SU Viewbook 2009

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Dr. Robin Mansell, assistant professor, communication studies

ove and l n r a e l u parents yo before t o o f e n o From your how to put d ned n a r e t h g ks are ope lau o o b n e h w But . the other. have wings u o y t a h t er s, actress you discov Helen Haye



In this rapidly changing world, students whose education is focused merely on a job are essentially stamping expiration dates onto their diplomas. Consider this: a decade from now, success will mean working in a career path that most likely doesn’t even exist yet. On the other hand, a liberal arts education is a foundation that will prepare you to adapt and thrive throughout your life. You’ll need to understand the world and the context it provides, to apply rational thought and intellectual capabilities to solve as-yet unheard of problems, to be able to analyze any situation and distinguish the important from the trivial. You will need to know how to learn. These are the skills that will make you highly sought after by employers in a variety of careers. At Schreiner, we are committed to an interdisciplinary approach as the best way to deliver a liberal arts education. Although facts and figures might be the bricks and mortar, the ultimate goal of education is to produce people who, one way or another, will contribute to the body of human knowledge. Schreiner has always seen a commitment to interdisciplinary education and scholarship as an integral part of achieving that goal.

Type of School: Private, co-ed, liberal arts university Degrees Offered: Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) Bachelor of Business Administration (B.B.A.) Bachelor of General Studies (B.G.S.) Bachelor of Science (B.S.) Master of Education (M.Ed.) Campus: 170-acre campus featuring many buildings completed within the last 10 years: a 41,000-square-foot campus activity center, student apartment complexes, a professional studies building and a science laboratory building. The Mountaineer Fitness Center opened in spring 2009 and in fall 2009, Faulkner Hall, the new freshman residence hall, was up and running. Location: Kerrville, Texas—in the Texas Hill Country, about an hour northwest of San Antonio and an hour and a half southwest of Austin Religious Affiliation: Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) Enrollment: More than 1,000 students, primarily residential First-year students: Top half of their high school class: 72 percent; average high school GPA 3.5 Financial Aid: 100 percent of incoming freshmen received financial aid in fall 2008. Faculty: Full-time and part-time: 82 Average faculty teaching experience: 17.5 years Teaching assistants: none Student to faculty ratio: 13:1 Co-curricular life: Schreiner University has close to 40 recognized student organizations. Athletics: Nearly 30 percent of our students play at varsity level and compete in the NCAA Division III American Southwest Conference: Baseball | Basketball | Cross-country | Golf Soccer | Softball | Tennis | Volleyball

Accounting Biochemistry Biology Business Chemistry Communication Studies Creative Arts Education Engineering 3-2 English Exercise Science Finance General Studies Graphic Design History Humanities International Business Management Management Information Systems Marketing Mathematics

Music Political Science Psychology Religion Sport Management Theatre

Pre-Professional Programs Pre-Dentistry Pre-Law Pre-Medicine Pre-Optometry Pre-Pharmacy Pre-Seminary Pre-Veterinary Science

Graduate Programs Graduate Alternative Teacher Certification Master of Education Master of Education in Teaching Principal Certification

.edu r e n i e r h c www.s

Schreiner is very flexible and willing to work with various financial situations. Scholarships are available, and applying for financial aid really helped me get into the school I wanted—Schreiner University. – Madeline

At Schreiner, we do everything to ensure that the price you pay for your

education is affordable and the value you get for your money is first class. Our scholarship, grant, loan and work study opportunities are open to all our students. 95 percent of Schreiner students receive some form of financial aid, and most students find that they pay almost as little to go to Schreiner as they would to attend a public university. The average institutional aid package for freshmen is $7,496. And Schreiner charges a flat fee and tuition; students don’t pay extra for sports events, parking or most other campus events, as is the case on other campuses. We also provide free tutoring, as well as Internet access and cable in the residence halls. Meals in the dining hall are one price, all you can eat.

deline About Ma Aiming to be a small-town mayor in five years Likes movies, swimming, playing soccer with little sister and late-night IHOP trips Professional mascot instructor for Universal Cheerleading Association Listens to New Found Glory, Mariah Carey and The Beatles Wears the Monty mascot suit Freshmen class president Has a little sister through Big Brothers Big Sisters Favorite food is crepes Obsessed with “Twilight” Huge fan of YouTube Loves her Chaweenie named Lola

