International E-Magazine #54, July 2018
Albert Einstein - Reframing the Equation Tim Freke- - Evolution and the Purpose of Life Gene Webb - The Particle of Intelligence Eben Alexander MD - Perception and Consciousness Klee Irwin - Hacking Reality Elizabeth Donavan - Is Life and Illusion John Stuart Reid - The Model of Sound… Len Murray -New Physics → Ajax McIntosh Model and New Atomic Structure - Series pPart 3
Particles of Intelligence
Editor, designer, and researcher ~ Karen Elkin Advertise or Sponso Submit Articles or Artwork
Through these series of magazines you will see through
emerging that bridges scientist and sage, East to West,
the lens of scientists, sages, innovative thinkers, best
ancient to modern, mind to heart.
selling authors, and artists. See how creation weaves its
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I look for the synthesis of compelling ideas. In over 5 years and over 54 issues, there seems to be a thread
Online Magazine
Albert Einstein - Reframing The Equation, a Letter to my Daughter - pages 4-9 Tim Freke - Evolution and the Purpose of Life - pages 12-29 Gene Webb - The particle of Intelligence - pages 32-38 Eben Alexander M.D. - Perception and Consciousness - pages 42-58 Klee Irwin - Hacking Reality - Video and connect to the series - pages 64-65 Elizabeth Donavan - Is Life and Illusion- page 66–73 John Stuart Reid - The Model of Sound… - page 78-79 Len Murray - New Physics → Ajax McIntosh Model and New Atomic Structure - Series part 3 - pages 80-109
RexResearch - page 112
et Science to Sage take you on a scienti c and mystical journey where the sciences, spirituality, world philosophies, and ancient wisdom fuse. Explore with leading-edge scientists, innovative thinkers, mathematicians, mystics and artists from around the world.
What sets Science to Sage apart? Our rich visual weave and imagery makes complex ideas accessible. Each edition is themed, and likened to the renaissance, we bridge disciplines so you can witnesses the interconnections of ALL things.
Imagine the Creator as a scientist and his/her toolbox is the physical elements. They include water, earth, air, and re. In
modern science, they nd form in liquids, solids, gases, and plasma. They are expressions of the same things. These elements are the building blocks of universes, from minuscule interatomic distances to the vastness of galactic arrays. ALL, including us, are made from stardust. Within this cyclical weave of elements is a connected tapestry which evolves geometry, chemistry, biology, and physics — this is our living matrix and the byproduct is the beauty we see. Rediscover the our human story. It has been hidden in plane view. Science to Sage lifted the veil. Editor, Researcher, and Graphic Designer Karen Elkins
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Fo r c e i s L o v e
Le e
my Daughter to
Al r Einstein
I ask you to guard the letters as long as necessary, years, decades, until society is advanced enough to accept what I will explain below. There is an extremely powerful force that, so far, science has not found a formal explanation to. It is a force that includes and governs all others, and is even behind any phenomenon operating in the universe and has not yet been identi ed by us.
is uni rsal f rce
When scientists looked for a uni ed theory of the universe they forgot the most powerful unseen force. Love is Light, that enlightens those who give and receive it. Love is gravity, because it makes some people feel attracted to others. Love is power, because it multiplies the best we have, and allows humanity not to be extinguished in their blind sel shness. Love unfolds and reveals.
For love we live and die. Love is God and God is Love.
This force explains everything and gives meaning to life. This is the variable that we have ignored for too long, maybe because we are afraid of love because it is the only energy in the universe that man has not learned to drive at will.
…”When I proposed the theory of relativity, very few understood me, and what I will reveal now to transmit to mankind will also collide with the misunderstanding and prejudice in the world.
2 E=mc
If instead of E = mc2, we accept that the energy to heal the world can be obtained through love multiplied by the speed of light squared, we arrive at the conclusion that love is the most powerful force there is,
because it has no limits.
i si lity l , I made simp e substituti my m t fam s equatio .
