GT24 - Yaoyu Lin - Rhapsody: Unshackled

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Yaoyu Lin
M. Arch II
Thesis Advisor: Hernán Díaz Alonso

Rhapsody: Unshackled

## 1. Follow the rules from birth to death

In today’s society, we are bound by an invisible set of rules throughout our lives, ers in society. Every action, every word is governed by an invisible set of rules. Even by these rules.

## 2. Mechanization in fast-paced life

The fast pace of life in modern society further aggravates the shackles of these follow various social norms and live and work step by step. This mechanized way to the rules.

## 3. Architecture is the embodiment of rules

Architecture is the embodiment of these social rules. Traditional architectural design a fixed and defined environment for our life and work. These buildings, through supervisors of the rules.

## 4. Break away from the rules

Yet there is a deep human desire to be free, to be free from these rules. Although the framework of rules. Rhapsody, as a rebellious musical form, shows how rules stricted by the traditional musical structure, and expresses his feelings and imagination

## 5. Unfettered space

I hope to explore and question these invisible rules and make them visible through to create a new realm, a space that transcends the concept of right and wrong. In ation. Like a musician in a rhapsody.

This particular design of space is meant to demonstrate the existence of rules by space that has rules and is not bound, so that people can feel the power of freedom

Yaoyu Lin

lives, from birth to death. These rules guide how we walk, talk, and interact with othEven when walking, the frequency of cooperation between our legs is regulated rules on us. In order to survive in a competitive environment, people have to way of life makes us lose our personal freedom and creativity and become slaves

design follows the principles of symmetry, proportion and function, providing their structure and form, reinforce the existence of the rules and become the

Although we cannot completely eliminate rules, we can find room for freedom within rules and sensibility can challenge rules. In Rhapsody, the composer is not reimagination as he pleases. through the manipulation of space. By breaking and recombining these rules, I aim In this space, rules are no longer limits, but become the starting point for creby questioning and breaking them. In this way, I hope to create an architectural freedom and creativity in it.


Design Process


Criticism of rules (rhapsody itself is a breakthrough in traditional music)

1. Contradictions and oppositions of rules, the rules contradict each other and cannot be fully followed, thus revealing the absurdity of the rules.

Setting conflicting rules (emotional or rhythmic opposition in rhapsody)

2. Deformation and reconstruction of rules, Demonstrating the plasticity of rules through deformation and reconstruction of existing rules.

1. Breaking (rhapsody uses deconstruction that breaks tradition)

2. Recomposing (reorganizing the arrangement and rhythm of musical elements)

3. Remaking (reinterpreting traditional songs into non-traditional structures or adding unexpected rhythms and dynamic changes)

1. Contradictions and oppositions of rules

Walt Disney Concert Hall was chosen as the base to find the material of interwoven rules.

Break the rules by breaking down and reconstructing the Disney Concert Hall and introducing conflicting rules.

If the columns and roofs themselves perform the corresponding functions.

(emotional or rhythmic opposition in rhapsody)

Preserving part of the original part of the building, and creating a carnival part, to create a strong contrast.

1. Breaking (rhapsody uses deconstruction that breaks tradition)

Use rhapsody to rebel against the conventional life and say no to reasonable thinking.

2. Recomposing (reorganizing the arrangement and rhythm of musical elements)

3. Remaking (reinterpreting traditional songs into non-traditional structures or adding unexpected rhythms and dynamic changes)


Yaoyu Lin M. Arch II

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