Emotional Colors

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Emotional Colors

Front Cover

Monica Gonzalez-Rodriguez

Table of Contents

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Dedication Under the Rainbow Raging Red Exciting Orange Joyful Yellow Relaxing Green Unhappy Blue Thoughtful Purple Mysterious Black Peaceful White Emotional Colors Reference

Dedication I want to thank my family that has brought me up with so much support for my choice in career. They have always been a huge support system for me throughout all the disappointments and successes. I also want to thank all my professors and class mates that have made me feel welcomed and have helped me grow through this journey. My sense of direction has been cleared up thanks to everyone along the way.

Emotional Colors



Under the



Emotional Colors

Emotional Colors




Within this chapter, we will be talking about the colors of the

When it comes to discussing the colors that are being used,

rainbow. There are dozens of colors that have been created

people have always discussed the emotion behind each

and used over the years. Different tints and shades, opacities,

color. Examples of this include “I feel more awake in a

etc. To help simplify this a bit, we will be utilizing the colors

bright yellow room” and “I feel sleepier on a blue-lit night”.

of the rainbow: Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, and Purple.

Millions tend to connect color with emotion. Why? Why are

In addition, we will be adding in Black and White to bring

we connecting colors to our emotions? Why is it normal? Why

in a bit of the discussion on shades and tints along with the

does color have an impact on how we perceive something?

impact they have. There is no direct answer; however, there are ways to Each color will be getting a description to help decipher

explain this phenomenon through both verbal and visual

more on how the color came to be and how it has evolved

explanations. Throughout the book, we will be looking at

over the years socially and psychologically. To clarify, even

these questions, not only as we educate ourselves with the

though each chapter is capitalizing the general, such as red

history of each discovery, but also how it comes into play

and yellow, each chapter will also discuss a bit on the other

with the images.

shades that can be found under each primary color. For example, pink and grey.


Emotional Colors

Under the Rainbow



Emotional Colors

Science The mind is one of the most complex items to exist in this

Now, this is all based on general public standards. If we were

whole world. Understanding how it works will be one of

to talk about each individual person, then it would take much

the greatest wonders yet. Due to this, the way the mind

more than a book to explain. Although, we can break it down

understands color is quite fascinating. To most, color is just

more within this book by the colors themselves. Within each

a shade or pigment, it’s not very prominent or a large factor

chapter, a section like this will be present to allow more room

in their lives. However, to others, color does wonders more

for discussion on how the mind perceives each specific color.

than just exist in this world. Colors connect to emotions, it

By the end of this book, we will have gone over each color

connects actions, it connects to memories. But why though?

in-depth for a clear understanding.

The answer is as complex as the question. The mind perceives what it can be from what it has learned so far - a nurturing factor we all carry on with our nature. The mind associates certain colors either depending on the shade or object with the emotions the color gives off - whether it is the shade or the object. Certain colors give off a strong presence compared to others that are the complete opposite and only give off an soft aura. For example, red is a very powerful and loud presence. Blue on the other hand is very mellow and calm. The more experiences and events that occur within an individual, the more they gain an understanding of the world. The same applies to their understanding of how color affects certain perspectives.

Under the Rainbow


Positive Impact

Negative Impact

For this section of the book, it seems interesting to look at

For this section of the book, it will be the complete opposite

the colors from multiple perspectives. When it comes to a

of positive. We want to see how the colors just missed the

positive impact, this means the overall effect the specific

mark a bit. Nothing is perfect in this world and many colors

color has done to either deserve its place today and how

have been either used as negative representations, have

it has held up over the years. We want to see evolution, a

grown to be very underrated, or have established a negative

development of the color as time flies by.

impact on their cultural needs.

Some examples of a positive impact will include long wear and tear. Painters used this pigment years ago and it still holds its color and impact since it was created. Another example is its integration into cultures and societies. For example, we use orange as an emergency vest for contractors and other workers due to its bright nature.


Emotional Colors

Under the Rainbow




Red 14

Emotional Colors

Emotions Red is a symbol used to decipher quite a variety of emotions. Which can also be found in other colors similar to red, like how yellow holds many bright emotions with it, red can be found with a long listing of both good and bad associations. Red is strong and powerful, it’s a color with a statement and presence you can not ignore. Since red is a primary color, its presence alone is meant to cater to the secondary colors it will make, like orange. Different cultures have used red as symbolic representations of fertility and luck as well as joy and good fortune. Red today is found in many areas as a symbolic color. When Valentine comes around in February, we see red hearts thrown all around. When it’s Halloween, we find red to be gore’s masterpiece. These connections bring up the fact that red is not only powerful but physical. Whether it be passionate or gruesome, the connection has been straight forward for centuries. The basis for red is power, which did not come just because of the color itself. The color was a difficult pigment to gain. The powerful aura stems from the elites using the color red to show off their status. Due to many regulations and other means of gaining different pigments of red, it became the color only those high up on the latter obtained. Those of the lower status only saw red through their own blood or flowers. Rarely did they have clothes of jewels made of such a color.

