SCENE Spring 2013

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clearly remember standing in my living room the first time I saw the Schreiner University website almost eight years ago and turning to my husband and saying, “That is where I belong.”

“ When Capt. Schreiner

set out to create a place of learning, he also created a place for a family of educators, students and staff who love this University and its mission as he did.” — Amy Armstrong

Boy, was I right. In my years as editor of this magazine, my creative, dedicated and—it must be said—slightly offcenter staff and I have laughed, cried—and, yes, occasionally thrown things—bringing you the stories of this University. None of that would have been possible without Capt. Charles Schreiner. I believe there are countless people who owe our intrepid founder a large debt of gratitude. Not only the generations of students who have grown as scholars and as people in their time at Schreiner in all its iterations—from walking the bullring to being a part of the first baccalaureate class—but also those of us that are, and have been, blessed to work here and continue his mission. I know I am not the only person to experience the magnetic pull of this special place. As you thumb through this issue, you will see examples of Capt. Schreiner’s spirit still at work. Whether it is our thriving intramural program, the Living and Learning Communities that are reaching a new generation of scholars or our award-winning faculty. There is abundant evidence that this great school is moving onward and upward. When Capt. Schreiner set out to create a place of learning, he also created a place for a family of educators, students and staff who love this University and its mission as he did. We all hope to leave it a little better and stronger than we found it. For those of you wondering where our president’s letter is, have no fear. When you reach page 17 you will understand that his letter fit just perfectly with our Capt. Schreiner story. Speaking of letters, we would love to hear from you. Drop us a line at or write to us at: SCENE Magazine CMB 6229 2100 Memorial Blvd. Kerrville, Texas 78028 Until next time,

Amy Armstrong editor

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contents S p r in g 2 0 1 3

f e a t u r e s 8 Carlsbad or Bust A Roadtrip to Remember

I n

t h is

iss u e

4 oncampus 20 mountaineersports 26 honoringalumni

28 classnotes 32 eventscalendar 33 roundup

10 Finding Their Way SU Living and Learning Communities

12 Among Friends A Closer Look at Intramurals

14 Capt. Charles Schreiner A Look Back and Ahead

onthecover SU boasts four Living and Learning Communities aimed at bolstering student success. Illustration by Stephanie Lopez Keller Spring 2013 3

Staff Spotlight

Tammi Clanton

Photo above: Clanton, in the Point Theatre’s production of “Hank Williams: Lost Highway.”

by Caitlin Probandt

To say Schreiner University is like a second home to Tammi Clanton ’98 isn’t an exaggeration by any stretch. In fact, Clanton first

started working on the SU campus in 1986. “My first job at Schreiner was behind the snack bar,” she said. “Since then I’ve done a lot at Schreiner, including getting a degree.” Clanton has come a long way from slinging snack foods. For the past seven years, she has been director of the Floyd & Kathleen Cailloux Campus Activity Center where she manages room scheduling, marketing and community involvement. Clanton also is in charge of the summer camps that happen on Schreiner’s campus. Her Mom, Peggy Clanton, manages the SU Bookstore. “After seven years in this position, I have people call me up and start a conversation by saying, ‘I know you’re going to know the answer to this…’” Clanton said with a laugh. “I feel like my job is planning events, even though the only event I handle myself is Family Weekend. I just love helping—I guess that’s where my psychology degree comes in handy.” The Kerrville native claims there was no other choice but Schreiner University for her education or employment. “I love Schreiner—it’s like being home,” she said. “I have to pinch myself most days. I can’t believe I’m

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allowed to work in a place like this. It is like being surrounded by family.” It isn’t just her job that makes the Hill Country great for Clanton—she also is involved in theater, a member of the Main Street Advisory Board and is a Kerrville Area Chamber of Commerce ambassador. When she isn’t starring in a play or putting together a special evening in Kerrville, Clanton said she loves to cook—her best dishes are lasagna, cheeseburger soup and macaroni and cheese—and spending time with her 12-year-old daughter, Morgan. “I love all the activities she is involved in, and I love to cook—it is great stress relief,” she said. “If I could do anything else, I would go to culinary school.” But don’t count on Clanton leaving Schreiner University behind to study the culinary arts anytime soon. “I’d hate living in the city,” she said. “I’m very lucky to have stayed in Kerrville and found such a great job. Where else would you be on a firstname basis with the president of the university? Everyone here trusts you to do a good job and they empower you.” For more information, contact Clanton at


Against All Odds Schreiner students Norman and Noor Becker met in a typical way— through a mutual friend—but they never expected they’d have to overcome so many trials and tribulations before they could spend the rest of their lives together.

In November 2008, Norman was in his last weeks of deployment in Iraq when his friend introduced him to Noor through a social media site. The pair kept in touch online while Norman was stationed in various parts of the world. Then, in August 2009, they finally met in the United States. “We started out as friends, and soon we were talking every day,” Noor said. Although Noor had family in California, it was a challenge to get her entire family out of Iraq and into the United States. “We were not sure she’d even make it to the states,” Norman said. “It is a difficult process and it takes a lot of financial support to make it happen.” Noor’s parents, who were both physicians in Iraq, supported her and the rest of their family and worked tirelessly to make the transition to America. “It is not much of a cultural difference in Iraq and here—they are both very conservative,” Noor said. “But the violence and security situations are awful. Life wasn’t easy (in Iraq).” The couple got engaged in 2009, and tied the knot the next year once Noor’s father and brother made it to the U.S. from Iraq. “I’m so lucky to have Norman,” Noor said with a smile. “He has been a great help and a great husband.” The Beckers started school at SU in 2011, and have thoroughly enjoyed their time in the Hill Country. Norman is pre-law and Noor is completing her BSN. As for what the future might hold for this pair? “We love this area and how small it is, and we love this school,” Noor said. “I’d love to raise my children here.”

Honoring Our Heroes Schreiner University unveiled a grand tribute to the 103 former students killed in action in World War II, Korea and Vietnam wars late last year. The Veterans Memorial Wall, which was designed by James Avery, a World War II veteran and former SU trustee, stands in The Commons as a constant reminder of honor, courage and sacrifice. Dr. Tim Summerlin, president of SU, said when the plans to update The Commons area came across his desk two years ago, he knew there should be a structure built to pay homage to the fallen heroes. “We knew this monument needed to be a focal point in The Commons,” Summerlin said at the memorial event. “I knew there was only one person for the job—James Avery. He was the natural person to ask to improve the modest alcove where the plaques once were.” Avery designed the two plaques that feature the names of the fallen servicemen, and said that when he was approached by Summerlin he couldn’t say no to the project. Ted Voss of Voss Metals completed the bronze work on the wall. “It is a real honor to be able to pay tribute to these people,” Avery said. “It has been a pleasure and a privilege.” Lt. Col. (Ret.) Todd Reichert, director of plans and operations at Greystone Preparatory School, said he was proud to share a bond of dedication to freedom with the 103 fallen warriors whose names are on those plaques. “These men are my heroes—our heroes,” he said during the ceremony. “I’m honored by the service and sacrifice, and proud we have men and women willing to continue to sacrifice for our country.” Toward the end of the ceremony, Norman Becker, head of the Schreiner University Military Organization, urged the crowd to never reflect on the memorial with sadness, but instead with life, liberty and real hope for the future of our great country. “I’m thankful for the liberators on this wall—they deserve this honor,” Becker said. Spring 2013 5

Communications Professor Wins Award for Intercultural Paper Dr. Mary Grace Antony, assistant professor of communication studies,

recently won the award for Top Intercultural Paper at the Southern States Communication Association in Louisville, Ky. she was awarded for her study titled “Hello, How May I Offend You Today ?: NBC’s ‘Outsourced’ and the Discourse of Cultural Authenticity.” This achievement comes after Antony’s award last fall from the National Communication Association for her paper “Thank you for calling: Accents and Authenticity on NBC’s ‘Outsourced.’” “As our environment (local and national) becomes more globalized, it is important to consider the economic, social and cultural outcomes of this process,” Antony said. Antony’s fascination with intercultural communication and audience responses to media hasn’t waivered even with two award-winning papers under her belt. “It feels pretty incredible,” she said. “This was fun to work on, and I am glad that it has been well received by my peers.”

