SCENE Fall 2010

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Integrity Ambassadors in Business Program


Dear friends of Schreiner, Let me admit something to you. I mistrust

people who have all the answers and people who have sorted the world out between sheep and goats. Much of the negative attitude toward Congress and Beltway politics stems, I believe, from weariness with political parties who are always in campaign mode and thus seemingly more interested in how an issue can be worked to the advantage of one’s party rather than in how problems can be solved for the good of the nation. If my primary concern is promoting me and mine, then any caricature of the other side becomes legitimate. Truth gives way to spin and useful half-truths. Democrats are godless socialists of questionable patriotism. Republicans are heartless oligarchs who want the surplus population to die off. And on and on it goes. Frankly, political ads make me glad that one sees few of them watching Turner Classic Movies or college football, so I escape lightly. Like many Americans, I try to sift through the welter of charges and find some reality on which to make voting decisions. But what has all that got to do with a letter from the president of Schreiner to SCENE readers? For me, the connection comes in the way that American higher education has been portrayed in the media in recent months. You have seen the charges: American colleges have fallen behind the rest of the world…students graduate without basic skills…colleges leave students in deep debt… accreditors fail to keep colleges accountable… American colleges are incapable of change. Let me first say that I am convinced that American higher education is at a crossroads

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where academic outcomes, cost, accessibility and adaptation to learning in the digital age all come together to create a serious challenge (a topic I touched on in last spring’s SCENE). Never has it been more essential to review our goals, practices and results than today. And we need honest critics from outside and inside the academy. We denigrate the seriousness of that challenge when we latch on to simplistic answers and refuse to appreciate the complexity of the issue. College debt is a serious matter, and many for-profit institutions in particular are rightly being called to account for their recruiting practices. But those practices do not reflect values by which the vast majority of colleges operate. America faces a massive task in providing college access to all who can benefit from it. In fact, though many institutions across the country are taking leadership in admitting and graduating diverse student populations, other nations have challenged America’s leadership in the percentage of its youth with baccalaureate degrees. At the same time, respect for American higher education remains high. Online learning is a medium no college can ignore, but it is not the answer for all. Defining competencies for baccalaureate degree holders is a legitimate subject for debate, but rigid standards issued from Washington are not consistent with the creativity and diversity essential to learning. It really isn’t “just that simple” and the truth lies beyond a campaign slogan. This edition of SCENE offers stories of academic programs, student experiences and individual outcomes that capture the flavor of Schreiner University and its values. Enjoy them! I hope that they will remind you that we remain an institution that combines a clear sense of purpose with a commitment to continuous improvement. We don’t have THE answer for everything any more than we are THE college for everyone, but we are passionate about the transformative potential in our approach to higher education.

Tim Summerlin President

contents Fa l l 2 0 1 0

f e a t u r e s

d e p a r t m e n ts

4 Sudan Pastor Visits SU

4 campusnews 6 facultynews 19 mountaineersports 22 makingconnections

8 Celebrating Dr. Tim Summerlin’s 10 Years of Service 10 Lithuania in Photos 16 Integrity Ambassadors in Business Program

24 formerstudent 26 classnotes 30 eventscalendar 32 roundup

onthecover Illustration by Jake Roa, assistant art director of creative services at Schreiner University. Fall 2010 3

“I am appealing to you to ask the U.S. government to get involved; to insist that they stand for peace in the Sudan. We need peace with justice.” — Pastor John Tubuwa Golumo

Putting Peace on the Table It is not unusual for Christians and Christian ministers to talk about peace, but in America we usually are talking about peace “out there” in the world. Pastor

John Tubuwa Golumo came to the U.S.—and to Schreiner— to talk about peace of a more immediate and localized kind. Pastor Golumo is from the northeastern African nation of Sudan, where fighting between the northern and southern parts of the country has been going on for more than 20 years, bringing with it famine and ethnic and tribal killing. The northern part of Sudan is predominantly Muslin; the southern, Christian. Golumo is a pastor with the Presbyterian Church of Sudan, which has nine presbyteries in the country, and is part of the peacemaking effort the church has undertaken. When he spoke at Schreiner in October as a guest of the University and Campus Ministry, he explained that one of the major sources of contention in the Sudan is oil, the largest deposits of which are in the southern part of the country. Sudan exports 1 million barrels of oil a day, mostly to China and Japan. “The Khartoum government in the north has been taking the majority of the oil revenues, giving the south only 26 percent,” he said. “Those revenues have been used to buy guns for the fighting. They have been using our own resources to kill our people. One evangelist was killed by an unknown gunman on his way to minister in a local church. Killing someone who is not a Muslim is not a crime.”

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The conflict is reflected on a smaller but no less lethal scale by the intertribal cattle raids that have become endemic as food has become scarce. The church is trying to bring about peace by meeting with tribal and political leaders. One of its initiatives was voluntary disarmament, which has been only partially successful, according to Golumo. “Not everyone disarmed,” he said. “Some are hiding guns and weapons. Someone might have three guns and only turn in one, and go on to use the other ones. The Khartoum government wants intertribal fighting to continue in the south. They want the world to believe that the southern Sudanese cannot be trusted to govern themselves.” In January 2011, southern Sudan will have a referendum on whether to secede from the north and become a separate country. Golumo said that to date, there has been very little outside involvement in Sudan’s problems or help from other countries. “I am appealing to you,” he said to the group at Schreiner, “to ask the U.S. government to get involved; to insist that they stand for peace in the Sudan. We need peace with justice.” For more information about U.S. policy toward Sudan, go to Photo: Pastor John Tubuwa Golumo speaks to Schreiner students during his October visit to campus.


Playhouses & Forts Schreiner staffers Stephanie Keller and Elizabeth Loggie created a playhouse design that was chosen as one of eight in the “Playhouses and Forts” exhibit that ran through October 24 at the San Antonio Botanical Garden. Loggie is volunteer

coordinator at Schreiner and Keller is assistant art director of creative services and responsible for the design of SCENE magazine. Their playhouse had a space dedicated to each of the five senses that allowed children and other visitors to explore each sense through hands-on activities. According to Keller, their children inspired the design, by thinking about what the world looks like to them. The playhouse allowed visitors to create music, observe the world through recycled objects, explore soil layers from bedrock to living plants and find out what kind of forest creature he or she might be. “The playhouse idea just came together seamlessly,” Keller said. “One of the great things about working at Schreiner is the high level of creativity all over this campus. It was really fun collaborating with Elizabeth and we’re really proud of what we accomplished.” Loggie agreed, saying, “This project was truly a fun exercise in creativity. We never dreamed we’d be selected but found the entire process very rewarding. Taking a project from concept to actual build was amazing and we need to give recognition to our faithful husbands and children. It truly was a family affair, like an old-time barn raising, but in our case a playhouse.”

Schreiner Awarded Two Grants Schreiner University received a $475,727 grant from the National Science Foundation, which will allow Schreiner to make renovations to what is not only a teaching lab in Moody Science Building, but also a site for ongoing faculty and undergraduate research. The grant describes the renovation as

