Ultimate Guide to Afterschool Programs & Activities - New York Family - 2024

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The Ultimate Guide to Afterschool

Programs & Activities



2nd-4th kids

5th-7th tweens

I Wanna Be... An Astronaut!

I Wanna Be... A Physicist!

I Wanna Be... A Game Maker!

Coding AI With Scratch

Kids Crime Lab

Aviation Academy

App Inventor

Kerbal Space Program

Chaotic Chemical Reactions

Python Interactive

Coding With Scratch

fe At U res



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The Many Benefits of Afterschool Programs

According to the Afterschool Alliance, kids spend more than 1,200 hours in school every year. While that may seem like a substantial amount of time, school only accounts for 20% of a child’s time. This is why after-school programs and activities are a big part of our kids’ school experience. Programs and activities are essential in fostering social and emotional growth, just as important as academic reasons. For busy parents, particularly those juggling work commitments (#iykyk), these programs provide a space where children can thrive safely and productively, extending the learning and joy beyond the regular school hours.

Read on to discover more about why after-school programs are so beneficial to kids and their families.

Meet New Friends

After-school classes allow kids to connect and meet new people outside of school. Extracurricular activities help form a community and forge a sense of belonging as they hyper-focus on one activity. This can also benefit students who struggle with making friends in school, where they can connect with a different set of peers in smaller groups.

Encourages Physical Activity

After-school activities, like sports, encourage kids to participate in teamwork as well as offer physical activity, help with stress, may improve self-esteem, foster healthy habits, and may promote mental well-being. Kids who participate in sports may also forge longterm bonds that they participate in until the end of high school.

Expose Kids to New Programs

Many schools have limited programming within music and the arts. After-school programming allows kids to try these

programs and express themselves in a new way through acting, music, and/or learning a new artistic skill. They can also help unleash creativity, improve communication, boost confidence, and improve focus and concentration.

Programs are Fun

After-school activities are fun and offer a way for kids to do something exciting and engaging beyond their typical school day. This can be a release for students with a rigorous and intense course load and schedule.

Helps Support Working Parents

Here in New York, we have some of the best after-school programs in the country. Participating in an after-school program allows kids to thrive in a safe and supervised environment until a parent or guardian can pick them up.

Provides a Safe and Supportive Environment

After-school programs provide a safe space during times when some kids might be unsupervised. Under an instructor’s guidance, kids develop new skills and learn from a mentor/teacher who can help kids foster new passions/interests. According to the National Conference of State Legislatures, “regular participation in an after-school program may also reduce risky behaviors and help kids gain college and career-needed skills.”

Academic Benefits

A supportive after-school program provides a well-rounded educational experience that can impact other aspects of school, such as improved concentration, reduced behavioral problems, and fostering new passions, helping lift kids’ moods and well-being.

Finding an Afterschool Activity for Your Child

As a kid, I loved after-school extracurricular classes. Whether summer camp, gymnastics, or high school clubs –regardless of the time of year- I embraced the energy that came with all activities. As a young adult, I led youth groups, ran after-school classes at the local community center, and taught many kids to swim. I felt lucky to have teachers and counselors who chose to share their time, energy, expertise, and talents.

As the kids return to school, it’s time to ensure those young minds have extracurricular classes, activities, or sports to engage, foster, and energize their spirits. Parents should know something exists for all kids – it might take time, effort, trial and error, thinking outside the box, recruiting experts, and listening to your child’s voice. It might mean investments in energy, money, community, and heart. However long it takes to find the thing that lights them up – it’s worth it.

Here are four tips to help find an engaging extracurricular class or activity for your child.

Listen actively to the kind of activity , class your child needs Kids have a way of sharing their thoughts. Young children might not have the words yet, but they know how they feel. Those with the words might not have the meaning flushed out, and some kids may be shy and might need coaxing to try something new. Listen to what seems to interest them and provide options, give them the tools to research, keep an open line of communication, remind them they’ve got a support system, encourage giving it a try, and help them see that the nervous excitement of expanding that comfort zone is worth both the risk and joy.

Know what sorts of classes, sports your child gravitates towards There is something for everyone in New

York – offering many enriching activities encompassing diverse arts, including painting, sculpting, dancing, drawing, poetry, writing, music, theater, and more. Engaging in the arts fosters talent and expands your child’s understanding of the world, nurturing a heightened sense of selfawareness. For those passionate about sports, tailor-made winter classes are available after school or on weekends, providing the ideal outlet for children to expend their boundless energy.

Don’t overextend your child’s extracurricular schedule

Parent tip: If you’re overextended, your child is overscheduled, or your child (or you!) is about to experience sensory overload, then less is more. One meaningful activity is more than enough.

If one day a week or a few hours each is sufficient, it will work for your child and, most importantly, the family.

There is an activity, class, or sport out there for every child

In families with more than one kid, you may

run around and do different activities for your children, as only all of your kids will want to do the same sport or class.

So, lead them to what they will thrive in or take a mild interest and turn it into a fullon hobby.

For example, If your child has an ear for languages, steer them towards an international culture or language club. If they’re pulled towards teams, leadership, and exercise, see what types of sports or club teams are out there for them. If they crave connection and want to learn creative pursuits, consider opening their world towards what’s possible in arts, community service, or learning something new. They want to practice swimming midwinter, there’s a club for that. They want to learn chess and build their interpersonal skills simultaneously; there’s a class for that. They want to learn marketing, debate, and business skills – there’s an organization for that. They want to learn survival skills and embrace the goals of scouts and leadership; there’s a space for that.

Give them a safe, non-judgemental space to share their interests and thrive.

How Do I Know If My Kid Is Ready for Sports?

One of the best things about the backto-school season is that it’s also the back-to-extracurricular activities season! That means arts, clubs, and athletics are in full swing to ease the pressure of academics. And with this year’s unforgettable Summer Olympics, there has no doubt been a surge in aspiring young athletes going for the gold.

But how do you know when your child is ready for a sport? And how do you know what sport is ready for them? We’ve assembled a guide to help parents understand what sports best fit their kid, so that your little future Olympian will remember to credit you for their early start.

Ages 2 to 5

Walking is the first real sport that babies learn. Once that fundamental skill is developed, the more complex motor functions start to kick in. Not only is a love of exploration and discovery cultivated during this time, but so is muscle memory, a critical part of all athletics. Kids at this age should be encouraged to participate in activities that help progress the development of this crucial function.

Sports that facilitate freedom in play but also incentivize children to learn repetitive movements are ideal for inspiring early athletes. Some examples of early childhood sports are:

• Racing, including simple obstacle courses and mazes

• Jumping rope

• Dancing

• Basic gymnastics

• Throwing and catching a ball

• Swimming

• Hopscotch

• Riding a bicycle or tricycle

These are all activities that help children understand (both in mind and body) that repeating a movement over and over again is how it becomes easier to perform. And while it’s too

Ages 6 to 10

Once the fundamentals of muscle memory are acquired, it’s time to focus on balance, hand-eye coordination, and attention span. Parents can begin introducing sports with easy rules and basic gameplay strategy. When a child learns how to follow instructions, it’s a sign they’re ready for more complicated and collaborative sports such as:

• Baseball, softball

• Soccer

• Dance teams

• Martial arts

• Lap Swimming

• Roller skating and ice skating

These are all sports that build upon the foundation that is learned during the earlier childhood activities. Pay close attention to what sort of environment your child likes to be (Indoors or outdoors? In water or on grass?) and help them push themselves to learn that environment even more.

Ages 7-10 and Up

It’s junior sports league time! This is around the age your child will develop a stronger sense of teamwork, strategy, and sportsmanship. Of course, this also means a stronger drive towards competition. Cultivating a healthy sense of competitiveness is important in children of this age group, but it can be a tricky balancing act. You want your kid to want to win, but you also want them to be able to lose graciously.

A helpful way to encourage healthy

competition is to avoid always framing the conversation around winning and losing. Instead, remind your child that they’re playing because it’s fun and it’s healthy, and it’s still both of those things regardless of which side gets more points. Here are some friendly competitive sports:

• Football

• Basketball

• Volleyball

• Tennis

• Hockey

• Soccer

• Golf

• Competitive Swimming

If your child still insists that winning is everything, remind them that every athlete who loves their sport deserves to win sometimes, and that means that you have to lose sometimes. After all, it’s not really a competition if you win every time, is it?

The Right Fit

With so many sports to choose from, it can seem overwhelming to try picking the best fit for your child. But that’s why it’s so important to pay attention during those early motor skill stages. Understanding the environment your child prefers as well as where their natural talents lie will give you a great idea of what activities they will enjoy and thrive in.

Do they constantly try balancing on the edge of the sidewalk? Try gymnastics and the balance beam. Do they like to make-believe they’re a superhero? Try martial arts. Do they love dancing around the living room with you? Encourage them to memorize a routine. The more they try, the more they discover what they love.

early for team sports, having your child practice these activities in groups can help them get comfortable learning alongside their peers.

Give Dance a Chance!

Learn the benefits of enrolling your child in dance classes

Watching your child come alive on a stage, all decked out in sequins, sparkles and fringes, is only the beginning of the benefits that will come from enrolling your child in dance classes. Stepping into their first dance class, your child will immediately be in an environment where they can feel free to express themselves and be whoever they want to be.

As a dance instructor for the last eight years, I have seen countless children and teenagers come out of their shells. I have watched shy kids grow into talented, creative, and bright young people. The benefits of dance classes are seemingly endless, and I am here to share why enrolling your child in dance classes is an incredible idea!


Oh, the friends you will make! Dance is an amazing way to improve your child’s socialization skills. When a child starts a dance class, they will be placed with other children their age and who have similar skill sets, encouraging lasting friendships. While making new friends, your child will also learn the value of teamwork as they learn steps and choreography together. Sharing a common goal of performing builds community amongst dancers. Young dancers often connect simply while waiting for the class to begin, while changing shoes, or practicing.

Dance friends truly become best friends. I have seen dancers as young as two years old meet and grow together into adult besties. I am living proof of this! I’m still best friends with many of the girls I met when I started dancing at 4 years old. Being part of a team is something that truly grows a child’s confidence and self-worth.

A dance studio often becomes a big family, and younger dancers look up to older dancers for inspiration.

Musicality and Physical b enefits

Dance not only improves a child’s socialization skills but also improves their motor skills and overall physical health. All parts of the body are used in dance class. Young dancers develop a unique knowledge

of how their body works. Dance teachers typically begin each class with stretching exercises, broadening range of motion and flexibility. By using all parts of the body over time, students learn how to synchronize those movements to music and musicality is created! Additionally, dance is an amazing cardio workout, which increases stamina incredibly.

Dance class improves posture as well. “Check your feet, check your arms, chin up, shoulders back, and smiles on” is a staple in any dance class. You will likely soon see your dancer applying this to everyday life—standing a little taller and walking a bit prouder. Your child will also become more coordinated and more focused.

confidence and creativity

Confidence is another major factor that

comes into play in the dance world. When first being introduced to performing, a child may feel timid. Dance instructors are properly trained on how to crack that initial shell a child might have. Over time, with positive feedback and encouragement from teachers, your child will learn to feel more comfortable performing.

As parents, we are always proud of our children, but there is something special about seeing your children proud of themselves. The smile of a young dancer when achieving a goal is something that lights up the room. The smiles and confidence will only grow year after year.

Every child has their own unique personality, and this is where they can find their own voice and artistic expression.

yes, dance is a s port!

Dance is a sport, just like football, basketball, and soccer. Although they move with grace and poise, dancers are absolutely athletes. And like any sport, the more you practice, the better you get. And let’s face it: dancing is fun! While there are many studios that offer classes where dancers compete if they wish to, you’re not playing against a team. The pressure is off, allowing young dancers the freedom to enjoy a carefree environment for expressing themselves.

time to e nroll

If you are thinking of sending your child to dance school, you are in luck. There are tons of dance studios in the area to choose from. I would recommend visiting some in your area and talking to the owner. Many dance studios offer trial classes or observation time, so you can let your child feel out different studios and see where they feel most comfortable. Every dance studio is different and offers multiple dance genres from which to choose.

Typically, dance classes start in September and end in June, culminating in a performance or recital of some sort. Many dancing schools also offer summer classes. Younger dancers usually start with one or two classes to begin. Be sure to enroll your child in the correct age group. Putting your child in an older or more advanced class may frustrate them, which could potentially hurt their confidence. A good dance instructor will move your child into a different class if they feel your child can handle it.

