Burning Star: Ignis

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C O P Y R I G H T © 2 0 2 1 BY K AT I A P E M B AYU N All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduces or used in any manner without permission of the copyright owner except for the use of quotations in a book review.


P R E FA C E There are countless stories and games with

I wanted to create a female heroine that was

unique worlds and characters. I often wished

based of my own struggles and tribulations.

to myself that I lived in one of these fantastical

Ignis’ character and story itself has personal

worlds, and in my spare time I imagined and

importance to me as she was originally created

illustrated myself as a fictional heroine.

to be a parallel of myself. Her trials, emotions,

I find myself indulging in countless games, but

and physical appearance were developed

I have never felt a female heroine that speaks

through a reflection of my own life.

to me emotionally. Female characters in the video game industry are rare, and often have

The story of Ignis is, to myself, an authentic

similar character traits or personality. I wanted

representation of a strong-willed and powerful

to create a story that was different.

young woman.


CONTENTS Introduction The Tale of the Sun & the Moon Ignis Sarresia Desert Introduction to Sarresia Sarresia’s Past Common Enemies Mini Boss: Arkaial Boss Monster: Isako The First Fragment Grasslands of the Titans Introduction to the Grasslands Common Enemies Mini Boss: Sucho Rosebelle Camp Sebastian Eckart Therios Grasslands Boss: Titan-Queen Tale of the Half-Titan Emelia Eckart


Third Location: Oasis of the Deities Introduction to the Oasis Disciple of Ruven Disciple of Yorna Star Deity Ruven Zeries The Awakening of Ignis Early Concept Illustrations

INTRODUCTION Burning Star: Ignis is a game concept book

the harsh shadow cast by their eclipse. The two

featuring a female heroine named Ignis living

great deities wanted their only child to live a life

on a planet called Eos. The game is set in

of freedom without the restraints of Celestial

a universe where there are Celestial Beings

Being, and so they gave her the physical

that guard and protect their given galaxy

exterior of a human, allowing her to live on Eos.

with elemental magic. Each planet within the galaxy has its own Moon Deity that protects

Throughout this book, you will venture

it, and weaker Star Deities that protect certain

through the world, learning the history and

quadrants of the solar system. The Sun Deity

lore behind the several locations that Ignis will

protects all planets within the solar system.

travel through. You will meet Ignis, and other

All of these Celestial Beings are unified and led

essential characters that she will come across

by the Great God or Goddess of the galaxy.

throughout the story. The next few pages will introduce to you the tale of Sol and Selena, the

Though Ignis lives among humans, she is only

Sun and the Moon, who are known as the two

human in her exterior form. Within her is the

forbidden lovers that birthed Ignis.

raging fire of a star. She is the daughter of the Sun and Moon from the Galaxy of Reas, born by




They say that love can burn like a star. It shines so bright, that it often blinds those who are involved. For Sol and Selena, this was true. Many centuries ago, the Sun and Moon Deity of the Galaxy of Reas, known as Sol and Selena, fell deeply in love with one another. So passionate and pure, they defied all of the celestial boundaries to show their affection to each other.


The other celestial beings warned them that their love will cause a catastrophe. They were told that they must separate themselves to return equilibrium to the planets in the solar system. Selena’s planet, Eos, had already begun to fall apart because of the unpredictable shifts between day and night.


Artheia, the ruler of the galaxy, and Sol’s mother, could no longer bear to watch the planet fall apart. The Great Goddess demanded that Sol and Selena return to their rightful positions, separated from one another. Feeling pity for the two lovers, however, Artheia told her son and Selena that once every 300 years, she would allow for them to cross fates through in eclipse that would last ten minutes in Eos time.


And so, they did. After the first 300 years passed, Sol and Selena embraced each other once more. It was as if time had stopped completely for both the two deities and the people of Eos. Their love was so passionate that it had birthed a new, unique star – a girl that they would name Ignis.

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She is known as the daughter of the Sun and the Moon, born from the harsh shadow cast by their eclipse. Fearing that Ignis will suffer the same fate as her parents, Sol and Selena gave Ignis the exterior form of a human being, sealing her power deep within her body and mind. The couple decided that Ignis would learn to live and love on the planet of Eos, where Selena would be able to watch her grow from a long distance.

