IN THIS GUIDE PARKS & DEPARTMENTRECREATIONSTAFFAdministration 10 Commercial Place, Bldg #1 Schertz, TX 78154 (210) 619-1850 Director Lauren lshrum@schertz.comShrum Parks Manager Jared jmontney@schertz.comMontney Parks Maintenance Crew Supervisor Robert rdobratz@schertz.comDobratz Recreation Manager Cassie cpaddock@schertz.comPaddock Events Specialist Analyse amiranda1@schertz.comMiranda PARKS & ADVISORYRECREATIONBOARD The Parks & Recreation Advisory Board exists to advise and make recommendations to the City Council concerning policy matters related to the establishment, maintenance, and operation of the City’s parks and recreation programs. The Board meets on the fourth Monday of every month at City Hall in the Bob Andrews Conference Room, located at 1400 Schertz Parkway. Chair Johnie McDow Members William Bosch Regina Agee Sally Macias Floy Simmons Robert Sheridan III Carol ShawnJamesYaugerGarvinMoore Jamie Acevedo (Alternate Member) Brad Snow (Alternate Member) PHOTO RELEASE The Schertz Parks & Recreation Department may videotape or take photographs of participants enrolled in recreation activities, programs, and special events. These photos and/or videotapes may be used for promotional purposes. 4 Nature Education 6 Special Events 8 Aquatics 9 Schertz Area Senior Center 10 RecreationSchertz Center 11 Youth Sports 12 ProgramsRecreation 13 SchertzVolunteer 14 Park RentalsPavilion 16 Parks Map & Trail List 18 Schertz Parks 20 Park Development 22 Trail Development 24 Schertz Public Library City of Schertz Parks & Recreation FALL 2022 / WINTER 20232

BECOME A SPONSOR Email Cassandra Paddock: (210)
The new half-mile section of the Great Northern Trail was completed and we celebrated the Grand Opening in June. The Parks team just installed new dog waste stations on the trail, and benches and signage are coming soon. We are excited about more trail opportunities that we are steadily working on, so stay tuned! This Fall, get out and explore the FUN that can be had with Schertz Parks & Recreation! 3

If you haven’t made it out to one of our Star Parties yet, join us the Saturday after Thanksgiving to marvel at the night sky. Volunteers with telescopes will be on hand to answer all your questions. In December, we’ve got lots of holiday events to enjoy the season with your family, ending with a New Year’s Eve celebration in Pickrell Park. For 2023 we’re already planning our popular Mother/Son and Daddy/Daughter Dances to be held on February 4 and we can’t wait to see you there!
The City of Schertz is committed to providing a high quality of life for our residents which includes the many events, programs, and facility rentals offered by Schertz Parks & Recreation. In order to offer a new convenience to our residents, we would like to introduce CivicRec. This new program gives you the ability to view, register, and reserve Schertz Parks & Recreation activities, events, facilities, and manage your account all in one place. Payments for programs and rentals can also be made on CivicRec.

Lauren Shrum, Director of Parks & Recreation Go to to log on to CivicRec today to join in on all of the FUN to be had! 619-1850

FROM THE DIRECTOR In Texas, we are all anxiously waiting for Fall to arrive, also known as our “second summer” on various social media memes! This fall, the ever-popular Adult Social League is back – both kickball and cornhole registration is open now! Bring the whole family to Dunkin’ for Pumpkins on Saturday, October 8 at the Schertz Aquatics Center where everyone can enjoy swimming in the pumpkin patch. If you’d prefer to stay dry, join us for all our Nature Discovery Series programs on the second Saturday of the month at Crescent Bend Nature Park.
EDUCATIONNATURE NATURE DISCOVERY SERIES 2022 Programs are FREE to attend on the 2nd Saturday of the month at 10:00 a.m. Families should arrive from 9:30 – 10:00 a.m. Pre-registration is encouraged, register at Meet at the 1st Parking lot near the Restroom Building and Trailhead. Date Theme Time Saturday, September 10 Discover Horns and Thorns Thorns: Staying alive is tough 10:00 – 11:00 a.m. Saturday, October 8 Discover Dinosaur Tracks Tracks tell tale 10:00 – 11:00 a.m. Saturday, November 12 Discover Early Texans When kids knew how to live off the land 10:00 – 11:00 a.m. GUADALUPE COUNTY MASTER NATURALISTS The mission of the Texas Master Naturalist program is to develop a corps of well-informed volunteers to provide education, outreach, and service dedicated to the beneficial management of natural resources and natural areas within their communities. The Guadalupe chapter serves the Guadalupe County area, including numerous projects in Seguin as well as Schertz. The group sponsors the Nature Discovery Series held at Crescent Bend Nature Park and has plans to help with invasive species removal and citizen science projects like bird counts and water quality monitoring of Cibolo Creek. If you’re interested in joining the Master Naturalists and their work at Crescent Bend Nature Park, see their website at City of Schertz Parks & Recreation FALL 2022 / WINTER 20234

The friends of Crescent Bend Nature Park is a volunteer group of residents who have a passion for the park and assist Parks & Recreation Department staff to maintain the park through volunteer service hours. The group organizes volunteer clean-up days, maintains the bird blinds, documents flora and fauna in the park, and volunteers at various parks events throughout the year. If you’re interested in joining the Friends of Crescent Bend Nature Park, see their website at (210) 619-1850 5
EDUCATIONNATURE Star PartyAt Crescent Bend Nature Park NovemberSaturday,26 5:00 - 8:00 PM E xplore theTexas Night Sky Bring a red infared flashlight or make your own Dress for the weather and bring a chair Telescopes for viewing provided by the San Antonio Astronomical Association Event is FREE and pre-registration is not required. Contact the Schertz Parks and Recreation Department at (210) 619-1850. Come out for a chance to view the stars and planets !


