06 City Headlines
10 Parks & Recreation
14 Library
30 Features
40 Around the Community
47 Calendar
City Council
Ralph Gutierrez Mayor
Mark Davis Councilmember
Rosemary Scott Councilmember
Jill Whittaker Councilmember
Michael Dahle Councilmember
David Scagliola Councilmember
Allison Heyward Councilmember
Tim Brown Councilmember
Executive Team
Dr. Mark Browne City Manager
Brian James Assistant City Manager
Charles Kelm Assistant City Manager
Adrian Perez Executive Director
Sarah Gonzalez Assistant to the City Manager
Leading, improving, and serving a livable, sustainable, and financially sound community.
Community. Service. Opportunity.
Core Values
Treat others the way you would want to be treated. Do the right thing. Be the best you can. Work cooperatively as a team.
About Our Magazine
Schertz Magazine is a monthly popular lifestyle/entertainment/ community events publication wholly owned and operated by the City of Schertz and produced internally by the Schertz Public Affairs Department. It serves as the primary dissemination source for government information for a growing city of over 42,000 residents.

Today, Schertz Magazine is the leading publication in the Tri-County area with a circulation of 16,000 copies; including 14,000+ direct mailed and 500+ subscriptions from Austin through San Antonio and around the country (including dozens of out-of-state readers). The magazine is mailed to 15,000+ local households and over 1,000 businesses with hundreds of copies made available at local and regional banks, hospitals and clinics, schools, pharmacies, and restaurants.
Schertz Parks & Rec has big plans for big FUN

Schertz Trail Network Connects Community

Hello Schertz and I wish you a wonderful 4th of July holiday as we approach mid-summer. As usual, the magazine is loaded with great information in July. Our activities on the 4th begins with the 5K race at 9:15 a.m. and then the parade starts at Elbel Rd. and Schertz Parkway at 9:30 a.m. and moves down Schertz Parkway to Main Street to 1518 and then ends at Pickrell Park. It has been two years since we have held the parade so we are looking forward to a wonderful event this year with over 100 entries. In the evening our events will continue at 5:00 p.m. at Pickrell Park. We will have the band Gun Powder Soup entertaining during the evening hours culminating with fireworks at 9:15 p.m. We hope you will come out and join us that evening.
July is also designated as Parks and Recreation month so we will be highlighting the many activities taking place all month long. We have articles discussing future park and trails development which is a significant part of our quality of life program in the City. We are focused as an organization on providing the best park experience we possibly can with the resources we have available.
In other news, the magazine discusses the Library summer reading program which is always a favorite activity. Additionally, in this edition, we recognize our Hal Baldwin Scholarship Recipient who is Clemens senior Emma Jachimowicz and who was presented with a $5,000 scholarship. This scholarship is given to a worthy student who is pursuing a career in some form of public service. There are a few other items featured in the magazine including the Veterans Memorial Plaza landscape renovation which is an extensive effort undertaken by our Parks Department to help beautify this meaningful place to honor our veterans. I wanted to give you a quick update on some upcoming road projects in the City; FM 1103 Improvement Project has a let date for a construction contract in July with construction starting soon after that. In an exciting development, Elbel Road was recently approved for construction this summer at a cost of $1,560,000. We hope to get the project under construction before school starts in August. And finally, Tri-County Parkway Reconstruction Project is in the design phase and our consultants have submitted 90% completed plans to staff for review; that project is making significant progress. Again, happy 4th of July, and we will see you at Pickrell Park!
JULY 2021
PUBLISHED MONTHLY BY Public Affairs Department
Linda Klepper Public Affairs Director
Devan Christensen Communications Manager Madison Porras Marketing & Communications Specialist
Contributing Writers
Linda Klepper, Devan Christensen, Madison Porras, Sarah Gonzalez, Kira Villareal, Leslie Asher Blair, Anna Kraft, Mary Spence, Michelle Yang, Lauren Shrum, Lizzi Bertoia, Cary Corbin, Stacey Lovett, Summer Hall, Jennifer Shortess

Contributing Photographers
Devan Christensen, Madison Porras, Stacey Lovett, Joe Herczeg, Anna Kraft, Eduardo Suarez
Schertz Magazine is published monthly by the Public Affairs Department of the City of Schertz promoting city, community, and business activities. Our mailing address is 1400 Schertz Parkway, Schertz, Texas 78154. © City of Schertz, Texas

The editorial office of Schertz Magazine is at 1400 Schertz Parkway, Schertz, Texas 78154. Call (210) 619-1600 / Fax (210) 619-1619 Website is
Send queries about articles or photographs to Schertz Magazine at For advertising information call (210) 619-1633 or email
Schertz Magazine encourages submission of news and event announcement items. News and event announcements must include contact name and contact phone number. Publication cannot be guaranteed. If you would like to submit an item to Schertz Magazine, email us at or call us at (210) 619-1600.
The appearance of advertising in this publication does not constitute endorsement by the City of Schertz. All products and services advertised in this publication shall be made available for purchase, use or patronage without regard to race, color, religion, gender, national origin, age, marital status, physical or mental handicap, political affiliation or other non-merit factor of purchaser, user or patron.
Articles that appear in Schertz Magazine do not necessarily reflect the official position of the City of Schertz and does not constitute an endorsement therein. The appearance of any advertisement in Schertz Magazine does not constitute an endorsement of the goods or services advertised. Any publication of Schertz Magazine, whether draft or final is sole property of the City of Schertz and cannot be reproduced or distributed in any way, whether in print or electronically, without the express permission and written consent of the City of Schertz.
Dr. Mark Browne City Manager

Schertz Parks & Recreation Staff are excited to celebrate National Park & Recreation Month with the community and inform residents on current park and trail development.
Not pictured in cover photo Cole Moody and Nicole Krome.
City Headlines
Clemens Graduate Receives Hal Baldwin Scholarship
On June 1, 2021, City Council approved Resolution 21-R52 awarding the 2021 Hal Baldwin Scholarship to Emma Jachimowicz. The Hal Baldwin Scholarship Committee, a committee that assists the City Council with the scholarship process, reviewed the applications and recommended that Ms. Jachimowicz receive the scholarship.

