Energy, Oil & Gas Issue 130 March 2016

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issue 130 MARCH

attack Under

The energy sector is facing a significant rise in cyber attacks and those in the industry need to look for email security solutions with advanced threat detection and prevention Critical juncture Why the US shale gas producers are pumping through the pain

Showcase for the world The significance to the UK wind industry of the Burbo Bank Extension Project

Also in this issue - Trends in the industry, cloud IT solutions

Editor Editors Chairman Andrew Schofield Editor Libbie Hammond Staff Writers Jo Cooper Ben Clark Andrew Dann Editorial Administrator Emma Crane Art Editor Gérard Roadley-Battin Production Manager Fleur Daniels Studio Assistant Barnaby Schofield Sales Director Joe Woolsgrove Operations Director Philip Monument Business Development Manager Mark Cawston Sales Darren Jolliffe Rob Wagner Tim Eakins Dave King Research Managers Ben Richell Natalie Griffiths Ben Lister Kieran Shukri Editorial Researchers Jeff Johnson Wendy Russell ­Office Manager/Advertisement Administrator Tracy Chynoweth

In highlighting the cost benefits of a smarter energy grid, the UK’s National Infrastructure Commission has drawn attention to just how unwieldy our current energy infrastructures can be

As I was

writing this Editor’s Page, a report by the National Infrastructure Commission, calling for a smart energy revolution, was released. What is your take on it? Marco Attisani, founder and CEO of cleantech company Watly, believes that: “In highlighting the cost benefits of a smarter energy grid, the UK’s National Infrastructure Commission has drawn attention to just how unwieldy our current energy infrastructures can be.” He calls for using the technology that is at our disposal in order to create infrastructures, which are sustainable, adaptable and fit for the 21st century and beyond. But is that actually achievable? This week I also got news that reports of the demise of the North Sea oil & gas industry have been overblown (this was according to Fircroft.) If you work in the industry, I’d love to hear your opinion!

Digital Subscriptions Iain Kidd digital


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Under attack

Adding security layers to email security infrastructure can better protect oil and gas companies from costly problems


Pumping through the pain

America’s shale gas revolution and predictions for the future of this market


Getting smarter

How big data and 3D printing can help oil and gas producers


Showcase for the world

The UK’s wind energy market and the significance of DONG Energy’s pioneering Burbo Bank extension project



Some of the recent developments within the oil and gas industry


IT in the clouds


20 VTTI Kenya 24 SAL Heavy Lift 27 Iceland Drilling 30 Perfect Bore Manufacturing

Hosted desktops can help ease pressure on the bottom line while improving security

33 Jan De Nul Grup 35 GPT Industries 38 Forsyths Group


18 12 2






41 IHC IQIP 43 Radius Systems 46 Inspection Verification Bureau 48 Holborn Europa Raffinerie 51 Essentra Pipe Protection Technologies


69 Haven Fire & Safety 71 BHDT 75 Engro Powergen 80 ATAC Group 80 83 Wood Group 86 SE Shipping Lines 88 Brevini Group 91 E.ON Climate and Renewables 93 Vysiion 97 St1 Biofuels 99 OCAS 102 Magma Global 104 Evoqua/Electrocatalytic 107 Ledwood Mechanical Engineering


54 Kuwait Energy 56 Pressure Tech 58 Your Group 60 Frerk Aggregatebau 65 DeepOcean Group


107 ENERGY,oil&gas


attack Under

Protecting the oil and gas industry from email threats. By Doug Rangi


recent report from the US Industrial Control Systems Cyber Emergency Response Team (ICS-CERT), states that the energy sector, including oil and gas, is facing a significant rise in cyber attacks. There are numerous reasons why this industry is an ideal target for attack: Oil and gas pipelines are part of a country’s critical infrastructure; the highly competitive nature of the industry, as both private enterprise and countries engage in aggressive market share tactics; and the presence of highlyvalued intellectual property. Finally, the sheer value of the oil and gas industry’s commodities make it a lucrative target. The high volume of email communications within this industry give hackers windows of opportunity to intercept



sensitive information using spear phishing, including log-in credentials, order forms, and other documents which can then be used to defraud industry professionals. Below are examples of spear phishing attacks that occurred in various oil and gas sectors.

Government Warnings: Critical Infrastructure Disruption Politically motivated hacker groups sometimes target state-owned facilities to hinder a nation’s ability to obtain, transport, and store energy resources. Other rogue political groups use phishing attacks to access privileged information to debunk or destroy a nation’s oil and gas industry. A data breach in an energy supply chain can cause severe damage to

Threat protection

infrastructure, put public safety in jeopardy, or even sway the balance of international negotiations. In 2012 ICS – CERT issued a statement regarding their investigation of a year-long campaign to try to infiltrate multiple natural gas pipelines. Their analysis found that the malware used in these cyber-attacks was tied to a single spear phishing campaign and had been attempting to disrupt the control systems of the pipelines (ICS, 2012).

Loziak Trojan: Corporate Espionage Corporations in highly competitive industries may have incentives to obtain sensitive trade information about their competitors to gain a strategic advantage. In 2015, Symantec reported on hackers targeting energy industry workers with

spear phishing emails. The campaign primarily targeted the UAE, Kuwait, and Saudi Arabia, but also affected the United States, UK, and Uganda. The Trojan used in the attack, Loziak, masqueraded as an Excel spreadsheet, spreading malware designed to observe and report device data.

The Phantom Menace: Fraud Targeted attacks impacting oil and gas organisations usually focus on the big-ticket transactions inherent to the industry. Panda Security, a leading computer software company in Spain, investigated a targeted attack that employed a fake .pdf containing compressed files and encryption instructions, designed to affect the device each time the system restarted (Operation Oil Tanker, 2015). The file, referred to as



‘Phantom Menace’, bypassed the latest malware filters and leaked personnel information and corporate resources to the original sender. This attack was troubling due to its ability to remove traces of its actions from the registry, allowing it to do the damage and leave very little clues.

The high volume of email communications within this industry give hackers windows of opportunity to intercept sensitive information using spear phishing, including log-in credentials, order forms, and other documents which can then be used to defraud industry professionals

Email protection solutions Phishing attacks against oil and gas can have various motives, from committing espionage and fraud to causing critical infrastructure and supply chain disruptions. Though there may not be a single silver-bullet solution to securing a network, protecting the organisation from targeted attacks is not impossible. As the risks associated with not investing in advanced security architecture can lead to losses in revenue, market share, and reputation, the costs of recovery far outweigh the initial investment in preventative measures. In order to combat the growing challenges of protecting against attacks, oil and gas professionals should look for email security systems that use advanced threat detection and prevention. With many spear phishing attacks making use of zero-day vulnerabilities that not all anti-malware engines will be able to detect, organisations can improve their email threat protection by taking the following precautions:

Use multiple anti-malware engines: Multi-scanning leverages the power of the different detection algorithms and heuristics of multiple engines, therefore increasing detection of both known and unknown threats, as well as protecting against attacks designed to circumvent particular antivirus engines.

Sanitise email attachments: Many spear phishing emails include malicious Word or PDF attachments, so it is recommended to sanitise incoming attachments in order to remove any embedded threats that may go undetected by antivirus engines.

Implement an SFT server: Set attachment limits: By blocking potentially dangerous email attachment types such as .exe files and scripts, it is more difficult for malware to spread. It is also important to verify the attachment file type so that .exe files that are renamed as .txt files do not get through the company’s filters.

A secure file transfer server allows an organisation to easily send and receive large and confidential files ensuring trackable, instant, and secure delivery. By encrypting files and implementing user authentication, the interception of potentially valuable information can be prevented.

Utilise advanced threat detection and prevention: Enforce an email content policy: With user-based email content policies, such as keyword and attachment filtering, organisations can ensure that no confidential content or intellectual property is sent out through email.



Ultimately, organisations need to make sure their email security system is backed by powerful anti-malware engines, as the performance of the email security programme will hinge on the engine’s ability to detect, prevent, sanitise, or quarantine the suspicious email or attachment.

Threat protection

Scan running processes on endpoints: If email-born threats have already entered your network, scanning running processes and DLLs on both in-network and remote endpoints helps to identify malware before it spreads. By having these added layers of security incorporated into the organisation’s email security infrastructure, those in the oil and gas industry can better protect themselves from targeted email attacks, and not risk losing millions to fraud, or having to conduct costly image campaigns.

OPSWAT Doug Rangi an Associate at OPSWAT, a San Francisco-based software company that provides solutions to secure and manage IT infrastructure. Founded in 2002, OPSWAT delivers solutions that provide manageability of endpoints and networks, and helps organisations protect against zero-day attacks by using multiple anti-malware engine scanning and document sanitisation. OPSWAT’s intuitive applications and comprehensive development kits are deployed by SMB, enterprise and OEM customers to more than 100 million endpoints worldwide. For further information please visit:



pain Pumping through the

Right Eric Wilson, director at Turner & Townsend

Why America’s shale gas producers are still waiting to see who blinks first. By Eric Wilson


hen the Energy Atlantic, a 290-metre tanker, set sail from the Louisiana coast at the end of February, she had a unique cargo aboard – the first ever export shipment of LNG from the contiguous US. But what might otherwise have been a momentous moment – the US’s arrival as a gas supplier to the world – hardly comes at an auspicious time.



The global price of LNG has been dragged down in tandem with oil prices, with the industry suffering many of the same oversupply issues. Yet still America’s gas producers keep pumping – and by the end of the decade the US is likely to be the world’s third-largest exporter of LNG, after Qatar and Australia. But such continued momentum should not be confused with rude health. For many US gas producers 2016 will be a critical year – and not all will survive.

The shale revolution’s legacy A decade ago, US gas production was in decline. Yet 2006 also marked the year that production levels began to rise again, and since 2011 US gas output has been breaking new records every year. Driving this transformation of the industry was the shale revolution – and the ‘fracking’ technology which made it commercially viable to extract gas

Shale gas

have steadily increased the productivity of America’s active fracking projects. Conversely the drilling of new wells has nosedived since gas prices began falling. At the start of February 2016, barely 100 new gas wells were being drilled, down two thirds on the same time in 2015. Production from shale wells can decline very quickly, so this dramatic fall in drilling rig count will eventually drag down production levels once there are insufficient new wells to replace exhausted projects. But total production levels have eased only slightly since last September’s peak, as the owners of existing wells pump harder and faster than ever, even if falling prices have made it steadily less economic to do so. The reason is the financial legacy of the fracking revolution – many of America’s unconventional wells were dug by smaller players, and heavily financed by debt. As a result they have no choice but to keep pumping through the pain, barely profitable and fighting for every penny of revenue in order to service their debt repayments.

Rise and fall of the zombies

for the first time from previously unyielding rocks. Within just a few years America’s shale industry transformed the outlook for US energy security and created tens of thousands of high-paying jobs. But the boom was forged in an era of rising prices – which peaked at $6.18 per thousand cubic feet in February 2014, according to data from the US Energy Information Administration. Two years on, prices are at barely a third of that level. And while the pain inflicted on America’s gas producers has been equally acute as that suffered by global oil producers, the ramifications are different. Just as global oil production ramped up in 2015, so too did US gas production – peaking at 80 billion cubic feet per day in September. But rather than being driven by OPEC-led geopolitics, the steady increase in US gas output stems from more practical reasons. For starters, advances in shale extraction technology

The hardest hit companies have been dubbed ‘zombies’ – debt-laden firms that have just enough money to meet their interest repayments, but insufficient cash to drill new wells. Such companies face two substantial threats in 2016. Those with dwindling gas reserves run the risk of going bust when their wells run dry. And those who lose the confidence of their creditors run the risk of having their financial lifeline withdrawn. With the US Federal Reserve expected to gradually increase interest rates during the course of 2016, the considerable levels of forbearance shown by the banks towards the gas zombies thus far will rapidly evaporate. In fact many observers predict the reckoning could come as early as spring – with the banks calling time on credit lines extended to zombies that are clearly unable to repay their debts. The result will either be a wave of bankruptcies or a spate of consolidation, or more probably, both. Those operators forced to the wall may seek to jump before they are pushed, selling off their assets early in order to get the best price. For those seeking survival through M&A, the companies with the strongest hand will be not just those with the largest gas reserves, but also those with the lowest lifting costs. The winners will inevitably be those that put in place controls from the outset that seek to reduce costs, improve performance and help the project to remain economically viable. Operators in the Permian Basin, which straddles Texas and New Mexico, and the vast Utica Shale in the Appalachian Basin enjoy the lowest wellhead prices, and consequently are the most likely to attract suitors. The outlook for producers in other shale plays is less upbeat – particularly those with projects sanctioned at the height of



Shale gas

The US’s entry to the ranks of the world’s LNG exporters has come at a difficult moment, but its technologically sophisticated shale gas plays remain well placed to compete on the international stage – with many industry watchers predicting that America’s shale producers could yet emerge as global swing players

the boom. Yet having the right controls and capability in place to provide audit and assurance of key project deliverables will help these operators drive greater efficiency. Years of stable gas prices and rising global demand led to some wells being commissioned on the basis of what now appear excessively optimistic price projections – and in a long-term low price environment, it’s doubtful that any amount of productivity gains will save them.

Strength in flexibility Despite their relatively high production costs compared to their Middle Eastern rivals, American shale gas producers have shown great resilience and flexibility in their response to the tumbling price – and many have pledged to continue pumping for as long as their revenues cover their day-to-day costs. Technological advances have allowed them to drastically reduce well count while maintaining output, and the practice of deferring wells – the drilled but uncompleted ‘DUCs’ – has enabled producers to store up latent capacity that can be easily unlocked once prices return to more normal levels. However, great challenges remain. Time may be running out for the zombies, and the drastic slowdown in new drilling will soon start to peg back production. By the time global prices return to more favourable levels, some of the more fragile players are likely to have gone – leaving an industry of fewer, stronger, and more consolidated producers who will in future be more conservative in their price projections when making investment decisions.



Capital expenditure will continue to be scrutinised and operators will be required to focus on cost optimisation at all stages. Data that can enhance decision-making ability in the areas of capital approval and application will be highly sought after. The US’s entry to the ranks of the world’s LNG exporters has come at a difficult moment, but its technologically sophisticated shale gas plays remain well placed to compete on the international stage – with many industry watchers predicting that America’s shale producers could yet emerge as global swing players. For now the US shale gas industry is at a critical juncture in its first major test, with producers pumping at full tilt and waiting to see who blinks first.

TURNER & TOWNSEND Eric Wilson is a director at Turner & Townsend, an independent professional services company specialising in programme management, project management, cost management and consulting across the property, infrastructure and natural resources sectors. With 90 offices in 38 countries, it draws on extensive global and industry experience to manage risk while maximising value and performance during the construction and operation of its clients’ assets. For further information please visit:


smarter Getting

As oil prices collapse, can the industry still soar? By Knut Møystad


ith oil prices plummeting below $27 for a second time this year, industry participants can look to reduce their dependence on the volatile commodity by streamlining their operations and realising efficiency and productivity gains. Below we’ve outlined some of the key trends in the sector that organisations should be aware of: The oil and gas industry will jump on the opportunity that big data presents: machine-learning strategies will become ubiquitous as oil and gas companies start rolling out conditionbased maintenance; meanwhile equipment suppliers will increasingly move to a services-based business model. Equipment manufacturers have begun to embed machinelearning technologies into equipment for condition-based maintenance, to help customers extract maximum value and efficiency from their infrastructure. These suppliers are looking to provide support services such as data monitoring, which will help customers optimise equipment utilisation and maintenance strategies, and will also provide data that can be used in the design phase of new products; for example, with enhanced user data you can improve the precision of your design parameters, thereby optimising both product cost and value relationship. This marks a turning point in the business strategy of suppliers. Oil and gas companies have been hesitant to rely on equipment suppliers to run maintenance programmes as they fear vendor lock-in, which would push up costs. However, they see a benefit in gathering data from their installations to improve operations. Hence, oil and gas companies are increasingly looking for ways to own the data they generate and will be looking to explore technology to manage the condition-based maintenance programmes. This trend is gathering pace as more oil and gas companies take steps to capture and learn from big data to make their operations smarter and reduce costs. The businesses that will be successful are those that develop a strategy to underpin this. To benefit from data, they need to understand what data they are collecting, how to categorise it, what kind of insights they are looking to gain and how to turn them into tangible benefits e.g. cost and time savings. With this in mind, the more advanced businesses will have automated learning up-and-running in their machines so that they can replicate the best results their businesses are seeing across their operations and increase their productivity and performance. 3D printing emerges as an innovative alternative for companies in the oil and gas industry, as they scrutinise their

supply chains and engineering practices. A small but increasing number of businesses are already deploying 3D printing technology and using 3D printing in two different ways: Firstly they are using it to create models for training purposes. Innovation in training methods has been driven by the need to move away from on-site apprenticeships as both safety issues and new technology requirements in the field have rendered a large part of content currently taught obsolete. Hence 3D printing is becoming particularly valuable in teaching onsite equipment repair and maintenance, particularly for offshore and subsea equipment. Secondly, businesses are using 3D-printed tools and parts as a replacement for traditional tools and parts, which helps to access and maintain equipment in remote areas. These parts and equipment that could be printed include almost anything that can be drawn in 2D, e.g. drill bit moulds, actual fix cutter drill bit bodies, and other downhole tools. Although oil and gas is traditionally thought of as a conservative industry, technological developments that enable businesses to cut costs and improve performance and asset integrity are being rolled out in maintenance and operations due to necessity. The driver behind this trend is the drop in the price of oil. Previously oil prices were high, so businesses were able to continue using technologies and techniques that had served them well over an extended period of time. As the price of oil has now dropped, oil and gas companies should be looking to streamline costs and increase efficiencies where they can. They are looking for smart ways to cut costs, and 3D printing is proving an enabler for this right across the supply chain from inventory to transportation.

IFS Knut Møysta is Industry Director for Oil and Gas at IFS, a globally recognised leader in developing and delivering business software for enterprise resource planning (ERP), enterprise asset management (EAM) and enterprise service management (ESM). IFS brings customers in targeted sectors closer to their business, helps them be more agile and enables them to profit from change. IFS is a public company founded in 1983 and currently has over 2700 employees. For further information please visit:



world Showcase for the

Brent Cheshire discusses the UK’s wind energy market and highlights the significance of DONG Energy’s Burbo Bank extension project, which will add an extra 258MW of capacity to the existing Burbo Bank wind farm

Below Brent Cheshire, Country Chairman and Managing Director at DONG Energy UK



ffshore wind looks set to make a growing contribution to the UK electricity supplies this year, with the first contribution from the next generation of colossal eight megawatt (MW) turbines due to make

their mark. These awe-inspiring structures, which will feature in DONG Energy’s pioneering Burbo Bank Extension project located in Liverpool Bay, represent a major technological leap forward for the industry. The MHI Vestas manufactured machines will measure 195 metres from sea level to the tips of the blades at the top of


their rotation, which makes them taller than London’s iconic Gherkin building. But they are significant not only because of their scale but because they will also help to reduce the cost of electricity from the offshore wind industry. The innovation involved in designing, constructing and connecting bigger and more technologically advanced offshore turbines is helping the industry to demonstrate its progress in achieving greater efficiency, with fewer turbines required to produce a given electricity output. Crucially, as the cost of energy production falls, the sector becomes less reliant on state support. We are on a journey to achieve parity in terms of cost with


other energy technologies. The latest stage has seen us setting an ambitious goal of driving down the costs of offshore wind power by 35-40 per cent by 2020, and we are well on our way to accomplishing this. The UK government’s high-profile energy policy re-set, unveiled by the Energy Secretary Amber Rudd at the end of last year, contained positive signals for the industry. It showed that the Department for Energy and Climate Change recognises the many benefits offshore wind can deliver as the UK moves towards a low carbon economy. This in turn provides the sector with certainty around volume, which will ultimately lead to costs falling even further.

Indeed, backing offshore wind is a common sense approach. It is a clean, reliable source of energy that is crucial to helping the UK meet its renewable energy targets. Moreover, increased adoption of the technology is fundamental to the fight against global warming and efforts to enhance UK and European energy security. The EU, for example, currently imports about 90 per cent of its oil and around 65 per cent of its gas, spending some 400 billion euros per year in the process. It makes good sense to divert some of that money towards indigenous energy resources and job creation in member states instead. There is also a clear economic imperative to facilitate the



As the volume of offshore windfarms increases, it has been possible to increase the amount of UK content in projects and encourage the big turbine manufacturers to set up plants in the UK

expansion of the offshore wind industry. The contribution it makes to UK PLC for example is enormous, especially in the North of England, where one of the Government’s flagship policies is to build a Northern Powerhouse. Since 2004, DONG Energy – the world leader in offshore wind, producing more energy from the technology than any other company – has invested more than £6bn into the UK economy and is on course to double that investment by 2020. Burbo Bank extension is a microcosm of that investment and indicative of the positive role offshore wind has to play in regenerating Northern towns and cities. With offshore construction getting underway this summer, the project will create 135 full time jobs locally and provide £4.2m of value added to the UK economy each year. The development builds on the success of DONG Energy’s existing Burbo Bank wind farm situated on the Burbo Flats in Liverpool Bay, at the entrance to the River Mersey. With its 25 turbines, it is capable of generating up to 90MW of clean, sustainable electricity.



Covering 40km² of ocean, the Burbo Bank Extension will add an extra 258MW of capacity and will have the potential to power around 180,000 homes in the UK. An offshore inter-array network will connect the electricity from each turbine and transfer it to a new offshore substation located within the project site. A three-core submarine cable will then run approximately 20km to land along the coast between Prestatyn and Rhyl in Denbighshire. As the volume of offshore windfarms increases, it has been possible to increase the amount of UK content in projects and encourage the big turbine manufacturers to set up plants in the UK. The blades for the Burbo Bank Extension turbines are being manufactured at the MHI Vestas factory on the Isle of Wight. When it opened in 2011, it was the first facility in the world to design, manufacture and test such large blades for the latest wind turbines – establishing the UK’s reputation as a world leader in the field. Offshore wind has been an integral part of the UK’s


renewable energy mix in recent years and deserves to be trumpeted as a national success story. It is one of the UK’s fastest-growing industries and harbours immense potential for further growth in future. Moreover, the industry has fostered a growing UK supply chain and created thousands of highly skilled employment opportunities nationwide, including high quality apprenticeships for young people. DONG Energy is proud to be building on this rich heritage and spearheading a new charge that will cement the UK’s place at the forefront of the global offshore wind industry. In 2015 we successfully commissioned 35 Siemens 6MW direct drive turbines at Westermost Rough off the Holderness Coast – the first time anywhere in the world these turbines have been used on a large scale. Now, with projects like Burbo Bank Extension under construction, the UK is poised to showcase to the world a bigger, better and crucially, more cost-effective form of renewable energy.

DONG Energy UK Brent Cheshire is Country Chairman and Managing Director at DONG Energy UK. DONG Energy is the leading developer of offshore wind in the UK and globally. It has been the market leader since it built the first offshore wind farm Vindeby, in Denmark, in 1991 and now has offshore wind farms in the UK and Germany. Its largest offshore wind fleet is situated within the UK, meeting the electricity needs of almost 1.5 million homes. Its investment (£6 billion to date) is helping the country shift to a low carbon economy and meet its 2020 renewable energy targets. As well as being the market leader in offshore wind, DONG Energy invests in the exploration and production of oil and gas, along with selling gas and electricity to commercial customers. For further information please visit:



Pride of Scotland Scottish Energy Minister, Fergus Ewing, was welcomed to the MeyGen site in Caithnes, Scotland in January to witness first-hand the onshore and offshore construction works taking place. The MeyGen project is the largest planned tidal development project in the world at 398 megawatts of total installed capacity when fully constructed. Situated in the Pentland Firth, Scotland, the MeyGen array will consist of 269 submerged tidal turbines. Commenting on his visit, Fergus Ewing said: “This is an exciting, first-ofa-kind project. I am pleased to be here in Caithness to meet the team and see how the onshore construction works are progressing. “I am heartened to see the involvement of home-grown companies including JGC, Global Energy Group, John Gunn & Sons Ltd, James Fisher and Leask Marine, and I very much hope there will be further opportunities for the Scottish supply chain. When fully operational this tidal stream array could generate enough electricity to power the equivalent of 175,000 homes.” Cameron Smith, Director of Project Development at Atlantis, said: “The MeyGen project represents the best of what Scotland has to offer when it comes to the energy infrastructure development: an integrated supply chain, state-of the-art manufacturing facilities, and world class engineering skills. We were truly honoured to host the Minister and thank him for his continued support on this project.”