Most importantly, let your child lead the way! Letting them help make some of the decisions will make for a smoother transition into their first dance class. Happy dancing!

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How Music Saved My Son’s Life

I’ll never forget the feeling of seeing my son perform on stage for the very first time. He was 13 and had recently taken up the guitar, playing for just a few short months. His music school often held their shows at the Stone Pony, a New Jersey venue made famous by The Boss himself, Bruce Springsteen. It was a far cry from the elementary school auditorium performances many parents are used to, and I prayed he wasn’t going to let his nerves get to him. He’s normally very shy and introverted, and I worried he was going to do whatever it took to blend into the background. So, as the lights dimmed, I held my breath, grabbed my phone and started recording.

Then, to my utmost surprise, the show kicked off with a guitar solo by my son. The spotlight was squarely on him as he perfectly strummed the opening notes to Everlong by the Foo Fighters on the electric guitar he had received as a birthday gift not long ago. The fact that he chose to play one of my favorite songs was not a coincidence, either.

I was beaming. You could practically hear me smiling. There is really no accurate way to describe the emotions coursing through my body as I watched my firstborn child, this whole person that I made completely nail this guitar solo in front of a crowd of people. The waves of pride kept coming as the day wore on, gleefully watching him play several more songs. When I got home, I posted the video of the guitar solo on my social media and my heart continued to swell with pride from the supportive comments and reactions, until I thought it might actually burst. It was easily one of the best days of my life, and hopefully his too.

That day, it hit me that the guitar is not just a musical instrument to my son. It is his therapy, his lifeline, his weapon against dark and intrusive thoughts.

Before he found this hobby, he was not in a great place. His father and I divorced when he was in the sixth grade, smack dab in the middle of a pandemic, and it hit him hard. He was depressed, distracted in class, and seemed un-

happy almost all the time. His grades were falling and the teachers kept calling. I didn’t know what to tell them. He had few friends, if any, and his shyness and insecurities worsened.

Despite his introverted nature, I found a therapist for him and encouraged him to open up, hoping that he could talk his way through the pain with a professional. I’m a huge proponent for therapy and mental health care. I’ve been in therapy for six years and I’d be lost without it, so my hopes were high.

His therapist, a soft-spoken, youngish guy was able to connect with him – whenever they were talking about video games, that is. I suspect their conversations never really rose beyond surface level. Not that he was a bad therapist. I could tell that he saw my son for exactly who he was: a shy, sweet, funny, intelligent, and deeply misunderstood kid. He just couldn’t crack that dark shell he was hiding in. Eventually the therapist stopped taking our insurance and his sessions came to an end. My son was thrilled; I was worried. Never in a million years could I have imagined that an instrument would be the breakthrough that we needed.

We’re talking about a child who has hated almost every song I have ever played, who scoffed at other kids for their taste in popular music his entire life. When he was younger I never even considered putting him in a music class – the thought seemed ridiculous at the time. Instead, we tried karate, baseball, swimming, basketball, flag football. In retrospect, I should have also put him in art classes, but all boys love sports, right? Yikes, I know. He did really enjoy flag football, though, and it helped his confidence level immensely. Until it didn’t, anyway.

When he was a baby, his favorite show was called Jack’s Big Music Show. It was one of the only things that would stop him from crying through colic, teething and crankiness (and for that reason it is also one of my favorite shows of all time). Whenever it came on, he would happily switch his full focus to the three lively puppets and their garage band full of every instrument under the sun. I always found it ironic that he seemed to dislike music so much after the way he would light up when that show came on. But, as it turns out, there is a major difference between listening to music and making music, and when my son discovered this his entire world opened up.

My son is now 16 years old and has since taught himself to play the piano. We have an electric keyboard in the garage and when he is in there practicing, I feel like I’m in the lobby of a fancy hotel. I cannot believe this is the same child who used to beg me to drive in silence because the radio annoyed him so much. It turns out he simply isn’t a fan of the stuff everyone else is listening to. Eventually he found his sound, and I took him to his first concert last year to see a progressive band called Polyphia, whose songs are electric and mostly lyric-free –and by far his favorite to practice on the guitar.

I cannot express enough how badly I wish we had tried music sooner. I don’t know that it would have saved him from those dark times, but it definitely would have helped. Ever since he started playing, he’s gained a ton of confidence and purpose. His demeanor has shifted from sad and angry all the time to that of a typical teenage boy. While he still has his moments, the dark times are over. And if they ever return, at least he’s equipped to fight them off, one string at a time.

Balancing Sports and Activities

The right fit for your child

As we move into winter, I have been spending my free time researching sports classes and extracurricular activities my kids will be doing this season.

I hadn’t planned it this way. I am a former Sports Mom, think stage mom of all things sports and after school, and this would be me. My mother never pushed my sisters and me to do sports. But my father was outdoorsy, and we did everything from track and skateboarding to racquetball and volleyball. And when my oldest son was a toddler, I enrolled him in his first soccer class. Watching him and his teammates figure out where exactly the ball was to go and why they couldn’t tackle or eat the netting was adorable.

Then it got serious. As the kids became older, they became more passionate, which meant more practice time and all-around parent involvement wasn’t just for a Saturday morning -practice weekdays were required. After soccer, we did basketball, flag football and then gymnastics. My son excelled in gymnastics, and I started to think – Olympics. Gold! But he hated it. He felt he was being pushed too hard, and the truth is, he was.

My youngest, who is autistic, had significant needs post-pandemic, requiring a lot of educational catch-ups and one on one time. And privately, as this ‘super sports mom,’ I was becoming unhinged with all that was on my plate. So we took some time off. This move was the best thing we could have done as a family. We focused on the youngest, his therapies and getting him into a specialty school. My oldest still participated in his afterschool activities, but as far as anything extra, we ceased it all for a bit. Having this time off also helped me get some perspective and realize it should always be about the kids and doing things they love.

And now, post-pandemic, post-time off, we are back. And here is why...we missed it. The practices, the running out the door early on Saturday mornings, even the snow days where I used to curse the weather as we trudged through the snow. But the truth is these kids wake up at dawn. Why not get out the door and be productive? And participating in a sport or an extracurricular

activity has enormous benefits.

Participating in a sport or extracurricular activity helps our kids to learn to communicate better, something they lacked during the pandemic. I can’t think of a better way for them to work on their social skills and come together with a group of kids of the same age (some from different schools!) and be part of a team or fine-tune a craft. Also, activities are not just sports; this is New York, where art, dance, theater classes (and more!) are plentiful. I am excited and nervous about all the future running around and the evening practices. But we’re ready and prepared to go with the flow and enjoy the ride. See you there!

Here are a few tips I learned during our hiatus:

For kids old enough, keep them involved . I never asked my son what he wanted to do. When one activity wasn’t his thing, we just moved on to the next. I never considered that maybe he didn’t like sports. He was excelling in afterschool classes of theater and dance and yet I continued to put him in sports classes. During our year break, I stopped pushing, and now he lets me know what classes he would like to try.

Step back if you have overscheduled your kids . If the classes, activities or weekend sports leave you or your family feeling like you’re losing it, step back. This doesn’t mean quitting. Skip a game or two. Talk to the coach and tell them you’ll miss a few classes. Take some time to ask why this is not enjoyable. Finish the class if you can, set new limits and work within the limitations you set up for your family when choosing the next set of classes and activities.

Ease up during the classes and games We need to lighten up as parents, and I am as guilty as the next. In the past, my husband was the assistant coach for my son’s soccer team, which put added pressure on my son. The games, especially if the team lost, could be intense. Have fun. It’s only worth the stress if you have a future NCAA player and your kid is determined to make this something more. Work on having a healthy sense of competitive balance, especially in sports, so your child sees you are happy, win or lose.

Know your bandwidth . Learning from past mistakes — I am scheduling classes and activities close to home and maybe mixing it up, some afterschool fun, a weekend here and there, or a one-off or two class.


Open House for Dancers ages 2-18

The Steps Academy invites you to try a dance class for free at their annual Open House! September 9-15, children age 2-18 are invited to try any First Steps or Youth Division classes. Meet the teachers, tour the studio, and experience the joy of dance. After class, teachers and staff will be available to help with registration and answer any questions about training with the Steps Academy.


Afterschool progrAms & ActIvItIes DIrectory

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the school at the Mark Morris dance center 3 Lafayette Avenue 718-624-8400

markmorrisdancegroup.org/ dance-center

The School at the Mark Morris Dance Center offers dance classes in a multitude of styles and levels for children and teens, from newborns to 18 years. Their faculty provides progressive, non-competitive, and inclusive instruction with classes accompanied by live music whenever possible. Classes include Jazz, Hip-Hop, Ballet, Modern, and Tap, as well as Music and Singing. Each class in the Children and Teen Program (ages 6-18) takes place weekly over

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NY Kids Club enrichment classes provide children with access to a diverse array of experiences designed to ignite lifelong passions. From Cooking to Musical Theatre, these classes offer a rich, hands-on curriculum that encourages creativity, critical thinking, and a love for learning. Young chefs can explore the culinary arts in a fun and engaging environment, learning to create delicious global dishes while understanding the importance of nutrition. Budding performers can step into the spotlight in Musical Theatre class, where they develop confidence, teamwork, and artistic expression through acting, singing, and dancing. These enrichment programs, amongst their

that children will carry with them throughout their lives.

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Park Slope United is Brooklyn’s premier youth soccer club. While there are many options for soccer classes for kids in Brooklyn, only one choice offers the promise of a full-service youth soccer club where children can continue to grow and learn beyond the basics. As the borough’s largest club, PSU offers classes and programs (for kids 2-12 years old) in nearly every corner of Brookyn for every skill level, from beginner classes to serious academy travel pograms. All lasses begin after Labor Day, and happen once per week for 10 weeks. There are options for girls-only classes as well.

Park Slope United Park Slope United Soccer Club

Empire Blvd



Discover the joy of skateboarding with SKATEYOGI! At their two indoor skate spaces, SKATEYOGI offers skateboarding programs in a fun, creative environment for all ages (ages 2 to adults). Their small teacher-to-student ratio and ego-free approach make every student feel welcome. Weekly group classes, private lessons, birthday parties, and day camps on school holidays are available. An open-level format welcomes absolute beginners to experienced skaters. Skateboard renta is included.

triple Promise academy for the Performing arts 155 Bay Ridge Avenue triplepromise.com info@triplepromise.com

Triple Promise offers a robust five-day after-school program, featuring classes in acting, dance, vocal music, stagecraft, Shakespeare, mu-

sical theatre, and much more! Snack/homework time runs 2:30-4:00 pm. Performing Arts classes run 4:00-6:00 pm daily (until 7:15 on Tuesdays and Thursdays). Program culminates in a large-scale theatrical production on a professional stage in June. Tuition fees are all-inclusive; costumes, scenery, props, etc. are all covered. This year’s show is William Shakespeare’s “A Midsummer Night’s Dream”.


Fancy Feet dance studio

Locations in the Bronx and Westchester 718-824-1981 fancyfeet.com

At Fancy Feet Dance Studio’s Bronx and Westchester locations, fall is all about Learning all things Dance and Gymnastics! Dive into ballet, jazz, hip-hop, and tap, contemporary, gymnastics classes that cater to all ages.