“facilitating the space’s use as an epicenter of research and research training in an underserved region.” The grant proposal was a team effort among chemistry faculty Dr. Kiley Miller, Danette Vines and Dr. Robert Holloway, as well as Beth Bourland, Schreiner associate director of development for foundation relations. “Schreiner University has continuously strived for excellence and quality in education,” said Miller, who is heading up the project. “Through the grant funds from the National Science Foundation, Schreiner will provide another useful tool in the educational process. Some of the highlighted research coming from Schreiner professors will be organic synthesis of anti-HIV analogs, using analytical instrumentation to quantify vitamin E in cosmetic products and analyzing mixtures of fatty acid methyl esters. Hill Country residents support Schreiner indirectly through federal taxes. I like to think that some of our Hill Country dollars are coming back to us to support this pursuit of educational excellence and quality.” “We are extremely pleased to be taking the chemistry program in a new direction and to be providing some wonderful research opportunities for our students,” Dr. Diana Comuzzie, dean of the Trull School of Sciences and Mathematics and professor of biology at Schreiner, said. “This grant is the product of several years’ worth of work and builds on work accomplished under the support of the Welch Foundation. Some very exciting things are happening at Schreiner University and this is one shining example.” The University of Chicago Arete Initiative awarded Dr. Adam Feltz, assistant professor of philosophy and interdisciplinary studies, a $200,000, two-year grant for the project “The Heuristics of Virtue—Integrating Virtue Ethics and the Science of Heuristics.” Feltz said his project addresses questions such as “Why do we think Mother Theresa virtuous and Bernie Madoff vicious? Can we educate our children to be more like Mother Theresa and less like Bernie Madoff? Can we create environments that elicit behaviors more like Mother Theresa’s and less like Bernie Madoff’s?” The grant will allow Feltz to further develop the research he and his students have been pursuing through Schreiner’s Behavioral Philosophy Lab. “Both of these projects speak to the faculty’s commitment to make Schreiner University a leader in designing high-impact educational environments that cultivate student learning and excellence,” said Dr. Charlie McCormick, Schreiner provost and vice president of academic affairs. “Both projects increase the University’s capacity to engage undergraduate students in undergraduate research, a pedagogical practice that has been shown to positively impact student learning, motivation and sense-of-self.” Fall 2010 5

Faculty Spotlight

Improving Our Home Environment by Louise Kohl Leahy

Dr. Chris Distel is the newest member of Schreiner’s biology department, brought here to fill

a new assistant professor position that was created to further the Life Sciences signature program. Distel is an environmental biologist. At least, “that’s one label we can use,” he said. “I think of myself as having a conservation

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bent.” He will be implementing a new field biology program, which will emphasize the ecology and conservation of the Hill Country. “Dr. Distel brings an exciting new perspective to the Life Sciences signature program,” said Dr. Diana Comuzzie, dean of the Trull School of Sciences & Mathematics. “He is

an extremely engaging and interactive lecturer, and his research interests in the environmental effects on frog and toad biology have important implications for biodiversity in our area. He has worked extensively with undergraduates in his research, and our students are going to really enjoy becoming involved in his work.” “An integral part of my job, from my perspective,” Distel said, “is involving students in research in any capacity—on their own projects, helping other students or in my own research.” The proposed new courses for doing this are in field ecology, conservation biology and rotating vertebrate systematics courses, such as mammalogy, ornithology, herpetology and ichthyology. “I want to get students out to see the natural environment and diversity of life in the Hill Country,” Distel said. “I like working with students and mentoring them. Our ultimate goal with this program is to graduate professional biologists.” Distel received his doctorate from Miami University in Oxford, Ohio. He and his wife Sarah and their two children moved to Kerrville over the summer. He enjoys spending time with his family and birding. He performed in college theatre all four of his undergraduate years at Hiram College in Hiram, Ohio. Although he hasn’t been on a community theater stage since 7th grade, maybe we’ll be seeing him at The Point Theatre or Playhouse 2000 sometime in the future.

Professor Adam Feltz, assistant professor of philosophy and IDST, had two papers published

the journal Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry.

in 2010 and presented three, including one at the Experimental Philosophy Workshop at the University of Wroclaw, Poland. He also was guest scholar at the Max Planck Institute for Adaptive Behavior and Cognition in Berlin, Germany, for 30 days this past summer.

Jay McCormack, visiting assistant professor of business,

Dr. Robert Hunter, professor of Spanish, presented a paper this

summer in Guadalajara, México, at the American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese. He has presented papers to the AATSP for the past four years on Spanish literature as it relates to those who are blind. His 2010 paper was “The Blind Clown and the Theme of the Carnivalesque in works by Buero Vallejo and Camilo José Cela.” “Pesticide Has Asymmetric Effects on Two Tadpole Species across Density Gradient,” co-authored by Dr. Chris Distel, assistant professor of biology,

and Michelle Boone, has been accepted for publication in

spoke at Wells Fargo’s Private Banking University, San Francisco, in November. In a series of workshops and presentations over two days, McCormack explored the challenges and opportunities of “The Perfect Storm, Commercial Real Estate Analysis and Forecasts, 2000-2013” with the firm’s top 18 wealth management bankers. He gave a similar presentation to the same group in May 2009. In July, Dr. Ronald L. Hatchett, visiting professor and director of Schreiner’s Center for Global Studies, conducted a

symposium on the Middle East for 150 high school social science teachers at Rice University in Houston. In August, Dr. Hatchett gave a presentation on “The War on Terror: The Good, the Bad, the Ugly” to the San Antonio World Affairs Council at the Petroleum Club in

San Antonio. The presentation was recorded and later broadcast by KSTX public radio. Dr. Kiley Miller, assistant professor of chemistry, will


Faculty Out and About

be presenting on the interaction of audience response systems and perceived performance in general chemistry at the American Chemical Society meeting in New Orleans in December. Schreiner University faculty members Dr. Anne Berre, instructor of political science, Dr. Charles Salter, assistant professor of business, and Dr. Charles Torti, associate professor of business in

collaboration with two senior faculty members from Our Lady of the Lake University, concluded a two-year research project with the publication of “Virtual Communication, Transformational Leadership, and Implicit Leadership,” as the lead article in the Journal of Leadership Studies this summer. An electronic version of the article is online at doi/10.1002/jls.v4:2/issuetoc.

Texas Heritage Music Day Rocks Texas Heritage Music Day (formerly Texas Living History Day) 2010 was a great success, with more than 50

performers and almost 1,500 attendees, including students from area schools. There were four special tributes, including the annual noon tribute to Jimmie Rodgers attended by three of his greatgrandsons. A Texas Folklore Society panel, at which four students presented their research, drew 40 people. The annual event is co-sponsored by the Texas Heritage Music Foundation

and Schreiner University’s Center for Innovative Learning, and takes place on the Schreiner campus. This is the event’s 14th year and its first under the new name. “As the THMF approaches a 25th anniversary in 2012, I was energized this year by the interaction between students and presenters,” said Dr. Kathleen Hudson, Schreiner professor of English and executive director of the foundation. “I am thrilled to offer another way of learning using stories

and songs, and Schreiner University is the perfect partner for this endeavor, which started as a small gleam in my eyes in 1987. We have many community sponsors and volunteers, and that alone keeps me excited about the future of this event.” For more information about Schreiner and CIL, visit the website at For more information about Texas Heritage Music Foundation, go to Fall 2010 7

A Decade of Service


chreiner president Dr. Tim Summerlin has been leading the University for a decade now.

In that time, he has brought many positive changes not only to the campus, but also to the surrounding community. Under his leadership, Schreiner has experienced unprecedented growth, including a 35 percent increase in enrollment since the beginning of his tenure. Tom Currie, former pastor of First Presbyterian Church in Kerrville and current president of Union Seminary in Charlotte, N.C., headed the search committee that hired Dr. Summerlin as president. “Tim Summerlin has done nothing but good things for Schreiner University ever since he arrived,” Currie recently said. “Tim has distinguished himself as president. He is a visionary leader who has a firm grasp of the practical realities of educational life. Under his leadership Schreiner University has flourished, reaching new levels of service and success. As much as he has done for Schreiner University, what he, and his wife, Mary Ellen, have contributed to the community of Kerrville should not be overlooked. They have enriched the quality of life and faith in the community where they live and serve.” Dr. Summerlin has overseen an expansion of SU’s

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by Amy Armstrong

academic, residential and administrative facilities, all of which have doubled in the past 10 years. In that same time, SU’s economic impact on the Kerrville and surrounding community has grown from $59.7 million to about $84 million. But his impact is not felt only financially. His example and encouragement of service to the community has led to hundreds of Schreiner students, staff and faculty giving their time, energy and resources to the Hill Country’s nonprofit organizations and professional clubs. “It has been my pleasure to watch Tim’s growth and development as a leader for more than two and a half decades, predating his arrival at Schreiner,” said Bill Franklin, SU’s current board of trustees chairman. “In my judgment, his contribution to Schreiner is defined by more than the skills that he brings to his work, substantial though they are. His love for this institution and its history and mission is apparent to everyone who meets him. His calm demeanor, sharp mind and keen wit round out a profile of a very effective leader. And above all else, it is obvious that he clearly loves what he does. He has already made and will continue to make a lasting mark on this university.”