Turbine mega heights Based on work with various clients across the globe, K2 Management believes new technology developments like modular concrete structures mean turbine heights are likely to soar to up to 170m in the coming years – higher than London’s ‘Gherkin’, and almost as high as the Eiffel Tower. This compares to the tallest towers of 150m at present. There has been a 48 per cent increase in average hub height since 1999, and based on its experience in the industry and its partnerships, K2 Management has insight on how to manufacture hybrid tower concepts up to 170m. According to the company’s wind resource experts, a three MW turbine located in a forest area for example, with an average wind speed of six metres per second, will meet 13 per cent more wind speed if the turbine height doubled from 70 to 140 metres. Annual energy yield prediction would increase by almost 30 per cent because of less surface aerodynamic drag and the viscosity of the air. Therefore, going up to 170 metres from 70 metres will boost energy yield prediction by 35 per cent on average. The more complex the terrain – for instance forests, hills, mountain, buildings – the larger the impact is in using taller turbine towers. K2 Management CEO Henrik Stamer says: “170m towers could become a common sight in the near future in markets like the USA and Germany as part of a new renewable skyline. We expect to see more of these mega designs as we help our clients get the most out of their wind projects.”

East Africa’s largest solar project Access Energy Group and EREN RE, developers, owners and operators of power projects in emerging markets, have announced that construction of the largest solar project in East Africa will begin in March 2016. The ten megawatt, $19 million solar photovoltaic project in Uganda is expected to be operational and connected to the national grid in July 2016, providing clean, low-carbon, sustainable electricity to 40,000 homes and businesses. It is also the largest privately funded solar power plant in SubSaharan Africa, outside of South Africa. Access Uganda Solar Limited, a partnership between Access Infra Africa and EREN RE, will build the solar plant in the town of Soroti, 300 kilometres northeast of the Ugandan capital Kampala. Spain’s TSK Group has been awarded the engineering, procurement and construction (EPC) contract and will sub-contract parts of the work to local firms. Local labour is being hired for the construction phase and the developers will also recruit and train engineers to operate the plant. The location was chosen due to the region’s low power generation capacity and the need to reduce transmission losses. The first grid-connected solar plant in Uganda, Soroti will make a significant contribution to increasing electrification rates in the region, which enjoys some of the highest levels of solar resources in the country. In addition, with a design life of 30 years, the plant has the capacity to expand as its sub-station is able to handle a further 20MW of solar energy.


New service launched Finnish energy provider Vaasan Sähkö Oy is the second customer to sign up for Utilytics, a new analytics service for the energy market delivered by Enoro. This contract follows quickly the first Utilytics contract made in December by the Finnish energy corporation Loiste Group. Vaasan Sähkö Oy plans to use the energy data analysis for empowering the entire sales team. Utilytics was introduced in response to the intensively competitive energy market. A more diverse group of emission conscious consumers demand more choice and information. Utilytics uses big data to create insights from energy consumer behavior aiming to increase the competitive edge of energy utilities. “Our main reason for subscribing to Utilytics is related to the timeliness and accuracy of data analysis. Furthermore, tight co-operation with the Utilytics team and incremental development of the service during the beta program were clear indications for us about Enoro’s commitment to develop the service in the long-term,” says Olli Arola, Business Unit Director at Vaasan Sähkö Oy. “We are encouraged to see such quick uptake of the service,” says Anders H. Lier, President and CEO of Enoro. “Utilytics is an innovative solution focused on helping energy companies to compete in the market place. By providing energy consumer insights, profitability overviews and detecting new market opportunities, Utilytics brings more competitive edge into energy businesses.”

Predictions for Falklands oil Despite current low oil prices, the oil and gas industry in the Falkland Islands is continuing to go from strength to strength as its first project, Premier Oil’s Sea Lion, moves closer to commercialisation, according to an analyst with research and consulting firm GlobalData. Adrian Lara, GlobalData’s Senior Upstream Analyst covering the Americas, says that governmental changes in Argentina add to the favourable conditions supporting the Falkland Islands’ industry’s advance towards its first oil. While only 15 per cent of the total available blocks in the Falkland Islands have been awarded, farming into existing licenses has been the primary strategy for participation in the basin. With an extensive list of prospects identified in licensed blocks, farm-ins will continue to be the main entry tactic for new companies. Lara comments: “… The new Argentinian government has indicated a clear position of enacting market-friendly reforms including rolling back regulations, re-accessing international financial markets and encouraging foreign direct investment.” He adds that the current landscape supports maturing existing prospects rather than developing new opportunities, with Sea Lion the most successful discovery in the region maturing towards commercial viability to date. Lara continues: “The development strategy presented for Sea Lion is through use of a Floating Production Storage and Offloading vessel (FPSO), which adds flexibility and for which leasing costs have halved. The front-end engineering and design for the FPSO has been awarded to SBM Offshore. “GlobalData estimates a rate of return of eight per cent under a flat $40 oil price, and a breakeven price of $36.85. Under the assumption of an escalating oil price, returning to $60 in ten years, the rate of return improves to 15 per cent.” The analyst concludes that while development in the Falklands will not carry the publicity of the recent Liza discovery in Guyana by ExxonMobil, the sector is moving forward at a steady pace and first oil is expected at Sea Lion within the decade.

Unique equipment Flangeless subsea plug launcher technology from Balltec Engineered Solutions has played a critical role in Statoil’s ambitious infrastructure upgrade methodology for the Åsgard Millom pipeline. Balltec established a close working relationship with Statoil whilst working on a new lifting system for the Åsgard subsea gas compression project. It was during this time that Statoil asked Balltec to investigate the possibility


of designing and manufacturing a

subsea plug launcher to their unique specifications. The plug launcher was built on


technology used in Balltec’s recently developed flangeless subsea PIG

launcher, a subsea tool used to deploy a PIG into a pipeline without the need for a bolted flange connection or diver intervention. The existing technology was significantly re-designed to accommodate a larger smart plug of 4.5m in length with a mass of 1500kg. The plug launcher gripping mechanism was built to withstand pressure of up to 120 bar from within the pipeline. The whole project was delivered to Technip, the installation contractor, within an onerous time frame, which included all FAT procedures and Statoil technical approval. The plug launcher was successfully deployed and used in the Åsgard field in August 2015. The subsea plug and PIG launcher are part of the pipeline engineering solutions offered by Balltec, which includes the original PipeLOK pipeline deployment & recovery tools. Both solutions are suitable for deployment across a wide variety of pipeline operations.




in the clouds Hosted desktops help ease pressure on the bottom line while introducing improvements including physical and online security. By Joseph Blass

W Below Joseph Blass, CEO of WorkPlaceLive

ith the oil and gas sector under continued price pressure, steps are still being taken to reduce costs. Is anything left to cut without compromising performance? And can a company operate with a smaller headcount while having the best IT at its disposal at no capital cost? One area where overheads can be reduced significantly, service levels and online security are improved, and productivity increased, is in outsourcing IT to the cloud. A cost comparison between in-house and cloud computing demonstrates the value of the move. Companies whose operations are widely dispersed, regionally or globally, are particularly suited to migrating their IT to the cloud. SMEs especially benefit through sharing the costs of the same enterprise-grade software, high end hardware and security that their larger counterparts have been enjoying for years.

How the cloud works for SMEs With the hosted desktop approach to cloud computing, staff, wherever they are located, see the same desktop screen they are familiar with, regardless of the access device they are using. All computing is carried out on servers in a secure remote data centre. At the high end of hosted desktop offerings the data centre is supported by a second, which



takes over in the event of business continuity being required. Access devices include an organisation’s existing laptops, desktop computers, tablets and smartphones or, optionally, thin clients. Data backups, built-in resilience and data restoration strategies help keep downtime to a minimum, as good if not better than can be achieved in-house because of the array of technology, processes and procedures utilised by the hosted desktop provider. If the provider is ISO 27001 accredited, its customers can rest assured that every element of the operation of each data centre conforms to the global gold standard in information security management. ISO 27001 also applies to every aspect of business continuity planning and execution.

What does all this mean for the energy sector? What does it impact? IT hardware inventory and costs. Servers, desktops and laptops typically need replacing every few years. Your company might be thinking about making them last for as long as possible. It’s one option to consider but there is a capital, support and potential performance cost to that. In their place you could have thin clients accessing all library files and applications. Thin clients are essentially ‘plug and play’ keyboards with a screen costing as little as £200 each.


subject that makes them pause when considering moving to the cloud. It shouldn’t. Security is paramount and, crucially, this is where the cloud also wins for the SME because of the ‘best in class’ security provided. First, let’s look at physical security. The level of physical security a cloud services vendor provides is often to a much higher standard than an SME can afford or wants to spend. Distributed, remotely located data centres - complete with power backup - are housed within highly secure buildings employing high grade security: fire and forced entry alarms, access control and security personnel. Online security is likewise immeasurably improved in many instances. At last, with the cloud, SMEs can benefit from the same powerful enterprise-grade online security as the biggest companies, because, as with other aspects of security, all costs are shared. Online security tools provides robust firewalls, web filtering, and management of access devices and optional encryption of sent emails. Other tools can be used for monitoring, controlling and enforcing acceptable use policies, blocking access to inappropriate websites and other sites the client wants to exclude, and reducing web misuse by staff. Dual factor authentication, or 2FA, is an important security consideration because, like banks, it enforces the identification of individuals by a combination of user name, password and information known only to them.

Triggers for outsourcing to the cloud Computer networks. Traditional networks linking locations together can be made redundant by the cloud. In the age of hosted desktops - including world class IT infrastructures in the data centres – further or new investment in networks can safely be shelved. That’s especially key in a downturn. Other savings. Outsourcing IT to the cloud can result in a reduced headcount in the IT department, with remaining staff supporting those employees using hosted desktops. Savings from reduced headcounts - and hardware that is no longer required can slice some 30 per cent off the IT budget. Improved productivity leads to further savings. Flexibility - with scalability - comes into the frame because hosted desktops enable staff to work, on that same familiar ‘desktop’, wherever they are. The customer only pays per employee using a hosted desktop, allowing it to take full advantage of hosted desktops’ inherent scalability up or down. Agility. Flexibility enables improved business agility. Offices anywhere can be closed or mothballed, which is a great help if the headcount in any department needs reducing and freelancers employed more commonly to fill gaps. Freelancers or employees don’t have to come to an office to work. A more agile business can respond more quickly to changing market conditions. Security. Energy companies are, rightly, concerned about protecting their data and information. It’s perhaps the one

A serious downturn can be the prime trigger for taking a different approach to IT. There are others, some of them common to a crisis: a key member of the IT staff is leaving; IT equipment needs upgrading or replacing; an office move or closure is afoot; more extensive flexible working is under consideration; online and physical security needs to be improved; overheads are too high. As the industry struggles under challenging margins, hosted desktops should be viewed as an enabler of consolidation, doing things differently and better, and rebuilding. Another plus is that by owning all the risk and much of the financial burden of running the IT, hosted desktop providers put their customers in a stronger position from which to focus on their core business.

WorkPlaceLive Joseph Blass is CEO of WorkPlaceLive. With roots going back to 1996, WorkPlaceLive was founded in 2006 as a provider of cloud computing services. One of the first UK providers of hosted desktop services, its hosted desktops allow customers and their employees the freedom to work from anywhere in the world, from any device, as easily as they would in their office. For further information please visit:



future Opportunities for the

With a capacity of 111,000 m3, ten tanks, one jetty and a maximum draft of 13.25 m, VTTI Kenya is one of the largest and modern facilities of its kind in East Africa. Operational since July 2013, it is the only privately owned terminal to tie into the Kenya pipeline in Mombasa; the pipeline takes product from Mombasa to Nairobi, before progressing further afield onto Nakuru, Eldoret and Kisumu. This available infrastructure in Western Kenya provides the terminal access to Ugandan markets as well as other land-locked countries found further west. Discussing the relatively short but eventful history of VTTI Kenya, Jerome Gelineau, General Manager and Commercial Manager of the terminal, begins: “VTTI Kenya purchased



this facility after clearance from the Ministry of Finance in December 2009 after which it spent about 16 months completing and expanding the initial set up. VTTI Kenya bought it because it was located in Mombasa, the regional hub for product imports and because of its connectivity with KPC and the perceived friendly investment climate in Kenya. The total investment cost was $60 million. Today the terminal handles Automotive Diesel Gasoil which is ultimately delivered by either pipeline and/or by trucks to Mombasa, Nairobi, Kisumu, Eldoret, Nakuru, Uganda, South Sudan, Eastern DRC and Rwanda.� Created to ease the region’s overstretched oil storage and transportation network, the terminal is one of the largest liquid petroleum


VTTI Kenya

The major edge of this terminal is its excessively low operational loss which puts it far above the others. This is a key factor because operational losses translate in costs for the importer and the Kenyan people

storage facilities in East Africa following major investment over 16 months. For example, phase one of developing the terminal included the installation of six tanks, while phase two include four additional tanks. The first phase was completed in March 2012, while the second phase was completed in final quarter of the same year. On top of this, the state-ofthe-art storage facility boasts new technology, including automated tank gauging, automated tank valves, fire suppression systems, cone bottom in all tanks to drain water, tank high level alarms, a high tech security system with 22 surveillance cameras and impervious tank containment systems. Furthermore, the facility is operated from a centralised control room through the utilisation of the very latest in

terminal automation. Following these major developments, on January 23rd 2013 the terminal reached a major milestone when it was successfully commissioned after discharging 9600 m3 of automotive gas oil from MT Uzava for Vivo Energy Kenya Limited. Relied upon by major organisations in the oil and gas industry, VTTI Kenya offers a range of advantages to those operating in the exposed Kenyan fuel import market, as Jerome highlights: “The major edge of this terminal is its excessively low operational loss which puts it far above the others. This is a key factor because operational losses translate in costs for the importer and the Kenyan people. Kenya normally has storage of only two weeks for automotive gas oil and one week for premium mogas. This means any ENERGY,oil&gas





shock that impacts the supply chain will be felt immediately, for instance if the Kipevu and Shimanzi Oil Jetties became inaccessible the country will run out of stock within one week. Utilisation of VTTI will have the following advantages for customers: It will increase the stock cover of the automotive diesel gasoil by more than 100 per cent. It will also reduce the demurrage costs as the large vessels will now be discharged within 42 hours without having to wait for ullage. Meanwhile, there are benefits for larger vessels as the price premiums will reduce due to the economies of scale.” In July 2015 VTTI Kenya proved its capabilities in handling large vessels when it received its largest cargo from the 78,000 m3 oil vessel MT Hafnia Europe berthed at its terminal for oil discharge. The cargo was nominated for the terminal via the Kenyan governmentcontrolled Open Tender System, which tends to be reserved for cargoes destined for government controlled facilities that are used by all oil marketing companies in the region. “The arrival of MT Hafnia demonstrated the ability of VTTI to receive large cargoes efficiently as a flow rate of over 1800 m3 per hour was achieved. Also this cargo was loaded

on to trucks and through the pipeline within a period of 30 days. This has shown that VTTI can be the solution for receiving large cargoes at low premiums for the country due to large cargo sizes and the fast discharge rate will also save the country demurrage as this rate is two times faster than other alternative terminals,” highlights Jerome. While VTTI considers other potential investments in Kenya that will be located near the consumption centres and also connected to the KPC pipeline system, VTTI Kenya will be focused on creating a close co-operation between itself and KPC with the goal of being part of its ongoing investment programme. “The programme is aimed at increasing the distribution of all clean products to the Kenyan markets as well as markets further west,” explains Jerome. “Kenya is at the centre of the different oil routes, whether for products import or for crude export, and has great opportunities to reinforce its position if it can seize them and quickly monetise them. However this will only be achieved if it can improve its business environment, especially as far as the land issues are concerned,” he concludes.

VTTI Kenya

Kenya is at the centre of the different oil routes, whether for products import or for crude export, and has great opportunities to reinforce its position

VTTI Kenya

Services Oil terminal



service Heavyweight With roots dating back

as far as 1865, SAL Heavy Lift specialises in sea transport of heavy lift and project cargo, while its offshore subsidiary focuses on developing and delivering installation solutions for the oil and gas and renewables sectors. SAL Heavy Lift operates as a member of the ‘K’ Line Group from eight offices located within Finland, the Netherlands, UK, US, Shanghai, Singapore, Japan and Australia, employing some 670 people. Further to its strong global network of offices, SAL Heavy Lift maintains a fleet of 16 heavy lift vessels that allow the company to offer its clients highly flexible and dependable solutions. Within the oil and gas market large and heavy components need to be lifted and installed. SAL Heavy Lift represents a key partner with the necessary experience to assist clients from first contact during the project-planning phase through to lift execution and installation. Since the company was previously profiled during October 2014 it has continued to serve clients within the oil and gas sector and completed several complex and technically demanding lift



operations. “2015 offered several significant and interesting projects – in the very beginning of the year our Offshore division finished our pre-piling work on the Wikinger Wind Farm in the Baltic Sea with our DP2 vessel MV Lone,” reveals Head of Marketing and Corporate Communication, Christian Hoffmann. “Later in the year our MV Svenja undertook a remarkable job, when she engaged as the main installation platform in Alaska, installing the gas development platform, Kitchens Light Unit 3. The job was undertaken for Crowley Maritime which was appointed


SAL Heavy Lift

Within the oil and gas market large and heavy components need to be lifted and installed. SAL Heavy Lift represents a key partner with the necessary experience to assist clients from first contact during the project-planning phase through to lift execution and installation

general EPC for the entire project by Deutsche Oel & Gas S.A. The project comprised the installation of a huge monopod structure on top of the already drilled wellhead at 1224 tonnes and 45 metres high, piling of the monopod, installation of the topside and helideck and connection to the pre-laid gas pipeline. We were also busy shipping more than 270,000 freight tonnes of heavy equipment for a huge refinery project in Vietnam. So 2015 offered a great deal of heavy shipping business as well as a few significant offshore jobs.” Throughout all of its operations, SAL Heavy Lift is committed to the highest levels of customer service, as well as the safe and responsible execution of its clients’ heavy lift projects. This dedication to efficient, safe lifting operations remains a cornerstone of the overall service that the business offers its customers. “Our primary corporate focus is safety, indicating our uncompromising attitude towards HSSE,” Christian elaborates. “We know that inside the business segments we operate and with the engineering and energy consortiums ENERGY,oil&gas



SAL Heavy Lift

we work with, our HSSE offering has to be best in class. We therefore continuously provide safety training of various kinds to the company’s officers and crew, we invest in common training for the crew enabling them to develop greater skill-sets within their job functions, which ultimately also enables greater HSSE performance. Next to this we invest in technologies and IT systems that make our HSSE reporting, tracking and implementation of lessons learned more efficient.” Its dedication to responsible operation and the provision of expert knowledge enables SAL Heavy Lift to offer a best-in-class service, which is reflected by the company’s continued award of projects, despite the volatile nature of the global oil and gas market, as Christian explains: “Our clients know that we are the best in what we do – we are capable of delivering shipping and installation solutions matched by very few within our segment. It is the combination of high quality vessels, great



engineering capabilities, paired with a crew onboard that possess a very deep knowledge in the job at hand. This along with a strong HSSE setup is what gives us a competitive edge. Currently the offshore sector faces significant challenges – the offshore oil and gas market is currently at a stand still in most regions and we see very little business activity. Offshore wind appears to be a market that will enjoy more growth over the coming few years and we naturally hope to position ourselves for a few projects here as well.” During 2016 and beyond, SAL Heavy Lift will continue to adapt to the needs of its clients, as well as the wider requirements of the global energy market to ensure its position as a marketleader within the heavy lifting sector. Although the low cost of oil has resulted in a severe slow-down of operations within the oil market, the company is keen to continue a strategy of investment and of targeting greater efficiency and new opportunities. “We currently perceive greater competition in several of the business areas, in which we operate. This is naturally something that challenges all of us within the heavy lifting industry. On a microscale, SAL Heavy Lift considers newbuilding options, as we still see opportunities in the market for certain types of vessels. But it is something that is done with great care and evaluation. We naturally wants to maintain a strong fleet offering to the market,” Christian concludes. “Over the coming years we will work to maintain a strong standing in an otherwise very difficult shipping market. Our Energy and Infrastructure segments will be focus areas where we believe we can provide strong offerings. We will also hope to develop our offshore installation service further.”

During 2016 and beyond, SAL Heavy Lift will continue to adapt to the needs of its clients, as well as the wider requirements of the global energy market to ensure its position as a marketleader within the heavy lifting sector

SAL Heavy Lift

Services Sea transport of heavy lift and project cargoes


Iceland Drilling


growth This year Iceland Drilling will be celebrating its 30th year in operation under its current name, but its true origins reach back twice as far to 1945 when State Drilling Contractors (SDC) was first established in Iceland. With much of the Icelandic economy relying heavily on geothermal energy from its volcanic landscape, SDC was set up to ensure that high quality drilling services were provided to ensure this demand was reliably supplied. When Iceland Drilling was founded 41 years later, its primary purpose was to maintain and enhance the powerful knowledge and skills in the field of onshore drilling that its predecessor had amassed. As such, today, not only does the firm have a dominant market share in Iceland, but also a growing presence on the international market. Since 1970 the business has drilled over 250 deep wells and, demonstrating the rapid growth of recent years, 180 of these have been in the past decade. Operations are currently located in Iceland, New Zealand, Nicaragua and the Philippines. Delivering these projects across the world are eight individual drilling rigs ranging

from small truck-mounted units through to large drilling rigs with 3500kN lift capacities. Such a range enables the company to operate with a high degree of mobility, flexibility and efficiency in remote and sensitive locations. Decades of experience around the world has also resulted in a team of highly trained people capable of delivering a fully integrated project management service as a single contractor, which includes everything from staffing, testing and all other associated engineering services. Gunnar Freyr Gudmundsson, Chief Operating Officer explained that the need to offer this complete package stems from Iceland’s remote location: “As the drilling contractor we have developed an integrated solution for our customers within Iceland, which means that we can take care of the whole well provision,” he says. “Project management in this sense is part of our culture, and we will subcontract the necessary service companies, some of which exist within our own company’s structure, for things like casings, cementing and logging. We also have a strong purchasing department where we buy all the materials needed to deliver a well ENERGY,oil&gas





and supply into that contract.” One of Iceland Drilling’s key successes over recent years is its international expansion into other volcanic landscapes and markets within the ‘ring of fire’. In April 2015, it was reported that the company had been contracted by Emerging Power Inc (EPI) in the Philippines to perform drilling operations for the Montelago project in Oriental Mindoro. With work starting in July of the same year, Iceland Drilling is expected to drill at least two wells in the project, which has a total value of $185 million and is estimated to produce 40MW of geothermal energy upon completion. In a statement given by Martin Antonio G. Zamora, Chairman of EPI, it was revealed that Iceland Drilling was selected for the project in order to ensure technically superior work. Winning such projects and building this kind of reputation in the region of the Philippines, and also Indonesia, is critical to Iceland Drilling’s successful international expansion. “We set up offices to market ourselves better and to be a connection close to our customers,” said Gunnar. Around 40 per cent of all geothermal energy is stored in the region and there hasn’t been much development yet, mainly because oil and gas has been fulfilling the electrical production needs. However, as this has become more expensive, the governments have started preparing a change in legislation to develop this renewable possibility, so the company wants to be present for when this happens. In September 2015, Iceland Drilling successfully secured another significant

Iceland Drilling

international project, this time for the drilling of two wells and work-over on four existing wells at the San Jacinto-Tizate geothermal plant in Nicaragua. Working for its client, Polaris Infrastructure, the company started work in October and the contract comes with an option for a third new production well. Aside from these projects work for Iceland Drilling continues across the world, particularly in Iceland, New Zealand and Ethopia. With a growing presence in these regions and a strengthening reputation to match, the future for the company looks bright as renewable energy sources become ever more focused upon. Gunnar commented on the future vision for the business: “Over the next few years we aim to become established in Indonesia and Africa, as well as retaining a strong presence in our existing markets.” It is clear that with such an inclusive service offering, long history and growing project portfolio programme, Iceland Drilling are on course to realise such ambitions.

R.G.R. – Global Energy Logistics The RGR group of companies, offering logistics solutions to the oil and gas industry throughout the world, has a solid reputation when it comes to global transportation and tubular storage services. Besides regular transports, the organisation offers full program supply chain management from supplier to well, including on-site project management where necessary. With offices in Rotterdam, Antwerp, London, Tananger, Singapore, Dubai and Houston, supported by a network of reliable agents, there is no location in the world it cannot support.