Ma Majoring in deline Hart ’12 political s cience

is out education of e t a iv r p ability k that a who thin look at the afford ns. u o y f o e e to itutio For thos is the tim red to public inst w o n , h c a a comp of re n/Fees University emester ual Tuitio n Schreiner n A 9 urs per s 0 o 0 2 h it 8 d 0 e r 0 2 12-18 c $17,392 enrolling in t n e d u ................ t .. s .. .. a .. n .. .. o .. d .. base .. $600 .............. .................. arking! .................. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. p .. .. Tuition .. .................. on’t even charge for .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. we d ........ $17,992 Fees ........ ht, only $600 - and .................. .. .. .. .. .. .. ig r .. .. That’s ees ...... ities uition & F as univers T x e r e T in r e e g r r h Total Sc at three la a student

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$9 n S ................ ce betwee .. n .. e .. r .. e .. f .. if d is l en tuition The initia g Freshm iversity’s in n m u o c c li n b I u r Aid fo average p rograms titutional tate aid p s s n I d n e a g l a a r r e d ’s Ave include fe Schreiner oes NOT d is h t d an is $7,496 s between

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is at S see, there sity. And n r a e c iv n u u o y c erve. li b As n you des a large pu io t d n n e a t t r a e d in nalize Schre the perso se go to tion, plea you’ll get a m r o f in ml te tuition / up-to-da s t s s e o in m s u e /b For th www.sch

Office of Admission and Financial Aid 830.792.7217 •800.343.4919



Your time here will be an opportunity to explore and learn. You will grow academically, socially and spiritually England through your studies, sports and recreation, cultural activities and community service. Whether you already know which academic program you will study or are still searching for the one that sparks your passion, your personal academic advisor—a member of the faculty—will help you select a path to reach your goals. The right path for you may include enriching “side-trips.” Schreiner encourages its students to learn outside as well as inside the classroom. Some of them take it outside the country altogether. More than 20 students a year study abroad, pursuing subjects such as history, chemistry and art. Spain

Countries where Schreiner students have studied recently England Poland Germany Cyprus Italy Mexico Spain France



dents Schreiner stu d take on the worl

Schreiner was the only university I applied to. I felt a calling here and when Dr. Summerlin remembered my name, I knew this was a place where I could be myself. I also was drawn to the small class sizes, the chance to study religion, the beautiful Hill Country, the fact that I am Presbyterian and have a good support system in the area and generous financial aid. The faculty, administration and staff all genuinely care for the students, which makes you want to put more effort into becoming a scholar. — Kristi

ck ’09 Kristi Cli in psychology Majoring n io and relig



Kissing th e Sphinx in Egypt ti About Kris

Sings in the Schreiner University Choir and Women’s Small Ensemble President of Student Senate Studied history of Christianity and art history abroad Followed the steps of the Apostle Paul, visiting Crete, Ephesus, Athens, Patmos, Mycenae and Santorini Took side trips to Jerusalem and Egypt Runs at least three times a week Was a Christian Vocations intern at Christus Santa Rosa Children’s Hospital in San Antonio Will pursue a double Master’s degree at Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary Lives off campus and has a yellow Lab puppy named Macy

ning tive Lear ograms a v o n n I nd pr ter for eakers a The Cen p s e id s t ou ar. presents chool ye s e h /cild t t u o through an

chreeifree, open to the public— www.s ar ! rograms shments e refre All CIL p en provid some ev

It is a privilege to be a part of the Honors ceremony. On one hand we are recognizing the accomplishments of students whom we are inducting and have just come to know, and then we turn and recognize the achievements of the beloved students we know well who are finishing. To stop and note the growth and the maturity of these students is so inspiring! I couldn’t be more proud of both sets. – Dr. Diana Comuzzie, Dean, Trull School of Sciences

and Mathematics, and professor of biology


s onor



of the high points of my week “isOne spending time with my ‘mentee,’ one of the neatest kids I’ve ever known. We read together, work on math problems, write and draw stories together, and even get in a game of Battleship when time allows.