Raging Red


Connecting Memories


Psychology has a major factor to play within how we

The shades that are typically associated with red are majority

perceive every color. Basing most on the commonly

based on red with addition to lighter or darker pigments.

studied nature versus nurture, nurture comes to play with

Pink is the perfect example of it being a red-based pigment

colors more so than nature. We as humans take things in

with the addition of white. Pink is a delicate color that shows

and whenever a time arises where a situation is similar to

youth and excitement. Even though there is a lot of stigma

a previous, we use our previous knowledge and portray it

with pink being a female-gender-based color, the color itself

to the present. A good handful of decisions go based on

stands for the elegance and grace of anything it’s placed on.

memories we have had. Going more into the shades, maroon is a red-based Red can be a bit complicated when it comes to using our

pigment with some blue mixed in. This color gives off a

memories. Most memories of the color red range widely.

more thoughtful emotion and is softer than that of burgundy.

Some remember red as blood from when they scrape their

Burgundy itself has purplish tints to it, which means more

knees too many times. Some remember red as the hearts on

blue that adds an even deeper color tone to it. This makes it

Valentine’s day. Some remember red as roses that grow in

a more serious and controlled emotional color. Finish off with

the spring. Depending on the number of memories you gain

crimson and scarlet that are a bit similar to the previous two,

over time and the type, red will be

these pigments are more intense in presence and attitude. They give off a rich feel to them, with the difference being that scarlet has some more enthusiasm rather than crimson.


Emotional Colors

Raging Red



What Works

Red is an ancient color that dates back all the way to

When we talk about what works, we’re talking about where

prehistoric times. Red is the first color that artists used and

red has thrived for years and where it sits today. We also are

was the color that upheld its pigment for a good while.

talking about how it truly works, with other colors and with

Drawings made by cavemen and ancient Egyptians show that

the items it sets itself on. For example, The Forbidden City in

red was not only symbolic to certain living things and items

Beijing is a perfect example of where red has thrived over

but also to their own cultures. In the past, red was commonly

the years. Another aspect of red that has been carried on

found as clay. The clay itself was given its red hue from

is within cultures. Many cultures have created red to be a

mineral hematite. Evidence shows that people in the stone

symbolic color that can represent good fortune or wealth to

age would grind up the clay to gain the pigment to then paint

those who use it well.

on their bodies as part of their culture. Red being such a nice color to work with, it complements Red itself was a difficult color to achieve in the past. As

well with other brighter colors. Yellow being a great pairing

time went on, red began to gain its presence of power and

with red, the two work together both artificially and naturally.

strength. To find other sources of red besides the clay, many

Artificially speaking, for example, many pots are created

elites hired workers as well as just having simple prisoners

using red-based clays or red-based paints. Naturally, fire

go into toxic mines to gather Cinnabar crystals. The crystals

builds off with red with specs of yellow and even blue in the

were very beautiful and produced such a brilliant color of

very center.

red that the price to obtain some cost more than the blue of Egypt and the red ochre of Africa combined.


Emotional Colors

Raging Red



Emotional Colors

What Doesn’t

Let’s play with that!

When we talk about what doesn’t work, we mean where red

With the basic understanding of the color met, let’s play

is not the greatest color to be used. Whether that be by item

with it! We have an image here with a vibrant red focal point.

or by emotional connection, we will be discussing both. We

The color palette is already set, so what happens if we take

talked about where red works within the world, even with

away the main component, red? Do you even think the image

such a universal color, everything has its limits. Red works for

changes in the slightest?

just about anything; However, depending on the situation, red can be a dangerous color. We talked about how fire functions well as a color palette itself but fire is still fire, dangerous. One of the most common negative associations of red is blood. This is centuries-old knowledge, heck it’s natural now for us to be concerned whenever blood is spilled around. Another concept to think about is the negative emotional impact red has. The most common emotion is anger. Anger and rage are both emotions that have red as their symbolic trait. In movies, toys, even in actual physical reactions, we turn red with rage. Another is an embarrassment, even though that leans more to the pinkish side, it still fits in this category. Many more can be filed down however I think you get the idea.

Raging Red






Emotional Colors

Emotional Colors


Emotions Going just a couple of shades brighter than red, we have orange. Orange is a secondary color made by combining yellow and red pigments together. Even with orange being its own color, it gains a large number of its traits from its previous counterparts. Red is the darker color between itself and yellow, making it the deeper tone for orange. Red brings all of its traits such as power and presence. Yellow is lighter, which we will get to in the next chapter and brings a lighter, more approachable aura to orange. Orange is enthusiastic. It’s a positive and motivating color to have within your color palette. It sets the tone and is one of the most underrated colors on this list. Orange is not used as frequently as the other colors due to the fact that the other colors provide a stronger presence and are found more naturally than artificially. Even with these small drawbacks, orange still shines brightly. Orange has been labeled with many emotions. Some of the most common emotions that you can find with orange are excitement, joy, and warmth. It is a very optimistic color that uplifts you. It is a motivating color that many find useful at certain times.