Contactable alumni & former students Percentage of student body that is first-generation


Average financial aid package

Number of monthly visits to Mountaineer Center




Schreiner’s economic impact on the region Campus buildings Oldest, 1923 (Weir Classrooms) Newest, 2009 (Faulkner Residence Hall)



Schreiner’s workforce Campus events open to the public: sports, music, literature and discussions




SU by the Numbers in 2010


Total net assets


Students from the Hill Country



Age of youngest student


Current enrollment



Hometown states of the student body: From: Arkansas | Arizona | California | Colorado Delaware | Florida | Georgia | Illinois | Indiana Louisiana | Massachusetts | Minnesota | Missouri New York | Nevada | North Carolina | Oregon | Texas Fall 2010 9

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his past summer Dr. Lydia Kualapai, associate professor of English at Schreiner, volunteered for a semester of service teaching at LCC International University in Klaipėda, Lithuania.


Lithuania “A friend from grad school, Dr. Geri Henderson, got me interested in doing this,” Dr. Kualapai said. “She started teaching internationally right after graduation and has taught in the Middle East and Lithuania.” Dr. Kualapai taught a course, “War in 20th Century Literature and Film” using “Full Metal Jacket” and five international films, along with “a considerable amount of reading.” She will give a Chautauqua lecture at Schreiner on the same topic in March. Two Schreiner students also applied to LCC and were accepted for the summer program, Jessica Roberts and Katie Stout. “LCC University is the most affordable study abroad program in Europe,” Dr. Kualapai said. “The exchange rate is favorable and all the classes are in English. It is not a new school, but the campus is new. The tech aspects are on par with ours and textbooks are loaned through the university’s library. I also had the best food I’ve had in a long time while I was there, and I’m not talking about fine dining, either.” Dr. Kualapai spent a few days in Vilnius, Lithuania’s capital and largest city, before returning to the U.S. “Vilnius was the Jewish intellectual center of Europe before World War II,” she said. “Prior to the war, there were more than 100 temples and synagogues in Vilnius. Now there is one.” Vilnius boasts one of the largest and best preserved old towns in Europe. “The old section is still the heart of the city,” notes Dr. Kualapai. “It’s one of those places where people organize their lives by the ringing of the church bells, not their digital watches.” Lithuania was the first Soviet republic to declare independence in 1990. It borders the Baltic Sea, Latvia, Belarus, Poland and the Russian province Kaliningrad.

Ninth Fort, Kaunas, Lithuania During World War II, 30,000 Jews were murdered at this Nazi death camp. Jewish prisoners would be marched into enormous pits just outside the fort and shot to death. Nazi records document the executions, noting that the shootings would typically begin in the morning and continue throughout the day. Following the war, Ninth Fort was commandeered by the Soviets as a prison and execution place of Lithuanian partisans. Fall 2010 11

Kryzi킬 Kalnas (Hill of Crosses), Siauliai, Lithuania. Dating from the medieval period, the Hill of Crosses remains a vibrant experience for Christian pilgrims and visitors from all over the world. The crosses, numbering in the hundreds of thousands, are adorned with rosaries, personal memorials and smaller crosses.

Schreiner University senior, Jessica Roberts and former SU student Katie Stout, enjoy a chat with Molly Sroges from the University of New Mexico.

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The interior of the Russian Orthodox Church of the Holy Spirit, Vilnius, Lithuania.

Inside the Torat Hakodesh Synagogue, Vilnius, Lithuania.

LCC International University, Klaipėda, Lithuania. Established in 1991, LCC offers bachelor’s degree programs in business administration, English language and literature, psychology and theology, and a Masters of Arts degree in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages. Fall 2010 13

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Dr. Tim Summerlin (to the left and center) and his wife Mary Ellen Summerlin surrounded by Schreiner students during the recent choir trip.

Choir Trip In May 2010, the Schreiner University Choir went on a tour of Germany and Austria. Thirty-one students, along with three Schreiner faculty/staff and two community members, visited Vienna, Salzburg, Mondsee, Nuremburg and Munich, with the choir performing along the way. “We performed with local choirs Cantissimo in Reutte and Studio Chor Wien in Vienna,” said choir director Michael Kahl. “We also sang in the famous Melk Abbey in Salzburg and at the St. Michael Basilica in Mondsee, where they filmed the marriage scene in the motion picture ‘The Sound of Music.’” The Schreiner choir is made up of students from a number of disciplines, including English, math, education, communication, music, theatre, political science and exercise science. They will be performing a program of holiday music at First Presbyterian Church in Kerrville on December 5. Fall 2010 15

The Business End of



ast year, Schreiner University identified three signature programs that have demonstrated strength, value and the potential to make the University stand out among its peer institutions. In

this issue, SCENE magazine takes a closer look at the business department’s Integrity Ambassadors in Business program. We will look at each of the other programs— Graphic Design and Life Sciences—in future issues. The Integrity Ambassadors in Business program, which began this fall, is a new integrated approach to exploring ethics that potentially impacts more than 400 students annually. Dr. Charles Torti, associate professor of business, conceived of the IAB program. “Our program is unique because students do not merely study ethics as a stand-alone course,” Torti said. “Instead, IAB is a four-year program that is integrated into seven courses that are common to all business majors.” Those taking courses in accounting, business, finance, information systems management and marketing learn through a series of online simulation games, threaded discussions, formal lectures, ethics debates and other class projects that integrity and achieving a solid bottom line are complementary and not conflicting. “Integrity is the congruence of your thoughts, words and actions in daily application of business and societal values,” Torti said. “We want students to realize that integrity and achieving business goals are complementary. This program is really about developing students into better decision makers.”

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The IAB program uses an assessment tool to help students understand their own ethical viewpoints, and introduces them to four ethical perspectives traditional to Western culture through the philosophers who espoused them: rights and responsibilities (Immanuel Kant), results (John Stuart Mill), relationships (John Rawls) and virtue ethics (Alasdair MacIntyre). These are the main ethical lenses through which people view the world and one thrust of the IAB program is to get students to recognize which lens they use and how that affects their decision-making in business as well as in other aspects of their lives. Students will learn to recognize ethical dilemmas and potential threats to integrity. “Once you know your perspective, you will need to know if there are other things you need to look at before making a decision—other options, other primary players and secondary players, other stakeholders. We will look closely at cases where there are no rules and how you make decisions then,” Torti said. “Although there are lots of laws and policies in business, there are frequently cases where no rules or road maps exist, or they are unfamiliar.” What makes the Schreiner program unique is the integration of these issues with existing course material, rather than teaching ethics as a stand-alone subject. “The timing on a program like this is way overdue,” Torti said. “We can’t be passive about integrity. I’m optimistic that this kind of integrated ethics curriculum will really help make a difference and impact the lives of our students.” Fall 2010 17

Staff Spotlight

Making a Connection


aren Davis Kilgore has been associated with Schreiner University most of her adult life and she wouldn’t have it any other way. “Schreiner

is in my blood,” Kilgore said. “I have spent three quarters of my adult life here. I see it getting stronger and better every year, but there is still a whole lot of work out there to be done.” To that end, Kilgore took on the position of director of development earlier this year. “I wasn’t looking for a different job, but I was asked to come in and help out for a while,” Kilgore said of taking on the acting director of development role in January. Soon after arriving Kilgore felt there was “a lot of work with my name on it and a lot of great people.” Kilgore was named director in July. However, that is hardly the only hat she wears at Schreiner. She has been the University’s planned giving consultant since 1996 and shepherds the Schreiner Oaks Society. Her journey at Schreiner began in December 1979. “Christmas break 1979 was the first time I drove through the gates and I felt a huge pull to be here,” Kilgore said. Former SU president Dr. Sam Junkin hired Kilgore as director of development and a few months later she was promoted to vice president of advancement, a position she held for 12 years before leaving to start her

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by Amy Armstrong

own consulting company. Her first client was Schreiner. “I never really left,” Kilgore said. “Just relocated.” Reflecting on the changes she has witnessed to the University over the years Kilgore said, “When I began my career at Schreiner, the campus was not computerized, so we turned a ledger page to record gifts. The library was a fourth the size it is now.” Kilgore said that while fundraising trends may come and go Schreiner is never a hard sell. “SU has a huge heart, vision and courage.” Kilgore said that when the seeds she sows bear fruit, it is a privilege and delight to witness. “It is hugely fun to walk across campus and see a building with someone’s name on it and know that I had the privilege of knowing them and their families. How many people get to do that?” Lest you think all Kilgore does is work, she also finds time to garden or “play in the dirt” as she calls it. Kilgore is also an avid reader and likes to sew—especially for her grandchildren. She said she also enjoys the creative process of cooking. “With sewing and cooking you can finish a project. Development, on the other hand, is something that takes years,” said Kilgore.



