Report issues or concerns, request services, and seek information/referrals
If you are calling from outside Guadalupe County, call (210) 619-1000. Residents can also report issues and concerns online at Schertz.com/KeepItNice or email CustomerCare@schertz.com.

Everyone appreciates living in a community that’s clean, safe, and well-maintained, and the Schertz Community is fortunate to have an outstanding Neighborhood Services division that is dedicated to promoting public health and safety using best practices to keep Schertz beautiful.

Schertz Magazine is a monthly popular lifestyle/entertainment/ community events publication wholly owned and operated by the City of Schertz and produced internally by the Schertz Public Affairs Department. It serves as the primary dissemination source for government information for a growing city of over 43,000 residents. The magazine is mailed to 15,000+ local households and over 1,000 businesses.
Our mailing address is 1400 Schertz Parkway, Schertz, Texas 78154. The editorial office of Schertz Magazine is located at the Hal Baldwin Municipal Complex, Bldg. 2. Call (210) 619-1630 or go to Schertz.com/schertzmagazine.

Ralph Gutierrez Mayor
Mark Davis Councilmember
Michelle Watson Councilmember
Paul Macaluso Councilmember
Tiffany Gibson Councilmember
Robert Westbrook Councilmember
Allison Heyward Councilmember
Tim Brown Councilmember
Steve Williams City Manager
Brian James Deputy City Manager
Sarah Gonzalez Assistant City Manager
Greg Rodgers Fire Chief
James Lowery Police Chief
Jason Mabbitt EMS Chief
Linda Klepper Public Affairs Director Devan Christensen Communications Manager
Jenna Kock Marketing and Communications Specialist
Linda Klepper, Devan Christensen, Jenna Kock, Kira Villarreal, Anna Kraft, Cassie Paddock, Lizzi Bertoia, Ashley Ritchey, Maggie Titterington
Linda Klepper, Devan Christensen, Jenna Kock, Antonio Morano, Stacey Lovett, Anna Kraft, Joe Herczeg
Schertz Magazine encourages submission of news and event announcement items. Publication is not guaranteed. If you would like to submit an item to Schertz Magazine, email magazine@schertz.com or call (210) 619-1630.
The appearance of advertising in this publication does not constitute endorsement by the City of Schertz. Articles that appear in Schertz Magazine do not necessarily reflect the official position of the City of Schertz and does not constitute an endorsement therein. Any publication of Schertz Magazine is sole property of the City of Schertz and cannot be reproduced or distributed in any way without the permission and written consent of the City of Schertz.
Register Your Neighborhood Now for National Night Out!
National Night Out is happening on Tuesday, October 1, and your neighborhood is invited to be a part of the action! Register your neighborhood today and secure a visit from a team of local leaders, including a Council Member, City Management, City Staff, Schertz Police Officers, and other public safety staff. Don’t miss out!
Contact Officer A. Kraft at (210) 619-1264 or visit Schertz.com/NNO to register your neighborhood by Wednesday, September 18. Provide a point of contact and your block party location to secure a visit. Sign up today and make this National Night Out unforgettable!

Getting Ready for the 2024 General and Special Election
The City of Schertz will be holding its General Election on November 5, 2024, for the purpose of electing Council Members in Place 6 and Place 7 for a three-year term, November 2024 to November 2027. A Special Election will also be held for the purpose of voting on 15 proposed Charter Amendments.
Important Dates:
October 7 Last day to register
October 21 Early voting begins
October 25 Last day to apply for ballot by mail
November 1 Early voting ends
November 5 Election Day
Scan the QR codes below to view the voting locations and times:
Guadalupe Website
Bexar Website
Comal Website
If you have any questions, contact the City Secretary’s office at (210) 619-1030. Early voting locations will be posted on Schertz.com. For more voting information go to votetexas. gov. For more general voting information go to votetexas.gov.
Celebrating Our Exceptional Staff: September Recognition Days
Payroll Appreciation Week
From September 2 to 6, we celebrate our payroll team for their precision and reliability in managing and distributing employee compensation, a vital part of our operations.

IT Professionals Day
September 17 is dedicated to our IT professionals who keep our systems running smoothly and ensure we stay connected and secure in an increasingly digital world.
Finance and Accounting Appreciation Week
Running from September 23 to 27, this week is all about showing gratitude to our finance and accounting teams for their meticulous management of the city’s financial health and resources.
Human Resource Professional Day
On September 26, we honor our HR professionals whose dedication to staff support and development is crucial for maintaining a positive and productive work environment.

Councilmember Gibson Sworn in as Mayor Pro Tem
City Secretary Sheila Edmondson swore in Councilmember Tiffany Gibson as the new Mayor Pro Tem at the August 6 Schertz City Council Meeting. In the instance Mayor Gutierrez is unavailable, Mayor Pro Tem Gibson will fill in his place. Mayor Pro Tem Gibson will serve in this capacity until January 2025.