The Committee selected Ms. Jachimowicz to receive the top scholarship at $5,000. Emma is a graduate from Samuel Clemens High School and will attend Texas A&M University in the fall.
The Hal Baldwin Scholarship was established in 2009 to encourage high school seniors who are residents of Schertz to
consider public service as a career path in education, local, state and/or federal government. The scholarship honors Hal Baldwin, who served the City for more than 30 years as a civic volunteer, an employee, a Councilmember, and Mayor.
Funds for the Hal Baldwin Scholarship come from donations and profits from the Hal Baldwin Golf Tournament which is held annually in the fall; this year the tournament will be on November 12, 2021 at Olympia Hills Golf and Event Center. To date, over $50,000 has been awarded in scholarship money.
Renovation Completed at Veterans Memorial Plaza
The Schertz Parks & Recreation Team has been hard at work renovating the landscaping and adding accessibility at the Veteran's Memorial Plaza after the paver renovation was completed last year. The landscape bed was reworked to be a symmetrical shape encircling the plaza and filled with various types of new rose plants. Additionally, amphitheater-style seating was added using limestone blocks and placed in a semi-circle around the two sides of the plaza. A new accessible route was created to the parking lot and an ADA accessible parking space was added next to the existing two Purple Heart Recipient spaces. The last touches include irrigation system repairs and new flowers around the entrance sign. The Veterans Memorial Plaza is host to the annual Veterans Day Ceremony hosted by The Chamber Military Affairs Committee, and the annual Memorial Day Ceremony hosted by the VFW Post 8315. The plaza contains over 1,500 memorial pavers honoring those who have served our country. Pavers can be purchased online at or by calling (210) 619-1850.


The iconic Texas horned lizard (Phrynosoma cornutum) is the Texas state reptile and was once abundant throughout a large range. They prefer arid to semi-arid areas with sparse plant cover and loose sand or loamy soils; their diet consists primarily of native harvester ants, but they will eat other insects. Horned lizard populations have declined or disappeared in many places in Texas since the late 1960s due to factors including fragmentation and habitat loss, the introduction of exotic grasses, red imported fire ants, and pesticide use.
In early 2017, San Antonio Zoo’s Center for Conservation and Research established the Texas Horned Lizard Reintroduction Project. This project seeks to release large numbers of captive-hatched horned lizards to suitable areas of their native range in Central Texas, where they have been extirpated.

San Antonio Zoo’s Center for Conservation and Research staff are involved in all aspects of the project, from lizard husbandry to site evaluation. A unique component of this project is utilizing trained horned lizard detection dogs from Chiron K9 to locate the cryptic lizards in the field. Dog handlers will travel with their trained companions to release sites to monitor post-release success and assist in ongoing conservation research. San Antonio Zoo’s longterm goal is to develop replicable methodologies to share with other conservation entities, create awareness of native biodiversity and opportunities for its preservation, and return this species to areas where they were once abundant.
The project focuses on counties in Central and South-Central Texas, including Bexar, Bandera, Comal, Hays, Blanco, Kerr, and Kendall counties, with properties covering about 250 acres of contiguous high-quality horned lizard habitat. Crescent Bend Nature Park in Schertz is a part of this area and contributes to the project by allowing the collection

of harvester ants in the park to help feed the Texas horned lizards at the Center for Conservation and Research.
Many Texans born before 1970 and who lived in the urban corridor from Houston to Dallas have fond memories of abundant horned lizards. Children and grandchildren of that cohort are largely unfamiliar with the species, and very few have ever seen a living horned lizard. This includes residents of rural areas and those who live(d) in urban and suburban landscapes. Most releases are expected to take place on large tracts of private land. San Antonio Zoo is working with corporate landowners, city and county entities, and preserves that provide access to the public. People who are fond of the horned lizards but may not meet the program’s habitat requirements can learn how to manage their properties so that horned lizards may naturally establish on their property after nearby reintroductions.
The new Schertz Parks & Rec First Ed-ZOO-cation in the Park program invites people to learn about Texas Horned Lizards, harvester ants, the history of the animals, and their importance. We encourage you and your family to come out to Crescent Bend Nature Park for the next EdZOO-Cation in the Park event and learn more about the Texas Horned Lizard Reintroduction Project at zoo-conservation-efforts/texas-horned-lizard/ and

Hurricane Season runs from June 1st through November 30th each year. Typically, the Texas coast experiences their most severe storms during the latter part of the summer.
2020 and 2021 have proven to be anything but typical and we must prepare ourselves for whatever mother nature may have in store for us next.
While Schertz is not a coastal community, we are subject to the inland effects of a hurricane which often includes large amounts of rain and high winds. It is important for every resident to identify their
Find out today what types of wind and water hazards could happen where you live, and then start preparing how to handle them.
The first thing you need to do is find out if you live in a hurricane evacuation zone. If you do, now is the time to begin planning where you would go and how you would get there.
Have enough non-perishable food, water and medicine to last each person in your family a minimum of three days.
Call your insurance company or agent and ask for an insurance check-up to make sure you have enough homeowners insurance to repair or even replace your home.
individual risk, asses their ability to respond, and make a plan.
Get prepared, then enjoy your summer! It is always best to prepare for the worst, then hope for the best!
The City of Schertz Office of Emergency Management encourages all residents and businesses to:
If you plan to ride out the storm in your home, make sure it is in good repair and up to local hurricane building code specifications.
Many Americans rely on their neighbors after a disaster, but there are also many ways you can help your neighbors before a hurricane approaches.
Take the time now to write down your hurricane plan. Know who issues evacuation orders for your area, determine locations on where you will ride out the storm, and start to get your supplies now.
Celebrate National Park & Recreation Month with Schertz staff this month. We'll have two Float & Flicks at Pickrell Pool to celebrate. We’ll also be hosting Tactical Laser Tag in the Park every Tuesday night in July. Lastly, we’ll be bringing Popsicle Parties to several parks throughout the month. Be sure to follow Schertz Parks and Recreation on social media for more details about our month-long celebration!
Follow us on Facebook at cityofschertz and cityofschertzparksandrecreation

Follow us on Instagram at @SchertzParksandRec and use #SchertzParksandRec when posting.

