Year 1 Spring 2 Curriculum Overview

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In English, this half term, our quality text will be Emma Jane's Aeroplane by Katie Howarth. We will explore Non-Fiction writing, completing leaflets about the places Emma Jane visits and also write diary entries about Emma's travels. We will develop our Speaking and Listening skills in preparation for our class assembly.


In Science this half term, we will continue to look at Animals including Humans. We will explore how we classify different animals, using vocabulary such as Herbivores, Carnivores and Omnivores. We will understand the differences and similarities between these classifications and begin to sort animals in different ways.


We will continue to have 2 PE sessions per week. 1 of these lessons will focus on dance, and the other will be net and wall games. The children will continue to develop their coordination skills.

Year 1 – Spring 2: Around the World in 30 Days

Art & Design and Design Technology:

In Art this half term, our topic is called Paper Play and we are exploring the sculpture element of Art and Design. We will use our hands to manipulate a range of modelling materials and explore how to join and fix materials in place.


In Maths this half term we will be revisiting place value, continuing to use concrete resources and number lines to develop our understanding of numbers to 50. We will apply our skills to read, write, order, and compare numbers within this range. We will also explore measure, beginning with length and height. We will measure with a range of non-standard units, before introducing centimeters.


In Geography this half term, we will be using a world map to start recognising continents, oceans and countries outside the UK with a focus on China. Children will identify physical features of Shanghai using aerial photographs and maps before identifying human features, through exploring land-use. They will compare the human and physical features of Shanghai to features in the local area.


In our school, we follow the 1 decision scheme to teach our PSHE. Through PSHE, we see the children develop and grow –building positive relationships with their peers. This half term we will focus on Positive Relationships, exploring how to build friendships and online safety.


This half term’s focus element of music is timbre. During this half term, Children will listen to a variety of songs from musical theatre productions. Classes will then revise and extend their learning on the glockenspiel and begin to compose using the glockenspiels and the elements of music.


In History this half term, we will be exploring the question 'Why was flying so important?'. We start by exploring The Wright Brothers before moving on to learning about the timeline of flight development and other influential people who feature upon it.


This half term we will be exploring 'What Makes Places Sacred'. We will identify special objects and symbols found in a place where people worship and be able to say something about what they mean and how they are used.

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