Nursing Professor Accepts Prestigious Assignment Dr. Patti Grota, professor of nursing, has been tapped to be senior editor of the Association for Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology Inc. “This is a significant milestone in my 25- year career as an infection prevention professional,” Grota said. “APIC Text is the most definitive, comprehensive infection prevention resource from APIC. It spans two volumes with 120 chapters covering the latest guidelines, research, technology and clinical standards in infection prevention and control.” Grota will serve as editor for the next 18 months.

Shine a Light Schreiner students are joined by SU president Dr. Tim Summerlin in The Commons as they participate in the 27 hour stand to raise support and awareness about slavery. Almost 300 students participated in the End It—Shine a Light on Slavery events, which took place the first week in March.

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Schreiner Recycles Last year, SU launched its recycling program. Here is a look at what has been recycled and conserved so far.

38.3965 tons of paper 2.4045 tons of plastic 0.397 tons of aluminum 0.9305 tons of tin 653 trees 157,424.65 kwh of energy 268,775.50 gallons of water 126.7082 cubic yards of landfill space 2303.79 pounds of air pollution


Faculty Spotlight

Home at Last

Photo: right, Krisann with her sons Teddy, left, and Levi.

by Caitlin Probandt

Krisann Muskievicz, coordinator of the Vesalius Learning and Living Community and associate professor of English at Schreiner University, will be the first one to admit it was a series of twists and turns that got her where she is today.

Muskievicz earned her bachelor’s in English education from the University of Illinois before pursuing her master’s in humanities from the University of Houston-Clear Lake. With a master’s under her belt, Muskievicz and her family moved to Galveston County where she attended the University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston for her doctorate degree. It was there, in 2008, that tragedy struck in the form of Hurricane Ike. “I was working on my dissertation when Hurricane Ike hit,” she said. “My oldest was 20 months old, and we had to evacuate to New Braunfels. We were members of YMCA, so we stopped in to work off some stress, and I ended up realizing that our home was gone while we were talking to the staff. A woman told me they were putting people up at Camp Flaming Arrow in Hunt and we were welcome to stay there. I’d never been out that far west in Texas.” Soon, Muskievicz, who was pregnant with her second child at the time, found herself living in Hunt and working on her dissertation every day at the Hunt Store. “I was pregnant and sitting on a tree stump using the wireless Internet at the Hunt Store,” she said. “When one of the owners asked me what I was doing one day, he then told me I needed to call Tim Summerlin at Schreiner.” Muskievicz submitted her application and took a one-year appointment directing the Writing Center. “We had originally decided to stay in the area until the baby was born, then we decided to wait for the insurance to come through on the house, then we waited to see if we could find jobs—before I knew it we were living here,” she said with a laugh. “There was a

lot of serendipity and grace involved in such a soft landing in Kerrville. Everything turned out great.” When she concluded her work in the Writing Center, Muskievicz continued to teach English at Schreiner University and proposed the idea of the Vesalius Learning and Living Community—a selective program that allows students interested in health professions to live together and collaborate on community projects. “Living and learning communities are popular and trending, and also they are working,” she said. “I am here officing with the students every day, and it is great to see them pop in. They get to know me in a formal and informal setting. I often help them with things they can’t bring to advisors including, relationship woes, family issues and other struggles. I have a unique opportunity to help the students manage these challenges in their roles as university students and I am able to nurture their growth as a community.” Muskievicz said she has seen students establish their own support systems with one another, which can help them become more secure in themselves and their academic strides. “This is a powerful structure and it greets them at the door,” she said. “We’ve had fantastic feedback, and the current students are eager to find ways to continue working together. We view this as a marker of success.” During work hours, Muskievicz helps students grow in independence and professionalism. While home with her family, she enjoys being out of doors and exploring what the Hill Country has to offer. “We are fortunate enough to live in a place that people come to on vacations,” she said. “I’ve never doubted this was the place for me. It is all about the power of small.” For more information on Muskievicz, contact her at Spring 2013 7

st Carlsbad or Bu ber A Roadtrip to Remem


Harry Schwethelm ’39, Forrest Salter ’40, Jimmie Beddingfield ’40 and Ted Patton ’40 took off for Carlsbad Caverns in New Mexico, learning a lot about the country and themselves along the way. Schwethelm’s daughter, Sue Steele, an SU development officer, shared with us the story he wrote and illustrated about the trip. What follows are excerpts from his manuscript.

folks weren’t in favor of the trip so we had to buy our own car. After getting about thirty dollars each we bought a very ancient model “T ” ford for twenty five dollars and began making plans. We decided to go to Carlsbad Caverns in New Mexico and if the car was still running and if we had any money left we would go farther. After a week of preparations, the four friends hit the road.

School would be out in another week and what could we do during the long summer. I know let’s take a trip. But where and how. After looking over a map of the United States we decided to go West. “Go West young man, go West.” And that’s just what we did. Our

The first day we went from Kerrville to Ft. Stockton which amounted to two hundred and seventy long miles. It took us fourteen hours which is an average of about twenty miles an hour. The first day’s trip included one of the worst rains I have ever had the pleasure of being caught in. About

n 1936, four Schreiner classmates set out on the adventure of a lifetime.

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ten miles from Sonora the rain landed on us with both feet and almost drowned us before we reached the city limits. We had taken our lunch and the only day place we could find to eat, was in the railroad station. We waited about an hour for the rain to stop but it only came down harder so we left Sonora in a blinding rain storm. The roads looked like rivers and there was so much water in the car we could have gone swimming. Weather in West Texas is very sunny so in about three hours of rain the sun came out and was so hot we soon were dry again. We had no sooner gotten dry when we came upon one of the steepest and longest hills I have ever seen. It was the only way, so down we went. About half way down we were going so fast our top almost blew off so we decided to slow up a bit. The brakes were slammed on but the car only jerked for a second and then sped on. The brakes were turned out. There were, half way down the hill, no brakes, and going

After repairing the brakes and topping off the tank, the guys hit the road again, reaching the border of New Mexico that afternoon. After spending the night in White City, they finally reached the cave. At ten o’clock we started through the cave and the most wonderful trips any of us had ever taken. Within we beheld grotesque formations, frozen cascades, dainty fairylands, yawning chasms, and giants of antiquity. They stagger imagination and seem


about sixty miles an hour in a very rickety car. We all hung on for dear life and finally reached the bottom, very much to our surprise. About the only thing we ran into the rest of the day was one detour after another. The heavy rains had washed out all the bridges and most of the road all the way to New Mexico. We heard that it was the heaviest rain West Texas had had in years and we would have to be caught in it. After a long day we reached Ft. Stockton where we spent the night in a tourist cabin. That night we looked the town over and wrote cards to the folks back home telling them all was in tiptop shape. We didn’t mention the brakes and heavy rains.

as unusual and unreal as a fantastic dream. At twelve thirty we reached the lunch room seven hundred and fifty feet below the surface, where we ate and had a brief rest. After meeting the man who discovered the caverns, the group spent time at the huge Rock of Ages inside the cave. As we sat around it in the darkest dark I have ever seen some of the rangers far down in the cave sang, ‘Rock of Ages’ and slowly turned on the lights beginning far down in the cave. The silence, singing, and terrible darkness was the most impressive part of the whole trip. The friends arrived in El Paso in need of sleep, food and repairs to the car. That afternoon Jimmie, Ted and I went into old Mexico while Forrest stayed at our tourist cabin and slept. We spent nearly all our money across the border and wrote many post cards to the folks back home using Mexican stamps. Next to the caverns our trip here in Juarez was the most interesting. We visited nearly every shop and place of business including a drug store where we

got a Mexican ice cream soda. (It wasn’t so hot.) The four intrepid travelers headed to Del Rio, where they spent one night on a rock bed for lack of better options. They hit Alpine, and the Davis Mountains and then Ft. Davis. The next morning we headed for home and said farewell to Mexico and West Texas. From Del Rio we went through Brackettville, Uvalde, Sabinal, Hondo, and Bandera. Near Bandera our motor began making such a terrible noise we scared all the deer out of the country. It was a connecting rod but our faithful car carried on till we reached dear old Kerrville where it gave a sigh of relief and didn’t utter another sound until a good rest and overhauling. On this trip we covered over 1500 miles, visited one foreign country, two states, went through three of the worst rain storms you can imagine, had one breakdown, no flats, and drove home on our own power and believe it or not, we were ready to start the whole trip all over again. To see this story in full visit the Schreiner website at and look in the Features and Blogs section. Spring 2013 9

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van Klaff was apprehensive about fitting in at college.