Stryker Tactical Laser Tag is back to celebrate Parks and Recreation Month. This experience incorporates realistic weaponry and involves combat simulations, role-play style games, and various precise and competitive goals. Join us at Pickrell Park every Tuesday night in July from 8:00 p.m. –10:00 p.m. Tactical Laser Tag is open to all who can properly use the equipment. Participants will meet at the Poplar Pavilion. Registration is $12 per person and is available on
Join us for the next Nature Discovery Series event on Saturday, July 13 as we Discover Horns and Thorns! This program is designed for families with elementaryaged children, but older and younger siblings are welcome too! Texas Master Naturalist volunteers lead the themed programs held at 10:00 a.m. at Crescent Bend Nature Park. For more information go to
Pop on over and celebrate Parks and Recreation Month with a free popsicle party every Thursday night in July from 6:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. Popsicle Parties will be hosted at various parks throughout the city, courtesy of Schertz Parks and Recreation.

■ July 1 at Ashley Park
■ July 8 at Cypress Point
■ July 15 at Heritage Oaks
■ July 22 at Community Playscape
■ July 29 at Pickrell Park Pool
Come explore the Texas night sky with volunteers from the San Antonio Astronomical Association at the next Star Party at Crescent Bend Nature Park on Saturday, July 31 from 8:30 – 11 p.m. Get an amazing view of the stars and planets, watch satellites tracking across the sky, and learn about the different star clusters from our knowledgeable volunteers.

Star Party Etiquette: Dim your vehicle lights when entering the park. Bring a flashlight with a red infrared “night-vision” setting or make your own by covering a regular flashlight with red cellophane and a rubber band. Dress for the weather and bring water and a camp chair if you’d like. Don’t touch any equipment without asking the astronomer first. Avoid loud and boisterous activity; the stars in the sky are the show for the night.
This event is FREE. Call the Parks & Recreation Department for more information at (210) 619-1850 and register on for event updates.

Congratulations Team Fuego on taking home the Spring 2021 Kickball League Championship. Registration will open on July 12 for the Fall 2021 Kickball League on Games are played on Sunday nights from 6 p.m. to 10 p.m. from September 12 to October 17 at Thulemeyer Park.

Morningstar Investment Research Center is available free to all Schertz Public Library cardholders. Morningstar provides independent investment research and analysis in the United States and in major international markets with data and analyst reports on stocks and funds, tools to build and analyze a portfolio, and tools to learn new stock and fundinvesting strategies and portfolio-building-skills. Data and analysis of domestic and international markets by market sector, industry and geographic region are also available. For more information about this resource, contact the library at (210) 619-1700 or email
The Schertz Public Library provides wireless printing from laptops, tablets and smartphones. There are three ways to send print jobs to the Library’s printer:

■ Web Portal Method - best use for printing documents, Websites, and photos

■ Email Address Method - best use for printing emails or/and email attachments
■ Mobile App Method - best use for printing photos and Websites
■ Printing Cost: 15¢ per black-and-white page; 50¢ per color page.
*Print jobs that are larger than 8.5" by 11" are the same price as 2 copies.
To pick up your document, go to the Print Release Terminal in the library within 24 hours. If the document is not picked up within 24 hours, you may need to send your job again. Contact the library (210) 619-1700 with any additional questions about wireless printing.
In partnership with Bexar County’s BiblioTech, the Schertz Public Library is now circulating hotspots! Anyone who finds themselves without access to the Internet can check out a hotspot to be used at home. Uses include, but aren’t limited to:
■ Conducting personal business
■ Attending school
■ Participating in recreational opportunities

■ Applying for jobs or benefits
■ Conducting work-related activities
This program has been funded for a twelve-month period with the hope that the Digital Divide further expanded by the pandemic, can be bridged. Many thanks to Bexar County’s BiblioTech. For more information, contact the library at (210) 619-1700.

Baby & Me Storytime is for our youngest library patrons up to 2 years old. Miss Michelle is sharing three songs with you each week on YouTube. Storytime videos are posted weekly on Saturdays. You can find the videos via the library’s YouTube channel, our online calendar, and the Virtual Programs page on our website. The current summer session began June 12 and continues through July 31. schertz. com/youthcalendar.
Toddler Storytime is for toddlers ages 20 months to 3 years old. Preschool Storytime is for our library patrons getting ready for school ages 3 to 6 years old. Miss Michelle is sharing a song, story, and flannel with you each week on YouTube. Storytime videos are posted weekly on Saturdays. You can find the videos via the library’s YouTube channel, our online calendar, and the Virtual Programs page on our website. The current summer session began June 12 and continues through July 31. Pick up a weekly themed craft to go along with the Toddler and Preschool Storytime in the library or via Curbside Pick-up. schertz. com/youthcalendar.

We have weekly take & make craft kits available for pick-up from the library for kids (ages 5-12) and teens (ages 13-18). The summer session of kits began June 12 and continues through July 31. New craft kits are available on Saturdays and can be picked up in the library or via Curbside. For the most current information on kits, visit the youth virtual programming page on the library’s website at youthvirtual.
During the month of July, the library is offering patriotic earring craft kits for adults. We have a limited supply of craft kits that can be picked up in the library or via curbside service. For the most current information on kits for adults, visit the adult virtual programming page at
For a comprehensive listing of all library events please visit

The library’s monthly adult poetry open mic has temporarily moved to a virtual format. The virtual program, Poetry in Your Pajamas is held the second Thursday of each month at 6:30 p.m. via GoToMeeting. Join us to listen to poetry from local poets or to share poetry of your own. Meeting Access information can be found on the library website calendar at

Safety Tips Summer
Keep these tips in mind as you and your family enjoy summer vacations, camping, family reunions, picnics and the Fourth of July.
Fire safety

Build campfires at least 25 feet away from tents, shrubs and anything that can burn.
If you want to see fireworks, go to a public show put on by experts. Sparklers can reach 1,200 F and cause third-degree burns.

