Westchester Family - Ultimate Guide to Summer Camp 2023

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Westchester Family’s Ultimate Guide to Summer camp 2023 Discover the Perfect Camp for your child camp Listings 2023
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4 WestchesterFamily.com | Ultimate Guide to Summer Camp 2023 Ultimate G U i D e to S Ummer Camp 2023 WestchesterFamily.com contents FE at URE s 8 | Camp Counselor Why becoming a camp counselor is an enriching experience 12 | Camp Search Where to start and expert tips on finding the right camp for your child 14 | Finding the Right Camp All the factors that need to be considered in a camp search 16 | Your First-Time Camper Tips to prepare the entire family 18 | Overnight Camp The do’s and dont’s 20 | Jewish Summer Camps The enormous benefits gU id E 22 | Camp Directory The best resource guide for New York parents

















Ultimate Guide to Summer Camp

A few summers back, while we were all starting to get out from the COVID lockdown, some of us wondered When will Summer Camp be back ? Now that we have all become pros in testing and keeping our kids healthy, Summer Camps are not only flourishing but are the experts on how to thrive post-pandemic. Camps follow the highest healthy protocols, are aware of our kids’ mental health, and are the best advocates for helping kids socialize with peers while giving them an incredible

and memorable summer. Check out our picks (page 22) of camps for you to choose from this summer; there is something for everyone!

We also have valuable articles such as How to Begin the Camp Search (page 12), Tips for Preparing your First Time Camper (page 14), Overnight Camp Do’s and Don’ts (page 18), and additional helpful articles to assist you in your camp search.

And, hey, happy (almost) summer!

Publi S he R : Clifford Luster

e xeCuTive Di R eCTOR : Donna Duarte-Ladd

A SSOCiATe Publi S he R : Erin Brof

ADve RTi S ing Di R eCTOR : Stacie Goldberg

DePuTY eDiTOR: Jeannine Cintron

DigiTAl eDiTOR: Kaitlyn Riggio

e venTS MAnAge R : Shara Levine

Re PORTe R : Barbara Russo

Seni OR ADvi S e R : Susan Weiss

PARTne RS hi P MAnAge RS :

Lauren Alperin, Lauren Anchin, Joan Bergman, Mary Cassidy, Chris Cunnington, Lori Falco, Shelli

Goldberg-Peck, LynnMarie Hanley, Lisa Herlihy, Janine Mulé, Cara Roteman, Nina Spiegelman, Gwen Tomaselli

MAR ke Ting & STRATegY Di R eCTOR : Rosalia Bobé

SAle S & MAR ke Ting COORD inATOR : Mykael Fields

MAR ke Ting A SS i STAnT: Tilejah Gilead

ART Di R eCTOR : Leah Mitch

Web DevelOP e R : Sylvan Migdal

gRAP hi C De S igne RS : Arthur Arutyunov, Connie Sulsenti

eD iTORS AT l ARge: Serena Norr, Cris Pearlstein

eD iTOR iAl CO nTR ibuTORS : Jana Beauchamp, Mia Salas

eD iTOR iAl i nTe R n S : Tiana Henriquez, Adam Mobley, Campbell Schouten

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P R e S i D enT: Victoria Schneps-Yunis

CeO: Joshua Schneps

COO: Clifford Luster

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6 WestchesterFamily.com | Ultimate Guide to Summer Camp 2023 editor’s note Share your feedback and ideas about family life in New York! Email us at editorial@newyorkfamily.com and tag us at #westchesterfamily get in touch n ewYorkFamily.com
New York Family is published monthly by Queens Family Media, LLC. Reproduction of New York Family Media in whole or part without written permission from the publisher is prohibited. All rights reserved. ©2023 Queens Family Media, LLC 2022

as a Summer Camp Counselor 10 Things I Learned

As a kid, I spent eight incredible summers at a sleepaway camp where I made lifelong friends, learned about myself and my community, and grew and matured in countless ways. While being a camper from the age of 9 to 16 was indescribably formative, the most important values, skills, and life lessons I learned came in the years that followed when I became a staff member at the same camp. Through my four years of being a counselor (and one year as a Division Head), I took away some invaluable lessons that have helped guide me through my personal and professional life. Here are the 10 most important things I learned as a summer camp counselor:

1. leadership skills

Imagine you’re a 17 or 18 year old fresh out of high school, starting to transition into a more

independent, adult life. You’re about to go off to college, or maybe you’ll soon start a new job, but it’s possible you’ve never had to make any big decisions for yourself yet. Working as a camp counselor puts you into an environment where taking charge and making decisions is a crucial part of the job. From planning programs, to making sure activities run smoothly, to leading groups of sometimes dozens of kids, developing leadership skills is a natural byproduct of getting the job done.

2. Responsibility

Many teens have been responsible for other people before, perhaps as a babysitter, lifeguard, or some similar job. Camp counseling takes the fundamental parts of childcare and supervising kids to a whole new level, as counselors often care for large groups of children at once. When parents drop their kids off at camp, they are entrusting their

kids’ safety in the hands of staff members. In my experience, that level of responsibility can improve young adults’ confidence and sense of self worth, better preparing them for the responsibilities of adult life.

3. Teamwork

I was always the student in school who hated doing group projects; I almost always preferred to work on things alone and in my own way. I didn’t see the value in working with others when I was certain I could handle it all myself. That facade was quickly broken the first summer I worked as a counselor, realizing that one 17-year-old simply could not attend to the full time needs of the dozen third graders that were under my supervision. I learned early on that summer the importance of collaboration and teamwork with my co counselors and other camp staff, and that asking for help is a sign of strength

8 WestchesterFamily.com | Ultimate Guide to Summer Camp 2023
Ultimate Guide to Summer Camp 2023 | WestchesterFamily.com 9 AN INTERACTIVE DAY CAMP FOR CHILDREN ENTERING GRADES 1 THROUGH 9 SUMMERCAMP@HARVEYSCHOOL.ORG JUNE26AUGUST4 260 JAY STREET - KATONAH, NY harveycamp.org Boston Leadership Institute Award-Winning Summer STEM Programs for Teens Science | Business | Engineering | Medicine

and maturity, not weakness.

4. Flexibility

As much as camp staffers try hard to provide structure and stick to their schedules and plans, we all know that sometimes life has other plans. A change in weather can derail the outdoor obstacle course you spent hours setting up. A crying kid can pull you away from whatever task you were trying to work on. Running out of art supplies before craft time is over means you may need to improvise entertainment for the next 20 minutes. No matter what the situation is, a camp counselor must learn to be flexible and ready to switch gears at a moment’s notice, a life skill many adults don’t even learn.

5. n othing is the end of the world

Going hand-in-hand with being flexible, one of the biggest lessons I take away from every summer spent at camp is that nothing is the end of the world, even though it may feel that way. Especially when you’re spending weeks in a “camp bubble” and taking your counseling responsibilities seriously, the smallest things can feel dire. When you’ve spent all week planning a basketball tournament for the whole camp, and suddenly day-of all the basketballs in camp are missing, it can feel like the end of the world. Working at camp taught me how to take a step back from a situation, see the big picture, and put stressful situations into perspective, a skill I’ve carried over into other aspects of my life.

6. Creativity is key

Before working as a camp counselor, I never would have considered myself to be a particularly creative person. Having to entertain kids of all ages for eight weeks straight every summer definitely showed me that I was wrong. Needing to have fresh and fun programming for every day of the summer pushed me to think outside of the box and really get creative with the activities I was planning. Now, I can easily write a brand new program for a group of campers with just a little brainstorming and imagination.

7. i mportance of community

For campers and staff members alike, summer camps are integral in fostering community and meaningful relationships. Most camps are centered around some common identity, be it a shared hobby, geographical area, religion, or personal values. My camp, for example, was a Jewish sleepaway camp, meaning for two months of the year, I was completely immersed in Jewish culture and surrounded by other Jewish people from around the world. As a young adult struggling to find my place and purpose in the world, camp provided a welcoming environment every summer where I could feel seen and understood by those around me. No matter what community you belong to, camp is an amazing place to learn and reinforce the values that are important to you and your life.


Fostering friendships

In addition to building relationships to a community as a whole, summer camps have the power to create and nurture lifelong friendships. Some of my closest and oldest friends are people I met my first year as a camper, and every year that I returned only yielded more and more incomparable friendships. To this day, any time I return for a quick visit in the summertime, I get to develop bonds with new and interesting people in an environment that promotes

togetherness and camaraderie, a fact I never take for granted!

9. Working in stressful situations

Let’s be real; taking care of kids is stressful. Even at day camps, where the campers go home at the end of the day, ensuring the safety and wellbeing of dozens of kids (while also keeping them entertained and happy) is a lot of work. Being a counselor gave me tons of skills for coping with stressful situations by teaching me patience, empathy, and quick-thinking problem solving techniques. As I went through college and now in my professional career, the stress management skills I learned at camp have prepared me for life’s challenges and empowered me to manage whatever life may throw at me.

10. Finding the fun in everything

While working at summer camp certainly can be difficult at times, it is also the most fun job a young adult could ask for. Working outdoors, making friends, watching kids be silly, and seeing your campers grow and mature throughout the summer is incredibly rewarding. As a camp counselor, you are the mood setter for every situation- if you’re having fun, the kids will have fun, too. Learning to take the ordinary everyday stuff and turn it into something exciting improves both your own life and the lives of those around you.