Iceland Drilling

Services A leader in geothermal drilling




investment Based in the

Hampshire town of Andover, Perfect Bore Manufacturing (PBM) Ltd is a market leader in honing, super finishing, gundrilling and tooling, specialising in premier deep-hole drilling and turnkey solutions. The company was founded during 1988 and over the past 27 years has demonstrated itself to be a trusted solutions provider to clients operating within several markets, including the aerospace, oil and gas, defence, power generation and scientific industry sectors. Clients within the company’s target markets require the production of bores in components and in some cases, to sub-micro geometrical tolerances combined with specific surface finish requirements. “PBM prides itself on being a sub contract gundrilling, deep-hole boring, honing, superfinishing and CNC turning provider giving renowned service to its customers. Bore solutions supplied by Perfect Bore can be found in components manufactured by major OEMs such as Airbus, BAe, Goodrich Actuation Systems, Boeing, Moog and Rolls Royce; supporting projects including the Boeing B787 Dreamliner, Airbus A400M and Airbus A350,” elaborates Managing Director, Jason Wyles. “The main strengths of the business stem from the huge investment in its plant and machinery,



people, processes, site and infrastructure. Coupled with sticking to our core values of ‘right first time’ and on time delivery, as well as ensuring there is a manager directly responsible for each service allows the company’s customers to trust in its service and become a valuable partner in the overall supply chain.” Indeed, since 2004 the company’s investment into its machinery, management infrastructure and employees has lead to an impressive increase in its manufacturing footprint from 6000 sq ft to 32,000 sq feet. This has further enabled PBM to meet the ever-increasing demands of its clients and to provide additional services that allow the production of complete preparatory turning operations and the boring and honing of billets up to 300mm diameter and three metres in length. “Furthermore, PBM has operated a fully documented Quality System since 1994 and is fully AS9100/ISO9001: 2008 approved and a SC21 bronze signatory,” Jason adds. “Whilst recognised as market leaders in gundrilling, deep-hole boring and honing, PBM also offers research and development into oneoff prototypes and has a dedicated facility to produce high quality volume parts to exacting tolerances if required.” Throughout all of its operations PBM invests


heavily in the development of enhanced machining capabilities and continually undertakes pure research on new techniques around its core deep-hole processing services. Along with the intention of stretching achievable boundaries, it allows the company to offer true value for money to its customers, with reduced cutting times enabling parts to be manufactured to an acceptable budget. “PBM’s technical engineers have extensive experience of international markets and keep themselves up-to-date with advances in tooling, exploiting years of embedded knowledge to fully utilise the latest deep hole boring technique,” Jason reveals. “Adapted machinery contributes to making the machining of parts quicker, easier and in some cases - possible.” During December 2015, PBM enjoyed further success when it was revealed that the company had been awarded Fit 4 Nuclear (F4N) status following an audit of the business during June 2015 focusing on all of its processes including strategy and leadership, people, project management and health and safety. This significant and prestigious achievement is representative and a result of the experience and proven expertise that PBM has earned throughout a host of industry sectors. “By using its experience from the aerospace and defence SC21 process PBM quickly found this to be an extremely useful tool in co-ordinating all of its business activities and to ensure that every employee is working to achieve the company’s goals,” Jason explains. 2015 also saw the completion of a £1 million investment in the company’s new CNC/prismatic drilling division that allows it to drill multiple holes in various shape blocks and to offset holes in round billets. These machines make it possible to provide cost-effective solutions in drilling holes in mould tools for high-end automotive applications, manifolds for oil and gas applications and plates for nuclear fabrications. Although 2015 was a successful year in terms of the growth and development of PBM, the company acknowledges that the current low cost of oil has created difficult trading conditions throughout the supply chain. Despite these challenges it is keen to continue to work with both new and returning clients by capitalising on its recent investments. “PBM’s main customers tend to be first and second tier suppliers within the oil and gas tool, aerospace, commercial and automotive sectors and the company is

Perfect Bore Manufacturing

actively looking at new opportunities in other energy sectors, such as the nuclear industry,” Jason concludes. “Whilst the aerospace market is buoyant there is a continued threat of ‘offshoring’, while the automotive market is also buoyant a lot of the supply chains are staid and it really is a case of where the business sits in the life cycle of a product. As has been the case with a lot of engineering companies, 2015 has been a very tough year for PBM, however it has carried on with key investments in its facilities and has continued with ongoing business improvement activities to provide maximum value to its clients around the company’s core services. Throughout 2016 PBM will focus on key account development through providing an excellent service at a long-term affordable cost.”

Perfect Bore Manufacturing

Services Deep-hole drilling and turnkey solutions



DESIGN. BUILD. CONNECT. Jan De Nul Group offers specialized services for the installation of subsea structures for oil, gas and renewable energy industries. They comprise seabed preparation, trenching, stabilization and ballasting and can be related to subsea pipelines, cables, umbilicals, foundations or platforms. In addition, Jan De Nul Group also installs cables and umbilicals for these three offshore industries. These types of services are offered on an EPC basis and are always tailormade to the client’s specific wishes.

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Jan De Nul Group

fleet An unrivalled

Jan De Nul Group

was originally a small civil engineering company, however, upon seeing opportunities in the dredging sector, the company took on its first dredging project in 1951. Following this milestone, the company secured its first international dredging project and the rest, as they say, is history. Today the forward thinking group boasts an impeccable worldwide reputation as a global leader in the dredging industry; a position that was attained through a vision to continuously invest in new equipment, a new dredging fleet, new employees and new activities, as Carl Heiremans, Business Development Manager of Jan De Nul Group, explains: “Over the last two decades we have steadily increased our presence in the offshore services, with our vessels gradually being used more for dredging services. Meanwhile, over the last ten years we have begun building specific vessels for other services such as rock installation, pipeline installation and electrical cable installation. We are currently continuing this trend of expanding into new markets by moving into the windfarm market by adding new vessels to our portfolio that are suitable for the installation of foundations for windfarms. We have more than 6500 personnel working for us and over 600 civil engineers, this means we have a lot of competence and knowledge within our business that complement our strong fleet.”

Another way the group strengthens its services is through acquisitions of companies that enable it to increase its capabilities. For example, Jan De Nul added Envisan, a specialist in soil remediation and groundwater redevelopment, as a subsidiary in 1992. In 2000 Envisan executed its first major international assignment: the rehabilitation of the dump site of Zagreb, in 2000. More recently, Jan De Nul Group added PSR Brownfield Developers to its portfolio in 2012 as well as Algemene Ondernemingen SOETAERT nv in 2015. This long-term vision has led to incredible results for the company, which today has an unrivalled reputation for excellence and the world’s most modern and diverse dredging fleet, including the most powerful self-propelled cutter suction dredger, the record breaking J.F.J. De Nul. It also includes the identical Cristóbal Colón and Leiv Eiriksson, the largest trailing suction hopper dredgers in the world; these two vessels have a hopper capacity of 46,000 m3 and are capable of dredging to a depth of 155 m. In addition, the identical Simon Stevin and Joseph Plateau are the world’s largest rock installation vessels. By merging a superior fleet with 500 expert civil engineers, the group is wholly capable of handling the most challenging of projects. Notable contracts awarded to Jan De Nul Group over the last 15 years include the dredging and reclamation of the second Palm Island in Dubai ENERGY,oil&gas



Jan De Nul Group

in 2002, the building of the six new jumbo locks in the Panama Canal from 2009 to 2014 and the installation of 16 foundations for a Windfarm in Sweden in 2009. “To further strengthen our activities in the offshore wind segment we have recently acquired the jack-up heavy lift vessel Vidar for an offshore wind contract with Nobelwind. This job will take place in Belgium and involves the installation of 51 monopile foundations and 50 wind turbines for the Offshore High Voltage Substation (OHVS). This new vessel has an impressive lifting capacity of 1200 tonnes, making it the second biggest of its kind in the world; because of these strengths, it offers a lot of opportunities for us to take on projects involving the installation of monopiles, jackets and so on and the fact it is already booked up until the end of 2016 is very positive for us,” says Carl. Alongside this major project, where Jan De Nul Group will execute the design, fabrication and installation of 50 wind energy generators for the OHVS, the company has also secured a contract with DONG Energy to execute cable installation works for the Burbo Bank Extension Offshore Windfarm in Liverpool Bay. Beginning in Spring 2016, Jan De Nul Group will install and bury 25 km export cable between the offshore transformer platform and the beach as well as 32 infield cables between the wind turbines as well as the offshore transformer platform. The Willem de Vlamingh will be used to bury the export cable, while the trenching of the infield cables will be completed by its subsea trencher UTV1200. The company has also won another contract with DONG Energy for the laying and burying of export cables for the Race Bank offshore wind farm during Summer 2016. In line with this contract, Jan De Nul Group ordered a new multi purpose vessel, the Isaac Newton, which was launched at the Croatian shipyard Uljanik Brodogradiliste. Due to its versatility, the unique vessel can be deployed on a range of niche



projects, from installing subsea cables to trench dredging to subsea rock installation. In cable installation mode, Isaac Newton can transport and lay cable in a single length with a total weight of approximately 10,500 tonnes – an amount far exceeding any of its competitors. Elaborating on the contract, Carl states: “This is an interesting contract for us as it is a technically demanding job that requires a contractor that is capable and willing to develop new technology and new machines in very shallow water where Isaac Newton could not go. The beach in this area has sensitive vegetation that can not be touched or damaged in any way so over the weeks we designed and developed technolgies that are now being constructed. These two huge machines, named Sunfish and Moonfish, will then be tested over the next few weeks so they can go on the beach; one will then plough the cable through the sensitive vegetation while the second machine will go underwater to a depth of six metres below sea level.” With a wealth of major projects to focus on throughout 2016, the future looks bright for Jan De Nul Group as it continues to enhance its solid reputation as to go-to company for niche or challenging projects. On top of this, the company will naturally remain focused on investment in all areas of operation, from personnel to vessels, as Carl concludes: “We are positive about the long-term future, however in the short term the oil and gas market remains sluggish. In response to this we have two multipurpose vessels under construction for delivery in 2017 that will be used in niche projects such as cable handling, cable installation and rock installation. We are also investing in some dredgers, with one being built in Croatia; this one will be the biggest cutter suction dredger ever made by far. In fact it will be 50 per cent bigger than its nearest competitor!”

With a wealth of major projects to focus on throughout 2016, the future looks bright for Jan De Nul Group as it continues to enhance its solid reputation as to go-to company for niche or challenging projects

Jan De Nul Group

Services Dredging and marine construction



Seal of

approval Since the early days

of oil and gas exploration and production, pipeline and flange corrosion has been a major issue for those in the oil and gas industry, costing operators billions of dollars a year. In fact, some operators estimate that 60 to 70 per cent of maintenance costs are directly related to corrosion issues. With the oil and gas industry moving into deeper waters, these costs have been increasing as oil exploration equipment is based in harsher environments under greater pressures. In response to this, GPT was created in March 2012 by the combination of PSI (Pipeline, Seal & Insulator) Pikotek and another company - three business under the EnPro Industries

umbrella, to manufacture and supply reliable, high quality products to major international oil and gas operators, pipeline transmission companies, engineering and construction contractors. “GPT is currently the world’s leader in flange isolation products and pipeline accessories and was an evolution of the original Pikotek product, which was the development of a new isolation gasket to be used in the Alaska pipeline in 1979. Those original products are

still there and many other new and advanced isolation products have been developed since then. Today our customers include Shell, BP, Chevron, Exxon, PDVSA, Aramco, Qatar Petroleum and many others,” begins Ian Morris, Subject Matter Expert for Oil and Gas at GPT. From its two locations in Denver, Colorado, the US, and St Neots in the UK, GPT manufactures a full range of flange isolation kits that are made up of vital components; together these ensure the ongoing integrity and safety of piping systems. Designed to seal and electrically isolate complete flange assemblies, the flange isolation kits can control the current flow in cathodic protection systems, while also eliminating galvanic corrosion by removing metal-to-metal contact. A number of different flange isolation kits have been developed to suit varying applications and conditions. For example, the company manufactures systems that have a metallic central core with a high dielectric strength GRE (glass reinforced epoxy) retainer bonded to both sides to effect electrical isolation for critical service applications. Within the company’s extensive portfolio are highly reliable, robust and innovative products, such as Electrostop® Monolithic Isolation Joints to provide electrical isolation for cathodic protection systems in transmission and flow lines, natural gas plants and pipelines. There are also Linebacker flange sealing and isolating devices, Ranger II® pipeline casing spacers/ isolators; the original LinkSeal® modular sealing system for piping penetrations through walls, floors, ceilings and bulkheads; Riser-Wrap® manhole filtration sealing systems; hole-forming products; and safety-related pipeline signage. “One notable product is a fire safe isolating gasket, the patented VCFS (very critical fire ENERGY,oil&gas


Sealing, Connecting and Protecting the World’s Pipelines Proven reliability and safety assurance

GPT manufactures pipeline solutions that ensure the transportation of oil and gas products is done safely and efficiently. Our complete line of isolating gaskets, monolithic isolation joints and wall penetration seals and more are durably constructed to withstand the extreme rigors of the environment. But our commitment doesn’t end with our products. On-staff industry experts are readily available to work with your business to create the most logical solution to your needs— from concept to completion.


With global focus on safety, reliability and sustainability, we produce innovative solutions that enhance the integrity of pipeline systems today to meet the demands of tomorrow.

Denver, US | Houston, US | St. Neots, UK | Dubai, UAE

w w


safe) product; this is best-in-class for fire safe isolation and is used globally. To quote one of our customers, it is ‘the best gasket in the world, not only the best isolating gasket, but the best gasket, period,’” highlights Ian. Discussing why GPT is relied upon by such a wealth of clients, Ian states: “There are three primary areas that give GPT a competitive edge. The first is the fact that GPT has been producing isolation kits longer than any other manufacturer for critical applications. This experience is immeasurable when it comes to product performance. The applications for the products are normally high pressure, environmentally sensitive, remote locations (where leakage could go undetected for extended periods), flammable and could have significant safety concerns. With GPT products, customers know that they are using robust, time proven designs that will last for years.” He continues: “The second area is that we have the largest staffing of engineers for any isolation kit manufacturing company. Engineers provide technical support to our customers, develop new designs and offer regional support; this is extremely important to our customers because applications vary so widely in design, in media types, in temperatures and pressures, that having an engineer do the research on chemical compatibility, thermal limits, pressure ratings, corrosion activity, metallurgy and so on at no charge is a great advantage. The third area is new product development, with GPT known as the leader in new isolation technology. This effort is a combination of a super engineering group matched with strong marketing tools such as Voice Of the Customer and In-Depth Interviews (IDI). These tools ensure that products developed meet the current and future needs of our customers.” The most recent example of the company’s drive for innovative solutions that will enhance the integrity of pipeline systems while also meeting the demands of tomorrow is the new VCXT high temperature flange insulating kit, which was launched in April 2015. “There have been higher temperature isolating products available by GPT and other manufacturers in the past, but the development of the new VCXT really puts it in a category by itself. The new VCXT has the highest temperature rating available, it has steam resistance and it has the best sealability of any high temperature isolating product on the market,” highlights Ian.

“The steam resistance may not sound overly exciting, but most high temperature isolating products do not fare well in steam. Steam use has grown in the extraction of oil globally and in fracking use, so this is an important attribute. Also, most high temperature isolating products don’t seal extremely well due to short fiber makeup. The VCXT has best-in-class sealability and pressure resistance. The VCXT has passed API 6FB fire testing, so it is well suited for installation in applications with flammable media,” he adds. Key to the development of these solutions are the company’s R&D facilities, which include more than 6000 square feet of test laboratories, where an engineering group of over 23 engineers develop concepts, research new high tech materials and test products. Additionally, there is a functional test lab to replicate customer issues, tests include steam testing, salt spray testing, blowout at high temperature testing and pressure testing. While the oil and gas industry remains stagnant due to the price of oil, GPT is using this mild lull in activities to focus internally on boosting efficiency in manufacturing, standardising processes, training personnel and, of course, continuing to develop new and innovative products. “Over the next 12 months our internal people will continue to be trained on the many aspects of isolation products in pipelines, but we will begin to train our distribution and customers with a new training programme we are calling ‘GPT University’. This is a very hands-on training program where participants will learn proper installation methods, electrical isolation, sealability/permeation and many, many other useful tools in the constant battle against corrosion,” says Ian. “Meanwhile, over the coming years, we will re-invent the isolating kit. Customers have been very helpful in describing their issues with gaskets in general and GPT intends to address all of these issues and wishes so that our customers can rest assured that their isolation systems are operating perfectly,” he concludes.


The most recent example of the company’s drive for innovative solutions that will enhance the integrity of pipeline systems while also meeting the demands of tomorrow is the new VC X T high temperature flange insulating kit, which was launched in April 2015


Services Sealing, connecting and protecting the world’s pipelines



step The next

With roots reaching

as far back as the 1890s when the business operated as a Scottish brass and copperworks, the Forsyths Group has a rich history encompassing over 125 years of industry experience in the provision of steelwork, piping, pressure vessels skid units and tanks. The company’s founder, Alexander Forsyth worked as an apprentice and later as a tradesman and foreman at the Rothesbased copperworks, until finally buying the business from its owner Robert Willison in 1933. With the retirement of Robert Willison and the subsequent purchase of the company, the business was renamed A. Forsyth and Son. Today the family venture is in its fourth generation and boasts a broad portfolio of experience in the Scotch whisky, paper, oil and gas and the pharmaceutical industries. Up until the 1980s the majority of the company’s revenue was generated through the production of copper pot stills and condensers for the Scotch whisky industry. A slow-down in whisky production during this time was the catalyst for the Forsyths Group to develop its experience in carbon and stainless steels for entry into the busy paper industry. As the business continued to evolve it began to expand its presence within the oil and gas and pharmaceutical industries. At the same time the company broadened its experience in the use of exotic metals such as titanium and super duplex. “We have now had 20 successful years in the oil and gas industry and continued to build up the business during that period.



Over the years we have purchased premises in Buckie and have developed two fabrication and assembly shops on the harbour side,” explains Chairman, Richard Forsyth Snr. “Like the rest of the industry we are suffering with the drop in the oil and gas business, however we have still taken the plunge and bought some premises and opened a new branch in Aberdeen that is now up and running as of January 2016.” “We are not necessarily opening in Aberdeen because the oil and gas business is currently growing, but rather because we a looking for a slightly different ‘slice of the pie’,” adds Managing Director Richard Forsyth Jnr. “Most of the work that we undertake in Rothes is related to newbuilds, with Turnkey Skid Units and Modular Assemblies. Due to the downturn in the oil and gas market, the oil business is very much focused on the maintenance sector because most CAPEX projects have been either shelved or cancelled. The decision behind having a base in Aberdeen is to be closer to the industry’s maintenance work contracts.” Its commitment to diversity and reinvestment has allowed the Forsyths Group to remain highly successful across all of its industry sectors, despite challenging market conditions. Although the technologies used and industries served may have changed over the years, the grassroots traditions of the business have remained the same to ensure continuously high standards of quality. While the current depression in the cost of oil has inevitably had a negative impact on the number of new projects going ahead in the oil


and gas sector, Forsyths has completed several major projects within the market throughout 2014 and 2015. These include the fabrication of structural steelwork, piping and assembly of large skid units including insulation, electrical and instrumentation systems for the Shetland Laggan Tormore gas plant and a sizable project to provide equipment for Siemens Norway to be fitted to a FPSO in Singapore. Presently around 50 per cent of the business remains dedicated to the production of distillation vessels for the whisky industry, which currently has a strong market with several industry investments and significant demand from Taiwan, Thailand and Russia. In recent months the traditional expertise of the Forsyths Group in the manufacture of distillery vessels has provided added security for the company in the face of the current low oil price. “With the core copper skills required to make the copper stills, it is not really possible to transfer the workforce over from oil and gas

Forsyths Group

currently designing and building distilleries on a worldwide basis including clients in the Far East, the Americas and smaller facilities in Europe, meaning that we are truly a global operator in the supply of distillation equipment.” Throughout 2016 and beyond, Forsyths will continue to develop its presence in the energy market, while maintaining its market within its historic distillery business. The company was recognised by several industry awards throughout 2015, including the Moray Chamber of Commerce Export Award and entry into The Sunday Times HSBC International Track 200. “Because we are so diverse and flexible, we have been able to keep up our turnover and profitability,” concludes Richard Jnr. “We are talking to the nuclear industry, which potentially has billions to spend over the next five to ten years and have recently been awarded ‘Fit for Nuclear’ accreditation. We are certainly looking forward to seeing this side of the business grow over the coming years.”

Its commitment to diversity and reinvestment has allowed the Forsyths Group to remain highly successful across all of its industry sectors, despite challenging market conditions

Forsyths Group

Services Steelwork, piping, pressure vessels skid units and tanks

projects to the copper side of the business,” Richard Jnr. says. “However within the whisky distilling process there is a lot of piping and equipment that is made using stainless steel, so luckily we have been able to transfer as much of that business over to our oil and gas sheds as possible, which has helped to keep the business and our staff going.” “The whisky market is the busiest that it has ever been in my 48 years in the industry,” reveals Richard Snr. “Not only is the Scotch whisky industry still growing, but Irish whisky has gone ‘through the roof’ in recent years. We are ENERGY,oil&gas





market Uniting the

Founded in 2015, IHC IQIP is

Topec / Fischcon Topec BV specialises in supplying large-scale energy solutions worldwide. Our integrated systems to generate, control and distribute (electrical) power are intended for the Electrical Power Generation market and oil and gas industry; for both essential and emergency power supplies. The generator sets, ranging from 100 to 5,000 kW, mobile or stationary, mounted on a frame or in a container, are tailor-made and meet the applicable standards. Fischcon BV is a manufacturer and supplier of high-capacity dieseldriven fire pumps, generator sets and hydraulic power packs for the international maritime sector and the oil and gas industry (onshore / offshore). Topec and Fischcon are part of the Pon Group, one of the largest family businesses in the Netherlands with over 13,000 employees.

a globally operating market-leader of Dutch origin that supplies innovative equipment and smart solutions for foundation, installation and decommissioning within the oil and gas, offshore wind and coastal and civil markets. The business was formed through the amalgamation of four well-known Royal IHC subsidiaries, comprised of IHC Hydrohammer, IHC FUNDEX Equipment, IHC Handling Systems and IHC Sea Steel. Through these combined divisions, IHC IQIP is able to draw on more than 200 years of industry experience and expertise to meet the demands of its broad customer base, including oil and gas corporations, installation contractors, engineering agencies and government authorities. IHC IQIP was formed with the intention to create one strong organisation within IHC, focused on project rentals and services for foundation, installation and decommissioning. As one organisation IHC IQIP provides a single point of contact and one contract, limiting the number of suppliers and interfaces and reducing the risks for clients in these disciplines. While IHC IQIP is presently a relatively young business, it draws on significant industry knowhow and is quickly moving to further establish its presence within the offshore environment. “We deliver to projects and our clients directly by supplying them with rental equipment and services for specific niches, which is typically


different from how the rest of IHC operates. Traditionally IHC was focused on shipbuilding, particularly in areas such as dredging and oil and gas vessels. The decision to buy a vessel is often made by higher management of our clients,” elaborates Executive Director at IHC IQIP, Jan Albert-Westerbeek. “The decision to work with IHC IQIP is different and often made by project teams. Combining the four units into one was designed to make sure that our business centred on project orientation, rentals and services for foundation, installation and decommissioning, so that it can flourish as a separate entity. Within the group we are presently in a transition phase, in which following the establishment of this company and at the end of this year we will further merge and move to one location altogether in an offshore base that we are setting up at the moment.” Throughout its operations, IHC IQIP divides its services into three main markets, focusing on the offshore wind; offshore oil and gas; and coastal and civil industry sectors. Within these areas, the company works closely with a wide variety of clients ranging from installation contractors, engineering agencies, oil and utility companies to governments. Many IHC IQIP customers are market-leading industry players operating globally, while others are in the earlier stages of growth or operate within niche or local markets. Whatever the size of the business, IHC IQIP is on hand to provide the required solution, no matter how large – or small. Within the offshore wind sector, IHC IQIP expects that sizeable wind farms will be created over the coming decades. Through its component companies, IHC IQIP has been involved in this market since its early stages and today represents a market-leader for pile driving, noise mitigation and pile handling and guiding for the installation of monopiles, jackets and tripods for complete wind farms and substations. With its large hammers, sleeves and handling equipment, the company is able to install the biggest monopiles on the market and its Noise Mitigation System (NMS) is unique in that it is the only proven technology for mitigating noise during foundation installation. Further to the installation of turbine foundations, IHC IQIP equipment is also perfectly suited to the installation and maintenance of the turbines themselves. “If you look at offshore wind market, 15 years ago coastal and civil contractors moved offshore and this development began to form a new industry. ENERGY,oil&gas




Today the offshore wind market has grown and matured and now players from the offshore oil and gas sector are beginning to enter into the wind market, under construction is Nordsee One and in the German sector we have also just concluded a rentals project with GeoSea for the Gode wind farm. Another project in which we are involved is the Gemini project in the Netherlands.” Within the offshore oil and gas sector, IHC IQIP has a long history and a strong connection with the installation of floating and fixed structures, subsea development, and deepwater pipe laying. Over the years operators within the oil and gas industry have increasingly moved from shallow to deeper and even ultra-deep waters, requiring the development of unique and innovative solutions. IHC IQIP supports its clients during this transition by designing and producing equipment capable of withstanding deepwater conditions. Likewise IHC IQIP has a long-standing reputation for its operations within the global coastal and civil sector, which currently

represents a huge and dynamic market. The company has a unique position as a supplier of piling and drilling equipment for working under the most severe circumstances and its equipment is often used for foundation building activities at container terminals, bridges, viaducts, jetties and mooring posts. Recently, interest has increased with regard to the hammer rock breaker combination for the dredging industry. The technologies employed by IHC IQIP include its range of hydraulic piling hammers, which are deployed for driving piles in various types of offshore projects. The IHC IQIP Hydrohammer’s unique design makes it suitable for all types of piling and foundation work and design incorporates several advantages that allow it overcome the challenge faced by clients in the offshore market. Developments such as this



enables the company to offer increased reliability, greater flexibility and increased efficiency, as well as improved safety. As IHC IQIP continues to solidify its position and serve clients throughout the offshore industry, it will follow the trends of the market and actively seek new opportunities around the world. “We will continue to focus our services on our existing main three markets and strengthen the cross selling in these areas. However it is a challenging market at present and conditions are difficult, as everybody knows,” Jan Albert concludes. “On the other hand there are areas that are still developing and we want to be where the action is. As well as continuing to support our existing clients, we will move further into Asia where there is ongoing development in offshore wind as well as activity in the oil and gas sector. We know that Mexico will continue to be active so we will focus on that region too. Wherever we are active, we will enhance our local services so that the client can also find the right solution close by.”