Little ones can sparkle in Tiny Tots, while Mini Movers, teens and adults groove in exciting sessions like Jazz/Hip Hop, Tap, Ballet, Gymnastics and Contemporary. Be a part of the magic of Fancy Feet. Whether you’re in the Bronx or Westchester, dance, laugh, and learn with them this fall!

n inja gymnastics Factory

3660 Waldo Ave., Bronx 914-343-3903 info@ninjagymnasticsfactory. com


Ninja Gymnastics Factory is a state of the art gymnastics and ninja-warrior facility in Riverdale. Geared towards children ages 3 to 14, their progressive programs are created by fitness and developmental experts to ensure every child feels success while also being challenged. Lesson plans and obstacle courses are changed every 2 weeks to keep students engaged as they learn new skills and techniques. The fa -

cility is clean, the equipment is cutting-edge, and the staff love what they do!

mA nh AttA n

academy at steps on b roadway 2121 Broadway @ 74th St. 332-334-4177 stepsnyc.com/academy academy@stepsnyc.com

The Steps Academy invites you to try a dance class for free at their annual Open House! September 9-15, children ages 2-18 are invited to try any First Steps or Youth Division classes. Meet the teachers, tour the studio, and experience the joy of dance. After class, teachers and staff will be available to help with registration and answer any questions about training with the Steps Academy. Register today for Open House classes.

alvin ailey dance Foundation

The Joan Weill Center for Dance

405 West 55 th Street, New York, NY 10019

alvinailey.org/school/ programs/junior-division

The Ailey School’s Junior Division offers a highly structured curriculum for conservatory training. Students in the PreProfessional program (ages 7 to 17) participate in after school and weekend classes during the school year. All levels include training in ballet and at least one other technique. As students progress, more techniques are added to their training such as jazz, Horton, modern, pointe, tap, and West African. In First Steps and Bounding Boys (ages 3 to 6), children develop an understanding between dance, rhythm, and music through a weekly series of fun exercises.

atlantic acting school’s creative Fall Workshops!

76 Ninth Ave. 212-691-5919

atlanticactingschool.org/kidsand-teens/fall-classes eduation@atlantictheater.org

This fall Atlantic Acting School staff are thrilled to be back in-person for the kids & teens programs! In addition to creating characters and scripts, young artists will have opportunities to produce their own work. Each class has a focus that varies from musical theater to sketch, improv, scene study, film/TV and more, but are all rooted in the Atlantic Technique.

b loomingdale school of Music

323 West 108th Street 212-663-6021


Now celebrating 60 years serving generations of New York families, Bloomingdale School of Music offers lessons and classes for students of all ages and skill levels on 20

different instruments. From early childhood, Mommy and Me, and school-aged beginner classes to orchestra and college prep, there’s something for every step of your child’s musical journey. All classes and lessons are taught by an expert-vetted faculty of professional musicians with experience teaching students of all abilities.

b roadway dance center children and teens

37 West 65th Street 3rd Fl. 212-457-0035

broadwaydancecenter.com/ children-teens/about-childrenteens


Broadway Dance Center Children & Teens offers top-tier dance training, helping young dancers achieve their artistic potential. They provide a comprehensive dance experience with diverse styles, performance opportunities, and elite instruction that New York City and BDC uniquely offer. BDC is a vibrant commu-

nity for young creatives, with dedicated faculty creating a healthy environment to connect socially and artistically, while developing confidence, a positive self-image, and a strong work ethic.

collina i taliana - i talian school & cultural center 1556 Third Avenue at 87th Street, Suite 602 212-427-7770

collinaitaliana.com/children info@collinaitaliana.com

From the artwork and literature, to the cuisine and culture, the Italian language connects children to a world of beauty. Collina’s immersive after-school for kids and teens ages 2-16, and morning drop-off for toddlers ages 2-4 programs are the perfect way for students to start their journey with the Italian language. Collina Italiana also offers special events and workshops on Saturdays, as well as all-year-long language mini camps for kids ages 3-10. Vi aspettiamo!

Photos by Rosalie O’Connor.

creative a rts and s ports

270 Mulberry Street 631-686-4464 creativeartsandsports.com creativeartsandsports@gmail. com

Creative Arts and Sports offers basketball programs in downtown NYC for boys and girls, starting as young as 4 years old through 8th grade. Their after-school classes, teams, league play, clinics, and camps are designed to develop skills, build confidence, and foster teamwork in a fun, supportive environment. Whether your child is just beginning or looking to advance their game, their programs provide the perfect blend of instruction and play.

dance Workshop ny

30 East 60th Street 917-388-2013 danceworkshopny.com dance@danceworkshopny.com

Nestled in the heart of the UES, Dance Workshop is a community-focused studio committed to dance edu -

cation in a loving and safe environment. Dance Workshop offers Ballet, Tap, Jazz, Lyrical, Hip-Hop, Musical Theatre and Acro for ages 2+. They also offer a Pre-Professional Company track for dancers interested in taking their technique to the next level. Trial classes may be scheduled with the studio at the start of the season. Dance with Dance Workshop!

d edimus Potestatem

4867 Broadway Suite 702 718-954-1357

potestatem.co/after-schoolprograms info@poterstatem.co

Dedimus Potestatem provides fun, engaging programs that teach coveted leadership skills. Founded by an educator who worked with government organizations, UN-affiliated NGOs, and nonprofits worldwide, the company is creating the next generation of world leaders. Students have won awards at tournaments nationwide and alumni have

created their own national nonprofits. Programs include Leadership, Model United Nations, Debate, Mock Trial, Model Congress, Financial Literacy, Self-Defense, and more. They have classes for K-12 students in New York.

the d iller-Quaile school of Music

24 East 95th Street 212-369-1484


The Diller-Quaile School of Music offers in-person and online instruction for all ages, including early childhood music classes for children ages 3 months to 5 years, and instrument and voice lessons, group classes, and ensembles for ages 4 years to adult. Diller-Quaile’s accomplished, dedicated, caring faculty nurture the musical potential in each individual. Whether you are beginning a musical journey, continuing your studies, or returning to a passion, experience the joy of music at Diller-Quaile School of Music.

the Fashion class 2391 Broadway 307 East 84th St 646-448-9664

thefashionclass.com/ create@thefashionclass.com

The Fashion Class caters to fashion enthusiasts of all ages with classes, camps, birthday parties and lessons. Founded with a passion for creativity, the studio is a destination for those seeking to discover the joy of sewing their own fabulous garments. With a focus on ages 5-15, classes delve into sewing wearable clothing, crafting, design, and sketching. With hands-on experience students gain the skills to bring their fashion dreams to life!

Fit learning o nline PO Box 85 Locust Valley 516-642-6483 fitlearningonline.com admin@fitlearners.com

Based in New York, Fit Learning Online produces one year of gain in core math, reading, or logic skills in just 40 hours.

By applying the science of learning to online instruction, staff creates a fast-paced, goal-oriented tutoring experience for every learner: average, struggling, gifted, or learning disabled. They use ongoing measurement of learning to guide instruction, and parents have continuous access to their child’s learning charts to ensure complete transparency of program effectiveness.

g erman l anguage school of g reater ny

Locations in Manhattan and Long Island (Garden City) 212-787-7543

german-american-school.org kidslearngerman@aol.com

German-AmericanSchool Assn. has been teaching German for 122 years. The school has two locations: one in Manhattan on the upper East Side, and one in Garden City. The school today reflects the ethnic diversity that is New York and teaches German as a foreign language. The

bilingual once-a-week after school program concludes with the NY State Regents Diploma. The staff are native German speakers. Enrollment is ongoing.

i magine Works youth theatre

115 MacDougal Street


imagineworksinfo@gmail.com imagineworksonline.com

Imagine Works Youth Theatre students, ages 8-17, perform on a professional Off-Broadway stage and learn to be professional and kind performers, with help from their highly trained & experienced instructors. Fall classes include a Beginner Musical Theatre class, where young performers learn the basic skills in voice, acting, and dance, and produce a mini-musical. They also offer a Broadway Dance class focusing on technique, choreography, and exposure to different styles of Broadway dance.

g reenwich h ouse Music school

46 Barrow Street 212-242-4770

greenwichhousemusicschool. org

Since 1905, Greenwich House Music School’s distinguished faculty have taught students of all ages to appreciate the beauty and transformative power of music, art, dance, and theater. Enrollment is now open for private lessons and small group classes for children and adults in music, art, theater, and ballet.

l aunch Math + s cience centers

178 West 81st Street


launchmath.com info@launchmath.com

Launch Math + Science Centers offer exciting and educational STEM classes and camps for kids from kindergarten to 7th grade. Children discover the magic of chemistry, explore the science of space, create architec-

tural structures, code a roving robot – and that’s just the beginning! Launch also offers one-on-one math enrichment and intensive math tutoring for students in grades K-8. Real-life rocket scientist, Scott Heifetz, founded Launch with one mission in mind: Inspire children to love and learn math and science.

ny k ids club

Multiple Locations in Manhattan nykidsclub.com

NY Kids Club enrichment classes provide children with access to a diverse array of experiences designed to ignite lifelong passions. From Cooking to Musical Theatre, these classes offer a rich, hands-on curriculum that encourages creativity, critical thinking, and a love for learning. Young chefs can explore the culinary arts in a fun and engaging environment, learning to createdelicious global dishes while understanding the importance of nutrition.

Little Dancers


Introductory ballet taught by SAB’s renowned faculty offered each fall and winter at Lincoln Center

No Audition Needed

Fall Session begins September 7

Winter Session begins January 21

Plus learn about SAB’s year-round pre-professional training program and auditions for 6-10 year olds

Budding performers canstep into the spotlight in Musical Theatre class, where they develop confidence, teamwork, andartistic expression through acting, singing, and dancing.

Planet h an

401 West End Ave. 1556 Third Ave.



Planet Han offers a proven approach to teaching children Mandarin Chinese. Located on Manhattan’s Upper West Side and Upper East Side, kids love learning Mandarin in a fun and engaging, 100% immersive Chinese classroom environment. They will achieve Mandarin fluency and speak like a native speaker, giving them the ability to communicate with Chinese speakers anywhere in the world. Planet Han offers Adult and Me, Preschool, afterschool and summer programs, with low studen to-teacher ratio.

Play o n! studios

263 West 86th Street




Play On! Studios offers theater classes on the UWS that are guaranteed to give kids a great experience full of acting, music, and fun they won’t soon forget. Whether your child is just starting out, or ready for Broadway, there is a class for them. Creative Drama, Theater Lab, Musical Theater Revue, and Musical Theater Performance classes all offer different levels of commitment for busy kids. Classes are available for PreK-8, after school or Saturdays.

school of a merican b allet

165 West 65th Street

212-769-6600 sab.org/classes


The School of American Ballet, founded in 1934 by George Balanchine, is widely considered the leading ballet

school in the US and is the official school of New York City Ballet. Located at Lincoln Center, SAB offers afternoon ballet classes for students as young as 4. At age 6, students are invited to audition for SAB’s renowned preprofessional training program for which financial assistance is available. Previous training is not required for children under 10.

s uper d uper tennis

222 Broadway, c/o WeWork, 19th floor 888-982-9218 superdupertennis.com newyork@superdupertennis. com

Super Duper Tennis is a mobile program teaching tennis fundamentals to kids aged 10 and under in a fun, educational environment. Their approach builds confidence, self-esteem, and a love for the game using appropriately sized courts and equipment to ensure accessibility and enjoyment. Super Duper Ten-

nis brings tennis to unconventional spaces, reaching schools and neighborhoods across New York City, New Jersey, and internationally, making the sport more accessible and enjoyable for young players.

Willan academy of Music

244 Madison Avenue #171 646-838-3990 willanacademy.com

In-home lessons available in Piano, Violin, Cello, Guitar, Voice and more. Unlock your child’s true potential with Willan Academy of Music. The program is designed to foster a genuine love for music and help students explore and develop their artistic abilities to the fullest. With their expert instructors and supportive environment, your child will be unstoppable in their pursuit of musical excellence.

long Isl A n D

b ounce! Family

e ntertainment center

330 Michael Drive, Syosset 516-762-1300



School is back in session so join in the afterschool fun at Bounce! Family Entertainment Center. Bounce! is an indoor family entertainment center Located in Syosset, NY Offering the best birthday party/group packages and open play sessions on Long Island. With the trampolines, adventure zone, soft play arena, toddler town, ninja/ net course, laser tag, bumper cars, arcade and more, Bounce! Is the perfect hangout for after school activities!

b ritish swim school

Multiple locations: LA Fitness Lake Success, LA Fitness Garden City Park, 24 Hour Fitness Valley Stream 718-576-1870


goswimbrooklynqueens@ britishswimschool.com

The end of summer doesn’t mean an end to the need for water safety education. Pool season is year-round with British Swim School! They offer gentle, fun swim lessons in their heated indoor pools, with quality instruction in both small group classes and private sessions. All ages can join, from 3-month-old infants up to adults. You are never too old to start your own swim journey.

dance Workshop

16 Atlantic Avenue, Lynbrook 516-561-2343



Nestled in the heart of Lynbrook Village, Dance Workshop is a communityfocused studio committed to dance education in a loving and safe environment. Dance Workshop offers Ballet, Tap, Jazz, Lyrical, Hip-Hop, Musical Theatre and Acro

for ages 2+. They also offer a Pre-Professional Company track for dancers interested in taking their technique to the next level. Trial classes may be scheduled with the studio at the start of the season. Dance with the Dance Workshop!