“ no matter what community you belong to, camp is an amazing place to learn and reinforce the values that are important to you and your life.”
Ultimate Guide to Summer Camp 2023 | WestchesterFamily.com 11 Located in Scar S da L e 870 Scarsdale Ave, Scarsdale • 914-961-3497 info@crestwoodmusic.com crestwoodmusic.com Providing World-Class Music Education Since 1987 for All Ages One-on-One Private Lessons • Piano • Voice • Strings • Woodwinds • Brass • Guitar • Percussion/Drums A Premier Music School with over 600 Students • Hybrid, Online and In-person Lessons Available • Toddler Classes & Suzuki Programs • Instrumental Ensembles; Chamber Music, Rock/Jazz Groups • Music Production Registe R FoR summe R 2023 NoW! Space is limited. Free tri A l le SS on! Connecticut Campus Scan the QR code to learn more about our CT Campus Dates: Monday through Friday June 28 - July 28, 2023 | 9am - 1pm Contact: Jordan Yanotti, Director of Summer Enrichment Program | ctsummerprogram@winstonprep.edu 57 West Rocks Road Norwalk, CT 06851 | Tel: 203.229.0465 Looking for a Summer School for your child with a learning difference? Learn more about Winston Prep Connecticut’s Summer Enrichment Program that provides students with learning differences a unique, individualized learning environment to enhance their academic skills and foster independence.

How to Begin the Camp Search

Thinking about summer camp for your child but don’t know where to start? Here are a few tips to help you find the best camp for your child.

Think of What You Want Out of the e xperience

Take the time to really think about what you would like your child to gain from the camp experience. Are you looking for your child to gain independence, build confidence and make new friends or are you looking for that along with excelling at a specific sport? Are you considering day camp as a working family and need full day care? Is there a specific “must have” activity or feature you need the camp to have? Write down a list of things you want your child to get out of the experience and what the “must have” things are to help you narrow down the options.

Consider Who Your Child i s

Being able to describe who your child is will help you find the right camp for them. Is your child introverted or outgoing? Does your child have any special considerations? Do they thrive in large groups, or would a smaller camp be a better fit? Does your child enjoy participating in sports or do they prefer theater and art? Being able to answer these questions about your child will help you look for a camp that checks the boxes of what your child needs to thrive at camp.

Researching camps

There are many different ways to go about searching for a camp:

Word of mouth – It’s good to talk to friends and neighbors about where their children go to camp and to learn about their child’s camp experience, however, you want to make sure to do their own research when it comes to choosing a camp. While one camp might be a perfect fit for one child, it might not be for another. Each family and child are different, as is each camp, so finding the one that is the best fit for your child may be different than someone else.

Talk to the Camp Director /Leadership –

Whether this is in person or by zoom/phone , one of the most important parts of your camp research is to talk to the camp director or a member of the leadership team at a camp you are interested in. When you choose a camp, you are forming a partnership with the director and you want to make sure you feel comfortable with them. Clicking with the camp director and feeling that you can be open and honest with them is imperative when choosing a day or overnight camp.

Search online – Checking out a camp’s website and social media channels is a great place to start. See what type of activities are offered, if the session lengths match what you are looking for, and what the camp’s philosophy is.

Touring – One of the best ways to get a feel for a camp is to tour a camp you are interested in. Day camps offer tours all year long and overnight camps tour during the summer into the fall. Touring allows you to see the facilities and ask questions about the camp while in the camp environment. Touring during the summer allows you to see the camp in action, which can give you a good feel about how what the camp is like. If you are considering an overnight camp for 2024, set up a few tours at camps you are interested in. It’s helpful to have an initial conversation with the camp director before scheduling a tour to be sure the camp is potentially a good fit for your child before traveling to see a camp.

Camp Fairs – At camp fairs, families can

walk from table to table to find out about all the different summer camp options. The fairs allow families to talk to multiple camp directors all in one day to compare various camps and gather information. Find out about New York Family’s camp fairs taking place this winter in NYC, Long Island and Westchester at newyorkfamily. com/camp-fairs.

Camp Open Houses – Many day camps and overnight camps offer open houses in the spring and fall so families can have a chance to visit the camp. During the open house, the camp will offer activities and provide families with a chance to walk around camp. These days are fun ways to visit the camp and give you the opportunity to talk to the camp director and leadership team in the camp environment.

Call the American Camp Association, NY and NJ – The ACA, NY and NJ offers parents free, one-on-one advice in finding a camp. Whether you are looking for a day, overnight or specialty program, the American Camp Association, NY and NJ can help in your search! Contact Renee Flax at 212-391-5208 or renee@ acanynj.org.

While the process of searching for camps can often be overwhelming for parents, once you sit down and focus on who your child is and the type of camp experience you want, the choices begin to narrow, leaving you with a few camps to consider. Spending the time now to find the right camp will pay off when your child has the summer of their life at camp!

12 WestchesterFamily.com | Ultimate Guide to Summer Camp 2023


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Ultimate Guide to Summer Camp 2023 | WestchesterFamily.com 13 Details and registration at armonktennis.com/summer-camps 546 Bedford Road Armonk, NY 10504 914.273.8124 desk@armonktennis.com Camps start June 26th for ages 5-18. DV CHOOSE YOUR ADVENTURE AT ARMONK TENNIS CLUB.
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Finding the Right Camp for Your Child and Family

When starting your search for a summer camp, it’s important to consider many factors. How long would you like the camp experience to be, what types of activities would you like your child to participate in and what does the summer look like for all the members of your family? Here are just some of the things to consider when choosing a camp for your child and some types of camps that might be a good fit for your family.

If your family travels a lot over the summer or you would like your child to have multiple camp experiences, try a short session overnight camp – Jackie Brethel, Director of Kippewa Point, an all-girls camp in Maine, says that a short session camp gives families flexibility. “Our two-week camp schedule allows for campers to enjoy a family vacation,

other specialty camps or an academic program while still being able to have a positive overnight camp experience. Girls arrive at camp together, spend two weeks at camp and then all depart together. This allows for a complete camp experience where no one misses out while also giving families flexibility.”

If your child enjoys many different camp activities, check out a traditional overnight camp – “A traditional overnight camp gives children a well-rounded experience where they have the ability to do amazing sports, arts, and outdoor adventure programs all at one camp,” says Steven Bluth, Owner and Director of Camp Southwoods, a coed overnight camp in the Adirondacks. “Our lake provides so much fun on the water with water skiing, sailing, boating and water toys like slides or a water trampoline. Evening activities could be the camp’s musical performance or a campfire with yummy

s’mores. Or perhaps one night it’s a carnival or maybe color war is breaking. Nights end with canteen, a camp favorite with ice cream and assorted candy as well as hanging out with the bestest friends your child has ever had. All of this, and more, is why a traditional overnight camp is a great choice for any child looking to participate in a wide range of camp activities.”

If your child is passionate about sports, look into a camp with an emphasis on a great instructional sports program – “Choosing a camp with a great instructional sports program allows kids to improve their skills in areas they already know while also learning new skills in sports they don’t know,” says Alissa Girling, Director of Camp Winadu, an all-boys overnight camp in the Berkshires. “It’s important for a camp to provide a positive and nurturing environment so kids feel confident and comfortable while learning sports. At

14 WestchesterFamily.com | Ultimate Guide to Summer Camp 2023

Winadu, we believe that it’s not about being the best athlete but about being the nicest.”

If your older child isn’t interested in overnight camp, check out a day camp with a program for older campers – “Not every child is built for sleepaway camp,” says Gordon Josey, Owner and Director of Breezemont Day Camp in Westchester County. “Our Varsity Program was created for children in grades 4-8 and offers campers an individualized program, allowing them to choose most of their activities like coding, Stem, arts and some sports. We also bring in special events just for them such as Graffiti art, a DJ who does digital mixing and archery tag which all appeal to this age group. We also have campers who go to overnight camp for a few weeks and then come back to Breezemont for the remainder of the summer, giving them the best of both worlds.”

If you are a working parent and need summer childcare, research traditional day camps that offer a full day program (with some camps offering before and after care) – “The beauty of choosing a traditional day camp for your childcare needs is you are

providing your child with a set community, with the same children there daily. It also allows for families to select one option for the summer and have consistent care all summer from morning until about 5 PM,” says Josh Male, Owner and Director of Gate Hill Day Camp in Rockland County. “If you live close by to a camp that offers before and after care, you can get coverage for even more time from 7:30 am – 6 pm. We have about 10% of our families that take advantage of this.”

If you are looking for a camp that offers financial assistance, look into a nonprofit summer camp – “We never want cost to be

a barrier to going to camp. Our focus is to make sure camp is affordable for everyone,” says Rhino Merrick, Director of Camp Sloane, an overnight camp in Connecticut. “We realize the full cost of camp can be a stretch for some families and we have a robust financial assistance program that helps people who need it. At Sloane, we offer tiered pricing. We ask if you can pay tier 1, which is the full price, to pay that but if you want to pay tier 2 which is partially subsidized or tier 3 which is more subsidized, that is ok. Without the option to pay a reduced rate, we know that for many families, camp may not be an option.”