Services Innovative equipment and intelligent offshore solutions


Radius Systems


Plans in the In the face of

a decade of challenging conditions in the gas and water industries in the UK and worldwide, pipeline specialists have had to adapt and innovate in order to thrive in recent years. Radius Systems is a resilient UK provider with global reach that has clearly succeeded, thanks to its track record of innovation, breadth of products and services, and underlying financial stability. Today, it is a key player within Radius Group, one of Europe’s leaders in thermoplastic compounds and polyethylene pipes and fittings. Offering a full range of end-to-end capabilities is one way in which Radius Systems stands apart from others in a highly competitive market. Subsidiary company acquisitions have bolstered the Radius portfolio and today the company not only manufactures and installs new pipelines, it also offers a portfolio that includes specialist connections, valves, commissioning services and repair and rehabilitation solutions for pipeline networks. Radius Systems CEO, Andy Taylor explains: “We look after the whole pipe life cycle: we can manufacture and supply all pipeline components, and install, repair and rehabilitate pipes all within one group of companies. This unique ‘joined-up’ approach gives us a competitive edge whereby we can look at a particular pipeline infrastructure project and provide a comprehensive offering.” Radius Systems has also succeeded in finding new ways to meet industry demands

for more cost-effective solutions to complex problems. A prime example is the issue of aging infrastructure. Replacing underperforming pipelines can be prohibitively expensive however Radius offers alternative pipe lining solutions through Subterra that are cheaper and faster to deliver and meet modern safety guidelines. But saving money is not the only driver. As both the manufacturer and installer, Radius effectively cuts out a step in the supply chain and unlocks new benefits with its unique approach: “Our understanding of both the products and the installation allows us to be innovative in both areas and to find the best value solution without some artificial barrier about where value sits in this area of the supply chain. That allows us to think differently, hence the idea around some of the off-site processing of pipes for pipeline renovation being devolved to a factory environment before being delivered and installed. Equally as a large enterprise we have the resources to invest in this business area, covering the liner technology, related fittings and installation processes,” explains Andy Taylor. Innovation is part of the Radius Systems DNA. From the development of the first ProFuse peelable pipes for drinking water and gas applications back in the late 90s to the recent rehabilitation of the legs of the Alpha Fortis oil rig using polyethylene close-fit PE pipe liners: the company continues to break new ground ENERGY,oil&gas





across the utility, oil and energy industries. One of the latest innovations to be launched is the recently developed ‘Anaconda’ fitting which is designed to resolve service connection issues in the gas market. Andy Taylor says this new solution will make a real difference. “The fitting comprises an electrofusion tapping tee (or tapping saddle) with a factory welded flexible pipe on the outlet of the tapping tee. The flexible pipe can be bent to avoid obstacles within the trench, allowing for a connection to be effected when the position of the tapping tee is off-line with the service pipe. This removes the number of joints required within the system which in turn brings installation costs savings.” It is clear that gas utilities continue to seek material savings. Radius is well placed to respond to the particular challenges facing this industry in the UK and Europe where vast swathes of old metal underground pipelines are in urgent need of repair or replacement. Radius subsidiary company, Subterra, specialises in close-fit polyethylene relining of existing metallic pipelines and is a credible alternative to expensive new super duplex steel pipe systems. In a climate where cost is still very much a deciding factor, this is a solution that delivers better value outcomes too. Andy Taylor says this is exactly the kind of sensible thinking that Radius System is renowned for. “We are challenging the use of super duplex stainless steel pipes as a default assumption for the replacement of aging pipeline networks. Value engineering the pipeline element by using systems such as PE liners in metallic pipes instead of costly pipeline replacement is ideal for those searching for efficiencies when earnings are feeling the pinch and the outlook is for no major recovery in the near term.” From a long-term perspective, Andy Taylor remains steadfastly positive. “Yes, the UK market for pipes has suffered in recent years as a reflection of the difficulties of the construction sector, delays in investment in the utilities and reduced expenditure on publicly funded projects. However, the longer term prospects are for a period of sustained growth with a re-start within the construction industry and significant infrastructure projects within the energy, transport, water and waste sectors.” The big picture is a positive one too. Although headquartered in the UK, Radius Systems has achieved significant global reach, supporting clients in Asia including Hong Kong and Singapore; Europe (East and West) including

Radius Systems

Russia, Germany, France, Latvia, Poland, Sweden and Czech Republic; Africa and the Middle East with clients in Egypt, Cameroon and UAE; as well as an active presence in Australia and New Zealand. As part of the company’s ongoing global growth strategy, it will soon be opening a new WOFE (Wholly Owned Foreign Enterprise) in China to manage existing activities in the region as well as sourcing key components and products, identifying new core product manufacturing opportunities, and sales of pipe re-lining consumables. With a period of sustained growth predicted, the future looks positive for Radius Systems as it continues to find the best possible solutions for its customers through innovation and acquisition. “The immediate priority for Radius is to consolidate and grow the new additions to our company. We will continue to look for new ‘bolt-on’ opportunities which add to our technology portfolio and give us wider geographical presence,” Andy Taylor concludes.

Radius System

Services Manufactures and installs new pipelines, as well as providing specialist connections, valves, commissioning services and repair and rehabilitation solutions for pipeline networks





Inspection Verification Bureau (IVB) officially came into being in 2010, but its roots stretch back to as far as 1976. Previously known as Germanischer Lloyd Industrial Services UK Ltd (GLIS-UK), IVB was independently formed from key existing managerial and technical personnel in the former’s Great Yarmouth offices when GLISUK closed the site. Possessing in excess of 120 years experience in the offshore and onshore hydrocarbons industry, IVB’s core business is the provision of independent verification and independent inspection services to clients with global business interests in the industry. “It is our experience, our speed of response and our service, together with being cost effective and efficient compared to our customers that makes us strong in the market,” begins Director, Derek Lockwood who himself holds 35 years of diverse experience within the industry. “We are a young company by comparison but we operate with less bureaucratic procedures and constraints and we do not have the high overheads that many of our competitors with multiple global offices do.” The global presence of IVB is also part of its strength in the market. Whilst based in Great Yarmouth with a relatively small team of experts, a larger support network made up of specialist discipline engineers and inspectors



is strategically spread around the world in key locations to look after the interests of both new and existing clients. This spread currently covers everywhere from the Middle East and Africa, to the North and South American continents. With 90 per cent of its business coming from outside the UK, the organisation’s core services revolve around vendor, system verification, engineering consultancy and project management capabilities, where quality, health and safety and compliance remain the central focus to everything. In an effort to expand its footprint to areas of significant customer demand, in December 2015 IVB opened up a second office in Aberdeen. “This came as a result of clients wishing us to have a local presence in the Aberdeen area as they wanted to be able to invite our staff to go and attend meetings at short notice to discuss new projects and assignments,” explains Derek. “This gave rise to additional work and a requirement for extra personnel, hence the opening of a new office. “We will watch the efficacy of this office to determine our next move with regards to the recruitment of additional personnel to support our clients’ requirements. In terms of opening up similar offices as the business grows, we will only do so in other areas provided that it fits in with our business model, thus permitting us to


Inspection Verification Bureau Ltd (IVB)

business along the lines of facilitating ongoing projects regardless of challenging market conditions. Derek expresses that IVB’s more competitive and economical service stands it in good stead amidst the industry’s current stresses relating to low oil prices, and is confident that once the market begins to recover the company’s ability to react quickly will result in further growth. “In the longer term we see IVB growing year on year by as much as 20 to 25 per cent as we develop new markets with our clients and increase our global reach,” he says. Long-term sustainability is clearly a major driving force behind IVB and approaching business in a careful and controlled manner is central to this. By responding effectively to market demands and emerging opportunities both in terms of new markets, such as renewables, and new geographies, like Aberdeen, whilst retaining the strength that comes from its small but focused organisation, its future success looks to be assured.

It is our experience, our speed of response and our service, together with being cost effective and efficient compared to our customers that makes us strong in the market

Inspection Verification Bureau Ltd (IVB)

Services Provide inspection and verification services to the oil, gas and renewable energy sectors

continue providing the type of service that we are known for in the industry.” Amongst a host of projects around the world, IVB is currently working with Engie on an ongoing project to provide its verification services for the hook-up and commissioning phase. “We are a supplier of choice because of the experienced personnel who represent IVB as well as the accurate and timely manner in which we deliver these services,” highlights Derek, reiterating that it is this speed and flexibility, combined with its world-class expertise that allows IVB to stand out and perform in a competitive global market. It is an approach that is clearly paying off for the company as it continues to grow with a very positive outlook and a ready desire to take advantage of emerging opportunities. “Our ability to move quickly in providing an excellent service, whilst remaining cost effective and efficient will be key to us taking advantage of several opportunities around the world from our offices in Norfolk,” Derek continues. “Because of this geographical location we are well positioned to working across global time zones, which can benefit our clients and their vendors or suppliers with inspection and verification design reviews, non-financial audits and risk assessments.” With this in mind then, the future for IVB will be focused on the continued development of ENERGY,oil&gas



Holborn Europa Raffinerie

A refined


The Holborn refinery

Intertek Intertek helps maximise efficiency and minimise risks The need for quality, safety and reliability is paramount as companies strive to meet the growing global demands for secure and sustainable sources of energy. Whether we are managing specific processes or entire supply chains our areas of expertise include technical inspection services, technical staffing, non-destructive testing, in-service inspection, engineering consulting as well as 3D laser scanning and dimensional control. We help our clients from the global oil, gas, petrochemical, petroleum, and marine industries protect and manage their risk during custody transfer, storage, transportation and other activities related to their cargo assets. We also provide technical and additive treatment services, helping clients to protect and optimise their cargo business activities. With one of the largest networks of analytical testing laboratories globally we support quality control, troubleshooting and R&D processes. Utilising services such as these help our customers maximise efficiency, ensure the quality of their products, processes, and assets, and minimise risks that could impact personnel safety and the environment.



has operated as part of the wider Oilinvest Group since October 1987, when the company acquired the facility from its former owners Exxon. Located in the outskirts of the city of Hamburg, the ‘Holborn Europa Raffinerie,’ consists of approximately 87 hectares of land and is located at the south fork of the Elbe River and seaport basin. The refinery is well placed for easy access by ships arriving from the North Sea, by the inland waterways of the Elbe, by motorway, as well as by rail, with

sidings on-site and an adjoining rail yard. Thus the refinery is able to receive ships of up to 80,000 metric tonnes carrying crude oil and feedstocks. Finally, the refinery receives VLCC delivered crude oil supplies via its 147 km pipeline from the North West Oelleitungs GmbH deep-water terminal in Wilhelmshaven. Holborn is owned by the Oilinvest Group overall, but operates more directly as a subsidiary of Holborn Investment Company, based in Larnaca, Cyprus. “It operates under the Oilinvest umbrella for the German market in the same way as all Tamoil companies,” explains Corporate Communications Officer of the Oilinvest Group, Marja van Renesse. The Holborn refinery was originally built during the 1920s and was expanded in 1950 and again in 1972. It was shut down 13 years later and finally taken over by Holborn Europa Raffinerie in 1987, before restarting crude oil processing in January 1988, with the plant’s FCC unit going into operation during April of the same year. Since the acquisition, the refinery has progressed with the modernisation of units, which are essential to long-term productivity. As a result it is able to produce sulphur-free fuels to meet today’s most stringent standards. “The Holborn plant is a medium conversion cat-cracking refinery with a processing capacity of around 105,000 barrels of crude per day, and

an average annual throughput of up to five million tonnes,” elaborates Managing Director, Frank Heyder. “The refinery is well equipped with desulphurisation capacity to meet most stringent European fuels standards and, with more than 50 per cent of yield pattern, focused on ULSD production.” One of the most significant developments that occurred at the Holborn Europa Raffinerie was the modernisation programme that took place at the beginning of the new millennium. This was undertaken in order to conform to a European Union Clean Air Directive, which came into effect on 1st January 2005. Approximately €200 million were invested at the Hamburg oil refinery. The new units have been tied into the course of a scheduled five weeks turnaround and trouble-free commissioned in the course of re-commissioning the refinery after completion of the TA. “The ‘Clean Fuels Project’ resulted in a deep desulphurisation unit for diesel and distillates, an isomerisation unit, crack naphtha desulphurisation and the steam reforming unit, as well as desulphurisation and modification of the original gas oil hydrotreater,” Frank Heyder says. “This was an old design from the 1970s and is now a unit that can also produce diesel and sulphur, at sulphur-free quality. Today, the Hamburg refinery is not only able to fulfil the

European Union specifications but can also produce high quality products for niche markets and cyclohexane for the chemical market. Since we went through the Clean Fuels Project the refinery has been running smoothly and on a stable level.” Presently the refinery employs 293 dedicated members of staff and is able to handle a full range of refined products including, liquefied petroleum gases, petrol, petrochemical grade naphtha, kerosene, diesel, heating and fuel oils. To support its operations Holborn also maintains

Heitmann IndustrieBauleistungen Heitmann Industrie-Bauleistungen is a medium sized company based in Hamburg, Germany. It offers construction services such as building construction, concrete work, pipeline and sewage duct construction, canalisation, maintenance of industrial plants and groundwork using the latest suction excavator technology. It mainly works for leading industrial companies such as refineries and chemical plants.




Holborn Europa Raffinerie

off-site areas of the facilities comprised of tank farms, product shipping and receiving facilities, product blending systems and wastewater treatment plants. The refinery’s principle client is the Holborn European Marketing Company in Cyprus, with customers taking delivery of the products at the refineries loading facilities. While the refinery benefits from its association with the wider Oilinvest Group, it must continue to focus on efficient operation to meet the demands of an increasingly competitive market. “The Holborn refinery is an integral part of our overall business and has played an important role in achieving our success in Germany,” Marja van Renesse says. “As with all our assets we continue to run the refinery in an efficient and cost effective manner whilst adhering to environmental, health and safety regulations.” “We are in a shrinking market so we are not making ambitious expansion plans. Rather, we are concentrating on the execution of smaller efficiency programmes, energy conservation investigations and cost improvement projects, all of which will be ongoing over the next



Today, the Hamburg refinery is not only able to fulfil the European Union specifications but can also produce high quality products for niche markets and cyclohexane for the chemical market

few years,” Frank Heyder concludes. “We are well located within the market with demand patterns well above refinery capacity. We also benefit from engaged and loyal staff, lean organisation with minimum head count and excellent traffic connections.”

Holborn Europa Raffinerie

Services Oil refinery


Essentra Pipe Protection Technologies


innovation With over 35 years’

Above Overview of Essentra Pipe Protection Technologies 136,000 sq. ft. facility in Houston Below Exterior shot of Essentra’s new 23,000 sq. ft. purposebuilt distribution centre in Leduc, Canada

experience within the global energy sector, Essentra Pipe Protection Technologies has established a leading reputation - coupled with a trusted industry brand - for providing high quality pipe and thread protection products. And over and above the latest technology and innovative offering, Essentra Pipe Protection Technologies is committed to the highest standard of customer service throughout its operations, from initial customer enquiries to product delivery and aftersales support.

Since Essentra Pipe Protection Technologies was previously profiled in November 2014, it has continued to develop to meet the diverse needs of its customers within the energy, oil and gas sectors. With the requirement to operate in increasingly hostile and hard to reach environments – combined with the current low price of oil - there is growing pressure on operators within the energy sector to continue to reduce cost and operate ever more efficiently. Essentra Pipe Protection Technologies is acutely aware of the challenges facing the market and is committed to delivering close support and effective solutions. “The challenge we all have in our industry today is to be as efficient as possible in all aspects of developing the oil and gas resources we have globally. Along with improved efficiencies, identifying cost savings throughout the drilling supply chain are critical to compete in a global market,” explains President of Essentra Pipe Protection Technologies, John Boben. “Our customers know that even in these very challenging times for our industry Essentra will continue to deliver value as the industry leader in pipe and thread protection. Therefore Essentra Pipe Protection is currently investing - and will continue to invest - in enhanced efficiencies ENERGY,oil&gas


Above and below New 16 cavity tooling which has recently been developed



throughout our manufacturing processes and in new technologies to support our industry.” From its state-of-the-art 136,000 sq. ft. manufacturing, warehouse and office facility in Houston and its sites in Leduc, Canada, Veracruz, Mexico and Aberdeen, Scotland, Essentra Pipe Protection Technologies is able to manufacture and deliver high-performance API, premium and custom thread protection for a complete range of oil country tubular goods in a host of applications. “Throughout our facilities we continue to add the latest in technology for large capacity, energy efficient injection presses to manufacture our products. In addition, we have developed the latest in part moulding tooling, utilising multi-cavity moulds that can produce up to 16 parts per moulding cycle. These advances help to ensure consistent quality while reducing cost,” John elaborates. “We also recently added robotics and automated parts handling systems to over 60 per cent of our presses, resulting in further improvements in quality and labour cost savings. Overall, our customers benefit from these technology implementations through reduced product pricing and even higher delivery and service levels.” In addition to the equipment technology implementations that the company has introduced, Essentra Pipe Protection Technologies continues to invest in its site

footprint. The opening of its state-of-theart world headquarters in Houston in 2012 saw the company complete an infrastructure build-out and total refurbishment of its former injection moulding activities into a centre to accommodate an expanded CNC threading plant to support its customers’ needs. As a result, Essentra Pipe Protection Technologies is one of the few thread protector manufacturers globally to offer its customers two separate facilities for product moulding and high-speed product threading capabilities. And, with both functions located on a single site, the company is wellpositioned to provide exceptional customer service and efficient product manufacturing. “More recently in our Houston location, we have added automated computerised indexing tool and mould storage systems installed in our dedicated fireproof tool storage room. This technology investment, of over $300K, will provide a more secure environment for the storage of our high value tools and moulds, which are the foundation of our capability to manufacture the broadest range of thread protection products in the industry. This automated indexing system for the storage and retrieval of tooling will provide even greater efficiencies in our production process,” John continues.“ Finally, in Leduc, we have added a 23,000 sq. ft. purpose-built distribution centre in 2015, strategically located in the heart of the Alberta oil patch. Consolidating Essentra’s Pipe Protection Technologies and Components previous businesses on the west coast, this new location provides the necessary space to better meet the needs of our Canadian customers from a single ‘One Essentra’ facility.” Building on its years of expertise and continued investment, Essentra Pipe Protection Technologies continues to offer new product lines to service the needs of its customers and to meet the requirements of industry standards. A recent example is the development of the MaxX® product line, which is certified by independent laboratory testing to comply with the stringent American Petroleum Institute (API) 5CT Annex-I 9th Edition specifications. From an all-new plastic resin formulation to the use of durable pads and diaphragms, the MaxX® was designed to withstand the most testing industry conditions, from extreme temperatures to earth-crushing impact. Another launch is the Eco thread protector, developed to address environmental considerations associated with


Essentra Pipe Protection Technologies

disposal of plastic resins into landfills. Essentra’s Eco protector offers the durability of a heavy duty, all-plastic protector, and is manufactured using qualified reprocessed resin generated from the company’s internal moulding processes. As such, the Eco is a high quality, environmentallyfriendly and economically-priced product to meet even the most demanding requirements. As an industry leader, Essentra Pipe Protection Technologies has been successful in building long-term customer relationships as a trusted partner. These include with companies operating not only in the oil and gas sectors, but also in mining and water well applications, with customers ranging from major and independent

oil operators, drilling contractors and oil service companies to OCTG pipe manufacturers, pipe threaders and a cross-section of associated players that provide services to the energy industry. Looking forward, Essentra Pipe Protection Technologies is as committed as ever to supporting its customers with the latest technology, innovative products and excellent distribution fulfilment. “We will continue to emphasise our new product development and line extensions that support our customers’ needs, as well as servicing our industry globally with more locations than any competitor. New technology to improve production efficiencies will remain a focus for the company,” John concludes. “Essentra Pipe Protection Technologies has invested millions of dollars in the past few years, and we will maintain our commitment to the industry going forward. We are all currently facing challenging times: however, Essentra Pipe Protection Technologies will not just sit idly by and wait for conditions to improve. Rather, we will continue to ensure that we are optimally positioned to provide a market-leading product range and superior service level to our customers from a site footprint based on future growth opportunities.”

Above Large cavity moulds for MaxX products on a 1100 tonne injection press Left Additional view of tool indexing unit

Essentra Pipe Protection Technologies

Services High performance innovative pipe and thread protection products



focus An energetic

“Kuwait Energy is an independent oil and gas entity actively engaged in the exploration, appraisal, development and production of hydrocarbons,” begins its CEO, Sara Akbar. “Since our establishment in 2005, we have built a high quality, diversified portfolio of oil and gas assets in the MENA (Middle East and North Africa) region. The MENA portfolio consists of 12 exploration, development and production assets across Egypt, Iraq, Yemen and Oman, of which we operate seven.” Producing from all of its active regions, as of December 2014, Kuwait Energy’s 2P working interest reserves are approximately 671 mmboe and over the course of that year it averaged a daily working interest production of 25,252 boepd. Sara puts the company’s historical success down to three things: its operational excellence, solid financial position and strong regional relationships. “Operationally, we enjoy material and low risk exploration and appraisal upside within our existing portfolio,” Sara explains. “As we remain strategically focused on the most prolific and cost effective hydrocarbon regions globally we are ideally positioned to secure future potential opportunities in the MENA region.” Kuwait Energy’s performance in this respect has already earned itself a strong track record with operations in Egypt contributing to 82 per cent of its total production, which will be balanced once production begins in Iraq where 94 per cent of its total 2P reserves sit. Illustrating the operational excellence on which the company prides itself, average working interest production within the MENA region has increased by 57 per



cent in the ten years of operating. “Financially, our existing production as well as our new future production projects in Iraq provide stable cash flows and mitigate financing risk,” Sara continues. “Our revenue has been steadily increasing and is up 40 per cent since 2007. Essentially, our strategy is to maintain relatively low operating costs for producing assets and this has resulted in consistently high EBITDA margins. Both our operational and financial strengths are supported by the strong regional networks and relationships we have established with key decision makers, enabling us to access new opportunities and support current operations. In addition, our management team is well known in the regional oil and gas sector and has a solid track record of reserves, resources and production growth delivery.” As the company has grown according to these strengths its vision and strategy has evolved to focus more consistently on strong markets with good potential. As such, in 2014 Kuwait Energy exited from the Ukrainian and Russian fields to rationalise and refocus its commitment on the MENA region. This exit successfully coincided with its largest discovery in the Block 9 field in Iraq. Block 9 and the Siba gas project, also in Iraq, have therefore become the major focal points for Kuwait Energy as it works to realise its ambition of becoming one of the largest E&P companies in the Middle East. “According to our plans, we are allocating great effort and finances to fast-track these two projects into their final stages of completion,” outlines Sara. “Drilling activities are ongoing


in Siba, along with pipeline construction and, very recently, the commencement of the main processing facilities and EPC works. All this should enable us to start production in late 2016. Regarding Block 9, we successfully made our first discovery last September and our second in December. Production followed in October 2015 and with these successes in mind this field’s complete development is being fast-tracked.” As part of developing the Block 9 project, at the start of 2014, Kuwait Energy farmed-out a ten per cent participating interest in the service contract to its Egyptian partner, the Egyptian General Petroleum Council (EGPC) in the partner’s first international investment. “The merit of this investment is its contribution to building an economic relationship between Iraq and Egypt,” notes Sara. Another area of particular focus for the company is Oman, into which it entered in August 2006 through a service contract for the Karim Small Fields cluster. With a 15 per cent revenue interest, Kuwait Energy has successfully operated in this region where 18 mature oilfields exist, 12 of which are still producing, and still sees a wealth of opportunity in the area. “There is really good potential to expand the Oman assets base in the future,” highlights Sara. “Recently, we were granted a 25-year extension to our contract for the fields as we believe in the potential for growth and this location remains strategically important for us as we aim to maintain and strengthen our presence in the MENA region.” Alongside the commercial and operational success achieved by Kuwait Energy over the past decade is its strong corporate social responsibility programme. Within this programme the company has engaged in a number of social initiatives in the region including supporting youth development – it recently supplied school provisions to children in Egypt and Iraq – responding to the emergency needs of deprived families in Iraq and Yemen, and providing opportunities to enable and empower women in the region. This latter subject is aimed at everything from educating illiterate women to setting up small businesses and giving them a better quality of life to inviting female engineering students to begin their careers at the company. It also concentrates carefully on its own environmental impact, monitoring and continuously upgrading its procedures in line with the highest safety and sustainability standards.