Dr. Woods

— Dr. William Woods, Dean, School of Liberal Arts, and professor of English and Communication

Volunteer ’09 and Stephanie Crane the Honors at e zi Dr. Comuz ony. Induction cerem

ips Internsh o r gram Honors P road Study Ab Studies r Global fo r e t n e C arch ate Rese u d a r g r titute Unde rship Ins e d a e L r ee end Mountain ry Week o t is H g Livin Studies ciplinary is d r e t In earning ovative L n In r fo Center

Members of Schreiner’s baseball team (above), as well as S.U president Dr. Tim Summerlin and Dr. William Woods generously gave their time as mentors at a local elementary school. One member, senior Richard Sanchez (left), has mentored the same student for four years.

en and wh nd staff s l o o ol a h all sc the faculty d their scho ome m s d e en lik bec lt a ways , I fe me att em. I have e had I’ve al o Schreiner ed in having v h a t h n i d n a way ted st e t I cam tually intere being interes professors aterial in a m y e c were a han just me h many of m g the class ools. I hav er t it sch andin hrein rather d friends w nderst ble at larger octors. Sc made u y o l o h i has very g at thoroug been poss ville d e Kerr st years and e e e r v c a h n t h a ch ot pa ith ould n these tern w that w n able to in me for me hy ee ho — Kat also b nitely been y. a d o t fi has de person I am e me th

n ’10 Calhou Med Kathy e r logy/P g in bio in r o j a M

Trull School of Sciences and Mathematics

The Trull School of Sciences and Mathematics prepares its graduates for careers in numerous technical fields and professional schools. We currently have graduates actively involved in programs at major pharmaceutical firm Mission Pharmacal, biotech leader Applied Biosystems, insurance giant USAA, as well as others worldwide. Some of our more recent graduates are pursuing professional degrees at Texas A&M in chemistry, University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio in medicine, UT-Galveston in physical therapy and involved in data collection and manipulation for the NSA. — Dr. Kiley Miller

About Dr. Miller

mistry at Schreiner Undergraduate degree in che l chemistry at Masters degree in analytica The University of Texas at MIT Doctorate in bioengineering on the Schreiner Was a career record holder soccer team e as a Worked at Colgate-Palmoliv e car l research chemist in ora

crop circle in Hunt, Did chemical analyses of a al State” Texas, for A&E’s “Paranorm Polar Bear Plunge Participated in the January raise money for into the Guadalupe River to lege Fund Schreiner’s Hill Country Col sler Award Received 2008 Margaret Ho ich recognizes wh ng, for Excellence in Teachi a lasting impression professors who have made on their students of SGA Advanced Is general research director t holds various Solutions Inc., a company tha t-drying coatings patents, including one for fas

Dr. Kiley’ M Assistant iller, ’00 Profess Chemistry & Biochem or, istry


Biochemistry, Biology, Chemistry Engineering 3-2, Exercise Science, Mathematics, Sport Management

ide rt in such a w pa ke ta an c I ause ere is eat for me bec never bored; th am I Schreiner is gr . es ti vi ti inally curricular ac e Schreiner orig os h c I range of extras. pu ll that the ing to do on cam here. You can te e er always someth ph os m at s. is a family because there out the student ab e ar c y el in nu e ge — James professors her

es About Jam Listens to The Eagles, Clint Black, George Strait, Brooks & Dunn Shoots trap and skeet; Schreiner Shooting Sports Society Practices Aiki-Jujitsu Member of Texas Mu Chapter of Kappa Mu Epsilon math honor society Favorite books are The Bible, anything by Tom Clancy and Stephen King Watches anything on the History and Discovery Channels Favorite Movies are “Black Hawk Down,” “Friday Night Lights,” “Gladiator” and “Shawshank Redemption” James He ikk Majoring in enen ’12 math

Trull School of Sciences and Mathematics

Life is about relationships... Success is equally dependent upon relationships... Schreiner offered me the relationships to develop my potential and successfully become a doctor and father, but more importantly my relationships at Schreiner provided me a lens to examine my life, my potential and my world. This is more profound than success. It allows me to engage the world, survive the setbacks and prosper amid uncertainty. Needless to say, I am very thankful for my experience at Schreiner. — Jason Aaron ’97

Jason was much more than another very intelligent student. He was almost unique in my experience in two particular ways. He had exceptional study skills. He was able to organize and use his time very effectively. In addition, he was unusually thoughtful. I was always impressed with the fact that he regularly considered how others might be affected by anything he did or said.

“Life is about relationships.... success is equally dependent upon relationships.

— Jason Aaron

­— Dr. Fred Stevens, Professor of Biology

Jason and his children

Dr. Fred Stevens and a student collect samples for a biology class.