EVENTSSPECIAL DUNKIN’ FOR PUMPKINS October 8 | Cost: $5 per person | Schertz Aquatic Center Are you ready to dive into a floating pumpkin patch? Join us at Dunkin’ for Pumpkins where participants can choose their own pumpkin out of the pool to paint and take home. Please note all children 6 and under will be required to be accompanied by an adult in the water. Registration is limited, so go to to reserve your spot today! Session 1 4:30 p.m. Session 2 5:00 p.m. PAWS IN THE POOL September 10 | Cost: $3 per person | Pickrell Park Pool The dog days of summer are still hanging on so it's time to get your pup's paws in the pool and cool off! All dogs must be on leash outside the pool facility and wear a collar they can swim in. All humans must show proof of the dog’s up to date rabies vaccinations at the gate and clean up after their dog. Schertz to reserve your spot today! Session 1 12:00 p.m. Session 2 2:00 p.m. DECK THE CITY HALL December 1 | FREE | 6 p.m. | City Hall Come out and join us for the annual tree lighting at City Hall on Thursday, December 1 at 6:00 p.m. In addition to the traditional Holiday tree lighting, we will be lighting the Hal Baldwin Municipal Complex! Enjoy the night with music, hot cocoa, and light snacks. BREAKFAST WITH SANTA December 3 | Cost: $10 per person | Schertz Civic Center Don’t miss your chance to eat some yummy pancakes and visit with Santa Claus himself! Enjoy a delicious breakfast complete with pancakes, sausage, milk, and juice. Once everyone has been served, Santa Claus will join the party to visit and take photos with everyone. Registration is $10 per participant (children 2 and under are free) and session capacity is limited so make sure to sign up early! Session 1 8:00 a.m. Session 2 9:30 a.m. Session 3 11:00 a.m. City of Schertz Parks & Recreation FALL 2022 / WINTER 20236

Take the plunge into the new year with Schertz Parks & Recreation and the Schertz Family YMCA at the Cold for a Cause Polar Bear Plunge on Saturday, January 7 at 10:00 a.m. at Pickrell Park Pool. After the plunge, this family-friendly event includes s’mores and hot chocolate to warm you up. Also, make sure to cozy up by the fire pit! This chilly tradition takes place internationally every winter, and our community is excited to join in. Registration is $15 per person. Funds raised from this event help make it possible for children, families, seniors, neighbors, and others to benefit from Y programs and memberships, regardless of their financial circumstances. Register online at

Calling all ringmasters, acrobats, and performers! Join us for an evening Under the Big Top at the Schertz Civic Center on February 4. Fathers and mothers grab your special girl or boy for a fun filled night. This event is open to all families and focuses on the importance of quality time. Tickets are presale only from January 2 – February 3 while supplies last. Adult tickets are $18 and child tickets are $12. Space is limited and tickets will not be sold at the door.
December 3 | FREE | 4-8 p.m. |
McDow Sports Complex
February 4 | Cost: $18 adult/ $12 child | Schertz Civic Center
Mother/Son Dance 4 – 6 p.m. Daddy/Daughter Dance 7 – 9 p.m.

December 31 | FREE | 8 p.m. - 12 a.m. | Pickrell Park Out with the old, in with the new! Join us on Saturday, December 31 at Pickrell Park beginning at 8:00 p.m. to ring in the new year with live music, food vendors, and festive photo opportunities.

Join us on Saturday, December 3 to get in the holiday spirit at Holidazzle! A snow play area, the Mt. Schertz snow hill, and other holiday activities will be part of the festivities. Santa Claus will be present for kiddos to get in their last-minute requests. The lighted night parade always dazzles the crowd, and this year will be no exception. If you need to get some holiday shopping done before, the Kris Kringle Market will be open for business at the Schertz Civic Center from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Come celebrate the season with City of Schertz on Facebook or visit for more information 7