For more advice...

No matter what type of camp you are looking for, make sure to do your research and consider who your child is before choosing a camp. If you would like to have personal assistance to help you navigate your options, you can contact Renee Flax at the American Camp Association, NY and NJ for free one on one advice. She can be reached at 212-3915208 x 1002 or Renee@acanynj.org.

Ultimate Guide to Summer Camp 2023 | WestchesterFamily.com 15
“ it’s important for a camp to provide a positive and nurturing environment so kids feel confident and comfortable.”

Tips for Preparing Your First-Time Camper (and you!)

Heading to day or overnight camp for the first time is very exciting for a child but as you would with any new experience, emotionally preparing them (and yourselves) for what’s to come will be helpful in setting your child up for a successful first summer.

One of the best ways to get your child excited for camp is to tour the camp. Both day and overnight camps offer tours which allow children and their families to see the camp and to get a feel for the camp and the leadership team. Day camps offer tours all year long and overnight camps offer them in the summer into the fall. “The camp tour is the first opportunity for a child to feel comfortable,” explains Heath Levine, Owner and Director of Shibley Day Camp in Roslyn, NY. “Tour guides and camp directors will make connections with the camper and their guardians. This is the first step towards gaining the child’s trust and alleviating anxiety.”

If you are unable to tour the camp, there are other ways for your child to become familiar with the camp and its leadership team. “Many camps offer Fall/Spring Festivals, off-season play days and other opportunities to visit on site before the camp season begins. You can also take advantage of

virtual tours, videos, slideshows and picture galleries. Facetiming with the camp director or division leader also allows for the child to see a familiar face when they get off the bus,” explains Levine. “The more your child sees the camp and its staff, the less overwhelmed they will feel and the more comfortable they will be leaving you on day one.”

Before camp begins, many children worry about whether they will have friends at camp. Jamie Sirkin, Director of Summer Trails Day Camp in Westchester County says that including a conversation about making friends is an important step in emotionally preparing a child for camp. “Let your child know that one of the roles of the camp counselor is to help cultivate friendships, manage the rocky roads in relationships, and ensure that new campers feel welcome. Children should feel comfortable sharing their feelings with their counselors so that the camp staff can be the most helpful. Additionally, it’s important for your child to understand that building friendships takes time and practice.” Carrie Young, Director of Camp Nah-Jee-Wah, a coed Jewish overnight camp in Pennsylvania says that 80-85% of their campers come to camp without a friend. “There is no need for campers to go to camp with a friend. We do such a great job of community building on

day 1. There are so many other kids going to camp for the first time that don’t know people either and we do a very good job of community building on day one.”

Young also adds that it’s helpful to talk about the new routines that will take place at camp. “Let your child know that there will be routines at camp, just like there are at home but they will be different. There will be a new bedtime routine and new traditions as well and that you can’t wait to hear all about them.”

Besides preparing children for camp, it’s important for parents to mentally prepare themselves for the camp experience. “Sometimes parents have a hard time letting go and worry that their child will be homesick,” says Young. “Kids get excited about new experiences and forget about being homesick. If a parent hasn’t heard from the camp, it means that no news is good news. It’s not that their child doesn’t love them, but they are happy playing and making new friends.”

Taking the time to prepare your child for what camp will be like goes a long way in helping your child get ready to have a positive first year at overnight camp.

16 WestchesterFamily.com | Ultimate Guide to Summer Camp 2023
Ultimate Guide to Summer Camp 2023 | WestchesterFamily.com 17 Spring Classes & Shows Summer Theatre Camps Spring Classes & Shows Summer Theatre Camps playgroup.org (914) 946-4433 2-8 WEEK SESSIONS · AGES 6-17 · ELECTIVE PROGRAM Circus & Flying Trapeze - Performing Arts - Dance - Magic - Music & Recording Studio Sports & Fitness - Pool & Private Lake - Fine & Digital Arts - Movie Making Skateboarding - High Ropes & Climbing - Role Playing Games - Nature - Horseback Riding Independent Lake Camp is a premier overnight camp in the Pocono Mountains of PA offering an impressive array of activities. ILC is dedicated to being a diverse community with powerful individualized programming, and top-notch facilities & staff. We have been cultivating respect, creativity and understanding in an inspiring and nurturing environment since 1992. Independentlake.com 800-399-2267 info@independentlake.com Session 1: June 25th - July 8th Session 2: July 9th - July 29th Session 3: July 30th - August 19th independent lake camp

Overnight Camp Dos & Don’ts

These camp Dos and Don’ts will help your child and your family have a successful summer at overnight camp.

DO your camp research to make sure you are finding the right camp for your child. There are so many excellent camp choices, however, it’s important to make sure you are choosing a program that is the right fit for your child and family.

DO try and tour the camp before you register. Seeing the camp will allow your child to picture themselves there and feel more comfortable as the first day approaches.

DO get to know the camp director and leadership team before your child goes to camp. Having a relationship with them will make you feel more comfortable and there will be an established relationship when you need to ask them a question or discuss something with them.

DO trust the camp director and leadership team to make the right decisions for their camp. You chose this camp because you trust them. Do your best to step back and let them do their jobs.

DO be honest with the camp director and leadership team about your child. If your child has trouble sleeping or has a special consideration, knowing these things ahead of time will allow the camp to best be able to help your child.

DO talk about camp in a positive way in the months leading up to the summer. Let your child know that camp is going to be great and that you know they will have a wonderful summer.

DO let your child know it is ok to miss home AND still have fun when they are at camp.

DON’T make pick up deals and say to your child that if they are unhappy at any point,

you will pick them up. By saying this, you are telling your child you don’t think they will be successful.

DON’T spend all day analyzing online camp pictures when your child is at camp. A photo is a snapshot in time and if your child isn’t smiling, it doesn’t mean they are unhappy. It could just mean your child is focused on the activity they are participating in.

DON’T call the office every day to ask how your child is doing. If there is a problem at camp, you will hear from the camp. No news is good news.

DON’T pack things that the camp asks you to leave at home like a phone. By doing so, you are sending the message to your child and the camp that rules don’t apply to you.

DO write your child a positive letter to arrive in the first few days of camp. This will let them know you are thinking of them.

DON’T write about all the things they are

missing while at camp or how much you can’t wait for them to be home. This can make them feel homesick.

DO participate in any new camper gettogethers the camp schedules. These events can help your child feel more comfortable by meeting some other new campers and seeing the camp before they begin.

DON’T overpack. There is only so much shelf and cubby space at camp and campers end up wearing the same things all the time. Use the packing list as a guide and adhere as closely to it as possible.

DON’T bring too much stuff on Visiting Day. Camp is the gift you are giving them. They don’t need a ton of extras and most camps will throw away any food that the camper can’t finish that day.

DO try and enjoy summer while your child is away at camp, knowing they are participating in fun activities daily and making new friends.

18 WestchesterFamily.com | Ultimate Guide to Summer Camp 2023

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Ultimate Guide to Summer Camp 2023 | WestchesterFamily.com 19 “This summer ... I’m going to learn to be strong!” Build Strength and Lasting Friendships at World Cup Gymnastics’ Superior Gymnas�cs Training �y �SAG Cer��ed �nstructors Beginner to Advanced Skills Training on All Olympic Events Tradi�onal Camp Ac�vi�es �ncluding �eekly Field Trips, Arts � Cra�s � Summer Games State-Of-The-Art, Fully AirCondi�oned, ��,��� S�uare Foot Complex Call 914 Call 914--238 238--4967 4967 or register online at ���l��������a�������� ���l��������a�������� 170 Joan Corwin Way · Chappaqua · NY x

Jewish Summer Camps Benefits of

Today, summer camps for Jewish youth are a mainstay of American Jewish culture, with dozens of different camps throughout the country catering to all types of interests, needs, and level of religious observance. While camps are undeniably popular, many parents are unaware of the incredible benefits of sending their children to Jewish summer camps. From fostering a sense of community and belonging, to promoting life skills and independence, attending camp can be an invaluable experience for children of all ages.

h istory

Similar to the advent of Hebrew schools in the US, the first Jewish camps emerged between the first and second World Wars as more Jewish people emigrated out of Europe. As nationalistic and oftentimes antisemitic sentiments rose among the general population, the need for a safe space specifically for Jewish youth grew significantly. Over the last century, Jewish camps of all natures were established around the country. According to Nancy Mykoff for the Jewish Women’s Archive, there were more than 82,000 children enrolled at nearly 200 camps by the year 2000, solidifying camps’ space in the world of American Jewish education and culture.

What are the benefits of summer camp?

The American Camp Association (ACA), the official accreditation agency of summer camps in the US, has conducted research over the last decade on the effect of camps in promoting social, emotional, and personal growth among campers. Preliminary findings from a five-year study on the impact of camps find that people who attended summer camps as children report higher levels of emotional intelligence and regulation, tolerance and appreciation for others’ differences, sense of responsibility, and sense of identity when compared to their non-camper peers. A separate, ongoing study from the ACA is finding that these impacts can be seen in staff members and older teenagers, too. Teens who partici-

pated in some CIT (counselor in training) programs at camps report that the trainings are crucial in developing certain life skills, most notably their interpersonal skills and capacity for being compassionate and caring.