Dr. Jason Aaron’97 considers Schreiner biology professor Dr. Fred Stevens his mentor. Jason attended medical school at UT Houston Medical Branch and completed his residency in internal/preventative medicine at the Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center in New Hampshire.

me. y second ho m e m o ec b me has p in of great hel niversity for n ee b as h e Schreiner U pher can easily chool atmos professors y m d The small s an l al to find ses are sm o been able s al e av h I that my clas e. chool. or assistanc ing to this s m o c be reached f e c in s e — Jaleesa ds in lif my best frien

2 rawford ’1 Jaleesa C English in Majoring

The School of Liberal Arts Traditionally, the liberal arts are the foundation of all higher learning, giving a student the knowledge and learning skills to succeed in any field. Many liberal arts majors go on to graduate schools in their undergraduate fields, while others use their degrees to springboard into teaching, counseling, law, creative arts or starting their own businesses.

Kualapai Dr. Lydia of English ssor te profe Associa

About Dr. Kualapai

ip Award Recipient of both the Excellence in Scholarsh hing Teac tive Crea for rd Awa st and Elmore Whitehur ce

Co-organizer of annual Writer’s Conferen Regular at Monday Night Fiction

Teaches a class in the literature of Hawaii the Recipient, along with Dr. Bob Holloway, of p rshi esso Prof first Nancy and Cecil Atkission

tive e the crea m s e iv g r and Schreine plore new x e o t d e ies e n opportunit — freedom I s ie it il ib s pos her interesting have at ot ’t n ld u o w derstand I probably have to un u o Y . ls o is doing scho epartment d le t t li hows r that ou premiere s ld r o w l a ther seven origin on’t know of any o d I at many this year. put on th s a h t a h years. t school he last five t in s w o original sh — Chris

is About Chr Is now a playwright with several productions under his belt His play “The Broken Words” was produced by the Chicago Institute of Fine Arts A second play has been optioned by the institute He also acts and directs

Chris Majoring in Fontanes ’10 Creative A rts

The School of Liberal Arts l

wel “foSrchmrey infuertuseret anmed up I think it

of courses was the breadth that made and great teaching tough me stand out in a t Saatchi (a interview process meone and Saatchi) as so and wellwith a different rounded outlook. — Joe

Joe Macgreg or ’84 Majored in English er’s first Member of Schrein baccalaureate class London Born and raised in er tennis team Captain of Schrein rs of Wimbledon One of 350 membe h in advertsing throug Became interested Schreiner a business course at er to Saatchi and Went from Schrein in advertising Saatchi and worked ars for more than 10 ye his own company Founded and runs ent agency for in England—a live ev ch as Formula corporate clients su One racing


Creative Arts, Communication Studies, English, History, Humanities, Music, Political Science, Psychology, Religion, Theatre

Kathleen Cailloux School of Professional Studies The Cailloux School of Professional Studies is

home to a range of professional programs that integrate liberal arts and sciences with theory and application. Its faculty bring real-world experience to their classrooms—experience that comes from successful careers in their teaching fields and provides a solid foundation for students in their new careers and graduate studies.

I chose Schreiner for its location, the small class size s and the quality of the professors and the education. Schreiner has given me a more rounded approach to problem solving and has obviously given me th e skill set I need for the workplace. — Matt


About Ma

ng work for a public accounti Was already signed up to firm before graduation sino Royale”, “300” Likes action movies—”Ca Medina, Texas Ran basketball camps in ople” bits of Highly Effective Pe Favorite book is “The 7 Ha ckson Likes to listen to Jack Ja t’s List every semester Has been on the Presiden

Matt Bogler ’09 ting Majoring in accoun ems st sy n io at and inform


Accounting, Business, Education, Finance, Graphic Design, International Business, Management, Management Information Systems, Marketing

University was a natural choice when I saw how close it was “toSchreiner San Antonio and Austin, but the selling point was getting to spend some

time with the professors I was going to be working with. They are the most dedicated, wise and hardworking professionals and people I’ve ever known. — Miguel

l’s Migue



uel About Mig Planning to raise some capital and begin his own independent business Member of Chi Phi fraternity and the student chapter of American Institute of Graphic Arts Likes to listen to Tokyo Police Club, Maximo Park, Gorillaz, Beck, Mono