January 7 | $20 per person | 10 a.m. - 12 p.m. | Pickrell Park Pool
For more information 210-619-1900 or AQUATICS STORY & SWIM Ages 6 & younger, September – May First Fridays, 10:00 – 11:30 a.m. Schertz Family YMCA The event is free but registration is required. Registration is done online or in person at the YMCA. Registration will start on August 8 for the first session. Parent/Guardian is required to accompany child during program (in and out of the water). AQUATIC SUPERVISION & SWIM TEST POLICY A Family Who Swims Together, Stays Together Adult supervision of children is important as it allows our lifeguards and aquatic safety staff to focus on the water and keeping everyone safe. All youth ages 16 and under must complete a new swim test each visit prior to entering the water. Each youth will receive a wristband that will allow him or her access to certain areas of the pool. • Children 6 & under must be within arm’s reach of a parent or guardian at all times • Children 7-16 are required to take a swim test once a year • Children 14 & up are allowed access to the pools without a guardian • Any children under 14 must be accompanied by an adult 18 or older SCHERTZ AQUATICS CENTER Contact Info 560 Schertz Parkway Schertz, TX 78154 (210) Hours of Operation Monday - Thursday: 5 a.m. – 9 p.m. Friday: 5 a.m. – 8 p.m. Saturday: 7 a.m. – 4 p.m. Sunday: 1 – 5 p.m. *hours are subject to change Admission Prices, Passes • $6 per resident • $10 per non-resident • $15 per resident family • $20 per non-resident family • Or by YMCA membership YMCA offers a plethora of programs for all. From group lessons, private lessons, pre swim team, and a yearround USA swim team. For information call the YMCA at (210) 619-1900 or go to For more information 210-619-1900 or

CENTERSENIORAREASCHERTZMembership The Senior Center is open to new guests and members over the age of 50. Memberships dues are $36.00 per year and include ALL of the following activities plus more: Art ChairCanastaBuncoBingoBibleAquaClassesAerobicsStudyVolleyball ColoringChoir Book Club PickleballHealthGardeningDominoesDancesScreenings TechnologyPoker Classes Silver Sneakers Wii ZumbaYogaBowling Golden Gardening Join the Senior Center to participate in the Golden Gardening class that meets every Thursday at 1:30 p.m. to learn the basics of fruit and vegetable gardening. Participants use the container gardening and raised bed method so it’s easy for people of all abilities to participate. Free Lunch Program The City of Schertz offers a free lunch program at the Center Monday – Friday from 11:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. (excluding city holidays). Call the Schertz Area Senior Center for more information at (210) 619-1970. SCHERTZ AREA SENIOR CENTER 608 Schertz Parkway Schertz, TX 78154 (210) Hours of Operation Monday – Thursday 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Friday 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Bingo Bingo is hosted every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 12:30 p.m. Volunteer Program Volunteers needed for the Front Desk Committee, Kitchen Committee and/or Decorating Committee Craft Shows Next date: Friday, October 7 and Saturday, October 8, 9 a.m. – 3 p.m. both days The Schertz Area Senior Center is owned by the City of Schertz and managed through a public facility license agreement with the Schertz Family YMCA.(210) 619-1850 9

CENTERRECREATIONSCHERTZ Membership MembershipRatesTypes Schertz Resident Enjoy a $0 Join Fee Join Fee (New Members) YMCA Membership Monthly Rates Bi-Weekly RatesMonthly Rates Bi-Weekly Rates AgeTeen13-19 $15 $7 $10 $17 $8 Young Adult Age 20-29 $25 $12 $15 $27 $13 OneAdultadult age 30-59 $45 $21 $25 $47 $22 HouseholdDuo with 2 individuals/ 1 Adult + Child, or 2 Adults $76 $35 $50 $78 $36 HouseholdFamily with up to 2 adults and children (up to age 26 – proof of household residence required) $84 $39 $50 $89 $41 OneSenioradult age 60+ $35 $16 $25 $40 $18 * Financial Assistance is available by contacting the YMCA about the Open Doors Scholarship program. SCHERTZ RECREATION CENTER Contact Info 621,WestchesterTX78154619-1900 Hours of Operation Monday Friday: 5 a.m. – 9 p.m. Saturday: 7 a.m. – 6 p.m. Sunday: 1 – 5 p.m. Child Watch Hours Monday – Friday: 8 a.m. – 12 p.m. & 4 – 8 Saturday:p.m.8a.m. – 12 p.m. Sunday: Closed Kidz Club Hours Monday – Friday: 4 – 8 p.m. Saturday: 8 a.m. – 12 p.m. Sunday: Closed **Open same morning hours as Child Watch on any SCUCISD holidays

The Schertz Recreation Center is owned by the City of Schertz and managed through a public facility license agreement with the Schertz Family YMCA. to the Schertz Family YMCA includes access to all branches in the San Antonio Association as well as Nationwide. Our Schertz facility includes: the Recreation Center, Aquatic Center, Rock Wall, and the Splash Pad plus ALL of the following activities
& amenities: • 6,000 sq. ft. Basketball Gym • 8,000 sq. ft. Cardio & Fitness Area • Child Watch • Competition Quality Pool • Leisure Pool • Kid Fit • Group Exercise Classes • Lockers & Showers • Spin Studio • 1,000 sq. ft. Splash Pad • Water Rowing Machines PARENT’S NIGHT OUT – TIME TO UNWIND September 24th, November 12th (Parent’s NIGHT Out) October 15th, December 10th (Parent’s DAY Out) Bring your kiddos ages 6 weeks – 12 years for a night of fun at the Y. During this time, kids will play games, eat dinner, and watch a movie with friends. Space is limited and registration closes the Friday before the event date. Members: $20 first child, $10 each additional child Non-members: $25 first child, $15 each additional. City of Schertz Parks & Recreation FALL 2022 / WINTER 202310
Amenities Membership