Use chimineas, outdoor fireplaces, and fire pits outdoors only and at least 10 feet away from your home or anything that can burn.

10 feet

Use propane, charcoal and wood pellet barbecue grills outdoors only. Indoor use can cause a fire or carbon monoxide poisoning. Place your grill well away from siding and deck railings and out from under eaves and overhanging branches. Do not store or use a grill on a porch or balcony.

Jr. And High School Fire Academies Bring the Heat
Summer is in full swing and Schertz Fire Rescue brought the heat with the 5th Annual Jr. Fire Academy and the 2nd Annual High School Fire Academy. This camp (June 1-4) gives kids a chance to learn about some of the daily operations of the Schertz Fire Department while getting hands-on with some fun activities.
The program is open to boys and girls in the Schertz community and instills camaraderie, teamwork, leadership, and selfconfidence. Lieutenant Carl Schultze organized the academy, and firefighters from each shift assisted with the daily activities.

The academy kicked off with a special pancake breakfast cooked and served by Schertz firefighters. Throughout the week, junior and high school firefighters received interactive training and experience in what a firefighter does daily by interacting with several Schertz fire staff. Students were introduced to a vast variety of firefighting skills including rope rescue, fire streams, hazmat response, vehicle extrication, thermal imagery, pumping operations, fire extinguisher training, fire chemistry, and fire prevention.
Schertz Receives SCUCISD Community Partners of the Year Award

On Thursday, May 20 Schertz-Cibolo-Universal City ISD (SCUCISD) held their annual Commitment to Excellence Awards at the Courtyard Marriott in New Braunfels. During the awards ceremony, the City of Schertz, along with Guadalupe County and University Health Systems, were all honored by SCUCISD with the Community Partners of the Year Award for providing support and assistance to the District in providing COVID-19 vaccine opportunities for staff and students. The City held multiple vaccine clinics at SCUCISD campuses. Thanks to all who joined us in this effort to protect our community!
Throughout the week, students were able to participate in a number of fire-related activities including a visit to the fire safety house, getting hands-on by putting on hazmat suits, and learning about specialized hazmat skills, and participating in search and rescue exercises. Other academy activities included a lesson on fire service history, a physical agility test, fire extinguisher training, ladder exercises, vehicle extrication, fire chemistry activities, and ropes, confined space, repelling, and rope rescue training led by our firefighters. A graduation pizza party was held on Friday to congratulate the Jr. and HS firefighters on a job well done.
After a very challenging 2020 for everyone and not being able to hold our junior and high school fire academies last year, we were absolutely thrilled to be able to host them again this year,” commented Assistant Fire Chief Greg Rodgers. “It was great to have the kids back with us for another year of learning and growing. I know the kids said they learned a great deal from the experience and I know the members of the department take great pride in having them here with us for the week. We look forward to 2022 and making the program even better."
Updates on

The Cibolo Valley Drive project was officially completed early June 2021. This project was a partnership between the Cities of Schertz and Cibolo and the developer of Cibolo Crossing. The new portion of Cibolo Valley Drive now includes two lanes of traffic in each direction with a center turn lane. There were also four new traffic signals installed to help with the flow of traffic around the area.

Roadway repair work began on Schertz Parkway between Woodland Oaks Dr and Live Oak Rd. on June 7. After the completion of the reconstruction project in 2020, it was noticed that the roadway surface was bumpy and unpleasant for motorists. Due to these concerns the contractor will be out for several weeks working on road repairs and grinding the surface of the road. Two way traffic is expected to be maintained throughout construction and the end result should yield a smoother road and ride for residents.

The Tri-County Parkway project will include replacing the existing asphalt street with a new, stronger asphalt street from Corridor Parkway to FM 3009. Additionally, a short segment of Lookout Road from Tri-County Parkway to Doerr Lane will also be reconstructed. Before the street is reconstructed, some of the sanitary sewer lines will also be replaced. Currently, the project is in design and is anticipated to go out for bid in July. For more information about this project, please visit the project webpage at

The Elbel project will include installation of storm drain inlets on both sides of Elbel Road and will also extend current storm drain lines to improve drainage. After the storm drain improvements are completed, the street will receive a ‘mill and overlay’ where a portion of the existing street surface will be ground off and a new layer of asphalt will be placed on top. The new surface will be similar to the finished surface on Schertz Parkway between Live Oak Road and the railroad tracks. At the Westchester and Elbel Rd. intersection, the existing HAWK pedestrian crossing system will be replaced with a new traffic signal. The traffic signal will not only improve pedestrian safety at the intersection, but also make the intersection function more efficiently. Due to the longer lead times for traffic signal equipment, it is anticipated that the storm drain improvements and the street work will be completed before the traffic signal is fully installed. The project has been fully designed and City Council recently approved a budget amendment to fund construction of the project. The project has a scheduled bid opening of July 8th and construction is anticipated to start in August 2021.

The City will be completing an update on the Pavement Condition Index (PCI) scores for every roadway in the City of Schertz and will use a consulting firm to perform this update. The firm will collect the pavement condition data by driving each lane of all the streets in the City with specialized equipment mounted on a van. The equipment will identify and measure cracks, potholes, ruts, and other pavement defects while the van drives down the street. Once all the data is collected, it will be uploaded into the City’s pavement management software and the software will generate a new PCI score for each street. Data collection is expected to start in the next couple of months.

The last PCI update was done in 2016 and as the condition of roadways change over time it is important to update each streets score periodically. The PCI score is an objective, numerical score between 0 and 100 that provides an indication of a street’s condition. Once the streets are scored, City Staff will use that information to identify appropriate work efforts and to prioritize roadway projects in the City’s 5-yr Capital Improvement Plan.

Retires after 30 Years of Service
Matt was born in Seguin, TX on August 30, 1961. He was raised in Cibolo on the land that is now Crescent Bend Nature Park. He is the oldest of eight children in his family with six boys and two girls. Matt went to school in the Schertz-Cibolo-Universal City ISD and graduated from Samuel Clemens High School in 1981. Matt married his high school sweetheart in October of 1981 and they have four children and 10 grandchildren. Some hobbies Matt enjoys include golfing, fishing, hunting, and trying to keep up with his honey-do-list. The achievement that Matt is most proud of, besides his children, is that he never gave up on his life goal to make something of himself. He wanted his kids to know that with hard work and determination, anything can be accomplished.
After 30 years of service, EMS Shift Supervisor Matt Troncoso received his last call for Schertz EMS and officially retired from the City of Schertz on May 12.