Save the Date for Shred Day
Join The Chamber's hYPer Young Professionals Committee on Saturday, October 19, between 9 a.m. and 12 p.m. at 1730 Schertz Parkway. You can bring up to 5 boxes, per car, of documents for shredding on-site. Attendees are also encouraged to donate, as half of the proceeds raised will benefit a local non-profit, Rescue Pets Serving Vets. If you have any questions about this event, please contact (210) 764-4030.
Stay Up-To-Date on TxDOT Road Projects

I-35 NEX Central Project
The Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) is expanding approximately 20 miles of I-35 from N. Walters Street to FM 1103 in Bexar, Comal, and Guadalupe Counties. The I-35 NEX Program—including Central, South, and North projects —involves the construction of two elevated structures that will carry two general-purpose lanes and one HOV lane in each direction. The elevated structures will be constructed between
the existing I-35 main lanes and frontage roads. The program also includes incidental construction necessary to transition the elevated lanes and connectors with the existing highways including revisions to ramps and frontage roads and accommodations for drainage, utilities, signs, and other highway improvements.
The I-35 NEX Central project, the first of five I-35 NEX projects, has been under construction since June 2022.
■ Visit Project Website and Sign Up for Alert Email List: www.i35NEX.com
■ Follow on Facebook: Facebook.com/ TxDOTSanAntonioTX
New Equipment Enhances Schertz Road Maintenance

The City of Schertz Public Works Department recently acquired two pieces of new equipment—a laydown asphalt paver machine and a pothole patch truck—that promise to significantly improve the quality and efficiency of road maintenance across the city.
The Asphalt Paver is designed for faster, more efficient repairs, delivering a uniform thickness and a smooth finish to roadway surfaces with minimal manual labor. This ensures not only a better driving experience for residents

but also greater cost-effectiveness in the paving process.
Similarly, the new pothole patch truck has greatly improved how potholes are repaired. With all necessary materials and tools onboard, the truck reduces a four-man operation to just two, cutting man-hour costs and increasing productivity. Its larger load capacity and streamlined application process further enhance cost efficiency, allowing for more frequent and thorough repairs.
■ Contact I-35 NEX Team: Email i35nexcentral@txdot.gov or Call (726) 800-4809
FM 1518 Expansion Project
TxDOT is moving forward with the expansion of FM 1518 from FM 78 to I-10 in Bexar County. The FM 1518 Expansion project will include $73 million of transportation improvements designed to increase mobility and safety along 5.6 miles of the corridor.
■ Visit Project Website and Sign Up for Alert Email List: www.txdot.gov, Keywords: FM 1518 Expansion
■ Contact Project Team: Email FM1518@TxDOTSA.com or Call (210) 321-2021
Scan QR code for more information and updates on San Antonio area construction and to see how to report an issue to TxDOT.

Training provided by the manufacturers of the new equipment ensures that Public Works crews can operate the new machinery safely and efficiently.
Funded through the FY 2023-24 budget, this new equipment will enable Public Works to tackle street repairs more effectively, improving road durability and safety. Whether it’s pothole patching or larger street repairs, residents can look forward to smoother and safer commutes across Schertz.
Rep. Cuellar Presents Schertz
Area Senior Center Advisory Board with Certificate of Congressional Recognition

On Friday, August 16, Congressman Cuellar visited the Schertz Senior Center. He presented the Advisory Board with a congressional certificate of recognition for unwavering commitment and dedicated service
to the Schertz community.
“I extend my heartfelt congratulations on achieving this significant milestone. Your dedicated service and selfless contributions as a caring establishment have not gone unnoticed. As a community, we are profoundly grateful and proud that you have chosen to devote yourself to the advancement of the senior population within our community. Your invaluable

contributions are deeply appreciated. I would like to thank Schertz Mayor Ralph Gutierrez, Schertz Senior Center Advisory Board President Christopher Castoro, and the advisory board for their important work,” said Dr. Cuellar. During the event, the Congressman discussed the important work of the senior center and how it creates friendship and community for the area.


Schertz EDC Receives International Recognition for Excellence in Economic Development
Schertz EDC received Bronze Awards in both the Special Events and Regional or Cross-Border Partnership categories, highlighting our community's commitment to innovation and cooperation in economic development.
Award for Special Events: Snow Cone Celebration
The first accolade was awarded in the Special Events category for our highly successful “Snow Cone Celebration.”
This event, which brought a refreshing twist to community engagement, saw an overwhelming turnout of employees who had been inconvenienced by the
year-long construction project on TriCounty Parkway. The event and free treats served as a thank you to our businesses for their patience with the city. The event also served as a platform for networking, community building, and connecting with local businesses and their operational managers.
Award for Regional or Cross-Border Partnership: Regional Job Fair
In the Regional or Cross-Border Partnership category, the Schertz
EDC, in collaboration with the Cibolo EDC, Seguin EDC, and New Braunfels Chamber of Commerce, were recognized for our Regional Job Fairs. These events feature a diverse range of industries, providing opportunities for individuals to explore various career paths and for businesses to find the talent they need to thrive. The collaborative effort showcases the strength of our regional partnerships and our shared commitment to economic growth and workforce development.
About the IEDC
The IEDC is the largest professional organization for economic developers, with members from around the world. The annual IEDC awards program is highly competitive, recognizing the best economic development programs and partnerships globally. Receiving these awards is a significant achievement, as it places Schertz EDC among the top economic development organizations internationally.
Schertz EDC staff, along with Seguin, Cibolo, and New Braunfels will have the honor of accepting these awards in person at the 2024 IEDC Annual Conference in Denver, CO, this September.
We hope these awards highlight our innovative approach to economic development and our commitment to fostering a vibrant and prosperous community. We are proud of these accomplishments and look forward to continuing our efforts to support the growth and success of Schertz.
For more information about our initiatives and upcoming events, please visit our website at schertzedc.com or email business@schertz.com.
Keep Schertz Clean
The division is composed of the Code Enforcement Team, which works to protect residents’ safety and quality of life, and the Environmental Health Team, which works to ensure that food service establishments and other public facilities meet safety and sanitary requirements.
October is National Code Enforcement Month, and the City is urging residents to do their part to help keep our community safe and clean. You can help “Keep Your Schertz Clean” by utilizing the many resources and initiatives that Neighborhood Services has to offer. One of the most popular among these is the Community Tool Shed, which provides residents with access to a collection of tools that can
be borrowed and used at no cost. Among other items, the shed offers lawn mowers, weed eaters, pole saws, picks, shovels, wheelbarrows, and a pressure washer. It’s a great way to supplement your tool collection and keep your home maintained or help a neighbor with their home and yard work.
Another important initiative is the Clean the Creek Project, which helps to tackle one of the City’s ongoing challenges, according to Neighborhood Services Manager Rebecca Vera. “Schertz is working to meet the challenge of protecting people, property, and the natural environment from flooding through planning and preparedness,” she said. “The city maintains man-made diversions and engages in mitigation practices such