Kuwait Energy

“We strongly believe that we are part of every community in which we work,” Sara says, highlighting the importance of these kinds of programmes. “We have a duty to enrich the lives in the diverse areas where we operate – beyond the employment and other commercial opportunities we create.” In working towards achieving its vision to become the pre-eminent independent oil and gas company in the Middle East, Kuwait Energy is always on the look out for new growth opportunities in the region. Having spent the last decade establishing itself a reputation for operational excellence as well as building its financial strength, the company is well placed to take advantage of any exploration and production prospects that may emerge in the MENA area. Taking this into account with its exemplary approach to social responsibility and engaging with its local communities, the future for Kuwait Energy looks positive as it moves ever closer towards realising its aspirations.

Kuwait Energy

Services Independent oil and gas company based in the Middle East




success Since the company

was founded during November 2000, Pressure Tech has developed a leading reputation for its provision of an extensive range of high quality stainless steel pressure regulators for use in both liquid and gas applications. The business was established by its Managing Director, Steve Yorke-Robinson in response to market demand for high quality pressure regulators within a number of industry sectors and has grown to provide components to clients around the world. “Pressure Tech started as a ‘one-man-band’ in 2000 when I realised that the main supplies of high quality pressure regulators for the oil and gas market were predominantly manufactured in the USA. The buzzwords at the time were things like ‘globalisation’, ‘e-commerce’, and ‘the internet,’ Steve explains. “I quickly recognised the opportunity to offer a European sourced range of pressure regulators that could be sold directly to business-to-business to clients anywhere in the world. While today it seems the internet and e-mails have been around for eternity, it was only in 2000 that it suddenly seemed a lot easier to communicate with customers from Australia to America, and more recent developments with Skype and Facetime, mean that virtual meetings can be arranged with customers without the need to spend excessive amounts of time and resources travelling around the world.”



After the manufacture and introduction of an analytical range of core products to market in 2001, Pressure Tech further developed a range of over 40 different pressure regulator models. A key factor in the early success of the business was the approval of its heated pressure regulator for use on gas analyser systems meeting ATEX regulations. “The EU directive had just changed from the CENELEC/BASEFA approval system to ATEX and we were the first company to achieve this certification for the European market. Being creative, innovative, and generally ahead of the game, has helped ensure Pressure Tech is seen as a leader in the pressure regulator business,” Steve reveals. “The company’s present range covers pressure control from 1bar to 1400bar, and the regulators are used in offshore applications down to 3000m subsea, up to 3000m in aerospace applications, and anything in between.” The robust design and reliability of its units has allowed Pressure Tech’s pressure regulators to be deployed in some of the world’s most demanding environments. Within the oil and gas industry for example, the company’s client base is prominently involved with hydraulic control systems for subsea systems or analyser systems for a variety of gases and environmental applications. Furthermore, the adaptability of the design of its pressure regulators has allowed Pressure Tech to diversify in the face of challenging market conditions. “The current downturn in oil prices has had an impact on our core business in the oil market and we have had to adapt to find new products, markets, and applications, which we have been able to do very successfully,” Steve explains. “For example, we are presently talking to a company in the USA involved with legally extracting the medical benefits of marijuana that requires several hundred back pressure regulators to control pressures on their supercritical fluid extraction process. We have also expanded within the commercial diving and hyperbaric chamber business with a range of brass regulators, which are cleaned and degreased for use on oxygen service. To demonstrate our commitment to developing this range, we have invested £100,000 in cleaning processes and an ISO8 clean room to ensure the parts are completely degreased prior to assembly and the regulators are suitable for use on oxygen, which we also offer as a new subcontract cleaning service.” By drawing its strength from a combination


of pioneering innovation and a highly skilled and dedication team of professionals, Pressure Tech celebrated 15 year’s in operation during November 2015 and met several important milestones along the way. “Every employee involved in the business has an interest in how the business is developing, which projects we have secured, how the products are performing, as well as which customers we are dealing with. Our culture is one of very open and honest communication. From the CNC and production teams, to the people in the office, everyone knows how the company stands financially and what needs to be done to meets our customers’ expectations. This caring approach to what we do means the customers needs are fully supported,” Steve says. “Key milestones for Pressure Tech have got to include; making our first investment in our CNC machines providing much greater control over our production and quality; reaching our £1million then £2million turnover points within one year of each other; moving our CNC machine shop and

expanding our production facility in 2014/2015 with employee numbers reaching 30 in 2015; securing our first €0.5million contract for a project in Brazil in 2014. Towards the end of 2015 our e-commerce website went live which allows customers to easily select the correct part number configuration, generate their own quotes, and order products directly on line.” Throughout 2016 and beyond, Pressure Tech will seek to continue to capitalise on its momentum and further establish itself as a leading market player, as Steve concludes: “Our focus will be on our sales and marketing strategy as we progress through 2016. The shock drop in oil pricing has clearly identified the need to look for new areas to reduce the risk of being heavily involved in the offshore market. Our £0.75m investment last year in new CNC machinery and our production facility is intended to cover our manufacturing needs up to at least £5m turnover, so we will definitely be focusing on generating the sales to ensure we generate an acceptable return on investment.”

Pressure Tech

Throughout 2016 and beyond, Pressure Tech will seek to continue to capitalise on its momentum and further establish itself as a leading market player

Pressure Tech

Services Stainless steel pressure regulators



Your renewable

partner Encompassing everything that a client might require in undertaking renewable energy projects, Your Group runs five different organisations under a single base at its innovation centre located at the Bristol & Bath Science Park. The company’s founding enterprise, Your Power (YP) and its associated counterpart Your Hydro (YH), supply components including hydro turbines and solar panels, while Your Electrical (YE) and Your Engineering Support Services (YESS) provides support via its team of electrical, installation and maintenance professionals. Finally, Your Renewable Assets (YRA) takes on and assists clients in renewable project developments, ensuring that clients are fully represented and supported by a resilient group of project managers and engineers who keep the company’s ethos of ‘people, planet, and profit’ at the heart of their work. “At Your Group we help our clients protect themselves from rising energy costs and this will continue on a steep upward trend as will those who want to embrace clean power. As renewables are reaching grid parity the energy case has been made recently at COP21 and there is still a need for energy policy makers to secure our energy with technology such as renewables with the addition of energy storage to cap global warming,” says



CEO, Jamie Onians. “We help businesses and landowners daily to secure and future proof their energy supplies either through solar, hydro, energy efficiency or asset development.” Since the organisation was founded in 2010, Your Group has grown from five staff members and a turnover of £250,000 to over 30 staff with a turnover of in excess of £8 million. Its installed capacity of renewable energy has increased from 50kWs in 2010 to more than 30MWs in 2015 across both solar photovoltaics (PV) and hydropower installations – equivalent to the annual energy requirement of some 24,000 homes. The group also has 85MWhs of renewable assets currently in the process of planning and development. The Group’s solar arm has completed over 5000 installations in total equating to 5MW in capacity. Together these systems will generate over four million units of clean electricity per year, equivalent to the annual use of 1000 homes. By displacing fossil fuel generated electricity the installations will reduce carbon dioxide emissions by more than 1448 tonnes for each year of their 20-year lifespan. “Your Group prioritises the promotion of a more sustainable future and remains committed to strengthening its role in developing a low-carbon economy via widespread access to renewable energy,” Jamie explains. “The company’s core


capabilities include solar PV, hydro-turbine manufacturing and installation, electrical contracting, consultancy and renewable energy asset development. Our vision is to be a market leader in our design and execution helping our clients achieve their dream of clean energy today.” The exceptional service delivery of the Your Group has been utilised by many high profile clients in an impressively broad client base including partnerships with Wessex Water, Duchy of Cornwall, Lombard, Royal Bank of Scotland, United Utilities, DPD, Natwest, Good Energy, Watkins Jones, Space Engineering, Bristol County Council, BAM, Cowlin, Carillion, Schneider Electric and Trina. DPD for example, is an international parcel delivery and logistics company, serving a wide range of personal and business customers across the globe. The organisation operates Europe’s largest automated depot, making its power requirements considerable. Due to the specific workings of the business, most of DPD’s operations are night-based, however daytime operations are crucial for preparing the depot for the all-important night work. Therefore the company was searching for a power solution that could adequately meet its energy requirements, while reducing DPD’s carbon footprint and power costs. Almost 1800 panels were installed across the rooftop of the DPD facility, capable of providing 450kWp power to the depot. The result was a high-yield, environmentally friendly solution that saves the company over £39,000 per year on energy costs. All this delivered in the run up to Christmas their busiest time. “For a business such as DPD, only the highestquality components will suffice to ensure they get the best possible return on their investments. We also carefully matched the system to its requirement, opting for a smaller system that was more beneficial for our client,” elaborates COO Nick Spicer. “Your Group’s ever-increasing popularity in the marketplace is courtesy of its top scale project management abilities, its highly refined services that incorporate cloud-based integrated communication, as well as its strong delivery network. Additional advantages include the team’s extensive worldwide experience in the field of renewable energy, as well as in the built and construction environment, and the way they actively seek opportunities to improve sustainability wherever possible.” Throughout all of its operations, Your Group represents a truly global business. The company has successfully completed projects within

Sierra Leone, the Falkland Islands, the Scottish Highlands and extensively in the UK. Your Hydro recently also secured an Innovate UK grant to undertake research and development in a virtual turbine environment, while Your Renewable Assets is currently completing 1MW and 2MW projects with hydro turbines from Your Hydro adding to the company’s impressive credentials. “Social Responsibility is integral to what we do at Your Group. The Group’s board hold vast employment backgrounds, with Directors’ backgrounds in South America and the Middle East, supported by an operational capacity lead by an ex-military officer with international experience,” Jamie concludes. “We are set to be moving into energy efficiency, mechanical and electrical contracting, asset development, hydro-turbine design, off-grid solar, battery storage and international solar and hydro markets whilst continuing to install renewable energy assets for clients in the UK. Delivering a future of clean energy today.”

Your Group

Your Group’s everincreasing popularity in the marketplace is courtesy of its top scale project management abilities, its highly refined services that incorporate cloudbased integrated communication, as well as its strong delivery network Your Group

Services Turnkey renewable solutions



A powerful

With over 50 years of industry experience, Frerk Aggregatebau Germany has developed a leading reputation in the manufacture of electric power supply systems across a broad range of applications. The company was founded during 1964 and has operated at its current location in Schweringen, Northern Germany since 1978. During this time the business has accumulated a great wealth of experience, which enables Frerk to offer modular power supply solutions, from initial concept through to handover. Furthermore the company provides service and technical support for the entire life of the delivered system if required. The professionalism of Frerk construction means that not only does the completed system meet the customer’s individual needs, but is also produced in accordance with the necessary standards making it safe to operate even under



the most difficult usage and environmental conditions. Since moving into its Schweringen headquarters the company has experienced a significant step-up in its capacity, beginning with the construction of a new production facility in addition to its existing four and a further four state-of-the-art test bays. This was completed in 2001 and followed by an additional production bay during 2005 to expand the plant’s total production area to 11,000 square metres. Further expansion to 25,000 square metres followed during 2008 and most recently in 2011, Frerk installed a new 1500 square metre storage building and additional office space. Finally, a 2100 square metre production bay for the reconditioning of used Caterpillar generator sets was also erected. The company’s current product line extends to generator sets with an output of up to six MW per unit in both low and medium-voltage ranges.


Frerk Aggregatebau GmbH / Germany

Frerk power generating systems are available in natural and biogas, diesel, heavy fuel and crude oil as well as dual fuel configurations, enabling the client to select the most appropriate design for the most economic fuel utilisation

The applications for these vary from black-start engine generator sets to emergency power solutions and combined heat and power (CHP) packages. Frerk power generating systems are available in natural and biogas, diesel, heavy fuel and crude oil as well as dual fuel configurations, enabling the client to select the most appropriate design for the most economic fuel utilisation. Frerk only packages engines and alternators from first class manufacturers. These are selected on an independent basis in line with the best fit for the customer’s requirements. “Our main focus is on modular containerisation, preferably in standard ISO dimensions to simplify worldwide shipment. For those power generating systems where standard ISO container dimensions do not provide sufficient operation and maintenance space, Frerk is able to develop special container designs,” explains Sales and Project Director Mr. Claus Bormann.

“These allow the company to meet the target of simple and economic transport, as well as to supply all of the equipment necessary for operation at the job site, which has been installed and pre-tested.” Through the development of bespoke power generating systems, Messrs. Frerk has established itself as a market leader in innovative design solutions. Furthermore in light of decreasing resources accompanied by the increasing price of fuels, Frerk is able to supply alternative fuels and power generating systems to provide clients with an economic power generation solution. Within this application the company is able to provide systems including natural gas powered engines connected to combined heat and power units fed from any gas pipeline; biogas powered engines connected to combined heat and power units fed from sewage, landfill or biogas plants; associated gas from oil production powered ENERGY,oil&gas


engine generating electricity for the grid; dual fuel generating sets running on 50-95 per cent natural gas and five per cent pilot diesel; heavy fuel oil (HFO) powered engines generating electricity for the grid in case there is lack of power because one water turbine power station does not provide sufficiently; and crude oil powered engines generating electricity for the grid.



“HFO (heavy fuel oil) systems used to consist of heavy duty medium speed marine engines that were originally designed and manufactured for burning HFO with a viscosity of up to 700cSt. Because this fuel is given very little refinery treatment, the selling price is lower and transport efforts are marginal and therefore fuel oil costs are low,” Claus says. “Treating the HFO with special separators and viscosity control and regulating units can make the fuel made suitable for engines. The entire power station inclusive of fuel treatment device is designed and installed by Frerk, preferably in a modular container design or alternatively in local erected turnkey powerhouses.” Similarly the crude fuel oil systems provided by Frerk are in general based on the same power generating packages as for HFO. However, because crude oil is usually taken directly from the well, without any refinery process, further treatment is required to make the fuel usable in systems, such as filtering, separation, viscosity control and regulation. Additionally further precautions, such as explosion proof components are incorporated to the power generation units.


Frerk Aggregatebau GmbH / Germany

Out of this portfolio Frerk manages a special process to design and fabricate modular containerised HFO power generation systems for rental use. The challenges in delivering this equipment to the rental market include developing systems that can be simply and economically transported by both road and sea in CSC certified containers. Likewise the simple and rapid erection of power station equipment on site, plus ‘plug and play’ concepts are vital to ensure rapid deployment. To provide a fully inclusive package, the systems provided by Frerk also include low fuels costs, standardised components for ease of operation, as well as rapid and low-cost maintenance. “All of the above design solutions can be achieved by installing HFO burning Caterpillar 9CM20 engine powered generator sets, each 1650 kWe, in 40ft super-silenced containers, with combustion and ventilation air treatment units including a horizontal outdoor radiator and exhaust gas silencer integrated into each,” Claus says. “One additional 40ft container is installed on top of the basic generator set container onsite. Both ready equipped containers are tested for function and performance to meet

the specific conditions of the job site at Frerk’s special test facility in Schweringen. Following the test, the two containers will be disconnected, all openings will be closed by means of claps or doors and then shipped abroad for easy re-assembling at the site. Once on site usually a maximum four working days will be sufficient to erect and commission the fully operational power station.” Recently Frerk has won a project to design, fabricate, test and finally install three nos. 9CM25 powered medium speed heavy fuel oil 750 rpm generator sets. Each set is a 2600 kWe at 50Hz, 6.6kV, and will be installed in a local power house to provide electricity for a marine fuel farm in Indonesia. “Frerk Aggregatebau will provide all of all systems components inclusively as well as the necessary installation materials on a turnkey base,” Claus details. “For optimum installation of the auxiliary systems, as many of the systems components as possible are modular prefabricated and skid mounted to minimise any local installation efforts, welding and machining processes. Packaging power stations in this way will also ensure the customer will receive maximum quality, even if the power station is to be erected at remote locations.” Over the course of the past five decades, Frerk Aggregatebau Germany has established itself as a premier supplier of power generating systems. Its bespoke systems, project planning and aftersales support services have made the company a leader in the field of on-site power generation that is trusted by clients in projects across the globe. During the coming months and years, through its dedication and proven industry experience, Frerk Aggregatebau will continue to serve its clients and ensure the effective supply of power, wherever it is needed.

Over the course of the past five decades, Frerk Aggregatebau Germany has established itself as a premier supplier of power generating systems. Its bespoke systems, project planning and aftersales support services have made the company a leader in the field of on-site power generation that is trusted by clients in projects across the globe Frerk - your partner for power generating systems.

Frerk Aggregatebau GmbH / Germany

Services Power generating systems






DeepOcean Group



Since its incorporation

Aquatic Aquatic is the leading independent operator of modular equipment for the global oil and gas, telecommunications and energy industries. It is a global partner for complete lay solutions, delivering assured, optimised project outcomes through the consistent provision of the best people, equipment, reach and approach.

during May 2011, DeepOcean Group has established a proven reputation as an integrated provider of safe, high quality and innovative services and technologies for the subsea industry. The group was formed through the merger of the inspection, maintenance and repair (IMR) and decommissioning services of DeepOcean, the seabed intervention company CTC Marine Projects and the towing and supply services of Trico Supply. The combined efforts of these three divisions established DeepOcean Group as a leading provider of driverless subsea construction services and operations. Operating as a single company under the name DeepOcean, the company today offers solutions through five main service streams, comprised of survey and seabed-mapping, subsea installation, seabed intervention, inspection, maintenance and repair (IMR), and decommissioning. Its strong service portfolio, coupled with a fully owned and maintained fleet of specialist equipment and multi-purpose support spreads, enables DeepOcean to bundle its subsea services to deliver cost-effective, tailored solutions to meet individual client needs. “Our strength is essentially derived from the company’s versatility and expertise, which has been built up over the last two to three

decades of working in the oil and gas industry,” reveals Senior Business Development Manager, Andy Readyhough. “Certainly from a project engineering perspective, we believe that we have very high calibre and experienced personnel that we can progress the front-end engineering to produce a successful execution.” DeepOcean’s competitive strength is further enhanced by its ability to provide a suitable spread for solving its clients’ subsea challenges. The company utilises both owned and chartered DP2 class vessels as platforms for mobilising the right equipment to fit every work scope. This fleet of equipment is supported by DeepOcean marine base facilities within the UK, Norway and the Netherlands, in addition to mobilisation capacities in Brazil, Mexico and Singapore. The combination of the company’s fleet equipment, global presence and highly experienced and expert staff and crew, allows DeepOcean to provide its clients with a complete solutions package. Further to the company’s experience within the oil and gas sector, its comprehensive scope of marine experience and offshore equipment has allowed DeepOcean to build a strong and proven track record within the renewables industry. The company has established a solid fleet of installation and trenching spreads so that it able to provide a turnkey power cable service. ENERGY,oil&gas





In addition to world-class subsea equipment, DeepOcean provides premier services in engineering and design, route optimisation, geotechnical support, project management and feasibility studies. This impressive in-house capability has helped to established DeepOcean as a true market-leader within the offshore and subsea sectors. In the face of the falling price of oil and its resulting impact on activity within the global oil and gas market, DeepOcean’s ability to recognise emerging trends and adapt into new markets has proven to be a key strategy. “During 2014 the oil price was still relatively high, so there was a lot of enthusiasm in the oil and gas sector. At that time a lot of our business was still in place supporting the offshore oil and gas and subsea industry. Since then there has been a dramatic decline in the oil and gas price and operators have been significantly cutting back in their CAPEX, which has had a major impact in the support industry in the oil and gas sector,” Andy explains. “This has in turn affected DeepOcean and our revenue streams from the oil and gas sector have been impacted accordingly. However, we have been fortunate in that we had already identified that the offshore renewables sector was picking up in its activities, a lot of which had good synergies with DeepOcean.” Today DeepOcean is increasingly active within the renewable market and is currently undertaking preparations for several projects that were awarded during the latter half of 2015. During October 2015 for example, the company announced that it had won contracts with DONG Energy for its Walney wind farm extension project in the Irish Sea, as well as for cable installation and trenching work for the company’s Race Bank offshore wind farm.

DeepOcean Group

Additionally during November 2015, DeepOcean also announced the award of an installation contract with J-Power Systems Corporation for the Nemo Link interconnector between the UK and Belgium. The project will be executed over a three-year period starting in 2016 with the offshore works completing in 2018. Since the company was last featured in Energy, Oil & Gas magazine during August 2014, DeepOcean has continued its programme of investment to support its expansion into new markets and regions. Prior to this the company invested in a major refit and lengthening of its Havila Phoenix subsea vessel at the Havyard shipyard in Norway and the vessel has since executed a number of successful projects within the renewables sector. During July 2015, DeepOcean celebrated the launch of the new Damen Offshore Carrier 8500, the Maersk Connector. The vessel is due for final delivery during 2016 and will further extend the company’s capabilities in the larger cable-laying end of the market. Both vessels will play key roles in DeepOcean’s recently awarded projects. Despite the tough global trading conditions resulting the present low cost of oil, DeepOcean remains highly active through its operation within the renewables market and through its oil and gas activities in emerging markets within Asia, the Middle East and Africa. During 2016 the company will continue to closely monitor the global market and engage wherever there are opportunities to support its clients. “I think we all understand these are challenging times at present and are likely to remain so during the foreseeable future,” Andy concludes. “But we are confident and looking at how we can maintain our leading position within the industries that we are working in.”

