Ludwigsburg Festival | 2021 Programme

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Goal 2 End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition, and promote sustainable agriculture

Goal 1 End poverty in all its forms everywhere

Goal 3 Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages

Goal 9 Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization, and foster innovation

Goal 8 Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all

Goal 7 Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all Goal 14 Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development

Goal 13 Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts by regulating emis­sions and promoting developments in renewable energy

Goal 15 Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss

Goal 4 Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all

Goal 6 Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all

Goal 5 Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls

Goal 11 Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable

Goal 10 Reduce inequality within and among countries

Goal 12 Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns

Goal 16 Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels

Goal 17 Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development

17 Sustainable Development Goals by the United Nations

Festival Season 2021

To our Festival guests: What is a feast without guests? Simply unthinkable. Can you imagine how much we have missed you – our audiences – during all these months of cultural standstill? You probably feel this painful separation as much as our whole team does. Festivals are an important ritual of a community, taking us out of everyday life and satisfying a longing for what is everlasting. In his book »The Disappearance of Rituals«*, phi­ losopher and theologian Byung-Chul Han describes the festival thus: »The time of the festival is a time standing still. It does not pass or run out. It / thus makes lingering possible. Time as a sequence of transient, fleeting moments is suspended. […] The celebration [Begehen] of a festival suspends its transience [Vergehen]. The everlasting [Unvergäng­ liches] is inherent to the festival. The time of the festival is a time for exaltation [Hoch-Zeit]. The festival is also the origin of art […]. It is the essence of art that it affords life durability.« So now we are looking forward to a 2021 festival season even if it turns out completely different from the original plans. We are sustained by the hope that, after a month of May with a wide variety of programmes on our Digital Stage, we can move into a summer with falling infection incidence, to hold events with live audiences, initially outdoors, then also indoors. For the autumn, we are planning a little »coda« to round off the season. Our aim was always to be an exceptional festival full of surprises. If we have learned anything during recent months, it is to allow for the unexpected in our everyday lives. In 2020, we embarked on the new decade with a quotation from Ludwig van Beethoven: »Art demands of us that we shall not stand still«. As a »festival of the 4

arts, democracy and sustainability« with growing awareness of the dawning new era and a view to the future, we wanted to »hit the ground running«. Together with our patrons Eva Luise and Horst Köhler, we invoked the responsibility of the arts to promote the »great transformation« which our society is currently undergoing. Then the pandemic arrived, and we all came to a standstill. Now terms such as »new era« and »transfor­mation« have assumed a completely new relevance and urgency. We are experiencing a process of change affecting the whole of humanity – bringing a profound transformation, the dimension and speed of which we would scarcely have thought possible. As in every crisis, we should take this as an opportu­ nity for a new start. Serving as our compass are the 17 Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations. Thus since 2020, our programme planning has been based on three existential questions, which we put to the artists we invite, as well as to our audiences: »Where do you stand? What moves you? Where are we going?«. The question of a future and a world in which we are all active participants together, always prepared to rethink and reshape, is the very essence of democracy. The question of generational justice in view of limited resources is the essence of sustainable life and economic activity. We want to confront the major questions of our time, in dialogues with the artists. We want also to use the arts to show solidarity and build bridges with countries such as Belarus, where an entire population is currently struggling to establish its democracy. We want above all to provide work for freelance artists who have no institutional security. It gives us great pleasure when you co-operate with us actively, critically and – more than welcome! – through support by donations and practical help.

We interpret the triad in music as an allegory for community. Particularly in times like these, we see the triads as a symbol of diversity and harmony. In our complex world, many structures and systems are changing, and we are experiencing enormous contradictions. On the one hand, we are seeing an extreme acceleration of processes, we are learning what exponential growth means, and at the same time we find ourselves in a »runaway standstill«. Since these two states seem incompatible, it is most relevant to search creatively for other ways forward. In our »Fest Spiel Ouvertüre«, which you can still watch on the Digital Stage, we dedicated a brief pause to the way we felt during recent months, with a historic work that fits perfectly in our time: 4'33'' – composed silence by John Cage, in a memorable version for the Festival Orchestra conducted by Oksana Lyniv, as a link between Beethoven's "­Pastorale" and Gustav Mahler's Lied von der Erde.

interlace people in the town, putting into effect a bold dream: that we should all be able to experience ourselves as a solidary community. »As forms of play, festivals are self-representations of life. They are characterized by an excess, an expression of an overflowing life that does not aim at a goal. This is what lies behind their intensity. They are an intense form of life. In the festival, life relates to itself instead of subordinating itself to external purposes.« (Byung-Chul Han) In this spirit, we open our arms to you in cordial welcome. Jochen Sandig and the Ludwigsburg Festival team

After the prolonged stillness of recent months, we can at last celebrate being able to watch and listen – in our concerts, dance productions and the broadcasts in the »Fest Spiel Zentrum« in the Court of Honour of the Palace. We are staying open – in part, thanks to the co-operation with our media partners in radio and television, ARTE Concert, SWR [Southwest Broadcasting] and Deutschlandradio. When we speak of a »hybrid festival«, we also see in it potential for the post-pandemic era – in the combination of analogue concerts, much-loved at the Festival for almost 90 years, and further developments using digital technologies. Through broadcasting on all channels and platforms, we can now reach far wider audiences. Visual artist Brad Hwang, who will take up residence in Ludwigsburg for the duration of the Festival, bridges the social distance in a novel way with his newly-developed hugging machine. He will literally

*Translated by Daniel Steuer


»We came to weave and were interwoven«

»I've always been busy making the materials around me into brief moments of community«, Brad Hwang writes about his work. The artist activates material that has lost its function. Everything he makes has to function: »But it's up to the participants to give this function a purpose, even if this purpose has no sense or is perhaps even unfulfillable.« As a prelude to a collaboration lasting for some years, Brad Hwang is making his debut at the Festival this season. In a period when human needs and social problems have become even more apparent, Hwang has moved right into the centre of these acute fields of tension. He has built a hugging machine and a mobile loom, to confront us with the longing for human closeness and the desire for social communion. His loom, which will be in evidence in the Kunstzentrum

Karlskaserne [barracks] and various places in the town, is an invitation to all residents to enter into conversation with the artist and to rework discarded textiles such as old clothes or bandages. The result will be a collective art-work, a social sculpture in the form of a piece of weaving, which will ultimately document his experiences in Ludwigsburg, as a woven record of the course of time. Visits to Brad Hwang's studio can be arranged by e-Mail at:

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Through the development of Covid-compliant open-air events, the Festival Centre (already planned in 2020) has assumed all the more significance. We can gather to enjoy the ambience in the Court of Honour of the Palace. Despite the ups and downs of the pandemic, we look forward to getting together for conversation. You can check on our website ( or on our social media channels to see the days on which the Festival programme is expanded with further events, workshops or encounters with artists. We look forward to welcoming you.

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Ludwigsburg's historic market-place has always been a special place for cultural encounters. In the town's baroque »living-room«, local residents exchange ideas and meet people from outside. Even if Covid has interfered in everyday life, the magical atmosphere remains. Thus inspired, the soloists of the Festival Orchestra invite audiences to enjoy the music and drink in the beauty of the square with its outstanding acoustics. In the series of market-place concerts initiated in 2020, the town centre will once again be transformed into a stage.

Digital Festival

Stay up to date with our website: Browse through more detailed information on our programmes and keep track of changes and news. We look forward to your visit!

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Calendar / tickets The calendar on our website shows you all events of the current festival season. There you can purchase your tickets directly.

Donating Digital Stage The virtual curtain of our Digital Stage opens at festival time for many new formats and productions, so that entry restrictions, rescheduling or cancellations of analogue events are no longer hurdles. On our website we transfer the physical stage into the digital space and present livestreams and video-on-demand-recordings. This does not only complete your hybrid festival experience, but can also be experienced everywhere thanks to digital super-­ regionality! Browse through our digital programme and find out what a multi-faceted repertoire is hidden behind the virtual curtain. These signs tell you that an event is available on the Digital Stage:



If you would like to support the festival's charitable work, you are also welcome to make a direct donation. Thank you very much!

News Here you will be kept up to date with news and important changes. You will also find detailed background information and articles.

As a »Festival of the arts, democracy and sustain­ ability«, we use our social media channels Facebook and Instagram to explore new spaces – together with you. Share your very own Ludwigsburg Festival with the hashtag #ludwigsburgfestival and follow us! 11

Curtain up for the Digital Stage

The historic Palace theatre opens on the screen as a portal to the Digital Stage – constantly filled with new content and already promising a varied ­programme: In the Fest Spiel Ouvertüre, music in first-class presentation merges with the pressing topics of our time. Under the baton of Oksana Lyniv, the Ludwigsburg Festival Orchestra alludes to the ecological crisis with Ludwig van Beethoven's Pastoral and Gustav Mahler's Lied von der Erde. Performed with subtle nuance and powerful expressiveness by singers Anna Larsson and Christian Elsner, Mahler's music is further enhanced with a film by photographer and environmentalist J Henry Fair. The standstill during the pandemic is reflected in John Cage's composed silence, 4'33". The film installation Human Requiem Brahms, after a concept by Jochen Sandig, is designed to bring consolation and hope to the bereaved. It was commissioned by the Office of the Federal President for the central memorial ceremony for those who died in the pandemic. Conducted by Gijs Leenaars, the Berlin Radio Chorus fittingly conveys Johannes Brahms's message.

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The language of understanding among nations In two projects, the STEGREIF.orchester demonstrates how classical music in innovative formats can open up new levels of meaning. In arrangements and recompositions of Beethoven's 9th Symphony, #bfree celebrates the idea of a united community of nations. On individual itineraries, the 360° audio-­ tour #explore_­mozart gives the audience a closer understanding of the political ideals of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. The communicative power of art is also the theme of the film Saz – The Key of Trust. Accompanied and filmed by Stephan Talneau, singer and saz-player Petra Nachtmanova reveals on her journey through Europe and Asia how music can function as a language connecting different cultures. »Dance, dance, otherwise we are lost!« Rarely have Pina Bausch's famous words been more relevant. With the Dying Swans Project, artists from Gauthier Dance give 16 different interpretations of the dying swan, as an artistic protest. In July, the choreographies will be performed before live audiences. Legendary flamenco dancer Israel Galván is impressive and shocking in the dance film La Fiesta, with unconventional new interpretations of the traditional dance style. The Day WTC gives a foretaste of the

Media Partners

2022 season. An interview with Lucinda Childs, Maya Beiser, Wendy Whelan and David Lang affords further exciting perspectives on the stage play from New York. We are also connecting with audiences at a distance. Piano City Ludwigsburg shows how this works: professional and amateur pianists present various genres of piano music on social media, from their own four walls, celebrating the tradition of music-making at home. Likewise, the interactive Straßen Musik Festival allows its public to have a say on its profit by vote. In the course of this year's Festival, we will be showing further projects on our Digital Stage: Marco Blaauw presents his ongoing Global Breath Project, with investigations into worldwide trumpet traditions, customs and sounds. In an interview and a performance, he gives an impressive insight into the instrument's expressive potential. From a digital to a hybrid Festival As ever, our dearest wish is to welcome live audiences. Nevertheless, we are glad to be able to keep in contact with you through our range of digital events. So please join us in a first significant step of a radical transformation – from a digital to a hybrid Festival.

