Procedures and Academic Policies
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and the curriculum in architectural studies, and integrates general education, core, and advanced interdisciplinary work. Students are required to maintain a comprehensive portfolio of their design studio work as well as selected work from other courses. The portfolios should document clearly and concisely each student’s progress through the curriculum, organizing the work chronologically and cumulatively. Portfolios are submitted for review at the end of the 2B and 4B studios for undergraduate students, and at the end of 1GB, 2GBX, and 3GA/X studios for graduate students. Portfolios are reviewed by the Undergraduate and Graduate Portfolio Committees. The committees assess the work documented for its capacity to give a clear sense of each individual student’s progress in all areas of their education at SCI-Arc. The portfolio may also be used for admission into special programs, exchanges, continuing scholarships, and for special petitions. Students whose work does not meet the standards of the program may be given the opportunity to resubmit a portfolio, to enable them to better articulate their knowledge and skills. If the required standard is still not met, students may be asked to repeat their studio or enroll in an independent tutorial seminar. Penalties for Failure to Submit: Students who fail to submit their Gateway Portfolio by the due date will be charged a $300 penalty. In addition, students who fail to submit (or resubmit) their Gateway Portfolio by the due date will be placed on academic and registration holds preventing them from attending classes. If a Gateway Portfolio is not received by the end of the Add/Drop period, the student will be automatically withdrawn from SCI-Arc for the current term. In addition, any student moving into advanced Vertical Studios (4B, 3GB/X) will be unable to participate in the Vertical Studio Lottery at the beginning of the term.
ARCHIVING Failure to submit work will result in the witholding of grades.
The SCI-Arc Upload site is the school’s official archive of each semester’s work. This is a mandatory requirement of each student’s coursework, and grades will not be submitted until work is uploaded. This archive will be used for all future publications and graphic material as well as for required accreditation needs of SCI-Arc. Archiving requirements may vary based on curricular and/or project requirements. Specific instructions will be communicated to students each semester. File Naming Protocol (REQUIRED): This file naming system is meant to help file names and self-organize in an easily read fashion. The files are listed by course, instructor, semester, student name, and finally image code and file type. The first four sections of a file name should be the same for each file, with only the File Description and File # changing for each student’s individual files.