Now enrolling for Maymester & Summer classes Maymester (5/13-5/31)
Various Summer start dates On campus, remote, and online Visit alamo.edu/nlc/courses

O ered in partnership with Texas A&M University’s College of Engineering, this program o ers students an opportunity to pursue an engineering degree while co-enrolled at Texas A&M and Northeast Lakeview College.



the new programs and offerings at the Schertz Public Library highlights that the library has something for everyone.

Schertz Magazine is a monthly popular lifestyle/entertainment/ community events publication wholly owned and operated by the City of Schertz and produced internally by the Schertz Public Affairs Department. It serves as the primary dissemination source for government information for a growing city of over 43,000 residents. The magazine is mailed to 15,000+ local households and over 1,000 businesses.
Our mailing address is 1400 Schertz Parkway, Schertz, Texas 78154. The editorial office of Schertz Magazine is located at the Hal Baldwin Municipal Complex, Bldg. 2. Call (210) 619-1630 or go to Schertz.com/schertzmagazine.

Ralph Gutierrez Mayor
Mark Davis Councilmember
Michelle Watson Councilmember
Paul Macaluso Councilmember
Tiffany Gibson Councilmember
Robert Westbrook Councilmember
Allison Heyward Councilmember
Tim Brown Councilmember
Steve Williams City Manager
Brian James Deputy City Manager
Sarah Gonzalez Assistant City Manager
Greg Rodgers Fire Chief
James Lowery Police Chief
Jason Mabbitt EMS Chief
Linda Klepper Public Affairs Director Devan Christensen Communications Manager
Jenna Kock Marketing and Communications Specialist
Linda Klepper, Devan Christensen, Jenna Kock, Kira Villarreal, Cassie Paddock, Lizzi Bertoia, Anna Kraft, Ashley Ritchey, Emily Delgado, Maggie Titterington
Linda Klepper, Devan Christensen, Jenna Kock, Joshua Nolden, Stacey Lovett, Anna Kraft, Dahlia Vance
Schertz Magazine encourages submission of news and event announcement items. Publication is not guaranteed. If you would like to submit an item to Schertz Magazine, email magazine@schertz.com or call (210) 619-1630.
The appearance of advertising in this publication does not constitute endorsement by the City of Schertz. Articles that appear in Schertz Magazine do not necessarily reflect the official position of the City of Schertz and does not constitute an endorsement therein. Any publication of Schertz Magazine is sole property of the City of Schertz and cannot be reproduced or distributed in any way without the permission and written consent of the City of Schertz.

For a full list of winners go to Schertz.com/KickCancer


The 16th annual Kick Cancer Pep Rally & 5k Run, previously known as the Wilenchik Walk for Life, once again rallied an impressive turnout, with 583 participants uniting in the fight against cancer. Among them, 347 individuals proudly represented SCUCISD, with the Paschal Patriots team bringing out the largest group with 131 runners. This substantial community support underscores the enduring commitment to battling cancer and supporting vital research initiatives.
The atmosphere of the Pep Rally was electrifying, with the Clemens Drumline setting the rhythm and the Clemens Cheer team igniting the crowd with their spirited performance. The energy continued to amp up as Orange Theory led participants in a lively warm-up session, preparing everyone for the 5k run ahead.
The event, which began in 2009 to honor the courageous battle of former Schertz City Councilmember Tony Wilenchik against stage-4 Leiomyosarcoma cancer, has led to over $203,000 of total donations towards the cause and has evolved into a cherished annual tradition. It serves as a beacon of hope and solidarity for those affected by cancer, as well as a testament to the power of community-driven initiatives in advancing cancer research and treatment.
This year, our Iron Sponsors, Schertz Cibolo Emergency Clinic and HEB, played a pivotal role in ensuring the success of the event. Their generous contributions, alongside the support of our dedicated t-shirt sponsors including State Farm - Nathan Obregon, Schertz Bank & Trust, SAMCO Capital, and GVEC, helped us raise a substantial amount for cancer research.
Over $13,000 was raised at this year’s event for the UT Health San Antonio MD Anderson Cancer Center to aid in their research and it could not have been done without the unwavering support of the community members and sponsors—thank you!
Male Sean Gonzalez Female Alesia JohnsonHEADLINES CITY
Schertz Officials Recognized by the Texas Municipal League