SPORTSYOUTH SCHERTZ YOUTH SOCCER ALLIANCE (SYSA) Contact Info GRAYSA (GREATER RANDOLPH AREA YOUTH SOCCER ASSOCIATION) Spring/Fall Soccer, Ages 2 – 19 years • GRAYSA mostly gender specific U3-U19 Recreational League • GRAYSA ARSENAL FC Co-ed U8-U10 Academy • GRAYSA ARSENAL FC gender specific U11-U19 Select ARSENAL FC / (210) 497-1100 LIONS FUTBALL CLUB Spring/Fall Soccer, Ages 3 – 18 years • Co-ed U3-U7 Cubs • Co-ed U8-U10 Academy • Co-ed U11-U19 Select YMCA • Soccer, Ages 3 - 12 years BUFFALO VALLEY YOUTH ASSOCIATION (BVYA) Contact Info FALL • Baseball, Co-ed Ages 6 – 13 years • Softball, Girls Ages 6 – 13 years • Volleyball, 3rd – 7th grade • Basketball, Pre-K – 8th grade SPRING • Baseball, Co-ed Pre-K – 12th grade • Softball, Girls Ages 6 – 14 years SUMMER • Swimming, Ages 6 – 18 years(210) 619-1850 11


/ WINTER 202312

5-game regular season and end of season playoff tournament for all teams on Sunday nights from 6:00 to 10:00 p.m. Individuals can be placed on a team or with a teammate using the online registration system. Registration includes team t-shirt. Registration is currently closed but spectators are welcome!
Thulemeyer Park | $25 per person
September 13 - October 18 | Age 21+ |
September 11 - October 16 | Age 21+ |
City of Schertz Parks & Recreation FALL

April 16 - May 21 | Age 21+ | Thulemeyer Park | $25 per person 5-game regular season and end of season playoff tournament for all teams on Sunday nights from 6:00 to 10:00 p.m. Individuals can be placed on a team or with a teammate using the online registration system. Registration includes team t-shirt. Registration opens February 1.
Pickrell Park | $20 per person 5-game regular season and end of season playoff tournament for all teams on Tuesday nights from 6:00 to 10:00 p.m. Individuals can be placed on a team or with a teammate using the online registration system. Registration includes team t-shirt. Registration is currently closed but spectators are welcome! 2022

DOES YOUR ORGANIZATIONGROUP/HAVE A NEED FOR VOLUNTEERS? Complete the volunteer request form and information on your organization’s volunteer opportunities. Whether you are a non-profit recruiting large numbers of volunteers or an individual looking for a few extra hands or help out with your community project, it’s free to place your information on our Volunteer Schertz list! VOLUNTEER SCHERTZ Volunteering time and talents is a great way to give to the community, build self-esteem, share your skills, and make a positive impact in others’ lives. A variety of opportunities are available in the local area. The City of Schertz values each volunteer as an essential resource for the enhancement of our events and programs. Upcoming Event Volunteer Opportunities • Breakfast with Santa • Holidazzle • Star Party • Daddy/Daughter Dance Scan this QR code or visit SIGN UP TO BE A VOLUNTEER SCHERTZVOLUNTEER (210) 619-1850 13

PARK PAVILION RENTALS Perfect for your next big celebration! For those interested in reserving a pavilion, please review our reservation information below. To see the calendar of availability and make your reservation please visit our website at to create a CivicREC account. Contact the main Parks & Recreation Office at (210) 619-1850 if you need assistance setting up your account.RENTALSPAVILIONPARK WeekendAllDay WeekendHalfDay Weekday Pavilion Name Capacity Amenities R NR R NR SMALL PAVILIONS Pickrell Park - Aero Pavilion 75 9 picnic tables, BBQ pit, electricity $85 $135 $55 $90 50% off Pickrell Park - Oak Pavilion 75 9 picnic tables, BBQ pit, electricity $85 $135 $55 $90 50% off Pickrell Park - Poplar Pavilion 75 9 picnic tables, BBQ pit, electricity $85 $135 $55 $90 50% off Ashley Park -Pavilion A 25 4 picnic tables, BBQ pit, electricity $85 $135 $55 $90 50% off Wendy Swan Memorial ParkPavilion A** 25 4 picnic tables, BBQ pit, electricity $85 $135 $55 $90 50% off Wendy Swan Memorial ParkPavilion B 25 4 picnic tables, BBQ pit, electricity $85 $135 $55 $90 50% off Rhine Valley Park* - Pavilion A 15 2 picnic tables, BBQ pit, electricity $0 $0 $0 $0 GROUP PICNIC AREAS Pickrell Park - Group Picnic Area A 25 3 picnic tables, BBQ pit $30 $45 $20 $35 50% off Pickrell Park - Group Picnic Area B 25 3 picnic tables, BBQ pit $30 $45 $20 $35 50% off Pickrell Park - Group Picnic Area C 25 3 picnic tables, BBQ pit $30 $45 $20 $35 50% off Pickrell Park - Group Picnic Area D 25 3 picnic tables, BBQ pit $30 $45 $20 $35 50% off GAZEBOS The Park at Woodland Oaks* 10 Gazebo with benches $0 $0 $0 $0 Gutierrez Garden Park* 10 Gazebo with benches $0 $0 $0 $0 PLAZAS Veteran's Memorial Plaza* 300 Stone seating, lighting, electricity $0 $0 $0 $0 *Park has no restroom facilities **New Wendy Swan Pavilion Coming Soon Pickrell Park Large Pavilion703 Oak Street Fee Resident Non-Resident Damage Deposit Saturday/Sunday $200 $300 $200 Weekday $100 $200 $200 Pickleball Set Add-On $40 $40 Basketballs (6) Add-On $15 $15 City of Schertz Parks & Recreation FALL 2022 / WINTER 202314