Fit learning o nline

PO Box 85 Locust Valley 516-642-6483

fitlearningonline.com admin@fitlearners.com

Based in New York, Fit Learning Online produces one year of gain in core math, reading, or logic skills in just 40 hours. By applying the science of learning to online instruction, staff creates a fast-paced, goal-oriented tutoring experience for every learner: average, struggling, gifted, or learning disabled. They use ongoing measurement of learning to guide our instruction, and parents have continuous access to their child’s learning charts to ensure complete transparency of program effectiveness.

g erman l anguage school of g reater ny

Locations in Manhattan and Long Island (Garden City) 212-787-7543


kidslearngerman@aol.com German-AmericanSchool Assn. has been teaching German for 122 years. They have two locations: one in Manhattan on the upper East Side, and one in Garden City. The school today reflects the ethnic diversity that is New York and teaches German as a foreign language. The bi-lingual once-a week after school program concludes with the NY State Regents Diploma. The staff are native German speakers. Enrollment is ongoing.

Music i nstitute of long i sland

90 Plandome Road, Manhasset 516-627-7052



Established in 1990, Music Institute of Long Island (MILI)

is a classical music school with exceptional instructors from the most prestigious United States and European conservatories. Long Island’s premier music academy is consistently voted #1. Instrumental programs starting at age 3 and up include violin, viola, cello, piano, flute, clarinet, saxophone & voice. Traditional, Suzuki, and ABRSM methods. Students participate in AllNational, All-Eastern, All-State, youth orchestras, and score highly in NYSSMA and Royal Academy Music Festivals.

o ne r iver school of a rt & d esign

Manhasset:1504 Northern Blvd Manhasset 516-447-3660

Woodbury:150 Woodbury Rd, Woodbury 516-268-3566

Port Jefferson: 5070 Nesconset Hwy, Port Jefferson Station 631-743-7001 oneriverschool.com

One River School has em-

barked on a mission to “transform art education”® in America. The company has developed a unique method for teaching art and digital design classes to people of all ages. One River’s students have more fun, learn faster and produce more compelling creative outcomes! Now enrolling for Fall 2024 classes at Long Island locations in Manhasset, Woodbury and Port Jefferson.

tga of n orthern n assau county 516-202-0763 playtga.com/ northernnassaucounty Moronke@playtga.com

Looking to introduce your child or student to golf, tennis and pickleball? TGA of Northern Nassau County partners with schools, parks and recreations, and sports facilities to make it easy, convenient and affordable for students to learn sports in a safe and non-competitive environment. TGA’s after-school programs, multi-week clinics and holiday

camps are ideal for beginners or experienced junior players. They blend skill development, academic learning, and life lessons for a healthy, fun educational experience.

tippi toes dance company 1936 Hempstead Tpke, #315, East Meadow 516-247-9136 tippitoesdance.com/location/ tippi-toes-nassau-county nassaucounty@tippitoesdance. com

Tippi Toes® offers the opportunity for children to dance directly in their preschools, daycares, elementary schools as well as community centers and other convenient locations. They take the chaos out of getting to dance class and offer parents a convenient option for their children without the transportation hassles of many other activities.

y M ca of long i sland Locations: Glen Cove, Great South Bay, Huntington, Patchogue

855.2YMCALI Ymcali.org/childcare Marybeth.coursen@ymcali.org

The YMCA of Long Island provides academic support and enrichment in a safe and structured environment for Kindergarten through 6th grade (check your local branch, ages vary by school district). Partnering with school districts in Nassau and Suffolk counties to support student learning, their experienced staff design engaging enrichment activities to support your child’s learning in all areas. They offer daily homework help, STEM activities, arts & crafts, nutrition education, youth movement, and more.

Q U eens

all star studios 108-21 72nd Ave. 4th floor, Forest Hills 718-268-2280 allstarstudiosnyc.com/ allstarstudiosnyc@gmail.com

Register now for All Star Studio’s Fall / Winter 2024/25 Sessions of Jazz, Tap, Ballet, Hip hop, Lyrical, Modern, Jumps and Turns or acrobatics plus the new Toddler & Me class, all for ages 3 and older. Demonstrative assistants included so teachers focused on students’ progression. Ask about their Dance Intensive sessions. Register for your free trial today.

ny k ids club Queens Court Square:

44-16 23rd St., 347-382-9829 nypre.com/court-square-nypreschool courtsquare@nykidsclub.com

Long Island City: 4545 Center Blvd., 347-4485802 nypre.com/long-island-city-nypreschool longislandcity@nykidsclub.com

NY Kids Club enrichment classes offer experiences designed to ignite lifelong passions. From Cooking to Musical Theatre, these classes offer a hands-on curriculum

that encourages creativity, critical thinking, and a love for learning. Young chefs can explore the culinary arts in an engaging environment, learning to create global dishes while understanding the importance of nutrition. Budding performers can step into the spotlight in Musical Theatre class, where they develop confidence, teamwork, and artistic expression through acting, singing, and dancing. These enrichment programs, amongst a broad fall lineup of classes, are crafted to inspire curiosity and build foundational skills that children will carry with them throughout their lives.

n adia’s Performing a rts centre 208-42 Cross Island Pkwy., Bayside 718-279-3980 nadiadance.net nadia@nadiadance.net

As a dancer, a mother and an educator, artistic director Nadia Avigliano has come to

know that children possess many different styles of learning. Through dance education, they acquire skills in rhythm, patterning, memorization, problem solving, spatial and body awareness, musicality, precision and coordination. The Center’s environment nurtures students’ self-esteem and encourages them to strive for their best. Whether your child hopes to dance professionally or just wants to try a new activity, they offer various levels of engagement suitable for beginners or seasoned dancers.

r idgewood dance studio 60-13 Myrtle Ave., 2nd Floor, Ridgewood 718-497-2372


Believing that it’s important for every child to experience the art of dance, Ridgewood Dance Studio has been dancing into the lives of the community for over 40 years. Learning to dance is a vital part of a child’s development

and encourages discipline, mature habits, poise, personality, stability, self-confidence and knowledge of music. Students have been accepted into performing arts schools as well as The Alvin Ailey and Rockette summer intensive programs.

rose academy of b allet 70-11 Austin Street, 2nd Floor, Forest Hills




Rose Academy of Ballet introduces children to the excitement of learning to dance! The pre-ballet and tippy toes classes are designed for children 2- 5 eager to learn about dance in a positive environment. There are many opportunities for students 6 to 18 to increase proficiency and artistry. Students enjoy energetic and creative camps, workshops and classes year-round. Dedicated, professional staff allows students of all ages

and abilities to learn about dance and perform. The studio offers a variety of classes to train versatile dancers; try ballet, jazz, contemporary, tap, hip hop, musical theatre, or classical modern dance. Dancers, 6 -18 can perform in the studio’s student production of the holiday favorite, “The Nutcracker,” this December.

s tAten Isl A n D

art l ab

1000 Richmond Terrace 718-447-8667 artlabsi.com info@artlabsi.org

Art Lab offers a variety of after-school and weekend art classes for children ages 3 through teen. Visit Art Lab’s Annual Open House on September 14, 11am-3PM, for free demos, mini-classes, and a free tee shirt for children while supplies last. Look for free workshops and No School Daze events this

fall. Check out adult class offerings in fine art, applied art, and photography too. Classes start mid-September.

b ritish swim school britishswimschool.com/ statenisland 718-576-1870

British Swim School is the premier learn-to-swim provider for people of all ages, offering programs for children ages 3-months through adults. They use gentle teaching methods and a survival-first approach to help people of all experience levels become safer, stronger swimmers. British Swim School’s safe, fun, and effective instructional program has made it the preferred choice for parents and students for over 40 years.

dance Factory

505 Sharrotts Rd. 917-525-9277 DFGNYC.com info@dancefactorynyc.com

At Dance Factory, the focus is on inspiring a love for dance through artistic excellence, innovative choreography, and top-notch technique-based programs. Offering both recreational and competitive dance in a family-friendly environment, Dance Factory provides a home away from home for Staten Island dancers. With a commitment to excellence, the studio ensures every student experiences the joy of dance, whether they are exploring it for fun or pursuing it competitively.

dea Music & art

1409 Richmond Ave. 19 Saint Mary’s Ave. 57 Page Ave. 718-370-7733


Unlock your creativity at DEA Music and Art School! DEA provides high-quality education in piano, guitar, voice, drums, and violin, led by skilled professionals. Engaging group classes in musical theater and visual arts,

perfect for friends seeking artistic fun together. Explore DEA’s new pre-high school and pre-college preparatory divisions, designed for aspiring creatives aiming for a successful career. Experience unique performance opportunities at iconic venues like Carnegie Hall and Radio City Music Hall.

Fastrack ids

141 Evergreen Ave. 718-351-7333


FasTracKids has been offering award winning enrichment programs for the past 20 years, ranging from preschool to homeschooling help, gifted and talented preparation, and tutoring and test prep. They also offer chess and STEAM classes as well as NYS Math & ELA, TACHS and SHSAT prep. FTK believes that every child has their own special gift or talent, and with the proper instruction and reinforcement, every child can achieve their true gifted potential!

Open House & Student Show Opening

Reception: September 14, 11am - 3pm

Free for all ages! Take a demo class with an Art Lab professional teaching artist. Be the first to see the Annual Art Lab Student Show. Children receive a free Art Lab t-shirt *while supplies last* and refreshments will be served.

Fall Classes Begin September 15

Art Lab offers weekly art classes for all ages (3 and up) Including Creations, Young People’s Art, Pre-K Art, Afterschool Art, Intro to Sculpture, Ceramics for Young Artists & Teens, and more!

Fine Arts, Applied Arts, & Photography classes available for adults too. Register online or call us for more info.

Special Programs Available:

Gallery Events - No School Daze - Scholarships for classes

Volunteer/Intern at Art Lab - Birthday Parties / Art for a Day

Upcoming Free Events:

No School Daze: Sponsored by ConEdison Monday, October 14 & Friday, November 1 AM: 10 AM - 11:30 AM PM: 12 PM - 1:30 PM Art Workshops for ages 6 - 12, Registration required Halloweekend Workshops:

Sunday, October 27 12:00 PM - 3:30

c uti ve F unc t ion Di s orde r

P oo r M emo r y

L an g uag e P r oc e ssing Disabi l i t ie s

V ocabu l a r y and Re ading F l u e n c y Re c e pti ve and Expr e ssive Lan

l a r y and Re ading F l u e n c y

Re c e pti ve and Expr e ssive Lan g ua g e

Dev e l opm e nt in W rit t en Expr e ssio n

Read i ng and Writin g Science , Social Studies and Mat h

Read i ng and Writin g Science Social Studies and Mat h

SAT/ACT, TACHS SHSAT PRE P Regents Review; all academic area s ELA and Math Test Preparation; al l levels and grade s YourLeapForward.com

SAT/ACT, TACHS SHSAT PRE P Regents Review; all academic area s ELA and Math Test Preparation; al l levels and grade s

Fenix studios

4442 Arthur Kill Rd.


contact@fenixstudios.com fenixstudios.com

Fenix is home to seven rehearsal studios, two recording studios, a podcasting studio and songwriting suite. Fenix Studios offers lessons in musical instrumentation, singing, video and music production, DJing, art, and photography. Included in the 10,000 square foot facility is a personal training gym, Fenix Fitness, which offers both one-on-one and group fitness sessions, MMA/Self Defense, yoga and more! Call to schedule a free trial lesson. All are welcome.



297-299 Cromwell Ave. 718-554-6545


Fusion Programs is a modern makerspace founded to provide all individuals with an outlet for creativity. They have

sensory-inspired play spaces as well as fun and engaging classes for kids, teens, and adults of all abilities. Kids will enjoy baking classes in the chef’s kitchen, immersive art, design, and cinematography in the labs, and fitness, dance, and yoga in the studios. Beyond the innovative class offerings, Fusion hosts one-of-a-kind indoor and outdoor seasonal events and unforgettable themed parties.