” From Winning Player to Winning Coach by Louise Kohl Leahy

occer was the reason I came to Schreiner,” said Abe Garcia ’07. “Coach Hayes got me

here. I looked at a couple of schools and I really liked the atmosphere and the people at Schreiner.” Just three years after graduation, Garcia, who majored in international business, seems to have made soccer a career. This is his second year as head coach for women’s soccer at Prairie View A&M. Nick Morrison ’09 is Coach Garcia’s new assistant. “I was the interim coach first,” Garcia said. “The school liked the progress we made and offered me the head coach job.” In 2009, Garcia took his team to the Southwestern Athletic Conference soccer tournament for the first time in the team’s history, where they advanced as far as the finals. This year they finished second in the conference. “The second year making it to conference is a big statement,” Garcia said. “We were one game away from playing LSU.”

Garcia said that in the past the team has not been able to compete outside the conference. However, this season started with two big preseason wins, over the University of North Texas and Lamar University, with the win over North Texas “by far the biggest,” according to Garcia. And how’s that business degree working out? “I’m becoming a great salesman,” Garcia said. “I’m learning to sell the school when I’m recruiting and speaking to people. I’m in charge of my budget and manage my players, so you can definitely say that the business skills I learned at Schreiner are very helpful.” “I love Schreiner,” he added. “The professors were all great and helpful. I loved the Schreiner atmosphere and the scenery. People knew me as a person and not just a number and I knew everyone else, too. If I had it all to do over again, I’d go to Schreiner.” Fall 2010 19

Women’s Volleyball

Men’s Cross Country

From left to right Tom Pappas, Michael Maia, head coach Jerry Dyes, Ryan Maia, Justin Butler and Will Ramon. Bottom row, left to right: Jamie Burns, Audra Burnap, Jaemi Groves, Denise Pichot, Holly Howard and Shalon Bridges. Middle row, left to right: Molly Deering, Taira Alderman, Chelsea Atkinson, Amanda Sorenson, Briahna Logan, Brittany Boyett and Meaghan Koch. Top row from left to right: coach Phillip White, Veronica Castillo, Brittney Church, Caitlin Gayle, Hallet Dickey, Misty Fletcher, Ali Wilkins and coach Joe Anders.

Schreiner is off to a 5-5 start in ASC West division action. It’s been a bumpy ride so far in 2010 but that shouldn’t come as a surprise as more than half of the team is comprised of newcomers. Still, SU has shown flashes of tremendous potential with its young players. The highlight of the season was when SU rallied from an 0-2 deficit at home to knock off ASC West defending champ and 2010 preseason favorite Hardin-Simmons in five sets. Senior Caitlin Gayle is leading the team in kills and attack percentage, but there are a number of impressive newcomers at just about every position on the floor.

The men’s cross-country program is making great strides in 2010. Led by juniors Ryan Maia and Dionel Alves, the Mountaineers were poised to make a good showing at the ASC championships in October. Juniors Tom Pappas has shown rapid improvement and Ryan’s older brother Michael is returning to form to give Schreiner its strongest team since the program restarted in 2006.

Women’s Cross Country

For schedules and the most up-to-date athletic news, visit Front row, left to right: Jules Poindexter, Genevieve Castillo, Ilse Ibarra, Alicea Bonnema and Teresa Gaitan. Back row, left to right: Cara Pilgrim and head coach Jerry Dyes.

The best news is that SU now has a true women’s cross country program. Senior Liz Calderon and junior Kathryn Adcock lead a group of seven Schreiner runners, including four freshmen. The team is coming on quickly, but will need more time to develop. Still, the growth of the program is a great thing to see and credit goes to new head coach Jerry Dyes.

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Men’s Soccer

Bottom row, left to right: Sam Grant, Rudy Moreno, David Machado, Taylor Bontz, Matt Johnson, Tim Martinez, Gio Benitez, Cody Moles, Kelan Robinson, Zach Williams and Daniel Kinchen. Top row, left to right: coach Shane Heffernan, Tanner Overstake, Jose Sifuentes, Manuel Hurtado, Ivan Benitez, Jeff Simpson, LeAnthony Bosserman, Philip Anderson, Derek Brosky, Stephen Gonzales, Juan Bonilla, Case Wyatt, Kenny Benson, Trevor Brown, Jeremy Leoni, Josh Vela, Jorge Ramos and head coach Paul Hayes.

SU has had a strong non-conference campaign by going 3-1-1 against scholarship teams. Despite losing their American Southwest Conference opener, Schreiner rebounded with a 3-0-1 record and vaulted back into the top half of the conference. Junior Taylor Bontz is the scoring leader with 5 goals, followed by junior Philip Anderson. Unfortunately, Anderson was injured in the middle of the season and will be out possibly until late October. SU has had strong defensive play, anchored by the goalkeeper attack of junior Matt Johnson and sophomore Tim Martinez. A top six finish will get SU into the postseason tournament for the fifth time in the past seven years under head coach Paul Hayes.

Women’s Soccer

Front row, left to right: Desiree Frausto and Alesha Thorpe. Second row, left to right: Meghan Gonzales, Lori Berg, Amanda Moon, Lacey Warner, Alyssa Barrera, Missy Torres, Kaylyn Butler and Brittany Cardwell. Third row, left to right: Aryel Kelley, Genna Monroe, Haley Powers, Allie Moore, Maggie Rios, Becky Chiaro, Adrianna Ford and Roni Kloss. Back row, left to right: Steph Viands, Kelsey Penn, Courtney Eubank, Hannah Hogan and Lizeth De La Torre.

In his third season as head coach, Wayne Hinkley is starting to see his young program come of age. The Mountaineers already have four wins, which is more than the team had in the first two seasons combined. Considering the fact that the team only has one junior and no seniors on its roster, it is a program on the rise. Like the men’s team, the Schreiner women rely on a stingy defense. All of the team’s wins this year have been by 2-1 scores, and the first three were all come-from-behind contests in which SU scored the game-winner in the closing moments. Fall 2010 21

Estate Tax Laws: Are we Nailing Jelly to the Wall? By Karen Davis Kilgore, planned giving advisor and director of development

Michael Pate ’71, managing partner of Bracewell Guiliani, LLP in Washington, D.C.


uriouser and curiouser.”

That is what Alice in Wonderland said when she ate cake and her neck starting growing. Pretty soon, she couldn’t even see her feet. That same refrain of amazement is echoing throughout the land this year as our nation is experiencing a most curious predicament, indeed.