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Ignis is quiet, speaks only when spoken to,

When she was 13, her older sister, Rosabelle,

and is fearless in the face of danger and

had left the family home to further her studies

peril. Sol and Selena, her Celestial parents,

and research on the culture of the Sarresian

sent her down to be raised by two of Selena’s

people, who lived near an abundant sea. Ignis

most faithful disciples – Isabelle and Reinthor

had begged to go along with her beloved sister,

Mattern, who already had a daughter, Rosabelle,

but was told that she was too young and should

that was five years older than Ignis at the time

stay and protect her parents. Rosabelle was

of her arrival.

Ignis’ everything, and she followed her around each step that she took. Though she was

She grew up like any other child, unaware of her

saddened by the departure, she believed that

powers, and never questioned why she looked

her sister would eventually return.

so different from her human family. Perhaps it was because her Celestial parents were so passionate, but Ignis grew to be both a lovable and loving child, caring for any stranger or animal that she would come across. She loved so deeply that in the end, it would hurt her.

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A week after Rosabelle’s departure, an intense blast from the atmosphere resulted in the destruction of Sarresia, killing thousands of people and completely evaporating the beautiful sea. Rosabelle had fallen victim to the blast. When Ignis heard the news, she was in disbelief. She felt something burning within her – rage, agony, despair…but there was more. Her grief eventually resulted in the sudden awakening of her powers, resulting in a large blast that would destroy her home and the environment around it. The blast caused destruction to the nearby village of Kretis, ruining the once fertile land and destroying hundreds of homes. Ignis exterior form was no longer able to retain her powers, and she lost her left forearm because of it. Ignis once had two blue eyes that symbolized the moon, but after the incident, her left eye turned a blazing orange to represent the imbalance of lunar and solar powers within her body.

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C LOT H I N G After the incident, Ignis’ celestial mother, Selena, made special clothing that would be able to withstand and restrain the power of the solar symbols inscribed all over her body. The black clothing would shift itself to accommodate to Ignis’ growing body. It had the ability to take the form of Ignis’ missing arm, but she refused to use it unless absolutely necessary. It was a reminder for her of the mistakes that she had made, and while she was not a human, she knew that no human being would be able to regrow their own arm. The cape that Ignis wears was a gift from the Matterns, given to her before she left on her journey throughout the game. There is no magic imbued within it, but it was made from her older sister’s dress that she had left behind. The bright red color contrasted against her clothing well, and her parents wanted her to have a memento of them as she traveled.

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W E A P O N RY Ignis has no base weapon, but throughout the

The few weapons that she finds and will have

book she will have to find and utilize different

to use will be imbued with her own elemental

tools and weapons to defeat her enemies.

power, to help her fight her battles. A few

She fights mainly with her lunar power, using

examples of such weapons are the Spear of

nothing but her hand to cast spells or say

Itharos, Emelia’s Greatsword, and the Ignisio,

incantations. Later in the story, however, Ignis

the Burning Blade.

will end up discovering that she is capable of creating her own weapon.

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Sycamese Village Kaneima Canyon

Mark of the Star

Iumbra Fields S u n t e s i a Va l l e y

Tu r r e l i s R u i n s

Tu r r e l l i s V i l l a g e

Areas of Interest Battle Puzzle

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SARRESIA DESERT Known as the “Wasteland Where All Things

The moon familiar, Sinclair, explains of a recent

End”, Sarresia Desert is the first location that

dispute between Selena and a Star Deity named

Ignis will venture through after leaving her

Estenia. Sinclair explains to her that the blast

home near the village of Kretis. Sarresia was

in Sarresia had occurred because Estenia had

once a sea that was abundant of with aquatic

killed an older, weaker star deity that lived

life, but due to the sudden blast that occurred

near Eos. The explosion was so sudden that

some years back, the sea dissipated to become

even Selena was unable to protect Eos from

the desert that it is now.

the blast. Sinclair tells Ignis that Estenia has managed to attack and weaken Selena by