Miguel Puga Majoring in ’09 Graphic Des ign

Kathleen Cailloux School of Professional Studies Graduates from Schreiner’s teacher education program

are teaching in most major Texas cities and in virtually every school district in the Hill Country. Seventy-five percent of our education majors find jobs as teachers in their first year after graduation, according to Dr. Carole Errett, assistant professor of education and director of teacher education. Twentyfive percent either go on to graduate work or find work in other fields. The department also has a 95 percent pass rate on state exams.

is iner because it re h c S to e m o education I decided to c as an excellent h d an e m o h ent close to class environm l al m s e th ke s and staff program. I li us the teacher pl , s pu am c e always and th that there are ke li o s al I s. I are great. on for student g in go ts en ev n activities and and Remediatio is s o gn ia D y m et arned so will never forg semester. I le is th s s la of c in Reading dent. Because tu s y m ng ri to intervention much from tu ing on reading rk o w d an s s this cla to join a summer, I plan is th s ie eg at str ing program. - Alma children’s read

Karen Backor and Alma Avalos Alma Avalos, a teacher education major, tutors Sergio (right) in the Schreiner University Reading Academy. Karen Backor, an instructor of education and reading at Schreiner, began the reading academy in 2006 to offer schoolchildren in the area extra reading instruction. Schreiner education students work with the schoolchildren, developing reading lessons and intervention strategies based on children’s needs.

Alma Avalos ’10 education Majoring in teacher

chreiner ercent of S Nearly 30 p rsity-level athletics, lay va students p g for the University et III comp in A Division in the NCA est Conference. w outh American S ic 009 academ the 2008-2 tes were of d en e th At reiner athle year, 35 Sch ll ASC West teams. A to named

At the top of our game


The Mountaineer Fitness Center

opened in 2009 with brand-new sports and fitness fa cilities, including handball and racquetb all courts, men’s and women’s locker rooms, an aerobics and dance room, a spinning room (for cycling) and machine and free weights. It also will house the health clinic, a training room, exercise physiology lab, a classroom an d coaches’ offices.

Schreiner athletes 2008-2009

Camping at Big Be nd Hill Country, rock National Park, tubing in the climbing at Enchan kayaking on the G ted Rock and uadalupe River ar e only a few of the adventures in which students can participate.

Schreiner’s location in the Texas Hill Country

provides an ideal setting for outdoor fun. Students get together to go swimming, fishing, canoeing or kayaking on the nearby Guadalupe River, and hiking, mountain biking, rock climbing or camping in the rugged hills. The Schreiner Outdoor Adventure Program coordinates its own assortment of activities, including wilderness camping in Montana, snow skiing in Colorado, hiking in Big Bend National Park and climbing Enchanted Rock; it even rents out camping equipment, kayaks, mountain bikes and other sports gear. The Campus Recreation office oversees plenty of intramural action in soccer, basketball, volleyball and flag football. It also sponsors special intramural events such as dodgeball and kickball, swimming events such as Dive-in Movies and the 150-lap Swimfest, as well as fitness programs and outdoor trips.

Students in the Bob Wilderness in Mon Marshall ta polo and playing fla na (above), water g football (right) .

e en mov Freshm . Schreiner into L.A e Hall. c Residen

The Oak s offer s units, e ach wit four-bedroom h a com , two-b kitchen. at m S that the tudents have p on living room a h y can de nd rivate be corate w dr ith their ooms own fla ir.

Pecan Grove Apartments Peer Advisors introduce ne are always ready to help w orientation ti students to Schreiner du m ri Monty after es. Sometimes called Tea ng Schreiner’s m mascot, they occasionally hang out wit h Monty him self.

At Schreiner, what you learn outside the classroom is often as

important as what you learn inside it. Living on campus, either in the residence halls or on-campus apartments, will provide you with the opportunity to grow, to gain independence, to establish enduring friendships and to learn more about yourself. Most students live on campus, and a big reason for that is our active, friendly community.

The Oaks and Pecan Grove apartments are Schreiner residences for upper class students. Both feature apartment-style living with community living spaces for group socializing. Schreiner’s newest building, Faulkner Residence Hall, will be ready for freshmen in fall 2009. On-campus living plays a big part in Schreiner’s unique community, and the school’s smaller size means you never feel far from home. If you’re looking for fun off-campus, Kerrville is home to an assortment of shops, restaurants, music events, theaters and museums. And San Antonio, with all its world­-class attractions, such as theme parks, museums, professional sports and music venues, is barely an hour away.