as stormwater programs and floodplain preservation, but our watersheds can be impacted by litter, pollution, and illegal dumping. The Clean the Creek Project engages community volunteers to work alongside city staff in an annual cleanup effort to keep the natural creek way from becoming clogged with litter and other debris.”
For those who may need some assistance with their home repairs and maintenance, and for anyone who wants to help their neighbors in need, there’s the Love Where You Live program. LWYL connects volunteers from local churches and other organizations to assist with property maintenance and repairs. With events held twice per year, this is a great way to share your skills and spread goodwill in the community. The next LWYL event is planned for October 5th of this year.
Vera notes that these programs and services have been very well received by residents and have clearly made a positive impact on the community. “Our Community Tool Shed has served our residents well and has been averaging 80 reservations per month over the last year, while LWYL assisted 90 families with minor home repairs and yard maintenance at our spring event. It’s clear that we are making a difference,” said Vera.
Meanwhile, the Neighborhood Services Code Enforcement team has ongoing efforts in the areas of code compliance and graffiti abatement. The Code Enforcement team works to keep Schertz a beautiful place to live and work by proactively patrolling the city and responding to resident concerns on a variety of issues including exterior property maintenance. The Graffiti Abatement Program (GAP) works with other city departments to rid the city of graffiti on properties and infrastructure. Residents who spot graffiti or vandalism should report it immediately to the police nonemergency line, and owners who have been victimized should also take photos or measurements if possible.
Residents also have an important role to play in keeping the community clean, and not just by maintaining their own properties. Everyone can help by doing their part to report any issues that arise so that they can be addressed promptly, and the city provides several avenues for this. Residents can file
a code enforcement complaint at development.schertz.com/portal. They can also report issues by calling 311 from any phone within the city. Types of issues that should be reported include property maintenance issues like grass over eight inches, tree limbs hanging below 15 feet over a street or below eight feet over a sidewalk, trash or discarded materials stored outside, unsecured vacant structures, and fences that are missing sections or in poor condition.
In addition to the Love Where You Live Event coming up in early October, as a part of the National Night Out event on October 1, Neighborhood Services and Schertz Public Library staff will be holding a joint block party in the Aviation Heights Neighborhood. This event promotes community partnerships, and it gives residents a chance to learn about library programs and services and to meet and get to know their community’s first responders.
According to Vera, Neighborhood Services is also hard at work planning a new weatherization program that should be rolling out in the coming year, so residents can look forward to more opportunities to keep their community beautiful, clean, and safe.
To learn more about the existing programs offered by Neighborhood Services visit Schertz.com/ neighborhoodservices or call (210) 619-1650.
Schertz is working to meet the challenge of protecting people, property, and the natural environment from flooding through planning and preparedness.
Schertz Rolls Out Updated CIP: Planning for Tomorrow
In FY 2023-24, a top priority for city staff was the development of a comprehensive Capital Improvement Plan (CIP). As the city grows, it is essential to plan for future infrastructure needs while addressing aging systems that require replacement. Capital improvement projects stand out due to their scale, impact, and cost, often requiring extensive planning and time to complete. These projects may include the addition or replacement of water and wastewater systems, construction or repair of roads, development of new parks or trails, and the building of new public facilities.
“Projects included in the CIP are selected based on thorough citywide studies that analyze land topography, population growth estimates, and zoning restrictions. These studies, known as "Master Plans," are reviewed and adopted by the City Council before being incorporated into the CIP. Some projects are also identified by staff as critical additions, even if they aren’t included in a formal master plan,” commented Finance Director, James Walters. This organized approach to identifying capital projects ensures that the city can accommodate the growth while addressing the most pressing needs. Projects are then prioritized based on requirements of state and federal governments, as well as those that have the biggest need to help Schertz provide for new residents and businesses.
The CIP is not intended to be a static document, but rather, it is something that is reviewed and updated annually as part of the budget process, ensuring the identified projects remain relevant and responsive to the city’s evolving needs. “Prior to the creation of the comprehensive CIP document, the city’s approach to capital projects was less cohesive, with different