The Digital Stage is developed together with


The opening concert, with the Festival Orchestra conducted by Oksana Lyniv in Beethoven's Sym­ phony no. 6, Cage's 4'33" and Mahler's Das Lied von der Erde, was broadcast live from the Forum am Schlosspark on ARTE Concert and on the Digital Stage. With his film, photographer and environmen­ talist J Henry Fair opens up a new dimension of Das Lied von der Erde.

With a 360° audio-tour, the STEGREIF.orchester focuses on the composer Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, five ideals and inner goals. At the same time, the diversity of the surroundings is explored on hiking tours. #explore_mozart is a co-production with the Ludwigsburg Festival.

Many people see the distinctive characteristic of Europe above all in its open borders. The STEGREIF. orchester goes one step further: in a utopian Europe, the borders are not only open, but also fluid. The Orchestra applies this to countries, languages and musical genres alike. #bfree is available on the Digital Stage until 11 July.

With her saz on her back, Berlin musician Petra Nachtmanowa sets off in search of the origin of this mythical stringed instrument. »Saz – The Key of Trust« is a musical road movie by Stephan Talneau. A co-production with ZDF/ARTE.

»Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted« (Matthew 5:4) is the central message of A German Requiem by Johannes Brahms. The film installation with the Rundfunkchor Berlin conducted by Gijs Leenaars was realised by Daniel Koppelkamm, Bettina Borgfeld, Holger Schwark and Bobby Good after a concept by its director Jochen Sandig.

16 short choreographies by Mauro Bigonzetti, Bridget Breiner, Virginie Brunelle, Kinsun Chan, Edward Clug, Dominique Dumais, Andonis ­Foniadakis, Itzik Galili, Eric Gauthier, Smadar Goshen, Anita Hanke, Guillaume Hulot, Nicki Liszta, Constanza Macras, Kevin O’Day and Elisabeth Schilling. A project by Eric Gauthier with Gauthier Dance//Dance Company Theaterhaus Stuttgart


Israel Galván is constantly looking at new ways to interpret flamenco, and through combining it with contemporary dance he has made a name for himself as an enfant terrible. Together with seven dancers, he presented La Fiesta in the cour d'honneur at the Festival d’Avignon on 19 July 2017. A revised version of the ARTE recording is available on the digital stage.

A synthesis of music and dance, The Day explores explosive events. It all began with the composition World to Come, which emerged in the wake of the harrowing scenes of the collapsing towers of the World Trade Center. Years later came the question: »What was the most important day in your life?«. A project by Lucinda Childs, Maya Beiser, Wendy Whelan and David Lang.

Dancing and celebrating on different stages to music from all over the world – that has always been the motto of the popular Ludwigsburg International Street Music Festival, as it is in 2021. You can find all the details at

»Our most basic common link is that we all inhabit this planet. We all breathe the same air.« (John F. Kennedy) This quotation inspired Marco Blaauw, a leading trumpet soloist, to embark on an exceptional international research and concert project on the historical and contemporary sound of the trumpet.

»So many people play the piano within their own walls. Why don't we listen to what motivates them?", asked pianist Andreas Kern – and founded Piano City. In Ludwigsburg, too, pianists present music of diverse genres from their own homes.

From 12 until 22 June we are giving an exclusive showing of the film Dancing at Dusk – A Moment with Pina Bausch’s The Rite of Spring on our Digital Stage. In 2022, the legendary choreography by Pina Bausch comes as a co-production to the Ludwigsburg Festival, with a newly-formed ensemble of dancers from 14 African countries.




»With Beethoven through Europe – nine symphonies, nine orchestras, nine cities«

GUSTAV MAHLER »Rheinlegendchen«, »Urlicht«, »Wer hat dies Liedlein erdacht« ⁄ JOHANNES BRAHMS Intermezzo in A major, op. 118, no. 2 ⁄ HUGO WOLF »Begegnung«, »Blumengruß«, »Gleich und Gleich« ⁄ FRANZ SCHUBERT Impromptus in G flat major and A flat major, D899, op. 90 Nos. 3, 4, »Romanze from Rosamunde«, D797, »Gretchen am Spinnrade«, D118, »Wiegenlied«, D498, a. o.

12:45–10:30 pm

1 pm Bonn Symphony No. 1 in C major, op. 21 2 pm Dublin Symphony No. 2 in D major, op. 36 3 pm Helsinki Symphony No. 3 in E flat major, op. 55 4 pm Luxembourg Symph. No. 4 in B flat major, op. 60 5 pm Prague Symphony No. 5 in C minor, op. 67 6 pm Lugano Symphony No. 6 in F major, op. 68 7 pm Delphi Symphony No. 7 in A major, op. 92 8:15 pm Strasbourg Symphony No. 8 in F major, op. 93 9 pm Vienna Symphony No. 9 in D minor, op. 125 Ludwig van Beethoven's nine symphonies are amongst the most important monuments in the history of music. The significance of the works lies not only in the perfect form of their composition, but equally in their range of universal messages. Per aspera ad astra [through adversity to the stars], Beethoven takes us through the darkest hours of human history, until in the Finale he formulates glowing visions for a better future. In honour of his œuvre, a special project was planned for 2020: all nine symphonies to be performed consecutively in nine different European countries – as a symbol of a united Europe. The culture channel ARTE is now staging the event. A particular highlight is Symphony no. 7, broadcast from Delphi, with Teodor Currentzis and musicAeterna. Sasha Waltz will choreograph a new work for the »apotheosis of the dance«, which at the same time sets the mood for the guest performance by her company: in the splendid baroque setting of the Court of Honour of the Palace, Sasha Waltz & Guests will perform as part of the »Dialogues« project. The concert will be broadcast live on ARTE as well as on our digital stage by ARTE Concert.

8 pm

Anna Lucia Richter Mezzo-soprano Ammiel Bushakevitz Piano From soprano to mezzo-soprano – this change of voice type has not only opened up a new repertoire for Anna Lucia Richter, but also gives her the opportunity to rediscover aspects of her previous repertoire with her darker timbre. Accompanied by pianist Ammiel Bushakevitz, she presents a programme of vocal works by three of the greatest Lied composers: Franz Schubert, Hugo Wolf and Gustav Mahler. Schubert's significance in the musical history of the genre is demonstrated in »Gretchen am Spinnrade«, where his music enhances both the text and the deep psychological expression of Goethe's famous poem. Wolf's Late Romantic Lied settings use musical leitmotifs to bring out the interrelations in poems by Eduard Mörike. In the Mahler works, Richter's poetic rendering is in symphonic accord with the piano accompaniment, in which the tone colours of a large orchestra can be clearly heard. Ordenssaal, Residenzschloss Ludwigsburg Tickets 35 ⁄ 45 ⁄ 55 € Should the Corona regulations permit an indoor audience, the ticket sale starts on May 31st. If this is not the case, the concert will be broadcast exclusively live on our Digital Stage and at a later date on SWR2. If an outdoor audience is allows, the event can be heard in the Court of Honour of the Ludwigsburg Palace.




Medhat Aldaabal Dance Ali Hasan Percussion

ROBERT SCHUMANN / JOHANNA SUMMER »Schumann Kaleidoscope« Jazz improvisations on »Kinderszenen«, op. 15 and »Album für die Jugend«, op. 68

5 pm

5 pm

5 pm

Dancer and choreographer Medhat Aldaabal and percussionist Ali Hasan, from Syria, have found a new home in Germany. Here they discovered the possi­ bility of uniting the most diverse people through dance and music. In the eastern Mediterranean, the traditional »Dabke« – which means »stamping on the ground« – is danced on holidays, at family gather­ings and for foreign travellers, the collective dance expressing solidarity and harmonious coexistence. A concept was developed together with dancer Edith Buttingsrud Pedersen, to realise this solidarity even when keeping at a distance. Several workshops will be held in Ludwigsburg to help people to rediscover their body as an independent instrument, at the same time carrying on a fascinating intercultural dialogue. Kunstzentrum Karlskaserne, Ludwigsburg Free Entry – We would be delighted if you supported the project with a solidarity contribution. Please register via our ticket office or at Should the Corona regulations permit an indoor audience, the ticket sale starts May 31st. If this is not the case, the concert is going to get cancelled. In Cooperation with the Tanz- und Theaterwerkstatt Ludwigsburg. Sponsored by

6 ⁄ 9 pm

Johanna Summer Piano It would be hard to imagine piano tuition without Robert Schumann's »Album für die Jugend« and »Kinderszenen«. The more this status was established, the more became the reticence to treating the works experimentally. Unimpressed by this reserve, Johanna Summer gives the familiar melodies a new, jazzy look. With skilled improvisations, she transfers the music into the present day without losing the connection with the original. At the start of his career, Schumann himself composed his works from the »inspiration of the moment«. Summer takes the opposite direction: initially trained in classical piano, she now ventures further and further into the realm of free improvisation, showing how music can develop its greatest power through this kind of diversity and reciprocity. May this creative dialogue between classical and jazz illustrate the potential for stimulating communication between the cultures of the world. Ordenssaal, Residenzschloss Ludwigsburg Tickets 18 ⁄ 26 ⁄ 36 € Should the Corona regulations permit an indoor audience, the ticket sale starts on May 31st. If this is not the case, the concert will be broadcast exclusively live on our Digital Stage and on 23 July at the ARD Radio Festival. If an outdoor audience is permitted, the event can also be heard in the Court of Honour of the Ludwigsburg Palace.