One evening in Kretis, seven years after the

stealing and shattering her Celestial Core.

blast, Ignis watched the sky as three bright lights fell across Eos, each heading in different

That core was the source of nearly all of

directions. Night seemed to come later,

Selena’s power. The shattered fragments of

and disappear faster. After noticing that her

Selena were the bright lights that Ignis had

Crescent Amulet’s power was fading, Ignis frantically attempts to gain contact with

seen earlier. Sinclair explains that Ignis must

Ignis’ Crescent Amulet

find these fragments, or else she would lose

her celestial mother, Selena. To her dismay,

her Celestial Mother, and Eos would lose its

however, a Moon familiar shaped like a rabbit

Moon. If Selena was weakening, it would mean

comes down from above to explain to Ignis that

that her Lunar powers and clothing would also

her mother is in peril.

weaken as well.

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SARRESIAN SYMBOL The Sarresian symbol is a representation of all of the different regions within the desert. The symbol shows the mountains and dunes that can be found throughout the lands, and the inner circle within the triangular shape represents the sun being the centermost part of the desert. The few residents of Sarresia that survived the blast that dissipated the sea created this symbol to pray and gain favor from the Sun Deity, Sol, to lead them to a brighter future after experiencing a painful past.

VILLAGES There are two main villages in Sarresia – Sycameese and Turrellis. The Sycamese people live in the northeaster portion of the desert where cultivating desert crops has become their main source of income. The Turrellis people live in the southern region of the land, where there remains only a small portion of the once vast sea of Sarresia. They continue to fish as their main form of income, but they have also adapted to using the land to cultivate desert crops as well.

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Symbol of Sarresia


E R E D I A’ S BLAST Sarresia’s once beautiful sea had dissipated after a blast caused by the death of an ancient star, Eredia. Eredia was a star deity that was beginning to wither a few years before her death, but Estenia, another star deity, had killed her knowing that it would harm Selena’s planet. The destruction of the blast was so intense that it led to the death of thousands of people that lived in Sarresia, and buildings were destroyed within a matter of seconds. The people of Sarresia had to adapt to the new environment and seek new ways to continue their livelihood.

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There are countless wildlife and fauna in Sarresia, but two of the most abundant species are the Anjing and Yuskei. These creatures are inherently hostile, and Ignis will run into them often as she traverses throughout the desert. ANJINGS are creatures that resemble canines. They have a strong upper body, and agile back legs that help them move quickly. They have a apricot shade to their fur as a part of their camoflauge. They can be tamed, but it is difficult to do so. YUKSEI are desert wyrms that hide under the dunes waiting for their next prey. They have poisonous tips that can weaken their enemis, and rows of teeth that can consume their food in one bite.

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ARKAIAL When the Fragments of Selena came to creation, wildlife surrounding each piece started to become aggressive, and old ruins began to come to life. The Turrellis Ruins also fell victim to the fragment’s power. Ruin guards that had been inactive for centuries came to life, and because their power came from the fragment piece, they saught to protect it. ARKAIAL guards were stronger models of the original ruin guards. They were stationed in different entrances in the case that enemies would get too close to the center of the ruins. They have large, stone and metal fists that can crush their enemies. Different Arkaial guards use various elements, such as Solar, Lunar, Terra, Tempest, Hydro, and Pyro.

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When Sarresia was once an abundant sea, there were rumors of a ancient serpent who guarded the underwater section of the Turrellis ruins. Families that live in Sarresia have old parchment tales of a serpent named ISAKO, and often told young children to scare and keep them away from traversing the ancient ruins. After Sarresia’s original sea dissipated, ISAKO was said to have fallen into a deep slumber. Ignis would later discover that Isako had regained it’s powers because of the Fragment of Selena that had been embedded into the back of its head.

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THE FIRST FRAGMENT Ignis rips the fragment out of Isako’s body, a large glistening gem that seemed like it would fit in a circular frame. She hands it to Sinclair, who keeps it safe in a dimensional pouch.