Emotional Colors

Connecting Memories Orange is an interesting color to perceive. In psychology, the color is represented as optimistic and uplifting for those who need it. This drives by the physical strength the color red gives and the mental power yellow provides. Combining the two creates an uplifting and stable type of emotion that many find comforting. Both physically and mentally, orange brings a sense of calm to the place it resides in. Growing up, orange was found in not so seemingly noticeable places. Besides the fruit oranges, the color is frequently used for educational purposes. Since orange is very uplifting, it continues to stem from adventure and social communication. Advertisements and other educational items such as flashcards would use orange as the main factor in growing young minds. Not only that, the biggest memory almost all of us have in common with orange is the season! Leaves turn color, from shades of red, yellow, and brown, and orange being the main turning point of the seasonal change.

Exciting Orange




When it comes to the different shades of orange, they are

Orange was a cherished color that was found in the past. Just

pretty straightforward. Going from lightest to darkest, we

like today, orange was a color to provoke many colors due

have golden orange. This shade has a lot of yellow added,

to it being a mixer of red and orange. While it being bold

which results in a bright seemingly goldish color. The

and excluding danger, it also held a sense of excitement.

gold part is what sets the tone for this shade. This shade

Artists such as Vincent Van Gogh and Toulouse-Lautrec

encourages vitality and self-control in others. Next would be

favored orange above others, and it was very clear through

peach, which we are most familiar with. Just like the typical

their art. Similar to red, orange was created by a mineral

orange fruit, the color peach drives from peaches that come

called realgar in the past. Following red, the mineral used for

from pinkish hues from red. Peach color encourages great

orange was also very toxic and was hard to get.

communication and conversation. It also encourages good manners as the soft color is soothing.

Egyptians favored orange, specifically the golden orange shade that was made from realgar. They used this color

Bumping a bit darker, we find amber. This shade has a bit

mainly in their tomb paintings. The Chinese favored

more red than that of golden orange. Because of this, amber

orpiment as a prized trade item, which became a favorite

is a shade commonly associated with confidence and self-

within the Chinese trade for a long time. As time went on,

esteem. As we go darker, more reddish tones will be added

orange too became a cultural color. The monks used orange

which will cause an increase in confidence. Following is

for their robes. Indians found ingredients that created

burnt orange, which is not a black shade of orange despite

signature dishes such as curry that became a brownish-

the name. This shade is a bit more of an aggressive and tense

orange hue.

emotion that people find themselves feeling. Finally, dark orange in the shade with the reddest hue mixed in is still considered orange. Due to the high level of red, this shade is overconfident and over-ambitious.


Emotional Colors

Exciting Orange


What Works

What Doesn’t

Since orange is such a calming and warming color, many

Even though orange is a very positive color to have, it does

find it to be a staple within their home color scheme. Orange

not always get this type of recognition. Since it has such

has become a household color in Indian culture. Curry is

good standing with its presence and even within the mind,

a staple, with many herbs, and spices that they utilize to

the color orange is extremely underrated and can be viewed

create an amazing aroma that warms you up. Orange is also

incorrectly. For example, some say the color can give off an

the color of many safety equipment. Found on construction

overly proud feeling. Since many elites used this color, we

workers, life jackets, and even U.S. Navy uniforms when they

can see where they are coming from. Furthermore, some

are first employed. It is all due to orange being such an eye-

say it gets overbearing and superficial. Just like any color,

catching color.

orange will not cater to everyone and that is fine.

Orange proudly stands whenever it comes to the changing

Let’s play with that!

seasons. The signature pumpkin orange we see around

Time to play with orange and see what we can find to be

the Halloween holiday puts everyone in a good mood. The

pleasing or gross. This is going to be tough since this color

changing color of leaves and the air gets cooler brings

is so hard to change! Maybe changing the main focal point is

warmth to many. Orange is just a prominent color in society

too much, but why not go big? Anyways, what do you think?

and nature that we just can’t get enough of.

Does the pumpkin in the image still affect you in the same?


Emotional Colors

Exciting Orange






Emotional Colors

Emotional Colors



Connecting Memories

Yellow has always been the color of happiness and joy. Due

Yellow is a very positive color growing up. Starting as early

to yellow being one of the brightest colors on the rainbow,

as when you would get toys, the color yellow would be too

not including white, of course, there are many positives

one to stand out. However, as we grow up, yellow in different

to yellow. Yellow is one of the primary colors, this creates

shades always means something different. To break it down

a basis for other colors that get mixed with yellow. For

in order, normally people think of a bright sunny day. The

example, orange takes after yellow in many ways since it is a

sun is the biggest yellow fan and many who enjoy outdoor

combination with red.

activities can agree that it is the best.

Yellow is the color hue of joy. People feel happy whenever

Since we as humans perceive our experiences to our actions,

it is a bright sunny day or when they see beautiful yellow

many can depict certain things about yellow. Because this is

flowers grow. The color yellow also can mean optimism and

such a bright color, and there is a rare time that any darker

creativity. Because of its bright nature, yellow provides a

shade is needed, we can indicate when an item or something

sense of inquisitiveness to the individual looking at it.

is wrong. For example, when you think of lemon yellow, you think of a bright yellow football-shaped fruit. Or when you see the little yellow flowers sprouting on the ground to indicate spring.