RENTALSPAVILIONPARK Pickrell Park Large Pavilion 703 Oak St. Pickrell Park Aero Pavilion 102 Aero Ave Pickrell Park Poplar Pavilion 64 Poplar Ave Pickrell Park Oak Pavilion 102 Oak St Ashley Park 534 Ashley Park Wendy Swan Memorial Park Pavilion A 4601TreeCherryDr Wendy Swan Memorial Park Pavilion B 4601TreeCherryDr Rhine Valley Park 9958 Mulhouse Dr Pickrell Park Picnic Area A Pickrell Park Picnic Area B Pickrell Park Picnic Area C Pickrell Park Picnic Area D The Park at Woodland Oaks Gazebo 905 Woodland Oaks Fr Gutierrez Garden Park Gazebo 1231 Borgfeld Rd 512MemorialVeteran’sPlazaSchertzParkway AEROAVE. AEROAVE. BROOKSAVE. WINBURNAVE. WRIGHTAVE OAKST POPLARAVE PICKRELLPARK AREAPICNICA AREAPICNICAREAPICNICBC AREAPICNICD PAVILIONPOPLAR PAVILIONOAK PAVILIONAEROTHULEMEYERPARKBASEBALLFIELDS 1518 PICKRELLPOOL PAVILIONLARGE LARGE PLAYSCAPE SMALL PAVILIONPICNICSEESAWSLIDESWINGSPLAYSCAPEAREAPARKPICKRELLMAP (210) 619-1850 15

! 35 ! 10 FM 3009 FM1103 FM 78 FM1518 LOOP1604 110 0 115 5 66 33 111 1 99 220 0 44 88 22 119 9 112 2 116 6 228 8 229 9 223 3 114 4 331 1 55 17, 126 7, 26 113 3 1, 118 , 18 221 1 77 227 7 330 0 22, 24, 225 2, 24, 25LISTTRAIL&MAPPARKS Park Distance Ashley Park Trail 0.25 miles Cibolo Creek Primitive Trails 6 miles Crescent Bend Nature Park Trails 4 miles Cypress Point Park Trail 0.58 miles Forest Ridge Park Trail 0.5 miles FM 3009 Sidewalks 5.5 miles Great Northern Trail 1 mile Gutierrez Garden Park Trail 0.19 miles Heritage Oaks Park Trail 0.5 miles Oak Forest Park Trail 0.57 miles Pickrell Park Trail 0.30 miles Rhine Valley Park Trail 0.31 miles Schertz Parkway Trails 6 miles Wendy Swan Memorial Park Trail 0.17 miles WALKING TRAILS ATHLETIC FIELDS 1. Johnie McDow Sports Complex 955 Community Circle 2. Schertz Soccer Complex 75 Maske Road 3. Thulemeyer Park 901 Oak Street PARKS4. Ashley Park 534 Ashley Park 5. Crescent Bend Nature Park 12805 Schaefer Road 6. Cut-Off Park 700 Block of FM 1518 7. Cypress Point Park 5526 Cypress Point 8. Forest Ridge Park 17529 Wiederstein Road 9. Gutierrez Garden Park 1231 Borgfeld Road 10. Heritage Oaks Park 11700 Longleaf Parkway 11. Lone Oak Park 100 Block of Roundtree Dr. 12. Mary Whitfield Burks Park 3175 Schertz Parkway 13. Oak Forest Park 4200 Block of FM 3009 14. Palm Park 200 Block of FM 78 15. Pickrell Park 701 Oak Street 16. Rhine Valley Park 9958 Mulhouse Drive 17. Schertz PlayscapeCommunity 629 Westchester Drive 18. Schertz Dog Park 940 Community Circle 19. Schertz Skate Park 820 Community Circle 20. The Park at Woodland Oaks 905 Woodland Oaks Drive 21. Wendy Swan Memorial Park 4601 Cherry Tree Drive 22. Veteran's Memorial Plaza 512 Schertz Parkway 23. North Center 3501 Morning Drive 27 - 31 Future Parks RECREATION FACILITIES 24. Schertz Area Senior Center 608 Schertz Parkway 25. Schertz Aquatic Center 560 Schertz Parkway 26. Schertz Recreation Center 621 Westchester Drive City of Schertz Parks & Recreation FALL 2022 / WINTER 202316