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Rosebelle City

Suthar Village

Titan Mines

Titan Ruins

Oasis Path

Areas of Interest Battle Puzzle

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GRASSLANDS OF THE TITANS Titans are stone beings that were created to

Up until recently, the Titans had been created

protect the human race. Many centuries ago,

mainly to assist in construction of buildings

Eos was once a battlefield for fearless deities

or assistance in farm work. Even Kretis, Ignis’

who roamed the lands. Few deities attempted

home village, had two or three titans that were

to harm human civilization, but thankfully the

owned by the people to help with physical labor.

development of titans would give humans equal

After the fragments of Selena had come down

footing with them.

to Eos, Titans have come into production at increased rates because of the new threats

Titan engineers were referred to as Titaneers.

surrounding Bellerose and the Grasslands.

They lived in the famous city of Bellerose, where the titans are developed. Bellerose is the

When Ignis ventures through the grasslands

main group of civilization in the area, but there

and arrives at Rosebelle, she is greeted by

are a few families that live in the outskirts to do

nothing but rubble and smoke. Both her and

agricultural work using the help of the titans.

Sinclair rush through the ruins to understand

The region received its name because of the many titans remains that are strewn about after the countless battles from the past.

Ancient Core

what had happened. It turns out that a newly developed armada of titans had gone rogue, because of the birth of what survivors called the “Titan Queen.”

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GRASSLANDS SYMBOL Titans powered by an object called an “Ancient Core.” These cores have existed for centuries, perhaps longer, and Titaneers feel that they are barely scraping at the surface of their true purpose. The first discovery of these cores was made by a Titaneer that went by the nickname Ocular. He was the original engineer that created the first titan. Naturally, the symbol of the Grasslands looks similar to that of an Ancient core.

BELLEROSE Bellerose is the city known for Titan production. Many aspiring Titaneers come to the city to make a name for themselves. The population is more urban and bustling compared to other locations, and the city also manufactures several products.

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Symbol of the Grasslands


ROGUE T I TA N S ROGUE TITANS seem to share similar traits and actions. They destroy buildings, harm citizens, and are more populous near the center of the city. They use their blades to fight.

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Sucho is a titan that Ignis runs into while searching for answers about what happened to Bellerose. She noticed a smoke and light coming from the slums of the city, but as she approached, the giant Titan stopped her in her tracks. She noticed that he was different, and stone vessel was shaped differently from the rogue titans that she had fought before. Rather than glowing red eyes, this titan had bright blue eyes that reflected the sky. After a difficult battle with Sucho, a strange man appears from the rubble and commands the titan to stop. Bewildered as to why Sucho was fighting what seemed to be a human, the man allows Ignis to visit what he referred to as the encampment.

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ROSEBELLE CAMP The encampment is a temporary safe area for Ignis, where she can receive quests from the people to either hunt or retrieve objects. Here she will meet and expand her storyline by talking to Sebastian Eckart, a famous Titaneer who once led the forefront of titan productions. After arriving at the encampment, Sebastian explains to Ignis what had happened to the titans.According to Sebastian, he had mistakenly attempted to resurrect his recently deceased daughter using one of the ancient cores connected to the hundred of rogue titans that destroyed the city.

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SEBASTIAN E C K A RT Sebastian was original from Sarresia, where he lived with his wife, Anastia, and his daughter, Emelia. He was a local engineer who helped the people of Sycameese maintain their tools and the titans that they had. Sebastian’s family was one of the many victims of the blast from Eredia’s eruption. Though he and his daughter survived, his wife had died from the explosion. Since then, he had fostered a grudge for the Celestial beings because of their inability to protect Eos. This drove him to move to Rosebelle with Emelia, where he would begin his career as a master Titaneer. Only recently did Sebastian learn that ancient cores have the capability of communicating to one another. Sebastian had created 100 titans that would have this functionality, in order to protect the city from a fiend named Therios. He had melded the core into his recently deceased daughter, Emelia’s body. When the core settled, a loud piercing screech from Emelia’s body rang throughout the 100 titans that she was now connected to, causing them to go rogue.