“I sometimes feel socially awkward, and I usually have a hard time making friends,” Klaff said. “When I first got to Schreiner I was so afraid that I would not make any friends.” He needn’t have worried. As a part of the Vesalius program, Klaff has found his niche. “I have made so many friends so quickly,” he said. “Being a part of this amazing community has been the best experience of my college career so far.” Vesalius is one of four Living and Learning Communities available at Schreiner for entering freshmen. As with Klaff, these communities enable students to share their college experience—in and out of the classroom—with other students with similar interests and/or career goals. “Learning communities—which may include common curricular, co-curricular, and residential experiences—are widely regarded as one of the ‘high impact’ practices that encourage student learning and, therefore, promote retention and degree attainment,” said Dr. Charlie McCormick, SU vice president of academic affairs and provost. “They particularly are effective for an institution like Schreiner which promotes interdisciplinary learning and critical and creative engagement with big ideas. Learning communities complement, extend, and deepen the conversations that occur across campus and in the classroom.” In addition to Vesalius, there are the Honors Program, A.C.E. and Exodus. Rexford Quick, director of the Honors Program, said it fosters support and community among select high-achieving freshmen. “I love the Honors Program here at Schreiner because I am surrounded by a diverse group of students who are as passionate about learning as I am,” said Samar Dadashazar. “I’ve found friends I can be my nerdy self with and who I know I can depend on if I need any academic help. Through all of the lessons I am taught, the Honors Program has better prepared me for the real world and my future.” According to Krisann Muskievicz, faculty advisor for the Vesalius Living and Learning Community, the program has developed a “family-away-fromfamily” environment for the 18 students who live

together on the first floor in Trull Residence Hall. “The students are all interested in pursuing professions in health care and they share many of the same goals and hopes,” she said. “They take cohort classes, participate in tutoring sessions together, attend university events together and they rely on each other for support. The Vesalius LLC offers a unique opportunity for incoming freshmen to find a community on their first day as Mountaineers.” A.C.E. stand for awareness, connection and engagement and it is guided by Cristina Martinez, director of career services, and volunteer Janet McKinney. “The program provides students the opportunity to develop relationships with peers while exploring career possibilities, in addition to developing career related skills,” Martinez said. A.C.E. also connects students with alumni and friends in the workforce providing the possibility for summer internships. Stacey Garcia said joining the A.C.E. program gave her something to be a part of her freshmen year. “Being a part of a small group of students was nice because we all hang out outside of A.C.E.,” Garcia said. “I was given a mentor and had the opportunity to talk about my future.” The Exodus program began in 2011 and offers students a first-year experience where they can find support from one another as they grow academically and spiritually. “Through service experiences, bible study, fun outings at Mo Ranch and much laughter and conversation, they are able to begin to connect their faith to the larger story of God’s world and to their own college experience, all the while learning the power of community,” said The Rev. Gini NorrisLane, campus minister and advisor for Exodus. Exodus member Kira Phillips said being a part of the program has helped her engage with her fellow students, staff and the community. “We learn and grow in real life situations and we do it together,” Phillips said. “Exodus has personally helped me stay diligent in the reminder of God’s presence, His love and the plans He has for us through His word and the people we come across.” As the success of the current programs continues to grow, McCormick said there are plans to expand the learning communities during the next several years.


by AMY ARMSTRONG Spring 2013 11

Among Friends A Closer Look at Intramurals by AMY ARMSTRONG


isitors to the Schreiner campus might be greeted by the sight of students playing football or throwing a Frisbee and may mistakenly think a friendly pick-up game is in progress.

Most likely it is one of the many intramural programs thriving here at SU. “This is a really competitive program and the students take it seriously,” said Drew Dobbins, director of the Mountaineer Fitness Center and campus recreation. Close to 200 students take part in the intramural program and Dobbins sees that number rising. “Intramurals at Schreiner go hand in hand with the University’s mission and vision,” he said. “Although its main purpose is to have fun, intramurals provide students with an opportunity to participate in sports.” Peg Layton, vice president for enrollment and student services and dean of students, said intramurals serve as a great escape for students. “Flag football, dodge ball or 3-on-3 basketball are the perfect de-stressors after hours of sitting in the classroom or at a computer,” Layton said. “Also, these types of activities build community and add to the overall physical and emotional health of our students.” Senior Josh Vela has participated in the intramural program as a player his entire time at SU. He even began refereeing a couple of years ago. “It is a fun way to compete against 12 Spring 2013 SCENE

other classmates, good friends and teammates,” Vela said. “Sometimes you can even play your teachers or boss, as I have played my boss in dodge ball and taken him out a few times, and then I remind him when I walk by his office.” Dobbins said he is hoping to see a multi-use or event center type facility constructed to accommodate the thriving program. “More and more universities are going to that and we need to as well,” he said. Dobbins said lights for the intramural fields would be a big help, too. “We rely on student athletes to participate and sometimes they have practice until 5 p.m. or after so we need to be able to have the intramural games later in the evening,” he said. Vela also said he would like to see improvements made to Rex Kelly. “Multiple intramural sports are held there, and I would like to see it cleaned up,” he said. Senior Ashley Hernandez said she likes the variety of sports to choose from in the intramural program and that girls are included. “Flag football and indoor soccer and my favorite,” she said. Candace Carreno, SU senior and business major, said her favorite sport is flag football. “I like that I get to meet new people, and it is a way to get exercise,” said Carreno.

intramurals Spring 2013 13


chreiner University, which opened its doors in 1923 as an all-male military school, has become a flourishing, independent and coeducational university— thanks to those dedicated to keeping Capt. Charles Schreiner’s vision of a prosperous Hill Country and higher education alive. Now, in honor of his 175th birthday, we reflect on the past, present and future of our beloved university.


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The Beginning Schreiner University is the product of two streams of influence: the Presbyterian Church and entrepreneur Capt. Charles Schreiner.

Capt. Schreiner, who moved with his family from France to San Antonio in 1852, called the Hill Country home. He purchased a ranch in Kerr County in 1857 and started a family. After serving in the Confederate Army for three and a half years, he started a mercantile business that would culminate in one of the largest mercantilebanking empires in the Southwest during its time. Capt. Schreiner was a visionary for the Hill Country, and saw the need to educate young men. In 1916, he set aside a quarter of a million dollars to begin a Presbyterian school for boys and young men in the


Building on the Dream Capt. Charles Schreiner

Kerrville area, which would be known as Schreiner Institute. In addition to the funds, Capt. Schreiner also donated 140 acres along the Guadalupe River and sought out members of the Presbyterian Church who would help him put bricks, mortar and people around the dream he had nurtured for years. Then in 1923, Capt. Schreiner’s dream finally became reality when Schreiner Institute opened its doors. Sam Junkin, former president of Schreiner College, was born on the Schreiner campus in 1931—just eight years after it opened. “My father came to work at Schreiner four years after the first students had enrolled, and I lived a lot of this school’s history,” Junkin said. “I can remember young men marching, taking all our meals in the mess hall and having a lot of older boys serve as big brothers. It was an ideal

situation for a young boy.” Junkin spent many years on the Schreiner campus and saw it evolve. During the Great Depression, the school was able to sustain itself because of the farm, dairy and slaughter house it had on the campus. “I spent 20 years on the Schreiner grounds before leaving,” Junkin said. “I never considered returning. I often reflect on the fact that if my parents walked on the campus today they wouldn’t believe it.” Although Schreiner started out with four buildings total, it has expanded to 46 buildings and offers 26 majors and programs—something that is still a marvel to Junkin. “It boggles my mind every time I’m here,” he said. “The new buildings and the new programs—Capt. Schreiner was an amazing guy who invested in the future. He was a visionary.” Spring 2013 15

Present Day

Looking Ahead

Schreiner’s first students came from remote ranching communities—but as news about the excellent education the young men were receiving spread far and wide—soon men from the Southwest and several Central and South American countries gathered to earn their high school diplomas and junior college degrees.

