Island Water Park Dedication
• Sport Center Dedication
2002 2001
Spring Valley Natu re Museum Grand Re-opening, Februa L to R: Schaumbu ry 2013. rg Park Foundatio n Trustees Suzann Jason Mitchell, Br e Poeschel, ian Bieschke, Pete Justen, Commission Trustee Bob Schm er/S idt, James Dolbeare an SPF Trustees Bill Tucknott, Glenn Sz PF d Commissioner/S urgot, PF Trustee Dave Jo hnson
• Inaugural Dodgeball Days Tournament
ed Spring 2012
lkening Lake, Open
Tribute Park at Vo
SPD 2004 National Gold Medal Winner. Back row , L to R: Superintendent Recreation Vince Kenne of dy, Division Manager Da ve Haring, Assistant Dir Otto, Business Manager ector Dan Steve Burgess, Director of Communications Pat Front row, L to R: Comm Casler; issioner (1995-Present) Mike Daniels, Commission (1973-Present) Dave Joh er nson, Executive Director (2004-2012) Jean Schlink Commissioner (1985-200 mann, 7) Nancy Wroblewski, Co mmissioner (2003-Presen Schmidt and Commission t) Bob er (2000-Present) Georg e Longmeyer
2004 2003
• The Water Works Renovated Grand Re-opening • Nancy Wroblewski Skate Park Opened at Olympic Park • Russ Parker Park Dedicated
• Meineke Recreation Center Renovation Grand Re-opening • Park District Awarded Distinguished Accredited Agency
• Kay Wojcik Conservation Area at Oak Hollow Dedicated • John Selke Waterfront at Volkening Lake Dedicated
• Synthetic Fields at Olympic Park Dedicated
• Macnider Cross Country Course at Hoover Park Dedicated
2010 2009
• Tribute Park at Volkening Lake Opened • Spring Valley Nature Museum Renovation Grand Re-opening
2012 2011
Schaumburg Park District – 2000 to Today
SPD for m Dodgeb s the Nationa l Amate all Asso ur first ann c ual Dod iation in 2000. champio The geball D a nships takes p ys National lace tha t July.
Growth, dedications and renovations continued in the 2000s. The District received its third Gold Medal for Excellence in Park District Management in 2004 and achieved Distinguished Agency Accreditation in 2010.
The District recognized key figures in its history dedicating Atcher Island Water Park in 2005, Russ Parker Park in 2006, Jerry Handlon Administration Building in 2004, Kay Wojcik Conservation at Oak Hollow in 2009, John Selke Waterfront at Volkening Lake in 2009 and the Macnider Cross Country Course at Hoover Park in 2011. Sport facilities and programs grew with the launch of Dodgeball Days and the establishment of the National Amateur Dodgeball Association in 2000; the opening of the Sport Center, a 110,000 sq.ft. indoor sports facility, in 2003; Nancy Wroblewski Skate Park at Olympic Park in 2007; and synthetic fields at Olympic Park in 2008. The District’s pools underwent improvements with the opening of Atcher Island Water Park, construction of a lap pool at Schaumburg Tennis Plus in 2005, and the grand re-opening of The Water Works in 2007. In 2010, renovations were complete at Meineke Recreation Center. Tribute Park at Volkening Lake opened in 2012 to commemorate and honor memories, special events and achievements of Schaumburg residents and others who make a positive impact on the community. The Schaumburg Park Foundation funded the renovation of the Nature Museum at Spring Valley in 2013.
R: Commission Agency in 2010. L to ed dit cre Ac d he uis SPD awarded Disting utive Director Jean Schlinkmann Exec Dave Johnson and
ter Par
nd Wa
Isla Atcher
ed Su k Open
Commissioner ng, October 2003. L to R: Sport Center Grand Openi mmissioner Co ls, nie Da e issioner Mik issioner George Longmeyer, Comm mm Co t, issioner Bob Schmid Nancy Wroblewski, Comm Director (1978-2004) Jerry Handlon ive Dave Johnson and Execut
lass, October
Youth Ballet C
• Jerry Handlon Administration Building Dedication • Park District Receives Third Gold Medal Award for Excellence in Park District Management
• STP Lap Pool Opened • Atcher Island Water Park Dedication
• Sport Center Dedication
2002 2001
Spring Valley Natu re Museum Grand Re-opening, Februa L to R: Schaumbu ry 2013. rg Park Foundatio n Trustees Suzann Jason Mitchell, Br e Poeschel, ian Bieschke, Pete Justen, Commission Trustee Bob Schm er/S idt, James Dolbeare an SPF Trustees Bill Tucknott, Glenn Sz PF d Commissioner/S urgot, PF Trustee Dave Jo hnson
• Inaugural Dodgeball Days Tournament
ed Spring 2012
lkening Lake, Open
Tribute Park at Vo
SPD 2004 National Gold Medal Winner. Back row , L to R: Superintendent Recreation Vince Kenne of dy, Division Manager Da ve Haring, Assistant Dir Otto, Business Manager ector Dan Steve Burgess, Director of Communications Pat Front row, L to R: Comm Casler; issioner (1995-Present) Mike Daniels, Commission (1973-Present) Dave Joh er nson, Executive Director (2004-2012) Jean Schlink Commissioner (1985-200 mann, 7) Nancy Wroblewski, Co mmissioner (2003-Presen Schmidt and Commission t) Bob er (2000-Present) Georg e Longmeyer
2004 2003
• The Water Works Renovated Grand Re-opening • Nancy Wroblewski Skate Park Opened at Olympic Park • Russ Parker Park Dedicated
• Meineke Recreation Center Renovation Grand Re-opening • Park District Awarded Distinguished Accredited Agency
• Kay Wojcik Conservation Area at Oak Hollow Dedicated • John Selke Waterfront at Volkening Lake Dedicated
• Synthetic Fields at Olympic Park Dedicated
• Macnider Cross Country Course at Hoover Park Dedicated
2010 2009
• Tribute Park at Volkening Lake Opened • Spring Valley Nature Museum Renovation Grand Re-opening
2012 2011
Sport Center, Opened October 2003
at on the Farm Springtime ritage Farm, He Volkening 0 1 0 2 l Apri
Kay Wojcik Conservation Area at Oak Hollow Dedication, May 2009. L to R: Mr. Norbert Wojcik, Kay Wojcik (former Illinois Senator), Ted Flickingg er (retire Chief Executive of IAPD), Com missioner Bob Schmidt, Commissioner Mike Daniels, Commiss ioner Dave Johnson, Commissioner George Longmeyer, Commissioner Sharon DiMaria and Executive Director Jean Schlinkmann
April 2013. SPD Volunteer Reception,
Thank you volunteers for 50
years of service.
Synthetic T u Soccer Fie rf ld Installed a s t Olympic P ark, Summer 2 008.
Atcher Island, Opened Summer 2005
Meineke Recreation Center Renovation Completed 2010.
Board of Commissioners Mike Daniels Sharon DiMaria Dave Johnson George Longmeyer Bob Schmidt
Tony LaFrenere, Executive Director
A Pictorial History