Emotional Colors

Joyful Yellow



Emotional Colors



You wouldn’t think it but yellow can go brighter. Starting

If we do look through the past, alongside red, yellow is one

off with light clear yellow, this color clears the mind. What

of the oldest pigments out there. Dating all the way back

makes it a clear yellow though? It means it has no other

to ancient Egypt and Rome, yellow was a symbol that we

additional pigmentation that is altering the shade. If anything,

even could tell from today. Since yellow is usually depicted

it appears almost translucent to the eye due to how clear

as the sun, many religions took to the color as many saw it

it can get. The cream is actually a yellow-based shade that

represent the gods. To use it, yellow ochre is one of the main

is mixed with white to give it a light dusting of yellow type

components used to create yellow. That being said, it is also the

of look. Even so, we typically use the cream for walls on

oldest pigment in existence. Some hunters have found yellow

buildings. This shade is said to inspire new ideas and give a

pigments marked on the cave walls from 17,000 years ago.

lighter feel to the atmosphere. As time progressed, many artists such as Vincent Van Gogh Golden yellow is one of the more intense shades of yellow

used yellow many times either as the focal point of his

on the list. Golden yellow is the specific shade used for gold

paintings or a big part of them. Picasso used yellow as contrast

and when you mix it to create golden orange. This shade

when he did his blue period. As time went on, yellow expanded

appears more often in darker designs to give more intensity

to many cultures and many areas that used yellow as a positive

and detail. Dark yellow is another really intense shade on this

color contrast to any artwork.

list. Like many of our darker colors that we will get to further in the book, this color brings a more melancholy feeling. It isn’t a commonly used shade however, it still has meant that some used it to their advantage. Like some serious conversations or events at school.

Joyful Yellow


What Works Yellow works in many different places. Naturally, sunflowers

Besides the difficulties of maintaining yellow, darkening

are found to have such vibrant colors as yellow. We all know

it unintentionally, or finding it in certain areas, yellow will

that lemons and bananas are big yellow fans. A gold star

not be a welcomed shade. For example, yellow snow is

always makes our days! Yellow also works with emergency

not supposed to exist but here we are. Discoloration that

vehicles as it stands out more at night. Following that, we

leads to yellow stains is horrible. Sickness such as vomit or

have taxis that are consistent with the yellow color scheme.

skin discoloration is a more negative trait. Yellow may be the brightest; However, darkening it in some way causes a

What Doesn’t

completely opposite reaction.

Although having a positive connotation, yellow isn’t always welcomed. As time went on, even with its popularity with

Let’s play with that!

artists and religious figures, yellow was not used. It is due to

Yellow is going to be interesting to play with. Since it's clear

the hardships to maintain the bright color that causes it to

if we darken the color, the image can be thrown off, lets see

be rare in certain paintings and other areas of interest. Once

what happens when we go a bit warmer with the color.

yellow begins to lose its bright hue, it does not represent happiness or optimism as it would use to. Things are driven from paintings that have aged over time having this effect with their yellow elements.


Emotional Colors

Joyful Yellow






Emotional Colors

Emotions Green is such a refreshing color. Similar to orange, green is a secondary color, with yellow and blue being its pairing to mix. This creates an interesting color and emotional intake. Similar to orange, green takes certain characteristics from both yellow and blue. Yellow is very bright and blue is a deeper and much mellower color. Combining these two to make green creates a very calming and relaxing color. The color green can be found commonly within plants. Associating that connection in the mind, green is commonly deemed as the color of rebirth. Since plants thrive in bright colors when well taken care of, for centuries many have deemed that the color green symbolizes a healthy crop. Making this simple connection did not take centuries to come. For certain colors like red or blue that become more of a luxury item for the most elite, green is found everywhere outside, growing. It became a comforting color that households loved to bring in. Comforting and also relaxing to those who needed a moment on a chaotic day.

Relaxing Green



Emotional Colors

Connecting Memories Nature versus nurture continues to play more heavily on green than certain other colors. Green now is a major factor in our bodies health as well as how we are entertained. It is natural for the body to search for healthy foods. This comes to play when you recommend something to someone. Or when you are experiencing a similar event and can already predict what will happen in the end. What does that have to do with green? Both contain the same reaction and function of the brain. The brain goes based on memories -- how you grew up with the color. If you were raised with a gardening lifestyle, best to assume green is a frequent color that can be found within your home. If you were forced to eat your vegetables growing up, best to assume that you not only dislike vegetables but you don’t have many greens in your kitchen on the regular basis.

Relaxing Green




Each color comes in many different shades. With each shade,

Since green was such a common color, it wasn’t really all

there is a further breakdown of what each color symbolizes

that important in terms of status and wealth. The main source

and means. To start, pale green is one of the lightest shades

for green was gardening, making sure that the food supply

of green that means new growth and youthfulness. If we go

was good. In psychology, many believe green gives them

to emerald green, this shade has more depth, which means

the nurtured feeling like they can go help others. Studies

inspiring and uplifting. Jade green, similar to the former

have shown that is the reason why many young teens find

emerald green, shows trust and confidentiality.

succulents to be a necessity in their homes -- to continue to bring that energy in.