Matt Troncoso was first hired to the City of Schertz in the Public Works Department in the water division. After one year, Matt was then offered a full-time position with Schertz EMS. Matt began his career as a volunteer for the City of Cibolo Fire Department from age 16 into his early 20s. He then went on to attend the San Antonio College Fire Academy and completed his ECA, EMT, and EMT Paramedic courses in 1986 to become a volunteer with Schertz EMS while he worked for a construction company.
“Matt will sorely be missed,” says EMS Director Jason Mabitt. “He was an integral part of the EMS Department and was liked by all. A piece of Schertz EMS will be missing now that he has retired, but I believe his legacy within the department will be here for some time. I am honored to have known him and it just will not be the same around here without him.”
Matt will be greatly missed in our community. For his hard work and dedication for so many years, we hope that he will enjoy this new phase in life and cherish every moment of it. Congratulations and happy retirement to Matt Troncoso!
Council on the Go Offers Project Updates and a Look at City Accomplishments

On Tuesday, June 15, residents joined City Staff and City Council for Council on the Go held at Ray. D Corbett Junior High School. Residents were encouraged to visit with City staff and Councilmembers before the meeting to discuss their concerns and needs and enjoy all of the fun giveaways. The meeting began with an introduction and welcome by Mayor Ralph Gutierrez and City Manager Dr. Mark Browne followed by presentations from staff on various topics.
Presentations included updates on TxDOT road projects as well as City street capital improvement projects given by City Engineer Kathy Woodlee and Engineer John Nowak, a recap of the FY 2020-21 Budget given by Finance Director James Walters, and a look back at the past year’s city accomplishments given by Public Works Director Suzanne Williams. A question and answer session followed staff’s remarks.
For more information on any of these projects go to and view the full video of the Council on the Go Meeting on our YouTube Channel.

City Headlines
Stormwater Pollution Prevention
The City of Schertz operates a Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System, commonly called an MS4. Our MS4 is a collection of channels, ditches, inlets, pipes, and other structures that collect stormwater runoff and transport it to streams and creeks. Stormwater is a growing source of water pollution in Dry Comal and Cibolo Creek Watersheds. Urbanization and climate change will continue to contribute to water pollution in our area. In the future, the City of Schertz will need to revise its standards in order to raise the bar in terms of water quality.
Small storms generate a large amount of runoff in urban areas, marked by parking lots, buildings, and roadways. Runoff carries pollutants (such as sediments, pathogens, and bacteria) into streams and rivers. The “first flush”, or first 0.5 inch of runoff, carries most of these pollutants and can be captured where rain falls.

Low-Impact Development is an approach to land development (or re-development) that works with nature to manage stormwater as close to its source as possible. Low-Impact Development seeks to capture and treat “first flush” contaminants. These practices use vegetation, soils, and natural processes to infiltrate water and make it available to plants.
Follow this article series for more information on nine lowimpact development practices: bioretention, bioswales, permeable pavement, stormwater wetlands, planter boxes, sand filters, vegetated filter strip, vegetated swale, and rain barrels. You could see one of these practices in your neighborhood soon!
10% stormwater runoff
40% evapotranspiration
50% infiltrate to soil
55% stormwater runoff
30% evapotranspiration
15% infiltrate to soil
The goal is to mimic natural conditions as much as possible and use natural systems to capture and remove pollutants from runoff.
Schertz PD Certified for Commercial Vehicle Enforcement

The Schertz Police Department Traffic Unit recently completed a two-year endeavor to get certified to conduct roadside Federal Motor Carrier regulation inspections and Texas Weight inspections for violation detection. In September 2019, the Schertz Police Department and Texas Department of Public Safety entered into a Memorandum of Understanding, and our City Council passed Resolution 19-R-126 to allow this type of enforcement formally.

2020 Drinking Water Quality Report Available Now

The City of Schertz Water Department is pleased to report that testing in accordance with EPA and TCEQ guidelines has shown that our drinking water is safe and meets and exceeds all federal and state requirements. To view the report and learn more about your drinking water, visit us at or request a physical copy.

First and Last Name: ___________________________________________________
Address:_____________________ City: _________ State: _____ Zip Code: _______
Email Address: ________________________________________________________
Please mail or drop off this form to: Schertz Public Works, 10 Commercial Place, Bldg 2, Schertz, TX 78154.
Schertz City Council Election November 2, 2021
Filing for Schertz City Council Election for November 2, 2021 Begins July 19, 2021
The City of Schertz will be holding its General Election on November 2, 2021 for the purpose of electing Council Members in Place 6 and Place 7 for a three-year term, from November 2021 to November 2024.

Any candidate desiring to have his or her name on the Official Ballot shall file with the City Secretary an application in writing in the form prescribed by the Texas Election Code declaring themselves a candidate. The filing date is no sooner than July 17, 2021, (but since the 17th falls on a Saturday and city offices are closed) the date moves to Monday, July 19, 2021) and no later than Monday, August 16, 2021, by 5:00 p.m.
Qualifications for candidacy include: must have attained the age of eighteen or older on the first day of the term of office applied for, be a registered voter of the City of Schertz, and have been a resident of the City of Schertz for at least twelve consecutive months immediately preceding the deadline for filing for an application for a place on the ballot.
The Candidate packet is available in the City Secretary’s office at 1400 Schertz Parkway, Building 2, or it can be found online at Should you have any questions, please contact the City Secretary’s office at (210) 619-1030.
Your input is important to City leadership as they make future funding decisions. Engaged residents are a key part of the success of any City government, and the City of Schertz recognizes this. On Thursday, August 12, the City will be hosting a community budget meeting to review the FY 2021-22 proposed budget and budget highlights with the public.