»Transtemporal« – Premiere

»Dancing at Dusk – A Moment with Pina Bausch’s The Rite of Spring« – Premiere

6 pm

8 pm

6 pm

KAAN BULAK Composition, sound direction From ancient times through to the present, few things have occupied our minds so constantly as the question of existence. Kaan Bulak draws on this source for his composition for the loudspeaker sound-circle in the Festival centre. Inspired for both atmosphere and content by Byzantine Orthodox theology, Zen Buddhism and rituals of the Sufi Order, the artist ventures into singular life-worlds and asks about fundamental links between religions, transcendence and the path into the Unknown. In the work commissioned by the Ludwigsburg Festival, he combines piano meditations and ethereal hymns in sounds of nature with baroque harps, strings and electronics. In the open air, the result is an expressive, contemplative fusion of musical reflections of the world, of time and space, of becoming and passing away. Outcome unknown. Ehrenhof, Residenzschloss Ludwigsburg Tickets 5 € Should the Corona regulations permit an outdoor audience, the ticket sale starts on May 31st and June 21st. If this is not the case, the concert is going to be cancelled. Sponsored by

10 pm

A film by polyphem Filmproduktion Florian Heinzen-Ziob Director, editing Enno Endlicher Camera Armin Badde Sound design In order to make Pina Bausch's creative achievement accessible to a new generation of dance professionals, the Pina Bausch Foundation shares her choreographies with international companies. This inspired a project with the École des Sables and Sadler’s Wells London, in which »The Rite of Spring« is interpreted by a specially-formed ensemble of dancers from 14 African countries. Since the result cannot be held live at the Festival until next year, 2021 brings an exclusive showing of the film »Dancing at Dusk – A Moment with Pina Bausch’s The Rite of Spring«: shortly before the worldwide lockdown, the dancers gathered on a remote beach in Senegal and presented the legendary choreography at sunset. The showing in the drive-in cinema will include two further dance films. Autokino, Kornwestheim Tickets 10 € Ticket sales take place exclusively at the Autokino (drive-in cinema) Korn­west­ heim. In addition, the films can be seen exclusively on our Digital Stage until 22 June. A production of Pina Bausch Foundation, École des Sables & Sadler’s Wells, co-produced with Théâtre de la Ville, Paris; Les Théâtres de la Ville de Luxembourg; Holland Festival, Amsterdam; Festspielhaus, St Pölten; Ludwigsburg Festival; Teatros del Canal de la Comunidad de Madrid and Spoleto Festival dei 2Mondi. The project is funded by the German Federal Cultural Foundation, the Ministry of Culture and Science of the German State of North Rhine-Westphalia, and the International Coproduction Fund of the Goethe-Institut, and kindly supported by the Tanztheater Wuppertal Pina Bausch. Sponsored by




Workshops for children, young people and families

JOHANNES BRAHMS Excerpts from quartets for mixed voices and piano, op. 92 und op. 112 GUSTAV MAHLER / CLYTUS GOTTWALD »Die zwei blauen Augen«, »Urlicht« KAIJA SAARIAHO »Nuits, adieux« FRANK MARTIN Excerpts from »Ariel Songs« LILI BOULANGER »Soir sur la plaine«, »Hymne au soleil«

11 am–6 pm

Medhat Aldaabal Dance Ali Hasan Percussion Hanni Liang Piano Timo Brunke Concert poet Gary Joplin Choreography, director Birgit Holzwarth Costumes Brad Hwang Visual artist School of Music Ludwigsburg Labyrinth School of Art Ludwigsburg Dance and theatre workshop Ludwigsburg What kind of world do we want to live in, and how do we get there? With these questions borne in mind, the family day brings creative and artistic communal experiences. A select choice of music, dance, theatre, and fine arts, the Ludwigsburg Festival and the Kunstzentrum Karlskaserne invite participants to develop their own personality and discover the artistic potential in themselves and in others. Communicated through play is the realisation that we can make a difference, we can create things and find ways to express ourselves. In other words: we are not only spectators, we have the power and imagination to change something – not only on this day, but always and everywhere in the world. Kunstzentrum Karlskaserne, Ludwigsburg Tickets 10 € Familyticket 20 € [2 adults plus children up to 18 years] Should the Corona regulations permit an outdoor audience, the ticket sale starts on May 31st and June 21st. If this is not the case, a selection of events and workshops will be available on our Digital Stage. Sponsored by


6 pm

SWR Vokalensemble Olga Wien Piano Yuval Weinberg Musical director Romantic calm, grisly figures, declarations of love by moonlight, melancholy in solitary darkness – the night has many faces, many connotations, many mysteries. It has inspired people to create magnificent works in all genres of art. The SWR vocal ensemble, with new principal conductor Yuval Weinberg, demonstrate the sheer magic of such nocturnal musical settings. Brahms's vocal quartets bring both idyllic declarations of love (»O schöne Nacht«) and eerie apparitions (»Nächtens«). Clytus Gottwald's choral arrangement of Mahler's »Urlicht« opens heaven's gates to the audience, and in »Nuits, adieux« Kaija Saariaho exploits the potential of the human voice to the full. The darkness of night ends with the sun on the horizon – sung with solemn reverence in Lili Boulanger's impressionistic masterpiece »Hymne au Soleil«. The premiere of the SWR web concert will be broadcast exclusively on our Digital Stage and on SWR Classic. A production of the SWR in cooperation with the Ludwigsburg Festival.




»Kick-off for a Ludwigsburg in solidarity«

8 pm

Laura Vukobratović Trumpet Markus Schwind Trumpet Nathan Plante Trumpet Bob Koertshuis Trumpet Rike Huy Trumpet Matthew Conley Trumpet Christine Chapman Trumpet Marco Blaauw Trumpet Marco Blaauw and his ensemble combine three things: trumpets, the aim to refine their technique, and establishing a new repertoire. With »Monochrome«, the octet makes it doubly clear how much energy and depth is contained in musical minimalism. These works, composed for the WDR and the 2020 Wittener Tage für neue Kammermusik, make way for the experience of shifting distances and perspectives within a space. In the Festival Centre's multi-channel loudspeaker sound-circle, the compositions by Márton Illés and Justė Janulytė demonstrate, between dense sound-fields, fascinating installations and mathematical principles, that monochromatism is a uniformity, yet not uniform. The theme describes closeness, fluid transitions and subtle distinctions, signifying that here is something that is both fundament and accent. Ehrenhof, Residenzschloss Ludwigsburg Tickets 15A ⁄ 32 € Should the Corona regulations permit an outdoor audience, the ticket sale starts on June 7th. If this is not the case, the concert is going to be cancelled.

4–6 pm

Dr. Matthias Knecht Lord Mayor of the City of Ludwigsburg Jochen Sandig Executive Director Ludwigsburg Festival Dr. Martin Wendte Theologian Prof. Dr. Brigitte Biermann Keynote speaker Economy Claus-Peter Hutter Keynote speaker Ecology Julian Warner Keynote speaker Social Affairs Katrin Ballandies Host Elmar Kunz Host The Ludwigsburg Festival relies on strong partners and institutions to address critical issues and visions of a future worth living. After all, our future is created primarily in urban areas, where most of the world's population already lives today. In Ludwigsburg, too, we are actively called upon to make our city more inclusive, safer, and more sustainable. For years, Ludwigsburg has been actively managing sustaina­ bility in line with the United Nations' Agenda 2030. Crucial, as well as for the Ludwigsburg Festival, is the question: »Where are we going?«. Therefore the city and the Ludwigsburg Festival set the invitation to a joint dialogue: Between impulses from the fields of economy, environment, and social affairs, the main aim is to develop concepts for action. Accompanied by videos from the Festival’s series »Welt Bürger Innen« the event will conclude with a discussion between the mayor Dr Matthias Knecht, the executive director Jochen Sandig and the theologian Dr Martin Wendte on the topic of »Solidarisches Ludwigsburg« (Solidary Ludwigsburg). For more information on registration, please visit our website






JOSEPH HAYDN Piano Trio No. 37 in D minor, Hob. XV:23 AARON COPLAND »Vitebsk« TOSHIO HOSOKAWA Piano Trio ROBERT SCHUMANN Piano Trio No. 2 in F major, op. 80

CLARA SCHUMANN Piano Trio in G minor, op. 17 JULIA PURGINA »Trio« – world premiere FRANZ SCHUBERT Piano Trio No. 2 in E-flat major, D. 929, op. 100

6 ⁄ 9 pm

Henja Semmler Violin Antoaneta Emanuilova Violoncello Jonathan Aner Piano Contrasts have always been an important characteristic in music. Whether major or minor, piano or forte, adagio or presto – music traces contrasts of life. With the program »Duality« the Oberon Trio makes these contrasts audible in a special way: Joseph Haydn's alternation between major and minor, Robert Schumann's struggle between melancholy and joy, and, as Toshio Hosokawa's music shows, even the single note carries a dualism within itself. At the same time, polarities get constructively bridged. We discover this in the dialogue between piano and string instruments. We experience it in the juxtaposition of classical repertoire and contemporary work. Besides art, the challenge of our time, in general, is to overcome the dualism that divides people. Like music, we are also capable of doing so. Ordenssaal, Residenzschloss Ludwigsburg Tickets 35 ⁄ 45 ⁄ 55 € Should the Corona regulations permit the audience to be in enclosed spaces, the ticket sale starts on June 7th. If this is not the case, the concert will be broadcast live at 8 p.m. on our Digital Stage. If an outdoor audience is permitted, the event can be heard in the Court of Honour of the Ludwigsburg Palace.


11 am

Henja Semmler Violin Antoaneta Emanuilova Violoncello Jonathan Aner Piano In times of a pandemic calling for distance and isolation, one topic, in particular, has come to the fore: loneliness – a feeling that has always left deep traces in people. At the same time, lonely moments also produced great art. Clara Schumann created her chamber music masterpiece – the Trio in G minor – after suffering a miscarriage on the secluded island of Norderney. Franz Schubert harnessed the feelings of loneliness in his E-flat Major Trio: Through distant harmonic spheres, we get confronted with melancholy and confidence in equal measure. With the premiere of the »Trio« by Julia Purgina, the Oberon Trio finally shows us what kind of sonic inspirations can bring us being alone in a lockdown. Ordenssaal, Residenzschloss Ludwigsburg Tickets 35 ⁄ 45 ⁄ 55 € Should the Corona regulations permit an indoor audience, the ticket sale starts on June 7th. If this is not the case, the concert will be recorded by Deutschlandfunk and broadcast later on. If an outdoor audience is permitted, the event will be transferred to the Court of Honour of the Ludwigsburg Palace.




»Saz – The Key of Trust«

GYÖRGY KURTÁG Five movements from »Kafka-­ Fragments« for soprano and violin, op. 24 ⁄ LEOŠ JANÁČEK Five movements from »Moravian Folk Poetry in Songs« for voice and piano ⁄ DMITRI SCHOSTAKOWITSCH Seven Romances after poems by Alexander Blok for soprano and piano trio, op. 127 ⁄ a. o.

8 pm

A film by STEPHAN TALNEAU with Petra Nachtmanova Florent Chaintiou Sound C. Cay Wesnigk Production Concert Petra Nachtmanova Saz a. o. It is the journey of a lifetime: Petra Nachtmanova set off with her saz to search for the origins of the mythical stringed instrument. She travelled from Berlin to Istanbul, across Anatolia, followed the snow-covered peaks of the Caucasus, and through the dusty deserts of eastern Iran. For Nachtmanova, the saz has a »history of movement« – her search for traces follows this example. On a journey of over 5000 kilometres, she meets numerous musicians, which she asked one question: »Can you play me a song that I can take home with me?« After the film »Saz – The Key of Trust« the protagonist will perform live with more saz artists and bring along songs that she took home from her journey. Scala, Ludwigsburg Tickets 15A ⁄ 32 € Should the Corona regulations permit an indoor audience, the ticket sale starts June 7th. If this is not the case, the concert is going to get cancelled. The film will remain available on our Digital Stage. In cooperation with Scala Ludwigsburg. Sponsored by

8 pm

Anna Prohaska Soprano Veronika Eberle Violin Alisa Weilerstein Violoncello Iddo Bar-Shaï Piano The celebrated soprano Anna Prohaska is known for her interest in unusual programs. In a chamber music setting, she also opens up a varied mix of works in her debut at the Ludwigsburg Festival. Together with violinist Veronika Eberle, cellist Alisa Weilerstein and pianist Iddo Bar-Shaï, rarely performed pieces by Leoš Janáček, György Kurtág, and Dmitri Shostakovich, among others, are combined. It becomes apparent that Janáček should not get reduced to his operas and Shostakovich to his symphonies. Thus the experimental facets of their lesser-known chamber music hold surprises. In an exclusive one-to-one with Prohaska, each of the three instruments gets the opportunity to present its own sonic merits. Listen to an intimate conversation and enjoy the pleasant alternative to large-scale events! Ordenssaal, Residenzschloss Ludwigsburg Tickets 35 ⁄ 45 ⁄ 55 € Should the Corona regulations permit an indoor audience, the ticket sale starts June 14th. If this is not the case, the concert will be broadcast live on our Digital Stage and on SWR2 and Deutschlandfunk later on. If an open-air audience is permitted, the event can be heard in the Court of Honour of the Ludwigsburg Palace.