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THERIOS Therios was once a part of the Council of Rosebelle, a group of people who governed and made major decisions that impacted the entirety of the city. Three years before the catastrophe at Rosebelle, Therios was exposed by his fellow council members for exploiting the people and withholding money and resources from the titaneers. Sebastian and his daughter, Emelia, were part of the group of people that helped persuade the council to exile him. In those three years, Therios had lived as a hermit in the outskirts of Rosebelle, who ate off nothing but the streets. One evening, he witnessed the fragment of Selena fall nearby him, and out of curiosity, approached it. Though the fragment contained only a portion of Selena’s power, it was still equal to strength of ten or so deities. The new power surged through Therios, and he became blinded by his hatred for the people of Rosebelle. This hate would in return corrupt his mind and body, and he no longer had a human form.

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Ignis finds Emelia, the Titan Queen who had a created a shell of a titan to protect herself. Emelia’s body seemed unconscious, but her movements were still swift and difficult for Ignis to dodge. The Titan Queen used a large sword to fight against Ignis. As suggested by Emelia’s father, Sebastian, ignis uses an old great sword that Emelia once fought with when she was a part of the Bellerose Squadron. Though it was a plain sword originally, Ignis imbued her lunar powers through the sword.

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After the difficult fight, Ignis manages to pierce through the ancient core within Emelia. Right before she fully pierced the Titan Queen’s body, however, an impenetrable object completely broke the sword. The second fragment of Selena had been hidden behind the ancient core. The fragment of Selena started beating, as if it were a heart.

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Fearful, Ignis took a step back, as Emelia began to sit up in the rubble of the titan. Out of nowhere, Sebastian approaches her, running and fumbling through the mass of chaos the fight had resulted in. Ignis watches as Sebastian continuously asks Emelia if she remembers anything, but the girl only stared at Ignis. Emelia Eckart no longer existed. Ignis could feel the difference in aura in the air around her. Emelia had become the embodiment of the fragment and had developed a new consciousness from its power. Turning to Sebastian, Emelia stated that his daughter’s soul and mind had long left the vessel, and that she was only a conscience that had separated from Selena, Ignis’ mother.

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Ignis would later learn that this was a halflie, and that Emelia had actually retained her memories. Both Ignis and her knew that the fragment within her would need to be extracted, and Emelia knew she had committed a great sin to the very people that she loved. Emelia swears to Ignis that she will follow her to then end of the journey and allow her to remove the fragment when the time comes.

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EMELIA E C K A RT Emelia is the daughter of Sebastian Eckart, master Titaneer. After a fatal encounter with Therios, the young girl lost both of her legs, which Sebastian would replace with mechanized prosthetics using the same material that titans are made out of. Despite his efforts to maintain her life, Emelia passed away at the dead of night. In desperation, Sebastian utilizes an ancient core to give her new life, but it results in the destruction of Rosebelle. After the fight, Ignis mends Emelia’s clothing to cover the fragment within her, to avoid any dangerous encounters.

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Elris Fields Resting Peak

Center Sejein Shrine


Areas of Interest Battle Puzzle

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OASIS OF THE DEITIES The Oasis has a deep, beautiful dark aura

fifteen minutes, since their power can create

that surrounds it. There are silent waterfalls

mutations in the environment and wildlife, or

and lakes surrounded by few trees that seem

even corrupt the human mind. Deities are able

to make no noise even when the winds blow

to make stronger spiritual or physical contact

through their leaves. The sand seems to be

with them only in this location.

a pale purple, and the few sprouts of grass a deep green.

When Ignis, Emelia, and Sinclair find their way in, they are warned by a wandering deity,

The Oasis is an area that only disciples of

Sichthar that everyone in the Oasis would

the deities may enter. Disciples have a strong

attempt to hunt them and the fragments that

connection to celestial beings by birth.

they have. By now, within the storyline, word

Disciples travel to the oasis to be taught by

has spread throughout the deities that Ignis is

their respective deity on how to utilize their

traveling to recover the missing pieces and is

power. They are then gifted with amulets,

now looking for the final piece. Most deities are

gems, or bracelets that contain a portion of

willing to sacrifice the lives of their disciples

their elemental essence. Artheia, the Great

and the people of Eos to obtain the power of

Goddess, ruled that deities should not be

those fragments, as it could potentially allow

physically present on any planet for longer than

them to transcend to become a Celestial being.