Mayor Ralph Gutierrez and Councilmember Allison Heyward were recently recognized at the March 15 Texas Municipal League Midyear Conference in San Marcos, Texas. Councilmember Allison Heyward was honored with the prestigious Award of Excellence at the event. This esteemed recognition is reserved
for elected officials who have demonstrated an exceptional commitment to education by obtaining a Texas Municipal League Institute certificate for five consecutive years. Heyward stands among the select few, being one of only three elected officials presented with this esteemed award for the year 2023.
Mayor Ralph Gutierrez was presented with the Certificate of Achievement, an accolade bestowed upon individuals who have accumulated 54 Continuing Education Units. Mayor Gutierrez's dedication to ongoing education earned him a place among the distinguished seven elected officials honored with this
certificate for the year 2023.
Additionally, the City of Schertz received an Award of Leadership as a result of Councilmember Heyward’s Award of Excellence accomplishment. Schertz was one of three cities to receive the Award of Leadership for 2023.
The city takes great pride in the steadfast dedication of our elected officials to improve their roles in governance and deepen their comprehension of city government. Through active engagement in a diverse array of educational initiatives, these officials persistently hone their policymaking and leadership skills, striving to enhance their ability to serve our residents more effectively.


Neighborhood Services Receives Award for Clean the Creek Event
Members of the Public Works, Parks and Recreation, and Planning and Community Development departments, community partners, and over 100 community volunteers were able to remove approximately 31,000 pounds of trash, debris, and discarded materials from the Cibolo Creek watershed in just 2 days!
Congratulations to Neighborhood Services, and to everyone who made the 2023 Clean the Creek event a huge success. The 2024 Clean the Creek was held on Saturday, February 24 and was another great success for our City!

Schertz Celebrates National Days, Weeks & Months
During February and March, the City celebrated employees and several departments with special recognitions. A special thanks goes out to the Engineering, Purchasing, and 311 departments for all their hard work and dedication to our community!
■ Engineers Week: February 19 – 25
■ National Procurement Month: March
■ Career and Technology Education Month: March
■ National Employee Appreciation Day: March 1
■ National 311 Day: March 11
Join Schertz in Celebrating April National Recognitions!

Month of the Military Child
Residents are encouraged to show the military children and youth in the area that they appreciate their sacrifices and contributions by wearing purple for military children on Monday, April 15.
Child Abuse Prevention and Awareness Month
Wear blue on Friday, April 5 in honor of your commitment to preventing child abuse. Post to social media with the hashtag #EveryChildNeedsAHero.
Sexual Assault Prevention and Awareness Month
Join the community in wearing denim on April 24 to participate in Denim Day, a meaningful initiative during Sexual Assault Prevention and Awareness Month. Let's come together to honor and support the victims and survivors of sexual violence. Your denim can make a statement and raise awareness for this important cause.

Animal Care and Control Appreciation Week
In honor of Animal Care and Control Week (April 14 – 20), Schertz Animal Services wanted to extend special thanks to Dr. Brooke Knowlton, DVM, with Cibolo Small Animal Hospital.
Dr. Knowlton began her partnership with Schertz Animal Services over a decade ago when she graduated from veterinary school in 2012. Over 12 years, she has dedicated work and personal time to help assist and educate the Schertz Animal Services staff and tend to the animals in their care. Not only does Dr. Knowlton perform routine care for the animals impounded by Schertz Animal Services but she goes above and beyond with many special procedures such as limb amputations, wound care, diagnostic procedures, and much more. Many of these procedures have been funded from a gracious donation account with Cibolo Small Animal Hospital.
Dr. Knowlton sits on the Animal Advisory Committee and has a full understanding of the day-to-day operations of the shelter and supports the mission and vision of the shelter. Dr. Knowlton is loved by her community and the contributions from her and her staff greatly impact the success of Schertz Animal Services.
Thank you Dr. Knowlton!

Schertz is also celebrating the following days and weeks in April:
■ Public Safety Telecommunications Week: April 14 – 20
■ National Library Week: April 7 – 13
■ Volunteer Recognition Day: April 20
■ Administrative Professionals Appreciation Week: April 21 – 27
■ National Crime Victim’s Rights Week: April 21 – 27
■ Adopt a Shelter Pet Day: April 30

Experience Something New at the Schertz Public Library
By KIRA VILLARREALBeginning in December 2023, Schertz Public Library began circulating their new experience kits – themed collections of educational materials and supplies to allow patrons to learn a new hobby or have a fun new experience.
According to Library Director Melissa Uhlhorn, libraries across the country have long been circulating all kinds of items other than books. These tend to be tailored to the local community, and can include things like museum passes, sporting equipment, tools, and more. Here in Schertz, the Library has been circulating board games for the past two years, and the program has proven to be so successful that the staff wanted to find some new ideas for other items that would be equally popular.
The idea for the experience kits grew out of another offering called a makerspace that Uhlhorn had seen at other libraries.
“Makerspaces are dedicated rooms containing equipment that patrons can use for crafting or other creative
projects. They might include 3D printers, cutting machines, sewing machines, tools, and more,” said Uhlhorn.
“Although we didn’t have the space or the staff to have a makerspace here, we wanted a way for people to have this same experience in their own homes. Then, Library Board Member Lee Murphey showed me a role-playing game kit from another library and the idea of the experience kits was born.”