Building upon these known benefits of camps in general, Jewish summer camps foster children’s relationships to not only themselves, but to their community, too. By providing an immersive environment centered on Jewish values, camps can help bridge the gap in a child’s Jewish education. In many cases, attending camp is the only time some children get to be around other Jewish kids. Additionally, as noted by Nancy Mykoff, Jewish camps are often at the forefront of progressive movements in Judaism such as the promotion of egalitarian leadership in the community.

Which camp is right for my family?

There is a seemingly endless selection of Jewish camps to attend throughout the country, each catering to different needs and interests of children and families.

First, you should decide whether a day camp, where campers travel home at the end of the day, or a sleepaway camp, where campers live on campus for a period ranging from 1 to 8 weeks, is right for your child. A child who has never spent time away from home may find an overnight camp overwhelming, and day programs can be a great way to introduce the idea of camp without the full commitment of a sleepaway program. Also consider that by nature of the live-in experience of sleepaway camps, they are usually

more expensive than day camps, although many sleepaway camps do offer scholarships.

Aside from day camp versus overnight, religious denomination and level of religious observance is an important variable that will impact your decision. Nearly every type of Jewish community has its own camp programs that vary in terms of demographics and type of observance. There are also independent, nonaffiliated Jewish camps that focus more on bringing Jewish youth together than being educational or religious institutions. No matter how you practice your Judaism, there is a camp for everyone.

Finally, consider the idea of specialized camps, such as ones focused on sports, the arts, wilderness adventures, and more. There are also camps and programs that are specifically designed for children with a range of disabilities and special needs, ensuring that every Jewish child can have a fun and fulfilling summer experience.

If you’re interested in sending your child to Jewish summer camp but don’t quite know where to start, check your local synagogues or JCC as many of them have in-house programs or relationships to other local camps. Word of mouth from other parents in your community is a great place to start, too.

Summer camps of all kinds can have lasting impacts on children’s development and social wellbeing, and Jewish camps come with the added benefit of fostering and nurturing campers’ Jewish and communal identities. No matter denomination, interests, income, or ability, a summer at Jewish camp can be a life changing experience.

20 WestchesterFamily.com | Ultimate Guide to Summer Camp 2023

• Swimming

• Robotics

• Project Runway

• Digital Photography

• Baseball

• Soccer

• Grand Prix Racers

Ultimate Guide to Summer Camp 2023 | WestchesterFamily.com 21
P. Flint 4-H Camp Farm & Horticulture Archery High Ropes Outdoor Skills Performing arts Sports Fishing Nature and Ecology Weekly enrollment for both Sleep-away and day camp sessions DPF4hCamp.org located IN rIVERHEAD, lONG ISLAND ny Dpf4hCamp@cornell.edu Transportation & Extended Day • Hot Lunch included Squirecamp S .com • 914-328-3798 award winner 2017 inspectors choice!
(Grades K-3)
Sports (Grades 1-9)
Maria regina hs,
Choice (Grades
Offering Stimulating Courses Like:
• International Cooking
& Much More! celebrating 50

camp gUidE

Special Advertising Supplement

Acres of Adventure Summer Camp

@ Ann & Andy’s

2170 Saw Mill River Road, Elmsford 914-592-3027


Acres of Adventure Summer Camp at Ann & Andy’s is a one to nine-week summer camp with an emphasis on outdoors for children ages 3 months to 14 years. They offer customized schedules, individualized attention and hot lunches including barbeque Fridays. All buildings are air-conditioned. Visit the website for more details. Call for open house dates. Tours by appointment only.

Armonk Tennis Club Summer Camps

546 Bedford Road, Armonk, NY 914.273.8124 armonktennis.com desk@armonktennis.com

Armonk Tennis Club features three fun and instructive camps for ages 5-18. Armonk International Tennis Academy’s Advanced and Junior programs allow players of all levels to raise their game in a dedicated environment; Camp Armonk Sports mixes up the lineup each week so kids constantly learn new athletic skills; and Camp Armonk Mad Science uses science experiments and art activities to broaden campers’ horizons. Go to armonktennis.com/ summer-camps for details and registration.

Amadeus Music, Theater and Art Camp

201 King Street, Chappaqua amadeusconservatory.com amadeusconservatory.com/programs/ summer-camp/ amadeusconservatoryofmusic@gmail. com

914 238 0388

WIZARD OF OZ! Performing arts musical theater, music and art camp ages 5 - 14. Sing, dance, act, study two instruments with Amadeus faculty, create fine art, design/paint sets. Have fun with outdoor play and sports. Culminates in a musical performance in a theater. Camp fosters the joys of self expression and creativity. 9:30 - 3:00.

JUNE 26 - AUGUST 4. 6 or 3 week sessions. Session 1 June 26 - July 15 .

Session 2 July 18 - Aug 4.

Artistree Performing Arts

114 W. Boston Post Road, Mamaroneck 835-2200 artistreearts.com


Sing, dance, perform, and have the greatest summer theatre experience at Camp Artistree! Our 3 week programs are for grades K-4th and 5th-10th, and our 1 week options are for Preschool9th! Our Summer 2023 season includes Seussical Kids, Anastasia, Jr. and The 25th Annual Putnam Co. Spelling Bee. This year’s camp will also feature content from Hamilton, Frozen and Encanto! We can’t wait to spend the summer with you at Camp Artistree!

b ach to Rock Mamaroneck

130 Mamaroneck Avenue, Mamaroneck NY 10543 914- 341-1457


Bach to Rock Scarsdale (Opening Summer 2023)

969B Central Park Avenue, Scarsdale NY 10583 914- 721-6016

scarsdale@bachtorock.com bachtorock.com

Bach to Rock music camps give kids the chance to unleash their inner rock star — even if they’ve never played an instrument before! We offer spring, winter, and summer music camps for kids and teens, including week-long, partial-week, half-day, and day camps. Kids have a blast learning to play hit songs and performing with other campers! Our campers also get the chance to record their music in our state of the art B2R Studios!

b iondi education Center / Summer 463 Hawthorne Ave., Yonkers 914-410-5596



Biondi’s nurturing setting and individualized therapeutic support help students build academic skills, grow self-esteem and learn to overcome frustration. At Biondi, evidencebased approaches allow students to continue their academic and emotional progress. Certified Teachers and Teaching Assistants, Clinical Psychologists, School Social Workers, Speech-Language Pathologist and an Occupational Therapist support students at their Elementary and Secondary Schools.Serving K-12.

22 WestchesterFamily.com | Ultimate Guide to Summer Camp 2023 camp d i RE cto R y | Special Advertising Supplement
Ultimate Guide to Summer Camp 2023 | WestchesterFamily.com 23 SUMMER CAMP 2023 JUNE 26 - AUGUST 18 A Trip Through the Universe ESTABLISHED 1972 | 340 QUAKER RIDGE ROAD NEW ROCHELLE NY 10804 | www.hudsoncountry.org | 914.636.6202 DAILY SWIMMING (ON-PREMISE POOL-AGES 3 & UP) | SPORTS | YOGA | DANCE |MUSIC | ARTS AND CRAFTS | GARDENING | COOKING | HANDS-ON SCIENCE | SLIP AND SLIDE SUMMERTIME TREATS | WATER PLAY | FIELD-TRIPS & MORE... SUMMER CAMP HOURS FULL DAY: 9:00AM - 4:00PM HALF DAY: 9:00AM - 12:00PM / 1:00PM - 4:00PM EXTENDED HOURS: FROM 7:30 AM - 6:00 PM AGES: 18 MONTHS - 12 YEARS Offering a fun and safe summer camp since 1972. Call us or visit our website for a complete program description. Summer Fun Activities 914.636.6202 | WWW.HUDSONCOUNTRY.ORG ACT OUT THIS SUMMER! in coopera�on with The City of Stamford For over 30 years, Curtain Call, Inc. has offered drama�c arts programs for young and old! Located at Sterling Farms 1349 Newfield Ave., Stamford, CT 06905 Summerstock Programs for Grades 6 to 12 The end of June thru July 21; Mon. to Fri., 9:30pm to 4:30pm Our Summerstock Full-Day Workshops: Two-week sessions run throughout the summer! Students work in age-appropriate groups rota�ng between specialized instructors to build self-confidence, performance skills, crea�ve ins�ncts, stronger social skills and teamwork. www.curtaincallinc.com brian@curtaincallinc.com 203-329-8207 x700 Summerstock Junior Programs for Grades K to 5: July 24 through 18; Mon. to Fri., 10:00am to 3:00pm

b oston leadership i nstitute

396 Washington Street Suite 117 Wellesley, MA 02481



BLI offers award-winning programs in Medicine, Engineering, Science, and Business in Wellesley, Waltham, and Boston. Three-week research programs include Biomedical & Surgical Research, Astrophysics, Finance, Electronics & Robotics, and more. One-week options, available for middle and high school students, include Intro to Surgery, Forensics, Architecture, and Investment Banking. These are for students who would like to try out areas of STEM that they don’t often see in school. Day and residential options are available for all programs.


b roadway

Pearl Studios NYC

500 Eighth Avenue, 3rd floor New York, NY 10018 212-373-2929


campbroadway.com/shiningstars campbroadway.com/mainstage campbroadway.com

Recognized for professionalism and expertise in teaching performance skills, Camp Broadway returns this summer to New York City’s Great White Way with two signature 5-day camp experiences, July 10-14: Shining Stars (ages 7-9) and Mainstage (ages 10-17).