departments maintaining separate project documents. It's much more efficient to have all future projects in one plan because it serves as a map of future needs and helps staff to plan more effectively,” commented Assistant City Manager, Sarah Gonzalez. She also added that the updated CIP provides transparency for residents, enabling them to see the scheduled start and completion dates of future projects, ensuring that residents are well-informed and engaged with the city’s development.
Given the substantial costs associated with these projects, funding them often requires careful financial planning. “While cash funding is ideal to avoid interest charges, many CIP projects are debt-funded. CIP projects are much like cars or houses for individuals that usually require loans,” explained Walters. To ensure financial sustainability, the city uses the CIP to plan for upcoming project funding and make informed spending decisions. This approach allows the city to balance its budget, prioritize essential projects, and explore grant
opportunities, all while preparing for the long-term financial health of Schertz.
As a supplemental tool to the CIP, the City of Schertz has launched a Capital Improvement Project dashboard, which provides an interactive and upto-date look at ongoing construction projects. This user-friendly platform allows residents to explore areas of construction and stay informed about the current status of various projects. View the City of Schertz Capital Improvement Project dashboard at Schertz.com/CIP.
The CIP is a vital tool that allows Schertz to strategically plan for the future, ensuring that the city’s infrastructure and services are ready to meet the needs of its growing population. By prioritizing transparency, thoughtful planning, and financial responsibility, the City of Schertz is laying a strong foundation for the future.
The city’s comprehensive CIP document is included in the FY 2024-25 budget and can be found by going to Schertz.com/budget.


Improv Workshop (Ages 8 – 18 yrs.)
Schertz Area Genealogists Meeting
ESL Orientation (Adults registration req.)
Advanced Archery
Estate Planning Workshop w/ Demory Law
Lego Lab (Ages 5+)
Paws in the Pool
Girls with Grit
Poem in Your Pocket Poetry Workshop
Adult Archery
South Texas Blood and Tissue Blood Drive
Guadalupe County Master Gardeners Lunch & Learn: Fall Gardening (registration req.)
Nature Discovery Series
Sunday Afternoon Meditation (Adults)
Floral Design Class
Free Legal Advice Clinic w/ CTDRC (Registration Req.)
Cookie Decorating Class
Family Storytime (all ages)
Paper Crafting Crop
Owl Prowl
Medicare 101
Sep 3 @ 4:30 – 6:30 p.m.
Library Program Room
Sep 3 @ 6:30 p.m. Library Meeting Room 1
Sep 4 @ 10 a.m. – 12 p.m. Library Meeting Room 1
Sep 5 @ 5 – 7:30 p.m.
Sep 5 @ 6 p.m.
Sep. 7 @ 10:15 – 11:15 a.m.
Sep 7 @ 10 a.m.
Sep 7 @ 12 p.m. & 2 p.m.
Sep 11 & 12 @ 5 p.m.
Schertz Community Center
Library Meeting Room 1
Library Program Room
Crescent Bend Nature Park
Pickrell Park Pool
Schertz North Center
Sep 12 @ 7 p.m. Library Meeting Room 1
Sep 14 @ 9:30 a.m.
Sep 14 @ 10:30 a.m. –2:30 p.m.
Sep 14 @ 11:30 a.m.
Sep 14 @ 9:30 a.m.
Sep 15 @ 1 p.m.
Sep 18 @ 6 p.m.
Sep 19 @ 5:30 – 7 p.m.
Sep 19 @ 6 p.m.
Schertz Community Center
Library Parking Lot
Library Meeting Room 1
Crescent Bend Nature Park
Library Program Room
Schertz North Center
Library Meeting Room 1
Schertz North Center
Sep 21 @ 10:15 – 11 a.m. Library Program Room
Sep 22 @ 12 – 5 p.m. Library Program Room
Sep 22 @ 8:30 – 10 p.m.
Sep 26 @ 6 p.m.
Crescent Bend Nature Park
Library Meeting Room 1

Mondays @ 4:30 – 7:30 p.m. | Library Program Room
This program is for youth ages 13 – 18. Each week we will have a different "one-shot" campaign. While no previous D&D experience is required, players are encouraged to bring their own characters.
Registration is required and space is limited to 6 players. Visit Schertz.com/ YouthCalendar.