22 Fall 2010 SCENE

That is, our citizenry entered 2010 under the last provision of The Economic Growth and Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2001. This means that for this year only (unless Congress hurries up and passes new legislation), Americans who die in 2010 will leave estates that trigger no estate tax. This is the first time since 1916 that federal estate tax has lapsed. Savvy Washington-watchers never believed Congress would allow this “zero estate tax year” to happen. Every estate planning professional in the country, I believe, was sure that Congress would enact new tax legislation before we reached 2010. Instead, our elected officials were consumed with debating health care policy, as you remember, and it apparently required all of their time. Making things even more curious and uncomfortable, it appears that the increasingly favorable estate tax treatment we have enjoyed throughout the past decade will disappear as we start

the new year. Few would have predicted that we would regress to the paltry 2001 levels of estate tax protection ever again. But that may be exactly what is happening. Schreiner trustee and chairelect, Michael Pate ’71, is managing partner of Bracewell Guiliani, LLP in Washington, D.C. The Schreiner alumnus has worked on tax policy issues in the Capitol since 1980. He often represents corporations, partnerships, trade associations and joint ventures before Congress and federal agencies. “The current political situation has produced more uncertainty in the tax area than I have seen in my tenure in D.C.,” observes Pate. He adds that November’s election results may determine whether or not Congress will consider estate tax legislation in its lame-duck December session. If no new legislation is enacted, what can we expect? The 2001 law stipulates that only $1,000,000 will be protected from estate tax; the remainder will be taxed at the


55 percent rate—the highest rate we have experienced in nine years. So, how do thoughtful citizens proceed in planning wise uses of their estates? Pate says it is no time to put our heads in the sand and pretend we don’t have to think about this important issue. “While it is unclear whether Congress returns us to the 2001 estate tax laws in 2011, it is time for all of us to consider our own estate plans. Many Americans could discover they have taxable estates, after years of thinking they did not,” says Pate. “I encourage you to consider creating charitable partnerships to reduce the potential of seeing your estates reduced by higher taxes.” In my position as planned giving advisor for Schreiner, I have observed a lot of our friends as they make plans that conserve their assets for their heirs and claim the “social capital” portion of their estates for their favorite charities (rather than for Uncle Sam). They rely upon estate planning attorneys to help them construct bequest language that is flexible enough to reflect tax law modifications, even if the law changes drastically. At the same time, many of our friends intend to create a philanthropic legacy even if their own estates are safe from taxation. One trustee/alumnus told me this recently: “I want my children to

Inventory and reassess your property. Even with

the economic downturn, you probably have assets—such as your home—that are worth far more than you paid for them. Try to reach a realistic assessment of your personal estate. When our tax laws clarify, you will know what this means for your family.


Keep your will up to date. Time zooms by. You may

think you have a recent will and then be shocked to take it out and discover it is dated 1999. I have seen an attorney review a will and change one sentence that saved the family $300,000!


Talk. Talk a lot. Talk to your spouse, your parents, your kids, your grandkids. Tell them what things are important to you and how you hope they will view your life after you are no longer here to guide and encourage them. This conversation goes much better if it is done before a person is vulnerable.


If you have tax-deferred retirement accounts

that these great savings devices are not great wealth transfer devices. A family inheriting an IRA may see as much as 70% of it eroded by deferred income tax and estate tax. Ask your professional advisors how you can use these valuable assets to maximum advantage. If you want to include charities in your estate, these plans are excellent sources of funding because gifts to charities do not trigger the aforementioned taxes.



steps you can take while Congress is in limbo


Choose an executor and

keep him/her informed of all your personal information: location of important papers, computer passwords, bank lock boxes, etc.


Remember Andy Edington’s sage advice. Known for

his wit and pithy observations, Schreiner’s second president used to say, “If you want to live forever, put Schreiner in your will!”

(including company pension funds, IRAs and others), remember

Karen Davis Kilgore is Schreiner’s director of development and planned giving advisor. You can reach her at 830-792-7205 or

understand that supporting Schreiner or their own schools is important. It is our job to advance our society, even if we don’t get tax breaks to do so.” So, even in this uncertain time, please allow me to suggest tangible steps you can take even while our

Congress is in estate tax limbo. It is my privilege to help our friends create estate plans that assist Schreiner University and their other favorite charities. I have watched scores of our friends enjoy happy and fulfilled lives because they have planned generously for others. It is medicine for the soul. Fall 2010 23

Rocket Man by Louise Kohl Leahy


hen Jerry Yencharis Jr. ’91 went to work for NASA in 1992, you could say he was going into the family business.

His father, Jerry Sr., was in charge of the maneuveranalysis section for the Apollo moon program. Yencharis was born in League City, Texas, after his parents moved there from Wilkes-Barre, Penn., when his dad went to work for NASA in 1964. In time, he graduated from Clear Creek High School in League City. But before he ended up at Schreiner, he went to work for NASA right out of high school. “When I graduated from high school, I decided I wasn’t ready for college yet,” Yencharis said. “I started working at NASA for a subcontractor called Barrios Technology. Eight of us went through a five-month course in orbital mechanics and space shuttle systems. We generated trajectory products for shuttle flights.” After three years with Barrios, Yencharis headed to Schreiner College. He said what first interested him about Schreiner was its size, although it was an admission counselor who pretty much sealed the deal. “My high school graduating class had more than 800 students,” Yencharis said. “I was looking for a smaller college so I wouldn’t be just a number among the student population. I had visited several places, but when I met Chuck Tait (former admissions counselor) and toured Schreiner, I knew it was the right place. “With the small student population, I remember the family atmosphere not only among the students, but also the faculty and staff. Although there were days that I didn’t exactly enjoy going to class, I almost always enjoyed the interaction with the professors.” Yencharis played on the men’s basketball team all four years he was at Schreiner. In his senior year, his 3-point field goal percentage was an impressive 56 percent. “It was a great experience playing on the men’s basketball team,” he said. “All the guys I played with were such quality individuals, as were coach Herbst and coach Jost. I remember being fortunate

24 Fall 2010 SCENE

enough to have Todd Prince as my roommate, and how it was impossible not to laugh when he was around. I still owe him for getting the rest of the basketball team to throw me in the pool on my birthday.” He has a lot of other good memories of his time at Schreiner, including meeting his future wife here. “Although my wife and I are now divorced, we are still good friends,” he said. “She has been a very important part of my life. I look back on our time together at Schreiner very fondly and wouldn’t trade it for anything. “I also remember simple things, such as walking from Delaney Hall to class, and soaking in the atmosphere of the campus and the surrounding hills. And I remember graduation—walking into Dietert Auditorium and how the professors lined up to greet us as we walked in. I specifically remember Professor Emeritus (Boardman) Chambers approaching me and saying, ‘Jerry, let me shake your hand.’” After graduating from Schreiner College as a math major, Yencharis joined Barrios again and began a career in flight design and dynamics, specializing in shuttle rendezvous operations. He now works in shuttle mission control at Johnson Space Center.


“My official title is Rendezvous, Guidance and Procedures Officer. That position specializes in the last 40 miles of a shuttle approach and dock to a target vehicle, usually the International Space Station. As part of our job, we need to know how to pilot the shuttle to docking, so we go through the same training the astronauts do for that phase of flight. We attend the crew’s training sessions for flights we are assigned to so we can get familiar with them and discuss the techniques in detail.” Now that the shuttle program is winding down, he is making the transition to visiting vehicle officer. “In this role, I will help coordinate and oversee what happens when a manned or unmanned spacecraft approaches the ISS. It’s similar to my previous role, but it involves working with non-NASA organizations, such as the Japanese Space Agency.” Yencharis said that Schreiner had been instrumental in his career in several ways. “There were courses that concentrated on developing skills such as critical thinking, which is extremely important in my job. We have to scrutinize situations

thoroughly, both when developing techniques pre-flight and also when assessing potential problems during a flight. That’s important both for mission success and to ensure the safety of the crew. The teamwork aspect of my job is very important as well, since my role calls for me to lead a team and also function as a part of the larger flight control team. I developed teamwork skills at Schreiner in several ways, including being part of the basketball team. Each person has a specific role and depends on the rest of the members to fulfill their role. Plus good communication among team members is necessary to reach a common goal, another skill I developed at Schreiner. “There are a lot of great things about the people I met and experiences I had at Schreiner,” he added. “I'll bet most Schreiner alumni feel the same.”