The digital programme remains temporarily available on the Digital Stage.

until 2 Nov 2021 Digital Stage → p. 14/16

Digital Stage → p. 15/16



THU 10.6.


until 11 July 2021 Digital Stage → p. 14/16

Digital Stage → p. 14/16

FRI 11.6.


Digital Stage → p. 14/16

until 27 May 2021 Digital Stage → p. 15/17


SAT 12.6.


12:45–10:30 pm ARTE Digital Stage → p. 19

THU 17.6.

5 pm Kunstzentrum Karlskaserne → p. 20


6 pm Digital Stage → p. 26


8 pm Ehrenhof → p. 27


4–6 pm Digital Stage → p. 27


8 pm Ordenssaal → p. 19

FRI 18.6.


5 pm Kunstzentrum Karlskaserne → p. 20

8 pm Scala → p. 31


6/9 pm Ordenssaal → p. 20

SAT 19.6.


6/9 pm Ordenssaal → p. 28

5 pm Kunstzentrum Karlskaserne → p. 20

SUN 20.6.


11 am Ordenssaal → p. 28


6/9 pm Ordenssaal → p. 34

8 pm Ordenssaal → p. 31

Digital Stage → p. 15/17


Digital Stage → p. 15/17


10 pm Autokino Kornwestheim → p. 23

WED 23.6.



11 am–6 pm Kunstzentrum Karlskaserne → p. 26

THU 24.6.


8 pm Forum am Schlosspark → p. 34

8 pm Ehrenhof → p. 23

FRI 25.6.


8 pm Forum am Schlosspark → p. 34

Digital Stage → p. 14/16

Digital Stage → p. 15/17

Digital Stage → p. 15/17

SUN 13.6.


6 pm Ehrenhof → p. 23






8 pm Blühendes Barock → p. 37

JULY SAT 26.6.


8 pm Forum am Schlosspark → p. 34

THU 1.7.


8 pm Ehrenhof → p. 38

8 pm Blühendes Barock → p. 37

FRI 2.7.


8 pm Ehrenhof → p. 38

6 pm Ev. Stadtkirche → p. 37

SUN 4.7.





SUN 27.6.


SUN 11.7.


8 pm Theaterhaus Stuttgart → p. 38 7 pm Ehrenhof → p. 45


3–6 pm Hausen ob Verena → p. 42





7/10 pm Forum am Schlosspark → p. 41

WED 7.7.


8 pm Theaterhaus Stuttgart p. 38

THU 8.7.


8 pm Blühendes Barock → p. 37




SAT 10.7.


6/9 pm Ordenssaal → p. 42

8 pm Theaterhaus Stuttgart → p. 38 6 pm Ehrenhof → p. 23


8 pm Theaterhaus Stuttgart → p. 38


4 pm Seeschloss Monrepos → p. 45


8 pm Theaterhaus Stuttgart → p. 38


Festival visitors in education or training pay from the 2nd category only 15 € per ticket (only 5 € at »Hohen Karpfen XXI«), sponsored by the Freundeskreis der Ludwigsburger Schlossfestspiele e. V.

Livestream: This event will be broadcast live on the Digital Stage.

Video-on-Demand: The recording is available on the Digital Stage.




ROBERT SCHUMANN Piano Quartet in E flat major, op. 47 WOLFGANG AMADEUS MOZART Five four-part fugues from JOHANN SEBASTIAN BACHS »The Well-Tempered Clavier II« arranged for string quartet, KV 405 ROBERT SCHUMANN Piano Quintet in E flat major, op. 44

»The Shape of Trouble to Come«

6 ⁄ 9 pm

Isabelle Faust Violin Anne Katharina Schreiber Violin Antoine Tamestit Viola Jean-Guihen Queyras Violoncello Alexander Melnikov Piano The Ludwigsburg Festival is rooted in the spirit of chamber music. Therefore we regularly invite you to exquisite groups of musicians: As a quintet, Isabelle Faust, Anne Katharina Schreiber, Antoine Tamestit, Jean-Guihen Queyras, and Alexander Melnikov present works by Robert Schumann and Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. In his Bach arrangements, the latter successfully reanimated the Baroque fugue. ­Schumann used it in the finale of his op. 44 and op. 47 of the fugato, a fugue-like passage. In the third movement of his piano quartet, he not only created one of the most beautiful melodies of the Romantic period but also laid an important foundation for the genre as such. Enjoy this carefully curated ending from an evenly carefully curated quintet. Ordenssaal, Residenzschloss Ludwigsburg Tickets 42 ⁄ 49 ⁄ 59 € Should the Corona regulations permit an indoor audience, the ticket sale starts June 7th. The concert will also be broadcast live on our Digital Stage and by SWR2 and Deutschlandfunk Kultur later on. Furthermore, if an open-air audience is permitted, the event can also be heard in the Court of Honour of the Ludwigsburg Palace.


8 pm

8 pm

8 pm

FARN. collective Sandra Hüller Performance Christoph Müller Performance Tom Schneider Direction Tobias Staab, Georg Mellert Dramaturgy Moritz Bossmann, Sandro Tajouri Music Michael Graessner Stage, Performance Kathi Maurer Costume Matthias Singer Lighting design, Video Christian Dopping Sound design When people talk about science fiction, they think of films like »2001: A Space Odyssey«, »Metropolis« or »Interstellar«. However, hardly anyone will have an association with the theatre. Yet this genre, with its depictions of utopian future scenarios, is predestined to broaden the horizon of thought. The FARN. collective makes use of this potential with »The Shape of Trouble to Come«. Through futuristic narratives, an awareness of people's current behaviour with its negative and positive consequences is created. The performance directs the view into the future not only in terms of content but also in the format itself: a creative answer to the Ludwigsburg Festival's guiding question: »Where are we going?« Forum am Schlosspark, Ludwigsburg Tickets 15A ⁄ 19 ⁄ 26 ⁄ 34 ⁄ 42 ⁄ 51 € Should the Corona regulations permit the audience to be in enclosed spaces, the ticket sale starts on June 14th. If this is not the case, the concert will be cancelled. »The Shape Of Trouble To Come« is a production by FARN. collective in co-production with Schauspiel Leipzig and the Schauspielhaus Bochum. Sponsored by




GEORG PHILIPP TELEMANN Sonata in D major, TWV 44:1, arranged for trumpet and organ, Trio Sonata in C major, TWV 42:C1, I. Grave and II. Andante TŌRU TAKEMITSU »Voice« for flute solo, »Paths« in Memoriam Witold Lutosławski for trumpet solo PETR EBEN »Ókna podle Marca Chagalla« IV. Zlaté Ókno (Windows after Marc Chagall, IV. Golden Window) for trumpet and organ FRANZ LISZT »Weinen, Klagen, Sorgen, Zagen« Prelude after Johann Sebastian Bach, S. 179 a. o.

8 pm

8 pm

8 pm

Sasha Waltz & Guests Dance, choreography Sasha Waltz Direction, choreography Jasmin Lepore Costume Olaf Danilsen Lighting Design The tension between music, choreography, and architecture forms an important centre of power for the work of Sasha Waltz and the soon-to-be 20-year-old project series »Dialogues«. After artistic explorations of the Jewish Museum and the Neues Museum in Berlin, a medieval monastery complex in Montpellier, an old mansion in Calcutta, or the gutted Palace of the Republic, the choreographer will devote herself to one of the largest and original Palaces in Europe in the summer of 2021. Accompanied by the sounds of Jean-Philippe Rameau and Henry Purcell, the audience wanders through the Blühendes Barock from a blossom-sea in the north garden to the Court of Honour of the Ludwigsburg Palace. The danced Parcours brings picturesque scenes to life and ends in an exciting stylistic break by sunset: the new choreography »In C« to the same-named music by Terry Riley, the founder of minimal music. Blühendes Barock, Ludwigsburg Tickets 15A ⁄ 45 € Should the Corona regulations permit an open-air audience, the ticket sale starts on June 14th. If this is not the case, the event will be shown exclusively on our Digital Stage. A production of Sasha Waltz & Guests in co-production with Ludwigsburg Festival – Internationale Festspiele Baden-Württemberg. Sasha Waltz & Guests is supported by the Berlin Senate Department for Culture and Europe. Sponsored by

6 pm

Tatjana Ruhland Flute Tamás Pálfalvi Trumpet Christian Schmitt Organ In an unusual combination of trumpet, flute, and organ, Tamás Pálfalvi, Tatjana Ruhland and Christian Schmitt present a colourful kaleidoscope of many centuries of music history. From Georg Philipp Telemann to Franz Liszt, we penetrate the branching cosmos of the 20th century. We experience how the avant-garde composer Tōru Takemitsu can elicit unusually sharp sounds from the flute in »Voice«, which often is reduced to a bird's voice. Moreover, the solo trumpet in »Paths« devoutly and gracefully commemorates the late musician Witold Lutosławski. Organ and trumpet find sonic splendour in Petr Eben's »Okna podle Marca Chagalla«: the spiritual power that the beauty of Marc Chagall's Jerusalem stained-glass windows exerts on us and becomes musically palpable. Evangelische Stadtkirche, Ludwigsburg Tickets 15A ⁄ 28 ⁄ 36 ⁄ 41 € Should the Corona regulations permit an open-air audience, the ticket sale starts on June 14th. If this is not the case, the concert will broadcast by Deutschlandfunk Kultur later on.


