Ritual 1: MAKING 3 1. Adobe brick construction 4 2. Cob wall construction 3. Rammed earth construction 5 6 4. construction Wattle and daub 7 6. Earth bag construction
Ritual 2: CARING 9 1. The festival of crepissage at the Great Mosque of Djenne, Mali 10 2. Embedded scaffolding acts as support for resurfacing 11 3. Resurfacing using bare hands 12 4. Resurfacing of Musgum mud huts in Cameroon 13 5. Resurfacing of mud towers in Shibam 14 6. Resurfacing using thappi (lime+mud) plaster in India 15 7. Stomping to mix mud, aggregate and water
Forms 17 1. Sankore Mosque, Timbuktu 18 2. Dar al-Islam Mosque, New Mexico, USA designed by Hassan Fathy, 1979 19 3. Mud House, Rajasthan, India designed by Sketch Design Studio, 2021 20 a. Exterior 4. Windhover Contemplative Center, Stanford, CA designed by Hassan Aidlin Darling Design 2014 21 Interior b. 22 5. Fort Union National Monument, New Mexico, USA 23 6. Giant termite mound near Palmeiras, Brazil
Leimert Park 25 1. Leimart Park Village 26 2. Jazz festival 27 3. Events on Leimert Art Walk aka People’s St. 28 4. Drum circle on Degnan Blvd. 29 5. Open-mic Thursdays at KAOS Network owned by Ben Caldwell
Studies 31 1. Embedded scaffolding as seen in Sudano-Sahelian Architecture 2.a. Structural elements required to support the mud structure b. Scaffolding elements required during the resurfacing ritual 32 33 3. Layering of the adobe blocks around the lattice structure 34 4. Stacked adobe wall 35 5. Resurfaced adobe wall 36 6. Resurfacing in progress 37 38