As Schreiner University moves into the future, many exciting things are just around the bend including, new programs, new delivery of said programs and new facilities. “As Schreiner grows to a residential campus of 1,200 to

In 1932, women were admitted into Schreiner Institute for the first time. By 1971, the military training was discontinued and the school became fully coeducational when women where allowed to live on the grounds. In 1981, the college became a four-year institution and graduated its first baccalaureate class three years later, and in 2001, Schreiner College was renamed Schreiner University. Schreiner’s total enrollment for the 2012-13 academic year is 1,126 as opposed to 100 when the doors opened. In the fall of 2009, Schreiner University received the Schreiner family mansion and all of its contents as a donation from the Parker family and the Preservation Society. (More history on the mansion can be found in the sidebar.) Today, Schreiner University strives to live out the motto “Enter with hope, leave with achievement,” according to Dr. Tim Summerlin, president of SU. As Schreiner’s student body continues to increase, Summerlin states the curriculum, living and learning communities and residential opportunities are ready to expand with the increasing numbers. “We should expect increasing focus on student success,” he said. “From the undergraduate students’ point of view, that means attention to their total experience from first year to graduation.”

1,300, we expect to look closely at expanding graduate programs,” Summerlin said. “Such programs could be initiated without requiring costly investment in facilities,” he said. “Without doubt, we will continue to witness creative use of technology in our delivery of learning.” Dr. Charlie McCormick, provost and vice president for academic affairs, said the business department is moving toward offering a 100 percent online MBA program, and they hope to have it implemented by the fall. “The benefit of such a move is that it provides flexibility to students who are working, have families, participate in a variety of other community organizations, etc.,” he said. “The downside of online delivery is that it adds a layer of mediation between faculty and students. We know that Schreiner students have long expressed their favorite thing about being at Schreiner is the relationships they develop with faculty.” Summerlin realizes it isn’t a good time for colleges who are on automatic pilot or who have become too comfortable with their situations. He plans to keep the edge that Schreiner University has going. “We know that we are not the wealthiest or best-known college around, but we do not believe for a moment that any other college goes about its work with any more passion or commitment than we do,” he said. “I know how essential these things are to our success in ensuring the world recognizes Schreiner as a premiere place of learning.”

History of the Schreiner Mansion: historic site and education center

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• After Capt. Charles Schreiner passed away in 1927, his mansion was sold to the Kerrville Masonic Lodge for use as the Masonic Temple. • Mrs. Roland Walters of Camp Verde purchased the structure in 1972 and sold it to the Hill Country Preservation Society Inc. in 1975. • The Preservation Society made repairs and kept the style of the original home including, gas fixtures, mantles, wallpaper and the parquet floor on the first floor. • In the fall of 2009, the Preservation Society donated the mansion to Schreiner University. • Today, the mansion hosts events sponsored by the University. • It also is available for rent for parties, weddings and meetings. To learn more about Schreiner Mansion Historic Site and Education Center, visit

with Capt. Schreiner

From the desk of the president Needless to say, I never knew Capt. Charles Schreiner, though I have had the pleasure to know and work with a good many of his descendants, who have kept their family’s ties to Schreiner University strong and healthy. As we celebrate the 175th anniversary


A Conversation

of his birth, we reflect on a man who, with his generous gift of land and cash, as well as the vision behind that generosity, made the institute, college and university possible. Do you ever play those mind games where you imagine some person in a setting far removed from his or her historical time and place? Well, I do and have done so with the old captain. I would love to have him in my office to query him about what he recalled of that contentious plot of European soil—Alsace-Lorraine—in which he spent his early years. Did he think of himself as French or German? What prompted his family to tear up roots and cross the ocean to a new land? Was it easy to become a Texan and American? And then what prompted his decision about military service in the Civil War? What were his goals when he returned to take up merchandising in town on that Christmas Eve of 1869? How clearly did he see the path before him, or to what extent was he surprised by opportunity and ready to pounce on it? What did he identify as his greatest achievement as he looked back over his life? Next, I would invite him to take a tour of the campus with me. Of course, we would start at the administration building that housed virtually all of the original institute’s activities. It would be familiar to him, as would a few other structures. But most of what we would encounter would astonish him—an activity center, a wellness and recreation facility. An array of academic buildings with its strange, newfangled technology. Where do all of these vehicles come from? And look at how these young people dress! Yes, Captain Schreiner would need time to process the changes the institute of 1923 has undergone in becoming the university of 2013, but, quick-witted and adaptive as he was, I imagine that after a while he would move from the surface to the deeper purposes working underneath. The man who crossed an ocean to create a new life would appreciate the need for higher education and learning tools to evolve. He would have understood how persisting in a dream and seizing new opportunities are both essential to accomplishing great things. And he would appreciate that, like a tiny store or modest ranch, a small school that responds to opportunity and community needs can come to play a role in the world far beyond original expectations. Ultimately, I see Capt. Charles Schreiner smiling and saying, “Well, starting this little school to build the young man four square wasn’t the least of my accomplishments.” We agree, Captain.

President Spring 2013 17

An Uncertain Future: The Republican Party Struggles With Its Identity by Caitlin Probandt


ollege voters—18 to 24 years old—are 11 million strong and make up approximately 24.4 percent of all eligible young voters (ages 18 to 29), according to

Young voters played a large role in the re-election of President Barack Obama last year. According to national statistics, Obama captured 60 percent of the youth vote as opposed to the 39 percent that Romney obtained. These numbers beg the question: Is the Republican Party too white, too rich and too old to appeal to younger voters? Andrew Bell, a supporter of the Republican Party and president of SU Votes—a part of the Texas Votes organization which is a statewide coalition of on-campus, nonpartisan student organizations committed to increasing elector and civic participation through voter education and registration—believes the GOP needs to create a solid campaign slogan and message to deliver to younger voters. “The GOP needs to revamp their message to encompass a deeper care for the individual voter,” said Bell, a senior political science major. “By doing this, an individual voter 18 Spring 2013 SCENE

will feel like the Republican Party will watch out for them—the Democrats already do a great job of this.”

Down, Not Out The 2012 election cycle included losses for the GOP in the White House, Senate and a loss of seats within the House of Representatives, but Congressman Lamar Smith believes the future of the Republican Party still is very bright. “In 1994, when the Democrats lost control of Congress, there were articles and op-eds across the country about how this could be the end for the Democratic Party. But the political predictions proved premature,” Smith said. “Just 20 years later, the Democrats are in control of both the Senate and White House—it is important to remember that politics is cyclical.” Dr. Mark Woodhull, director of graduate business studies and associate professor of business, and a supporter of the Republican Party, said he recalls the same reaction from the media the first time Obama won the election.

Bouncing Back In order to be poised for the next cycle of elections, the Republican Party must gather its resources and come up with a new plan of action. John Elliot, Kerr County chair for Texas Republican County Chairmen’s Association, said one must for the Republican Party at every level is to find qualified and strong candidates and streamline the selection process. “By the time we had a national Republican candidate, they all had been demonized by one another,” he said. “Locally, we are developing a resolution to better choose candidates, and I hope that makes its way up to the higher ranks.” According to Dr. Steve Ellers, associate professor of political science, and a backer of the Republican Party, it comes down to the media and the message. “The Republicans have a serious public relations problem,” he said. “The press is largely pro-liberal. They need to get a cohesive, coherent message out into the world about their core ideology and principals. They need to readjust.”

Tradition In a Modern World The Republican Party often is referred to as “too white and too male” by those outside the party lines. According to, in 2004, George W. Bush won 44 percent of Hispanics. Four years later, John McCain, the author of an immigration reform bill, took 31 percent of Hispanics. And this year, Mitt Romney captured only 27 percent of the Hispanic vote. Those numbers might come as a shock to the Republican Party since Latin Americans often are a more traditional culture. How can Republicans gain access to the Latino culture? Schreiner University senior, Maggie Rios, a business administration management major and a Hispanic

supporter of the Libertarian Party, believes if the Republican Party doesn’t do anything about immigration that they will fail again in the 2016 election. “The Republican Party needs to appeal to the minority groups,” she said. “The way to go about that is to work on immigration reform policies. They should provide a path to amnesty and citizenship.” Congressman Smith states that Republican policies are good for all Americans, regardless of gender, ethnicity or sexual orientation. “We are for jobs, economic growth and national security,” he said. “We oppose tax hikes on the middle class, excessive government spending and federal government intrusion into our lives.”


“One would have concluded the Republican Party was doomed at this point,” he said. “But then the 2010 congressional elections arrived and the Democrats were stunned into silence at the election results. I think the Republican Party and American Conservatism are poised for resurgence and renewal with many new players in the game.” The resurgence Woodhull speaks of is deeply-rooted in traditional conservative American values, particularly within the economy. Congressman Smith believes those traditional values are a winning formula for all Americans and Republicans. “Republicans are strongly united on our core values of hard work, personal responsibility and individual liberty,” he said. “We believe that lower taxes, less government debt and fewer government regulations will spur the economy, increase pay and create more jobs in the next few years.”