THU JULY 1 8 pm

FRI JULY 2 8 pm

CLAUDIO MONTEVERDI »Il combattimento di Tancredi e Clorinda« SV 153 ⁄ LUIGI NONO »Djamila Boupacha« ⁄ OTTORINO RESPIGHI »Il tramonto« a. o. Barbara Hannigan Soprano, concept Aphrodite Patoulidou Soprano, concept Coline Dutilleul Mezzo-soprano, concept Ziad Nehme Tenor, concept Douglas Williams Bass-baritone, concept Kunal Lahiry Piano Soloists of the Ludwigsburg Festival Orchestra With her initiative »Equilibrium«, Barbara Hannigan supports young professional singers at the beginning of their careers for years. As a mentor, she passes on valuable experiences to the next generation. Some results of this collaboration will bear fruits in Ludwigsburg's Palace: At four different venues, the audience wanders physically and artistically through music history. Discover the origins of tremolo and pizzicato in Claudio Monteverdi, take in the poetry of a sunset to music by Ottorino Respighi, and penetrate as far as Luigi Nono's avant-garde. Each soloist's station holds new vocal surprises: The wandering will bring forward different qualities of the music. Ehrenhof, Residenzschloss Ludwigsburg Tickets 45 € / not barrier-free Should the Corona regulations permit an open-air audience, the ticket sale starts on June 21st. If this is not the case, the concert will be cancelled. Sponsored by


THU JULY 8 8 pm

FRI JULY 9 8 pm

SAT SUN JULY 10 JULY 11 2 ⁄ 8 pm

2 pm

»The Dying Swans Live Experience« – Premiere Eric Gauthier Idea, Concept Gauthier Dance//Dance Company Theaterhaus Stuttgart Dance Mauro Bigonzetti, Bridget Breiner, Virginie Brunelle, Kinsun Chan, Edward Clug, Dominique Dumais, Andonis Foniadakis, Itzik Galili, Eric Gauthier, Smadar Goshen, Anita Hanke, Guillaume Hulot, Nicki Liszta, Constanza Macras, Kevin O’Day, Elisabeth Schilling Choreography Hardly any solo from classical dance embodies suffering and despair as expressively as the Dying Swan, which Michel Fokine wrote for the prima balle­rina Anna Pavlova in 1905. A similar pain moved Eric Gauthier in the endless limbo of the pandemic, from which he created an escape with »The Dying Swans Project«. What started small has now taken on large dimensions: 16 choreographers are devel­ oping their interpretations of the dying swan with the dancers of Gauthier Dance. By the premiere at the Ludwigsburg Festival, all 16 new creations and compositions in different styles will air on stage for the first time. With an important message behind each piece: art cannot be stopped. Theaterhaus Stuttgart – T1, Stuttgart Tickets are only available at the Theaterhaus Stuttgart. A production by Gauthier Dance//Dance Company Theaterhaus Stuttgart Set in motion by »be a mover«, Daimler AG. In partnership with 3sat. In co-production with Les Théâtres de la Ville de Luxembourg / Ludwigsburger Schlossfestspiele / Holland Dance Festival / Festival Bolzano Danza | Tanz Bolzano / Waiblingen Civic Center.


7 ⁄ 10 pm

»Bright Lights« IGOR STRAVINSKY »Pulcinella« JOSEPH HAYDN Symphony No. 90 in C Major, Hob. I:90 GEORGE GERWSHWIN »Girl Crazy« Suite arranged by BILL ELLIOTT »The Dark Side« ARNOLD SCHÖNBERG »Verklärte Night« for string orchestra, op. 4 CLAUDE VIVIER »Lonely Child« CHARLES IVES »The Unanswered Question« Barbara Hannigan Soprano, Musical Direction Aphrodite Patoulidou Soprano Coline Dutilleul Mezzo-soprano Ziad Nehme Tenor Douglas Williams Bass-baritone Ludwigsburg Festival Orchestra

romantic pieces, Schönberg finds light in the darkness through a conciliatory major-key conclusion. Claude Vivier's »Lonely Child« further presents an increasingly dissonant lament of loneliness under haunting gong strokes. The »perennial question of existence« concludes the evening: »The Unanswered Question« by Charles Ives reveals the impossibility of an answer and leaves the audience in a state of musical limbo. Forum am Schlosspark, Ludwigsburg Tickets 15A ⁄ 28 ⁄ 42 ⁄ 55 ⁄ 65 ⁄ 75 € Combiticket 25A ⁄ 36 ⁄ 55 ⁄ 72 ⁄ 85 ⁄ 99 € Tickets are already on sale. If the Corona regulations do not permit an indoor audience, the concert will be broadcast live on our Digital Stage, by ARTE Concert, SWR2, and by Deutschlandfunk later on. Furthermore, if an open-air audience is permitted, the event can be heard in the Court of Honour of the Ludwigsburg Palace. Admission is free. Placement will take place on-site. A production of the Ludwigsburg Festival. Sponsored by

At the culmination of her week-long residency, Barbara Hannigan and the Ludwigsburg Festival Orchestra devote themselves entirely to the play of light and shadow. The soprano and conductor Barbara Hannigan borrows this inspirational source from a sort of baroque painting. In the program, the contrasting »Chiaroscuro« translates into two successive concerts. »Bright Lights« opens up a world of optimistic sounds, catchy melodies, and amusing musical ideas. Igor Stravinsky's »Pulcinella« is characterized by a neo-classical approach that strives for a friendlier tone after its gruff predecessors. Joseph Haydn's 90th Symphony, on the other hand, shows how to tell a joke musically. Finally, Hannigan impresses as a singing conductor of the lively suite »Girl Crazy« by George Gershwin. This exuberance is answered by »The Dark Side« with new emotions: Arnold Schönberg's »Verklärte Nacht« is drenched in melancholy, self-doubt, and crisis. In one of his last




»Land-Sound-Art at the mythical site«

JOHANNES BRAHMS Sonata in E flat major, op. 120, No. 2 for viola and piano MANUEL DE FALLA »Siete canciones populares españolas« ENRIQUE GRANADOS Excerpts from »Tonadillas en estilo antiguo« ASTOR PIAZZOLLA »Le Grand Tango«

3–6 pm

Folkert Uhde Artistic Direction Sonja Lena Schmid Artistic Direction Thorsten Greiner Artistic Direction Emanuel Werres Project Management Students of the Musikhochschule Trossingen On a summery Sunday, the Hohenkarpfen nearby Trossingen transforms into a magic mountain full of surprising musical encounters. Performances and live musical acts by students of the Staatliche Hochschule für Musik Trossingen combine music, landscape, and view into an intense artistic experience. Amid spectacular nature, orchards, benches, and copses resound – the ascent to the picturesque cone becomes a voyage of discovery of one's perception. The last admission is at 17:30. Please do not forget shoes suitable for hiking! Hohenkarpfen 1, 78595 Hausen ob Verena Tickets 5A ⁄ 10 € Children up to 12 years are free of charge Should the Corona regulations permit an open-air audience, the ticket sale starts on June 21st. If this is not the case, the concert will be cancelled.

6 ⁄ 9 pm

Tabea Zimmermann Viola Javier Perianes Piano The current winner of the Ernst von Siemens Music Prize, Tabea Zimmermann, inspires audiences worldwide. Her instrument, the viola, on the other hand, has had a hard time. Misunderstood in music history and usually relegated by composers to an accompanying voice, it was rarely allowed to emerge from the shadow of the dominant violin. Yet the instrument has so much to offer with its dark depth and smoky, wistful high notes. Zimmermann shows us the many facets. Accompanied by pianist Javier Perianes, the viola is not only a convincing alternative to the clarinet, for which Johannes Brahms originally wrote his Sonata op. 120, No. 2; in songs by Manuel de Falla and Enrique Granados it also proves how beautifully it can sing – even in Spanish. The viola finally reaches its zenith in the tango, which Astor Piazzolla elevated to an art form. Rarely has its passionate-melancholic tone been better suited. Ordenssaal, Residenzschloss Ludwigsburg Tickets 35 ⁄ 45 ⁄ 55 € Should the Corona regulations permit an open-air audience, the ticket sale starts June 21st. Furthermore, the concert will broadcast live on our Digital Stage and on August 3rd at the ARD Radio Festival. If an open-air audience is permitted, the event can be heard in the Court of Honour of the Ludwigsburg Palace.




Musicians of the Ludwigsburg Festival Orchestra

Musicians of the Ludwigsburg Festival Orchestra

In the idyllic setting of the Seeschloss Monrepos, this year's festival will not feature fireworks in the literal sense, but musically: shortly before the end of the festival, the musicians of the Ludwigsburg Festival Orchestra invite you to a special Wandel­ konzert around the lake. The audience will experience the picturesque surroundings on the edge of ­Ludwigsburg in a new way – whether through a fanfare from the castle, string sounds at the Fischerhaus, or surprising rhythms on the Festinwiese. The theme of this open-air music includes the comedic entanglements of William Shakespeare's »A Midsummer Night's Dream«. Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy was inspired by the confusions in the magical realm of fairies and elves to write his famous Wedding March. Enjoy the sparks of the dreamy summer night in the open air.

For the culminating »Fest Spiel Finale« in the Court of Honour of the Ludwigsburg Palace, the musicians of the Ludwigsburg Festival Orchestra will once again impress with their versatility. In small ensemble groups, they devote themselves to a play of acoustics and space. From the right, sometimes from the left, here from above, therefrom below – the music resounds from everywhere. Atmospherically, the baroque Court of Honour is fathomed anew in its spatial quality. A final reference to the all-encompassing Corona theme can also be discerned: Under the rules of distance and social distancing, communal music-making became impossible. Nevertheless, the isolated groups of the orchestra reveal that music always finds a way to keep moving even in difficult times. With this driving force, the Festival Orchestra undoubtedly keeps the excitement going into next year. Then hopefully without Corona and with a great orchestra concert!

4 pm

Seeschloss Monrepos, Ludwigsburg Free Entry Should the Corona regulations permit an open-air audience, the event will be cancelled. Sponsored by

9 pm

Ehrenhof, Residenzschloss Ludwigsburg Tickets 15A ⁄ 32 € Should the Corona regulations allow an open-air audience, ticket sales will start on June 21st. If this is not the case, the event will unfortunately be cancelled. Sponsored by


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Here's where we stand With expertise in digitalisation and mobility, MHP is one of the leading management and IT consulting firms. Today we are already shaping the digital future of tomorrow – always driven by excellence. Together we face great challenges – such as climate change, the future of mobility, digital transformation and of course combating the pandemic.


This is what moves us What counts – today and in the future – is the contribution we as a company, as well as each indi­vidual, bring to addressing these challenges. Besides the economic goals, anyone who wants to stay ahead in the future will also increasingly be judged by their social and ecological aims. Our focus is on this belief and on our claim to excellence – in the spirit of our purpose: enabling you to shape a better tomorrow.

This is where we're going Working together in a symbiosis of economy, ecology and social responsibility, we will establish sustainable values. In solidarity with our employees, clients and business partners, we stand for a better, more liveable and sustain­ able future. In partnership with the Ludwigsburg Festival – for a Festival of the arts, democracy and sustainability.

Here's where we stand »The Porsche, as I've always understood it, is of course more than just an automobile; it is my philosophy of the freedom of individual mobility, which should serve mankind but should not be a burden.« (Ferry Porsche, 1989)

This is what moves us Porsche takes a holistic view of sustainability: ecological, economical and social. Porsche puts people at the centre – as employees, as clients and also as part of society. Here economic success and social responsibility go hand in hand, as an element of the company's self-conception – in the spirit of the Porsche culture.