In addition to world-class subsea equipment, DeepOcean provides premier services in engineering and design, route optimisation, geotechnical support, project management and feasibility studies. This impressive in-house capability has helped to established DeepOcean as a true market-leader within the offshore and subsea sectors

DeepOcean Group

Services Subsea services and offshore construction






Haven Fire & Safety


up Based in the UAE

, with branches in Abu Dhabi (Musaffah) and Dubai (Al Quoz) industrial areas, Haven Fire & Safety has developed a leading reputation for the delivery of

fire protection, engineering, supply and service for clients requiring a one-stop-shop offering for their system solutions and equipment needs. Discussing the history of Haven Fire & Safety, Managing Director Gerry Boux begins: “Haven Fire & Safety was established in early 1997 with a permanent original staff of less than ten. Historically, the company’s early roots were in marine and offshore service, but rapidly developed into a fully-fledged fire system solutions organisation enjoying fairly continuous growth up to this date with facilities throughout the UAE and a permanent staff of over 100 employees.” Elaborating further on Haven Fire & Safety’s one-stop-shop solution, he continues: “The company’s early background in marine and offshore servicing ensured that in-house

facilities and capabilities were a priority from the start. Today the company has a very strong internal design and support capability, which enables us to provide the necessary overall package along with our world class principals. This covers fire detection, fire suppression, gas detection, portable fire extinguishing equipment, foam fire fighting systems, service/ maintenance as well as specialist activities such as Halon recovery/recycling and management.” Proud of its commitment to provide first class products and services by working with major players in the industry worldwide, the company also boasts unrivalled design and support capabilities. Moreover, by working in collaboration with customers and end users, Haven Fire & Safety is thus able to achieve cost-effective solutions that wholly meet the requirements of customers and their relevant Authority Having Jurisdiction. “We are careful to ensure that this end solution also takes in to account cost of ownership, ease of maintenance and reliable operation throughout its life, not just the initial ‘bottom line’.” This way of operating has enabled the company to prove itself in major safety related projects such as the retrofit of total fire and safety systems, packages for offshore drilling and accommodation facilities. Other significant projects include the design and supply of high and low expansion foam systems in the aviation and oil and gas sectors and integrated fire and gas solutions for FPSO/FSO conversions. This diversity in markets and versatility in serving a broad customer base has led to the company enjoying steady growth over the years; it has ENERGY,oil&gas



Haven Fire & Safety

also maintained a strong level of business despite the current difficult economic trends that are affecting the region. Although the company has continued to enjoy steady growth and demand in the market, it has used the slightly depressed economic trend to invest in the future of the business, as Gerry notes: “The company is continually investing in maintaining/updating and improving its facilities. A recent example is the procurement and installation of a proprietary cylinder agitation machine capable of handling the largest clean agent cylinders currently under production, to meet the latest requirements of UL and FM under our facility certification with those bodies. On top of this, we are always looking for talented employees to support our business, which led to us recruiting additional personnel in 2015. This has allowed us to position for further growth by improving enquiry response and handling times as well as improving the efficiency of our customer interaction. Also during 2015, we adopted a cloud based service/ maintenance system across the company which provides real time monitoring of service contract status etc. This has resulted in a significant increase of our service/maintenance efficiency and certification/project tracking activities.” Alongside these developments within the business, the company has also expanded its product range with the ACAF compressed air foam systems, which offer a new approach to foam fire fighting systems for oil and gas/offshore applications. Designed and manufactured exclusively in the US by ACAF Systems-PFS Fire Suppression Group LLC, the ACAF Systems



Compressed Air Foam products are suitable for industrial and commercial markets such as production and manufacturing, oil & gas, military, warehousing, marine, aviation, mining, transportation and heavy equipment. Available in 20, 30, 60, 120, 250 and 500 gallon sizes, the premium ACAF product line offers choices of skid or wheeled extinguisher configurations and is available in custom sizes upon request. Unique features include a patented mixing chamber that yields consistent foam from start to finish, a corrosion resistant stainless steel tank that eliminates the cost and maintenance associated with emptying and inspecting for rust on the inside of the tank; stainless steel, corrosion resistant connectors that resist leaking; chip resistant zinc-based paint that inhibits corrosion, no mixing of metals, which avoids interaction between the metals themselves as well as the foam agent. Haven Fire & Safety LLC’s ACAF Systems Compressed Air Product is

also proven to be the more effective foam mixing / firefighting method as it utilises nitrogen gas as the primary offering. Despite the oil price leading to postponements in markets including the offshore sector, Gerry anticipates a positive future for Haven Fire & Safety LLC as it focuses on consolidating on efforts made in 2015 and finding opportunities in line with the World Expo in 2020, as Gerry concludes: “With the build up to the Dubai World Expo in 2020, we are beginning to see an increase in demand in the construction industry in general and will be focusing on 2020 related projects and infrastructure over the coming years. “Ultimately our strategic vision is to continue to consolidate and develop the company along its present path, by embracing new technologies in service/maintenance and providing cost effective, sustainable products and solutions to our clients.”

Proud of its commitment to provide first class products and services by working with major players in the industry worldwide, the company also boasts unrivalled design and support capabilities

Haven Fire & Safety LLC

Services Leading fire protection, engineering, supply and service



Withstanding the



Energy, Oil & Gas last spoke with Manuel Prohaska, Head of Oil and Energy at BHDT, in January 2015, business was looking positive. For the latter half of 2014 orders for the company’s specialist high-pressure services, including flanges, spools and valves, had been strong and it had made significant headway in establishing an expert group for the development of high-pressure ball valves for the subsea market. A year on and BHDT has felt the full force of the crashing oil price and subsequent postponement of major projects. Despite this, Manuel remains positive and is confident in continuing the company’s technical development and expanding its presence within the market. “Many of our systems are focused on the deepwater, high quality projects but these have

been amongst the first cancellations within the industry,” he begins. “Much of our business over the lifetime of this department has been focused on the floating segment, for instance FPSOs and FLNGs, however significant development activity here has fallen to zero. This makes it a very challenging market to operate in at present.” Previously, Manuel noted the successful completion of the FLNG Prelude project for Shell, BHDT’s first project supplying all of the inner piping, flanges, bolts and other associated equipment in the centre of the turret. He went on to say that a second project for Shell on the Browse FLNG programme was expected to start in 2015. Yet, as with many other major projects committed to by the company, this has now been postponed. However, work still goes on for the Austrian firm. “It is still important for us to continue investing time and money into developing our technical capabilities and improving our quality so that we are prepared to act as soon as the oil price and demand in the market picks up again,” he continues. “Over the last 11 months we have remained focused on the development of high-pressure ball valves for subsea manifolds and we will very soon be entering into the prototype testing phase, so progress here is going well. Luckily we have secured some investment ENERGY,oil&gas





from the Austrian government to continue this work and we are confident that these technical solutions can be real game changers in this field.” Taking these challenging times into consideration BHDT has grasped the opportunity to look beyond its strategic core in search for niche applications within the petrochemical industry where it can also deliver its expertise. A recent order for a custom-made flange solution for a revamp in a methanol plant was worth one million euros and provided good margins for the firm, and a spate of other smaller projects will help mitigate some of the affects from the oil and gas downturn. “The point is, we are solutions providers,” highlights Manuel. “We look for the problems our customers’ face and work out how we can fabricate specialist and high quality components to solve them. This creates an opportunity to look for different niche markets and potentially compensate for some of the losses we are experiencing from FPSO projects. Competition in this segment is much higher, but over the next couple of years we will look to deepen this effort before our core market recovers.” The next step in gearing up for the market’s re-emergence is to increase the commercial activity and expand its sales network. BHDT recently employed two new sales managers to develop channels in the US and in Europe in order to start creating awareness and establishing a footing for these new developments in what is a relatively young department for the group. For much for the firm’s applications and specialities in niche markets, the BHDT name has been the go to for solutions. “As a company we have been part of these niche industries for many decades and our clients knew us so as soon as a new plant was planned anywhere in the world, we got enquiries,” explains Manuel. “This new business for new developments in the oil and gas industry is not necessarily like that so we have to make sure people know who we are and what we are doing.” One of the key strengths of BHDT is its position in the supply chain, often directly below the major EPCs, offering comprehensive and integrated packages from spools to valves, with an engineering capability that extends from pipe cutting right the way through to coating. Work over the coming year or so will be key to expanding this complete package with new developments, but making sure these can be qualified and accepted by the market is the next challenge. To overcome this, and as part of the company’s strategy to develop a robust sales network around

the world, efforts are being made to establish lines of communication with potential clients to support the development of new technologies. However, with many EPCs going through restructuring processes amidst the oil price crisis, most remain closed off from exploring new opportunities with their suppliers. “We try to encourage the EPCs to support us by giving us potential specifications for systems, which we can use to help develop our future products and therefore gain approvals and industry qualifications at our own expense, ready for when the demand returns,” Manuel expresses. “It is of course difficult at the moment because

people aren’t prepared to make the commitment and materialise any enquiries. However, as a medium sized company this is all we can do – making sure we maintain strong communication with the market and letting them know that we are still here working in the background, whilst continuing with our development programmes.” Manuel expects that the overall BHDT business will see a 30 to 35 per cent drop in total sales figures this year but his positivity and confidence in BHDT’s ongoing efforts in light of such bleak market conditions is commendable. “This is by no means critical, and we can use some of this downtime to become more lean and more efficient as well. Furthermore, the lack of new projects leads to an increased demand on maintenance and inspection services. Since we can properly cover this demand with our subsidiary BHDT Service GmbH, we can compensate the reduced overall sales in our group,” he concludes. “We are a relatively small company and are still privately owned so decision making processes are quick and flexible. In parallel to our ongoing technical development and commercial expansion this means that as soon as the market is ready we will be able to react accordingly and in this sense we look forward to returning to a successful level of growth in the longer term.”


One of the key strengths of BHDT is its position in the supply chain, often directly below the major EPCs, offering comprehensive and integrated packages from spools to valves, with an engineering capability that extends from pipe cutting right the way through to coating


Services High-pressure component specialists






Engro PowerGen



Established during 2008

as a wholly owned subsidiary of the Pakistani based Engro Corporation, Engro PowerGen represents the first initiative of Engro Corp into the country’s power sector. The aim of the company is to ease the burden on the nation’s energy sector through the development of projects exploring cleaner, more efficient and economically viable sources of power generation including wind, hydro and solar energy. Engro PowerGen Qadirpur Limited was listed on the Karachi Stock Exchange during October 2014 when 25 per cent of the company’s shares were offered. As of today Engro Powergen Qadirpur Limited is 69 per cent owned by Engro Corp via Engro Powergen, while the remainder of the business is owned by the International Finance Corporation (IFC) and employees. The first independent power project (IPP) belonging to

the Engro group, the Engro PowerGen Qadirpur plant is widely recognised for being Pakistan’s first green power plant and the only facility of its kind to reduce carbon emissions through the utilisation of permeate gas. “In Pakistan there are independent power producers that are private entities that sell power to the national grid. The first Engro IPP was commissioned in 2010 and today this first power plant is a 217 megawatt power (MW) operational facility, which is unique in that it generates power and also benefits the environment,” elaborates CEO, Jahangir Piracha. “The plant itself is located next to an active gas field. During the production process there is a need to flare some of the produced gas, which also produces carbon dioxide. The Qadirpur plant takes the flare gas that would otherwise be burned and wasted and uses it to generate ENERGY,oil&gas





power. The plant is also registered for carbon credits, which is a registered project with the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).” Prior to the commissioning of the Qadirpur plant, high sulphur gas was being flared through the Qadirpur Gas Field for almost a decade. Investigation of energy conservation solutions showed that it was possible to burn the waste gas to allow power generation. The plant employs a 1+1 configuration dual fuel fired combined cycle power plant, with a 123 MW gas turbine; a 400 tonnes per hour heat recovery steam generator; and a 110 MW steam turbine. With the successful commission of the Qadirpur plant, Engro PowerGen is committed to the provision of affordable energy and reliable operations through which the company creates value for all of its stakeholders and end users. Its mission is to undertake plant operation and maintenance in a manner resulting in the continuous supply of power to the Pakistani national grid. It aims to do this by harnessing human talent and local resources

Engro PowerGen

while giving high priority to health, safety and environment in a positive, sustainable and affordable way. The work of Engro PowerGen is increasingly important to helping Pakistan meet its growing energy needs in the face of a national power deficit that makes it necessary for the country to explore and invest in several forms of power generation. “To really understand the power situation in Pakistan, it is important to take into account the fact that there is a deficit of about 5000 MW in the country at present, resulting in a lot of brownouts, as well as the occurrence of blackouts,” Jahangir explains. “I think that to address this problem we need to invest in all energy types at present, meaning that it is not really possible for Engro PowerGen to focus purely on renewable energy. It is important for Pakistan to make use of fossil fuel to power plants and when the opportunity arises to also look at renewable power sources such as solar, wind and hydro power. This is certainly the doctrine that the government is also following at present.” Within the Pakistani market the low cost of

GE Power GE Power provides a broad array of power generation, energy delivery, and water process technologies to solve your challenges locally. We work in several areas of the energy industry, including renewable resources such as wind and solar, biogas and alternative fuels, and coal, oil, natural gas, and nuclear energy. We also develop advanced technologies to help solve some of the world’s most complex challenges related to water availability and quality. Headquartered in Schenectady, New York, GE Power is GE’s largest industrial business, with more than $27 billion in revenue in 2014 and approximately 38,000 employees serving customers in more than 125 countries.






oil has shifted the focus of the energy business to more conventional fuel-burning power plants, as the reduced cost of crude oil makes the operation of such plants relatively inexpensive. However, Jahangir is confident that this will be a temporary situation and that renewable forms of energy will play a key role in the nation’s future energy solution. “Currently the crude oil price has dropped so much that the cost of burning in conventional power plants has become relatively cheap and this makes it more challenging to justify the slightly more expensive forms of power that come out of renewable sources,” he says. “At $100 plus per barrel for the price of crude oil, alternative products like wind or hydro have more of an attraction; however with prices at a third of what they were previously it is more of a struggle to sell the idea of renewable energy to the state’s energy regulator. I think that this is a temporary phase and that the industry understands that the crude oil price is not going to stay at its current level. The future is in renewable energy and within Pakistan there is a limited area in which I feel that the renewable sector can do well. Solar energy has the best potential followed by hydropower which too has very good prospects.” By working with the Pakistani government to help address the nation’s energy needs, Engro PowerGen Qadirpur Limited has further strengthened its reputation as a trusted and ethical market player. The wider Engro Corporation celebrated 50 years of operations

Engro PowerGen

during 2015 and, therefore, lends a strong base of engineering excellence to Engro PowerGen, which the company leverages to provide technically advanced and effective power generation solutions. As it continues to grow, Engro PowerGen will continue to work to address Pakistan’s energy deficit and to expand into new regions globally. “We work within a regulatory framework and as such only sell to one client, which is the Pakistani government. The government has designed the country’s power projects internally so that they provide an attractive rate of return. This is typically a 15 per cent product based return, which is a very attractive rate,” Jahangir concludes. “Our parent company has a legacy within the industry of 50 years, which is not necessarily in the power generation business but within the running of large complexes such as fertilizer and petrochemical plants. This means that the company is built on a very significant engineering background. The Engro Corporation has identified three verticals that it would like to develop, primarily the first of these is energy; while the second is the food business, which deals with almost 180 million people in Pakistan and hence is a very critical sector to address; and the final area is agricultural based chemicals. We are looking at the potential of adding a further 100 MW of capacity at our existing power plant, as well as new opportunities domestically and globally to provide a comprehensive power solution.”

Currently the crude oil price has dropped so much that the cost of burning in conventional power plants has become relatively cheap and this makes it more challenging to justify the slightly more expensive forms of power that come out of renewable sources

Pakistan State Oil For 39 years, PSO, Pakistan’s leading public sector company, has been fulfilling the fuel needs of the country in a timely & responsible manner. PSO is engaged in the marketing and distribution of POL products including gasoline, diesel, furnace oil, jet fuel, CNG, LPG and lubricants. PSO has the most widespread retail network with over 3500 retail outlets & is the major fuel supplier to the aviation, railways, marine and power sectors. PSO’s commitment to the energy security of Pakistan has been enhanced by diversification into liquefied natural gas (LNG) as a fuel for power generation and other sectors.

Engro PowerGen

Services Power generation




analysis Since the company’s

formation in 1993, ATAC Group has earned a trusted reputation as a market-leader in the research, design, development and manufacture of process analysers for the oil and gas, petrochemical, energy and process industries. During 2002 ATAC acquired Sysco Analytics, in a purchase that included the company’s leading Hone and Hallikainen brands. This strategic acquisition also served to add analyser system integration capabilities to the growing ATAC product portfolio and in 2010 ATAC was finally acquired by Advanced Holdings Ltd (Advanced), headquartered in Singapore. Advanced was started in 1993 to establish a specialist business by combining its engineering expertise with the supply of process equipment technologies and equipment. The company is



today listed on the Singapore SESDAQ stock exchange and has established itself as an ISO9001:2008 certified specialist company in the license and supply of proprietary process equipment and process technologies across several industry sectors. Today ATAC continues to provide its clients with high quality process analyser solutions, including its latest groundbreaking Tuneable Diode Laser (TDL) technology. “We specialise in the area of physical property analysis, for the hydrocarbon processing and oil and petrochemical refining industries,” explains Sales & MarketingDirector, John Kelly. “Our historic brands of Hone and Hallikainen have and continue to be leading brands in physical property analysis, which it would be true to say represents a relatively niche market within the specialised area of process analysis.” ATAC is a world leader in the supply of integrated process analytical packages, ranging from single sample conditioning systems to complete pre-fabricated analyser shelters for oil refineries, chemical plants, offshore platforms


and other industries requiring bespoke system integration. The company’s comprehensive range of analytical products is used to measure properties including viscosity, boiling point, cloud point, colour, distillation point, flash point, opacity and vapour pressure. The ATAC range of Hallikainen viscosity analysers provide an on-line solution across various applications. The range correlates with the corresponding ASTM laboratory standard measurements and as well as measuring Newtonain fluids, the products include capabilities that enable it to handle nonNewtonian samples. In addition to its viscosity analysers, the ATAC Hallikainen brand includes field proven and trusted vapour pressure and colour and opacity analytical solutions. The company’s Hone brand includes cloud point and flash point monitoring solutions that it supplies to clients within the petrochemical and refining industries. Cloud point refers to a fuel’s temperature as it begins to thicken and ‘cloud’ as temperature drops due to some of the heavier waxy components beginning to precipitate out. The ATAC Cloud Point Analyser utilises a measuring cell, which minimises the effects of any dissolved water within the system and also features a touch-screen intuitive colour display. Again, this on-line physical property analyser correlates well with ASTM laboratory standard measurements. The Hone Flash Point Analyser monitors the lowest temperature at which a liquid can form an ignitable mixture in the air. The ATAC Hone 4400 continuous flash point analyser is an extensively field proven solution that incorporates a universally accepted catalytic detector. The company also offers its range of ATAC Hone Distillation Analysers that offer both multipoint (up to seven points) distillation analysers and single point continuous boiling point measurement. John joined ATAC during October 2015 after working with a major industry player in the manufacture of analytical process systems for several years. Bringing with him a wealth of industry experience, John is looking forward to assisting ATAC with the development its existing and recently introduced product ranges, as well as extending the company’s presence in new markets globally. “I have always been involved in the process analysis sector and spent many years with working with a large industrial systems and products company. I was with the analytical division of that business for more than 20 years, for almost all of that time in a sales and management capacity,” John says. “I joined

ATAC Group

ATAC because of what it has in terms of its new TDL technology. It is a product that ATAC is very enthusiastic about and that actually offers the potential to change the process analysis business. For me having been with a very large and well-established company for a long time, it represented an exciting new challenge.” Tuneable Diode Laser technology represents the latest edition to the ATAC product portfolio. The ATAC Luminos series of TDL Analsers are designed to measure low (ppm) levels of hydrogen sulphide (H2S), Moisture, CO2 & other components in a wide range of process gas applications. The analyser range utilises a tuneable laser for precise measurement, even at very low concentrations. Tuneable singlefrequency diode lasers consist of a laser diode and a frequency selective element, which control the emission frequency. The units embody a number of features including, a laser source with no moving parts, no expensive consumables or hazardous tapes, excellent long-term stability, specific measurement with no interference from other gases and single factory calibration over the whole range. Through a combination of its market-leading industry experience, innovative product portfolio and the support of its parent company, the Advanced Group, ATAC is well placed to continue to grow and develop, despite challenging market conditions. “While I should point out that other people do have TDL technology, which means that we are not unique in this sense, we do offer is a very compact, ENERGY,oil&gas



ATAC Group

very low maintenance and reliable package with some unique features that will be very competitive in the market. We are a relatively small company, based in Wiltshire, but we have a long and proven history in the market. We have built a good reputation for engineering and analytical expertise and I think that ATAC is a recognised brand that clients know has technical credibility,” John reveals. “The Advanced Group are a growing business and during November 2015 its Managing Director was named the 2015 the Ernst & Young Singapore Entrepreneur of the year. It is a growing company with ambition in the development of these and other products,” he concludes. “I think the challenge for 2016 is to spread the word about the company’s new and existing products, explore & develope the world’s markets. We might not be a large business compared to some of the big Automation Corporates, but we are not limited in the way that we can work with clients across borders and continents - we have a truly global reach. Whilst within Europe, there is less demand for new refinery equipment because



Today ATAC continues to provide its clients with high quality process analyser solutions, including its latest groundbreaking Tuneable Diode Laser (TDL) technology

there are not a lot of new builds happening, we still still see a lot of opportunities for our products, especially TDL in the European Petrochemical market and beyond. We will be looking at how we can deliver these products to the North American and Asia Pacific markets, while the Indian and South American regions are key areas for the company as well.”

ATAC Group

Services Process analysers & systems


Wood Group

The future of


Wood Group

is an international energy services company operating in more than 50 countries. The company has three businesses – Wood Group PSN, Wood Group Kenny and Wood Group Mustang – providing a range of engineering, production support and maintenance management services to the oil & gas, and power generation industries worldwide. Wood Group has been involved in the hookup and commissioning of production platforms since the early 1970s, providing many of the modifications that have sustained those facilities throughout their producing lives. The company is now well positioned to apply its unique insight to ensure the safest and most efficient approach to decommissioning, as Nigel Lees, Wood Group’s decommissioning director explains. “Wood Group has facilitated the development and operation of many UKCS assets, and has a strong track record in facility decommissioning, with experience going back to the 1990s. The company was responsible for deconstruction and decommissioning of major fields, including BP’s North West Hutton and Miller, and is currently providing decommissioning services to Shell’s Brent field. “The process of plugging and abandoning wells and dismantling the associated ageing assets and infrastructure creates a unique challenge that Wood Group is not only well positioned to support but also committed to

approaching collaboratively, with a focus on delivering these immense projects in an effective and efficient way. “Every platform on the UKCS is unique in some respect, yet that does not necessarily mandate a different plan for each structure; many lend themselves to a bundled geographic approach, bringing together groups of projects to build a more effective programme. The simplification of contracting and operating approaches whilst applying business models specifically tailored for decommissioning, must be seen as a priority and there should be an impetus to encourage sharing of knowledge and lessons across the industry.” Wood Group has been a sponsor of the latelife planning portal, developed by Decom North Sea in answer to an action in the Oil and Gas Industrial Strategy, which provides a framework for sharing of learnings while providing direction to those undertaking decommissioning, or considering the first steps in their approach. Nigel continues: “Whilst sharing our learnings with others freely we have also focused on pulling together Wood Group’s decommissioning experience and capability across our global business into a central network. This ensures Wood Group is able to deliver comprehensive and adaptable solutions to our clients; combining topsides experience with subsea expertise we can offer unique insight across the interfaces of any project or programme of removal. ENERGY,oil&gas


Local relationships

Significant cost savings on engineering and procurement

Access to our global pool of knowledge

Assurance on quality of service through our universal quality management system

We offer unrivaled project delivery, engineering and consulting services throughout your asset life cycle. All delivered through a combination of local support, networked to our high value engineering centre. Cost efficent. Quality assured.


Wood Group

It’s not just about decommissioning what is already there. We are also utilising this amassed knowledge to support new projects where we use these lessons for the benefit of our clients to shape the designs of future facilities “Our capabilities include the undertaking of specific studies and estimation of the decommissioning cost associated with an asset through to the strategic planning and execution of the removal activities. Our decommissioning teams are regularly updating asset retirement obligations whilst also planning execution phases using support from our service lines. This includes pulling on capabilities such as operations, engineering & construction, subsea and industrial services, in addition to augmenting these with strategic partnerships and insight from specialist groups. “It’s not just about decommissioning what is already there. We are also utilising this amassed knowledge to support new projects where we use these lessons for the benefit of our clients to shape the designs of future facilities.” Nigel continues: “The sharing of knowledge is one of the first steps in driving cost efficiency. But timing is also fundamental to this collaborative approach to ensure the recovery of reserves is maximised, the scope is appropriate and well-defined, and that the method of execution is efficient and effective. “Although limited in number, there are already many lessons that can be learned from several completed decommissioning projects.

Perhaps the most important is the need to start planning for asset retirement several years in advance of the anticipated abandonment start date. Even assets in early production stages will benefit from a foundation retirement plan, and an operating model to balance medium and latelife asset management challenges. “You could argue that the additional focus now placed on decommissioning only signals the end of the line for late and ultra late-life assets, yet that misses the opportunity to make a positive contribution to the operational phase whilst preparing for the planned cessation of production. “The regulators’ desire to see the right assets in the right hands recognises that ownership may need to change to maximise the recovery from a field and as a result the context around which decommissioning will take place, is also likely to change. The management of late-life and ultra late-life assets to maximise economic recovery brings with it the need to consider the region and production opportunities that may extend life and so further influence preparation, abandonment and restoration obligations. “Ultimately we believe decommissioning should be part of a late-life asset management approach, which links the operational and decommissioning phases together. It cannot remain as something that begins after the cessation of production; ideally it should be planned as part of an asset’s journey right from the beginning. It is important to think about the impact of the decisions made, and the inevitable changes as you go through the life of the asset. But most importantly decommissioning is something that should be approached positively as part of the strategic planning for an asset and basin.”