During the weekend th at freshmen m ove into thei r new digs, everyo ne from Pres ident Tim Summ erlin (right ) to faculty, staf f and other students are on hand to help tote those boxes, get th at mini-fridg e into your room and help yo ur parents find a park ing place. Y ou’ll never be more than a minute or two away from someone in a move-in T-shirt who ’s ready to help.


s in Kerrvi lle

alk nio Riverw San Anto

President Tim Summerlin helping at fres hman move-in

Midnight Breakfast

At the end of each semester at Schreiner, on the night before final exams begin, the faculty, staff and administration get together to cook and serve breakfast to fuel students through that last few hours of studying.

The Schreiner Pa and Student Act nhellenic Council ivities Board sp the annual Sha onsor ck-A-Thon to raise money and awar eness for Habit at for Humanity. The improvised shel ters serve as overnight st ud of the student ent housing for some teams that part icipate.

Caitlin The Schreiner Shooting Sports Society under Coach Bill Thomas has had its share of shooting stars in the two years it has been in existence. In 2009, it produced Schreiner University’s newest national champion: Caitlin Barney is the new National Collegiate Clay Target Champion for International Trap. Members of the team consistently shoot in the medals at sport shooting competitions.

re than 40 Recognized Schreiner University has mo ning the gamut of Student Organizations, run ies and sororities, academic interests, fraternit and campus ministry honor societies, leadership groups. One of the groups and special interest roups is the Unicycle newer—and more unusual—g mbers to ride. Club, which teaches new me


zed Stu dent

udents Honor st Schreiner ogs—and cats— d go to the volunteer at y e h t n e h w ty of ane Socie the Hum -kill shelter. o Kerrville n


nizatio A La Bon ns ne Franq uette – French C Kappa lub Mu Epsil Alpha Ch on i LA/Flato C o m Alpha La munity C mbda De ouncil Methodis lta t Studen Alpha Sig t M in istry ma Alph Mountain a eer Racq Asian Cu u e tb lture Clu a ll Club T he Muse b ATPE The Oak s Commu Baptist S nity Cou tudent M O r ncil d e r of Omega inistry Celtic Cr oss Panhelle nic Coun Chi Phi cil PG Comm unity Co College R uncil epublica Phi Delta ns Theta Commute r/Non Tr Pre-Law ads Society Delaney Commun R o ta r act ity Coun Delta Ph cil i Epsilon Schreine r Bigs Episcopa l-Luther Schreine a n r Democra Associati ts on Schreine r Service Faulkner C Commun o uncil Schreine ity Coun r Shootin Fellowsh cil g ip of Chr S p S orts ociety istian Athletes Schreine r Unicyc Green So le Club ciety Shades U nited Hispanic Heritage Sigma Ta Club u Delta Honors P rogram SWAT Inter-Gr eek Coun Trull Com cil Jewish S munity C tudent C ouncil Young Ca ommunit th olic Adult y s

eral arts to a small lib go to d te an German. I w e that offered ough eg ll o c n ia er Presbyt small en lace that was p a d te an w enough I ow and large gr to e m w ething to allo ve on to som o m to e m s e to prepar Schreiner. It’ to e am c I o fabulous. S g place. an empowerin — Elaine

e About Elain Will graduate debt-free Has a full ride plus stipend to attend Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary in Kentucky A member of Schreiner’s Honors Program Spent her senior year of high school in Frankfurt, Germany, as an exchange student Was president of Schreiner’s Celtic Cross group for Presbyterian students A member of Faith & Leadership for two years Is getting married in 2010

Elaine M Majorin urray ’09 g in rel igion an d psyc ho


Growing in mind, body and spirit is important at Schreiner, and Campus Ministry is here to help you find—or continue on—your spiritual path. There are many faith-based campus groups that meet regularly, and all students are invited to participate no matter where they are on their journey of faith.

Ministry Campus at Mo Ranch s student

Traveling to Galveston to help out wit Disaster Rel h ief really op ened up my to how natu ey es re can destr oy someone’ To be a part s life. of somethin g bigger than ourselve s to help th ese people who are sufferin g for their losses is indescribab le. — Marcella S axton ’09 Majoring in re ligion


The Reveran d campus min Gini Norris-Lane, ister, with s tudents at the Chris tm event that is as Tea, an annual enjoyed by al l.

