Growing and Changing
The relationships module helps children to explore and understand a range of feelings and different relationships.
Online Safety
Our computer safety module helps children to understand the golden rules for staying safe online and explore the potential outcomes for online bullying.
Science: Living Things and Their Habitats
We will continue to study animals in their habitats. We will focus on both man-made and natural changes to their environments and how this can pose dangers to living things. We will also be looking at different endangered animals.
Geography: Where Does Our Food Come From?
This term we will be looking at the distribution of the world’s biomes and mapping food imports from around the world. We will learn about trading fairly, focusing on Côte d’Ivoire and cocoa beans.
Children will also explore where the food for school dinners comes from and the argument of ‘local versus global’.
Year 4 Spring Half-term 2
English: Our quality text will be Wonka. Alongside reading this book we will focus on perfect present tense and determiners as well as recapping over previous grammar foci. The children will have the opportunity to write for a range of different audiences and purposes.
Maths: This half term we will learn about… Fractions
- Mixed numbers (compare and order)
- Improper fractions (convert to mixed numbers
- Adding and subtracting fractions We will continue to revise previous times tables through our TT Rockstars sessions.
Lessons will be led by both WLSP and class teachers. Sports coaches will teach dance techniques. Class teachers will teach net and wall games including racquet and wall games.
Children will learn to play the trumpet and clarinet with the music teachers from Sefton. They will also continue to explore pitch focussing on different styles of music.
Art & Design and Design Technology:
Art and Design: This area of the curriculum will be covered in Spring 2.
Design Technology: Fastenings
In the Spring term children will analyse and evaluate a range of existing fastenings, then devise a list of design criteria to design, generate templates and make a fabric wallet.
RE: What Does it Mean to be a Hindu in Britain today?
We will be considering questions during R.E. lessons including:
- How do Hindus show their faith?
- Why is Mahatma Gandhi a Hindu Hero?
- What is it like to be a Hindu in Britain today?
Year 4 Spring Half-term 2
Computing: Computational Thinking
In this computing module children will develop the four areas of computational thinking through a range of plugged and unplugged activities.
History: This area of the curriculum has been covered in Autumn 1 and 2 and will be covered in Summer 1.
Spanish: Los helados / Icecreams:
• Name, recognise and remember up to 10 ice-cream flavours in Spanish and attempt to spell some of these flavours.
• Use the structure quisiera + an ice-cream flavor, say whether we would like a cone or pot and learn how to say ‘please’ and ‘thank you’ in Spanish.