Outside Looking In Dr. William Woods, dean of the school of liberal arts, said at one time he believed the Republican Party was the party of fiscal responsibility and small government, but lost its way right about the time they started courting the vote of extremists and the evangelical right. He notes the party is struggling to find an identity in a changing 21st century demographic. “To stay potent as a political force, the Republican Party must be willing to compromise on, what I feel, are their badly outdated core values,” he said. Woods said he and others were stunned to hear a presidential candidate speak so disparagingly of 47 percent of the population, but believes that kind of thinking represents a majority of the current Republican party’s view. “If the current Republican party has any chance of surviving as more than a reference in a history book, then it must become, once more, the party of fiscal conservatism, stay out of people’s very personal business and not be what Colin Powell—a Republican, and a military hero of mine, whom I greatly admire—recently called the political party with a ‘distinctly dark vein of intolerance,’” Woods said.

Staying Involved Regardless of which side of the political spectrum you’re on, Bell believes the most important aspect of politics is involvement. He said he understands a large portion of college students either are registered to vote and fail to cast a ballot or are not registered. Bell wanted to change that on the Schreiner campus, and said the best way to accomplish that is to spread the message and engage with people. “If you know someone who doesn’t have a ride to the ballot box, tell them you’ll give them a ride,” he said. “If you know someone who thinks their single vote doesn’t matter, tell them otherwise.” Spring 2013 19


Schreiner Alumnus Hired as Women’s Soccer Coach Nick Morrison ’09 has returned to his alma mater with a new goal: To help his student-athletes achieve success in the classroom and on the pitch. Morrison, who was an All-American Southwest Conference goalkeeper for Schreiner University, was recently hired as head coach for the women’s soccer team, a decision athletic director Ron Macosko couldn’t be more thrilled with. “Coach Morrison has a strong background in D-III athletics from his undergraduate experiences here, but also has worked extensively on the academic side to ensure student success,” Macosko said. “He has developed a strong background in recruiting and has become a proficient teacher of the game.” Morrison excelled in the classroom and between the goal posts during his days at Schreiner and graduated in 2009 with a degree in exercise science. He continued to play while working at Prairie View A&M and earned his Master of Education in health and human performance. While making his way back to Schreiner University was not in his original plan, he is incredibly thankful for the opportunity, and cannot wait to see how the season unfolds. “The main focus this year is to achieve success and produce positive results both on the field and in the classroom,” Morrison said. “I also want to give the student-athletes a memorable collegiate playing experience, and promote the family atmosphere that Schreiner gave me during my time here.”

20 Spring 2013 SCENE

SU softball led by new head coach Jessica Peterka is off to a bit of a rocky start with a couple of losses at a recent tournament. This season, Peterka will draw on the leadership of her three seniors, but will also have to incorporate a lot of new faces into the lineup as she builds the roster during the next couple of years. Peterka hopes to mold a successful unit using many new and untested players in her attempt to raise the fortunes of the program, but this will be a multiyear effort as she only joined the department in May.

Baseball Much like softball, the baseball team has suffered recent losses. Second-year head coach Ryan Brisbin welcomed his first full recruiting class and will face the challenge of incorporating a lot of new faces with many returners in an effort to improve the program. This year’s team should have more depth around the field, but it will take time to see who emerges from intense competition at many positions this spring.

For schedules and more athletic news, visit

Front row, left to right, Victoria Alcozer, Victoria Flores, Christina Mendez, Bianca Nunez, Brianna Brunner, Charis Sultemeier, Jana Masters, Jordan Moody and Victoria Day. Back row, left to right, Coach Peterka, coach Vasquez, Jasmyn Rosser, Brittany Harris, Callie Caesar, Holly Molenaar, Allyson Morris, Shelby Kimmons, Jennifer Scozzari and coach Joe Anders.

Front row, left to right, Dillon Keahey, Callen Stevenson, Ryan Pisseri, Daniel Brewer, Marco Carreon, Brandon Covarrubia and Brooks Wyatt. Second row, left to right, Joe Osinski, Cannon Woods, Lonnie Garcia, Nolan Besetzny, Kyle Reinen, Curt Jaeger, Michael Arias, Brady Tumlinson, Zach Vargas, Mike Kelton, Miguel Garcia, Richie Laurin and Robert Puentes. Third row, left to right, Caleb Veteto, Tyler Ince, Chris Migl, Matt Valley, Adam Cruz, Cory Cassidy, Chris Grantham, Hunter Gordon, Ryan Martin, Reagan Reed, Kelly Rundzieher, Pete Trevino, Matt Barnett, Christian Umphries and Jameson Grasshoff. Top row, left to right, Barrett Houser, Chris Whitehead, Chase Valdez, Bradley Holmes, Colton Mendenhall, Taylor Hoesen, Ethan Catalani, Charlie Stewart, Brett Keckler, Ethan Evans, Robert Eakin, Jay-Conor Kruczkowski and Rick Martinez. Spring 2013 21

Men’s Basketball Front row, left to right, Brandon Fields, Stevan Guerrero, Charlie Nunez, Manny Longoria, Dustin Lindner, Tyler Guderyahn, AJ Myres, Kyle Oliver and Benjamin Jean. Back row, left to right, Austin Falke, Connor Kuykendall, Ethan Catalani, Grant Clark, Taylor Finley, John Davison, Ryan Evans, Travis Pflughaupt, Hollis Robinson and coach Jimmy Smith.

Two SU basketball players were named to the All-American Southwest Conference list for the 2012-13 season. Junior A.J. Myres and sophomore Stevan Guerrero were honored for their strong play this year. Myres finished the season as the team’s highest scorer with 14 points per game while also averaging nearly three rebounds and more than one and a half assists per contest. At the ASC Tournament against Concordia in February he scored a career-high 38 points. That was a single-game high for any player in the league this year and earned Myres Player of the Week honors. Guerrero became more impactful in all areas as the season progressed. He ended the year averaging 10.6 points per game, with more than four rebounds per night. He shot 50 percent from the floor and almost 82 percent from the free throw line. Guerrero’s season high also came against Concordia in January, when he scored 27 points in a big win. Both players will be called upon to lead the team next season in Jimmy Smith’s second year at the head of the program. Schreiner loses only senior Manny Longoria from this year’s ASC tournament team, and will move into the Southern Collegiate Athletic Conference with coach Smith’s first full recruiting class added to the returners.

For schedules and more athletic news, visit 22 Spring 2013 SCENE

Women’s Basketball Front row, left to right, Brooke Sanders, Jessica Galindo, Melanie Cavazos, Shaq Fuselier, Kristy Guerra, Bailey Harris, Kelsie Jackson, Mari Duran and Lanie Alaniz. Back row, from left to right, Jasmin Copeland, Kaitlyn Goertz, Tylor Rambeau, Ashton Vincent, Lindsey Peterson, Colby Adolph and Katie Isom.

Sophomore Lindsey Peterson earned second team All-ASC West Division honors for 2013 and was one of three Mountaineers to be recognized for their play this season. Also recognized were junior Bailey Harris and freshman Kelsie Jackson. Peterson started the 2012-13 slowly but came on as the season progressed. She ended the year with averages of 10.5 points and five rebounds per game. She also shot 36 percent from behind the arc this season. Her biggest scoring night came when she had 26 points in a close loss at Hardin-Simmons in January but she also had a career-high 13 rebounds at Howard Payne in January. Harris earned honorable mention All-ASC honors after an interesting year. She started the season, as she had in her first two years at SU, playing the shooting guard position. About one third of the season in, she shifted to point guard and became an effective and efficient performer there. She averaged more than six points per game but her strength was in dishing out four assists per game. She is the first point guard in many years to have a positive assist/turnover ratio. She averaged more than three turnovers per night. Jackson was one of two freshmen to start the overwhelming majority of the season, along with Brooke Sanders. She averaged more than eight points and three rebounds per contest and was named to the All-Freshmen squad. Schreiner has a strong nucleus of young players returning next year and that should form the foundation for even greater success next year. This year’s squad broke the record for overall wins in a year in the NCAA era. Spring 2013 23

Men’s Golf The men’s golf team is having a strong spring season with a second-place finish out of nine schools at the Schreiner Spring Shootout. Mary Hardin-Baylor, ranked 15th, was the only team to best the Mountaineers and SU clipped nationally ranked Trinity by four shots. Senior Kelby Ruiz tied for second place, shooting a career low of 71 (-1). Other notable performances were by sophomore Jimmy Keener who shot 75; both freshman Phillip Stewart and sophomore Ian Davis shot a 76.