The staff initially came up with 10 kit ideas. These include a crochet kit with hooks, yarn, patterns, and resources for learning. There’s also a pizza making kit which includes a pan and recipes, a birdwatching kit with guides and binoculars, and a star-gazing kit with a telescope. The initial kits proved to be so successful that they are rolling out 10 more kits specifically designed for youth patrons and 4 technologythemed kits. Patrons can check out the kits for 3 weeks at a time.
Another new and equally popular offering at the Library is their spice kits, which allow patrons to broaden their cooking horizons and learn how to use new spices. The kits focus on a “spiceof-the-month,” and offer educational

resources to teach people about the spice, as well as recipes containing it and a packet of the spice that they can keep. Since the spices are purchased in bulk and require re-packaging, the kits are limited to 125 per month and when they’re gone, no more are available until the next month. According to Uhlhorn, these have also been hugely popular and typically run out within the first 10 days of the month.
More recently, and largely based on the popularity of the spice kits, the Library has started a similar program with seeds. In partnership with the Guadalupe County Master Gardeners, they’ve developed their first Seeds for the Season kits. Right now, they are planning to have the seed kits available twice per year, in the Spring and Fall, but they may expand this to quarterly in the future. They are already out of the Spring kits for 2024.
According to Uhlhorn, the extraordinary popularity of the Library’s new
offerings has been largely an organic development.
“We have the kits on display where people can see them, but word of mouth has really been the best advertising,” she said. “People are finding out about them and they’re enthusiastic, so they tell their friends.”
The experience and spice kits are just a few examples of the Library’s passive programming, which provides resources that patrons can use on their own. The Library also offers active programming, including all the activities that take place in the library like storytime and tech help. With National Library Week in April, the Library is taking the opportunity to focus on more of this active programming.
This year’s Summer Reading Experience theme is “Adventure Begins at Your Library.” In keeping with this theme, the Library will offer a variety of adventure-themed programming
People think of libraries, and they think of books, but we have so many resources that people don’t know about, and we’re changing all the time. At every stage of your life, there’s something here for you, and it isn’t always about the books.
for kids and families, most of which will happen during summer. Among the planned activities is a chemistry roadshow, presented by Texas A&M University in conjunction with GVEC, a mobile aquarium presented by the Texas State Aquarium in Corpus Christi, and a reptile program.
All the new programs and offerings at the Schertz Public Library demonstrate the message that Uhlhorn wants to make sure everyone in the community knows – that the library has something for everyone.
“People think of libraries, and they think of books, but we have so many resources that people don’t know about, and we’re changing all the time,” she said. “At every stage of your life, there’s something here for you, and it isn’t always about the books.”
High Helps to Ready Schertz for Times of Emergency
Brandon High, currently serving as the Emergency Management Coordinator for the City of Schertz, embarked on his public safety journey in 2003 as a firefighter and emergency medical services provider in southwestern Pennsylvania. His dedication to serving others led him to enlist in the United States Navy as a Hospital Corpsman, obtaining numerous certifications through multiple combat operations and overseas campaigns
Following his retirement from the Navy, High continued his career in emergency management, holding positions in both Pennsylvania and Texas before rising to the role of Emergency Management Coordinator for Schertz. Motivated by a deep calling to serve and assist others to the best of his ability, High expresses his commitment, saying, “Having worked in the public safety environment from an early age, I consistently choose opportunities where I can do the greatest good for the most amount of people.”

Balancing administration and operations pose a constant challenge in emergency management, and he acknowledges the dual responsibilities ahead. Ensuring compliance with the Texas Department of Emergency Management is paramount, yet he highlights the ongoing educational process and collaboration with other departments to enhance the city's readiness for any potential threat or hazard.
“While we are working to make the program better every day, you can be assured we are ready to support any threat or hazard our community may face while continuing to improve processes and make large strides in our readiness to support you in your families in times of need,” High comments.