If you are curious about what new programs, services, or projects the City will be working on next fiscal year then join us for the budget meeting as we work together to build the best possible city for our residents.
The meeting will be held at the Schertz Civic Center from 6:30 – 8:30 p.m. A video will be available after the meeting is complete.
Schertz Parks & Rec has big plans for big FUN
By: Leslie Asher BlairAs the COVID-19 pandemic closed restaurants, movie theatres, and shopping centers, many of us sought refuge in parks near our homes. It is a nationwide trend, according to the National Parks and Recreation Association (NPRA) but it has been a Schertz trend, too.

Parks and Recreation Director Lauren Shrum, reports that Schertz residents flocked to the city’s neighborhood parks during the pandemic. “It was free and you could get outside,” she says. And as sales of bikes, skateboards, and other recreational equipment soared, trails and parks in Schertz became more crowded. Shrum and others anticipate the increased use of park facilities will continue well beyond the pandemic. A diversifying roster of sports, increased desire for trails for running, walking, hiking, and biking, accessibility, and even more Instagram-worthy spots are at the top of the list for city parks nationwide.
The City of Schertz, however, has always been forward-thinking and focused on quality of life for residents, not just postpandemic. Schertz Parks and Recreation has an ambitious plan to develop more parks and trails as well as improving the skateboard park for teens.

Shrum says, “We’ve made significant improvements in park maintenance, raised the bar aesthetically and functionally. Now we can switch our focus to larger projects that include trails to connect parks.” Some of these recent improvements include updates to the trail loop in Ashley Park last year, the addition of shade structures to the Johnie McDow Sports Complex, and renovation of the large sports court at Pickrell Park along with three pickleball courts. Another project that has been completed is amphitheater-style seating at Veterans Memorial Plaza, where events such as the Memorial Day Ceremony are held.
One of the new developments that Shrum and the Parks Advisory Board are most excited about is Hilltop/Homestead Park. The city has owned 8.37 acres of land known as “Hilltop Park” for
10 years, although it is undeveloped. Adjacent is another 14-acre park from the subdivision development of the Homestead neighborhood that includes a pond, picnic pavilion, and trails. The plan is to develop one contiguous park. Proposed donations of three parcels of land from two other homeowner’s associations will make Hilltop/Homestead Park a 45-acre park that has several miles of hike and bike trails with multiple trailhead entries from different neighborhoods. Shrum also notes the park will have sweeping views. “Hilltop is a high point. You can see all the way to Landa Park in New Braunfels and the twin towers of the old mill there in Landa Park, as well as the hill country. It has such amazing views, we want to build an overlook and maybe a viewing scope,” she says.
Parks and Recreation Board member William Bosch says, “This park is for Schertz residents to enjoy getting outside and enjoy the scenery, similar to Schertz’s Crescent Bend Nature Park. The Hilltop/Homestead Park is a perfect example of leveraging some of our more rugged terrain for outdoor enjoyment.”

And Bosch points to another reason the Hilltop/Homestead Park development could be beneficial for area residents. He says, “The location of the park is not only convenient to housing developments around it, but this park could play a role in another great Parks development within Schertz—the Great Northern Trail.” He acknowledges the Great Northern Trail is a developing concept with years to go before it is a reality, but the hope is for the trail to stretch from central Schertz, paralleling I-35, all the way to Cypress Point in northern Schertz and to eventually link into neighboring cities’ trails.
Bosch explains, “There are a number of cities along I-35 that have been working on an even bigger, regional trail project – The Great Springs Project – to connect portions of trails in order to eventually have a long trail stretching from San Antonio to Austin. I think Schertz has a great opportunity with the Great Northern Trail development, and maybe Hilltop/Homestead Park might be close enough to
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We’ve made significant improvements in park maintenance, raised the bar aesthetically and functionally.
Schertz Parks & Rec has big plans for big FUN

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the trail that it’ll be a resting point for those residents that are brave enough to hike or bike along that long trail system.” Also in the works now are long-range plans for Community Circle Park in the area behind the city municipal complex on Schertz Parkway. That area includes the Johnie McDow Sports Complex, the Schertz Dog Park, the Schertz Skate Park, open field practice space, and parking. Shrum says that with the plan they are looking at the area more holistically. The master plan adds parking for the Sports Complex and Schertz Civic Center, it provides for expansion of the skate park beyond Phase I, and the dog park and calls for volleyball courts.
Both Bosch and Parks and Recreation Board Chair Johnie McDow see park development for those beyond the young playscape demographic as important. And the vision for Community Circle Park fills that need.
Bosch says, “While we have a lot of playscapes within our parks for the youngest residents, we are seeking to develop features for the older generations. The skate park we have now is a good start for the youths that have stretched or even snapped the tether of their parents. I’d really like to see that park feature developed past ‘Phase 1,’ along with other outdoor features that have a youthful focus in the Community Circle area. That park’s proximity to Samuel Clemens High School makes it a logical choice for a tween/teen/young adult focus.“
Shrum agrees. “Because of its proximity to the high school, many students walk home through the area. It could become the local teen hangout park,” she says. An area she calls “The Box” in the
City Parks and Recreation Director Lauren Shrum invites interested residents to attend the Parks and Recreation Board meetings for a more in-depth discussion of Schertz park development. The 11-member advisory group meets every other month on the fourth Monday at 5:30 p.m. in the Bob Andrews Conference Room located in City Hall. The next meeting is Monday, July 26. Individuals may also email with questions or comments. More information on Park Development can be found at
middle is a hangout spot with shade and public art features that not only add ambiance but would be great spots to take those Instagram photos. With a basketball court, skate park, and volleyball courts, it would be another location for adults to stay physically active, too.

Bosch notes the last resident survey showed a majority of residents would like more walking, hiking, jogging, and biking trails to promote their quality of life. “Well, the City of Schertz is responding to the majority that wants to stretch their legs!”

The Schertz Fire Department reminds residents that fireworks are prohibited inside the city limits of Schertz. City Code of Ordinances 30.64 prohibits the sale, use, or possession of fireworks in the City. If you are unsure whether you reside within the city limits of Schertz you can go to the Interactive Map on and type in your address.
For more information, call the Fire Department at (210) 619-1300.