Saturday, Oct. 12 | 10:15 a.m. | Schertz Public Library
Join us outside the library for stories, songs, and fun. Let’s get our bodies moving and our minds growing. Bring blankets and/or outdoor seating. Save the Date
Monster’s Vale: LARP
Lions and Tigers and Bears, Oh My!
Senior Center Tech Help**
Teen Dungeons & Dragons (Ages 13 – 18 yrs.)
Monster’s Vale: Fighter Practice
Library Quilt Bee (Time varies, check online)
Toddler Storytime (Ages 20 months – 3 yrs.)***
Preschool Storytime (Ages 3 – 6 yrs.)
Teen Tuesdays (Ages 13 – 18 yrs.)
Little Mess Makers (Parent & Me)
Paws to Read (independent readers)
Discovery (Ages 6 – 9 yrs.)
Walk-in Tech Help Wednesdays
Archery for Seniors
Saturdays @ 12 – 4 p.m.
Mondays @ 9:30 – 10:30 a.m.
Second Mondays @ 10 – 11 a.m.
Mondays @ 4:30 – 7:30 p.m.
Mondays @ 6 p.m.
Pickrell Park
Schertz North Center
Schertz Senior Center
Library Program Room
Pickrell Park Large Pavilion
Second and Fourth Tuesday and Third Saturday Library Meeting Room 1
Tuesdays & Wednesdays @ 10:15 – 10:45 a.m. Thursdays @ 11 – 11:30 a.m.
Tuesdays & Wednesdays @ 11 – 11:45 a.m. & Thursdays @ 12:30 p.m.
Tuesdays @ 4:30 – 6:30 p.m.
Wednesdays @ 9:30 – 10:30 a.m.
Wednesdays @ 1 – 2 p.m. & 5 – 6 p.m.
Wednesdays @ 4 – 4:45 p.m.
Wednesdays @ 6:30 – 7:30 p.m.
Thursdays @ 9 – 10:30 a.m.
Baby & Me Storytime (Ages Birth – 24 months) Thursdays @ 10:15 – 10:45 a.m.
InbeTween (Ages 8 – 12 yrs.) Thursdays @ 4:30 – 5:30 p.m.
Jugando y Aprendiendo En La Bibliotecha (20 meses a 3 años) Viernes @ 11 a.m. – 12 p.m.
* Library spice kits for adults will be available the first week of September featuring Mustard Seed
** A membership to the Schertz Senior Center is required to attend tech help at the Senior Center.
Library Program Room
Library Program Room
Library Program Room
Schertz North Center
Library Program Room
Library Program Room
Library Meeting Room 1
Schertz Community Center
Library Program Room
Library Program Room
Library Program Room
*** Weekly youth programs are offered on a rotating schedule. These programs are offered for 6 weeks then pause for 3 weeks. We will resume weekly youth programs beginning the week of September 8.

Paws In The Pool
The dog days of summer are still hanging on so its time to get your pup’s paws in the pool and cool off! It's going to be a fun-filled day gone to the dogs! Let your furry, four-legged friend take a swim in Pickrell Park Pool on Saturday, September 7 for Paws in the Pool! Admission is $3 per person and 2 dogs per person are allowed.

Adult Archery
Come and join us on September 14th for our first Adult Archery class of the fall. Adult archery programs aim to provide an enjoyable and social experience. Friendly competitions, group activities, and opportunities to meet fellow archers help foster a sense of community. Learn more and register at Schertz.com/recreation.

Our final Ed-Zoo-Cation of the year is September 7! Come hear from the San Antonio Zoo Center for Conservation and Research to learn about Texas Horned Lizards, harvester ants, the history of animals, and their importance. If this program is not already cool enough, there is also an opportunity for appearances of live animals/lizards from the zoo! Meet at the first parking lot near the restroom building and trailhead. To stay in the loop and receive timely alerts about any cancellations due to weather, make sure to pre-register online at Schertz.com/natureeducation.

How Tos of Drawing
Does your young artist love to draw? This introductory drawing camp teaches kids the basic techniques and principles of drawing. We’ll encourage creativity and imagination, while experimenting with a variety of drawing materials and techniques. The kids will even receive their own sketchbook that they will get to keep and draw in throughout the camp! In Kidcreate’s fun and supportive environment, your young artist will be eager to get drawing! This class meets Mondays, September 16 through October 7 from 5 – 6 p.m. Learn more and register at Schertz.com/recreation.

Dunkin' For Pumpkins
Are you ready to dive into a floating pumpkin patch on October 5th? Join us at Dunkin’ for Pumpkins where participants can choose their own pumpkin out of the pool to paint and take home. Please note all children 6 and under will be required to be accompanies by an adult in the water. For more information and to reserve your spot for this FREE event, visit ymcasatx.org/Schertz.
For more information and to register for Parks & Recreation programs and events, visit Schertz.com/civicrec.

Roll Out to the Library this September for Library Card Sign-Up Month
This year, we’re thrilled to have Optimus Prime from the TRANSFORMERS as our special ambassador, highlighting that there's more than meets the eye at Schertz Public Library. Whether you're looking to enhance your skills, find valuable information, or connect with fellow avid readers, a library card unlocks a world of possibilities.
Today’s libraries are vibrant community centers offering much more than just books. At Schertz Public Library, you'll find diverse programs, job search assistance, virtual homework help, inperson tech help, story times, and more. Curious about exploring a new hobby or learning a new language? Schertz Public Library has the resources you need. Did you know that Schertz Public Library offers youth and adult experience kits for checkout? There’s truly something for everyone at the library. Getting a library card is easy and is an essential step toward academic success and lifelong learning. Everyone should have one!
eResource Highlight: LearningExpress Library
Whether you're looking to improve your core skills, prepare for college admissions tests, obtain your high school equivalency or join the workforce, LearningExpress Library—a powerful eLearning platform from EBSCO LearningExpress—has everything you need. LearningExpress Library contains a collection of practice tests, quizzes, tutorials, microlessons, eBooks, articles and flashcards to help you achieve your goals. LearningExpress Library is available to Schertz Public Library cardholders via the Texshare Databases. Visit Schertz.com/eResoucres for more information
Thursday Preschool Storytime
Due to overwhelming demand, we're thrilled to announce an additional session of our beloved Preschool Storytime! Join us weekly on Thursdays at 12:30 p.m. for a language-rich experience with books and songs for children who are getting ready for school.
Estate Planning Workshop with Samantha Demory

Join us for a comprehensive workshop on estate planning, featuring local attorney Samantha Demory on Thursday September 5 at 6 p.m. in Meeting Room 1. Learn about the importance of wills, trusts, and legal documents necessary to protect your assets and your loved ones. Whether you're new to estate planning or looking to update your existing plans, gain invaluable insights to navigate the legal landscape effectively. Bring your questions about Estate Planning, Probate Avoidance, Real Estate, and Business.