Photo: Jerry Yencharis at the Rendezvous, Guidance and Procedures Officer console during the STS-131 mission in April 2010. Fall 2010 25

class notes We’re the two people in the very back of the raft.” John Prendergast ’62 graduated from high school at Schreiner. He is currently living in Slidell, La., where he is president of Mid-Gulf Instruments, and hopes to retire this year. “I am glad to see Schreiner’s thriving!”



Gene Marshall ’52 was honored as a distinguished alumnus of Sam Houston State University. He graduated from Sam Houston State in 1964 with a bachelor’s degree.

Dale Blount ’61 wrote, “Next year will be the big 50th anniversary for my class. Doubt if I will make Recall 2011, but send my best to all from that class. I’m retired, living at 6,300 feet in the White Mountains of east central Arizona in a town named Show Low. It is beautiful country with four full seasons. We love it, although our grandkids aren’t close enough. Before retirement, I worked in the Dallas area for a few years in microwave manufacturing, then modular housing, met my wife Val, moved around a bit, landed back in Kerrville with Mooney Aircraft, then onto Piper Aircraft in Lakeland, Florida. Moved to Arizona in 1984 and spent 25 plus years in the greater Phoenix area doing some really interesting things with some exotic aerospace things. So one would say that I spent my career in manufacturing, mostly aircraft/aerospace after graduating from the University of Texas in 1966. Don’t get back to Kerrville much any more, even though it’s my hometown.”

Gayle R. Avant ’59 recently retired from teaching political science at Baylor University and spent the month of July helping Chinese public school English teachers improve their language skills. After teaching in China, Avant attended the Baptist World Congress in Honolulu. Charles H. Morris ’52 has been doing a lot of preaching and leading worship services this summer in congregations near his home in Missouri. He recently won a contest for artwork sponsored by the diocesan news magazine, Seek. A copy is in Schreiner University’s William Logan Library. His painting is on page eight in the June/July issue. He and Janet now have three grandchildren in college, one a senior at Duke, among their seven. They are both active in their church and outside interests with Charles still playing tennis three times a week.

26 Fall 2010 SCENE

John Boyd ’62 wrote, “Kathleen and I are just returning from a trip to Alaska and Canada.

Bill Servis ’63 writes that he and his family just finished their volunteer work at Bandelier National Monument, Los Alamos, N.M. They left Texas for Branson, Mo., Aug. 3, then on to Goshen, Ind., for an Escapees RV Ralley in September. After that they headed to Fayette, Ohio, for a Sunnybrook RV Rally in October. “We’re beginning our 4th year on the road.”

1980s Ronnie Jean (Fryar) Burnham ’84 and her 14-year-old daughter recently moved from Austin, Texas, to the Bucks County area outside of Philadelphia, Pa. “I have worked for Kellogg’s for six years and this is my third promotion, now to the east coast. The area is beautiful and the people are surprisingly warm. I had not previously traveled or visited this area of the country. Every day is a new adventure and we love all the history. I am especially proud of my daughter who is transitioning beautifully.” Cliff Wiese ’88 has returned from living in Latin America and settled in Houston. “I recently accepted a position managing a group of personal trainers for LifeTime Fitness. Also, I am in the process


of making two fitness-oriented DVDs for a company called Suarez International out of Arizona. I hope all is well in Kerrville!”

1990s Mary (Reyes) Bascues ’99 and her family visited the SU campus after their vacation trip to SeaWorld in San Antonio. “Unfortunately, we were short on time, so we didn’t get a chance to visit with anybody. We did, however, make a quick stop by the bookstore and loaded up on Schreiner shirts and caps. I’m amazed at how much has been added to the campus! I took the picture of my four kids at SeaWorld. Pictured from left to right are Joaquin (6 months), Luis (7 years old), Alejandro (2 years old) and Gabriela (5 years old). Joaquin was born prematurely February 11 but you can’t tell by looking at him now. My husband and I feel very blessed to have four wonderful children who keep us going every day. I’m hoping that my family and I will be able to make Recall next year. Thanks for all you do!” Colin Campbell ’99 sent in a picture of “three former Schreiner students reuniting in the classroom. From left to right: captain James Cook, instructor with 3rd Coast Captains, Clayton

Campbell, Colin Campbell and Jason May, all class of 1999. “The three of us completed our OUPV licenses and are certified captains, taking guided fishing trips in South Texas.” John Peterson ’91 and Kristi (Fryar) Peterson ’92 are living in Stanton, Texas, with their three children, Amber, 14; Alyssa, 11; and Ryan, 6. John is the athletic director and head football coach at class 2A Stanton High School, where Kristi also coaches and teaches. Evelyn Reavis ’93 writes, “It’s hard to believe that it has already been so long since I graduated from Schreiner. Often I drive through the college and I am amazed at all of the changes. I have put my education to good use as a chemical dependency counselor. I have been counseling for about 12 years now. I have worked in treatment facilities with parolees and probationers for about five years. For the past seven years I have worked in treatment facilities through adult probation. I currently work with the 38th Judicial District Community Corrections Facility in Uvalde, Texas. The work I do is never boring and at times challenging. After living in Corpus Christi and Santa Fe, N.M., I have returned to the area that I grew up in. It’s great to be back in the Hill Country. I have plans to return to college and to do a little traveling. Thanks again to Dr. David Byrne, Dr. Kathleen Hudson and Harry Heiser for all they did to help me back then. I’m now using what they taught me to help others.”

Chris Sanchez ’99 and his wife Christina are doing very well and living in Austin. They just celebrated their daughter’s second birthday. “I hope all is well at Schreiner.” Sam Snoek ’99 and Jennifer Snoek-Brown have been living in Abu Dhabi, the United Arab Emirates, for the past two years. Jennifer is an assistant professor and librarian at Zayed University, and Sam has been teaching part time and writing full time. (Sam has published a few stories and placed in a couple of contests; he’s currently working on a story collection and a novel.) In their spare time, they’ve done a little traveling in Europe and around the United Arab Emirates. Their cats, Ibsen and Bronte, spend most of their days asleep in the bright Arabian sunshine.

2000s Cindy Becker ’06 is back at Schreiner. “Fall 2010 has been exciting at the Becker house. I was recently hired as the administrative assistant to the president of Schreiner University, Dr. Tim Summerlin. This comes on the heels of my daughter, Michelle, entering Schreiner’s freshman class. Mike, my husband, is still cancer-free and ready to contemplate a part-time job. God’s blessings have been abundant.” Kenneth Bethune ’05 passed the Oklahoma bar exam and will be Fall 2010 27

opening his own law office in the near future. He is also in his second year as head volleyball coach at Mount St. Mary High School in Oklahoma City. Susan Burger ’09 started her first teaching job at The School of Science and Technology-Alamo in August. “I teach physical education and serve as athletic director as well as coaching soccer and basketball. In my spare time, I’m playing indoor soccer in a co-ed league in San Antonio.” Billy Fletcher attended Schreiner University from 2002-2004 as a math major, thanks to one of his favorite teachers, Dr. Stefan Mecay. He graduated from Purdue University with a B.A. in anthropology and plans to start teaching this coming semester in Copperas Cove, Texas, Independent School District. “My wife Amy and I were blessed on Oct. 10, 2008, with a bouncing baby boy, Dennis. Even though his nickname ‘Dennis the Menace’ fits him well, we are definitely blessed to have him. We are also blessed with a daughter named Ashlee, our eldest child, who helps us with Dennis whenever she can. This year Ashlee married her long-time fiancé John. Ashlee and John have two sons, my grandsons, Travis and Gunnar. Travis is 10 and will be going into the fifth grade, while Gunnar is 5 and will be going into kindergarten. Amy, Ashlee, John, Travis, Gunnar, my nephew Jeremy, who has just joined the Army, David, our good friend who might as well be family, and I all live in the same six-bedroom, two-bath house in Copperas Cove, Texas. Many people