Schertz Trail Network Connects Community

The Schertz Parks and Recreation Department has long had a vision for an extensive trail system throughout the city, bringing residents miles of trails for walking, running, and biking. This past March, that vision started to become a reality, as construction began on the first half-mile of what will be known as the Great Northern Trail. The first section of this multi-use natural trail will run from Schertz Parkway to Wiederstein Road and is expected to be finished late this summer. This marks an important milestone in the department’s plan to provide community amenities that Schertz residents have long been eager to see, and it’s really only the beginning. The start of the Great Northern Trail is just one part of a larger project, the Pedestrian Routes and Bike Lanes Project, which was selected for funding last year by the Alamo Area Metro Planning Organization (AAMPO). The other parts of this project are sidewalk installation along Live Oak Road and bike lanes along Savannah Drive and Woodland Oaks Drive. All three parts of this project are expected to be completed in November 2021.
According to Parks and Recreation Director Lauren Shrum, the citizens of Schertz have clearly expressed a desire for more walking, running, and biking trails in the area. Results of citizen satisfaction surveys have shown for years that trails top the list of things most requested by the community, and the city has an ambitious plan to deliver. She notes that this work beginning on the Great Northern Trail is only the beginning of a long-range project that will eventually create an interconnected trail system throughout Schertz and potentially into surrounding cities as well.
“This project has been on our radar for over a decade, but recently a lot of things came together to make it possible,” says Shrum. “It has been timing and the way the city has grown, as well as funding and the efforts of the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board.”
As soon as the first half-mile section of the Great Northern Trail is complete this summer, construction on another smaller section is already planned to begin. This smaller section – about a tenth of a mile in length – will connect a future sidewalk along FM 1103 near Cibolo Valley Baptist Church to an existing trail in the Riata neighborhood. This second section was made possible through a $150,000 allocation of funding from the City Council in 2021.

When complete, the Great Northern Trail is planned to be eight miles total and will run from Dietz Creek north to Cypress Point, with multiple connection points into neighborhoods. The full 8-mile trail is expected to take about ten years to complete, but if all goes well, residents will be able to enjoy new sections of the trail each year until its completion.
Even further into the future, more trails will be added to the network. These trails will follow area creek beds and will add significant mileage to the trail system. These future planned trails include the Cibolo Creek Trail, Dry Comal Creek Trail, and the Woman Hollering Creek Trail. As the new trails are being built, the city is also developing branding, signage, mile markers, and trail maps to create uniformity as the trail network grows.
The main difference between the planned trail network and the existing trails in the community is that most existing trails are individual loops or paths within parks, but they do not connect different areas of the city. The planned network will connect neighborhoods all over the city, and

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Our main vision is that we want to be a destination city and we want to be known for our trail network here in Schertz.
Schertz Trail Network Connects Community
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the existing Schertz Parkway Trail and Crescent Bend Nature Park are used extensively by walkers, runners, and cyclists and have become even more crowded in the last year, since COVID restrictions have driven so many people to outdoor exercise.

eventually could be part of an even larger network that goes far beyond the boundaries of Schertz.
The city is currently in discussions with non-profit group the Great Springs Project, which plans to create a 100-mile trail network all the way from Austin to San Antonio by 2036. Connecting Barton Springs, San Marcos Springs, Comal Springs, and San Antonio Springs, the Great Springs Trail will use existing trails where possible, and Parks and Recreation officials hope that Schertz’s trail network will someday be part of this project. For now, citizens can look forward to enjoying the beginning stages of the Great Northern Trail, and if the level of use of the city’s existing trails is any indication, the trail system will be a very welcome addition to the city. According to Shrum,
“Trails are infrastructure, and we believe they are just as important as any infrastructure in the city,” said Shrum. “Our main vision is that we want to be a destination city and we want to be known for our trail network here in Schertz.”
Individuals who are interested in finding out more information about upcoming plans for the trail network should visit Schertz. com/traildevelopment or email Updates on trail development are also provided in the Schertz Parks & Recreation FUN Guide, a publication that is distributed twice per year to all Schertz residents.
Trails are infrastructure, and we believe they are just as important as any infrastructure in the city.

Remembering and Honoring All Who Served
The Department of Texas Veterans of Foreign Wars Cibolo Valley Post 8315 and its auxiliary sponsored the 2021 Memorial Day Ceremony and remembrance for the City of Schertz as it has since they began it in 2014.

Post Commander and US Army Sergeant Major Retired Henry Rivera Conway opened the ceremony and stated later on in the event, “ I have been coordinating this even since the beginning and really enjoy doing it. We do this to honor our comrades who paved the way for us and for those who gave the final sacrifice, [as well as] for their families who made the total sacrifice as well.”
Various members of Post 8315 led the ceremony with a presentation of colors, pledge of allegiance, National Anthem, Armed Forces representation with the laying of the wreaths, and an Invocation. Special guests included Schertz Mayor Ralph Gutierrez and wife Raquel Gutierrez, City of Cibolo Mayor Stosh Boyle and Mayor Pro Tem Joel Hicks as well as Schertz council members Mark Davis, Rosemary Scott, Jill Whittaker, Michael Dahle, Allison Heyward, and Tim Brown. Mayor Guiterrez delivered a touching address as the guest speaker before the benediction was given ending out the ceremony and adjourning to refreshments provided by the VFW Post 8315 Members and Auxiliary and Knights of Columbus Council 6358. The group continues to join in continued support with the community to dedicate their time and honor to those who have served and their families.
Crossing Stampede Brings Community Together
Saturday, May 29th marked the first annual Cibolo Crossing Stampede 5K – a fun run through the newest retail development off of IH-35 between FM 3009 and Cibolo Valley Drive. The 116acre high-end development houses Santikos Theater, Magnolia Pancake Haus, Dunkin’ Donuts, Willie’s Grill and Icehouse, Venetian Nail Bar, and Living Spaces and the luxury Dorado at Cibolo Crossing apartments. Participants had the opportunity to view the new development and its available space firsthand as the course looped around the complex.