LISTTRAIL&MAPPARKS ! " 35 F M 1 1 0 3 C h e r r y T r e e D r Mor ni ng Dr F M 3 0 0 9 C Pypress oint Ashley Park FM1518 Bo rgfeld Rd Jim my W alk er Parklands Way P k w y Ho mes tead Pkwy W ood land Oak s D r W ied er st ei n Rd Mas ke R d Old W iede r st ei n R d S c h e r t z FM 78 15 615 6 3 3 9 9 20 20 4 4 13 13 8 8 21 21 2 2 1,18,19 1,18,19 7 7 12 12 27 27 28 28 30 30 23 23 17,22,24,25,26 17,22,24,25,26 Dry Comal Creek Creek Dietz ! 10 5 5 10 10 14 14 11 11 16 16 29 29 31 31 F M 1 5 1 8 Lower Seguin Rd FM 78 H ol l e r i n g V i n e H al l i e V i ew Clove rlea f Dr Schaefer Rd Mulhouse Dr N Grayt o wn R o a d Cibolo Cibolo C r e e k Salitrillo Hollering keerC Woman Creek Creek Cibolo Creek NORTHE RN SOUTH ER N ! " 10 330 0 ! 35 F M 1 1 0 3 C h e r r y T r e e D r Mor ni ng Dr F M 3 0 0 9 C Pypress oint Ashley Park FM1518 Bo rgfeld Rd Jim my W alk er Parklands Way P k w y Ho mes tead Pkwy W ood land Oak s D r W ied er st ei n Rd Mas ke R d Old W iede r st ei n R d S c h e r t z FM 78 15 615 6 3 3 9 9 20 20 4 4 13 13 8 8 21 21 2 2 1,18,19 1,18,19 7 7 12 27 27 28 28 30 30 23 23 17,22,24,25,26 17,22,24,25,26 Dry Comal Creek Creek Dietz ! " 10 5 5 10 10 14 14 11 11 16 16 29 29 31 31 F M 1 5 1 8 Lower Seguin Rd FM 78 H ol l e r i n g V i n e H al l i e V i ew Clove rlea f Dr Schaefer Rd Mulhouse Dr N Grayt o wn R o a d Cibolo Cibolo C r e e k Salitrillo Hollering keerC Woman Creek Creek Cibolo Creek NORTHE RN SOUTH ER N (210) 619-1850 17

PICKRELL PARK 701 Oak Street
This 2-acre park is just off Schertz Parkway and can only be accessed on foot or by bicycle off of the Schertz Parkway trails. The small pocket park has outdoor fitness equipment and a drinking fountain for runners and walkers to get a short workout in along their regular exercise route.

FOREST RIDGE PARK 17529 Wiederstein Rd
FALL 2022 / WINTER 202318
This 5-acre neighborhood park is a great place for families to play, practice soccer, or enjoy a pick-up game of basketball. The park has an expression swing, gaga ball pit, a lighted ADA accessible walking trail and a newly added pavilion available for rental.

This 17-acre park offers something for everyone. The large pavilion is a perfect place to host a gathering, play a pick-up game of basketball, or utilize the painted lines for pickleball. From swimming - to playscapes to a walking trail - we’ve fit it all inin this busy community park. The park is also home to many city events and festivals throughout the year.
ASHLEY PARK 534 Ashley Park
This 13-acre park is a truly unique site, with hundreds of heritagesized oak and cedar elm trees. This park offers a playscape surrounded by a tranquil walking path through the woods, picnic facilities, picturesque pond and a newly installed basketball court.

This 58-acre park features lots of open space, heritage-sized oak trees, and trailhead access to six miles of Cibolo Creek Primitive Trails.

This 2-acre park features multiple garden areas beautifully maintained by the Guadalupe Master Gardeners volunteer group. The gazebo area is perfect for photo opportunities, and a shaded and lighted walking trail encircles the park.

City of Schertz Parks & Recreation
PARKS Since its beginning in 1958, the City of Schertz has maintained, at the forefront, its desire to focus on the quality of life enjoyed by our residents. Planned parks, natural parks, sports facilities, pavilions and family gathering places, hike and bike trails, safe pedestrian ways, fitness facilities, swimming facilities and social gathering places are all part of a large picture that meets the needs of our community.
CUT-OFF PARK 700 Block of FM 1518
1231 Borgfeld Rd
LONE OAK PARK 100 Block of Rountree Dr
This 10-acre neighborhood park features a playscape, a walking trail, and lots of open space for family activities to include tossing a football around or playing a game of Frisbee.

HERITAGE OAKS PARK 11700 Longleaf Parkway
This 0.34-acre neighborhood pocket park used to be home to a majestic lone oak right in the center of the park. While the lone oak is gone, the name remains the same, and several other large oaks shade some newly updated seating in this small tranquil spot.

CYPRESS POINT PARK 5526 Cypress Point
3175 Schertz Parkway
This 14-acre park features an almost hidden trail through a linear forested area that many walkers and runners utilize. The trail connects to the FM 3009 sidewalks and has a new connection to the Schertz Parkway Trails. The park also features open space where pop-up soccer practices often take place.
PLAZA 512 Schertz Parkway
PALM PARK 200 Block of FM 78
905 Woodland Oaks Dr
This 180-acre park is a nature lover’s paradise. The miles of trails, blooming wildflowers, picnic facilities, and bird blinds are just some of what make this park special. Also head down to the Cibolo Creek for some fishing.

This 2.5-acre neighborhood pocket park has numerous oak trees that provide a shaded canopy for the walking trail that meanders through the park. The walking trail connects to the FM 3009 sidewalks.