After the failure of humanity in the use and control of the other forces of the universe that have turned against us, it is urgent that we nourish ourselves with another kind of energy…
If we want our species to survive, if we are to nd meaning in life, if we want to save the world and every sentient being that inhabits it, love is the one and only answer. Perhaps we are not yet ready to make a bomb of love, a device powerful enough to entirely destroy the hate, sel shness and greed that devastate the planet. However, each individual carries within them a small but powerful generator of love whose energy is waiting to be released. When we learn to give and receive this universal energy, dear Lieserl, we will have af rmed that love conquers all, is able to transcend everything and anything, because love is the quintessence of life. I deeply regret not having been able to express what is in my heart, which has quietly beaten for you all my life. Maybe it’s too late to apologize, but as time is relative, I need to tell you that I love you and thanks to you
the ultimate answer! “
Al r Einstein
I have reached
The ultimate answer
through light…
To be held in light
To be supported for the light of which you are being To be loved for your radiance beaming To know your brilliance And your belonging to the light
& transforms.
The secret to fulfilling the deep purpose of your life is to do your best …i n both senses of this great old phrase, which encourages us to confidently aspire and to accept when we fall short Do your best … knowing that it may not be perfect Do your best … because if you bring out what is the best in
you …you’ll light up the world
evolution and the purpose of life
science can explain the “how” of life, but it can not explain the
“why” soul crisis, soul destroying, as it denies the soul
we are at a cultural turning point… our emptiness demands a new narrative
emergent spirituality
we all
experience a shift in consciousness
• is science an irrational religion • do we live in a meaningless universe • what is soul, psyche, imagination and mind • do we go through different levels of existence • charged particles - and +
universe is made of time !t doesn’t pass it accumulates, !t accumulates
the past
time !s reality
You are your past
meeting possibilities We imagine existence thought interactions The observer and the observed You interpret and it is subjective of the subject IMAGINE ITS 99% EMPTY SPACE
In a hologram of re ective light in 3-D space
Time stream, different qualities
Built on what has already been
The cosmos is an ecology of timestreams, which are objectively streams of information and subjectively streams of experience
story is the emergence characteristic of the soul level of existence what is your narrative?
story is the emergence of evolution of primal potentiality
s t o r y
the body is what the soul has to work with to realize its potential in a particular lifetime
Meditation Shamanic journey Contemplation Dreamwork
plant medicine
essence spirit simply means essence and ‘essence’ comes from esse, latin verb ‘to be’
in the world represents culture, the idea of a psyche.
The I of the soul is the centre of attention which is fluid and can move at will around your experience of sensation and imagination
body soul spirit
The deepest intuition that arises from my experience of awakening is that life is good, death is safe, and what really matters is love
be the essential being is not form the experiencer is the formless pre-essence that
flow of sensation and imagination
Is witnessing a
Soul for
Destiny is your curriculum in the school of life, which gives you the opportunity to realize your deep
soul potential and heal your soul sounds
The evolutionary journey has been leading to a state of communion with the love-light of spirit… which is an experience of all- consuming oneness and all-embracing compassion
you are on the leading edge of evolution A new level of the evolutionary process has emerged to facilitate the continued individuation of soul-streams, which entails immortality and metempsychosis
g he
to e
I call this new level of emergence ‘transcendent spirit’ because it is the
unconscious oneness of primal spirit now conscious of itself
The formless potentiality of
spirit emerges as the evolving universe and eventually realizes itself as the love-lovelight of god
When we transmute the past, what was perviously a weight that held us back is transformed to a solid foundation for which we can move positively forward
the process of soul transmutation becomes much easier when we are spiritual awake
online course
Here for More Details
The Deep Awakening USA Retreat
October 12th-14th 2018, Omega Institute, Rhinebeck, NY
During this transformation retreat Tim will share powerful ‘deep awake practices' and explore leading-edge ideas about the evolving cosmos, the nature of death, and the purpose of life.