Proclaimed the “Camp of Dreams,” Camp Broadway received a Special Drama Desk Award, for “introducing young people to the magic of theater and playing a crucial role in creating tomorrow’s audiences for over 20 years.

Camp Combe Summer Day Camp

684 Peekskill Hollow Road

Putnam Valley, NY



Located on the YMCA of CNW’s beautiful 100 acres facility, YMCA Camp Combe Day Camp serves campers ages 4-14. From mini-camp, to our leadership development programs, campers have the opportunity to participate in activities such as swimming, ziplining, archery, and much more. Our camp provides campers with the opportunity to grow and explore while surrounded by a community of friends that will last a lifetime! Kids need camp now more than ever, and #There’sNoPlaceLikeCombe!

24 WestchesterFamily.com | Ultimate Guide to Summer Camp 2023 camp d i RE cto R y | Special Advertising Supplement
Ultimate Guide to Summer Camp 2023 | WestchesterFamily.com 25 Ages 2–6 Summer Days at the J All are welcome at JCC Mid-Westchester. Learn more and register at jccmw.org/camp Three amazing summer programs. One unforgettable summer.
5-18 Summer Dance Intensive Summer Gymnastics at the J

Camp Pinebrook


Allie Horn, Camp Director at allison@ camppinebrook.com


A community in which children make new friends, develop life skills, and have fun in a nurturing environment infused with Jewish values (ages 3 years-6th Grade) located in Westchester, NY. Three amazing programs! •General Camp •Pinebrook Summer Arts (PSA)

•Leader’s in Training Program (LIT) Complex with two 50’ x 30’ heated and instructional pools, bathhouse, Pinebrook Field of Dreams, multi-sport grass field and Sport Court, 70’ x 55’ Gymnasium/Basketball Court…First session begins: June 26th

Camp Wachusett

1430 Camp Rd, Brandon, VT 05733 804- 438-6250

Phil Williams/Director director@campwachusett.com campwachusett.com

Camp Wachusett, located on beautiful Lake Hortonia in Vermont, is a small overnight camp where boys ages 8-15 receive excellent supervision and support with 2,3 & 4 week sessions. Boys sign up for a variety of land and water activities, including overnight camping trips. Their motto “Unaliyi,” a Cherokee word, meaning “a place of friends” personifies their community, where electronic devices are left behind and new and returning campers make strong and lasting friendships.

Cary l eeds Center for Tennis & learning Summer Camp

1720 Crotona Avenue, Bronx NY 718-247-7420


The Cary Leeds Center for Tennis & Learning offers a full range of Summer Camp activities for junior players ages 5-18. All levels are welcome from beginners in the development level program to advanced players in the high-performance level program. Campers spend the day keeping active on court, making new tennis friends, and having a blast! Led by a world-class team of coaches, the Cary Leeds Center is the place for you this summer.

26 WestchesterFamily.com | Ultimate Guide to Summer Camp 2023 camp d i RE cto R y | Special Advertising Supplement
Learn the sport of a lifetime this summer! Play at the state-of-the-art Cary Leeds Center for Tennis & Learning and train with our former pros and national coaches! If you are new to tennis or a high performance player, no matter what, this is the place for you! All levels welcome; ages 5-18 To inquire for further details please email caryleedsinfo@nyjtl.org 1720 Crotona Avenue Bronx, NY 10457 718-247-7420 www.nyjtl.org/caryleeds caryleedsinfo@nyjtl.org
Ultimate Guide to Summer Camp 2023 | WestchesterFamily.com 27 CAMP WACHUSETT
Wachusett is located on Vermont’s beautiful Lake Hortonia. Since 1903 it has provided freedom for boys to make choices and establish lifelong friendships. Our small size allows for flexible programming to include unique experiences such as caring for farm animals, raising vegetables and helping to build a cabin.
offer a variety of land and water activities, team sports, and adventurous overnight hiking and canoing trips. For more information visit campwachusett.com UNALIYI EST.1903 UNALIYI CAMP WACHUSETT (914) 238-0388 Come Have Fun! Monday - Friday 9:30 - 3:00 June 26 - August 4 3 and 6 week sessions ��������������������������������������� ������������������������������������ ��������������������������������������������������������� �������������������������������������������������������������� 2023 Join the fun! Learning + summer fun! (631) 466 - 5298 hello@icamp.com Ages 3-13* *Age range varies slightly by location SCAN TO ENROLL NOW! STEAM
Camps for
and creators! iCAMP focuses on STEAM topics like coding, robotics, studio and graphic art, science, video game design, 3D printing, and more! The familiar format and feel of summer camp, with a core curriculum that genuinely teaches campers about STEAM topics! NEW YORK CITY | BRIDGEHAMPTON | WESTCHESTER

Challenge Camp

Iona University

715 North Avenue

New Rochelle, NY 10801




Challenge Camp is an ACA-accredited day camp at Iona University in New Rochelle, offering summer enrichment learning opportunities for creative children ages 4-15. Over 120 STEM & Arts project based electives to engage and inspire your camper. Sports and on-site Swimming options enable campers to challenge their minds and bodies.

Chapel School Summer Program

172 White Plains Road

Bronxville NY 10708


directorofsummercamps@ thechapelschool.org


The Chapel School Summer Program was safely open for Care Bears (ages 3-6) and Explorers (ages 7-12) in 2020, 2021 and 2022, with record numbers of children experiencing fun and enrichment in a safe and nurturing environment! They are excited to be Back & Better in 2023! Online registration is LIVE.

Clay Art Center 40 Beech Street, Port Chester, NY 10573, 914-937-2047


Have your kids unplug with mud at Clay Art Center’s award-winning, weekly, themed, half- and full-day summer camps for ages 7–15 from

June 26 - August 18. Focusing on wheel throwing, hand-building and sculpture, campers will be shown a variety of techniques on and off the wheel. They will craft everything from mythical creatures, animals and world culture artifacts to handmade cups, bowls and plates.

28 WestchesterFamily.com | Ultimate Guide to Summer Camp 2023 camp d i RE cto R y | Special Advertising Supplement

Cold Spring h arbor l aboratory DNA Learning Center

One Bungtown Road, Cold Spring Harbor, NY



Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory DNA Learning Center (DNALC) provides biology-focused lab enrichment programs to students entering grades 6-12. Week-long in-person science camps are held at three locations: at the Dolan DNALC in Cold Spring Harbor, the DNALC NYC @ City Tech in Brooklyn, and the Regeneron DNALC in Sleepy Hollow. Led by experienced instructors, campers learn to use sophisticated laboratory and computer equipment to perform advanced experiments grade levels beyond their peers. Scholarships are available!

Cornell Cooperative e xtension of n assau

3186 Sound Ave. Riverhead, NY

516-832-2591 Ext. 11


On this 140-acre property there is a Day Camp and a Sleepaway Camp option. With fun programs in all diverse areas. Whether you’re on their Active Farm, on the Long Island Sound and Beach, or in the Woods, there is truly something for everybody. The mission of New York State 4-H Camps is to provide a positive learning environment (in an outdoor setting) focusing on community building, friendships, fun, healthy living, and give hands-on learning experiences that help campers grow, belong, and thrive. Being one of the oldest 4H camp in the statethey are dedicated to ensuring your child’s safety and fun while offering high quality 4H educational programs. All in and environment that allows for personal growth in which diverse youth and adults reach their fullest potential as capable, competent, and caring citizens.

Crestwood Music education Center

870 Scarsdale Ave, Scarsdale




Located in downtown Scarsdale. For over 35 years, CMEC has offered private lessons in piano, guitar, voice, strings, woodwinds, brass, drums and percussion instruments for students of all ages and levels. This world-class faculty will be providing a premier music education experience! CMEC has one of the most comprehensive chamber music and orchestral programs in the tri-state area as well as their well-renowned Suzuki and Jazz/Rock programs. CMED also hosts Starlight Starbright Music’s Music Together classes for children from birth through kindergarten age!

Ultimate Guide to Summer Camp 2023 | WestchesterFamily.com 29
Mosholu Day Camp/MMCC Located at Lake Cohasset in Harriman State Park 261 Arden Valley Road, Southfields, NY 10975 CALL 845.243.0751 VISIT mosholudaycamp.com EMAIL mosholudaycamp@gmail.com MAKE MEMORIES! SUMMER 2023 JUN 26-AUG 17 8 WEEKS OF FUN! WEEKLY OPTIONS AVAILABLE! SAVE $175 FULL SUMMER Mention this ad. Offer ends 4/30/23 BUSES with A/C! Swimming, boating, sports, music, arts, and everything else you’d come to expect from an awesome summer day camp! Need a place to hang out this summer?