28 Fall 2010 SCENE

ask how we can live together like that, but it just works for us and we are very happy.” Kyla Fussell ’09 wrote, “In August I moved to Modesto, Calif., on a whim to help out my sister and her husband. They have a 3-year-old son, Hayes, and were expecting another baby boy. I’m glad I moved early because Dane graced us with his presence six weeks early! He is a happy and healthy baby and now I just help out with baby duties and search for a job. I’m not sure yet if this move will be permanent, but so far I love it! How could I not with two precious nephews?” Abe Garcia ’07 and Patsy Toman-Garcia ’09 were married on July 25, 2009. They currently live in League City, Texas. Abe is the head soccer coach at Prairie View A&M University and is in the middle of his third season. Patsy is attending UTMB-Galveston, where she is entering her second year of training in physical therapy. Reginald “Reggie” Huggins ’03 married Rhona Stacie Howg July 24 in Harker Heights, Texas. Reggie is an assistant principal at Killeen High

School and Rhona is a special education teacher at Haybranch Elementary School in Killeen, Texas. Schreiner former students in the wedding party were Chris Borak ’03 and Clarence Stewart ’00. Spencer Key ’09 wrote to give us “my life in a nutshell. I’ve spent the eight months since graduation teaching English courses at Coastal Bend College, and I’m moving to Lubbock to begin my master’s program in romance languages with a concentration on Spanish language and linguistics at Texas Tech University. My plans are to obtain a teaching assistant position for the spring semester into the summer, and I hope to teach courses to undergraduates at the TTU campuses in either Mexico or Spain.” Matt Martinez ’06 and Cassie Saunders ’06 were married September 5, 2009. They currently live back in their hometown of Devine. Matt is a tax accountant at NuStar Energy in San Antonio and Cassie is currently a third grade teacher in Devine. David Peeples ’04 is busy working in retail at a bookstore and hoping to become a college or private school teacher someday. Joshua Smith ’01 and his wife Jennifer adopted their son Jase in March. Josh and Jen live in Lufkin, Texas, where Josh is a public school finance consultant and partner of Administrative


Consulting, and Jen is a full-time mother. Miranda Trussell ’02 has accepted a position at First Presbyterian Church of Mexico, Mo., as associate pastor of Christian education. She was ordained as a minister of word and sacrament in the Presbyterian Church (USA) in June at Canyon Creek Presbyterian Church in Richardson, Texas. Heather (Kelly) Willson ’03 recently was made department manager at her new school, Centennial High School, in the Burleson, Texas, ISD. She returns to teaching AP world history and plans to continue coaching teams and volunteering her efforts for the district’s FFA chapter. Mary Wingo ’07 married Jamieson McCaffity in Austin in July. Craig Yaros ’02 wrote to say, “Good luck to all of the staff, teachers & students with the fall semester beginning at Schreiner University. I am on Facebook. Keeping busy with the Knights of Columbus; became a 4th degree Sir Knight in June. Still looking for a job while working at my dad’s office. I’ve been dating a nice girl. Nothing beyond that to report at this time. Hope that fall 2010 will be especially great for Schreiner.” Jarrett Aldrich ’04 writes, “I still teach English during the day at East Central High School, and composition in the evenings at St. Philip’s College, both in

San Antonio. I took the summer off and drove to Eastern Canada and Nova Scotia. I camped and explored the national forests. On a separate note, I decided last year to pursue my dream of serving our country in the military. I applied for the Navy Supply Corps. It was an extremely competitive field of applicants and I was elated to be selected. In January, I took my oath to be commissioned as an officer in the U.S. Navy Reserve. The Reserve will allow me to continue teaching while I serve. I squeezed into my uniform and the Navy shipped me off for training in Rhode Island. I absolutely love having a role in the country’s defense. What a different and exciting world! I can hardly wait until I am called overseas. Until then, I’ll continue to serve in the frenzied environs of my English classroom. Pics and stories can still be found on my website: I hope everyone at Schreiner is doing well!” Kiley Miller Ph.D. ’00 tells us “The Miller Crew—Kiley, Tish, Phoenix, Bhodey and Dylan—continue to enjoy the Hill Country since moving back in June 2006 from Piscataway, NJ. Dylan is the only child at home this year, but he enjoys running around the house making mischief without sister and brother to stop him. Phoenix and Bhodey are in second and kinder, respectively, at Tom Daniels Elementary and having a great time with both reading and playing on the playground. Tish is going on her fourth year with Baptist Child and Family Services as the assistant to the executive director. Don’t let the title fool you; he manages many and when she

says ‘jump’ the others say ‘how high.’ I am progressing towards tenure at Schreiner University as assistant professor in chemistry and as of 2011, chair of the science department. One or two significant items of note: 1) Schreiner received $475,727 in funding from the National Science Foundation to renovate Moody 202 the old chemistry lab; 2) I will be presenting at the American Chemical Society Meeting in New Orleans in early December on the interaction of audience response systems and perceived performance in general chemistry.”

submit Please submit your class note. All former students are encouraged to send photos and news about themselves — promotions, awards, marriages, births, etc. Former students can submit class notes online: classnotes.html. Or by e-mailing: Or by USPS: SCENE Schreiner University CMB 6229 2100 Memorial Blvd. Kerrville, TX 78028.

Want to find a classmate? Go to former/directory.html. Fall 2010 29

december 2010


february 2011



Symphony of the Hills Kathleen C. Cailloux

Schreiner University Holiday Choir Concert

Theater. Dr. Jay Dunnahoo, conductor. 2010 Rising Stars featuring soloists Collin Turner, violin; Evana Toll, string bass; and a new composition by young composer Jonathan Willing, 7:30 p.m.

First Presbyterian Church Kerrville. Schreiner choirs sing holiday music: classical, contemporary and jazz. 6 p.m.

Scarle-Philips Room, William Logan Library. Discussing “Michelangelo and the Pope’s Ceiling” by Ross King; 7 p.m.




Nonfiction Book Club

Scarle-Philips Room, William Logan Library. Discussing “Rats, Lice, and History” by Hans Zinsser, 7 p.m.


Theatre at Schreiner Hanszen Fine Arts Studio Theatre. “Songs for a New World.” 7:30 p.m.

30 Fall 2010 SCENE

Schreiner Music Department Student Recitals Dietert Auditorium.

Schreiner students perform selected works in various genres. 7:30 p.m.

january 2011


Robert P. Hallman Chautauqua Lecture Series Floyd &

Kathleen Cailloux Campus Activity Center Theater. Dr. Adam Feltz will speak on “Freedom and Moral Responsibility: What the Folk Say.” 7 p.m.

Nonfiction Book Club

Texas Music Coffeehouse Lion’s Den,

Floyd & Kathleen Cailloux Campus Activity Center, 7 p.m


Theatre at

Schreiner Hanszen Fine Arts Studio Theatre. “Antigone,” by Sophocles. 7:30 p.m.


Monday Night Fiction Series Scarle-Philips

Room, William Logan Library. Discussing “Berlin Blues,” by Sven Regener. 7 p.m.


University Choir Dinner Theater Location TBA. The music of Broadway. Michael Kahl, director; Terri HennekeTheis and Kenda Delaney, pianists, and guest musicians. Tickets available from Michael Kahl. 6 p.m.


Robert P. Hallman Chautauqua Lecture Series Floyd & Kathleen Cailloux Campus Activity Center Theater. Silke Feltz, instructor of English and German, will speak on “Sixty Years of BerLit: Apocalypse, New Beginnings and Reconciliation.” 7 p.m.


eventscalendar march 2011


Texas Music Coffeehouse Lion’s Den,

Floyd & Kathleen Cailloux Campus Activity Center, 7 p.m.


Symphony of the Hills Kathleen C. Cailloux

Theater. “For the Young and Young at Heart,” Dr. Jay Dunnahoo, conductor. Tickets available at theater box office. 7:30 p.m.


Monday Night Fiction

Scarle-Philips Room, William Logan Library. Discussing “The Celestina,” by Fernando de Rojas. 7 p.m.


Robert P. Hallman Chautauqua Lecture Series Floyd &

Kathleen Cailloux Campus Activity Center Theater. Dr. Lydia Kualapai, professor of English, will speak on “War in Literature and Film.” 7 p.m.

april 2011


Theater at Schreiner

Hanszen Fine Arts Studio Theatre. Christopher Durang’s “The Marriage of Bette and Boo” presented by Schreiner Theatre Department. 7:30 p.m.