This is where we're going As pioneers of sporty mobility, we also set standards for sustain­ ability. From the start it has been a matter of course that the emission-free Taycan should also be produced CO2-neutrally. Innovation and open dialogue create bridges for trust – in the past, the present and the future.


Here's where we stand For us, German engineering stands for a tradition of over a century and for products of the highest practical value. We set the benchmark in painting technology for repair painting, industry and wood processing.


This is what moves us Commitment, precision, work satisfaction and mutual appreciation motivate us daily to develop the very best solutions for our partners and customers. We constantly keep our eyes on the technical demands of the market – and on personal service.

This is where we're going We invest continuously in our processes and in updating our technologies in order to make the best products available to our customers – with sustainability, economic success, envi­ ronmental awareness and social responsibility.

Here's where we stand For the benefit of people in the district of Ludwigsburg.

This is what moves us Since 1852 we have placed great store by – both spatial and emotional – closeness to our clients. With our serious, competent employees we develop up-to-date financial services for all – for large and small companies, for young and old clients, for business and private clients.

This is where we're going Besides economic success and diverse non-profit commitments, sustainability is particularly important to us. Sustainable thinking and action has always been at the centre of our corporate self-conception. We strive consistently and responsibly towards economic, social and ecological goals.


Here's where we stand Wüstenrot means home.


This is what moves us Housing is one of the most important issues of our time. For many people, finding somewhere to live is becoming increasingly difficult. Wüstenrot takes the right to housing seriously.

This is where we're going We give a new meaning to »housing« – from the political dimension to product solutions. We make housing, in all its variety, accessible to all.

Here's where we stand We have 80 years' experience in filtration. We produce 26 filters per second, to give clean mobility, clean air and clean water – worldwide. MANN + HUMMEL stands for leadership in filtration.

This is what moves us Separating the useful from the harmful – this is the mission and the passion of MANN + HUMMEL. With our products and solutions, we ensure clean mobility, clean air and clean water – thus contributing to a clean future for us all.

This is where we're going Where it's a matter of clean mobility, clean air and clean water, there's no »mine« or »yours« – only »ours«. We at MANN + HUMMEL, as a global team, join in assuming responsibility. Together we work to find solutions for a cleaner future.


Here's where we stand The arts, particularly music, are our passion, and the task of promoting them is dear to our hearts. The Circle of Friends has devoted itself since 1997 to supporting the work of the Ludwigsburg Festival.


This is what moves us Art and culture move the spirit; they animate, entertain, open up space for dialogue, fire the imagination and excite curiosity. Our commitment as Friends of the Ludwigsburg Festival is coupled with the responsibility and the wish to preserve and communicate it.

This is where we're going To be a strong partner, to establish identity for the Festival, to encourage enthusiasm for music in others, especially young people, to support the Festival in its pioneering concept – these are our continuing wishes for the future.

Publisher Ludwigsburger Schlossfestspiele gGmbH Internationale Festspiele Baden-Württemberg, Palais Grävenitz, Marstallstraße 5, 71634 Ludwigsburg, Telephone +49 (0) 7141 93 96 36, Fax +49 (0) 7141 93 96 97, E-Mail: info@schlossfestspiele. de, Festival direction Jochen Sandig Editorial Ludwigsburger Schlossfestspiele gGmbH Texts Jochen Sandig, Dr. Bettina Sluzalek, Maria-Luisa Villena Ossa, Daniel Andrés Eberhard Collaboration Christine Diller, Hannah Duffek, Juliane Flittner, Christine Krause, Raffaela von Salis Design Daniel Wiesmann Büro für Gestaltung, Berlin, Jule Erner, Robert Radziejewski Print Druckhaus Götz GmbH, Ludwigsburg Paper 170 g/m² Munken Lynx, 90 g/m² Munken Lynx rough / Arctic Paper Circulation 15.000 Editorial Deadline 18 May 2021 (Subject to changes)

We would like to thank all the agencies that provided us with photos. We have made every effort to identify all copyrights. Should there be any claims beyond this, please contact us.

The SDG Action Campaign was launched by the United Nations to unite people from all parts of the world to achieve the 17 Sustainable Development Goals together. In a moment of acute crisis in our world, the United Nations' SDG Action Campaign connects thinkers and doers from civil society, local governments and think tanks, the arts and culture, media and business. Since 2020, the Ludwigsburg Festival has also been an active ambassador for this global agenda as a »Festival of the Arts, Democracy and Sustainability«.

Photo credits Cover page 2: Raphael Brand, cover page 3: Oleksandr Samoilov, folding page inside: Tourismus & Events Ludwigsburg, p. 6: Brad Hwang © Jochen Sandig; p. 9: Gustavo Surgik © Reiner Pfisterer; p. 12/13: Palace theatre © Rafael Kroetz; Orchestra of the Ludwigsburg Festival © Reiner Pfisterer; p. 18: Anna Lucia Richter © Kaupo Kikkas; p. 21: Johanna Summer © Gregor Hohenberg; p. 22: Kaan Bulak © Nailya Bikmurzina; p. 24/25: École des Sables © Maarten Vanden Abeele; p. 29: Oberon Trio © Neda Navaee; p. 30: Anna Prohaska © Marco Borggreve; p. 35: FARN. collective © Kirsten Becken; p. 36: Sasha Waltz & Guests © Yanina Isla; p. 39: Dying Swans Project © Jeanette Bak; p. 40: Barbara Hannigan © Musacchio & Ianniello Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia; p. 43: Tabea Zimmermann © Marco Borggreve; p. 44: Statue © Rafael Kroetz; Seeschloss Monrepos © Cosmin Lucian


Terms & Conditions General Terms and Conditions (GTC) of the Ludwigsburger Schlossfestspiele gGmbH Internationale Festspiele Baden-Württemberg (hereinafter referred to as Ludwigsburger Schlossfestspiele) (»Ticket GTC«) 1. Scope, conclusion of contract 1.1 These Ticket Terms and Conditions apply to all concerts organised by the Ludwigsburger Schlossfestspiele (Marstallstraße 5, 71634 Ludwigsburg; hereinafter »Organiser«) and govern the relationship between the visitor (hereinafter »you«, »Buyer«, »Ticket Holder«) and the Organiser (hereinafter »Visitor Contract«). By purchasing a ticket, the Buyer concludes an event and Visitor Contract with the Organiser and acquires the right to attend the event. In the event of the purchase of several tickets in one sales transaction, the Buyer represents the other visitors, and the Organiser concludes a Contract with each visitor for attendance at the event. The visitor acknowledges the rights and obligations in these GTCs. 1.2 The contract between you and us is concluded via our sales partners (such as CTS Eventim, Easy Ticket Service, local ticket presales, etc., hereinafter »Sales Partners«), who arrange the sale of the tickets on our behalf and for our account. In addition to the GTC discussed herein, the GTC of our Sales Partners shall also apply. In the event of deviating provisions, however, the GTC of the Organiser shall take precedence. In addition, separate instructions, in particular from Sales Partners, regarding events (e.g. the personalisation of tickets, exclusion of transferring, date of dispatch, etc.) must be observed. 1.3 The ticket purchase price, which consists of the basic ticket price, advance booking fee, system fee and other fees, and in each case including statutory VAT (hereinafter referred to as the »Ticket Purchase Price«), is due for payment immediately after conclusion of the Contract and is due to the Organiser in full. The Sales Partners may also charge additional fees on their own behalf. 1.4 The tickets are sold through our Sales Partners under reservation of ownership, i.e., the tickets remain the property of the Organiser until the Ticket Purchase Price has been paid in full and do not ­entitle the Holder to admission to the booked event until then. 1.5 Attendance of an event with a discounted ticket is only possible if the reason for the discount still exists at the time of the event and can be proven at the time of admission. Otherwise, the right to attend the event only exists if the Ticket Holder pays the difference between the reduced and the normal ticket price. 1.6 The risk of accidental loss shall pass to the Buyer when the ticket is handed over to the shipping department. In the event of a subsequent loss, no refund of the Ticket Purchase Price will be made and no replacement tickets will be issued. 1.7 Deviating or supplementary general terms and conditions of third parties, in particular those of the Buyer, shall not become part of the contract without the prior written consent of the Organiser, unless otherwise agreed above (cf. Section 1.2). 2. Admission; admission control 2.1 Admission to the event is only possible with a valid ticket. The ticket must be shown upon initial entry. Visitors who leave the event area will not be granted re-entry. 2.2 Upon entry to the event, a security check may be carried out by the on-site security staff.


2.3 The Organiser reserves the right to refuse a visitor admission to the event for good cause. Good cause shall include, but not be limited to, the possession of dangerous objects, the appearance of being under the influence of alcohol or drugs and the demonstration of a homophobic, sexist or otherwise intolerant attitude. Admission will also be refused in the event of a visitor jeopardizing the safety of a minor. If one of the aforementioned good causes for refusing admission exists, the tickets cease to be valid, and the admission price will not be refunded. 3. Transfer of tickets 3.1 For security reasons, in order to achieve a nationwide supply of tickets at socially acceptable prices and to prevent the resale of tickets at excessive prices, and in particular to avoid ticket speculation, the Organiser may restrict the distribution of tickets. 3.2 The Ticket Holder expressly undertakes and warrants that the purchase and use of tickets shall be for private purposes only. The purchase of tickets for commercial (i.e., for profit) resale is prohibited. The visitor is explicitly prohibited from a) offering admission tickets for sale publicly at auctions (especially on the internet), b) transferring tickets for a higher price than the original price paid. A price premium of up to 10% to compensate for transaction costs incurred is permissible, c) selling or transferring tickets to commercial resellers and/or ticket dealers; d) using tickets for commercial or trade purposes without the prior written consent of the Organiser. 3.3 Should the Organiser determine that the Ticket Holder has violated one or more of the provisions in Section 3, the Organiser may block the tickets in question and either refuse the customer/Ticket Holder admission to the event or expel him/her from the event premises, refuse any future sale of tickets of any kind to the visitor, issue a ban from the premises, and/or demand payment of an appropriate contractual penalty of up to a maximum of € 2,500.00 for each violation. The exact amount of the contractual penalty shall be determined by the Organiser in each individual case at its reasonable discretion and, in the event of a dispute, shall be reviewed by the court with subject-matter jurisdiction for its appropriateness. The Organiser shall offset any contractual penalty against any claims for damages due to the infringement. 3.4 Private transfer of an admission ticket for noncommercial reasons, in particular in individual cases of illness or other such circumstances which prevent the attendance of the visitor, is permissible if there is no case of inadmissible transfer within the meaning of Section 3.2. 4. Cancellation, postponement or abandonment of the event 4.1 The Organiser expressly reserves the right to cancel or postpone the event for reasons beyond its control (e.g., illness of artists, force majeure, an external, unforeseeable, uncontrollable event such as war, terrorist attack, strike, catastrophic weather conditions, epidemic, pandemic). The above force majeure events also include all cancellations due to a continuation, recurrence, deviation or first outbreak of epidemics and pandemics, such as the COVID-19 pandemic, regardless of whether a regulatory ban or recommendation leads to the cancellation. Sections 4.2 and 4.3 shall apply