J cc of staten i sland 1466 Manor Road 718-475-5200


At the Joan & Alan Bernikow JCC of Staten Island, kids enjoy their favorite activities after school. Kids at all skill levels can stay active and build good sportsmanship in basketball, soccer, tennis, volleyball, and aquatics programs. Kids can express themselves and explore their creativity in music, art, dance, and drama classes. School’s Out programs bring

kids together for activities outside of the classroom. The JCC also offers afterschool programs for kids and teens with special needs.

leaP - i mmersive learning center

300 Cromwell Ave. 718-351-2710


LEAP is an Immersive Learning Center that, for over twenty-five years, has been a partner of parents seeking a prescriptive approach to learning differences and enrichment solutions. Founded by Dr. Maria Casale, LEAP utilizes scientifically-based methodologies to create holistic, immersive learning experiences for all children. The Homeschool Connections program provides options for families seeking alternatives to traditional learning environments. LEAP delivers reading and literacy tutoring following OrtonGillingham methodologies

and math tutoring utilizing multi-sensory teaching methodologies.

Master curry karate 3896 Richmond Ave. 718-979-7087

mastercurry@mastercurry.com mastercurry.com

Ignite your child’s passion and confidence with Master Curry Karate’s extraordinary back-to-school program. More than just another activity, it’s a transformative experience. This skilled instructor brings over 52 years of expertise, including 32 years teaching in Staten Island. Discover Martial Arts’ essential life skills, boost coordination and strength, and empower self-defense abilities. Fuel your child’s enthusiasm for learning while building character. Enroll now to unlock a world of growth and achievement!

Music and Method

15 Athena Place 917-715-6865


edmund@musicandmethod. com

Music And Method makes music education fun and engaging for beginners! Through its holistic approach, students explore technique, music theory, sight-reading, repertoire, and performance, leading to benefits that include creativity, organization, and confidence. Music And Method is dedicated to nurturing a new generation of musicians through private and group classes in piano, guitar, violin, voice and woodwinds. Join the growing number of musicians who are building a sound foundation with Music And Method.

s ilk road ceramics studio 751 Forest Ave. 718-702-6084


SilkRoadCeramicsStudio@ gmail.com

This 4 week throwing on the wheel program is designed for teenagers to immerse themselves in the exciting

world of ceramics. Guided by experienced instructors, participants will have the opportunity to explore their creativity, express themselves through clay, and develop new skills in a fun and supportive environment. No prior experience is required- just bring your enthusiasm and a willingness to get your hands muddy!

south b each art and d esign studio

3044 Amboy Road 347-322-1860

avail.interiors@gmail.com sbadnyc.com

This top rated art school offers expert art and design classes for both kids and adults, with flexible schedules and portfolio preparation for top schools like Mark Twain and LaGuardia H.S. Students develop both the skills and the competencies essential for success and leadership in the emerging creative society. South Beach Art & Design Studio is a leading art school

that prepares students to understand, contribute, and succeed in a rapidly changing society through the means of art.

staten i sland community tennis center 2800 Victory Blvd. 728-982-3355

sitenniscenter@gmail.com statenislandtennis.com

The Staten Island Community Tennis Center located on the campus of College of Staten Island 6 outdoor and 6 air conditioned courts. Fall classes for all ages and adults from beginner to advanced will start September 12th. Visit the website statenislandtennis,com for the Fall 2024 schedule, pictures and videos of the programs. Adult leagues and season courts will begin Monday, September 9th. The professional staff is also available for private instruction by arrangement. Your group can play at random times by calling the club for arrangements.

s prout & b loom s peech Pathology 917-718-3083 sproutandbloomspeech. clientsecure.me sproutandbloomspeech@ gmail.com

Sprout & Bloom Speech Pathology is a private-pay private practice focused on developing and strengthening literacy skills, providing myofunctional therapy, and feeding therapy. Sprout & Bloom aims to increase convenience, flexibility and 1:1 support by offering virtual, home-based and community-based sessions. Sprout & Bloom utilizes comprehensive and evidencebased methods to support overall health, wellness, and future success by evaluating critical needs within the community.

staten i sland a rt and culture visual arts studio 109 New Dorp Plaza 646-233-5173


A visual arts studio where

people of any age can hone their art skills. This collective offers small group and individual lessons in a variety of painting genres, different techniques, sculpture, papermaking, portfolio development, and more. They work with acrylics, watercolors, pastels, ink, etc. Best works are displayed and acknowledged in exhibitions. Develop your creativity and aesthetics! Sip & Paint available upon request.

victory gymnastics

3575 Victory Blvd. 718-983-9090


Victory Gymnastics Center is proud to be Staten Island’s longest-running gymnastics facility. After opening their doors in 1980, they have had the pleasure of providing families of all ages with gymnastics, tumbling, parent and child programs, birthday parties, and competitive team programs. The increased strength, flexibility and

coordination athletes gain from gymnastics will carry over to their performance in various other sports. One of their primary goals has always been to help increase the selfesteem of the children who participate in their programs. This positive atmosphere gives children the confidence to participate successfully in school and athletics alike.


addie-tude cultural a rts center

42 Memorial Plaza, Lower Level, Pleasantville 917-215-1720



Addie-tude Cultural Arts Center offers cultural, formal, and mainstream dance. They are committed to providing kids and adults a top notch dance education in Pleasantville, Cortlandt-Manor and Mohegan Lake, NY. While creating nurturing and memorable

experiences. Whether you choose social dance training, stage performance or getting to a competitive stage, their instructors give dancers of all levels a safe space to learn, explore and create. Inspiring you to live better, by dancing more.

amadeus conservatory of Music and theater

201 King Street, Chappaqua 382 Cantitoe Street, Bedford 914-238-0388



Amadeus offers private lessons in all instruments and voices for children and adults for all levels. Instruments include piano, voice, guitar, drums, strings, Suzuki violin, woodwinds, brass and early childhood instrumental classes for babies through preschool. Excellent teachers hold the highest credentials from the most prestigious schools. Teachers are experienced, nurturing, and give

students a love of music. Classes include music theory, chamber music, and composition. Two student recitals a year and NYSSMA preparation. Summer musical theater camp. Lessons begin September 3.

central Park dance

450 Central Ave., Scarsdale 914-723-2940


For over four decades, Central Park Dance has been Westchester’s go-to destination for dance education, offering 200+ classes weekly in all disciplines. With a focus on excellence through its ballet academy, performance companies, and community service, the studio nurtures both dancers and the broader community. Now, with a move to a state-of-the-art facility, owners Mario La Strada and Maria Bai are set to offer even more opportunities for growth and creativity.

Tumbling Classes (beginner through advanced)

Private lessons

Open Gym

Tumbling Clinics

victory_gymnastics_center facebook.com/victorygym victorygymnasticscenter.com The Forest School at Rye Nature Center

Tiny Tots (10-18mos)

Tumbling Tots (18mos-3yrs)

Kinder Gym (2.5-3.5yrs)

PreK (3.5-4.5yrs)

School age (4-14yrs)

Birthday Parties (5 & up)

Our Approach

Friends of Rye Nature Center’s afterschool clubs give students the opportunity to spend some much-needed time exploring the outdoors. Each session will help participants connect with nature and have fun. Learning basic tool use, wilderness skills, foraging, and animal tracking.


Grade K-2

Tuesdays 3:15 - 4:45 p.m.

Grade 3-5

Thursdays 3:15 -4:45 p.m.

Registration available by the session. Fall, winter, and spring sessions available.

cre8tor i ncubator 135 Summerfield Street, Scarsdale 914-723-1875


Cre8tor Incubator’s afterschool program focuses on ideation and creation, offering students a forward-looking curriculum centered on YouTube content creation. They equip students with vital digital storytelling and production skills, fostering creativity, enhancing digital literacy, and teaching effective online communication. Their sessions provide hands-on experience, build confidence, and develop critical thinking skills. In a supportive, collaborative environment, students learn to create their own digital content, preparing them for a future where digital media dominates.

crestwood Music education center

870 Scarsdale Ave, Scarsdale 914-961-3497



Crestwood Music Education Center in Scarsdale offers private lessons in piano, guitar, voice, strings, woodwinds, brass, drums and percussion instruments for students of all ages and levels. A world-class faculty led by Dr. Gines-Didier Cano, provides premier music education; comprehensive ensemble/group, orchestral programs, Music Together (for toddlers) as well as Suzuki and Jazz programs. Experience their new recital/broadcast performance hall.

curtain c all theatre arts 1349 Newfield Ave., Stamford, Conn. 203-329-8207, ext. 700 curtaincallinc.com brian@curtaincallinc.com

Curtain Call’s Theatre Arts Classes: Act now to act out! Classes in acting for the stage, improv, comedy, musical theatre performance, dance, and more for kids grades K-12 and adults, after school, evenings, and

weekends. No experience required. Early registration discounts available thru September 1, 2024. Sibling discounts, payment plan options, and scholarships for those who qualify.

dance c avise studios

273 Halstead Ave., Mamaroneck 914-381-5222 dancecavise.com

Recognized by the New York Times as “setting higher standards in dance education,” Dance Cavise draws on an unrivaled teaching faculty, including top NYC professionals, to deliver programs for all ages, beginner through advanced. The studio’s main focus is teaching proper technique through the use of a custom designed syllabus. Dance Cavise is housed in a 10,000 square foot state of the art facility, offering Fall/Spring and Summer Programs as well as multiple Dance Company Performance Opportunities.

Fancy Feet dance studio

Locations in the Bronx and Westchester 718-824-1981 fancyfeet.com

At Fancy Feet Dance Studio’s Bronx and Westchester locations, fall is all about Learning all things Dance and Gymnastics! Dive into ballet, jazz, hip-hop, and tap, contemporary, gymnastics classes that cater to all ages. Little ones can sparkle in Tiny Tots, while Mini Movers, teens and adults groove in exciting sessions like Jazz/Hip Hop, Tap, Ballet, Gymnastics and Contemporary. Be a part of the magic of Fancy Feet. Whether you’re in the Bronx or Westchester, dance, laugh, and learn with them this fall!

Fit learning o nline PO Box 85 Locust Valley 516-642-6483 fitlearningonline.com admin@fitlearners.com

Based in New York, Fit Learning Online produces one year of gain in core

437 Tarrytown Road, White Plains, NY 10607 tskwhiteplains.com whiteplains@tsk.com @tsmawhiteplains (914) 607-2066

A martial arts program offering a comprehensive approach to fitness, self-defense, and personal growth for all ages, starting at age 3. Whether you're a beginner or experienced, their classes empower you at any level. Led by certified instructors, we focus on practical techniques, conditioning, and mental resilience in a supportive environment. Join us for our grand opening—ask about the free trial class and experience the transformative power of martial arts firsthand.

math, reading, or logic skills in just 40 hours. By applying the science of learning to online instruction, staff creates a fast-paced, goaloriented tutoring experience for every learner: average, struggling, gifted, or learning disabled. They use ongoing measurement of learning to guide instruction, and parents have continuous access to their child’s learning charts to ensure complete transparency of program effectiveness.

Friends of r ye n ature center

873 Boston Post Rd, Rye 914-967-5150



Friends of Rye Nature Center’s afterschool classes allow children to connect with the natural world through immersive, outdoor experiences. Utilizing placebased education, children will learn to build with natural

materials, basic tool use, and wilderness skills like animal tracking, fire building, and foraging basics. Programs like Forest Explorers and Wilderness Encounters encourage participants to develop teamwork and a deeper understanding of local woodlands.

gymcats gymnastics

At Equalize Fitness

1 Odell Plaza, Yonkers 914-965-7676


Gymcats started their classes as young as 20 months and continue to challenge athletes into their teens. All of their classes are co-ed and they offer beginner through advanced level programs. When the local school districts are closed, you can look forward to their popular holiday camps. Their goal is to build a physical and mental foundation for all sports and to promote athleticism and good health through participation

in gymnastics. Register online now.

h off- b arthelson Music school

25 School Lane, Scarsdale 914-723-1169



At Hoff-Barthelson, students find a warm, friendly music school dedicated to the highest education, performance, and community service standards. Hoff-Barthelson inspires and develops every student through excellence in music education with a commitment to creativity, collaboration, and community. Whether a child dreams of Birdland, Broadway, or Carnegie Hall, the School provides every student with opportunities that are right for them. Offering lessons, musicianship classes, ensembles, performance opportunities, professional accompaniment, flexible tuition and financial aid.