Free Legal Advice Appointments with Central Texas Dispute Resolution Center (CTDRC)
Ever had a legal Issue and just needed a few minutes of free legal advice? Here is your chance! Meet with an attorney to ask questions about non-criminal legal issues such as divorce, foreclosure, veteran's benefits, wills, estates, bankruptcy, employment, landlord tenant or other matters. Appointments will be available from 5:30 – 7 p.m. on Thursday, September 19 in Meeting Room 1. Please arrive and check in prior to 7 p.m. We are here to help! Registration is required and available online at Schertz.com/ adultcalendar.


Back - Life in Schertz Memories - Betty (Gesche) Kreutler

Betty grew up like most of her contemporaries during the 1940s and 1950s in the Schertz/Selma area the daughter of a farmer and businessman. Her father raised corn and owned a feed store and grain mill on FM 1518 near Selma. Hers was a generation unlike those before her. She and her contemporaries were the first to have some choices as to their future expectations on life Prior generations of farm families saw their children follow in the footsteps of their fathers and mothers She and her contemporaries did not escape the toil of the farm during their early years.She recalls very vividly the long summer days riding the back of the combine sacking 100-pound bags of grain and the longer evenings assisting her father at the feed store She had a lot of responsibility early in life She had her drivers license (hardship license) at fourteen years of age and was responsible throughout her high school years for, among other things, taking the store revenue to the Schertz State Bank and Trust for deposit each day. Betty worked long and hard in those days and characterizes the experience as a character building opportunity She treasures her upbringing but is even more appreciative of the fact that she was the first of her ancestors to have choices as to her life’s path. She did not have a desire to stay on the farm and business school was an option after high school graduation. After business school another opportunity was presented by the arrival of Randolph Air Base where she went to work Unlike her mother who was born, raised, married, and died in the same house on FM 1518, Betty was among the first generation of Schertz citizens to have options not available to their parents. Betty appreciates the lessons learned as a youth but is even more grateful for having been a part of a “generation in transition.”
Share your memories of living in Schertz to Rozwise@aol.com. Information presented by the Schertz Historical Preservation Committee (SHPC) is in the interest of historical perspective and community awareness of local historical legacies.

Explore the rich history and landmarks of Schertz with our scavenger hunt!

How to Participate:

Pick Up Your Map: Visit the Schertz Visitor Center beginning Oct. 1st (Mon. - Fri. 8am - 3pm) at 1730 Schertz Pkwy- to collect your map.
Follow the Clues: Embark on a journey through Schertz, following clues and discovering historical sites.
Complete the Hunt: Finish the scavenger hunt by following the instructions on your map. Submit by Oct. 16: Turn in your completed map to the Visitor Center by 3 PM on October 16 for a chance to win exciting prizes!

Stay updated with us on Facebook for more details and announcements. Don’t miss out on this chance to learn and win!

Thanks to all of our participants at our first trivia night! Lots of winners and lots of fun! We look forward to next time!