Wood Group Kenny Wood Group Kenny solves complex technological challenges across the energy and industrial sectors. It provides unrivalled global project delivery, engineering and consulting services throughout the asset life cycle, utilising its high-value engineering centre for greater efficiency. Focused on deriving new, innovative and value driven solutions for its customers, Wood Group Kenny also uses its extensive experience to help standardise and simplify the approach to projects. This breadth of services, coupled with over 35 years’ industry experience, enables Wood Group Kenny to offer fit for purpose solutions for both the routine and highly complex challenges faced by its customers.

Wood Group

Services Decommissioning, support services





Operating as a Singapore-based

entity, SE Shipping Lines PTE Ltd was founded during 2007 and has been actively involved in the heavy lift and shipping segment since 2008. Today the company represents a market leader in the provision of niche end-to-end, customer driven solutions for the worldwide transportation of project and break bulk cargos, with a specialisation in windmill components in both onshore and offshore applications. Within this segment, SE Shipping Lines has earned a trusted reputation in meeting the needs of its clients in undertaking complex lifting and transport operations. Traditionally the most common cargos carried by the company are windmill parts, which are typically produced in one location and commissioned in other countries around the world. SE Shipping Lines is able to meet the ocean transport needs of its clients, such as India-based turbine supplier Suzlon Energy Limited, which is a wholly independent business associated with SE Shipping through one of its shareholders. Additionally SE Shipping Lines has been able to leverage its experience working with Suzlon to transport windmill components



for well-known industry players including GE, Vestas, Lely Aircon and Alstom. Through a growing track record of successful transport operations, SE Shipping Lines has developed close relationships with its clients and windmill manufacturers. This allows the company to participate in requests for quotations (RFQ) and tenders for ocean transport movements. Windmill components and other large high-volume cargos incur a significant logistical cost and typically these cargos are tendered to qualified shipping lines and awarded according to competitiveness, reliability and fleet strength. Throughout its history, SE Shipping Lines has consistently proven successful in winning a number of such tenders and executing them accordingly. Further to the transport of windmills and associated components, SE Shipping Lines manages five multi-purpose vessels (MPV) that allow it to carry cargos across various industry sectors. The company’s MPV fleet is suitable for the transport of a range of cargos, including oil and gas components comprising turbines, pipes and bespoke heavy or oddly shaped equipment. The delivery of large


non-standardised equipment requires a lot of planning and engineering during preparation for transport. Owing to the expense of these cargos, often clients as well as cargo insurers have specific requirements that need to be addressed. Therefore SE Shipping Lines operates an in-house specialised engineering team to ensure that all of the required information, documentation and planning services are met and that the cargo is ultimately delivered safely. Its in-depth knowledge and industry experience has allowed SE Shipping Lines to work with some of the marine industry’s leading names in heavy lifting and transport. Furthermore by nurturing close relationships with clients and freight forwarders alike, the company has established itself as a globally recognised market player. This is demonstrated by the close relationship SE Shipping Lines has developed with the globally renowned equipment manufacturer Siemens, which maintains a list of shortlisted shipping lines that are invited to tender its ocean transport operations. Every year there is an agreed code of conduct in regards to how companies approach RFQs and every month potential partners receive a list of the heavy products that Siemens needs to transport. SE Shipping Lines has tendered for and won several significant transport orders for Siemens and remains as a shortlisted service provider for the company. A lot of the deliveries undertaken by SE Shipping Lines is undertaken through forwarders including DSV and DHL, as well as local manufacturing companies. Within Korea for example, the company recently transported cement sleepers that were produced for an upcoming mining project in Australia. The total load of the sleepers was 100,000 tonnes, which was transported over the course of 12 months, with an average of between 10,000 and 12,000 tonnes each month. The main contractor of the project was Samsung, as well as Hyundai Merchant Marine for which it finally executed the ocean transport. The vessels utilised by SE Shipping Lines are managed by its SE Ship Management division that supervises all of the vessel’s technical requirements and ensures that the ships are crewed by qualified and well-trained seafarers. It also ensures that that the crews are relieved regularly and that the vessels comply with all of the necessary health and safety matters. All of the company’s operations within SE Shipping Lines and SE Ship Management work from a

SE Shipping Lines

centralised location in Singapore, from where it is able to maintain direct contact with its clients. During 2015 the company consolidated all of its operations in Singapore and by the end of the year all of its branch offices in Houston, Hamburg, Sydney and Mumbai were closed. This was in response to increasingly challenging market conditions and a desire to streamline the business and shield it from the cost of overheads. Today all of the company’s functions, such as finance, corporate matters and administration are all carried out in Singapore by a staff of 20 personnel. While the low cost of oil has resulting in a slowdown of operation within the oil and gas market in general, SE Shipping Lines has remained active in delivering components to operations that are close to completion and spare parts. Additionally, the continued development of wind energy market represents a core area in which the company is set to lead the way throughout 2016 and beyond.

Its in-depth knowledge and industry experience has allowed SE Shipping Lines to work with some of the marine industry’s leading names in heavy lifting and transport

SE Shipping Lines PTE Ltd

Services Heavy lift and logistics specialists



force A planetary

Since its formation

during November 1979 the Benelux division of the Brevini Group (Brevini) has established a proven track record as a world-class manufacturer of power transmission units, hydraulic systems and winches that matches the leading reputation of its parent business. The Brevini Group was founded in 1960 by Renato, Luciano and Corrado Brevini, as the first Italian company to produce planetary gearboxes and as of 2014 enjoyed a turnover of €305 million, with exports accounting for 87 per cent of its business. Today the Brevini Group employs 1700 individuals around the world and has made major investments on a global scale that it combines with the continued training of its employees through its ‘Luciano Brevini’ training school, which first opened in 2001. Brevini Benelux is proud to share in the tradition of its parent company in supplying high-quality power transmission solutions to clients across a broad spectrum of industry sectors. “Brevini Benelux was established within the Netherlands as two-person company and has grown within the Benelux region through the delivery of planetary, hydraulic and winch projects. The business today has more than 70 employees that generate an annual turnover of around €30 million. We work with several industries including oil and gas, renewable and pipe handling clients, as well as offshore, waste management, food, general industry and



even fairground applications,” reveals Sales and Marketing Manager, Dennis van Arkel. The present crisis surrounding the low cost of oil has produced a significant knock-on effect on the commencing of projects within the energy market and beyond, resulting in a downturn of industry demand for new components and equipment. Its broad base of clients from a diverse cross section of industries, has somewhat shielded Brevini Benelux from the implications of the depressed oil and gas markets and allowed the business to divert attention to developing in other areas. “The low oil price has naturally caused a slowdown in the oil and gas markets, which means that the majority of our markets are similarly affected causing operators to slow down and even completely stop the production of new equipment,” Dennis agrees. “According to recent estimations, the market could continue at this level of depression for as long as the next two years. We are therefore putting a lot more


focus into the other areas of our business where the opportunities for growth remain strong. For example, the food and agriculture industries are still strong as the demand for food items continues to grow. The waste management and renewable markets are still active and the renewable market in particular is certainly an area in which we continue to see improvement with more customers receiving orders for equipment.” Although the company is able to provide off-the-shelf products as required, the majority of the options delivered by Brevini Benelux are bespoke solutions, including custom gearboxes that conform to all applicable Lloyds, DNV and ABS regulations. “We are in principle always able to succeed in providing a unique solution that meets the specific and technically demanding needs of the company’s clients and of the relevant regulating bodies. During the development of bespoke solutions we work in close co-operation with the client at all stages, this ensures that projects with new and existing clients always have a positive start. By also working in close collaboration with regulating bodies such as the DNV, we can further ensure a positive start to the development process because we know that the heart of the gearbox has already been approved,” Dennis elaborates. “High levels of certification are something that is requested by most customers operating in the various fields in which we are present and most require at least ISO 9001. We have obtained ISO 9001, 14001 and 18001 certification, so we can work in all environments and to the highest standards,” he continues. “Clients also increasingly have their own specific rules and requirements that we are required to sign and conform to. We are keen to work with clients who are as interested as we are, in operating with the right attitude and in the correct way.” In addition to offshore wind projects with clients operating between the UK and the European mainland in Dutch, Belgian and German waters, Brevini Benelux has also recently worked to supply components to a record-breaking vessel for Allseas. “During 2015

Brevini Group - Benelux

we worked with the Pioneering Spirit for Allseas, which is the largest catamaran vessel in the world. We provided gearboxes and equipment worth €5 million throughout the vessel’s pipe handing equipment, tensioning systems and winches. Work is currently ongoing, but the ship is due to finally start testing during September 2016,” Dennis says. During 2016 and beyond Brevini Group Benelux will continue to supply technically demanding and unique solutions to clients throughout its broad base of industry clients and markets. Although the price of oil has created challenging trading conditions in some areas, the company is confident that it has the technical know-how to navigate the market over the coming years. “We are able to provide flexible supply packages and solutions to our clients and are keenly focused on the trends in the market and where clients are active,” Dennis concludes. “Once the oil price goes up, investments will start again and it will certainly be interesting to see how the decision to lift sanctions against Iran will affect the market over the coming years.”

Brevini Group Benelux

Services Manufacturer of power transmission, hydraulics and winches



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E.ON Climate and Renewables (EC&R)

Fields of

green Over the last decade the need to decrease our reliance on fossil fuels and instead turn to more renewable solutions has been an evergrowing concern. New and existing companies have since risen up and taken responsibility for addressing this need, and the energy industry has seen numerous steps made towards innovation in a variety of solutions designed to harness the power of wind, sunlight, waves and biomass amongst many others. E.ON, one of the world’s largest energy providers, is undoubtedly playing a key role in this evolution. In 2007, its renewables arm, E.ON Climate and Renewables (EC&R) was set up and over the years that followed has grown to an investment level that surpassed ten billion euros early in 2016. With its major focus concentrated on both on and offshore wind generation, plus photovoltaic solar generation, the company now operates a diversified portfolio of 4.5GW across Europe and the US. In 2014 this amounted to a total electricity production of 12.3TWh. Such focused activity means that E.ON is now the second largest offshore wind operator in the world and the 12th largest onshore provider in a highly competitive market. Such leadership not only establishes EC&R as a pioneer in the global transition to green energy, but also serves to demonstrate the significant impact the technology can have. Over its nine-year operational period, for instance, its entire green generation portfolio has displaced over 60 million metric tonnes of carbon – the equivalent to Berlin’s emissions for six years. Ever keen to continue developing and

expanding its portfolio, EC&R remains busy delivering key projects. In terms of offshore in Europe, it became the first company to complete two separate projects in the same year in 2015. Due for completion in the summer, but completed two months ahead of schedule in May, the Humber Gateway wind farm, which sits eight kilometres off the coast of Holderness, has a total installed capacity of 219MW from 73 turbines, the first of which came online in February 2014. “There was a little bit of luck involved in being able to finish this in such good time as offshore construction is very weather dependent and it was very favourable for us,” says Corporate Communications Officer, Markus Nitschke. “However, more importantly, we have developed a very strong set of key competencies in building offshore. We do not hand the project operation to a main contractor for a turnkey solution, instead we co-ordinate all the different activities in-house and this transpired into a very successful delivery for the Humber Gateway project.” The second project to be completed in that year was the Amrumbank West wind farm 100km off the coast of Germany in the North Sea, EC&R’s first commercial programme in the country as a sole operator. “Being that much further out to sea and in waters around 30 metres deep, this was much more of a logistical challenge compared to some of the UK projects that tend to be closer to the shore,” continues Markus. “We have a base on the nearby island of Helgoland where we now have the service station for the farm, and this served as the co-ordination centre throughout its development.” ENERGY,oil&gas



E.ON Climate and Renewables (EC&R)

Successful growth continues and in May of the same year E.ON confirmed the 1.9 billion euro investment into a new 400MW wind farm 13km off the coast of Sussex, the first to be located in the English Channel

When completed in October 2015, Amrumbank West, which consists of 80 150-metre high turbines, had an operational capacity of 288MW, enough to power 300,000 households. However, following an innovative software upgrade early in 2016 this has now been increased to 302MW. The project as a whole required an investment of one billion euros of capital expenditure, but combined with the Humber Gate programme meant that in 2015 EC&R developed enough capacity to power a total of 470,000 households and save 1.3 million tonnes of CO2 a year. Successful growth continues and in May of the same year E.ON confirmed the 1.9 billion euro investment into a new 400MW wind farm 13km off the coast of Sussex, the first to be located in the English Channel. Due to be completed in early 2018 the Rampion project will generate 1300GWh of electricity every year supplying up to 300,000 homes across Europe courtesy of 116 turbines. Illustrating the company’s open approach to partnerships, Green Investment Bank plc (GIB), the first green-focused investment bank of its kind in the world, and Canadian energy company, Endridge, have joined forces to help develop the Rampion wind farm, with E.ON retaining a controlling share of 50.1 per cent. Across the pond in the US, E.ON continues to establish its onshore and solar portfolio. In November of 2015 its Maricopa West utilityscale solar farm in California entered full operation. Completed ahead of schedule and under a budget of 50 million euros, the site consists of 89,000 panels, with a 28MW capacity and runs alongside a state-of-the-art tracking system ensuring the panels are always orientated



to the sun. In terms of wind power, Markus informs of a 200MW onshore programme currently in development in Northern Texas named Colbeck’s Corner. It is clear that whilst E.ON as a group readily occupies a space at the forefront of renewable power generation it is not ready to rest on its laurels and maintaining growth and development is key to the company’s strategy as it moves forward. At the beginning of the year it split its conventional coal and gas power generation portfolio into a separate company called Uniper and as such now focuses on three core pillars: customer solutions, energy networks and renewables. With this strategic move in motion Markus highlights that it is now the company’s focus to bring everything together improving the way it operates and making the most of new opportunities. “This is a cultural thing as much as it is an organisational thing,” he says. “We have to change our way of thinking, particularly when it comes to technical innovation and there are a number of internal and external investment initiatives in place to help foster this by supporting and developing innovative tech start ups from the field of energy around the world.” E.ON and its renewables division is playing a central role in the development of the world’s clean energy reliance and searching for new opportunities to establish key investment partnerships, develop new sites and support new innovations is a big part of achieving this. Continuing to do so not only defines its own future but also the industry’s as a whole, and in this respect the coming years look to be very positive indeed.

AGGREKO Wind farms have their own unique challenges. We at Aggreko recognise the importance of each stage. Aggreko has been working closely with the wind farm industry since its inception, offering support to both onshore and offshore wind farms. With over 50 years’ experience and an in-depth understanding of the power and temperature control need of wind farms, you can rely on us to be your partner throughout your wind farm life cycle. Thanks to innovative strategies and a worldwide knowledge of how to adapt solutions to a particular situation, we didn’t only achieve significant cost savings; we also improved the safety and efficiency in any industry. Due to a worldwide network of locations and a true 24/7 service, you can rely on us, even in case of an emergency.

E.ON Climate and Renewables (EC&R)

Services E.ON’s industrial-scale renewables arm



Connectivity, communication and technology solutions for the

energy industry

Vysiion, with a heritage stretching back

The main strengths of Vysiion have always been in its flexibility and agility. We are completely vender-agnostic, which means that that we are able to source and supply the best solution for the job at hand

to the early 1970s, has a long and proven track record in the supply of managed technology solutions across a number of distinct markets, with the Energy sector being key amongst them. Previously operating as RFL Communications PLC (RFL), the company has developed as a reliable turnkey systems integrator able to provide full design and installation services, in addition to a 24/7 service and support facility. Over time RFL quickly established itself as an internationally recognised company, offering clients full service packages covering everything from network upgrades to new offshore wind installation. Its customer base included the supply of systems for UK national and overseas national electricity grids within Jordan, Qatar, Azerbaijan, St Lucia, Abu Dhabi and Kenya, with further recent experience in the UK’s offshore wind farms. Vysiion’s expertise has been further developed following the integration of ITS, a provider of ‘best in class’ computing and IT solutions, and JAD, whose focus was on providing IT services to the commercial and public sector markets. 2015 was a year of change for all three businesses. Vysiion was created following RFL’s acquisition of both JAD and ITS with support from the Business Growth Fund (BGF) in the form of a £4 million equity investment. Vysiion has now become a full service integrator with a unique ability to support all aspects of systems integration, from hybrid,

cloud and fixed hosting and enterprise solutions right through to full connectivity and communication options. The business today continues to provide turnkey integrated systems for the public and private sector as well as a full service of communication systems within the utilities market. With comprehensive accreditation and associated track record the reputation of Vysiion’s fibre team, for instance, is second to none. Bruce Brain, Vysiion’s Executive Chairman sums up the past 12 months: “This investment helped us to bring together these three companies to create one of the leading tier two companies supplying cloud-based managed services for computing and communications systems. The BGF’s funding was a key part of this. They have invested in other companies in our space, know our channel partners and trusted in the vision we have for the business.” The company has also further built on the previous experience of RFL in the renewables market and today works with substations for offshore wind farms, where it provides everything from fibre laying and splicing through to the implementation of transmission equipment, multiplexers and full communications links. Within this market operationally Vysiion broadly divides its specialist services into two areas, comprised of utility campus projects and renewable operations. These areas each represent around 40 per cent of the company’s overall ENERGY,oil&gas


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business. “The main strengths of Vysiion have always been in its flexibility and agility. We are completely vender-agnostic, which means that that we are able to source and supply the best solution for the job at hand. We also have partners that we work with so we are essentially able to work completely across the board to give the customer the best solution to match their requirements. We work to be responsive, very customer focused, cost effective and ensure on-time deliveries,” elaborates Infrastructure Sales Manager, Michael Grimshaw. Although the oil and gas markets are currently in the midst of a significant slowdown brought about by the depressed price of oil, the offshore wind market is presently experiencing a period of buoyancy. Vysiion is well placed to help support in this arena following significant 2015 activity to support Gwynt y Môr and the London Array, representing the world’s second and first largest wind farms respectively. The Vysiion team is currently working to deliver solutions to the Dudgeon project with Siemens and is also engaged on the Galloper wind farm with Alstom. The company also continues to work on the German Wikinger wind farm with Vodafone and anticipates that several other wind farm projects will be implemented in near future. Within the field of wind farm operations, Vysiion is able to deliver a comprehensive package of telecommunications and securitybased solutions. “With the Dudgeon wind farm for example, our scope with Siemens is to design the network, to provide the supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) network and all of the routing and switching for the SCADA devices. We also supply and install all of the CCTV and telephony equipment on the offshore platforms and onshore substations,” Michael reveals. “We provide communications to site offices, telephony services out on the platforms as well as the necessary telephone exchanges. Finally we are also working on some security and perimeter detection systems for them. On a typical wind farm project the main required elements are SCADA networks, CCTV and telephony installation.” While Vysiion is a fully vender-agnostic, it nevertheless nurtures long-lasting and close relationships with both its clients and its partners to ensure the on-time delivery of the best and most suitable communication systems. The company holds enhanced partner status with well-known brands such as Dell, Microsoft


and VMWare, which allow it full access to the vendors’ range of products. Other partners in the field include Keymile, Alcatel, Siemens, ShoreTel and Hernis. During 2016 and beyond Vysiion will remain focused on supporting the delivery of services to the growing offshore wind sector as well as on maintenance works for fibre networks on the National Grid. Additionally the enhanced capabilities of the company’s product-service offering provides customers with the opportunity


to discuss and review other IT managed solution cost efficiencies. Within the Energy sector Vysiion will seek to capitalise on the buoyancy of the offshore and utilities market, while leveraging its proven experience to secure further contracts with its existing and newly acquainted clients. As Michael acknowledges: “The delivery of wind farm projects will definitely be a great opportunity for the next three to five years because some of these projects are not due to commence until 2018 at the earliest. Certainly in the next three to five years there will be more offshore wind work, however many future projects will be at the whim of the Government because wind farm projects need to be subsidised and that element of the market will need to be fortified by Government investment.” Vysiion is definitely working in a number of interesting arenas and as Michael concludes. “With our substation, communications and utilities capability we maintain a lot of diversification in the business. Since we have become larger this has extended further because we have a business that looks after public and private sector ICT, colocation and data centre support, which adds additional support to our respective markets – so we can provide quite a complete package.”

KEYMILE is a global supplier of telecommunications solutions with design and manufacturing facilities in Germany and Switzerland. The systems developed and produced by KEYMILE are used for reliable and deterministic data transmission in mission-critical telecommunications networks used by energy suppliers, oil and gas utilities, railway companies, and state organisations. With the evolution of telecommunications networks towards packet based technologies, but having to rely on older technologies today, KEYMILE products are able to offer simultaneous availability of IP/Ethernet and TDM technology to guarantee the perfect evolution to packet-based data transmission while ensuring time critical communications are maintained. With IP connectivity becoming ubiquitous it is important to ensure networks are secure and to protect transmission of data. To meet this demand KEYMILE offers high-tech security and encryption technology available in the XMC20 product range. KEYMILE also supports its customers with a range of solution-driven services and has subsidiaries and partners worldwide with installed systems in more than 100 countries.


Services Managed technology solutions



Tower Technical Bulletin

Bio-Fuel: Turning waste into energy Background Non-food biomass and advanced waste-to-energy concepts show great potential for renewable fuel for transportation but at the same time pose new challenges for bio refinery processes. Sulzer is very active in this promising new field and offers complete process solutions and skid mounted process plants. Bioethanol Process Sulzer’s distillation process is based on proven experience for first and second generation bioethanol plants and process designs for numerous applications. Comprehensive application knowhow for thermal-separation technologies has enabled Sulzer to provide plants with a guaranteed process performance. In Sulzer’s process concept, the bio - ethanol is concentrated up to 90wt% in the distillation section; with the step from 90% up to pure ethanol being achieved with pervaporation. This process substantially reduces the energy demand in the rectification stage by 30-50% from that of conventional concepts. In the mash/beer column, Sulzer typically recommends its VG AF™ trays which are especially designed for high fouling services. These trays prevent the buildup of solids on the active decks and allow for more robust operation.

A Sulzer skid-mounted distillation plant Innovative dehydration of bioethanol The dehydration step is a fully heat-integrated vapor permeation unit using zeolite membranes, manufactured by Mitsui Zosen Machinery (MZM). This typically produces a product stream of at least 99.8% purity. A recent application of this technology was the installation of the world’s largest dehydration unit using zeolite membranes. The final bioethanol product is typically blended for use in E85 fuels. “Sulzer’s fully heat integrated hybrid solution for the downstream section can offer an incomparably reduced energy demand of approximately 1 kg steam per liter of ethanol produced,” says Thomas Raiser, Senior Application Manager at Sulzer. In contrast to the classic bioethanol distillation and dehydration processes, which are based on a combination of distillation and dehydration with molecular sieves, this very innovative distillation/vapor permeation membrane process has an unrivalled energy efficiency. In cases where the distillation and dehydration units are operated at the same location, Sulzer’s heat integrated solution for the downstream section provides remarkably reduced energy requirements of approximately 1 kg steam per liter of ethanol produced. Please check for your local contact

The Sulzer Applications Group Sulzer has over 150 years of in-house operating and design experience in process applications. We understand your process and your economic drivers. Sulzer has the know-how and the technology to design internals with reliable, high performance.


Europe, Middle East and India Sulzer Chemtech Ltd. P.O. Box 65 8404 Winterthur, Switzerland Phone: +41 52 262 50 28

Asia Pacific Sulzer Chemtech Co., Ltd. 10 Benoi Sector Singapore 629845 Phone: +65 6515 5500

North and South America Sulzer Chemtech USA, Inc. 8505 E. North Belt Drive Humble, TX 77396, USA Phone: +1 281 604-4100

Legal Notice: The information contained in this publication is believed to be accurate and reliable, but is not to be construed as implying any warranty or guarantee of performance. Sulzer Chemtech waives any liability and indemnity for effects resulting from its application.