This list can continue on and on as there are dozens to dozens of different shades for one color. Even though these

Going further into history, there were many methods of

subcategories still belong to the overall green category, it

trying to get a true green pigment. Ancient green was said to

is still best to consider their emotional representation. Just

be made from copper mineral malachite. At first, they would

like any image, you use more than one color to show what the

use this material to paint walls but was not that effective,

meaning is behind your intent. For example, because yellow-

later on going through the process of soaking these plates

green has more yellow than green it actually comes off as a

with wine to create a substance called verdigris. The green

more negative emotional representation due to the contrast.

created was used in many frescos, mosaics, and even stained glass. This process actually created the same green hue we see and use today.


Emotional Colors

Relaxing Green



Emotional Colors

Switching over to natural materials to gain a natural look.

With it being positioned and its color combination of yellow

Many artists such as Duccio di Buoninsegna used the

and blue, green holds many complementary colors. Besides

natural green from plants to paint undertones for human

yellow and blue, it also pairs not too badly with orange. The

skin. Continuing on is the deadly bright green that was

color orange, when darkened, creates brown which we all

developed using toxic chemicals, such as arsenite. Green

know to be the best pairing with green.

over time continues to develop however, green has started to be developed with very toxic chemicals and minerals that

What Doesn’t

later on caused many health problems for the artist. Such as

Even with all of this, green is not always this cut and dry.

Paris Green that was highly toxic but was used widely for

Things like vomit, or the green coloring of the sick as a sign

landscape painting. However, artists such as Claude Monet

of illness. Many don’t find the color as appealing because

and Paul Cezanne still used toxic paint. Many speculate that

of allergies that may come from the source it is attached to.

this paint was the reasoning behind Cezanne’s diabetes and

Even emotionally, the color green negatively means envious,

Monet’s blindness. Now, green is as clear and non-toxic as

selfish, greedy, and devious.

ever, and we use it freely. Not only that, but green is not all that compatible with other

What Works

colors. Colors like red and purple are some colors that green

As already stated, green is everywhere in the world of plants

does not pair very well with. Though rare, depending on the

and gardening. It shows the health of the plants and the

circumstances, there are times when these colors pair well

nutrients for us to eat. It can be found on the tops of trees or

with green. Majority of the time though, these colors clash

the sprouts on the ground. Green also continues to be the

with green causing strain on the eyes and even canceling

symbol of health on pill bottles and other medically labeled

each other out.

items. Positive words that continue to be associated with green are balanced, compassionate, practical, and adaptable.

Relaxing Green


Let’s play with that! With that, there are going to be a lot of changes to be done! Since green takes over most of the image, it would be best to change subtle things rather than all of the green. What we look for is impact, and with changing the color to white for this image, does it feel the same as it would have originally? Do you get the same feel for it once it is changed?


Emotional Colors

Relaxing Green




Blue 48

Emotional Colors

Emotional Colors



Emotional Colors



Blue is one of the most popular colors on this list and beyond.

Blue being such a popular and seemingly calm emotion,

Blue is the calmest color on the spectrum with such a wide

the difference in shades follow a similar pattern. To start,

range of emotions associated with it. Since blue is the darkest

pale blue contains large levels of white. This color inspires

primary color on the spectrum, a good amount of emotions

creativity and freedom. Sky blue being the next shade, this

from other colors stem from blue. Overall, blue is peaceful

color is the one we all can relate to. It is the calmest color, it

and calming to the viewer.

inspires freedom and a sense of familiarity. Being that sky blue is the color of the actual sky, it only makes sense that we

Connecting Memories

all feel a sense of comfort.

We have the most common relation with blue than most colors. Growing up, we always would wake up to either a

The next shade on the list is Azure blue. This shade

bright blue sky or a dark cloudy sky. Each creating a forever

derives from a mineral, which creates an intense pigment.

memory in our minds. Most have all experienced the ocean

Determination and ambition, the deep tones of azure blue

and water. Blue is symbolic of all these items. Places like

create an incredible display. Dark blue is one of the darkest

aquariums use blue as their overall color palette to relate to

shades that can be produced as blue. Being the darkest, it

the large ocean.

becomes a cool, calm, and collected color. It contains a sense of responsibility but does not create a dark aura as black would. It still maintains a more mellower levels.

Unhappy Blue


History Throughout history, blue was a concept that historians believed weren’t even viewed as blue. Theories were created that early humans were colorblind, limited to only seeing colors such as black, white, red, and some yellow. Blue was not a color visual until later on, and there were signs showing that it was developed around Egyptian time. Egyptians were one of the first to find a permanent way to keep the blue pigment. With this, they are considered the inventors of the blue pigment that we can now use to paint with today. They developed Egyptian Blue, which was created by mixing limestone, sand, and minerals such as azurite. It then heated to 1470 and 1650 degrees Fahrenheit which resulted in an opaque blue glass. Crushing the glass and mixing it with thickeners like egg white, it became their ceramic color choice for centuries.