Hazardous Items/ Tires Drop Off
Annual Fall Cleanup
October 12 – 27, 2024
Items dropped off here will be free of charge to residents as a service paid for by the City of Schertz. The Drop off Site will be open October 12 – 27, 2024. Hazardous items and tires may only be dropped off on the weekend of October 26 – 27. Drop offs may be made at the Republic Services temporary collection point, 125 Pecan Drive, Schertz, TX 78154 between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. daily. Please follow entry and exit signs, and guidance from the staff manning the event. ENTRY TO THIS SITE IS ONLY AVAILABLE TO RESIDENTS DURING THIS CITY SPONSORED FALL Clean-Up EVENT.
Year-round, Republic Services will pick up household waste not covered under their normal collection service, such as lumber, major appliances, furniture, and other types of bulk waste. This may incur an additional fee (prices determined by Republic Services). If you have questions regarding the details, please call City of Schertz Utility Billing Department at (210) 619-1000.
Residents are able to drop off brush and limbs at 125 Pecan Drive, free of charge, DURING THE 2 WEEK CLEAN-UP EVENT ONLY.
The Fall Clean-Up is restricted to Schertz residents only. Fall Clean-Up activities do not apply to commercial/rental property clean-ups, large property cleanup, lot or acreage clean-up, or lot and property land clearing. Commercial tree trimmers are not eligible for this service.
A current City of Schertz utility bill (showing that the City of Schertz is your current garbage collector) and proper identification are required when making a drop-off. Commercial waste will not be accepted.
Household waste and yard waste only. Maximum of 2 pick-up truck loads per household or a maximum of 1 trailer load per household. Trailers are not to exceed 16’ long x 4’ high in size.
1. Couches, Stoves, Computers/Monitors, etc. that ARE NOT HAZARDOUS can be dropped off, free of charge, during the clean-up, Monday through Sunday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
2. Appliances will be ACCEPTED FREE ONLY IF Freon tank is removed and certified by a technician. Any questions concerning the Freon tank removal, please contact Republic Services.
3. Older big-screen TVs and tube TVs WILL NOT be accepted.
1. HAZARDOUS ITEMS and TIRES may be dropped off ONLY on the weekend of October 26 – 27, 2024.
2. Tires are limited to eight (8) per household.
3. Hazardous waste includes but is not limited to:
a. Insecticides, pesticides, herbicides, fertilizers, chemicals, cleaning and bleach products, swimming pool cleaners and chemicals
b. Enamel and latex paints in cans and aerosol dispensers, varnish and stains, paint thinners and removers, acetone, etc. These items will have a combined 20 gallon limit per household.
c. TIRES are considered hazardous.
d. Tires on rims, or wheels, commercial vehicle tires, tractor tires, and heavy equipment tires WILL NOT be accepted.
e. Hazardous waste such as used automotive and cooking oils, filters and batteries. Oils will have a combined 20 gallon limit per household.
f. Empty propane tanks up to seven (7) gallons – VALVE MUST BE ENTIRELY REMOVED.
Items NOT accepted at any time: mercury, explosives, radioactive material, medical waste, freezers, compressed gas, ammunition, PCB’s or dioxins, air conditioners, gunpowder, smoke detectors, business waste.
Questions? For more information about the Fall Clean-Up and what will and will not be accepted, please call Republic Services at (210) 304-2787 or Schertz Public Works at (210) 619-1800. You may also dial 311 within the City of Schertz. The City of Schertz and Republic Services are not responsible for damage to vehicles or injury to citizens during this event. The City of Schertz and Republic Services reserve the right to refuse service to anyone for not following the rules of the clean-up.
Applications Now Open Until September 20
Schertz Parks and Recreation is excited to announce the third year of the Schertz Young Leaders program. Applications open August 1 and close on September 20.
High School sophomores, juniors, and seniors that live in Schertz or attend SCUCISD are invited to apply to learn about their community and develop key leadership skills in this eightmonth program. Students will hear from area leaders, tour facilities such as the Randolph Air Force Base, and get a closer look behind the scenes of how a city operates.
Schertz Young Leaders consists of six (6) mandatory school-day sessions, all of which begin at 9:15 a.m. and end approximately at 3:15 p.m. as well as an evening graduation in May. Each session will be focused on a particular topic pertaining to the community and will also promote personal growth. Students will hear from and interact with community leaders, tour facilities, and complete a class project. Also required is attendance to one (1) Schertz City Council Meeting, one (1) volunteer event, and one (1) SCUCISD Board Meeting.

10/17 Retreat
11/7 Leadership & Personality Styles
11/12 City Council Meeting
12/7 Holidazzle Volunteer
1/16 Education & Peak Performance
1/23 School Board Meeting
2/20 Local Government & Emotional Intelligence
3/20 Community Businesses & Delivering Results
4/17 JBSA Randolph & Communicating with Impact
5/8 Graduation

Basic Household First Aid Essentials
STORE SAFELY: Keep your first aid kit in an accessible location but out of reach of young children. Teach older kids how to use it and call 911 if necessary.
REGULAR CHECKS: Periodically check your kit and replace expired items. This ensures you’re always ready for an emergency.
LEARN LIFESAVING SKILLS: Consider taking a CPR and first aid class. Schertz EMS offers training sessions to equip you with essential skills. Contact us at (210) 619-1410 or visit Schertz.com/ communityhealth for more information.
On World First Aid Day, observed on September 14, commit to being prepared. Whether dealing with a minor injury or a serious emergency, the right supplies and knowledge can make a significant difference. Schertz EMS is here to support you with resources and training for a safer community.
Stay safe and prepared. For more information, visit our website or contact Schertz EMS.

■ Bandage strips
■ Adhesive tape
■ Elastic wrap bandages
■ Nonstick sterile bandages
■ Roller gauze
■ Triangular bandages
■ Instant cold packs
■ Disposable non-latex gloves
■ Scissors/tweezers
■ Antibiotic ointment
■ Hand sanitizer
■ Sterile solution
■ First aid manual
■ Hydrogen peroxide
■ Emergency phone numbers
■ Medical history forms
■ Emergency blanket
■ Waterproof matches
■ Sunscreen
■ Insect repellent
National Preparedness Month
Take Control in Schertz

■ Identify specific needs, such as medical equipment or dietary requirements.
■ Create an emergency supply kit with essentials like food, water, medications, and important documents.

■ Establish a communication plan with your family and designate meeting places in case of evacuation.
■ Regularly practice your plan, including routes for evacuation and emergency contacts.
PREPAREDNESS is a shared responsibility. By taking these steps, you help build a safer and more resilient community. Being prepared can save lives and reduce damage during emergencies, making Schertz a model of readiness.
■ Stay informed about potential hazards by following credible sources, including local government websites and emergency alert systems. The City of Schertz uses CivicReady to send emergency alerts and other notifications during emergencies. Register now at Schertz.com/Alerts.
■ Educate yourself about different types of emergencies and how to respond, whether it's natural disasters, power outages, or public health crises. To learn more and find more resources on how you can get READY go to Ready.gov.

