Charles Babbage Zine Monument

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Zine Monument on Charles Babbage

Biography: Born: December 26, 1791 at London England Died: October 18, 1871 at London England

As a son of a banker, he loved mathmatics specifically algebra. He taught himself multiple of math subjects due to his passion, which led him into Trinity College in Cambridge. During his stay at the Trinity College, he would participate in groups that involved with mathmatics, which would lead him into his greatest invention of the Analytical Machine.

Contribution: Charles Babbage involved himself in a bunch of math related groups, which would help him found two groups named the Royal Astronomical Society (1820) and the Analytical Society (1812).

As his passion and his involvement of math grew, he was recognized by the government to help advance math. It would lead him into his greatest invention...


The Analytical Machine!

With the assistance of the difference engine (It performed an astronomical amount of numbers while storing them), the analytical machine was born! The purpose of the analytical machine was to read loom cards through its reader, calculate the cards through a mill, store data in the storage, then printed the results through a miller. Although his invention was not finished, it would form itself into what we know as “The Computer.”

Difference Engine

Timeline: DECEMBER 26, 1791:


Charles Babbage was born

Helped found the Anaylitical Society

1830: The birth of the Analytical Machine


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Helped found the Royal Astronomical

The birth of the Difference Engine


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OCTOBER 18, 1871: Charles Babbage passes away

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Although he was not able to finish his inventions, Charles Babbage was a man with ideas on creating the best calculator, but was formed to create the modern computer. His love for math knows no bounds.

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