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OASIS SYMBOL The Oasis is cut off from the majority of civilization, but none the less has its own representative symbol that a collection of disciples created. It resembled the shape of an infinity symbol to represent the various deities that visit the area.

THE CENTER There are multiple shrines and temples throughout the oasis, each maintained by a disciple. In the center of the oasis, however, is large plaza with an ancient temple where many people gather to share speech and prayer about their beloved deities. This is another safe area for Ignis where she can meet disciples and explore separate questlines.

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Symbol of the Oasis

DISCIPLE OF RUVEN Ruven is a star deity that utilizes the element of Cryo. He ordered his disciple, Livirna, to use his powers to obtain the fragments. Livirna is a young teenager with a hasty, fearless personality that is willing to lose her life trying to get the fragment. Ignis feels that there is something wrong in her behavior, and is worried that Livirna is being used by Ruven. She refuses to kill her. According to Livirna, Ruven promised that if she successfully retrieved the fragment, he would bring back her brother from the dead.

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DISCIPLE OF YORNA Yorna is a well-known star deity that utilizes the Tempest, or wind, element. Yorna sent her disciple, Warren, to kidnap the weakened HalfTitan, Emelia. Although he manages to capture her for some time, Ignis in a seething rage tracked him down with the help of Sinclair’s ability to trace the auras of different deities. Ignis learns from other disciples that Warren has a younger sister who is sick and weak and is yearning for the blessing of the deities to continue on living.

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S TA R D E I T Y RUVEN Ruven wanted one last attempt at getting the fragments. His disciple failed, but he feels that he will not. He is a deity known for being weak with few followers. He was tired of being ridiculed and excluded from other deities, and craved more power. He betrayed the trust of his only disciple, Livirna. When Livirna returns from her failed mission, she yells at Ruven in outrage. She confronts him about lying to her, that she regretted being born with a celestial connection to him, stating that she will abandon her faith and tell the other disciples of his deception. Angered, Ruven murders Livirna, and he reveals his actions to Ignis when they battle.

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ZERIES Zeries is the first disciple of Estenia. He is calm, ruthless, and extremely powerful. He had managed to find the missing piece of the fragment of Selena, as he was ordered to retrieve it by Estenia, who wanted Selena to die more than anything else. She did not care about the people of Eos and promised Zeries that if he succeeded in retrieving the fragment, he would transcend to become a deity himself.

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Zeries has two forms, his more human state and a second state where he is completely consumed and controlled by Estenia during the battle. In his human state, Zeries fights using a powerful sabre with power of a star. When Estenia takes control over his body, Zeries essentially becomes another star deity, and his human form no longer exists. She fights through him, and his powers are twice as strong as before.

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The fight with Zeries forced her to use her abilities to their fullest, and the symbols on her body began to expand and cover her face. They glowed a bright yellow, orange, as she attempted to control her powers. This resulted in her exterior, or “human” shell to break apart little by little. She is forced to utilize more of her dangerous solar power to form her sword, Ignios, the Burning Blade.

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CELESTIAL CORE After a long journey and numerous battles, Ignis finally finds all of the pieces to complete Selena’s Celestial Core. It is eventually returned through a bright beam that pierces the sky, returning the balance of day and night to Eos.

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B U R N I N G S TA R I G N I S Ignis is the daughter of the Sun and the Moon, born from the harsh shadow cast by their final eclipse. Sol and Selena, their deity names given by the people of Eos, wanted Ignis to live a life without the boundaries of a Celestial God. As she was born, the two gods gave Ignis the physical exterior of a human, but within her remained the burning fire of a star. When all seems well, a moon familiar in the shape of a rabbit named Sinclair came down to tell Ignis a message: that her Mother, Selena, was in peril. Her power had been split into three fragments that had fallen down into Eos because of the jealousy of a star deity named Estenia. Sinclair tells Ignis that she must recover these fragments in order to restore the power of the moon, otherwise Eos would premanently lose it’s moon, and will begin to crumble.

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