SCHERTZ DOG PARK 940 Community Circle

629 Westchester Dr
(210) 619-1850 19
SCHERTZ SKATE PARK 820 Community Circle

This 5-acre neighborhood park offers a shaded playscape, picnic pavilion, walking trail, sport court, and soccer fields. It’s the perfect spot for the family to play a pickup game on the court or bring a picnic lunch to enjoy.
This 0.60-acre park honors members of our military. The plaza includes amphitheater style seating, an ADA accessible walkway, reserved parking for Purple Heart recipients and handicap spots. Engraved pavers are available for purchase online through CivicRec at

This 0.60-acre park is not only for the dogs but for the owners too. Benches allow the people to socialize while the dogs socialize too. Multiple fountains and small dog areas make the space multifunctional for pet owners.
This 2-acre neighborhood pocket park is a great place for families to enjoy the playscape and a picnic lunch under the shaded picnic facilities or enjoy a game of pick-up basketball.

This 3-acre neighborhood park has a lot of amenities packed into a small space to include a pavilion, basketball court, and playscape.
12780 Schaefer Rd
4200 Block of FM 3009
This small 2-acre pocket park borders Cibolo Creek and is mostly open space. The park is being developed by Eagle Scouts into a Scout Day Use Area with picnic facilities.

This 1-acre park is all about play with multiple play structures, swings, merry-go-round, and accessible features. A restroom building makes it a destination park for the community.

This 0.30-acre park is Phase I of a planned 3-phase skate park with street features and grinding rails.
RHINE VALLEY PARK 9958 Mulhouse Dr

The current irrigation storage at the Schertz Soccer Complex is inadequate for the needs of the complex. An upgrade to storage capacity and the well pump is in the bidding phase with construction estimated to start in the fall. The project includes increased storage capacity above ground level, a new submersible well pump, new well casing, and electrical upgrades. The City of Schertz strives to continue developing the areas around the City with more beautiful parks and facilities. With the growth of the City's population, the Parks & Recreation Department has many future projects.
COMPLETED! In 2019, city staff completed Phase I of the renovation project at Asley Park which included reconstructing the basketball court, replacing playground equipment, a cosmetic update to the restroom facility, and providing an accessible route to the new features. In 2021, Phase II of the renovation was completed which included demolition of the existing failing asphalt trail and reconstructed a concrete loop trail in its place that is fully ADA accessible, and extends the accessible route to the restroom, the toddler playscape, and to one picnic area. Phase III of the Ashley Park renovation concluded in July and includes an additional playscape feature and a picnic pavilion available for party reservations.
DEVELOPMENTPARK City of Schertz Parks & Recreation FALL 2022 / WINTER 202320



The Crossvine developer approached city staff about putting in a basketball court at Heritage Oaks Park at their cost. The developer worked with the HOA and city staff to put in a halfcourt for basketball and based on resident feedback, added striping for a pickleball court as well. Local residents can bring their own net, paddles, and partner to play pickleball, or go solo and shoot some hoops as the court is now open! City staff is also working with the developer to put in a pedestrian bridge over the drainage channel to connect the new unit of the neighborhood that was recently built. Revisions to the plans are still(210)ongoing.619-1850

COMING SOON! City Council has approved the permanent closure of the small pool at Wendy Swan Memorial Park and its conversion to a small splash pad feature. With a splash pad, a longer operating season is possible and it can be open from MarchOctober versus the traditional summer season (Memorial Day-August). The cost savings from staffing the pool will be used to pay back the reserves for the construction of the splash pad. Delays in the supply chain have pushed back the construction start to after Labor Day and construction is estimated to take about 6-8 weeks. Stay tuned for information on the Grand Opening Celebration in Spring of 2023!

Construction has started on the 14acre Homestead side of the park that was part of the parkland agreement with that development. That work will include an accessible loop trail system around the pond, a fishing pier, a parking lot off Homestead Parkway, and utility connections for a future restroom. The hilltop overlook/observation platform, additional walking trails and mountainbiking trails connecting the Homestead side and the Hilltop side, the naturebased playscape, picnic pavilions, restrooms, and interpretive signage are all unfunded at this time. City staff is working on developing funding options for construction for the entire 45-acre proposed project.
The Great Northern Trail is a multi-use trail that once completed will span 8 miles from Schertz Parkway to the Cypress Point neighborhood in northern Schertz. The City of Schertz and Schertz Parks and Rec celebrated the opening of the Great Northern Trail on Tuesday, July 21 after the initial section of the trail was completed in the spring of 2022. About a half-mile in length, it runs from Schertz Parkway to Wiederstein Road and is already proving to be extremely popular. A second section of trail on Cibolo Valley Baptist Church property at FM 1103 was also completed this summer with future plans to connect to the existing Riata neighborhood.

SCHERTZ TRAIL BLAZERS Trail Blazers are independent volunteers who model safety and respect for all trail users and wildlife, help protect and preserve local flora and fauna along the trails by reporting vandalism and obtain information that can be used by staff to set policy on safety (bike speed limits, more signage, dog control, etc.). Be our eyes and ears on the trail, volunteer at

City of Schertz Parks & Recreation FALL 2022 / WINTER 202322
City staff is working on expanding the trail network in Schertz and with that comes the development of a trail branding program. The Schertz Trails logo, trail mile-marker signage, and trail maps will all be developed as we add more trail networks to the system. Long-range plans include the Cibolo Creek Trail, Dry Comal Creek Trail, and the Woman Hollering Creek Trail. Stay tuned to for more information on these exciting projects.