accordingly if the Organiser, after due consideration of all the circumstances, comes to the conclusion that an event must be cancelled due to a pandemic, in particular due to a danger to life and limb of the event participants or visitors, due to restrictions on admission into the country which affect the participants in or visitors of the event, or due to contract cancellations by third parties, such as subcontractors, for whom the Organiser is unable to procure a replacement. There are no mutual claims for damages. 4.2 If the Organiser cancels the event in accordance with Section 4.1, the ticket becomes invalid. 4.3 If the Organiser reschedules the event in accordance with 4.1, the tickets shall remain valid, unless the visitor exercises his right of return. A claim for refund of the ticket purchase price exists only in the case of return. The claim must be made to the Organiser by midnight on the day before the rescheduled event at the latest and is governed by Section 4.5. If the visitor is unable to meet the deadline for reasons for which he/she is not responsible, the visitor must provide evidence of this accordingly. 4.4 For the implementation of the return, please also refer to the general terms and conditions of the respective Sales Partners. 4.5 If the conditions set out in 4.1, 4.2 and 4.3 apply, the basic ticket price including VAT will be refunded, provided the original ticket has been received. Generally, fees paid (e.g. advance booking fees and system fees) will not be refunded. The Organiser declares the offset against any claim for reimbursement of the fees based on its claim for value replacement, which exists in the same amount due to the respectively rendered services (e.g. agency services, use of the ticket system, etc.). The return of the ticket and refund of the ticket price is only possible within three weeks after the cancelled concert at the advance booking office where the tickets were purchased. After expiry of the period specified in 4.5, the right to reimbursement shall lapse. 4.6 The event will be held in all weather. However, should weather conditions give rise to fears of danger to life, limb or health of visitors, artists or staff, the event will be cancelled immediately. In this case, as well as in the case of cancellation of the event for other reasons of force majeure, due to official order or court decision, a claim for reimbursement exists in conjunction with presentation of the original ticket according to Section 4.5 if less than half of the scheduled performance/screening time was played. No replacement will be granted if the ticket is lost. 4.7 With regard to the fees charged by the respective Sales Partner and their possible reimbursement in the event of cancellation or postponement, please refer to the general terms and conditions of the Sales Partner in question. 4.8 The above provisions shall in no way affect the rights to which you are entitled in the event of a breach of duty for which the Organiser is responsible. In addition to this, please take into account the regulation outlined in Section 5. 5. Limitation of liability 5.1 Claims for damages are excluded. Excluded from this are claims for damages asserted by the Buyer arising from injury to life, limb or health or from the breach of essential contractual obligations (cardinal obligations) as well as liability for other damage based on an intentional or grossly negligent

breach of duty on the part of the Organiser, its legal representatives or vicarious agents. Material contractual obligations are those whose fulfilment is necessary to achieve the objective of the contract. 5.2 In the event of a breach of material contractual obligations, the Organiser shall only be liable for the foreseeable damage typical of the contract if this was caused by simple negligence, unless it is a matter of claims for damages on the part of the Buyer arising from injury to life, limb or health. 5.3 The restrictions of Sections 5.1 and 5.2 also apply in favour of the Organiser’s legal representatives and vicarious agents if claims are asserted directly against them. 5.4 The Organiser is not liable for external services (e.g. gastronomic services) and any resulting damage, but the service provider in question is directly liable. 6. Allocation of other seats 6.1 The Organiser reserves the right to allocate the Ticket Holder a seat within the confirmed price category other than the one allocated with the ticket. In this case, no claims of the Ticket Holder and Purchaser can be asserted against the Organiser. 6.2 In addition, the Organiser reserves the right to allocate the Ticket Holder a seat in a different price category than that allocated with the Ticket if it is not possible for the Organiser to provide the seat shown on the Ticket for reasons beyond its control. If the price category is higher, this does not give rise to any claims on the part of the Ticket Holder and Buyer. If, on the other hand, it is a lower price category, the Buyer is entitled to a refund of the difference to the price stated on the ticket. The Buyer is to assert the claim against the Organiser. 7. Recordings of visitors to the event 7.1 For the purposes of public reporting on and promotion of the event, the Organiser or third parties commissioned or otherwise authorised by it in each case (e.g. radio, press) may, in accordance with Sec. 6 para. 1 clause 1 f) of the General Data Protection Regulation, independently make image and sound recordings which may show the visitor as a spectator at the event in question. These image and sound recordings may be processed, utilised and publicly reproduced by the Organiser and third parties authorised by the Organiser (e.g. radio, press) in accordance with Sec. 6 para. 1 p. 1 f) of the General Data Protection Regulation. If a visitor purchases tickets not only for himself but for other persons, the visitor must ensure that the contents of this Section 7 as well as Section 9 are disclosed to the Ticker Holder in question. The provisions on the permissibility of disclosure pursuant to Section 3 remain unaffected. 7.2 Mobile phones, tablets and similar devices with recording functions may be carried, but the making of sound, photo and film recordings is prohibited. 7.3 Any exploitation, in particular the dissemination and making publicly available (e.g. on the internet, via social media, etc.) of sound, photo and film recordings made with the aid of mobile devices, tablets and similar devices contrary to Section 7.2 is prohibited. Reference is made to Section 7.5. 7.4 Other recording devices and cameras of any kind are prohibited from being taken into the auditorium. In the event of infringements, the Organiser is entitled to confiscate recording devices and cameras and to retain them until the end of the event. Reference is made to Section 7.5. 7.5 In the event of infringements of Section 7.3 and/

or Section 7.4, a contractual penalty payable to the Organiser shall become due, without prejudice to further claims, the amount of which shall be determined by the Organiser at its reasonable discretion and, in the event of a dispute, shall be subject to review by the relevant regional court. 8. Obligations of the customer while attending the event 8.1 It is strictly prohibited to bring to the event the following objects: – dangerous objects such as weapons of any kind, objects that can be used as projectiles (especially bottles and cans), gas containers, pyrotechnic articles (e. g. flares, fireworks or sparklers); – backpacks and large bags (maximum size: 21 x 30 cm, A4 sheet); – umbrellas (because of obstruction of others’ view, in the event of rain please bring appropriate clothing). In this case, the Organiser is entitled to prohibit you from participating in the event and to expel you from the premises. You are not entitled to any claims against the Organiser in this case. 9. Programme and start times The programme with the starting times will be published on the notice board and in the Ludwigsburger Schlossfestspiele publications as well as on the Ludwigsburger Schlossfestspiele website Information in the press is not binding.

No right of withdrawal or return: Even if the Organiser offers admission tickets via distance communication within the meaning of Section 312c (2) of the German Civil Code (BGB) and thus a distance contract may exist pursuant to Section 312c (1) of the German Civil Code, there is no right of withdrawal of the visitor when purchasing an admission ticket pursuant to Section 312g (2) No. 9 of the German Civil Code. This means that there is no two-week right of withdrawal or return. Each submission of an offer or order for tickets is therefore binding immediately after confirmation by the Organiser and obliges the customer to accept and pay for the tickets ordered. 13. Dispute resolution 13.1 Online dispute resolution pursuant to Section 14 para. 1 of the Online Dispute Resolution Regulation: The European Commission provides a platform for online dispute resolution (ODR), which you can find at 13.2 Information on dispute resolution procedures before consumer conciliation bodies (§ 36 of the Act on Alternative Dispute Resolution in Consumer Matters): The Ludwigsburger Schlossfestspiele gGmbH is not willing and not obliged to participate in dispute resolution proceedings before a consumer conciliation board.

10. Performer changes We reserve the right to make minor changes to the programme and to the announced performers. In the event of significant changes to the programme, the visitor may withdraw from the contract in accordance with Section 4.5. There are significant changes to the programme a) if the event is tailored to a famous artist or ensemble and he/she is replaced; b) when a particular programme is announced and the majority of it is exchanged. 11. Applicable law, data privacy, jurisdiction 11.1 The Visitor Contract shall be governed by the laws of the Federal Republic of Germany to the exclusion of the UN Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods. The statutory provisions on the restriction of the choice of law and on the applicability of mandatory provisions, in particular of the state in which the customer has his habitual residence as a consumer, shall remain unaffected. 11.2 The contract shall remain binding in its remaining parts even if individual points are legally invalid. The ineffective points shall be replaced by the statutory provisions, if any. However, insofar as this would constitute an unreasonable hardship for one of the contracting parties, the contract as a whole shall become invalid. 11.3 All transmitted data will be processed in compliance with the relevant data protection regulations. The Organiser's data privacy regulations are available at datenschutz. In addition, the data protection provisions of the respective Sales Partner apply. 11.4 The exclusive place of jurisdiction for all disputes arising from and in connection with these GTC is – to the extent permitted by law – Ludwigsburg, Germany. 12. No right of withdrawal


Patrons 2021 Eva Luise Köhler and Prof. Dr. Horst Köhler Former Federal President

Team Jochen Sandig Artistic & Managing Director ⁄ Nadja Rüde Consultant of the Director & Education ⁄ Sabine Bestvater Head of Administration & Authorized Signatory ⁄ Maren Wolter Administration Assistant ⁄ Anja Knörzer Administration ⁄ Lucilla Schmidinger Head of Artistic Plannung & Production ⁄ Jule Rebscher Project Manager Artistic Planning & Production ⁄ Silke Holzbog Project Manager Artistic Planning & Production ⁄ Elfi Carle Assistant Artistic Planning & Production ⁄ Alina Schaefer Trainee Artistic Planning & Production ⁄ Lilian Balmberger Trainee Artistic Planning & Production ⁄ Dr. Bettina Sluzalek Chief Dramaturg ⁄ Maria-Luisa Villena Ossa Dramaturg ⁄ Daniel Andrés Eberhard Trainee

Dramaturgy ⁄ Raffaela von Salis Head of Communication ⁄ Christine Diller Head of Press & Marketing ⁄ Lea Tatsch Marketing & Communication ⁄ Juliane Flittner Communication / Sponsoring ⁄ Hannah Duffek Trainee Press & Marketing ⁄ Susanne Schmidt Visitor Service & Ticket Sales ⁄ Petra Niccoli Visitor Service & Ticket Sales ⁄ Bartosz Pollok Sales, Visitor Service & Ticket Sales ⁄ Doris Schopf Technical Project Manager ⁄ Markus Zwanziger Technical Project Manager, Facility Manager & Safety Officer ⁄ Michaela Drobar-Jahns Cleaner

Supervisory Board Dr. Matthias Knecht Lord Mayor of the City of Ludwigsburg (Chairman) ⁄ Claudia Diem Member of the Management Board of BW Bank (Deputy Chairwoman) ⁄ Petra Olschowski (State Secretary in the Ministry of Science, Research and the Arts Baden-Württemberg (Deputy Chairwoman) ⁄ Albrecht Kruse Managing Director of SATA GmbH & Co KG (Deputy Chairman, Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Ludwigsburg Festival) ⁄ Renate Schmetz First Mayoress of the City of Ludwigsburg ⁄ Wiebke Richert Head of the Art and Culture Department of the City of Ludwigsburg (Secretary) ⁄ Prof. Ernst Elitz Founding Director Deutschlandradio ⁄ 60