The meticulous process of developing and updating emergency plans involves active participation in regional threat and hazard assessments, providing stakeholders with preparedness reports, and regularly updating the city's Hazard Mitigation Plan and Emergency Operations Plan. Emphasizing a proactive approach, High stresses the importance of continuous education, plan reviews, collaboration, and exercises to enhance future response efforts. After each major event, the office conducts thorough after-action reviews to
learn from experiences and improve community service.
Collaboration stands as a key initiative for High and his team, engaging with local, regional, and national agencies to ensure seamless coordination in mitigation efforts, emergency preparedness, response, and the recovery process. Staying informed about potential hazards and threats, he relies on various sources, including national, state, and local agencies, as well as valuable input from the Schertz community.
Community engagement is a cornerstone of effective emergency management for High. He stresses the importance of preparedness messaging through social media, the city's website, and active participation in City Council Meetings, where he announces programs related to emergency management and promotes preparedness campaigns. He encourages residents to reach out, stating, “Our office is always available for a phone call, email, or visit to answer any questions you may have.”
“There are many ways that we as individuals and families can contribute to our own preparedness,” says High. “I would begin by considering the challenges and threats associated with each season of the year. From that, consider what do I need to have on hand to help take care of myself and my family during times of need.”
High's dedication to emergency management and his proactive approach to community engagement and collaboration position Schertz as a model for effective emergency preparedness and response. As the threats and hazards continue to evolve, the city remains committed to learning, adapting, and strengthening its resilience for the safety of all residents and guests.
High concludes, “There is a wealth of information available about emergency preparedness and together we can learn to strengthen ourselves and our community by building a stronger, more resilient, and ready Schertz.”
Residents can register for local alerts at Schertz.com/alerts, research specific needs on ready.gov, and participate in community emergency response teams for a more comprehensive understanding of emergency preparedness. For those that need additional emergency assistance and want to learn more, visit stear.tdem.texas.gov to learn about the State of Texas Emergency Assistance Registry.
You can be assured we are ready to support any threat or hazard our community may face while continuing to improve processes and make large strides in our readiness to support you in your families in times of need.

Schertz Area Genealogists Meeting
Paws to Read (independent readers)
Story & Swim (Ages 7 & under)
Lego Lab (Ages 5+)
South Texas Blood & Tissue Community Blood Drive
Guadalupe County Master Gardeners Lunch & Learn
Apr. 2 @ 6:30 p.m.
Apr. 3 @ 1 p.m. – 2 p.m.
Library Meeting Room 1
Library Program Room
Apr. 5 @ 10 – 11:30 a.m. Schertz Aquatic Center
Apr. 6 @ 10:15 – 11:15 a.m. Library Program Room
Apr. 6, @ 10: 30 a.m. – 2:30 p.m.
Apr. 6 @ 11:30 a.m.

Eclipse Viewing Drop-in (all ages)
Poem in Your Pocket Poetry Workshop
Nature Discovery Series
Archery 101-Adults
Game On!
NAMI Family & Friends Seminar (Adults 18+)
Movin on Main
Paws to Read (independent readers)

Library Parking Lot
Library Meeting Room 1
Apr. 8 @ 12:30 – 2:30 p.m. Library Courtyard
Apr. 11 @ 7 p.m. Library Meeting Room 1
Apr. 13 @ 9:30 a.m. Crescent Bend Nature Park
Apr. 13 @ 9 – 10:30 a.m. Schertz Community Center
Apr. 13 @ 11 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
Apr. 13 @ 1 – 5 p.m.
Apr 14 @ 12 – 4 p.m.
Apr. 16 @ 5 p.m. – 6 p.m.
Apr 20 @ 10 a.m.
Family Storytime (all ages) Apr. 20 @ 10:15 a.m. – 11 a.m.
Sunday Afternoon Meditation (Ages 18+)
Apr. 21 @ 1 p.m.
Kickball Social League Begins Apr. 21 @ 6 – 10 p.m.
Pickleball Social League Begins Apr. 23 @ 6 – 10 p.m.
Medicare 101
The Greatest Murder on EarthMurder Mystery
Paper Crafting Crop
Walk with a Naturalist
Apr. 25 @ 6 p.m.
Apr 26 @ 7 p.m.
Apr. 28 @ 12 – 5 p.m.
Apr. 28 @ 3:30 p.m.
Library Program Room
Library Meeting Room 1
Main Street
Library Program Room
Crescent Bend Nature Park
Library Program Room
Library Program Room
Thulemeyer Park
Pickrell Park
Library Meeting Room 1
Schertz North Center
Library Program Room
Crescent Bend Nature Park