J cc Mid-Westchester

999 Wilmot Road, Scarsdale 914-725-7300

jccmw.org/fall-afterschoolprograms info@jccmw.org

This fall, head to the JCC Mid-Westchester after school for fun, enriching, awardwinning programs for all ages and interests! From dance, aquatics, and gymnastics, to STEAM, Tae Kwon Do, and Hebrew language classes, the JCC has something for everyone! Experienced coaches and teachers, in a safe, nurturing, and inclusive environment, provide the perfect space to acquire skills, make friends, and create amazing memories. After school, the learning and fun continue at the JCCMW.

katonah a rt center

40-2 Radio Circle Drive, Mount Kisco 914-232-4843

katonahartcenter.com kiscoartcenter.com

Register Now for Fall

40 Radio Circle Dr. Mt. Kisco NY, 10549 914•232•4843

Private Birthday Parties

All of our parties are private. Our interactive staff will make your child’s party a very special one. Obstacle courses, Trampolines, Airslide, Foam Filled Pit, Air Castle & More! Ages 3 & Up / Book Early!

Gymnastics Classes

•Develop Strength, Flexibility, Balance, Coordination


•Ages 20 mos & Up

•Boys & Girls

•Beginner – Advanced


“We specialize in beginners.”

•Competitive and Non-competitive Team Program

Our goal is to build a physical and mental foundation for ALL sports and to promote athleticism and good health through participation in gymnastics.

GymCats Gymnastics & Birthday Party Center One Odell Plaza, Yonkers (Exit 9 off Saw Mill River Pkwy) �������������������������������������������������������

Steffi Nossen School of Dance + Center for Movement


2024-2025 Season 2024-2025 Season


Parents & Toddlers

Creative Movement

Contemporary Jazz

Dance Company

Adaptive Dance

Adult Dance

Toddler — Adult

Beginner — Pre-Professional

This fall, the KAC Art Center in Mt. Kisco is offering a wide array of after-school and Saturday art classes. Their working artist instructors offer a diverse range of talents, including Painting, Drawing, Sculpture, Encaustics, Fused Glass, Pottery Wheel & Animation with classes for children, teens and adults. Register early to secure a spot as classes fill up fast. Don’t miss the chance to have fun and learn something new at KAC!

logrea dance academy

2 Dale Ave, Ossining 914-941-2939

logreadance.com info@logreadance.com

Beth Fritz-Logrea and Jean Logrea have provided quality dance training for over 39 years. LDA offers annual scholarship auditions, a boys’ ballet initiative, and special You and Me and Pre Ballet programs for children ages 3-5. There are extensive performing opportunities

for children age 6 and up including the Westchester Ballet Company’s production of “The Nutcracker”. LDA presents annual spring performances featuring ballet, modern, jazz, tap, and theater dance.

Play g roup theatre

One N. Broadway, White Plains 914-946-4433 playgroup.org info@playgroup.org

The Play Group Theatre is preparing kids for every stage of life while giving them the tools they need to succeed on stage today! This fun-filled, non-competitive performing arts program provides actor training at the highest level while fostering friendships and building skills that last a lifetime.

r ising s port stars

280 Old Mamaroneck Rd, White Plains 929-841-4500 RisingSportStars.com


Rising Sport Stars, a Jr. Knicks Affiliate, delivers top-tier basketball experiences for kids aged 3 and up. Their innovative approach blends small-group activities and dynamic drills, fostering both individual excellence and collaborative teamwork. Players hone essential skills—shooting, ball handling, passing, and defense—their coaches tailor activities to each player’s unique needs. Recognized as a premier youth basketball program in the tri-state, Rising Sport Stars is where young athletes thrive and their passion for the sport ignites.

steffi n ossen school of dance

216 Central Ave., White Plains 914-328-1900 steffinossen.org

Creative Movement, Modern, Ballet, Jazz, Tap, and new Afrobeats - African Dance meets Hip-Hop - reflect the

philosophy that dance is universal and a unique form of education developing the body, mind, spirit and character. Engaging classes challenge each student to strive for personal excellence in a supportive, inclusive, non-competitive environment. Faculty foster the joy and discipline of dance, training professionals and recreational dancers with equal encouragement and enthusiasm. Free Week of Dance September 23rd – 28th.

studio b dance center

277 White Plains Road, Eastchester 914-793-2799


Studio B features three spacious studios, two comfortable waiting rooms, and viewing windows. Convenient classes allow siblings to dance at the same time. Highly qualified, nurturing staff teach boys and girls ages 2 and up. Open


Music Lessons in Chappaqua and St. Matthew’s Church, Bedford Fall Semester Begins September !

Piano, Guitar, Drums, Strings, Suzuki Violin, Voice, Winds, Brass Children and Renowned Amadeus Conservatory Faculty NYSSMA preparation

Inspiring creativity through the arts

914 238 0388 amadeusconservatory.com amadeusconservatoryofmusic@gmail.com

Dance Aquatics Learn

7 days a week, the studio offers birthday parties, non-competitive company performance opportunities, and a separate competition team. Teens are invited to join our leadership and mentoring program. Open seven days a week.

tiger schulmann’s Martial arts

about their free trial class and experience the transformative power of martial arts firsthand.

World cup gymnastics 170 Joan Corwin Way, Chappaqua 914-239-4967 worldcupgymnastics.com gymnastics@ worldcupschools.com

437 Tarrytown Road, White Plains 914-607-2066 tskwhiteplains.com whiteplains@tsk.com Their martial arts program offers a comprehensive approach to fitness, selfdefense, and personal growth for all ages, starting at age 3. Whether you’re a beginner or experienced, their classes empower you at any level. Led by certified instructors, they focus on practical techniques, conditioning, and mental resilience in a supportive environment. Join them for their grand opening—ask

World Cup Gymnastics provides a strong fitness foundation for children, helping them embark on a healthy, active lifestyle while discovering their inner champion. Their diverse programs include parent and me classes, preschool gymnastics, recreational and competitive gymnastics, and cheer tumbling. The excitement doesn’t end there! They also offer summer camps, birthday parties, and “Kids Night Out”. No matter the skill level, every child can find a program that sparks their passion at World Cup Gymnastics!

Afterschool leaders

Ask any kid who their favorite teacher is, and it’s likely to be the one teaching their favorite subject (which explains why there are so many beloved gym teachers out there). So there’s a good possibility that the person leading the exciting activities your child attends after school - when the fun really happens - is someone they admire greatly and enjoy learning from. That’s why it’s so important that the staff at any afterschool programs your child enrolls in are trustworthy, knowledgeable and talented, like the professionals listed below who each serve as exemplary leaders in their respective fields. Read on to learn about the person who might be at the forefront of your child’s next afterschool adventure.

Academy at Steps on Broadway

Jennifer Kreichman, Director

Jennifer Kreichman is a dance educator with over three decades of experience training preprofessional dancers. Following an illustrious dance career, she has spent the past 17 years as the Senior Adjunct Professor in Adelphi University’s Dance Department. Now, she brings her expertise and passion to the Steps Academy, where she takes pride in cultivating her students’ individual gifts and building relationships with families that extend beyond their years at school.

Addie-tude Cultural Arts Center

Addie Diaz, Owner and Dance Instructor

Addie Diaz, has a background in LatinCaribbean dance and has traveled throughout the U.S. and abroad to perform at live concerts for top recording Salsa artists. Addie is a certified world Summit Championship latin dance competition judge, dancer and choreographer on movie sets, an ArtsWestchester resident artist, and taught dance workshops at events in international countries. Teaches and owns Addie-tude Cultural Arts Center in Pleasantville. Where she offers dance classes to the Westchester County community.

All Star Studios

Rysa Childress, Owner

Rysa’s passion for the art of dance and music, which started over 35 years ago, led her to experience many different styles from Ballet, Jazz, and Hip Hop to Salsa, Belly-dancing, and African. She earned her BA in Interdisciplinary Studies/Early Childhood with a minor in Dance. She has taught, performed, and choreographed for over 20 years throughout the U.S. Since 2008, Rysa has been the proud Owner/Director of All Star Studios in Forest Hills, Queens.

Amadeus Conservatory of Music

Deborah Molodofsky, Founder and Director

Celebrating 30 years of educating students at Amadeus, Deborah Molodofsky is a concert violinist, and was a member of the Mexico City Philharmonic, the Amadeus Quartet, Joachim Trio, The Debussy Quartet, Toledo Symphony and String Quartet, Michigan Opera, Michigan Chamber Orchestra, Florida West Coast Symphony and many music festivals. She has a Bachelor of Music from the University of Michigan School of Music, an MA and PhD (Abd) and has studied at the Mozarteum in Salzburg.

Art l ab

Daly, Executive Director

Lynnanne Daly, Art Lab’s executive director, has a 20-year career in the fields of art and education. After receiving her BA in art and psychology, she was an instructional support educator, coordinator of adult and teen educational programs, gallery manager, and Montessori School art specialist prior to working at Art Lab. She is deeply committed to Art Lab’s environment of creativity and expression. All creative beings are welcome at Art Lab!

Bloomingdale School of Music

Erika Atkins, Executive Director

Erika Atkins has been the Executive Director of the Bloomingdale School of Music since September 2020. For over 15 years, Erika has worked as an arts administrator, youth development professional, teaching artist, and performer in New York City and her native Washington D.C. area. Before Bloomingdale, she worked at the New Victory Theater and Levine Music, where she developed operations and support systems and taught as a teaching artist and workshop facilitator within the programs.

British Swim School, long island

Turner, Owner and Operator

Phil Turner has been an owner in the British Swim School system since 2018. Originally from California, Phil was a competitive swimmer and became a swim coach during his college years. He then worked for two decades in the world of corporate retail before returning to his passion full-time with British Swim. With 7 locations and 60+ employees, he is grateful to impact so many neighborhoods by ensuring Water Safety education happens in our communities!

British Swim School, Staten island

Eliza Fuentes, Manager

of Instructors

Eliza Fuentes joined British Swim School as an instructor in February 2022, and was promoted to Manager of Instructors for Staten Island in May 2024. She has extensive training within British Swim School’s unique curriculum around Special Abilities, Adult Learning, and Water Safety Instruction. She is a passionate believer that all people should have the chance to learn to swim! In addition to working with British Swim, she also coaches Rowing with the Urban Assembly Harbor School.

Broadway Dance Center Children and teens

Allie Beach, Director of Youth Programming

Allie Beach (she/her) is a native of Jackson, Mississippi and has been a proud part of the Broadway Dance Center family for over a decade. She was a competitive dancer since the age of 6 and still enjoys taking classes regularly. Allie received her Bachelor’s degree in Communication from Marymount Manhattan College and her Master’s degree in Media Ecology from New York University.

Central Park Dance Studio

Maria Bai, Artistic Director and Mario LaStrada, Director of Operations

Maria Bai and Mario LaStrada have owned and operated Central Park Dance for over 40 years, building a vibrant community where dancers of all ages thrive. Offering 200+ classes weekly, their school nurtures talent across all disciplines, from a focused ballet academy to performance companies in jazz and hip-hop. Their production of The Nutcracker at The Capitol Theater is a Westchester highlight, drawing sold-out audiences every year.

Collina italiana

Born in the center of Italy, Cristina moved to the Bologna area at the age of 19 to study International Relations and Diplomatic Affairs. Widely traveled, Cristina attended language courses in England, France, Estonia, and Russia. Talented in Public Relations, she approaches all that she does with energy and enthusiasm, at work and in life. She enjoys living in NYC with her family and she is very passionate about singing, theater, and all fun activities.

Par�ner wi�h Us

Cre8tor incubator

At Cre8tor Incubator, their mission is driven by industry leaders like Matty Kirsch, an Emmynominated producer renowned for his work on the Fortnite World Cup Finals. Matty’s extensive expertise in digital content spans video games, animation, and live events, shaping a curriculum that prepares aspiring creators for success. Supported by seasoned experts Robert DePalma and Dave Henderson, Cre8tor Incubator stands as a beacon of innovation in digital media education, equipping students with cutting-edge skills and knowledge.