Curtain Call

Located at Sterling Farms

1349 Newfield Ave., Stamford, Conn. 203-329-8207



CURTAIN CALL’S SUMMERSTOCK WORKSHOPS FOR GRADES K-12: Summer’s a time for kids to ACT OUT, and what better way than in our Summerstock Workshops! Our full-day programs focus in acting, improv, voice, dance/movement, and (NEW this summer for grades 6-12) play/sketch writing! Students rotate in age-appropriate groups between specialized instructors. Sessions culminate in showcases of student work and take place at our professional facility in Stamford, Conn. No experience required. Sibling discounts, scholarships, payment plans available. Sessions run two-weeks the end of June through August 18, 2023.

Fairview l ake YMCA Camp

1035 Fairview Lake Road, Newton, NJ 973-383-9282


Two Great Camps. One Great Summer! Fairview Lake YMCA Camps offers traditional, specialty, ranch, adventure, and leadership programs that will help your child learn, grow and thrive. New in 2022 is Lake in the Woods YMCA Camps – a 5-day-a-week sleepaway camp where kids are home on the weekend. Located in Northwest NJ, the main campus of Fairview Lake is a beautiful private 660-acre camp. Lake in the Woods is located just a few minutes away at the state-of-the-art Blair Academy Campus. Whichever program you choose for your child, they are in for an unforgettable summer.

Fieldston Summer Camps

3901 Fieldston Road, Riverdale, NY 10471 contact Keeniun Brumskill 718-329-7317


Fieldston provides a fun, eventful summer for ages 4–15. Fieldston Sports Camps, Future Leaders and Counselors-in-Training are comprehensive and engaging programs covering a spectrum of subjects and interests. Everything from outdoor adventure and sports camps to handson STEAM educational workshops — there’s something for everyone. To learn more about Summer 2023 registration, visit us at summer.ecfs.org.

30 WestchesterFamily.com | Ultimate Guide to Summer Camp 2023 camp d i RE cto R y | Special Advertising Supplement
B e p a r t o f J i m m y V e j a r S u m m e r F u n 1 1 8 6 K i n g S t , R y e B r o o k , N Y Follow us Learn More! c p w e s t c h e s t e r o r g / s u m m e r IN RYE BROOK IN RYE BROOK Jimmy Vejar Jimmy Vejar Summer FUN Summer FUN 2023 2023 2023 June 26 to August 25 REGISTER TODAY! R E G I S T E R T O D A Y ! www.PurchaseDayCamp.com w w w . P u r c h a s e D a y C a m p . c o m Call (914)-949-2636 C a l l ( 9 1 4 ) - 9 4 9 - 2 6 3 6 PURCHASE DAY CAMP P U R C H A S E D A Y C A M P Ages 3 - 15 A g e s 3 - 1 5 Hot and Cold Lunch Program H o t a n d C o l d L u n c h P r o g r a m Bus Transportation Available B u s T r a n s p o r t a t i o n A v a i l a b l e Swimming Daily w/Towel Service S w i m m i n g D a i l y w / T o w e l S e r v i c e Come see why so many say C o m e s e e w h y s o m a n y s a y 'I Just Love It Here!' ' I J u s t L o v e I t H e r e ! ' Broad Based Programming B r o a d B a s e d P r o g r a m m i n g Flexible Enrollment Options F l e x i b l e E n r o l l m e n t O p t i o n s

Frost valley YMCA Camp

2000 Frost Valley Road, Clareyville, NY 845-985-2291


Frost Valley YMCA is the premier summer camp located in the heart of New York’s Catskill Mountains just a few hours from NYC. At Frost Valley YMCA, your camper can participate in sports, arts and crafts, hiking, horseback riding, rock climbing, canoeing, swimming, singing, storytelling around the campfire, sleeping underneath a canopy of stars, and so much more!

More than just a place for summer fun, Frost Valley gives all children a place where they can safely reach their potential, surrounded by a community that embraces them for who they are.

g reen Chimneys Summer Camps

400 Doansburg Road, Brewster, NY 33 Clearpool Road, Carmel, NY 845.225.8226


For over 50 years, Green Chimneys has blended great camp traditions with dynamic outdoor experiences to create summers full of memories and friendship to last a lifetime. Serving youth from ages 4-15, Green Chimneys Summer Camps recognize each child’s individuality, their desire to discover the world, and who they are in it. Two scenic Putnam County locations offer a full roster of activities including sports, outdoor adventure, arts & crafts, nature study, animals & wildlife, swim, boating, and more.

gymCats gymnastics

At Equalize Fitness

1 Odell Plaza, Yonkers 914-965-7676


Our summer camp offers quality instruction for beginners through advanced gymnastics in a fully air conditioned facility that teaches gymnastics all year long! We offer individualized instruction, all campers are grouped by age, and no experience is necessary; we specialize in teaching beginners! You can choose half day or full day and sign up for one week, multiple weeks or all 8 weeks. Spots fill up quickly- register online now!

Ultimate Guide to Summer Camp 2023 | WestchesterFamily.com 31

h arvey Summer Day Camp

260 Jay Street Katonah, NY 10536

914 232 0581


The Harvey School offers a variety of different camps, allowing your children to choose from a multitude of programs all on one campus. At Day Camp, children in grades 2-8 will participate in the arts, sports, science, music, and theater as well as games and campwide events. This wide variety of offerings allows campers to explore different interests while introducing them to new activities. They also offer programs for rising first graders as well as a special ninth grade program. In addition, campers in grades 5-8 can also choose to take a more in-depth approach by attending Art Camp or Sports Camp. June 26 through August 4, 2023, Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Closed on July 3 & 4.

h off- b arthelson Music School

25 School Lane, Scarsdale




Hoff-Barthelson Music School is the ideal setting for a stimulating, challenging, and fun-filled summer of creative exploration. Our Summer Arts Program offers rich, individually tailored experiences in music, movement, visual art, and drama.

Two 3-week sessions: June 26 - July 14 and July 17 - August 4. Class and ensemble content varies from Session 1 to Session 2 providing students who attend both sessions with unique and complementary learning experiences. Early-bird discounts through March 31.

340 Quaker Ridge Road

New Rochelle, NY 10804




Hudson Country’s camp is an eightweek program (June 26 -August 18) for ages 18 months – 12 years. With themed weekly schedules, campers engage in indoor/outdoor activities while learning and having fun. Activities include daily swim instruction (on-premise pool), sports, hands-on science, technology, art, field trips, music, dance and more. Flexible scheduling, full & half-day sessions and extended hours 7:30am6:00pm available.

32 WestchesterFamily.com | Ultimate Guide to Summer Camp 2023 camp d i RE cto R y | Special Advertising Supplement
h udson Country Montessori Summer Camp
Family Owned & Operated since 1973 Experienced Counselors Serving children 2 months–14 years of age Licensed by the Health Department Call for a Tour and Appointment! 914-592-3027 2170 Saw Mill River Road, Elmsford, NY www.annandandychildcare.com/summer-camp Age appropriate activities including: tween trips, bowling, swimming, golf, drama, sports, water slide, zip-line, climbing wall, arts & crafts, computers, air castle and more! july 10-14


UES | UWS | Tribeca | Bridgehampton | Scarsdale | Mount Kisco 917-970-7791



Become a creator! iCAMP’s summer camp programs in the Hamptons, NYC and Westchester focus on teaching STEAM topics like coding, robotics, art, science, filmmaking, video game design, 3D printing, and more. Real teachers bring their passion for teaching and ability to make projects engaging to each camp. A staff to camper ratio of 4:1 or better ensures campers truly learn and are supported during fun, project-based activities. Plenty of time is spent outside playing summer camp games and enjoying nature.

i ncarnation Camp

253 Bushy Hill Road, Ivoryton, CT 06442 incarnationcamp.org


Wilderness adventure & classic summer camp fun! Located in coastal Connecticut, on over 700 wooded acres surrounding a mile-long private lake, Incarnation Camp is the country’s oldest co-ed camp. Since 1886, they have provided a fun-filled, traditional camp with experiential learning and group living in the outdoors. Campers are guided through well-rounded & adventurous programs that develop an appreciation for nature & celebrate the uniqueness of each individual by nurturing staff.

i ndependent l ake Camp

70 Clark Rd., Thompson PA 800-399-2267 or 570-727-4160


Independent Lake Camp is a premier, elective-based overnight camp for ages 6-17 in the Pocono Mountains. ILC has been making a difference in kids’ lives for over 30 years - supporting respect and creativity in a nurturing and inspiring environment. Each camper chooses their activities from an impressive selection including Circus, Sports, Fine & Digital Arts, Music / Recording Studio, Theatre, Dance, Magic, Skatepark, RPG, High Ropes, Lake, Pool, Horseback, & Nature. Let’s Engage, Connect, & Grow!