Front row, left to right, Ian Davis, Zach Reichenau, Zach Oliver and Josh Verde. Back row, left to right, Tommy Xu, Phillip Stewart, Cheyne Kendall, Jimmy Keener and Kelby Ruiz.

For schedules and more athletic news, visit

Women’s Tennis

Left to right, coach Wade Morgan, Karyn Swink, Shelby Thompson, Kelley Spahn, Brooke Ohlman, Leanna Haynes, Madeline scotch, Teresa Gaitan and coach Cullen Dees.

24 Spring 2013 SCENE

The women’s tennis squad is the only one to have beaten Texas Lutheran so far this year. Although the season has been underway only a short time, this 2013 squad is already the winningest team since 2000 and might become the best team in the NCAA era for Schreiner women’s tennis.

Women’s Golf The women’s golf team continues to show they are deserving of a high national ranking with a recent five-stroke win in the Schreiner Spring Shootout at Comanche Trace. SU defeated two other nationally ranked programs in Trinity and Rhodes as well as the five other teams in the event. Senior Gabby Rosales tied for individual medalist for her second career title. Rosales set a school record for low round (75) and the team set a school record of 316. In addition to Rosales’ record-breaking performance, freshman Mariah Silvas tied her career low of 78 and had her best individual finish in 3rd. Sophomore Melanie Dean tied her season low of 81, and freshman Sierra Sanchez shot 82 to lead the Mountaineers.

Left to right, Katlynd Imbody, Gabby Rosales, Amber Hernandez, Sierra Sanchez, Allyson Graybill, Melanie Dean, Courtlynd Miller, Mariah Silvas and Maddie Scheidler.

Men’s Tennis Wade Morgan, in his second year of coaching, added his first full recruiting class in August. Sophomores Austin Carrola and Stephen Rogers will face stiff competition from freshman Josh Ramirez. All and all, the team’s future is very bright.

Front row, left to right, Christian Casillas, Brice Conoly, Josh Ramirez and Stephen Rogers. Back row, left to right, coach Wade Morgan, Marco Hinojosa, Elliot Frey, Austin Carrola, Thomas Lozano, Matt Salazar, Nathan West and coach Cullen Dees. Spring 2013 25

Honoring Our Alumni by Caitlin Probandt

Photos: Top, The 1981 National Championship tennis team; right, Frederic Saunders; bottom, Dr. Frank W. Sheppard Jr.

Athletic Hall of Honor For Leonie Thorne ’81, Yasuko Yoshida, Brenda Niemeyer ’81 and Penny Fitzpatrick, 1980 and 1981 were memorable years at Schreiner College when they won the Women’s National Tennis Championship. Now, in 2013, it is

another milestone as they are honored for their athletic careers and inducted into the Schreiner University Athletic Hall of Honor. Niemeyer, who played singles and doubles, with Fitzpatrick, said the national championship was exciting and well deserved for her hardworking coach and team. Efforts to reach the other members of the team were unsuccessful. “We all got on very well,” she said. 26 Spring 2013 SCENE

“Everyone was a very hard worker, and coach (William) Rogers (inducted into the SU Athletic Hall of Honor in 2011) was just too much fun. We had some really good wins along the way, including beating the University of Texas tennis team.” During the 1980-1981 tennis season, the Lady Mountaineers were undefeated in dual match play against other junior colleges and ranked somewhere around No. 2 in the nation. The team was led by the No. 1 singles player, Thorne, from Australia, who also teamed with Yoshida, from Japan, for doubles. Thorne and Yoshida also were named to the AllAmerican team at the competition. Niemeyer, who originally attended Schreiner for the tennis program, said she experienced a lot on and off the

courts during her freshman year. “Schreiner was a very friendly place,” she said. “It was a very eyeopening experience, especially playing with girls from Australia and Japan. I do remember always studying, too. It was tough, but I had a great rookie year. We were a very solid team.” After the championship season, coach Rogers retired and Niemeyer left to pursue tennis elsewhere. She graduated from the University of Texas at San Antonio and hit the pro tour until injury ended her playing days. Since her pro tour days, Niemeyer has worked with the Northside Independent School District in San Antonio, coached at UTSA and now is the head women’s tennis coach at St. Edwards University in Austin.

Frederic “Fred” Saunders ’51, a Schreiner alumnus and new Athletic Hall of Honor inductee, says his basketball career was a bit of an accident.

“I was playing basketball at Mission High School, and of the eight teams in the district, seven of them played outside on dirt courts—it was very primitive,” Saunders said. “A recruiter from Schreiner Institute came to town and the principal suggested he speak with me. I was offered a half scholarship. Schreiner was the only one in the nation to offer something like that.” The Schreiner basketball team traveled with 12 players and Fred was No. 13. He spent his days working in the dining room to pay for college until he made the traveling squad and his “half” scholarship took effect. Saunders said the first accident that led to his playing days was how he made the traveling squad. “The coach decided the team would practice nine days before school resumed in January, so the players had to return early from Christmas break,” he said. “Well, one of the members of the traveling squad didn’t want to give up his break, so I got moved up. Over the next nine days, we practiced twice a day—that was the most intensive instruction I’ve ever had. I made such progress in those nine days that I got to start the next game, and I became the high scorer for the remainder of the season.” The second accident of Saunders’ basketball career took place shortly after the first. “Back then, freshman couldn’t play varsity sports so University of Texas had a freshman team, and Schreiner scheduled a game with them,” he said.

“We beat that UT freshman team, and the UT coaches offered me a full athletic scholarship. Twenty-four months after leaving Mission, I had a full ride to UT because of those two accidents.” During his basketball days at UT, the team traveled to Madison Square Garden to play, and Saunders stood at mid-court in New York City and pondered how far he’d come from a dirt court in Mission. After graduating from the University of Texas in Austin Saunders worked as president for Channelview Bank for years before the bank went public and was sold to Wells Fargo in 2000. Today, he is retired, but still manages funds. Saunders, to this day, believes his life was a series of fortunate accidents but he is still grateful. “If not for Schreiner, I never would have gone to UT,” he said. “One of my favorite memories still is beating that UT Freshman team.”

Distinguished Alumnus Dr. Frank W. Sheppard Jr. ’39 had an outstanding career in agriculture, which has impacted the global community for more than four decades. That is just one reason he was chosen as Schreiner University’s Distinguished Alumnus.

Sheppard, who is as humble as they come, credits much of his success to his mother, who was a rural school teacher, and the value she placed on education. “I went home one Christmas break while I was in college and told her I could work instead of going back to school,” he said. “She told me if I quit college that I would no longer be welcome in her home. I am very fortunate that I got to go on to earn my doctorate. To this day, I think my mother was the only one who read my thesis.” Sheppard, who graduated from Tivy High School in 1937, attended Schreiner—a military institute at the time—from 1938 to 39 and became part of the National Guard. He

worked for the buildings and grounds department for three summers to pay for his Schreiner education. Sheppard also played clarinet in the band during his days at Schreiner—and that led to some very fond memories. “Every Sunday, we’d march into the dining hall in uniform to play,” he said. “On Sundays, we’d sponsor a Kerrville girl—that was a great honor, to be sponsored. People drove out every Sunday to the retreat just to watch the band.” After his time at Schreiner Institute, Sheppard served in the Army during World War II and then earned his bachelor’s and taught agricultural education at Hutto High School while pursuing his master’s from Texas A&M University. “I worked as an ag teacher because they were the ones who got paid 12 months a year,” he said with a laugh. Upon completing his master’s degree, Sheppard applied for a teaching position with the U.S. Department of State in India. His success with the program in India led to his selection for the Ford Foundation program, “Training Trainers for International Cultures” at Cornell University, where he earned his doctorate. After attending Cornell University, he ventured to the Philippines where he developed seed and fertilizer programs that helped the country achieve rice selfsufficiency for the first time. “We stayed in the Philippines for seven years,” he said. “I also worked at the International Rice Research Center in Bangladesh from 1978 to 88. I never thought I’d be one to travel the world, but I knew I always wanted to be a state department employee because they were always taken care of.” In 1988, Sheppard and his late wife, Floris, retired to College Station. Sheppard, who still lives in College Station and maintains rental properties, has three children and three grandchildren in the Austin area. All inductees will be honored at a banquet April 20 during Recall Weekend.