Emotional Colors

Later on, it was discovered that a true blue can be found naturally in this world. Lapis Lazuli was found around the 6th century and used in Buddhist paintings. Once lapis lazuli was sent to Europe, it was highly sought out by artists and people of high status. This led to the product costing equivalent to gold, leading to Lapis Lazuli being one for only the most elite. Due to its high status, many began using the blue of the holy mary, which later became a symbolic trait in religion, even today. Cobalt blue was later introduced around the 8th and 9th centuries and was used mainly for ceramics and jewelry. This blue was specialized in China, where they used this distinctive color for porcelain patterns, mixing it with white. Even with its expensive position on the market, people were still able to obtain blue by using blue on textiles. These textiles were sold at a significantly cheaper price than the original pigment. Blue continues to develop and explain to other countries, being used more and more to depict the sky, oceans, and many beautiful sceneries.

Unhappy Blue


What Works

What Doesn’t

Blue is not only the most common color due to favoritism, but

Even blue has its limits of popularity. There are certain

blue is the biggest color covered on this planet; the sky and

occasions when blue does not work well. Blue within food

the ocean. Blue is such a versatile color and so favorable to

usually means moldy. Blue faces are very dangerous and

the public that it’s hard not to find blue. Blue fabrics can be

are a sight no one should witness. A dark blue sky is a

found throughout many households. The clear blue sky holds

meaningful indicator that thunder is coming. Well, that last

the bright sun that shows a beautiful day ahead. Diamonds

one isn’t really a negative to some, including myself, but it

are a girl’s best friend. Blue is such a beautiful shade that it’s

needed to be said somewhere.

truly hard to see it in a negative way.

Let’s play with that! Over the years, blue has also held up well. Many paintings

Blue will be fun to mess around with. It is a very stable and

featuring blue have been able to hold their pigment well.

consistent color in most images that it will be interesting to

Even those that have faded out over the years still are able

see how changing it will turn out. What do you think? Does it

to maintain the blue hue. Not only in paintings but also as a

look like the blue needs to come back or do we have a better

culture, blue is a staple to many cultures that have used blue

image than before?

for religious reasons.


Emotional Colors

Unhappy Blue






Emotional Colors

Emotional Colors



Emotional Colors

Emotions Purple is the final color of the rainbow. It is also the last secondary color, being the product of combining blue and red. Now that we understand how those two individually work, it makes purple turn out to be super interesting. Purple is the most thoughtful color, meaning that people usually associate it with imagination. It mainly derives from the deep color of blue, being such a calming color, working with the firing red. Many will dispute purple versus violet and here is where the decision to use purple instead came to play. Violet in a nutshell is a shade of purple. Violet is found in a visible light spectrum rather than directly combining red and blue like purple is. This means that purple is a deeper color, with more meaning and emotion. Even though a rainbow is a visible thing through light and reflection, purple fits better on this list and meets the criteria that are needed. Purple is a color of imagination that stems from its pairing with blue. It further makes it associate itself with creativity, comfort, and richness. It holds an empathetic aura to it, further giving it a kind and compassionate emotional connection. A truly beautiful color.

Thoughtful Purple


Connecting Memories Purple has evolved over the years. Growing up, we witness

Going a little deeper we find plum, which is a reddish type

many children’s shows creating characters that were all

of purple. This is a pretty old-fashion shade that many are

purple. Since purple creates a happier atmosphere only

aware of thanks to the fruit. Plum carries a more narrow-

makes sense. It also does not conform closely to gender

minded feel to it, almost like a grandma telling you how the

which is another reason why many directors choose to do

good old days were. Next is amethyst. This is a very mystical

this. It was not as ‘girly’ as pink and not as ‘boyish’ as blue. It

color, it is found many times within the magical world. It feels

was the perfect middle.

comforting and is meant to provide protection. Deep purple is the last of the shade we are discussing here. Deep purple


holds more blue along with hints of black to give it depth.

Purple has many shades that fall underneath it, each having

Similar to amethyst, it is a shade commonly found in a more

its special spots in the color spectrum. To start, we have lilac

spiritual and guided color palette. Even so, this shade can

which is a very pale, basically muted violet color with a bit of

also be seen as an arrogant color due to its darker hue.

a pinkish hue. This color is expressed to be very extroverted and romantic with its softness. Next would be lavender with a


similar effect. This one has more of a bluish tint, however, so

Royal Purple was a common terminology found in the past. It

it shows a bit more fragility and sensitivity. Mauve is a shade

derives from the fact that purple in nature is very rare. Fruits

that falls right in between lavender and lilac. With both

down to even flowers, purple was a rare color to find out in

shades balanced out, it is the more helpful and steady shade.

the wild. Due to its rarity, when the product was obtainable, it became a color only the elites used. Similar to blue in this aspect but a bit more so since with blue, there were multiple ways of obtaining it and it was very common to see blue out in nature.


Emotional Colors

Thoughtful Purple


What Doesn’t Laws were even later developed that only kings and queens

Even though purple was such a beautiful color and was such

were the only ones allowed to wear this shade. Over time,

a rarity in the past, it now has a much lesser value. Much has

scientists such as William Henry Perkins accidentally

not changed when it comes to obtaining a natural purple.

developed different synthetic shades of purple like mauve.