AGES 7–17

Ultimate Guide to Summer Camp 2023 | WestchesterFamily.com 33
AT PEEKSKILL sunywcc.edu/peekskill
REGISTER NOW! 914-606-7300 or peekskill@sunywcc.edu THE DIGITAL ARTS CENTER FOR

Jimmy vejar Summer Day Camp


Jimmy Vejar Summer Day Camp is BACK & BETTER -Hosted at the beautiful David G. Osterer Center in Rye Brook, NY, the Jimmy Vejar Summer Day Camp is pleased to provide an inclusive camp for children, teens, and young adults with all abilities, ages 521. From June 27 – August 12, campers will enjoy an enriching summer experience filled with fun activities. Campers take part in a variety of activities including swimming, sports, arts & crafts, festive barbeques, field trips, and special events. Campers with OPWDD eligibility are welcome. Online registration for Summer 2023 is open now!

k AC k isco Art Center

40 Radio Circle, Mt. Kisco 914-232-4843


Art & Imagination Camps (ages 3.5-5) geared towards the creative spirit of the young child. Kids Camp (grades 1-5) small groups enable students to receive individual attention in a familylike atmosphere. Teen Camp (grades 6+) each session will focus intensively on a topic, building the skills needed to explore the subject independently. After-school and weekend classes are also available.

Mamaroneck b each + Yacht Club

555 S Barry Avenue

Mamaroneck, New York 10543. 914-698-1130


Mamaroneck Beach & Yacht Club is a private membership club with unparalleled service. A world where relaxed elegance meets a new world luxury lifestyle; a place where you and your family will create cherished summer memories. Exceptional service, attention to detail, the warmth of their staff and unmistakable style will make MBYC a recognized icon and a beloved destination by its members.

34 WestchesterFamily.com | Ultimate Guide to Summer Camp 2023 camp d i RE cto R y | Special Advertising Supplement
At the Shames JCC on the Hudson, Tarrytown, NY shamesjcc.org/camps fun in the sun for children2-6years! Instructional & Free Swim · Dance, Art, Music New Playground & Waterslide · Gardening & Cooking Field Games & Team Sports · And More!

Mini Camp at Purchase Day Camp

3095 Purchase Street, Purchase



Get your preschooler off to an early start this summer at Purchase Day Camp Mini Camp! Designed especially for our littlest campers, Mini Camp is for 3’s, 4’s and children entering kindergarten, during the first 3 weeks of June. With flexible enrollment, register for 1, 2, or all 3 weeks, discounts available for enrolled Purchase Day Camp families. Campers will enjoy swimming, sports, science, art, cooking, Friday pizza lunches, and more. Come join the fun!

Mosholu Day Camp

261 Arden Valley Road Southfields, NY 10975



For 80 years, Mosholu Day Camp has been providing affordable quality camping to children ages 5-15 from all over the area. Sitting on beautiful Lake Cohasset at Harriman State Park, we offer children a place to develop, experience, and enjoy nature, while taking part in unforgettable summer activities like swimming, boating, sports, music, arts, and everything else you’d come to expect from an awesome summer day camp! Buses with A/C, full 8-week summer, multi-week options.

Oasis Day Camps - Dobbs Ferry

555 Broadway Mercy College

Dobbs Ferry, NY 10522

646 519-5057


Oasis in Dobbs Ferry is an affordable premier Westchester day camp located on the beautiful Mercy College campus overlooking the Hudson. Children, ages 3 to 16, are invited to take part in activities centered around sports, the arts, nature, daily instructional and recreational swimming, and most importantly, social emotional growth. Offering a variety of camp experiences, Oasis in Dobbs Ferry has something for everyone! The traditional summer camp program includes children grades K-6, Teen Travel & Jr. Teen Travel programs, as well as an ESIC (Early Start Imagination Camp) for the newest campers, ages 3-5. Oasis in Dobbs Ferry is a place to experience amazing summers & make lifelong friends.

Ultimate Guide to Summer Camp 2023 | WestchesterFamily.com 35
BEST SUMMER EVER! RYE Y CAMPS Register now at ryeycamp.org Ages 2-14: Kinder, Discovery, STEAM Sports, Adventure & Gymnastics Camps summer ART camp one-week sessions for ages 3.5 yrs-18 yrs 40 Radio Circle Drive Mount Kisco, NY 10549 • (914) 232-4843 katonahartcenter.com

One River School of Art + Design

112 S. Central Ave Hartsdale NY 10530 914.893.4229



One River School of Art + Design in Hartsdale, NY has transformed the experience of summer art camps by implementing new and exciting camps each year. Our program allows grades K-12 to explore both studio art and digital art. Parents can customize their child’s summer program by building a half or full day schedule. Choose from 90+ studio art and digital art experiences that caters to students of all ages and skill levels. Weekly camps designed for Pre-College, Teens and kids include One Artwork a Day, Manga Characters, Cosplay Costume Design and so much more! Camp space is limited and sells out every summer! Visit our website or call us to learn more.

Play g roup Theatre Summer Camps

One N. Broadway, White Plains, NY 914-946-4433 playgroup.org

Get IN on the ACT this summer with The Play Group Theatre’s inspirational and innovative Performing Arts Camps! With programs in Musical Theatre, On Camera, Improv, Sketch Comedy, Shakespeare, Stage Combat, Design/ Tech and more, there is something for everyone at Camp PGT! Camp PGT offers the best in educational theatre year-round. Limited spots available for all in-person summer 2023 camps for ages 4-17 at The Play Group Theatre. Visit playgroup.org/summer to find the perfect PGT program for your young artist today.

Pocono Springs Camp

48 Pocono Springs Way, East Stroudsburg, PA 18302



Located in the beautiful Pocono Mountains, just 75 miles from NYC, Pocono Springs offers a unique concept in the world of overnight summer camps: a traditional co-ed experience in a 5-week program. We offer a full-season summer camp experience, while also providing families the flexibility for family travel, specialty camps, and other summer fun outside of camp. At PSC, every camper starts and ends together, creating a truly cohesive community focused on creating friendships that last a lifetime.

36 WestchesterFamily.com | Ultimate Guide to Summer Camp 2023 camp d i RE cto R y | Special Advertising Supplement
June 12 – August 25 • Seussical Kids • Anastasia, Jr. • Putnam Co. Spelling Bee • Plus one week camps all summer long Enroll at ArtistreeArts.com • 914-835-2200 Summer
Sea S on 877-227-8558 Programs available at our Mamaroneck and NEW Scarsdale locations!

Purchase Day Camp

3095 Purchase Street, Purchase 914-949-2636


Purchase Day Camp is the premiere Westchester summer day camp, offering a wide variety of broad-based programming with flexible enrollment for ages 3-15. 100 TEAM Members for 300 campers. Four heated pools with instructional swim following the American Red Cross Learn to Swim Course and free swim with towel service. Transportation available for surrounding towns and a lunch program. Come join the fun and see why so many say, ‘I Just Love It Here!’

River Friends Day Camp

371 S. Broadway

Tarrytown, NY 10591 914-366-7898

Riverfriends@shamesjcc.org shamesjcc.org/river-friends-day-camp/ River Friends at the Shames JCC will provide your 2-6 year-old with a summer they will never forget and this summer will be better than ever! Bringing in new and innovative program specialists, your children will have a blast as they learn how to swim, play in the new playground, participate in team sports and field games, practice yoga, complete art projects, garden and more! Campers will come to make friends—and leave as family.

Riverrock Music Camp

721 Saw Mill River Road

Ardsley, NY 10502 914-231-6559

info@riverrockschool. comriverrockschool.com

Make music, make friends and have a blast at one of Riverrock’s two summer camps. At Music Camp, children ages 5-13 can enjoy a mix of musical and athletic-related activities. Try your hand at drums, guitars, and keyboards! Craft musical instruments, play improv games, create cheer songs and battle it out musically. Or, for 8-14 year olds with some experience, join a pop/rock band and rock out at Band Camp! Jam with kids your own age and experience level. Perform a short set-list during a Livestream each Friday! Weekly signups are available from June 26 - Sept 1st.

Ultimate Guide to Summer Camp 2023 | WestchesterFamily.com 37
SUMMER CAMP FOR AGES 5-14 WEEKLY SESSIONS 6/26 - 9/1 SPEND YOUR SUMMER WITH US! ROCK OUT PLAY IN A BAND INDOOR/OUTDOOR FUN MAKE NEW FRIENDS (914) 231-6559 CAMPS RUN JUNE 26 - AUGUST 18 Register before March 15th for a 10% Discount! 40 Beech Street, Port Chester, NY | www.clayartcenter.org | 914.937.2047 Friends Memories Art MAKE 40 Beech Street, Port Chester, NY | www.clayartcenter.org | 914.937.2047 TAKE CLAY FOR A THIS SUMMER Spin Friends Memories Art MAKE 40 Beech Street, Port Chester, NY | www.clayartcenter.org | 914.937.2047 TAKE CLAY FOR A THIS SUMMER Spin

The Rock Club and n ew Rochelle Racquet Club at Pine b rook Fitness

130 Rhodes St. New Rochelle, NY 10801




Rock climbing and tennis summer camp provides both new and experienced campers the ability to learn and excel in a fun, supportive, and encouraging environment. Spend a week or the whole summer climbing, playing tennis, or both. We look forward to seeing you this summer!

Rye YMCA Camps

914-967-6363, email: camp@ryeymca. org


Camps for ages 2-14 include: Kinder, Discovery, STEAM, Sports, Gymnastics and Leaders in Training. New this year - Kinder Camp in Mamaroneck!