According to Niemeyer, she learned a lot in her year at Schreiner, but the one thing she feels is the most valuable pertains to both the game of tennis and life. “A match is a lot like life,” she said. “You have to hang in there—there is a lot of ebb and flow—and if you hold on long enough and stay positive, you can make it through.” Spring 2013 27

class notes

Your fellow alumni would love to know where you are and what you’ve been up to. Submitting a class note is easy: just visit classnotes.html or contact us at 830-792-7405 or

children. Hory is now employed as a regional property manager for a company in Florida. Hory wrote, “Looking back, I know that Schreiner provided me with the education, strength and faith that if you work hard all things are possible, and it comes down to God, family and job!”


Lorie Vincent ’86

was recently named 2013 chairman of the Texas Economic Development Council. Vincent is executive director of the High Ground of Texas; TEDC is the largest state association of economic development professionals, volunteers and elected officials.


Roy Brown ’51

shared that he and his wife, Marianne, are residents of Fredericksburg, and they are members of the Fredericksburg Pedernales Creative Art Alliance, which sponsors the Fredericksburg Oktoberfest. Having attended the Munich, Germany, Oktoberfest and having a son who lives in Munich, they feel the Fredericksburg Oktoberfest is as much, if not more fun and meaningful, than the event in Munich.


Bill Servis ’63 said

he just finished five and a half months of volunteering at Sabine Pass Battleground. Before that he spent six weeks at Treasure Lake Resort in Branson, Mo. He plans to continue the RV lifestyle, having been on the road for six years.

Mike Hory ’63 wrote that after leaving Schreiner he enlisted in the U.S. Navy, and enjoyed a 26-year career. During those years, he spent almost 12 of them on different submarines and completed his service on recruiting duty. He retired as a Command Master Chief Petty Officer. Hory and his wife, Nancy, have three

28 Spring 2013 SCENE

Charles VanBerg ’64 is employed at Lockheed Martin, Missiles and Fire Control Division, as an electronic engineer, where he designs digital communications equipment. He began his years at Schreiner as a sophomore in high school, graduated in 1964 and then continued in college at SU for one and a half years. He and his wife, Bonnie, have two children; Brent and Tresta, both residing in Oklahoma. VanBerg sent a photo of Tresta with her husband and son.


Ira Y. Blanton Jr. ’70 wrote that

he graduated from Sul Ross State University with three degrees and went to work in the English department at Sul Ross. He received his doctorate in English from Texas Tech in 1999. Today, he continues to ranch in Presidio County and teach.


Eddie Davis ’93

wrote that he moved back to Hawaii in December. He recently joined the National Life Group, where he will be working as a financial planner. Davis is looking forward to his new career.

Telisha (Shannon) Latham ’95 wrote that in June she married her high school sweetheart, Robert Latham Jr., in New Braunfels. Together they have three wonderful children, Ashton, Grant and Allie.

Leslie Swanson Quinn ’98 wrote that she is a special education teacher at Ann Richards Middle School in Dallas. She teaches sixth through eighth graders in a total communications (autism)

classnotes through fifth grade and is also coaching the school sports teams in volleyball, basketball and soccer. She is still playing soccer in two co-ed leagues.

self-contained unit. Quinn said she was inspired to specialize in students with autism because of her experiences as a foster parent to special needs children and advocating for her own son who is autistic. Quinn is working on her master’s of education at Texas A&M UniversityCommerce, but the most important things in her life are her two wonderful sons, Kyle and Caleb.

Samuel Snoek-Brown ’99 wrote that he received an Oregon Literary Fellowship, a statewide competitive fellowships series supporting literary arts in Oregon. Only two fellowships went to fiction this year. The fellowship was awarded on the strength of Sam’s historical novel, which is set in Southwest Louisiana during the Civil War.


Tennille Bryan ’00

wrote that Justin, Jaxon and she celebrated their first Christmas and New Year in their new home. The family recently moved to Pleasanton, Texas.

family’s ranch in Tom Bean, Texas. Schreiner Alumni that were in the wedding included Megan HoneycuttKester ’08 ; Cody Sobalk ’07; Joe Davis ’08 ; James Fluegel ’06 and Xavier Perez ’04. The couple lives in Houston, where Lance works with Hess Energy and Rachel is a realtor for Urban Leasing and Realty.

she married her best friend, Aaron Layden, in December in Oklahoma City, where they are currently living and working. Ashley is working as an account manager with MedTrak, a medical billing company and Aaron is beginning the police academy to fulfill his dream of becoming an Oklahoma City police officer.

E-J Warren ’02 wrote that he and his wife, Tomoko, have two daughters who are 8 and 2. Warren still works at South Texas Veterans Health Care System—Kerrville Division in therapeutic recreation. In December, he finished his master’s degree in recreation management from Texas State-San Marcos.


moved back to Texas where he will be starting a law firm with a law school classmate. The firm, Bethune Enright, PLLC, will be located in Beeville. Bethune continues to coach volleyball both with high school and club teams.

meeting during Recall in 2010, they were married in September at Rachel’s

Marvin Lee Willis ’10 wrote, “I have

been doing a great deal since leaving Schreiner. Starting Hometown Hero is the biggest thing to hit Kerrville in a while. We have grown to thousands of memberships in several states, but in the Hill Country we are a household name. The Hero Card helps a lot of people and helps our economy.”

Kenneth Bethune ’05 said he has

Lance Hrncir ’06 and Rachel (Patton) Hrncir ’09 wrote that after

Ashley Vano Layden ’09 wrote that

Susan Burger ’09 said this year she started teaching physical education at George Gervin Academy in San Antonio. She teaches kindergarten

Clara Louise (Woodruff) Rieder ’10 said that since graduating she has gotten married and worked in Spring 2013 29

research in the San Antonio area for a while. She now is working as a health inspector for San Patricio County. Rieder said there is not a day that goes by that she does not think of Schreiner University, be it the food, great staff or all the memories she made.

tickets to. I started in September. I have relocated to Maplewood, Minn., which is a suburb of St. Paul. Sport management at Schreiner really gave me the springboard that I needed to get into a profession in Major League Baseball.”

William Gary and Sofia (Mireles) Gary ’12 were married in December in Castroville. They now reside in La Vernia working for the family business Biz-zz Bee Farms, going to church and living life to the fullest.

Zach Tysor ’11 and Mary Lou Yruegas ’08 were married at the

Margaret Schneiderheinz ’10 wrote, “This last year, I have been very busy with completing my second half marathon in Seattle last June and a third one in November in San Antonio. I still am keeping up with mentoring with a local elementary, and again my kiddos are amazing! When this last year came to an end, I started working for Northside Independent School District again and am very happy to be working with a lot of great people!”

Union Church next to the Schreiner campus in October. Zach is currently a scenic painter at Sea World San Antonio. Mary Lou is a director at a daycare. The wedding party included several Schreiner alumni including, Emma Price ’08 ; Zach Salcich ’12, Jesse Ugarte ’10 ; and Steven

McRae ’10.

submit Please submit your class note. All former students are encouraged to send photos and news about themselves — promotions, awards, marriages, births, etc. Former students can submit class notes online: classnotes.html Or by e-mail: Or by USPS: SCENE Schreiner University CMB 6229 2100 Memorial Blvd. Kerrville, TX 78028.

Gloria Snead ’12 wrote, “I am a proud member of the Schreiner University Alumni Association— having graduated last year from the Licensed Vocational Nursing program. The first job I applied for was in Comfort, and it also became my first real nursing job. I wish all current students and future graduates of Schreiner good luck and a happy new year.”