It is still a rarity to find shades of purple outside in nature

They would dye fabrics with them and sell to all classes,

besides that of grapes and certain flowers. Due to the overall

making the color no longer the highest shade for royals.

limitations, purple provokes a sense of scarcity.

Artists in Britain were large fans of the color purple. Having

Some of the negative connotations that are associated with

the rules that only the king and queen were allowed to wear

purple are immaturity and impractical. Due to the youthful

purple, it became apparent the rarity it was to even paint

look and the use of the shade, many find it to be very young

with the color. Artists such as Gustav Klimt liked the color so

and with its history of being strictly for royals, a sense of

much he would flood his images with purples and violets and

arrogance also follows.

any in-between.

Let’s play with that! What Works

Purple will be another interesting shade that we change.

Purple is a combination of dark blue and vibrant red,

Taking this image, how does it look without the purple this

paired well with multiple colors. From the darkest of blues,

time? Black can be quite different from the vibrant purple we

it even pairs well with orange. Overall, the color is very

saw in the flowers earlier.

versatile not only with color combinations, but also with product placement. Purple has been one of the biggest color components used to help educate people. Being used on tv shows and other forms of social media, it spreads like wildfire. At some points in time, purple became a color many elites used as it became a similar color to that of blue.


Emotional Colors

Thoughtful Purple






Emotional Colors

Emotional Colors


Emotions Going beyond the rainbow are the last colors that need to be mentioned in the color spectrum. Black is the darkest color known to man. By combining all the colors, black absorbs all the shades to its darkest point. This color is the easiest color to darken any shade and has been a part of the color spectrum for years. Looking more into the shadows, black is a consistent debate when it comes to the art world. It has symbolized many things over time and has been considered a mainly negative connotation. Being that, thus far, vibrant colors would typically symbolize wealth and status, black ended up more as a complementary color for most. Black is such a dark color that other colors popped when placed with black. Since it is the darkest, black has been a symbol of many things. Black is mysterious, it’s uneasy, it makes you question what’s inside. It has so much depth and absorbs all color differences. It’s a mysterious color and it is perceived as a dark strong force.


Emotional Colors

Mysterious Black



Emotional Colors

Connecting Memories Black was the darkness that came when the sun went down.

Regular grey is a 50/50 ratio of white and black. This is a

Black was the color of many issues. Most children are afraid

mysterious color that still retains its relaxing properties.

of the dark. The darkness is not a visible thing to be afraid

Then finally, dark grey is the grey with more black than

of however it is the imagination that plays with us. We cannot

white. This shade is the most mysterious and mischievous.

see in the dark, which leads to our minds running wild trying

All these shades have grown to develop their own emotional

to come up with different.

connection however unlike the other colors, grey has a much larger impact than its black counterpart. Since black is such

Even with that, black provides as many people’s favorite

a strong and overpowering color versus its light and delicate

color. Those who have always taken to the shadows find

white, it becomes easier to overpower.

black to be comforting and being able to portray their emotions. This is one of those colors that it truly depends on


the individual to percieve its true value.

Even with its known expression throughout history, black is actually one of the biggest colors used. Black symbolized


many things: death, mourning, power; however, it still

There are actually not many shades that are associated with

became the basis. Black was one of the first colors used that

black that don’t just make the color lighter. Even so, there are

can be dated back all the way to prehistoric times. It became

a couple of shades that black is associated with. Greys are a

a known color quickly as it was easy to obtain the color. The

mix of white and black. Depending on the amount of white

color was made quickly by using the ashes of any burned

added creates different shades of grey. A light grey is usually

materials like wood.

a more calming and relaxing shade of grey. Being that it has the most white, it is perfect for homeowners who don’t wish to have the overall brightness of plain white.

Mysterious Black


What Doesn’t Going further into history, the Greeks were some of the

Black is and will forever be the symbol of bad fortune.

biggest users of black. Painting on their vases, they used

Sickness, death, burned, and just overall darkness. Black has

black for not only design work, but for figures and animals.

been a symbol of death for centuries. Even today we mourn

Although, as time moved on, black began to gain a new, more

in black, we send others off in black, we grieve in black.

commonly known meaning. In Latin, black is associated with

Black is seen as depressing and just overall negative.

cruelty and evil. This leads to medieval times painting what they transcripted as the devil, in black. From there, black

Let’s play with that!

only grew as a symbol of cruelty and death. As new diseases

Such a dark color is a challenge to change since lightening it

and events occurred as time went on, black was set in stone

up seems to be it. But that is too easy, let’s play with it a little

as the color of death.

bit differently. What do you think? Do the two tones work?

What Works Black is found anywhere the light does not shine. When the sun sets, the dark black sky rises. When you turn the lights off, or your shadow as you walk. Even when you close your eyes, you will find black. Black is the color to use when darkening other existing colors.