It's crucial to select the appropriate car seat for your child's age, weight, and height. Infants should ride rearfacing for as long as possible, ideally until they are at least two years old or exceed the seat's height and weight limits. Once your child outgrows the rear-facing seat, it's time to transition to a forward-facing car seat.
There are two methods for installing a car seat: using the vehicle's seatbelt or the LATCH system (Lower Anchors and Tethers for Children). It's important to
A properly-fitted harness is crucial for your child's safety. To ensure the best fit, position the harness straps at or below your child's shoulders for rear-facing seats and at or above for forward-facing seats. The harness should be snug, and the chest clip should be at armpit level. Perform a "pinch test" to confirm the harness is tight enough—if you can't pinch any extra material, the fit is just right.
Always check the label on your car seat to verify your child's


Saturday, September 21 9:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. Comal Creek Elementary School (233
Tree & Grass Code compliance
Trees: limbs should hang no lower than 8 feet above the sidewalk and no lower than 15 feet over the street.
grass: All grass, weeds and vegetation should be trimmed and maintained to a height of no more than 8 inches. 15 feet 8 feet


Around the Community
RACAP Holiday Program Applications
The Randolph Area Christian Assistance Program (RACAP) will accept applications for the Thanksgiving/Christmas holiday meal basket assistance program starting on October 1, 2024. The last day for Thanksgiving applications is October 31, 2024. Christmas applications will be accepted until November 22, 2024. Applications from families in need of a holiday meal basket for the holidays because of limited or no income, who are at or below the Federal Poverty Guidelines, will be accepted.
RACAP is seeking financial donations to cover the cost of its Holiday Meal Basket Program. Donations from churches, businesses, groups or individuals are greatly appreciated and are being accepted now. Please make all donations payable to RACAP and designate on the check that the
donation is specifically for the “General Fund”. Donations designated for the “General Fund” allow RACAP to use excess funds in any area, once the Holiday Program is fully funded. Please visit racap.org to donate or obtain further information.
Families who reside in our zip code service areas (78108, 78109, 78124, 78148, 78154, 78132, 78233 (Live Oak only), 78247, and 78266 and meet income qualifications are eligible. Applications are available at the RACAP office, 307 Pfeil St., Schertz, starting September 16, 2024. If anyone knows of a family in need of this special assistance, have them call (210) 658-1613.
Churches, businesses, groups or individuals who would like to sponsor a family/families for Thanksgiving and/or

Christmas (FOOD ONLY) should contact RACAP or visit our website racap.org (click on Special Programs link) to obtain the Sponsor Application. Please note RACAP WILL NOT be handling gifts this year we will be giving the clients a list of other agencies in the area who handle just gifts. RACAP will concentrate on the holiday meal basket only.
For information on how to apply or how to help, call RACAP at (210) 658-1613 or visit racap.org.

Bring your Schertz Magazine along during your travels and send us a high resolution photo of you and your magazine to magazine@schertz.com. You may see your photo in an upcoming issue of Schertz Magazine!

Tammy Diaz took her Schertz Magazine to the Smoky Mountains, outside of Gatlinburg, Tn.

James Miller took his Schertz Magazine to Fort Jefferson on Dry Tortugas National Park, Florida.
Kathia McConnico, Owner of Kat Mac Travel, traveled to Panama City, Panama and brought her Schertz Magazine.
(photo by David Reese)
Sabrina Hartmangruber took a trip to visit the Windsor Castle in Windsor, England and brought her Schertz Magazine.

Ralph Gutierrez Mayor (210) 619-1040
Mark Davis Councilmember (210) 376-9141 markdavis@schertz.com
Michelle Watson Councilmember (210) 419-8472 mwatson@schertz.com
Paul Macaluso Councilmember (210) 419-4972 paulmacaluso@schertz.com
Tiffany Gibson Councilmember (210) 612-6137 tiffanygibson@schertz.com
Robert Westbrook Councilmember (210) 846-8768
Allison Heyward Councilmember (210) 608-9543 allisonheyward@schertz.com
Tim Brown Councilmember (210) 608-2381 timbrown@schertz.com
City of Schertz/311 (210) 619-1000
Animal Services (210) 619-1550
City Manager (210) 619-1000
City Secretary (210) 619-1030
Civic Center (210) 619-1600
Economic Development (210) 619-1070
EMS (non-emergency) (210) 619-1400
Fire (non-emergency) (210) 619-1300
Inspections (210) 619-1750
Library (210) 619-1700
Municipal Court (210) 619-1500
Neighborhood Services (210) 619-1650
Parks & Recreation (210) 619-1850
Planning & Comm Dev (210) 619-1780
Police (non-emergency) (210) 619-1200
Police Records (210) 619-1200
Public Affairs (210) 619-1630
Public Works (210) 619-1800 Trash & Recycling (210) 619-1100 Utility Billing (210) 619-1100

Ditch the ordinary, embrace vibrant living at the Army Residence Community. Here, we put the “community” in community living. Dive into a world of engaging programs, electrifying activities, and endless choices – it’s anything but dull. Be prepared to be swept away by the dynamic, social, and welcoming atmosphere that permeates every corner. At the ARC, warmth, vitality, and genuine camaraderie are more than just words – they’re the rhythm of our lives. What’s next on your
SO DON’T MISS OUT–ACT NOW! Schedule your tour and call us at (210) 646-5315 or visit www.armyresidence.com NOW ACCEPTING E-8, E-9, GS-12, & HIGHER. Rentals are now available. Act now & take advantage of Movein Incentives.