Construction of Mieneke Recreation Center, Circa 1970.
A Pictorial History
1963 - 1979
History of the Schaumburg Park District, Part 1
Organized in May 1963, the population of Schaumburg barely exceeded 1,000 residents and the district’s only park was Civic Park, now called Bock Park. The district had no employees in 1963, just a park board. By 1968, the first director was hired and the district’s budget was $25,000. In 1970, the district passed a $1,250,000 referendum to build Atcher Pool and the Meineke Recreation Center. In 1973 a $2,5000,000 referendum was passed to develop various neighborhood parks, construct Meineke Pool and purchase land for Spring Valley Nature Sanctuary. A 1978 referendum for $7,500,000 allowed the construction of the Community Recreation Center and the renovation of Bock Pool. It also allowed the purchase of more land for Spring Valley and park improvements. Hum, er (1969-72) Ray Right: Commission ke, Commissioner to ft Le g. kin ea br ine ion Center Ground John Brandenburg, Ellsworth Me ) Meineke Recreat issioner (1967-71 0) 969-81 & 1984-200 (1971-83) Mike Doherty and Comm (1 er Commission er ion Bock, Commiss (1963-77) Robert James Falk
One of Schaum burg‘s “Founding Fath ers” and Village Trus tee (1956-61) Ellsw orth Meineke and Bo ard Secretary (196378) Elaine Bond
ctor Executive Dire (1978-2004) Jerry Handlon
• Park District Incorporated, May 1963 • Civic Park (now Bock Park) Opens • Paul Derda, First Director (1968-78) Hired
1962 1961
1964 1963
1966 1965
1968 1967
19 1969
Commissio ne Robert Bock r
ioner Dave Johnson, er ft to Right: Commiss Le . on ati dic De rk lon and Commission Paul D. Derda Pa Director Jerry Hand ve uti ec Ex , rty he Do Commissioner Mike John Brandenburg
Hawaiian Lu
au Event, C
irca 1975
Commis (1973-p sioner re Dave J sent) ohnson
erty d Mike Doh ndenburg an ra B hn Jo s er Commission
ca 1977
vent, Cir
oors E Out-Of-D
sioner Commis erty h o D Mike
Park District Attorn ey (1963-90) Ed Mraz
• Community Recreation Center Opens
• Meineke Recreation Center Opens
• Jerry Handlon, Executive Director (1978-2004) Hired • Bock Park Dedication
• Meineke Pool Built
1972 1971
1974 1973
1976 1975
1978 1977
1980 1979
Carl Va Park D ngundy, is Emplo trict y Circa 1 ee, 9 at You 79 th Baske tb Class all
Superintenden t of Recreation (1975-77) Dwayne Hos meir
r t Directo Assistan 04) 0 (1980-2 ourek h Dan Sc
Participants in Sc 1975: Betsy Vo haumburg Park District’s May gt, David Conw fa ay and Nicki Be ir rndt
81) Joe Roberts mmissioner (1973-
Suerintendent of Parks (197381) Ron Dudley
Board of Commissioners Mike Daniels Sharon DiMaria Dave Johnson George Longmeyer Bob Schmidt
Tony LaFrenere, Executive Director