Despite the wet weather, runners and attendees soaked up the setting which included a live DJ set, local merchants, the Cibolo Charity BBQ Cookoff, and the Tri-County Chamber of Commerce Cornhole Tournament. Local Mayors Stosh Boyle and Ralph Gutierrez, who took part in the race placing first in his bracket, officially welcomed in this Trail of Two Cities which joins both Schertz and Cibolo via Ripps Kreusler. The race was originally scheduled for October 2020 when the road officially opened but was postponed due to rising concerns surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic.

Participants and sponsors opted to convert their event fees into an in-kind contribution to local non-profits, distributing $3,491.92 to TCP Marriage and Family Services, Steele Project Graduation, Clemens Project Graduation, and Steele Booster Club and many returned to kick it off safely and officially this time around. Additional event sponsors alongside the Cibolo Crossing resident businesses included the Sage Group, Heritage Landscapes, and Valcor Commerical Real Estate. Official race results can be viewed online via Athlete Guild.
RACAP 2021 Back-to-School Program
Every year, the Randolph Area Christian Assistance Program (RACAP) conducts a Back-to-School Program to help provide school supplies for children in our community. RACAP is committed to providing basic school supplies for eligible children in grades K-12. RACAP will accept applications for “School Supply” assistance from July 12, 2021, through August 13, 2021.
RACAP is blessed to have an abundance of school supplies and funds specifically designated to purchase any needed supplies this year. Financial donations from churches, businesses, groups, or individuals are greatly appreciated but will be used for RACAP’s regular programs to assist with rent, utilities, RX and to restock the pantry. Please make all donations payable to RACAP and designate on the check that the donation is for the ‘General Fund’. Donations designated for the General Fund allow RACAP to use the excess funds in any area. Please visit to donate or obtain further information.

Families who reside in our zip code service areas (78108, 78109, 78124, 78148, 78154, 78132, 78233 (Live Oak only), 78247, and 78266) and meet income qualifications are eligible. Applications may be picked up at the RACAP office, 307 Pfeil St., Schertz, starting July 13, 2021.
Anyone interested in applying for assistance or helping RACAP in providing assistance may contact RACAP at (210) 658-1613 or visit
Local Students Sign Letters of Intent
Jessica Dziergowski Swimming University of the Incarnate Word
Tate Sloan Swimming Henderson State University (Arkansas)
DeShawn Cosby Wrestling Bluefield State College (W. Virginia)
Jeremiah Postell-Ellis Football Southern Arkansas University
Dalin Burris Soccer Gardner-Webb University (N. Carolina)

Caleb Callahan Soccer University of the Incarnate Word
Hayden Sharp Soccer LeTourneau University (Texas)
Olivia Ontiveros Softball Central Christian College of Kansas
Fourteen student-athletes from Schertz-Cibolo-Universal City Independent School District recently signed their letters-of-intent to continue their academic and athletic careers at the collegiate level.
Eight seniors at Samuel Clemens signed their letters-of-intent in separate ceremonies held in the Beard Gym on May 13 and 14, and six seniors at Byron P. Steele High School, including two-time state wrestling champion Treah Haynes, signed letters-of-intent in separate ceremonies held in the Knights Gymnasium on May 20.
Congratulations to our local star athletes for this incredible accomplishment and we wish them good luck in their bright futures!
Miranda Polanco Volleyball North Central Texas College
Kameron Regis Football Blinn College Le Wiles Softball Galveston College
Treah Haynes Wrestling North Central College (Illinois)
Symphanie Sampson Wrestling Schreiner University
Christopher Patterson Soccer Texas A&M-San Antonio

Lady Lions Take Home State Title
On Saturday, May 15 teams across Texas traveled to Round Rock, TX to compete in the South Texas Presidents Cup, part of the US Youth Soccer National Presidents Cup. The Lions FC Lady Lions 09 Red Team, lead by Coach Carl Rankin, swept the competition in the Girls U12 Western District and moved onto the finals. After beating out the best teams from South Texas, The Lady Lions 09 Red Team brought home a State victory in the U12 division.
This victory is the first State Championship win for The Lady Lions 09 Red Team and Coach Carl Rankin. Congratulations to Lions FC and The Lady Lions 09 Red Team on this hardearned accomplishment!

Bring your SchertzMagazinealong during your travels and send us a high resolution photo of you and your magazine to

“We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.”
– Thomas JeffersonLOCAL HISTORY
On July 3, 1964, Natural Bridge Caverns was opened to the public. The cavern was discovered on March 27, 1960, by four spelunkers who were students at St. Mary's University in San Antonio. It was named for a sixty-foot natural limestone slab bridge that spanned the amphitheater setting of the cavern's entrance. Natural Bridge Caverns became a registered United States natural landmark in 1971.
On July 4, 1845, the convention to consider the joint resolution of the United States Congress proposing the annexation of the Republic of Texas to the United States assembled in Austin. By a vote of fifty-five to one, the delegates approved the offer of annexation.
Schertz City Council
Ralph Gutierrez (210) 619-1040
Council Members:
Mark Davis (210) 376-9141
Rosemary Scott (210) 419-8472
Jill Whittaker (210) 846-8768
Michael Dahle (210) 419-9337
David Scagliola (830) 606-1130
Allison Heyward (210) 608-9543
Tim Brown (210) 608-2381
City Departments:
City of Schertz/311
(210) 619-1000
Animal Services (210) 619-1550
City Manager (210) 619-1000
City Secretary
(210) 619-1030

Civic Center (210) 619-1600
Economic Development
(210) 619-1070
EMS (non-emergency) (210) 619-1400
Fire (non-emergency) (210) 619-1300
(210) 619-1750
Municipal Court (210) 619-1500
Parks & Recreation (210) 619-1850
Planning & Zoning (210) 619-1780
Police (non-emergency) (210) 619-1274
Police Records (210) 619-1200
Public Affairs (210) 619-1600
Public Library (210) 619-1700
Public Works (210) 619-1800
Records (210) 619-1030
Trash & Recycling (210) 619-1100
Utility Billing (210) 619-1100
Presented by the Schertz Historical Preservation Committee in the interest of historical perspective and community awareness of local historical legacies.