Apr. 6, @ 10: 30 a.m. – 2:30 p.m. | Library Parking Lot
Every 6 minutes, someone needs blood. Every second counts. What can you do? Sign up to donate blood today!
Visit Schertz.com/adultcalendar to set an appointment.
Unlimited Horizons Writing Workshop
Skyhawks: Pickleball
Senior Center Tech Help**
Library Quilt Bee (Time varies, check online)
Skyhawks: Soccertots
Toddler Storytime (Ages 20 months – 3 yrs.)
Preschool Storytime (Ages 3 – 6 yrs.)
Teen Tuesdays (Ages 13 – 18 yrs.)
Discovery! (Ages 6 – 9 yrs.)
Archery After School
Walk-in Wednesday Tech Help
Archery for Seniors
Baby & Me Storytime (Ages Birth – 24 months)
InbeTween (Ages 8 – 12 yrs.)
Parent & Me: Springtime Scribblers
Second Sundays @ 3 – 5 p.m.
Mondays, Apr 15 – May 20
Second Mondays @ 10 – 11 a.m.
Library Meeting Room 2
Wendy Swan Memorial Park
Schertz Senior Center
Second and Fourth Tuesday and Third Saturday Library Meeting Room 1
Tuesdays, Apr 16 – May 21
Tuesdays & Wednesdays @ 10:15 – 10:45 a.m.
Thursdays @ 11 – 11:30 a.m.
Tuesdays & Wednesdays, @ 11 – 11:45 a.m.
Tuesdays @ 4:30 – 6:30 p.m.
Wednesdays @ 4 – 4:45 p.m.
Wednesdays @ 4:30 – 6 p.m.
Wednesdays @ 6:30 – 7:30 p.m.
Thursdays @ 9 – 10:30 a.m.
Thursdays @ 10:15 – 10:45 a.m.
Thursdays @ 4:30 – 5:30 p.m.
Fridays @ 9 a.m.
Jugando y Aprendiendo En La Bibliotecha (20 meses a 3 años) Viernes @ 11 a.m. – 12 p.m.
Monster’s Vale - Schertz LARP
Saturdays @ 12 – 4 p.m.
* Library spice kits for adults will be available the first week of April featuring Paprika
Schertz North Center
Library Program Room
Library Program Room
Library Program Room
Library Program Room
Schertz Community Center
Library Meeting Room 1
Schertz Community Center
Library Program Room
Library Program Room
North Center
Library Program Room
Pickrell Park
** A membership to the Schertz Senior Center is required to attend tech help at the Senior Center Weekly youth programs are offered on a rotating schedule. These programs are offered for 6 weeks then pause for 3 weeks. We will pause weekly youth programs

Use an insect repellant with FDA approved ingredients like deet.
Wear long sleeved shirts and pants for added protection.
Mosquitos breed in water, drain any standing water that has collected outside.

Keep doors closed and repair any tears in your window screens.
Mosquitos are more aggressive during the daytime, stay indoors during peak biting hours.
Scented lotions and perfumes can attract mosquitos, avoid wearing these outdoors.

Monster’s Vale-Schertz LARP
Monster’s Vale is an active Amtgard Freehold in Schertz, Texas founded on the principals of friendship, charity, and education. They are a Live Action Role Play group for ages 14+, filled with wizards, warriors, and monsters galore. As one of the top 15 populated parks in Amtgard, the group is filled with members who enjoy passing on a variety of skills and help their local communities.
The group features a hybrid approach of online and in-person events to cater to everyone. Park days include battle games for those who love to fight, dress in their favorite garb, and engage in role play. Online events center around crafting classes and socials for those who don’t want to fight. You can show your skills in combat or as an artisan in your craft. There are master artisans and fighters in the ranks willing to help you foster your skills in a safe and inclusive environment.
The group meets every Saturday at Pickrell Park from noon to 4 p.m. All children under the age of 18 must be accompanied by an adult. Looking for more information or have questions?
Check out the “Amtgard Freehold: Monster’s Vale” public Facebook Group or call the Parks office at (210) 619-1850."

Wendy Swan Memorial Park Splash Pad
The Wendy Swan Memorial Park splash pad is officially open for the season! From now until October 31, visitors can enjoy splashing and playing from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. daily, weather permitting. Alongside this refreshing attraction, the park's restroom renovation is now finished, ensuring convenience for all visitors. Additionally, the pavilion at the park is now available for booking through schertz.com/civicrec, providing the perfect spot for gatherings and events amidst the beautiful surroundings. Get ready for a season filled with fun and relaxation at Wendy Swan Memorial Park!