St1 Biofuels Oy

Challenging the

conventional Established in 2006

as a subsidiary of Nordic energy firm St1 Nordic Oy, St1 Biofuels Oy’s mission is to replace fossil fuels in a competitive and sustainable way through the creation of a sustainable bioethanol production concept that can be used widely. “We were set up within the St1 group because of a bio mandate that states bio components must be added to the fuel St1 sells. Since our formation we have focused on developing and producing technology and bio components from different waste and side streams; at first we did this as a joint venture between a Finnish based research centre to provide technology for the production of ethanol from food industry waste. When the research centre sold its shares to St1, we continued on this track and have since built several plants for the production of ethanol from food industry waste; we have also developed a plant for bio waste from kitchen waste,” begins Patrick Pitkanen, Head of Sales and Business Development at St1 Biofuels Oy. Today a pioneer in waste-based bioethanol production, the ISO9001:2008 certified company has five plants built in Finland, four of which are Etanolix plants and one is Bionolix; all plants produce ethanol from biowaste. These locations include Hameenlinna Bionolix, which is integrated with a biogas plant and uses municipal biowaste collected by municipality company Kiertokapula Oy, biowaste from household, retail and industries for feedstock. With a production capacity of 1 MI/a bioethanol, the location also creates electricity, heat and stillage as side products. Another location is Lahti Etanolix, which is

integrated with Oy Hartwall Ab brewery, has a production capacity of one MI/a bioethanol and uses brewery, bakery waste and process residues bread waste for feedstock; side products produced are liquid animal feed. There is also the Hamina dehydration plant, which dehydrates the hydrous ethanol that is produced in St1 Biofuel’s Etanolix and Bionolix plants as well as from third party producers; this plant has a production capacity of 88 MI/a of 99.8 per cent of bioethanol. As fossil resources become scarcer, climate concerns grow and renewable energy obligations increase, St1 Biofuels’ solution of recycling waste into bioethanol is both profitable and sustainable. Indeed, bioethanol made from waste not only reduces CO2 emissions by up to 90 per cent in comparison to fossil fuels, but also makes no direct or indirect change to farmland usage. The company currently offers Etanolix or Bionolix alternatives to customers, with Etanolix plants refining waste and residues that are rich in starch and sugar into 99.8 per cent bioethanol; this can then be used in high blend ethanol fuels or as a bio component in low blends. A Bionolix plant, meanwhile, makes it possible to produce sustainable biofuel from municipal and commercial biowaste, including out-of-date food; the ethanol produced can be used for a number of applications. However, as a forerunner in technology, the company is keen to continue growing through the development of new innovative solutions and announced the construction of the world’s first commercial facility to produce cellulosic ethanol from sawdust, which will initially ENERGY,oil&gas



St1 Biofuels Oy

produce 10 Mliters of the biofuel annually. This major milestone follows research and development that has resulted in a technology that enables the company to use sawdust from soft wood such as pine and spurge at a reduced production cost; it also enables cost efficient logistics and limited capital exposure. Located in Kajaani, Finland, the facility is to be co-located at a sawmill site and will use steamexplosion to open the cellulosic structures of the sawdust before using enzymatic hydrolysis to get cellulose to sugars for ethanol fermentation. “It soon became clear that the volumes of waste technology are limited; in response to this we made the strategic decision to develop the Cellunolix ethanol plant in Finland, which will use sawdust as its raw material,” explains Patrick. “This plant will generate ten million litres of bioethanol per year once it is complete; it is currently under construction and should be commissioning in 2016 and ready for operation in 2017.” The plant is owned by North European Bio Tech (NEB) a joint venture between St1 and a retail specialist associated company of SOK Corporation. Because Northern Europe has a large industrial sector based on forestry, the development of this new plant opens up opportunities for the commercial production of cellulosic ethanol based on softwood. Furthermore, the biorefinery supports the climate and energy strategy of Finland following the implementation of a mandate to increase the share of renewable energy in transport up to 20 per cent by 2020. “Using sawdust is economical for many countries as there are big players who can deliver large quantities; because of this, we are now looking at expanding into the US,



Canada and also Europe where soft wood is largely harvested. Our plan is to finalise the plant and then look for the next plant, which will be bigger, in Finland, Sweden or Norway. Although there is a lot of opportunity to expand into new markets with our technology, right now we will be focused on seeing how this plant operates,” says Patrick. Indeed, with a strong reputation and several successful plants in place, the next step for St1 Biofuels is expansion into Western Europe through licensing agreements that will enable other firms to use its cutting-edge production technology. However, for now the company will continue with getting its new plant online, while also continuing with research projects that will optimise the production process. “We believe this plant has great potential for being licensed to other countries, which is why we want to ensure to product is operating well before we seek out the right customers in the future,” concludes Patrick.

It soon became clear that the volumes of waste technology are limited; in response to this we made the strategic decision to develop the Cellunolix ethanol plant in Finland, which will use sawdust as its raw material St1 Biofuels Oy

Products Waste-based advanced biofuels


core A steel

OCAS began life

in 1991 focused particularly on steel applications within the automotive industry, before moving on in 2004 to serve a much wider industrial scope. As a renowned research and development centre, OCAS has established itself as a key innovator and essential partner to clients in a range of industries from energy, oil and gas, power generation, transport and ship building to heavy machinery, construction equipment and consumer goods. By carefully tracking market trends and society’s needs the organisation is currently most active in overcoming the energy challenges in terms of cost, durability and environmental impact. Throughout its 25-year history the capabilities of OCAS have expanded significantly to include expertise on metallurgy and alloy development,


surface functionality and corrosion, joining and assembly and in-use behaviour through both simulated and real-life testing procedures. Alongside this, in 2008 it helped set up the Metal Processing Centre (MPC), a joint venture with CRM Group, which is fully equipped to develop, produce, process and characterise tailor-made alloys in small batches. Then, in 2009, it followed this with the Metal Structures Centre (MSC) in a consortium with Soete’s Lab of Ghent University and the Belgian Welding Institute to combine the competencies of design, use and evaluation of the behaviour of steel structures for international operators. Within the field of oil and gas OCAS currently plays a major role in the development of new capabilities through the deployment of cuttingedge study programmes. “Being a research lab with a track record in the development of new steels, we know about the challenges arising with regards to energy solutions,” begins Business Development Manager, Marc Vanderschueren. “For instance, we have successfully developed a number of highstrength steels with improved fracture toughness at low temperature for gas transport, improved weldability for offshore applications and improved sour corrosion resistance for oil and gas wells. Every proposed metallurgical solution is tailored to the customer’s requirements and we further support them by providing guidelines for in-use behaviour.” Despite this, the industry continues to demand more and more from its operational capabilities and as such OCAS plays a critical role in providing unique innovations. With extensive expertise across a broad range of disciplines and supported by a highly skilled and experienced team, the organisation continues to build a strong reputation and is on its way to becoming a major solutions provider to the energy market. Being able to provide safe and environmentally friendly solutions is of particular interest for OCAS at present. When it comes to safety Marc highlights the importance of ensuring the safe performance of welded pipelines over the course of their lifetime. “Our ultra-low cycle fatigue pipe bending test set-up is providing us with valuable information for fine-tuning our numerical modelling,” he says. “This is crucial for predicting and ensuring the safe and reliable operation of our customers’ pipelines, both onshore and offshore. Another example is our development of new patentable and industrially feasible technology for UV-curable coating in energy pipe applications.” ENERGY,oil&gas



In terms of its green credentials OCAS has developed and now implements environmentally friendly steel substrates and surface functionalities. “We have, for example, successfully developed effective alternatives for toxic hexavalent chromium passivation systems and hard chrome coating processes,” Marc adds. “We do not view these environmental responsibilities merely as obligations but as strong drivers for materials development and innovation.” Furthermore, as offshore operators continue to push the boundaries of exploration, endeavouring to venture deeper into existing and new wells, OCAS is at the forefront of ensuring the materials used are capable of withstanding the inevitably more extreme conditions. For instance, it has been working to overcome the challenges of pipe reeling by trying to understand the behaviours of materials exposed to its associated stresses. Marc explains: “Whilst in certain cases reeled piping is cheaper and quicker than welding and installing pipe sections offshore, in the process of winding these pipes become strained and get slightly more oval. If they are not round enough when they meet the high-pressure conditions of deep water they have the potential to collapse. The problem is that at every stage of this process the materials’ characteristics are altering, so our study is to establish how the material is going to behave, allowing the operators to accurately predict and work within the pipes’ tolerances.” To facilitate the ever changing and ever demanding market conditions, OCAS undergoes a constant programme of investment with the view to expanding its capabilities and ingraining itself deeper in the industry as an essential innovation and testing partner. “We constantly invest in new equipment or in revamping existing equipment to pro-actively meet our customers’ needs,” Marc continues. “Over the past few months alone we have revamped our heavy gauge rolling stand to extend our offering for tailor-made samples; we have doubled our capacity with regard to sour corrosion testing in our dedicated HIC lab; we have also revamped a resonant bending fatigue set-up, designed and built an abrasive wear tester and installed various other pieces of complementary equipment.” One other major investment is in the construction of a new Severe Operating Conditions testing facility, which is currently underway and will be critical to delivering the accelerated and combinatorial testing of materials and components under extreme

conditions in light of new market trends. Despite the current state of the offshore oil industry, Marc points out that many operators are using this time to prepare for the next stage of market growth with new and innovative developments, and therefore feels confident about the long-term future. OCAS is also playing a key role in the renewables market at present looking at driving down high CAPEX levels, particularly in offshore wind applications. “Over the course of 2016 we will be focusing on reducing some of the perceived conservatism of the fatigue performance of the welded joints in these applications,” he says. “This has captured quite some attention from the offshore wind developers, their supply chain and the certification authorities. The Joint Industry Project we are setting up will directly provide a ten per cent reduction in the CAPEX of offshore wind jacket sub-structures.” Other focal points over the coming months and years will be on its Engineering Critical Assessment programme, a study to test and determine maximum allowable flaw sizes in, for example, welds in metal structures. With this becoming a major topic for pipelines and structures both on and offshore in view of sustainable cost reduction and life extension, OCAS will be holding a seminar in May 2016 to address this. Otherwise, continuing to pursue the sustainable development of total solutions designed to drive cost, energy and reliability efficiencies into its various industries will define the organisation’s strategy. Further investment into its own capabilities, and strengthening of customer relationships will no doubt be key as OCAS continues to grow as such a central part of global industrial development.


Van Landuyt To have very specific testing equipment, there is need for OCAS to design it themselves. The testing equipment is used for testing all different characteristics of metal and welded connections. Van Landuyt is here for the right partner to co-engineer the equipment. As a dedicated team, the engineers from Van Landuyt listen to the needs of OCAS to fully understand the problem. As one unit together with OCAS, it has designed several concepts and discussed the solution. Once all questions have been answered, Van Landuyt designers work out the complete machine into details. In the state-of-the-art workshop, Van Landuyt builds all parts and assembles the complete machine. After a functional check in its workshop with the OCAS engineers, the installation is transferred to the OCAS facilities. The installation team from Van Landuyt installs the machine on site and witnesses the functional check after installation.


Services Leading research centre for the application and development of steel

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A strong Back in 2009, Martin Jones established

Victrex Victrex, an innovative world leader in high performance polymer solutions, has a proven track record in the oil and gas sector spanning more than 35 years. Cutting-edge, VICTREX PAEK polymer solutions are designed to survive and thrive in the most extreme environments. Magma Global Limited, a leading innovator in thermoplastic composite pipe manufacture, has selected Victrex as its partner and material supplier in the development of its m-pipe subsea pipe technology - sharing the vision of delivering the world’s most reliable risers, jumpers and intervention lines for subsea exploration and production. By working together, Victrex and Magma are shaping future performance.

Magma Global to provide highly reliable subsea pipes to the international offshore oil and gas market. When Energy, Oil & Gas last spoke with the company back in March 2015, Technical Director Steve Hatton reported on Magma’s growing success in the light well intervention (LWI) market with the innovative m-pipe. Made from a composite of carbon fibre and PEEK polymer materials, the m-pipe displays superior performance qualities thanks to its lightweight and high strength resulting in unrivalled resistance to fatigue, chemical degradation and temperatures up to 140ºC. A year on we speak to Steve again to see how business throughout 2015 continued and what the company is looking to achieve in the new year. “The last year has been interesting for us,” he begins. “We have continued our focus on the LWI side of the business as we have always believed this is a good area to target during a downturn. We are finding that people are still putting these wells to use, stimulating them and increasing their productivity, so this fits well with our business strategy and with our current production capability.” Keen to enhance its offering to the LWI market Magma has also dedicated much of its time over the last year into developing its new m-IDP handling package alongside back deck equipment supplier MDL. “When we first started looking at handling equipment we were under the assumption that we would use existing equipment in the market, but it became clear very quickly that this wasn’t going to be cost effective in terms of equipment cost, time spent on operation, and deck space,” continues Steve. “We started speaking with

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customers to understand what they wanted and we have subsequently developed a dedicated handling package that puts speed, ease and efficiency of use at the forefront of its proposal.” Designed in co-operation with MDL and Magma’s customer-base the m-IDP is a welloptimised piece of kit, built specifically to handle up to 3000 metres of 15ksi m-pipe in the Gulf of Mexico market where high flow rate and high pressures stimulation operations demand high performance. “In developing the package we were keen to meet our customer requests of a small footprint, low weight, easily-mobilised system and we believe we have done this with a product that can be installed on smaller vessels and deployed over the side, through the moonpool or even over the stern of a ship,” adds Steve. Developing this LWI market is the first stage of Magma’s three-part business strategy, which will see the company hopefully penetrating the larger riser market over the coming years. The second area of focus, and which is already creating some positive opportunities for Magma is in the jumper market. “These are nice products because every field needs them – sometimes over a hundred - and currently they have some installation and reliability issues,” says Steve. “Whilst the LWI applications are proving our product’s robustness and ease of use – being lifted in and out of the water all the time – the jumper applications are showing their ability to operate reliably in subsea conditions for longer periods of time. We hope that going forward these will form the building blocks of confidence to tackle the bigger riser market where we are capable of producing deep-water six to eight inch diameter piping systems to bring hydrocarbons back from the seabed and to inject fluids back down to the well.” Steve goes on to note that there is strong interest in the market for Magma’s m-pipe systems being developed into riser applications but highlights the challenge of demonstrating not only the performance of its products, which it is able to do with its LWI and jumper experience, but also its cost effectiveness. To address this the company is implementing an on-going qualification system to demonstrate cost advantages as well as its ability to meet DNV-code requirements. “We have obviously done a lot of internal work to assess this but what was really key for us was getting a third party involved to do an independent review,” he explains. “Last year we employed Calash to go through a field development scenario and


look at the price of a Magma system verses a conventional system. “It is very difficult to be definitive because every field development is different and if depends on where, how and by whom the system is being deployed. However the conclusion of the report suggested that there are significant installation cost savings when using Magma products that offset the higher cost of the pipe when used in connection with the appropriate installation systems. For example, the lower weight and smaller footprint of Magma solutions means that smaller vessels can be used and work can be carried out quicker and hence cheaper.” Whilst it is still finding good opportunities with the currently depressed offshore industry, Magma is looking at the end of 2016 before some of the delayed projects come back onto the market. However, despite the challenges Steve is confident about the future and the company’s focus over the next year very much reflects this. “The next few months will be about

Magma Global

generating revenue from LWI lines and selling sub-sea jumpers to both new and existing field developments where we see there is quite a bit of business,” he concludes. “By the end of the year our third production line should be fully operational as well, which uses all the same technology and equipment that we already have on the other lines, but will allow us to increase our current volumes but also set us up for the riser market which is where we have our sights set in the future.”

Magma Global Ltd

Services Manufacture composite pipes for the offshore industry

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The firstchoice Evoqua Water Technologies

BRAY CONTROLS At Bray Controls, our business is helping our customers with their flow control requirements. Through years of field application experience, research and development Bray have designed products that meet the stringent requirements of today’s flow control industry. We are an innovative company, we love good ideas and we know our customers’ success is essential to our success. This has been the direct result of our fully integrated range of valve, actuator and control products. With our global presence in more than 40 countries and our continuous acquisitions to extend our product range our goal is to establish Bray as ‘Your Global Flow Control Partner’.

was established in January 2014, following the sale of Siemens Water Technologies. Evoqua has a rich history within the water treatment market, with for example its Wallace & Tiernan® brand being synonymous with disinfection for over 100 years, whilst the name Electrocatalytic has been accepted in the power, oil and gas, and marine markets for over 50 years. Today the company is a truly global operation with 170 locations across the world that employ more than 3000 people, with more than 200,000 installations across the world, serving the water needs of hundreds of millions of people and tens of thousands of businesses. “Evoqua is a global organisation that is focused on the requirements of customers across a range of industries and applications,” explains Vice President Electrocatalytic, Ian Stentiford. “Evoqua’s Electrocatalytic product range specialises in the use of seawater for in-situ sodium hypochlorite generation for disinfection and fouling reduction, and on corrosion control using cathodic protection systems. We understand the environment in which our equipment has to work, our engineering expertise means that we appreciate the specific challenges our customers face and we work within our customers’ specifications to meet their standards. Evoqua Water Technologies can also boast of a global service network of factory trained and certified engineers that can offer support 24/7/ 365 days a year for any technical queries.”

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Evoqua supplies the global oil and gas industry with its industry standard Chloropac® system. The Chloropac hypochlorite generation system provides an environmentally safe method of preventing biological fouling using technically superior equipment for energy efficient, long-term plant operation. Evoqua serves clients in markets throughout the North Sea to Africa, Brazil, Middle East, Far East and Australia. “We have thousands of systems installed worldwide, and have supplied a Chloropac system to 75 per cent of the industry’s top rig operators,” Ian observes. “The system has also been widely used in the marine industry for biofouling prevention, and we are extending this expertise to our SeaCURE™ Ballast Water Management System for impending IMO and USCG regulations. The Chloropac system is designed to prevent marine growth in seawater piping, heat exchangers, sea chests and coolers. For uninterrupted operation, the Chloropac® system’s low-level continuous hypochlorination capability has been shown to be more effective than other types of marine growth prevention systems, and further, the Chloropac system may also be used for shock dosing.” Evoqua’s Electrocatalytic product range has been developed in-house and is capable of supplying seawater electrochlorination and cathodic protection systems for a variety of applications. The Chloropac® system treats water systems to prevent bio-fouling by injecting a sodium hypochlorite seawater solution in to the main water flow. This provides a disinfecting environment in which organic growth is inhibited and where organisms continue with the water flow until outfall from the system. By producing hypochlorite in-situ from natural seawater there is no environmental impact from dosing foreign substances or chemicals. The current climate within the oil and gas market, brought about by the depressed price of oil, has encouraged operators to seek the most economic solutions in every aspect of the day-to-day running of projects. This has led to the development of a standardised version of the Chloropac® system, to help clients address cost challenges without comprising safety, reliability or quality. “Our future standard products will be designed to not only boast significant footprint and weight reductions, but will also be economically superior to any other solution either temporary or permanent. A standardised package removes any concern associated with field life because it may be relocated from


platform to platform as demand dictates. This also allows for the attractive propositions of consistent operation and spare parts pooling. “Another of the Electrocatalyic product family is our CAPAC® system, which automatically and permanently prevents galvanic corrosion by impressing a cathodic protection voltage on the submerged surfaces of sea-going vessels and on fixed or mobile off-shore structures. “More recently Evoqua has also developed the SeaCURE™ ballast water management system specifically for the impending invasive species IMO and USCG regulations,” Ian elaborates. “At the heart of each of these systems is our proprietary concentric tubular electrode (CTE) cell. The cell uses seawater and an electrical current to generate sodium hypochlorite. The CTE cell has a number of benefits, most notably the low maintenance and simple operation it provides. The cell does not require an acid wash or other external cleaning methods, and can realise a 20 per cent whole life cost reduction, and further savings on associated labour costs.


There is also no requirement to shut down the system to provide cleaning, meaning the user has the full output available.” Ian concludes: “As an organisation our vision is to be the ‘first choice for water solutions’. We will achieve this by remaining honest to our core values of Integrity, Customer and Performance. We have aligned our organisation to be able to focus on our specific markets and their required solutions so our vision is to be using this model to drive the best solutions for our customers. This will enable Evoqua to continue to provide the best market solutions throughout 2016 and beyond.”

Evoqua/ Electrocatalytic

Services Water treatment

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Ledwood Mechanical Engineering

choice First

Based at the

Waterloo Industrial Estate in Pembroke Dock, the Welsh business Ledwood Mechanical Engineering (Ledwood) represents a market leader in delivering complex projects in support of the energy and process sectors. The company’s competence is applied to a number of market sectors, including heavy industry, allowing Ledwood to design, procure, fabricate, protective coat, construct, install and project manage the delivery of complex plant internationally. Ledwood specialises in handling complex, large facilities such as oil, petrochemical, gas processing and power generation, with an enviable track record of delivering quality projects on time, to budget and with an unbeaten safety record. “One of the main reasons behind the foundation of the company was to service four large oil refineries that existed within its locality with engineering, fabrication, installation services, as well as maintenance and operational support. These refineries were all major facilities owned by international oil companies and it was later realised that we could further service refineries throughout the UK and indeed the world,” explains Managing Director, Nick Revell. “Ledwood has continued to gain market share while entering into new markets within its

traditional business sectors. Our skill sets and capabilities allow us to participate at the initial stages of a project lifecycle, which positions us for delivering the engineering, procurement and fabrication. We also have another business within the group, which is called Ledwood Protective Coatings (LPC), this business provides different types of protective coatings, including Thermal Spraying and Fireproof systems. LPC is complementary and vertically integrated in this respect and once we have completed the fabrication and coatings, we undertake the transportation wherever that may be prior to executing installation.” Ledwood has represented a trusted name in engineering excellence for more than three decades, but it was during 2000 the company reformed under the name Ledwood Mechanical Engineering, supported by investment from the external shareholders. With this backing the business has continued to thrive and has become involved in a range of major engineering projects globally in recent years. Its ten-acre dockside location puts Ledwood in an ideal position to supply vital plant and equipment to clients worldwide via marine transport. This has allowed clients within the offshore oil and gas exploration sector to take advantage ENERGY,oil&gas 107


Ledwood Mechanical Engineering

of the company’s strategic location and core competence, through the delivery of equipment bound for oil rigs and similar installations and the shipment of modules globally. During 2010 Ledwood was restructured under new ownership, with the business maintaining its independence by becoming owned by its management team. Today Ledwood continues to operate from its substantial engineering facilities in Pembroke Dock that incorporate workshops and paint facilities designed to accommodate major module production. Just adjacent to Ledwood is the Cleddau estuary, which offers quayside facilities with an 11-metre water depth for shipping. “The ownership of the business is all within the management team. Prior to 2010 there were some external investors in the company and to further the focus of the business we have reorganised so that there are no longer any external investors involved. We also have zero debts meaning that we are not leveraged at all, which is a great position to be in,” Nick says. “Over the years we have also brought a lot of new skills into the business, because at the end of 2010 there were a lot of personnel within the company who were reaching the end of their careers. We have now brought in the ‘next generation’ to a certain extent. This didn’t happen overnight, it has

been a gradual process and we have continued to grow organically at the same time.” As the company has continued to grow and diversify into new market sectors, Ledwood has make several investments into new equipment and facilities to ensure that it is able to offer best-in-class solutions to its new and existing clients. Recently the decision was taken to invest £1.5 million into the business for new coating equipment to expand the company’s overall service portfolio. “The decision to make this investment was primarily driven by wanting to change our profile and level of accreditation. One aspect of our accreditation was focused on health and safety and environmental concerns

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and at the time we did have existing painting and coating facilities on site that were operated by another company owned by Ledwood, but the facility would not have met new legislative requirements. We decided that we would make an investment in new equipment to be self-sufficient, rather than having our own fabricated items coated by another company. As result of this we have been able to secure further work from other clients. It is again very complementary to our overall skill set and helps us to deliver an extensive and more comprehensive service portfolio with vertical integration,” Nick elaborates. “We have also opened up a new facility located in Teesside, which provides very much the same services that we have in our head office in Pembroke. This has given us greater geographic representation and has opened up our client base,” he adds. “The new site also improves our expertise and capability and we have certainly secured more market share in the petrochemical sector as a result of having a presence in the Teesside area. Furthermore we have also won additional work in onshore gas reception facilities that are operated by international offshore gas companies.” Although the company’s traditional markets in the on shore oil and gas sectors are currently depressed owing to the low cost of oil, Ledwood has remained buoyant due to its broad customer base and diversification into the steel and renewable energy sectors. Moving forward Nick is presently on the Advisory Board for the planned Tidal Bay project in Swansea and believes that Ledwood is in an excellent position to supply this and other projects over the coming three to five years. “Around three years ago I had an introduction to the Tidal Bay project’s owners, Tidal Lagoon Power and the company asked me to assist on a steering committee, which I am today part of. Our facilities in Pembroke are on the quayside and some of the items that we have tendered are not road transportable and need to be fabricated and assembled near the quayside to be shipped to the final destination,” he concludes. “Over the next 12 months we have a very good order book and our revenue is set to be up on 2015. We are focused on sustainability and underpin this with the competence of our personnel and the services that we provide in a cost-effective manner. We have an exemplary safety record, which is vital in the market sectors in which we are active and believe that we represent the company of choice for our clients.”

Ledwood Mechanical Engineering

Services Turnkey engineering, procurement, fabrication, protective coatings and construction

Schofield Publishing Ltd 10 Cringleford Business Centre Intwood Road Cringleford Norwich NR4 6AU T: +44 (0) 1603 274130 F: +44 (0) 1603 274131 Editor Libbie Hammond Sales Director Joe Woolsgrove

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