DEVELOPMENTTRAIL482 OldNacogdochesRoad BunkerStreet CoyoteRun FriesenhahnLane HomesteadParkwayCatholicJohnCountryClubBlvd.PaulIIHighSchool Saint GermanJoseph'sChurch ConnectionFuture to New Braunfels PecanComalFarm ConnectionFuture to the West NeighborhoodHomesteadNeighborhoodNorthcliffeComalCommunity 482 Connection to Great Northern Trail Dry Comal Creek Trail ProposedHilltopPark DRY COMAL CREEK TRAIL Some exciting opportunities have presented themselves along the Dry Comal Creek Trail corridor. City staff is working with the Great Springs Project to be able to acquire and develop a future trailhead site for the city’s Dry Comal Creek Trail, the Great Springs Trail, and the El Camino Real de los Tejas National Historic Trail – 3 interests that all overlap in this area. Stay tuned for more information to(210)come!619-1850 23

Become a Better Writer with Help from Brainfuse!


Brainfuse’s Online Writing Lab is designed to help students become better writers through a unique suite of services: 24-hour Writing Lab: Students submit their writing through Brainfuse’s secure file sharing feature and within 24 hours, a writing specialist will evaluate it according to a custom rubric. The rubric categories include response to task, organization, focus, word usage, and grammar/mechanics.

Live Feedback: Students who want immediate feedback can log in with a live tutor and use the file sharing feature to receive live, one-to-one writing assistance. Live tutors are available to Schertz Public Library cardholders from 2 p.m. – 11 p.m. every day. Visit
24 City of Schertz Parks & Recreation FALL 2022 / WINTER 2023
LIBRARY CARD SIGN-UP September is Library Card Sign-up Month, when libraries nationwide join the American Library Association (ALA) to remind parents, caregivers, and students that signing up for a library card is the first step on the path to academic achievement and lifelong Librarieslearning.playacrucial role in the education and development of children, offering a variety of programs to spark creativity and stimulate an interest in reading and learning. Through access to technology, media resources and educational programs, a library card gives students the tools to succeed in the classroom and provides people of all ages opportunities to pursue their dreams, explore new passions and interests, and find their voice. We will be at various locations throughout the community during September. Look for us and sign up for a card or renew your current one! There’s no charge for Texas residents, but you will need a photo ID and current proof of residence.

Preschool Storytimes Preschool Storytimes are appropriate for children ages 3-6 years with an accompanying adult. This program is a language-rich experience with books and songs for children who are getting ready for school. 3 to 6 years Tuesdays Wednesdaysand@ 11:00 a.m.

The Schertz Public Library has a collection of 60 board games available to check-out for use in the library. This collection includes classic games like Connect Four and Sorry, along with educational games and games that target early literacy and learning like Zingo and Brain Quest. Our collection also includes strategy games like Catan and Azul. Board games are often expensive, so having a circulating collection allows families the opportunity to try a game once without having to go out and buy it. Visit the Children’s Library to see our game collection. Better yet plan an afternoon at the library with friends or family, playing an old favorite or discovering a new-to-you game. (210) 619-1700 25
Teen Tuesdays are back in the Fall. All teens, ages 13-18 are welcome to come hang out at the library. Activities vary from week to week - sometimes we game, sometimes we watch movies, sometimes we art... you help decide. Join us in the Library Program Room on Tuesday afternoons from 4:30 – 6:30 p.m.BOARD GAMES

20 months to 3 years Tuesdays Wednesdaysand@ 10:15 a.m; Thursdays @ 11:00 a.m.
Birth to 24 months Thursdays @ 10:15 a.m.
Baby & Me Storytime
The Schertz Public Library belongs to all patrons-including teen patrons. We strive to provide a variety of programs that are entertaining for our teens throughout the year. If teens are interested in helping plan any events or have suggestions, please talk to our Youth Services Librarian for more information.
Baby & Me Storytime is for our youngest library users, from birth to 24 months with an accompanying adult. We will share songs, rhymes, bounces, and books. Storytime is followed by a short period of time for parents and caregivers to chat and socialize with each other.
Most board games are designed to encourage social interaction. They get people to engage with each other across a table, solving problems, improving a number of practical skills, and having a good time.
Toddler Storytime Toddler Storytime is for library users between the ages of 20 months to 3 years with an accompanying adult. We will get moving as we share fingerplays, songs, books, and rhymes.
Age Day & Time
LIBRARYPUBLICSCHERTZ 26 City of Schertz Parks & Recreation FALL 2022 / WINTER 2023

10:00 AM - 5:00 PM LIBRARY PROGRAM ROOM SEPT.BOOK23-24SALE For more information contact the Library at (210) 619-1700. FILL A BAGFOR JUST$5 Applications for all library volunteers can be found on the library’s website at LIBRARYPUBLICSCHERTZ (210) 619-1700 27