Adult Archery 101
Adult Archery programs aim to provide an enjoyable and social experience. Friendly competitions, group activities, and opportunities to meet fellow archers help foster a sense of community. Come out and learn with other adults in the community at our Archery 101 class on April 13th! Register at Schertz.com/Archery.

Join us for an unforgettable educational experience with our Ed-ZOO-Cation program on April 20! Venture into Crescent Bend Nature Park with us as we bring a touch of the zoo to the great outdoors. Delve into the fascinating world of Texas Horned Lizards and discover their connection to carpenter ants, delve into their storied history, and grasp their ecological significance. But wait, there's more! Prepare to be enthralled by live animal/lizard appearances straight from the zoo itself! Meet us at the first parking lot near the restroom building and trailhead for an adventure that blends conservation, education, and pure enjoyment.
Connect with us on social media
CityofSchertz or cityofschertzparksandrecreation
Post a pic @SchertzParksandRec
Use #SchertzParksandRec

Eclipse Viewing Drop-in
Join us at the library on Monday, April 8 to watch the 2024 Total Eclipse! Pack a lunch, a chair or blanket, and enjoy crafting with UV color-change pony beads while we count down to totality at 1:30 p.m. The library will have 400 pairs of eclipse glasses available for free for program attendees. Limited to one pair of glasses per person. Glasses distribution will begin at 12:30 p.m.
Paws to Read
Children can practice their reading skills by reading a book to a trained therapy animal in a quiet, relaxed setting. Reading aloud helps children become better readers by improving fluency and comprehension, among other important skills. We have one therapy animal team, and each child will sign up for a 10-minute reading time. Our furry volunteer is a great listener! Register in advance. Ten-minute time slots are limited. Join us the 1st Wednesday of the month between 1 – 2 p.m. and the 3rd Tuesday this month between 5 – 6 p.m.
Schertz Public Library Receives
2023 Achievement of Excellence Award

The Schertz Public Library in Schertz, Texas has received the 2023 Achievement of Library Excellence Award from the Texas Municipal Library Directors Association (TMLDA), an affiliate of the Texas Municipal League. To successfully receive the Achievement of Library Excellence Award, the library must exhibit excellence by providing services to underserved and special populations, enhancing services, marketing in innovative ways, promoting cultural, topical, and educational programming, providing literacy support, providing summer reading clubs, pursuing collaborative efforts, supporting workforce development, providing for digital inclusion, and comprehensively training staff. Of the 545 public libraries in Texas, only 84 received this award in 2023.

National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) Family & Friends Seminar
NAMI Guadalupe County will present a Family & Friends seminar on Saturday, April 13, 2024, from 1 – 5 p.m., at the Schertz Public Library. This free program informs people who have loved ones with a mental health condition how to best support them. Registration is available at namiguadalupecounty.org.

Get Free Tech Help at Walk-In Wednesdays
Looking for support when it comes to using your electronic devices, like laptops, smart phones, tablets, and e-readers? We're here for you! We have tech-savvy helpers to assist with your technology questions at our Walk-In Tech Help program. Walk-In Tech Help is intended for computer and technologybased issues/questions that require up to 15 minutes of assistance, and is available on a first-come, first-serve basis. Registration is not required, but you may be asked to sign in at the door. This program is available on Wednesdays from 6:30 – 7:30 p.m. in Meeting Room 1. For more information on tech help, visit schertz.com/techhelp or call (210) 619-1700.
Connect with us on social media

City Updates
Park 35: Schertz's Newest Industrial Park Breaks Ground

This development, spearheaded by Investment & Development Ventures LLC, promises to be a game-changer, injecting 1.4 million square feet of prime warehouse space into our growing economy.
Strategic Location, Substantial Impact
Located strategically along Interstate 35, just a stone's throw from Amazon's DSX9 facility, Park 35 is poised for success. Phase 1, set for completion in late 2024, will feature four buildings totaling over 774,000 square feet, ranging from 86,456 to 340,090 square feet. This diversity caters to a wide range of businesses, ensuring a vibrant and dynamic mix within the park. Most buildings will be constructed on spec, reflecting confidence in the surging
demand for industrial space in Schertz. Additionally, building 6 offers a unique build-to-suit opportunity, allowing businesses to customize 350,000 square feet to their specific needs.
A Collaborative Masterpiece
Houston-based Powers Brown Architecture brings their design expertise to Park 35, ensuring a blend of functionality and aesthetics. Leasing professionals Roger Hill and Kyle Mueller of JLL will lead the charge in attracting a diverse range of businesses, further enriching Schertz's economic tapestry.
More Than Bricks and Mortar Park 35 represents more than just physical structures; it symbolizes the unwavering spirit of progress
and opportunity. This development promises to generate countless jobs, attract new residents, and contribute significantly to our city's economic vibrancy. We are incredibly excited to witness Park 35 come to life, and we invite you to be a part of this transformative journey. Stay tuned for updates on this monumental project and follow our progress as Schertz solidifies its position as a thriving business hub.
Ready to Learn More? Visit www.idvllc.net/park-35-sanantonio to delve deeper into Park 35 and discover the exciting possibilities it holds and follow us on Facebook @SchertzEDC to keep up to date with new businesses coming to town.
list of available tools
string trimmer loppers
electric loppers
pole saw
digging shovel
flat shovel
leaf rake
Garden Rake leaf blower
pruning shears
The community tool shed contains hand and gas power tools that can be used at no cost by residents. For more informaton visit schertz.com/toolshed