Emotional Colors

Mysterious Black






Emotional Colors

Emotions Now we find ourselves the lightest of lights. The brightest shade. The complete opposite of black, we find white. White has been the sign of purity for years. It makes people feel young. It’s a sign of innocence. White is the shade with no pigment, no disturbance. Many find peace with white -- a sense of completion. Because of the lack of pigmentation, white is an established color to begin with. It is a clean slate, nothing is on it and it is so bright that any and all colors will stand out. Many find comfort in white as well due to it being such a neat and organized color. This can be seen nowadays by homeowners that have white walls or a white kitchen. The lack of ‘noise’ from other colors creates tranquility.

Connecting Memories Growing up, white was found in numerous locations over the years. If you went to church as a Christian for example, white was a symbol of purity and youth. If you were to look up, the white clouds show a beautiful day. White was something we saw growing up as a starting point. Whether that was a new sheet of paper or the white starting line on a race track. White contributes to many aspects of life we have grown accustomed to.

Peaceful White



Emotional Colors

History White has no pigment -- it has no ‘noise’ so to speak. It has become a symbol of purity and cleanliness. This did not come out of the blue. In the past, religion was a large part of history and colors were always used as a symbol to those who wore the color. For example, in ancient Egypt and Roman times, priests wore white to create the visual representation of purity. Romans continued by wearing white togas that symbolized citizenship at the time. Not only was clothing a big play in how white was developed into a pure color, but even the buildings that were created referred to it as well. For example, the Greeks and Romans created temples out of pristine white marbles. Churches were also created with pure white materials. Even today, we have buildings such as the white house or government buildings that were constructed with white materials. All to show a sense of innocence and clarity.

What Works White is the beginning. When you start a new page, when you use your web browser, when you begin writing, you start off on a sheet of white. White works with multiple things because of its lack of pigmentation. It collaborates with other colors seemingly and compliments others as well.

Peaceful White


What Doesn’t White is another shade that doesn’t really have a negative impact; however, many find that white is empty and isolated. Since white does lack pigmentation, many shows have taken white as a representation of a void. A bright void with nothing in it, no colors, no items, nothingness. This was something that was introduced later on in the years as no one had really thought of white in such a context.

Let’s play with that! Replacing white in its most natural form will be a bit difficult, but the challenge is accepted!


Emotional Colors

Peaceful White






Emotional Colors

Emotional Colors



Emotional Colors


Where to Next?

There definitely was a lot to take in, but here we are! We have

Where to go from here? Well, there are a lot of things that

now gone through every color on the rainbow and then some.

affect us in ways that we don’t even realize. Color is one

We went through the emotional association for each, talked

of the more fun ones to write about; it has so much action

about the sub shade categories that go with each color, and

happening within it. Why not look into typography? Text is

had a small history lesson to boot.

a whole other ball game, but still does wonders to pieces of work and literature. This will also bring up text and other


forms of writing from around the world. Now doesn’t that

There are a lot of emotions to deal with when it comes to

sound interesting?

each color. After a while, you may have realized that a lot of the colors have many of the same attributes. Like how all the secondary colors contain bits and pieces of their prior counterparts. We also discovered that depending on the number of certain colors mixed together, the emotions change with it. For example, adding more black to blue to create dark blue gives a deeper and mischievous emotion than the original.

Emotional Colors


References Red:


“Color Psychology Will Empower Your Life: Red.”

“The Color Yellow.” Empowered By Color, https://www.

Empowered By Color, https://www.empower-yourself-with-




Ototo, et al. “The History of the Color Red: From Ancient

“A Brief History of the Colour Yellow.” Arts & Collections, 13

Paintings to Louboutin Shoes.” My Modern Met, 4 Mar. 2019,

Sept. 2018, https://www.artsandcollections.com/article/a-





“The Color Orange.” Empowered By Color, https://www.

“The Color Green.” Empowered By Color, https://www.





Shovava, et al. “The History of the Color Orange: From

Bootiful, Oh Sew, et al. “The History of the Color Green: From

Ancient Egyptian Tomb Paintings to Modern-Day Jumpsuits.”

a Poisonous Pigment to a Symbol of Environmentalism.”

My Modern Met, 23 Apr. 2019, https://mymodernmet.com/

My Modern Met, 16 June 2020, https://mymodernmet.com/




Emotional Colors



“The Color Blue.” Empowered By Color, https://www.

“The Color Black.” Empowered By Color, https://www.





Ototo, et al. “The History of the Color Blue: From Ancient

“The Secret History of the Color Black - Google Arts

Egypt to the Latest Scientific Discoveries.” My Modern Met,

& Culture.” Google, Google, https://artsandculture.

12 Mar. 2018, https://mymodernmet.com/shades-of-blue-






“The Color Purple.” Empowered By Color, https://www.

“The Color White.” Empowered By Color, https://www.





“A History of the Colour Purple.” Arts & Collections, 22 Jan.

“White Color in History and Art.” HiSoUR, 23 Apr. 2019,

2019, https://www.artsandcollections.com/a-history-of-the-




Emotional Colors


Back covEmotional Colors Color is all around us. We experience colors every single day. However, why are some colors more appealing than others? Why do some items look better with one shade versus the next? Why do we tie our emotions to a color? Emotional Colors is all about testing and figuring out why we interpert color the way we do. By using photography and a little digital magic, we will be altering the colors of many images to see if the color truly does impact the image as much as we think.


Emotional Colors

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