1 minute read
I have to be honest, your journey with anxiety is probably going to suck a lot of the time. It’s not going to be a straight line. In front of you lies a path of ups, downs, twists, and turns. It will be filled with trial and error, and most definitely a few slip-ups. However, know that with each day you will be getting closer to the person you want to be. You are learning so much about yourself and growing every step of the way. Giving your anxiety the time and attention it is begging for will help you manage the little bastard in the end. One day, you will find yourself realizing that anxiety does not control your life anymore. Know that while anxiety is a part of you, it does not define you.
Writing this was a whole journey of my own. I have learned so much about myself from parts of my story that I had forgotten. Believe me, I am nowhere near the end of my course. This whole time I’ve been giving myself the same pep talks I gave you. There is so much still to learn, but I have also become aware of just how far I have come.