Curious about what new businesses are now open or coming soon to our area?
See the list below For more up-to-date information on What’s Developing in Schertz go to Schertz.com/whatsdeveloping
1 / Anchor Bar
3820 FM 3009, Unit 164
A full service casual restaurant with a bar
2 / Charleys Cheesesteaks and Wings 6102 FM 3009
A 2,047 square foot restaurant located inside Walmart
3 / South Texas Spinal Clinic 17331 IH 35, Suite 103
Medical practice offering orthopedic medicine, spinal orthopedic medicine, physical medicine, and rehabilitation
4 / Kid Doc Pediatrics
17766 Verde Parkway, Suite 230
A 3,520 square foot pediatric & adolescent medical practice
5 / Good Shepherd Catholic ChurchFood Pantry Expansion 1065 E Live Oak Road
A 1,580 square foot food pantry
6 / Health Texas Schertz
650 FM 3009
A 6,943 square foot medical office
in this section is finalized around the 15th of the month prior to publication. Some businesses listed in the Coming Soon section may be open upon publication of this magazine.
7 / Biscuit House
3900 FM 3009, Unit 101
A breakfast restaurant serving quickservice breakfast including a full barista coffee bar
8 / QT 4033 18279 IH 35
A 5,300 square foot convenience store with gas pumps
9 / The Learning ExperiencePre-School
4629 FM 3009
A 10,000 square foot day care facility
10 / Brown Retina Institute 17017 IH 35
A 10,520 square foot medical office building
11 / SAT Asian Seafood Restaurant & Bar 950 FM 78
A 6,835 square foot seafood restaurant and bar
12 / Kellum Medical Offices Phase II 3795 FM 3009
A 9,000 square foot medical office building
13 / Extended Stay America Hotel
17648 Verde Parkway
A 40,023 square foot, 3 story, 115 room hotel
14 / Aviator 1518 - Apartments 9120 FM 1518
An apartment complex consisting of 8 residential buildings, with 300 residential units
Registration is Open Now for the Schertz PD Junior and Teen Police Academies

Do you have a child aged between 11 and 17 who is intrigued by law enforcement or eager to interact with a police officer? If the answer is yes, consider enrolling them in our Junior and Teen Police Academies, scheduled for June 24 – 28 (for 11 – 13-year-olds) and July 15-19 (for 14 – 17-year-olds). During these

engaging programs, participants will gain insights into an Officer's toolkit, experience K-9 demonstrations, delve into fingerprinting techniques, and explore various other police-related subjects. It's important to note that the class has limited seating, and Schertz residents will receive priority consideration.

Applications are available for pickup at the police department during regular business hours or can be conveniently downloaded from our website at Schertz.com/jracademy. The application deadline for both sessions is May 31. For additional details, feel free to contact us at (210) 619-1264 or via email at akraft@schertz.com. Your child's exciting journey into the world of law enforcement awaits!

What to expect:

A one woman dynamo, Schertz resident Jeanne (Jean) Bennett came to Schertz in the early 1960's. Her husband Glynn had been transferred to RAFB and being civic-minded, Jean decided to dive into a bond issue that officials were trying to pass to improve roads throughout the city.
Having no knowledge whatsoever of bonds, Jean became knowledgable on the proposals, obtained a registered voters list and began a block-walking campaign. To the surprise of the city officials, the bond passed and Mayor Richards asked Jean to became a charter member of the Citizens Advisory Committee for Schertz, which she then chaired for several years.
In late 1960, the Mayor again approached Jean and asked for her assistance in developing a welfare program for Schertz. Having had 28 years of experience in this field, she accepted this non-paying position and she was given the title of City Director of Welfare. Until 1972, she devotedly helped an guided needy Schertz citizens to include donating out of her own pocket and tutoring child that were not in school to give them the ability to enroll.
In 1972, illness forced Jean to resign her position and later she also had to have open hear surgery. Even with this as well as later suffering a stroke, when Jean found out her predesse left due to illness in November of 1979, she and friend Evelyn Barnes volunteered to reopen office and reached out to the community through the local paper for help for families in the coming Christmas season. A month later, Jean passed away on December 2, 1979. The city Schertz became a better city for it’s citizens because of her compassion, devotion and activis May her memory be a giant in the community of Schertz whose shoulders we stand on no
Upcoming Events

The Schertz Historical Preservation Committee is an all-volunteer committee whose goal is to perserve Schertz past through stories, photos and landmarks. To join our committee, go to schertz.com and search “Boards and Commissions” or call 210-619-1030

You’ve worked hard to care for your home and save for the future, but disasters can lead to financial emergencies. A financial emergency is any expense or loss of income you do not plan for, like a missed paycheck, a damaged roof, a flat tire, medical bills or other family emergencies. Start an

Around the Community
Apply for the Schertz-Cibolo-Selma Lions Club Scholarship

The Schertz-CiboloSelma Lions Club has established this scholarship program for high school seniors, who are residents or attend school in Schertz or Cibolo, to encourage higher education or training and assist the applicants’ achievement of personal goals.
The Schertz-Cibolo-Selma Lions Club works as a service club organization and partners with the SchertzCibolo-Selma Lions Foundation to raise money for worthy local causes such as this scholarship program. All funds raised are used for charitable purposes; administrative costs are
The scholarship award may be used for tuition, fees, or expenses for any full-time post-secondary institution of higher learning. Acceptable institutions include traditional two or four-year colleges or universities accredited by a state, regional or national agency, or an educational, vocational, or technical training program of at least one year in duration.
In the past, up to 5 scholarships of $1,000.00 each have been awarded on a competitive basis. Eligible students must:
■ Be currently enrolled high school seniors (including home-schooled students)
■ Have a graduation date in May/June 2024

Reside or attend school in Schertz,
Completed application packages must be received (not postmarked) no later than 5 p.m. on Monday, May 6, 2024. Incomplete applications will not be considered. Scholarship winner(s) will not receive direct payment from the Schertz-Cibolo-Selma Lions Foundation; instead, awards will be made in the name of the recipient to their selected institution of higher learning, upon receipt of evidence of registration or enrollment.
For more information, contact Summer Robledo, Scholarship Committee Chair, at (512) 8787105 or visit the Schertz-CiboloSelma Lions Club website Calendar page and click the ‘view flyer’ tab on the scholarship listing.

If you can paint, sweep, sort, repair, mow, trim, clean, fix, haul, share God's Word, hold someone's hand and pray with them — WE NEED YOU!

Saturday, April 20, 2024 8am - 4pm
Meet at City of Schertz North Facility, 3501 Morning Drive, Schertz, TX, for prayer and assignments.

Use the QR code or visit https://lwylschertz.com for volunteer signup

Colleen Golden visited the Cliffs of Moher in Ireland and brought her Schertz Magazine.
Bring your Schertz Magazine along during your travels and send us a high resolution photo of you and your magazine to magazine@schertz.com. You may see your photo in an upcoming issue of Schertz Magazine!

Retired Schertz Fire Chief David Covington and his wife Mary Kay caught a seaplane to Fort Jefferson in Key West, Florida with their Schertz Magazine.

Karen Hudson, Chosieul Whorton, and Clisher Harmon visited the Holocaust Museum in Haifa, Israel with their Schertz Magazine.

Tara Foley and Sabrina Hartmangruber brought their Schertz Magazine to Edinburgh Castle in Edinburgh, Scotland.

Official City Meetings
Ralph Gutierrez Mayor (210) 619-1040
Mark Davis Councilmember (210) 376-9141 markdavis@schertz.com
Michelle Watson Councilmember (210) 419-8472 mwatson@schertz.com
Paul Macaluso Councilmember (210) 419-4972 paulmacaluso@schertz.com
Tiffany Gibson Councilmember (210) 612-6137 tiffanygibson@schertz.com
Robert Westbrook Councilmember (210) 846-8768 robertwestbrook@schertz.com
Allison Heyward Councilmember (210) 608-9543 allisonheyward@schertz.com
Tim Brown Councilmember (210) 608-2381 timbrown@schertz.com