Creative Arts and Sports

Mark McCarroll, Founder of CAS & Head Coach

Coach Mark McCarroll, founder and head coach at CAS, grew up in Jamaica, Queens, and played basketball at high levels in high school, college, and professionally in Europe. In 2021, Mark founded CAS, creating a program where kids can develop skills, build friendships, and lay the foundations for personal growth. The CAS Home Court on Mulberry Street is home to classes, team practices, and a vibrant community environment at least five days a week.

Dance Factory

Michelle Caputo & Nicole CaputoD’Agostino, Co-Owners and Artistic Directors

Nicole Caputo-D’Agostino brings over 35 years of dance experience, having trained at the Joffrey Ballet School and received a BFA from NYU Tisch. She’s recognized for her excellence in dance education and choreography. Michelle Caputo is a former New York Knicks City Dancer and Captain. With extensive professional dance experience, she’s performed globally and has been featured by Body Wrappers Dancewear and Broadway Dance Center.

Dance Workshop

Nanci & MaryAnn Grasso, Owners

MaryAnn Grasso founded Dance Workshop in 1979. Her daughter Nanci later joined her at the helm and in 2016 established Dance Workshop on the Upper East Side of NYC. MaryAnn and Nanci have devoted their lives to dance education, community and the development of children; raising dancers and sound human beings alike. Dance Workshop has seen thousands of dancers pass through the doors. They believe dance has the power to elevate and change lives!

Crestwood Music education Center

Dr. Gines-Dider Cano, Owner and Director

Offering world-class, private instrument instruction for children and adults from a distinguished faculty led by Director Dr. GinesDidier Cano. Dr. Cano received his doctorate from the Manhattan School of Music, Masters of Music from The Juilliard School, and Premier Prix from Quebec Conservatoire. He has taught at universities and conservatories all over the world. For more information on Dr. Cano and his faculty, please visit the school’s website,

De A Music & Arts

Magi Kapllani, Founder & CEO

Magi Dizdari Kapllani is an accomplished pianist dedicated to sharing her musical knowledge with the next generation. A prodigy, she has performed as a soloist across Europe and the U.S. and collaborated with renowned orchestras. In 2004, she founded DEA Music and Art Studio, which has grown from eight students to hundreds. Magi’s influence as an educator is profound, with her students winning international competitions and performing at prestigious venues.

Dance Cavise Studios

Joe Cavise, Owner

“Westchester’s Dance Man”, Joe Cavise began his professional career in 1983 when he joined the original Broadway company of CATS. Pivoting to pursue his passion for dance education, Joe opened Dance Cavise in 1989 with his wife Lori. He has been its driving force, adopting a philosophy of “anyone with a heart can dance as long as you T-R-Y.” In addition to the studio, Mr. Cavise created and teaches Beyond Ballroom and Beyond Broadway Dance Programs throughout several Westchester County school districts.

Dedimus Potestatem

Elizabeth Chen, CEO

Elizabeth Chen has been teaching young leaders for over a decade and currently works with schools, international NGOs, and grassroots organizations. She has trained teachers around the world and written curriculum for elementary, middle, and high school advocacy programs. She has been active at the United Nations and worked with local government leaders in Africa, Eastern Europe, and the Middle East. She founded Dedimus Potestatem with the objective of empowering the next generation of leaders.

the Diller-Quaile School of Music

Jennifer Patten, Executive Director

Jennifer Patten serves as the Executive Director of The Diller-Quaile School of Music, where she leads with a deep commitment to the School’s mission of inspiring creativity and fostering a lifelong love of music. Jennifer holds advanced degrees from Boston College, Northwestern University, and Teachers College, Columbia University, underscoring her dedication to arts education and leadership.

FastracKids l earning Center, Staten island

Franco Verdino, Director

Franco Verdino, the director of FasTracKids and Eye-Level Learning, holds a BBA from Baruch College in Finance & Marketing. He is an award winning educational administrator and has been named Top Licensee with FasTracKids and Eye-Level Learning in 2009, 2010 and 2011, & 2022. Franco believes that education is the key to our children’s future and that if he is successful, he will be helping children in the NYC area reach their full potential!

Fancy Feet Dance Studio

Susan Mendogni, Founder

Susan Mendogni, the dynamic founder of Fancy Feet Dance Studio, brings over 44 years of dance expertise and a passion for nurturing young talent. A former professional dancer and acclaimed choreographer, Susan has trained hundreds of students, some of whom have gone on to dance professionally. Her vibrant, supportive teaching style helps kids of all levels thrive, whether they’re just starting or aiming for the stars.

Fenix Studios

Tony Hansen, Owner

Fenix Studios is celebrating 25 years of serving the local music scene. Owner Tony Hanson opened the facility envisioning a one-stop-shop for aspiring artists. With a consistent goal of presenting accessible resources, and nurturing the talent of everyone who walks through the door, Fenix leads a great path of creativity, inclusivity, and production. As they’ve expanded, Fenix Fitness was born with the goal of incorporating health and wellness into the everyday lives of individuals.

the Fashion Class

Kerri Quigley, Owner and Founder

Kerri Quigley, a Brooklyn native and mom of two, is the author of Fashion Design for Kids and the founder of The Fashion Class in NYC. Her love for fashion began when her grandmother taught her to sew, sparking a lifelong passion. A Parsons School of Design graduate, Kerri worked in the industry before launching The Fashion Class, where she now inspires young students to create and sew, sharing her passion for fashion every day.

FastrackKids learning Center, Brooklyn

Veronica Verdino, Director

Veronica has a true passion for educating young children that has resulted in helping those children achieve outstanding results in their schooling and lives. FTKNY offers tutoring, afterschool programs and group classes to children ages 2-14 years old. She has a Master’s Degree in Education as well as in Health Sciences and is an expert in Gifted & Talented Education in New York City with well over 21 Years of expertise since 2003!

Fit l earning online

Kimberly Berens, Ph.D., Founder and CEO

Kimberly Berens, Ph.D. is the Founder of Fit Learning and CEO of Fit Learning Online. She is a leading expert in the science of learning applied to instructional design. Dr. Berens is a frequent invited speaker, podcast guest, and contributor to popular press publications. She is the author of the critically acclaimed book, Blind Spots: Why Students Fail and the Science That Can Save Them. Dr. Berens resides on the North Shore of Long Island.

Friends of rye nature Center

Allison Rogers, Education Director

Allison Rogers, Friends of Rye Nature Center’s Education Director since 2013, holds a Master’s Degree in education from Manhattanville College with a focus on special education. Passionate about environmental education, she collaborates with the teaching staff to create STEM-based curricula aligned with Next Generation Science standards. Allison’s commitmen to placebased learning and outdoo exploration ensures that the programs foster children’s curiosity and connection to nature, making each experience both educational and inspiring.

German l anguage School of Greater ny

Ursula E. Beitter, Principal, Director

Dr. Beitter received her PhD from NYU in German Language & Literature. She taught at the College level for 30 years and is Principal at German-American School Association’s after-school language program. Dr. Beitter transitioned the school from a monolingual (German) curriculum to its current bi-lingual (English/German) model, making the after-school program attractive to everyone. Dr. Beitter expanded the school’s courses with AP preparatory for German.

Greenwich House Music School

Rachel Black, Director

JCC of Staten island

Irina Zaviyalova, Director of Aquatics Programming & Operations

Irina Zaviyalova (formerly Vyguzova) is a former elite World-class athlete and two-time Olympic diver, who currently serves as Director of Aquatics Programming & Operations at the Joan & Alan Bernikow JCC of Staten Island. Irina has extensive experience in coaching and management at both international and local levels. In her current role, she promotes community swim safety and wellness through aquatics programs for children and adults. She recently reinvigorated the JCC’s Swimming Academy, which brings quality swim instruction to Staten Island youth.

Rachel Black is a dynamic leader in the arts, serving as Director of Greenwich House Music School (GHMS) since 2013. At GHMS, a historic Greenwich Village institution offering music, art, theater and ballet lessons and classes, Rachel co-founded the Uncharted concert series, launched the Healing HeArts drama therapy program, and actively collaborates with NYC public schools and community organizations to expand arts access.

JCC Mid-Westchester, Scarsdale

Elise Dowell, CEO

Elise Dowell joined the JCC Mid-Westchester as CEO in 2022 with the vision of revitalizing the organization, expanding its reach, uplifting the community, and enriching the lives of residents. In the past few years, Elise has done exactly that. She has led a major transformation of JCCMW which now serves 25,000+ people and offers 1,200+ programs. Elise and her team work each day to make JCCMW an inclusive destination for growth, connection, and joy.

Hoff-Barthelson Music School

Gabriella Sanna, Executive Director

Gabriella Sanna is a visionary leader with a distinguished record in program development, enrollment growth, fundraising, and recruitment at prominent Boston music institutions. She has been Director of The Rivers School Conservatory and Co-Chair of its Performing Arts Department. Sanna also led Project STEP and the Dedham School of Music, significantly enhancing enrollment and programs. An accomplished performer, she holds degrees in piano performance from Longy School of Music and Conservatorio di Musica “L. Canepa.”

Katonah Art Center

Loren Anderson, Director

Loren Anderson received a BFA from Syracuse University in 1983. Pursuing a lifelong goal, she opened the South Salem Art Workshop in 1997. Her success and love of teaching art led her to expand the studio into the Katonah Art Center which later became the KAC Art Center in Mt. Kisco. Ms. Anderson’s paintings have been displayed in exhibits throughout the country, including the Pastel Society of America and Allied Artists of America. Her pastel paintings have earned her several awards and are in many private collections. Her work can be found at lorenandersonart.com.

imagine Works

Jill Moody, Founder and Teacher

Jill Moody founded Imagine Works 11 years ago to offer a low cost theater arts program so that all kids could pursue their passion for performing. Jill has spent her entire life training & performing in both NYC and Philadelphia. She worked as an assistant talent agent, and has taught at various other NYC theater programs. Jill received her Masters degree in Childhood Education, and has been teaching theater for the past 13 years in NYC.

l aunch Math + Science Centers

Scott Heifetz, Owner

From building NASA rockets as an aerospace engineer to leading businesses as a CFO, Scott Heifetz’s success has always been rooted in math and science. He worked at New York City’s largest tutoring company under the No Child Left Behind Act and taught as a professor in Manhattan and now owns Launch Math + Science Centers, a premier Manhattan STEM center inspiring children to love and learn math and science. Scott holds a BSE in Aerospace Engineering from The University of Michigan, an MS in Aeronautical Engineering from Caltech, and an MBA from New York University’s Stern School of Business.

l ogrea Dance Academy

Beth Fritz-Logrea, Director

Beth Fritz-Logrea was a protege of Dame Alicia Markova. In Memphis, Tennessee, she received early training with Charles Kirby and Manola Agullo, and at 16 joined the Metropolitan Opera on a scholarship. Ballet Etudes Repertory Company, St. Gallen Stadt Theater (Switzerland), and the Graz Opera House (Austria) have all featured her as principal dancer. Her 60-year career includes 39 years as co-directing Logrea Dance Academy and being co-artistic director of Westchester Ballet.

le AP immersive l earning Center

Dr. Maria T. Casale, Ph. D., CEO and Founder

Dr. Maria Casale is the CEO and founder of LEAP, an immersive learning center for the past 25 years. She is also the founder and educational director of ‘Parents as Partners’ Homeschool Connections Cooperative Programs (HSC). Recently, Maria’s vision for developing unique learning experiences for kids inspired the creation of Fusion Programs. Maria is the co-founder of Fusion Programs, developed to foster individuality, creativity, and collaboration through the natural ingenuity of kids, teens, and adults.

Music institute of l ong island

Carol & Geri Kushner - Directors of MILI for 35 years

The sisters are violinists, violists, chamber coaches and performers. They believe in instilling the love of music, fostering proficiency, success, confidence and believe all MILI students achieve success. Degrees BM, MM (+), K-12 certifications, attended Manhattan School of Music, Queens College and Stonybrook University. They have been adjunct professors at Syracuse University, Aaron Copland School of Music Pre-College and Five Towns Colleges, Stonybrook University, and have taught in L.I. public schools as well.

ninja Gymnastics Factory

Samantha and Cristian Quesada, Owners

Samantha and Cristian Quesada are a husband-wife team who own and operate Ninja Gymnastics Factory in Riverdale. With more than 4 decades of combined professional experience, they have directed competitive gymnastics teams, built ninja-warrior programs, coached all ages and levels of athletes, participated in countless youth outreach projects, and were top-ranked competitive gymnasts themselves. Now the pair bring their expertise to the community with their own safe, welcoming facility where kids can let loose and learn!