30 Spring 2013 SCENE

Want to find a classmate? Brad Thomas ’12 wrote, “I have accepted a job with the Minnesota Twins titled: new business development. I basically will be finding new clients to sell season

Go to http://students. directory.html


Life is But a Dream While most people are preparing for their retirement years, Ron Odom ’65 is sailing into a new venture as owner of an 1800s replica brigantine ship—Compass Rose. With a background in cattle ranching and the commodities market, we asked Odom how in the world a West Texas cowboy ended up on Lake Texoma with a ship that belongs on the ocean. “Even though I grew up in a dry area, I fell in love with ships when I was 9 years old,” he said. “My Mom took me to a toy store for my birthday and let me pick anything I wanted. I picked out a threefoot clipper ship model. It took me six months to put it together, but I was sold! As a young adult, I took up Hobie Cats then progressed to bigger sailboats. Finally, when I turned 58, my wife, Tamie, wanted to know what I wanted for my birthday. I was sort of being a wise guy when I said a brigantine ship—like in “Pirates of the Caribbean”—I had always wanted one ever since I was that 9-year-old, model-building boy. Little did I know, my wife would be persistent and her year-and-a half Internet search would yield us my dream and forever change our lives.” In December 2007, the Odoms took possession of the Compass Rose. After sailing the ship from Key West, Fla., to Freeport, Texas, the Odoms had the boat decommissioned and trucked to her new home. It took two trips to accomplish the task—one for the boat and one for her two huge spruce masts and

Photos above: Left, the Compass Rose sails away on Lake Texoma on Pirates with a Purpose Day. Right, Ron Odom at the wheel of the Compass Rose.

fighting platforms. Once on Lake Texoma, Ron and Tamie enjoyed a little bit of sailing and a whole lot of work as they tried to renovate their new vessel in the off season. Finally, in late 2011, Ron started a complete makeover on her—everything from a new cabin top, teak decks, engine, rigging, sails, interior— the works. Ron says the boat is now about 85 percent new. During this extensive and expensive process, Ron did something very special—something few people decide to take on. He took his ship back in time so that she is now technically correct in almost every aspect to the 1800s. Moreover, he and Tamie made the decision to share her with the public. They began this new adventure in a big way: Her christening last November was a fundraiser for the court appointed special advocate of Sherman. Pirates With Purpose saw more than 300 people tour the Compass Rose and they also hosted a pirate costumed dinner and dance. Afterward, they offered at-dock tours to the general public. In March, Ron took the Compass Rose out on open waters to benefit returning war heroes through the VFW Soldier Relief Fund. The ship will be made available for at-dock tours, educational tours for schools, day sails, stargazers and the like. For more information about the ship, visit Spring 2013 31

eventscalendar march

and Barbara Malteze, Floyd & Kathleen Cailloux Campus Activity Center Lion’s Den, 7 p.m.


25 Robert P Hallman

Chautauqua Lecture Series presents “Surrogate Medical and Financial Decision Making and Paternalism” by Dr. Adam Feltz, assistant professor of philosophy and interdisciplinary studies, Floyd & Kathleen Cailloux Campus Activity Center Ballroom, 7 p.m.



1-3 T exas Writers Conference All events to be hosted in the Floyd & Kathleen Cailloux Campus Activity Center. For more information contact Dr. Kathleen Hudson, professor of English, at 3 Texas Music

Coffeehouse Series

“Spoken Word Coffee House” with Cosmic Dust Devils, Slam Poetry, Thom Joy Poet with music by, Kevin Higgins

32 Spring 2013 SCENE

Monday Night Fiction 15 “The Lifeboat” by Charlotte Rogan, presented by Dr. Candice Scott, associate vice president of academic affairs for library, technology & academic services, Floyd & Kathleen Cailloux Campus Activity Center Schreiner Recliner, 7 p.m. 19-21 Schreiner RECALL

Robert P Hallman 29

Chautauqua Lecture Series presents “Karl Marx

and the American Civil War” by Dr. Jeremy Roethler, assistant professor of history, Floyd & Kathleen Cailloux Campus Activity Center Ballroom, 7 p.m.



11 Baccalaureate Service 10:30 a.m.

Commencement 1:30 p.m.


For more information: Paul Camfield, associate director of Alumni Relations, 830-792-7206.

Pop Culture Symposium 23 in conjunction with the Schreiner University Academic Fair, the 14th Annual Pop Culture Symposium presents “Gaming.” Time and location to be announced.


information Visit calendar. Unless otherwise stated, all events are free and open to the public. For more information, call Amy Armstrong at 830-792-7405.

Mark your calendars and meet your friends the weekend of April 19-21. For more information, call or email Paul Camfield, associate director of alumni relations, at 830-792-7206 or

Want to keep up with Schreiner University news and events all year long? Visit our website at and go to the bottom of the page. Click on “Sign up for Schreiner E-News.”

In Memoriam Former students Dr. George R. Bauer ’69 December 30, 2012, Del Rio

Mr. Thomas Mall ’70 November 4, 2012, Kerrville

Ms. Linda M. Bennett ’90 Aransas Pass, Texas

Mr. Wesley C. Measday ’48 September 13, 2012, Yuma, Ariz.

Ms. Jeannette R. Boster ’43 January 15, 2013, San Angelo, Texas

Mr. Montgomery Noelke ’45 December 7, 2012, Mertzon, Texas

Mr. David P. Braden Jr. ’75 November 6, 2012, Kerrville Mrs. Donna Cantwell ’01 January 21, 2013, Center Point, Texas Mr. James W. Coleman ’43 January 10, 2013, Concord, Calif. Mrs. Kaleta J. Conlee ’79 January 18, 2013, Kerrville Mrs. Mary M. Crawford ’90 Rushville, Ill. Dr. Frank R. Dickey Jr. ’37 October 19, 2012, Evanston, Ill.

onlinegiving Supporting Schreiner University is easier than ever now. Please visit our online giving website at, where you can make a secure gift— one that will benefit Schreiner students for years to come— in a matter of seconds. If you have questions, contact Karen Kilgore, planned giving advisor and director of development, at or call 830-792-7205.



Mr. Ray L. Fraser ’55 September 21, 2011, Lewisville, Texas Mr. Walter Gernand Jr. ’53 January 1, 2003, Alvin, Texas Mr. Thomas L. Haynes ’97 November 12, 2012, Bulverde, Texas

Mr. W.D. Parker January 16, 2013, San Antonio Mr. Edgar W. Sanford ’47 December 23, 2012, Kerrville Mr. Philip L. Scott ’39 April 28, 2012, Abilene, Texas Mr. Bill E. Thompson ’51 January 13, 2013, Baytown, Texas Mr. Conrad C. Tull Jr. ’49 January 16, 2013, Midland, Texas Dr. William A. Weathers ’45 December 26, 2012, Redding, Calif. Mr. Ernest W. Wehman Jr. ’60 November 3, 2012, Pleasanton, Texas Former Trustee Mr. James B. Goodson December 19, 2012, Dallas SCHREINER OAKS

Mr. Norman F. Hoffman Sr. ’37 January 1, 2013, Dallas

Mrs. Nancy P. Denham November 15, 2012, Bryan, Texas

Mr. Barlow Irvin Jr. ’50 October 26, 2012, Dallas

Mrs. Ruth Puett August 2, 2012, Austin

William F. King ’38 McAllen, Texas

Ms. Hazel R. Richmond October 22, 2012, San Antonio Spring 2013 33

34 Spring 2013 SCENE


SCENEMagazine editor

Amy Armstrong director of university relations

art direction and design

Stephanie Lopez Keller assistant art director of creative services


Caitlin Probandt staff writer


Ryan Brisbin Temaine Wright sports information directors


Dr. Tim Summerlin board chairman

Michael Pate sfsa board president

Jimmie Peschel ’67

Construction on Campus

SCENE is a publication of the University Relations Office and is distributed three times a year free of charge to Schreiner former students, current students, faculty, parents and friends. An online version is available at

Crews from Kerrville Landscaping continue their work on the rejuvenation of the quad. The improvements are part of the first phase of SU’s next master plan renovation, which will implement a campus design collectively developed two years ago. The first step in this process was to create The Commons, which was completed last year.

Want to be included on the SCENE mailing list? Send your name and address to Amy Armstrong, Schreiner University, CMB 6229, 2100 Memorial Blvd., Kerrville, TX 78028, or email Change of address? Call the Office of Advancement at 830-792-7201. Schreiner University is an independent liberal arts institution related by covenant and choice to the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). Schreiner University does not discriminate in admissions, educational programs, extra-curricular programs or employment against any individual on the basis of that individual’s race, color, sex, sexual orientation, religion, age, disability, veteran status or ethnic origin. Inquiries/complaints should be forwarded to the Director of Human Resources, at 830-792-7375. Spring 2013 35

CMB 6229 2100 Memorial Blvd. Kerrville, Texas 78028-5697


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