Texas Music Coffeehouse Lion’s

Den, Floyd & Kathleen Cailloux Campus Activity Center, 7 p.m.


Nonfiction Book Club Scarle-Philips Room,

William Logan Library. Discussing “Musicophilia” by Oliver Sacks. 7 p.m.


Monday Night Fiction Scarle-Philips Room, William Logan Library Discussing “The Emigrants,” by W.G. Sebald. 7 p.m.


Schreiner Recall Weekend


Schreiner Choir Spring Concert Location

TBA; 6 p.m.


Robert P. Hallman Chautauqua Lecture Series Floyd &

Kathleen Cailloux Campus Activity Center Theater. Dr. Anne Berre, instructor of political science, will speak on “Women in Contemporary Society: Preparing to be Leaders of the Future?” 7 p.m.


Symphony of the Hills Series Kathleen C.

Cailloux Theater. “Celebrate America,” Dr. Jay Dunnahoo, conductor. Tickets available at theater box office. 7:30 p.m.

may 2011



Arts Studio Theatre. William Inge’s “Bus Stop” presented by Schreiner Theatre Department. 7:30 p.m.

10:30 a.m.

Theater at Schreiner Hanszen Fine

Baccalaureate Service Edington Center.

Commencement 1:30 p.m. Fall 2010 31

In Memoriam Former students Mr. Mac Ashworth Jr. ’45 April 1, 2010, Tyler, Texas Mr. Frederick W. Barttlingck Jr. ’41 March 14, 2010, Katy, Texas Mr. Peter Bennett Sr. ’78 June 14, 2010, Fredericksburg, Texas

Mr. Joe E. Maxwell ’86 October 8, 2009, Kerrville Mr. William C. Niedecken ’65 February 15, 1969 Mrs. Laverne Ottmers ’74 September 17, 2010, Fredericksburg, Texas

Mr. John A. Bernhard ’65 April 14, 2010, Boerne, Texas

Mr. John T. Qualls Sr. ’03 June 6, 2010, Kerrville

Mr. William R. Bjork ’52 December 26, 2009, Corpus Christi

Mr. John C. Shands ’64 June 12, 2010, Brownsville, Texas

Mr. Peter M. Bond ’85 September 6, 2010, Fair Oaks Ranch, Texas

Mr. Earl Van Zandt ’42 August 15, 2010, Austin

Mr. David P. Carrico ’91 April 17, 2010, Sarasota, Fla. Mr. William B. Cavender Sr. ’49 March 27, 2010, San Antonio Mr. Raymond E. Daniels ’42 April 25, 2010, Rockport, Texas

Capt. Alan W. Waldenville ’50 August 18, 2008, Norman, Okla. Mr. Tucker B. White ’44 May 6, 2009, Fort Stockton, Texas Mr. Henry Wysong ’57 August 29, 1990, McKinney, Texas

Mr. Victor H. Douglass Jr. ’58 January 7, 2010, El Paso

Schreiner Oaks Mrs. Eleanor R. Dozier June 5, 2010, Austin

Mr. Arthur L. Gabler ’48 July 24, 2010, Kerrville

Mrs. Wilba Holmgreen April 23, 2010, Uvalde, Texas

Ms. Abigail J. Gesch ’72 April 5, 2010, Rocksprings, Texas

Mrs. Lavon P. Philips September 29, 2010, Austin

Mr. Samuel W. Harris ’42 May 24, 2010, Waco

Dr. Elinor M. Ross June 14, 2010, Kerrville

Mr. Jack Hooper ’42 May 18, 2010, Houston

former faculty Dr. Michael M. Looney September 19, 2010, Pikeville, Ky.

Mr. Johnnie G. Jennings Sr. ‘48 August 12, 2010, Baytown, Texas Mr. Mark Koennecke ’76 July 14, 2010, Fredericksburg, Texas Dr. Edward L. Mahon Jr. ’41 March 24, 2010, Weimar, Texas Mr. George S. Mancil ’60 July 11, 2010, Fort Worth

32 Fall 2010 SCENE

Dr. James A. Watson Jr. May 14, 2010, Fredericksburg, Texas former faculty spouse Mrs. Lois O. Chambers August 27, 2010, Fruitland, Tenn. former trustees Dr. Randall B. Cutlip May 21, 2010, Corpus Christi

Survey Thank you to all of our readers who took the time to fill out the spring SCENE survey. Your thoughts and opinions about this publication are valuable to us. Please contact anarmstrong@ with additional questions or comments.

Correction It was incorrectly reported in the spring 2008 SCENE Magazine that David O. VanBerg had passed away. As his daughter, Ann VanBerg-Sanchez, shared with us, Mr. VanBerg is, “quite alive and not anywhere close to giving up his fair share of air on this fine green Earth.” We regret this error.

onlinegiving Supporting Schreiner University is easier than ever now. Please visit our online giving website at, where you can make a secure gift— one that will benefit Schreiner students for years to come—in a matter of seconds. If you have questions, contact Karen Kilgore, director of development, at or call 830-792-7205.


Start planning for


Spend the weekend of April 15-17 at your old stomping grounds. • Visit with old and new friends.

For more information,

• Play golf and other games and sports.

call or e-mail Paul Camfield, associate director of alumni relations at 830-792-7206 or

• Eat well and often. • See the changes and visit old haunts.

The Financial Year at Schreiner: 2010 Revenues

Instruction 31%

Investments 8%

Gifts and grants 13%

save a tree We are committed to keeping you informed about Schreiner’s people and programs while being a good steward of the University’s resources. To that end, we ask that you help by sending us your e-mail address so that we can spend less on paper, printing and postage. Please indicate whether you would like to receive SCENE or Inside Schreiner online. Just e-mail scene@schreiner. edu. Thank you.

2010 Expenses Auxiliary 19%

Auxiliary 31%

Net tuition and fees 48%

Academic support 6% Student services 19%

Institutional support 25%

2009-2010 Selected Financial Statistics Assets Cash and cash equivalent Accounts and pledges receivable Other assets Investments Land, buildings and equipment, net Total assets

$905,314 2,700,130 1,834,936 46,604,965 49,910,508 $101,955,853

Liabilities Accounts payable Deposits and deferred revenue Notes payable Total liabilities

$1,837,553 784,995 11,672,467 $14,295,015

Net Assets Unrestricted Temporarily restricted Permanently restricted Total net assets

$49,491,455 3,933,184 34,236,199 $87,660,838

Total liabilities and net assets

$101,955,853 Fall 2010 33

Starting a New Tradition Schreiner students show their Mountaineer spirit by dipping their hands in maroon paint during freshman orientation.

34 Fall 2010 SCENE


bassadors Integrity Am ram in Business Prog

SCENEMagazine editor

Amy Armstrong director of university relations

contributing writers

Louise Kohl Leahy staff writer

Karen Davis Kilgore planned giving advisor and director of development

art direction and design

Stephanie Lopez Keller assistant art director of creative services


Temaine Wright sports information director


Dr. Tim Summerlin board chairman

Dr. Bill Franklin sfsa board president

Lea Nye ’92 SCENE is a publication of the University Relations Office and is distributed twice a year free of charge to Schreiner former students, current students, faculty, parents and friends. An online version is available at Want to be included on the SCENE mailing list? Send your name and address to Amy Armstrong, Schreiner University, CMB 6229, 2100 Memorial Blvd., Kerrville, TX 78028, or e-mail Change of address? Call the Office of Advancement at 830-792-7201. Schreiner University is an independent liberal arts institution related by covenant and choice to the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). Schreiner University does not discriminate in admissions, educational programs, extra-curricular programs or employment against any individual on the basis of that individual’s race, color, sex, sexual orientation, religion, age, disability, veteran status or ethnic origin. Inquiries/complaints should be forwarded to the Director of Human Resources, at 830-792-7375. Fall 2010 35

CMB 6229 2100 Memorial Blvd. Kerrville, Texas 78028-5697


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