Rye Y Camps are ACA accredited and led by a team of full-time professional directors. Our dedicated summer staff are selected for their strong character, maturity, enthusiasm and commitment to Y values and serve as Professional Role Models for our campers. (1:4 camper ratios for our youngest groups and up to 1:10 for our oldest campers) Extended care available. We adhere to safety guidelines to keep your children safe. Learn more and register at ryeycamp.org.

Steffi n ossen School of Dance

216 Central Ave., White Plains



Preschool -College Summer Arts

experiences. Explore the performing arts in a safe, nurturing and artistically challenging environment. Pre-School Storybook Camps: book--based movement, music, and art; K – Middle School Dance Camp/Intensives combine a variety of dance styles with history and choreography; Musical Theater Camp/Intensive for dancers, actors, and singers; Adult Adaptive Musical Theater Workshop; and Companies in Residence for auditioned high school and college dancers. Register now for a creative and enriching summer.

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Summer Dance i ntensive, JCC MidWestchester

999 Wilmot Road

Scarsdale, NY 10583

914- 725-7300 x802



Ballet dancers ages 10–18 have the extraordinary opportunity to train with professionals at JCCMW’s Summer Dance Intensive. They provide beautiful, spacious studios; supportive, experienced instructors; and a holistic approach to dance. Each day begins with a 90-minute technique class, followed by pointe, variations, ballet in the pool, and PBT (a conditioning method developed specifically for ballet dancers). They offer flexible scheduling: one-week, two-week, and full-summer options.

Summer Days at the J Camp, JCC Mid-Westchester

999 Wilmot Road

Scarsdale, NY 10583

(914) 725-7300 x878



JCCMW offers a nurturing, enriching camp experience for ages two through six. Experienced, caring counselors and staff engage campers with a variety of outdoor and indoor activities that will spark curiosity and joy! Campers enjoy pool time (including swim lessons!), sprinklers, gymnastics, team sports, outdoor play, theme days, STEAM activities, crafts, and so much more!

JCCMW offers flexible scheduling, plus early and after care. Your child will have the best summer ever!

Summer gymnastics at the J, JCC Mid-Westchester

999 Wilmot Road

Scarsdale, NY 10583

914- 725-7300 x879



With their fully equipped gymnasium, JCCMW provides a fun, invigorating summer for participants of any skill level. In addition to lots of gymnastics instruction and carefully supervised practice, the program also includes swimming lessons in the JCCMW pool, plus dance classes! Their friendly, inspiring coaches enjoy teaching fundamental skills and progressions. Positive reinforcement and encouragement help campers gain self-confidence and achieve their gymnastics goals! Flexible scheduling is available: daily, weekly, and full-summer options.

Fieldston provides a fun, eventful summer for ages 4–15. Fieldston Sports Camps, Future Leaders and Counselors-in-Training are comprehensive and engaging programs covering a spectrum of subjects and interests. Everything from outdoor adventure and sports camps to hands-on STEAM educational workshops — there’s something for everyone!

To learn more about Summer 2023 registration, visit us at summer.ecfs.org.

Ultimate Guide to Summer Camp 2023 | WestchesterFamily.com 39
TWO CUSTOMIZABLE 3-WEEK SESSIONS JUNE 26 - JULY 14 | JULY 17 - AUGUST 4 MORNING, AFTERNOON, EXTENDED & FULL DAY OPTIONS | EARLY DROP OFF & LATE PICK UP �������������������������������������������������������������������� ���������������������������������������������������������� ��������������������������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������ ENROLLING NOW! Early-bird discounts available through March 31 www.hbms.org 914-723-1169 | Scarsdale SUMMER ARTS

S un Y – Purchase


youth.pre.college@purchase.edu purchase.edu/youth

The Purchase College Summer Youth & Precollege Programs in the Arts are so much more than camps! Immersed in a variety of exciting, fun, and enriching learning activities, students in grades 4-12 gain new skills and meet like-minded friends in acting, art, creative writing, improv, filmmaking, photography, vocals, and songwriting. Choose from 1, 2, and 4 week in-person programs, Session 1 starts June 26th.



S un Y Westchester Center for the Digital Arts

27 North Division Street

Peekskill, NY




The Youth Arts Technology Program at the SUNY Center for the Digital Arts is a STEAM program focused on engaging youth in arts technology integration that will prepare students for advanced study and work in the 21st century. STEM jobs are projected to grow at double the rate of non-STEM jobs and earn a median annual wage of $95,420. STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Mathematics) focuses on the hybridization of art and science and develops critical creative thinking. These courses are designed to encourage self-expression, collaboration, and innovation. Students will combine manual and digital skills to realize a take-away portfolio project.

Squire Camps

Maria Regina School, Hartsdale



“Celebrating 50 Years!” A camp for the child who wants it all. Winner of the Westchester County Inspector’s Choice Award! Campers customize their own schedule from over 50 different activities including photography, cooking, swimming, arts, robotics, sports and more. Campers may attend four, three or seven weeks. Hot lunch included. Transportation, extended day, and early drop off available. Activities are taught by certified teachers in air conditioned classrooms on a beautiful private centrally located campus.

40 WestchesterFamily.com | Ultimate Guide to Summer Camp 2023 camp d i RE cto R y | Special Advertising Supplement
5 WCS Parks. 4 NYC Boroughs. Unlimited Summer Fun! Discover immersive summer camp programs with hands-on learning at our zoos and aquarium. Get started today to make memories all summer! wcs.education/camps REGISTER ONLINE edu@wcs.org Any questions? (800) 433-4149 BRONX ZOO QUEENS ZOO NEW YORK AQUARIUM PROSPECT PARK ZOO CENTRAL PARK ZOO


Grades 5–12

1, 2, & 4 Week Programs

June 26–August 4

Acting, Creative Writing, Filmmaking, Improv, Musical Theatre, Photography, Singing, Songwriting, Visual Arts

Save the Date: Open House is Saturday, April 15, 10am - 12 noon Register by May 5 to receive Early Registration Discount www.purchase.edu/youth

Ultimate Guide to Summer Camp 2023 | WestchesterFamily.com 41 CLONING GENETICS BIOTECHNOLOGY DNA ODING FORENSICS summercamps.dnalc.org CAMPS DNA LEARNING CENTER SCIENCE B I OINFORMATICS D A T A SCIENCE GET HANDS-ON WITH SCIENCE THIS SUMMER! • Entering grades 6–12 • Westchester, Brooklyn, & Long Island • Week-long day camps • Authentic lab experiences • Real-world applications • Dynamic instructors • Knowledge and skills for the classroom and beyond! ENROLL TODAY! On the web: SCAN ME! SCAN FOR WEBSITE Continuing Education SUMMER 2023
Youth & Precollege Programs in the Arts
THEAILEYSCHOOL JUNIOR DIVISION Summer Intensive June 26 – July 21, 2023 (Ages 12-15) Audition Sunday, March 26, 2023 A four-week training program in New York City For more details: AlvinAiley.org/School Or email: juniordivision@alvinailey.org The Ailey School Junior Division. Photo by Rosalie O’Connor.
Official School of Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater

Winston Preparatory School Connecticut

57 W Rocks Rd, Norwalk, CT 06851



“Winston Preparatory School

Connecticut is offering a 2023 Summer Enrichment Program for students with dyslexia, ADHD and nonverbal learning disabilities (NVLD). The program, running from June 28 through July 28, provides students with learning differences an individualized learning environment to enhance their academic skills and foster independence. Students grades 4 through 12 seeking to reach their academic goals are welcome to apply. Winston Prep helps students with learning differences thrive! Learn more at WinstonPrep. edu.”

World Cup gymnastics Summer Camp

170 Joan Corwin Way, Chappaqua



This fun summer camp for youths ages 5 to 12 combines superior gymnastics training with a traditional camp experience ensuring each camper has the best summer. Their state-of-theart complex allows room to engage in tons of recreational activities and gymnastics. Each week there are exciting themed activities involving arts & crafts, cooking, skills training and more. World Cup provides a safe, nurturing environment where campers can be active, build strength, learn new skills, laugh, play, make new friends and build summer memories that last a lifetime.

YWCA White Plains & Central


515 North Street

White Plains, NY 10605


For decades, children from the greater Westchester community have grown up at this summer camp. Our program continues to evolve. Children turning four years old through teenagers (coed). Early drop-off and late pick-up until 6:00 pm are available. Eight (8) week program. Minimum of 2 weeks required.

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Check us out Online! We’ve the #1 print and digital lifestyle platform for engaged parents in New York Visit westchesterfamily.com to check it out and sign up for our weekly newsletters!




from June to Aug for ages 7-17

Camps for children and teens, including adventure trips, equestrian, survival, farm, and traditional. Just 2.5 hours from NYC in the Catskill Mountains.

Free Open Houses: 3/26, 4/23, & 5/21


from June to Aug for ages 4-16

Safe enriching fun including teen adventure camp, horseback riding camps, farm camp, and more! Bus stops in Sullivan & Ulster Counties.

Free Open Houses: 3/19 & 5/7

Financial Assistance is Available


845-985-2291 EMAIL info@frostvalley.org WEB frostvalley.org
Mamaroneck Beach + Yacht Club The Art of Living Since 1885 555 S Barry Ave., Mamaroneck, NY 10543 www.mamaroneckbeachandyacht.com 914.698.1130

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