Schreiner Campus Ministry stu dents traveled to Galveston to help clean up after Hurricane Ike and meet some of the people affected by the sto rm.

Schreiner University selects students for

admission who show the potential and the desire to succeed in an academic environment, and who will contribute to and participate in the University’s diverse community of learners. Whether they come from a small town, the suburbs or an urban area, Schreiner students share this in common: They want small classes with accomplished professors who regard one-on-one teaching as their passion. The decision to admit a student is made without consideration of financial need, and Schreiner’s Office of Admission and Financial Aid is committed to helping meet the financial aid needs of all admitted students who qualify for aid.

Admission Application Deadlines April 1 Priority Deadline for Financial Aid May 1 Fall Semester Priority Deadline August 1 Fall Semester Regular Deadline* December 1 Spring Semester Regular Deadline* *space-available basis

To apply fo r admission :

• Return a com pleted applicat ion along with a résumé and applicatio n fee. • Request that an official high sc hool transcript be se nt to the Office of Admission and Financial Aid. • Send either your ACT or SA T I test results to the Office of Admis sion and Financial Aid (writing sectio ns are required for ad mission). • Application deadlines: Fall priority deadline is May 1; applications are accepted thro ugh August 1.

To apply fo r financial aid: • Complete yo

ur application for admission; we cannot offe r financial aid until you have been admitted to Schreiner U niversity. • Go to www.p to ap pl y for a personal identi fication numbe r (PIN) from the U.S. Depar tment of Educa tion. • Go to www.fa afte r January 1 of your senior year in high sc hool to file the Free Applic ation for Fede ra l Student Aid (FAFSA). Be sure to list Sc hr einer University (sch ool code 0036 10) as a school to receive your information. • Priority dead line for applyi ng is April 1.

Schreiner University does not discriminate in admissions, educational programs, extracurricular programs or employment against any individual on the basis of that individual’s race, color, sex, sexual orientation, religion, age, disability, veteran status or ethnic origin. Inquiries/complaints should be forwarded to the Director of Human Resources, phone 830.896.5411.

Schreiner’s stud ent are eager to show ambassadors you around campus and answ er your questions

Questions? .

Apply online!

We welcome online applications. You can find a link on Schreiner’s main Admission page, or if you prefer a paper application, you can download one or use the one included in this viewbook. Of course, if you need assistance with any aspect of the admission or financial aid process, we invite you to contact the Office of Admission and Financial Aid.

cial Aid sion and Finan Office of Admis elcome Center Elaine Griffin W l Boulevard 2100 Memoria 78028 Kerrville, Texas 3.4919 Phone: 800.34 830.792.7217 226 Fax: 830.792.7 .edu ons@schreiner E-mail: admissi .edu/admission www.schreiner

edu . r e n i e www.schr

Cert no. BV-COC-080317 Cert no. BV-COC-080317

This publication is one step in Schreiner University’s effort to reduce its carbon footprint on the planet by using paper and a print company that are certified by the Forest Stewardship Council. The FSC certifies the forests that are the source for paper products in terms of their responsible management and sustainability. A sustainable forest (or any other

natural resource) is one that can meet the needs of our generation without compromising those of future generations. For a print company or paper manufacturer to be FSC certified, there must be a demonstrable chain of custody from the forest to the company. Both our paper manufacturer, Finch Fine iD, and our printer, Capital Printing,

are FSC-certified. In fact, one of the forests from which Finch gets wood for paper is owned by The Nature Conservancy. In addition, the paper we use for the cover of this viewbook is made from 30 percent postconsumer recycled material and the paper we are using for the book itself also is partially recycled.

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Wanna go on a road trip? Come check out Schreiner.

We’d love for you to visit the campus and let us show you around. We’ll tailor your visit so you’ll be able to take a good look at the campus, meet professors, get together with coaches and other students, and talk to our financial aid and admission counselors. Schedule a visit online by going to the Schreiner Web site or call us and schedule by phone. For a somewhat more structured way to learn about us on the spot, come to one of the Schreiner Saturdays scheduled during the school year. Take the time to look around the Hill Country while you’re here. Visit Kerrville, check out the Old Ingram Loop just west of town. Fredericksburg is half an hour away, San Antonio an hour and Austin less than 2 hours.

Office of Admission and Financial Aid 830.792.7217 • 800.343.4919

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