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EVIDENCE OF IMPACTS OF SOCIAL ACCOUNTABILITY/DEMAND FOR GOOD GOVERNANCE (DFGG) INITIATIVES: AN OVERVIEW Background paper submitted by Carmen Malena, Consultant to the Partnership for Transparency Fund October 20091 I.


1. Social accountability and demand for good governance (DFGG) approaches are broadly acknowledged to bring important benefits with regard to improved governance, enhanced development, and citizen empowerment. This brief note explores evidence of the impact of social accountability/DFGG approaches in these different areas. Overall, the note finds significant evidence of important impacts of social accountability/DFGG approaches. It also briefly discusses some key challenges and issues in the implementation of social accountability/DFGG approaches and the need for more rigorous impact assessment of such approaches.2 I.A.

Impact of Social Accountability/DFGG Approaches

2. Over the past decade, a large body of anecdotal evidence showing the important impacts of social accountability/DFGG approaches has emerged. In section two of this note, a considerable amount of such anecdotal evidence is presented– demonstrating how these approaches have contributed to: (i) improved governance (enhanced accountability, reduced corruption, greater government legitimacy and credibility and, improved citizen-state relations); (ii) enhanced development (better conceived public policies, budgets and plans; improved service delivery; enhanced efficiency, effectiveness and less waste; more equitable spending and services, increased development resources and enhanced development results), and; (iii) citizen empowerment (enhanced citizen information, stronger citizen voice, and, expanded political participation). 3. Much of this evidence derives from monitoring and evaluation reports or targeted assessments of individual social accountability/DFGG initiatives or the programs of specific donors. (See, for example, Areno, 2009; ASB, 2004; Brodjonegoro, 2005; CGG et. al, 2007; Lowe, 2003; Lukwago, 2004; Mumvuma, 2009; Silkin, 1998; Smulders, 2004). In recent years, a number of broader, cross-country studies and reviews have also been undertaken. For example, the World Bank Institute has published several stocktaking reports of social accountability experiences, and their results, in different regions of the world (Arroyo and Sirker, 2005; Caddy et. al., 2007; 2005; McNeil and Mumvuma. 2006; WBI, 2007). The International Budget Project has conducted several analyses of the impacts of applied budget work in different countries. They have found “a wide array of instances where budget groups have managed to achieve significant impact on budget accountability and policies” (de Renzio 1

The opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and should not be attributed to the Partnership for Transparency Fund. Any factual or analytical errors are also the sole responsibility of the author. 2 This paper was based on a literature review (of both published and unpublished sources) carried out in the period from August to October 2009. Some of the findings and analysis are also based on the author’s first hand experience as a social accountability/participatory governance practitioner.

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