Dietmar Allgaier District Administrator of the County of Ludwigsburg ⁄ Jochen Haller Former Managing Director of the IHK Ludwigsburg (Member of the Freundeskreis der Ludwigsburger Schlossfestspiele e. V.) ⁄ Hans Jochen Henke Lawyer, former State Secretary ⁄ Reinhardt Weiss Ludwigsburg Municipal Council ⁄ Claus-Dieter Meyer Ludwigsburg Municipal Council ⁄ Christoph Peichl Head of the Department of Policy Matters, Theatre, Festival, Orchestra and Literature Promotion in the Ministry of Science, Research and the Arts BadenWürttemberg ⁄ Ute Stihl Lawyer ⁄ Prof. Dr. Michael Vierling Ludwigsburg Municipal Council

Board of Trustees HRH Michael Duke of Württemberg [Patron] Albrecht Kruse Managing Director of SATA GmbH & Co. KG [Chairman] ⁄ Claudia Diem Member of the Management Board of BW Bank [Deputy Chair­ woman] ⁄ Ute Stihl Lawyer [Deputy Chairwoman] ⁄ Hans Jochen Henke Lawyer, former State Secretary [Honorary Chairman] ⁄ Helmut Nanz † [Honorary Chairman] ⁄ Prof. Wolfgang Gönnenwein † Former artistic director of the Ludwigsburg Festival

A M B A S S A D O R S Steffen Bilger Member of the German Bundestag ⁄ Dr. Heinrich Götz Mayor of the town of Haigerloch ⁄ Dr. Ulrike Groos Director of the Kunstmuseum Stuttgart ⁄ Jürgen Kessing Lord Mayor of the City of Bietigheim-Bissingen ⁄ Prof. Dr. Ralf Kitzberger Lawyer [Chariman of the Freundes­ kreis der Ludwigsburger Schlossfestspiele e. V.] ⁄ Dr. Matthias Knecht Lord Mayor of the CIty of Ludwigsburg ⁄ Peter Müller Mayor of the munici­ pality of Wolfegg ⁄ Petra Olschowski State Secretary in the Ministry of Science, Research and the Arts Baden-Württemberg ⁄ Prof. Thomas Schadt Managing Director of the Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg GmbH ⁄ Christoph Schmitz Head of the Music Department of Deutschlandfunk ⁄ Werner Spec ⁄ Markus Herrera Torrez Lord Mayor of the City of Wertheim ⁄ Matthias Wissmann President of the Inter­ national Organization of Motor Vehicle Manufacturers (OICA), Partner WilmerHale ⁄ Sigrid ­Zimmerling Managing Director of the IHK Ludwigsburg

A R T P A T R O N S Senator E. h. Dr. Helmut Baur Consul General of Malaysia ⁄ Hans-Jürgen Fink ⁄ Dr. Wolfgang Frank Lawyer & Notary (ret.) ⁄ Jochen Haller ⁄ Senator h. c. Dorothea Haller-Laible Honorary Consul of the Republic of Kazakhstan for Baden-Württemberg ⁄ Bernd Hertweck Chairman of the Management Board of Wüstenrot Bausparkasse AG ⁄ Dr. Ralf Hofmann Managing Director of MHP Management- und IT-Beratung GmbH ⁄ Marc Zimmermann Managing Director of MHP Management- und IT-Beratung GmbH ⁄ Adolf Katz Manager and owner of the bakery and confectionery Adolf KATZ ⁄ Jens Kenserski Managing Director pulsmacher GmbH ⁄ Ulrich Kraft Managing Director of ARTA Management für das Handwerk GmbH & Co. ⁄ Dr. Nicola Leibinger-Kammüller Managing Director of TRUMPF GmbH + Co. KG ⁄ Prof. Dr. Wulf. D. von Lucius ⁄ Michael Marbler Regional Lead Partner Southwest of Ernst & Young GmbH Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft ⁄ Lutz Meschke Deputy Chairman of the Executive Board and Member of the Executive Board Finance and IT of Dr. Ing. h. c.F. Porsche AG ⁄ Helmut Cornelius Nanz Managing Director of Nanz Stiftung & Co KG ⁄ Thomas Palus Chairman of the Board of Managing Directors of Volksbank Ludwigsburg eG ⁄ Dr. Winfried Porsch Lawyer Dolde Mayen & Partner ⁄ Joachim E. Schielke Chairman of the Management Board of the Wüstenrot Stiftung ⁄ Dr. Carl-Heiner Schmid Heinrich Schmid GmbH & Co. KG ⁄ Dr. Heinz-Werner Schulte Chairman of the Management Board of Kreissparkasse Ludwigsburg ⁄ Dieter Schwarz Schwarz GmbH & Co KG ⁄ Thomas Fischer Chairman of the Supervisory Board of MANN+HUMMEL GmbH ⁄ Gerhard Ulmer Publisher Ungeheuer & Ulmer KG GmbH & Co. ⁄ Andreas Veit Managing Director Wohnungsbau Ludwigsburg GmbH ⁄ H.S.H. Johannes Prince of Waldburg-­Wolf­ egg and Waldsee ⁄ Eberhard P. Wensauer Managing Director of Wensauer & Partner Werbeagentur GmbH


Ticket Information Ticket office and sale by mail Ludwigsburger Schlossfestspiele Palais Grävenitz Marstallstraße 5, 71634 Ludwigsburg Mon till Fri 10–15 h Fax +49 (0) 7141 93 96 97 E-Mail: Ticket sale by phone Ticket telephone +49 (0)7141 93 96 36 Outside our business hours, we will forward your call directly to the freephone ticket hotline of our partner Easy Ticket Service. Online booking In principle, there are no fees for online bookings. You can print out your ticket by yourself via print@home. Please note that no discounts can be booked online. Payment Tickets may be paid for by SEPA direct debit, credit card (MasterCard, VICA) or in cash at the ticket office. At the box office, only cash payment ist possible. In the Forum am Schlosspark you can pay by EC card. Ticket return Please check your tickets immediately. Later complaints cannot be considered. In principle, neither exchange nor return of tickets is possible. However, if an event is cancelled, you can of course have your money refunded (see also p. 58/59). Reservations Please get your reserved tickets at least 30 minutes before the start of the performance. The ticket price must be paid even if reserved tickets won't be picked up. Easy Ticket Service Telephone +49 (0)711 255 55 55 Mon till Fri 10–18 h Accessibility If you have any questions about the accessibility of our venues, please contact the ticket office.


Covid-19 notes Due to the current situation, we ask primarily for orders by phone, email or via our webshop at With the print@home function, your ticket is then directly available. This also enables us to keep your contact details up to date. Unfortunately, we are unable to offer ticket sales via local ticket agencies this year. Your health is important to us. Therefore, our events are held under the applicable hygiene regulations. Please also note that we are obliged to record the personal data for each ticket in case of contact tracing.

Discounts Proof of eligibility is required for the purchase of reduced tickets. Each ID entitles the holder to one reduced ticket for each event. Reductions, which cannot be combined, are available only at the Festival ticket office.

Individual Subscription You can put together your own individual and personal subscription package by choosing at least three events from this season's programme and receive a 10% discount on your ticket order.

Affordable Festival for young people The Freundeskreis der Ludwigsburger Schlossfestspiele [society of friends of the Festival] is Particularly keen to encourage children and young people to enjoy the wide variety of Festival events. Every year, together with the directors, they select several events particularly recommended for young visitors, and sponsor a quota of tickets. For these events, Festival visitors still in education or training pay only € 15 per ticket from category 2 (marked with A). You will find an overview on p. 32/33.

Ludwigsburg Card Ludwigsburg Card holders receive one free ticket per season for selected events.

Festival guests in training receive remaining tickets at the box office from 30 minutes before the start of the event at 10 €.

SWR2-Kulturservice The Ludwigsburg Festival is a partner of the SWR2 Kulturservice. Holders of the SWR2 Kulturkarte receive a 10% discount on the regular ticket price at the box office and in advance when booking through the Festival. StuWiCard Holders of the »Studierenden Willkommen Karte« (StuWiCard) they can use their credit with us.

Persons with a degree of disability of 80 or more receive a 50% reduction.

Solidarity and Donations After last year's Festival »outage«, 2021 offers a few more far-out ideas for celebrating a Festival brimming with vitality despite the current circumstances. So the question is perhaps less one of physical togeth­ erness than of symbolic solidarity. As a sign of friendship, everyone who supports us locally with a ­voluntary contribution will receive a sustainably-­ produced solidarity bracelet, as a lasting reminder of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals.

Kreissparkasse Ludwigsburg BIC SOLADES1LBG IBAN DE93 6045 0050 0000 0337 78

If you would like to support our non-profit work, you can also donate directly by using either the QR code linking directly to the donor page on our website, or the bank transfer details below. Many thanks! 63

Education We're passionate about the arts and about the great questions of our time. We believe these go together, since both deal with diverse modes of expression and how to understand them, with questions and answers, with thinkers as well as »movers and shakers«. We are especially passionate about people who wish to work together towards a future worth living in. The Festival aims to shape the future by acting in accordance with the 17 Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations – intergenerational, and in a spirit of creative inquiry. We believe that only those who bear tomorrow in mind today still have time to make a difference. In order to put this belief into practice, we set particular store not only by offering a programme for young audiences, but also, and

above all, by waiting to see what creative potential they offer. In the 2021 season, the dance project Somewhere in Between sees young adults take part in an artistic interpretation of issues around diversity and queerness. In the Generation Zukunft Musik concert, students in the »Zukunft Musik Gestalten« [future – music – shaping] laboratory plan not only the musical programme, but also the entire concert setting. In Spoken Moments Poetry we invite people of all generations to collaborate in planning a concert – both on and behind the digital stage.

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For More Sustainability It is a lovely tradition that performers are presented with flowers at the end of a concert. In the spirit of sustainability, however, we present trees, not flowers – more specifically, a certificate for a tree sponsorship. The project »Zukunft schenken – Bäume pflanzen« [make a gift for the future – plant trees] – an initiative by fit4future natur (of the Cleven Foundation), Hitradio antenne 1 and the Ministry for Food, Rural Areas and Consumer Protection – plants trees in various regions of Baden-Württemberg. This way, the artists support CO2 balance directly with their performance. From forest to city: beyond the botanic aspect, we also set store by implementation of the

17 Sustainable Development Goals in urban life. Thus we are delighted to be collaborating with the City of Ludwigsburg and the Baden-Württemberg Academy for Nature and Environmental Protection. Here, too, the question »Where are we going?« is pursued through active sustainability management and a variety of environmental workshops. We eagerly await the results of the coming initiatives, and we look forward to a lively exchange of ideas.

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