Year 1 Spring 2 Homework Overview

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Year 1

Half-term: Spring 2

Theme: Around the World in 30 days!

In Year 1, we believe that homework should consolidate the learning that has taken place in school and engage the children in sharing this new knowledge with their families. Please choose and complete at least 5 activities from the grid over the course of the half-term. Homework can be recorded in the homework book or brought into school in any other form (photos, posters etc). We teach the children to take pride and responsibility for their own work and therefore we expect each homework task to be completed with care and to the best of their ability.

We can’t wait to see your work!

Don’t forget to read your phonics books at home 3 times a week, as well as sharing other stories with people in your family.

Below are some QR code links to games to practise number bonds to 10 and 20.



As we continue to learn about classifying animals in Science, can you draw an example of a H Carnivore, herbivore and Omnivore?


Book Day!

Can you share a range of stories with your family?

Could you write in your homework book about your favourite story and explain why you chose it?

Children’s choice

Share something you have learnt in school with someone at home! You could share a song you’ve learnt in Music or explain all you know about Shanghai following our Geography lessons.


and Mass

In Maths we will be learning about weight and mass. Can you choose 5 items from around your house and order them from lightest to heaviest? You could draw these or take photos!


In PSHE we have been learning about friendship. Can you make a card to give to a friend to show them you are grateful for their friendship?


assembly preparation

As our class assembly is this half term, please practise the songs at home and learn your line(s). Rehearse saying them loud and clear!

Common exception words

Please practise reading and writing the common exception words from the attached list. These are words that do not follow the regular spelling patterns and must be read by sight There are also some QR code links to fun games attached.

The Wright Brothers facts

Can you write / share with an adult 3 facts about the Wright brothers? There is a sound mat attached to support with writing.

Spring Walk

It is now becoming Spring; can you go on a walk with your family and spot signs of Spring?

Year 1

Half-term: Spring 2

Theme: Around the World in 30 days!

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