Master Curry Karate

Tom Curry, Grand Master

Grand Master Tom Curry, a retired NYPD Intelligence Detective and Tactical Instructor, has been teaching families in Staten Island for over 30 years. Since beginning his training in 1971, he has fostered a fun, empowering environment for students of all ages, focusing on personal growth and confidence. A 9th Degree Black Belt, he has instructed law enforcement and led seminars nationwide. Join this growing family and experience the transformative benefits of martial arts training.

one river School of Art & Design

Matt Ross, Founder and CEO

As the Founder and CEO of One River School of Art + Design, Matt Ross remains focused on his goal to Transform Art Education® in America. At the forefront of creative education, Mr. Ross has overseen the development of a purpose-built curriculum based on contemporary art. Previously, he was Founding CEO of School of Rock, where he helped to build the company into the world leader in music education. He has also held management positions in broadcasting, working for Clear Channel, CBS and Viacom. Mr. Ross supports arts-based non-profits and sits on the Board of Trustees for Art 21 and the Bergen Performing Arts Center.

Music And Method

Edmund Yu, Founder and Lead Teacher

Edmund Yu is a dynamic musician who has been a part of music education on Staten Island for more than 22 years. His teaching career began in 2002 when he launched Music And Method, a teaching studio that specializes in piano and has since grown to include classes in guitar, violin, voice and woodwinds. Edmund is committed to serve Music And Method to establish a foundation of music literacy for its students and community.

Park Slope united

Nate Bell, Club Founder & Executive Director

Nathan Bell is the club’s Executive Director in charge of designing and executing all of PSU’s club strategy. Nate founded the club with the goal of bringing to the United States the type of professional and community-based soccer academy he had experienced in Europe. Since then, he has grown the club to over 3,000 players and over 50 staff members, while maintaining the club’s commitment to community and integrity—and continuing to push forward the level of excellence of the players, coaches and staff each day.

Planet Han

Irene SauKing Coeny, Owner

Irene SauKing Coeny emigrated to America with a dream to enrich children’s lives by sharing Chinese culture and language. In 2010, she opened Planet Han, a school which has provided Mandarin classes to thousands of children; classes both fun and immersive. One part of Irene’s vision was for her two children to be fluent in Mandarin, which they now are. With her dedicated team of educators, Irene proudly and confidently takes on Planet Han’s fifteenth year!

rising Sport Stars

Jonathan Rampersad, CEO/Founder

Jonathan, a passionate athlete, founded Rising Sport Stars in 2013. Through fun, interactive sessions, children develop essential skills. With 11 years of experience as a physical education teacher, Jonathan seamlessly integrates educational principles into sports coaching. As a Lehman College graduate with an M.A. in Recreation Administration. He aims to expand the program and positively impact more children. His tremendous efforts led to the program being recognized by the Junior Knicks and becoming an affiliate.

the Play Group theatre

Steven Abusch, Executive Director

As Executive Director for 29 years Steven has created a PGT community that is a fun and friendly family of students, staff, parents and alumni. Anyone passing through One No. Broadway finds themself welcomed into the net of open arms and is suddenly in it for life. No matter what brings their students through the doors, what they find here is an artistic haven — a creative home where they are challenged to think creatively... and to do it all while making life-long friends and having the time of their life!

Play on! Studios

Lena Moy-Borgen, Executive Director

Lena Moy-Borgen is the executive director and founder of Play On! Studios. She has directed over 100 children’s theater productions all over the country, as well as professional productions for Infinity Theater Company, Arts For All, and the Secret Theater. As a performer, Lena has appeared all over New York City on children’s performance tours, as well as the Signature Theater Company, the Public Theater, and Jazz at Lincoln Center.

rose Academy of Ballet

Melissa Wilson, Program Director, Teacher

With an MFA from New York University, Tisch School of the Arts, Melissa was a member of Dayton Ballet II, Dayton Opera, Charleston Ballet Theater and has danced with classical and contemporary companies in NYC. . After her performance career, she turned her focus to dance education and taught at Ballet Academy East and Broadway Dance Center, in NYC. In 2006, she founded Rose Academy of Ballet where dance is used as a catalyst to create equity and empower youth.

School of American Ballet

Jonathan Stafford, Artistic Director and Chair of Faculty

Jonathan Stafford began his ballet training at Central Pennsylvania Youth Ballet at age 8. He enrolled at SAB in 1997, joined New York City Ballet in 1999, and rose to the ranks of principal dancer in 2007. Mr. Stafford joined SAB’s faculty in 2007 and was named the School’s first Professional Placement Manager in 2015. He was named Artistic Director of both New York City Ballet and the School of American Ballet in February 2019.

ridgewood Dance

Florence Webber, Director & Owner

Owner, Florence Webber, began taking dance classes at the age of six at Joe Wilson’s Dance Studio and he taught her the love of dance. It has been the most rewarding path she has taken. “It is amazing to see students come and go and grow into fine young adults and also have many students return to the studio with their children”, she explains.

Silk road Ceramics Studio

Diana Ferdinando and Darren Corona, Co-Founders

In September 2023, Diana Ferdinando and Darren Corona opened Silk Road Ceramics Studio. With over 30 years of experience, Corona values pottery’s unique ability to connect people through creativity. Ferdinando, a former music educator, discovered the therapeutic power of clay and seeks to blend artistic expression with community engagement. Together, they have created a nurturing haven for artistic exploration and connection, welcoming both experienced artisans and beginners to their studio.


Kevin can’t stop skateboarding. For over 30 years, the challenge, creative outlet, and community formed around skating has become a part of him. A graduate of the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health (SM in Environmental Health), Kevin is passionate about promoting a healthy and sustainable urban lifestyle for kids and adults. Through SKATEYOGI group classes and camp programs, Kevin has shared his love of skateboarding and learning with thousands of students.

South Beach Art and Design Academy

Marina Duvidzon, Founder & Director

Staten island Community tennis Center

Jim Barton, Director

Jim Barton has served the Staten Island tennis community in many ways. He has managed three tennis clubs and was the director of tennis at the Richmond County Country Club. As a coach, he has overseen and trained several generations of students who became NCAA all americans and achieved high national and sectional rankings. Through the years, Jim has introduced thousands of Islanders to the game of tennis.

Marina Duvidzon, a celebrated artist, interior designer, and educator, is the visionary founder of leading South Beach Art & Design school. Her passion for art is both taught and embodied, guiding students through the creative process. As a signature member of NAWA, Marina’s influence reaches beyond the classroom. From organizing prestigious competitions to curating international exhibitions, she ignites a deep love for art, inspiring students to embrace their own artistic journeys with fervor.

Sprout & Bloom Speech Pathology

Nicole Lewis M.S., CCC-SLP, TSSLD, Owner/Speech-Language Pathologist

Nicole Lewis is an ASHA certified Speech-Language Pathologist licensed in NY State. She graduated from New York University with her Masters of Science in Communicative Sciences and Disorders and has her Teacher of Students with Speech and Language Disabilities Certificate. Nicole has experience with individuals across the life-span, including schoolaged children diagnosed with ASD. Much of her work has been in private practice and school-based settings. Nicole specializes in literacy development, myofunctional, and feeding therapy.

Staten island Art And Culture Visual Arts Studio

Anna Sehnsucht, Founder

Anna Sehnsucht is dedicated to enriching the local community through art and culture. An acclaimed artist, entrepreneur, and grant recipient, Anna has designed and implemented innovative programs that combine art, culture, and history. Her engaging initiatives captivate both children and adults, fostering a vibrant appreciation for the arts in Staten Island. Anna’s visionary leadership and creative genius continue to inspire and transform Staten Island’s cultural landscape.

Steffi nossen School of Dance

Tara LeVoci, Steffi Nossen School of Dance Coordinator

Tara LeVoci, School Coordinator, teaches classes throughout the school from Parent & Toddler to Adult Dance Cardio and Modern Core, also teaching Adaptive Dance and Dance for Parkinson’s. After receiving a BFA in Dance from Marymount Manhattan and performing professionally in musical theater and cheerleading, she taught at studios in Manhattan and the tristate area. Tara trained and performed with the Eastern CT Ballet Company, forming her love for bringing dance to after school programs.

Studio B

Nancy Solomon Rothenberg, Studio Director

Award-winning director Nancy Solomon Rothenberg is passionate about dance education. Over the years she has written articles for several dance publications including Dance Teacher and Insight Magazine. If you can’t find Nancy in the office, in a classroom, or backstage at a performance, she can be found on stage presenting dance-related topics to other Studio Owners, and answering questions on dance educator panels. Nancy is also a Certified Coach of More Than Just Great Dancing.

Super Duper tennis

Zani Suttle, Founder & Managing Director

Zani’s love for tennis began at age four, leading to a top-ranked junior career and Division 1 scholarship player. After 10 years in the corporate world, she returned to tennis, teaching in her NYC neighborhood. Her energetic coaching style quickly gained popularity, inspiring her to start Super Duper Tennis in 2014 to make tennis fun and accessible for kids. Zani is a certified coach for kids, adults and cardio tennis and a proud mother.

tGA of northern nassau County

Dr. Moronke Oshin-Martin, owner of TGA of Northern Nassau County, combines her passion for sports with her experience as a former public relations executive and college professor. Her goal is to promote health and fitness while helping children develop social skills, focus, and discipline that enhance academic performance. She also aims to counteract kids’ obsession with social media by igniting a passion for sports and developing a love of the game while having fun.

tiger Schulmann

Head Instructor Daniel Ramirez, a seasoned martial artist and MMA fighter, has competed in over 100 tournaments. Teaching is his true passion, driven by his own journey from a shy, bullied kid to a professional athlete. Ramirez believes that confidence is key to unlocking potential, and he finds joy in helping students build it. “Promoting a student to a higher belt,” he says, “is more rewarding than winning any championship.” His guidance impacts students both on and off the mat.

triple Promise Academy for the Performing Arts

Jill Hudson, Founding Artistic Director

Jill Hudson is a director, actor, and producer with 23 years of experience in theatre education. Jill’s students have achieved careers on Broadway, in television and major motion pictures. Her work has been featured in many prestigious publications, on television, and radio. In 2022, Jill founded Triple Promise, which now boasts over 130 students across multiple programs. Jill holds a MA in Theatre and a BA in Theatre & English Literature from Roger Williams University.

Victory Gymnastics

Born on Staten Island, Richard Lyle discovered his passion for gymnastics in Middle school. He was a collegiate gymnast, helping LIU win a North Atlantic Championship and served as Assistant Women’s Varsity Coach. Richard also coached at Tottenville where he was a varsity athlete and won two NYC team championships. He began coaching at Victory Gymnastics in 1987 and took over ownership in 2017. His joy is watching his students grow through the sport.

tippi toes Dance Company

Christie has a lifelong love of dance, with experience in competition dance and teaching Pre-K and dance for over 17 years. Most importantly, she inspired and directed her daughter’s dance journey. Leading Tippi Toes Dance is a natural fit for Christie as she continually spreads joy as she passionately serves the communities she serves. Christie’s vast experience and inviting personality are perfectly matched in every interaction she has with families, staff, and clients.

Willan Academy of Music


Founder of Willan Academy of Music and a Suzuki certified guitar teacher, Kenji received his Master of Music in guitar performance from Manhattan School of Music in 2009. His philosophy is centered around helping students discover a love for music by connecting lessons to their daily lives. He blends Eastern and Western cultural experiences to create a unique and engaging learning environment. Kenji believes that the learning of music is not simply to develop musical and technical skill, but to help develop students’ character through the study of music.

World Cup Gymnastics

Hebert, Director

Jason Hebert is Director of World Cup Gymnastics. He joined in 1995 as assistant coach and became head coach in 2011, producing national champions and Olympian John Orozco. He was named director in 2007. Hebert grew up in Louisiana and competed for Syracuse University, winning an NCAA Championship and earning All-American honors. He advocates for youth development, believing gymnastics promotes physical and mental health while enhancing academic performance through improved focus, concentration, and cognitive skills.

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