October 9th 2018, The Open Centre, NY
In this inspiring talk, packed with exciting new ideas, Tim suggests that spiritual awakening to the essential oneness of existence is now the leading edge of an evolutionary process that has been developing for 13.8 billion years.
Emergent Spirituality
Soul Story: Evolution And The Purpose Of Life
Here for More Details
Philosopher Books Ideas Online Course
Particles of Intelligence by Gene Webb
The smallest form of any existence is a particulate of intelligence. It is the most refined and pure of all substances. As a
These particulates in wave form are currently
particulate it has form and energy in wave form. Its ability
undetectable by physical instruments, but their existence
to move is instant, regardless of the
i s d e m o n s t r a t e d b y t h e i r e ff e c t o n
distance. Its electrically charged strength
everything. Just as the tensile strength that
and influence is holding everything in the
holds the massive elephant together gets
universe together. Its presence experiences
stronger in the smaller mass of the mouse, it
being everywhere at once (omnipresent). A
is even more powerful in the smallest pure
close representation of this particulate of
particulate of intelligence. It has the most
intelligence is in the substance of physical
power or charge of them all, so powerful that
light and as such the photon of physical
the field (collective excitation) of
light (300,000 m/s) experiences being
intelligences becomes the shroud that holds
everywhere at once. The photon of physical
and forms the clusters and galaxies in the
light also responds to communication
universe. Sometimes this is referred to as
instantly when split in half. Whatever
the aether or dark matter/energy.
influence or information recorded in one of
personally think the name should be called
the new halves is instantly communicated to
‘Gray Matter,’ indicative of the intelligence
the other new half causing it to respond instantly
regardless of the distance (entanglement).
from which all things are made.
Intelligence and Intelligences are entities that have existed forever. that become the fundamentals of all life; that is life itself. The
all life and volition (ability to move at will), something that can be
particulate of intelligence is the pure form of matter and can be
distinguished as separate or apart from everything else,
combined together. It is the collection of encoded information that
something that is an existence unto itself as a form or essence or
causes it to form all other elementary particles of the basic
a principle of truth by definition. Intelligence is also something that
elements. Since light bears many properties of intelligence I will
is capable of consciousness of self and can define the boundaries
use it to explain the process of development we call life.
Mankind seems to always look for a substance that is the basis of
The endless cycle of life & light and as microprocessors for the cell.
a periodic table in an orderly and
electromagnetic energy or light (bosons)
Ribosomes are a form of enzyme
intelligent pattern. This pattern has a
are the medium used by electrons
(frequencies) that read the coded
ratio that begins at the particulate of
(leptons) to exchange energy with one
information in the RNA strands and
intelligence. Walter Russell called it the
another and perform chemical reactions
manufacture proteins that are the
Alphanon, which is the beginning and the
that form bonds and change the state of
building blocks of intelligence for various
end of the elemental chart as it cycles
matter. It is something we interact with
cell structures. This is an example of self
back to the Alpha point and starts all
constantly. Quantum intelligence has an
knowing self. This is a model of
over again: The endless cycle of life. The
ability to choose one state or another.
information exchange among particles. It
quantum exchange of information is
Fundamentally, each atom possesses
is the vibratory resonant code that
about these particles having the capacity
particulates of intelligence directing the
arranges each particle in the atom and
to perform quantum computing and
electron to animate the atom allowing it
determines the excitation levels; it is the
provide a mechanism for consciousness.
to interact with other atoms and then
pattern of vector points that unfold the
become part of the mass so that it
nodes of a pinecone. This geometric
The intelligent light of
remains anchored together. This wireless
pattern shows where the stabilizing
enlightenment, a higher form
coupling creates resonance between
charges are in the electric design that
information processing states much like
bind each other together in an intelligent
of light. It is about conscious
microtubules function as both scaffolding
form in the field. All elements arrange in
The charged particles such as
Gathering his thoughts
This embodiment of intelligence or crystallization of light can be added upon to create a body of collective intelligence. This embodied intelligence becomes life in a number of forms, i.e. elemental atoms, cells, bacteria, fungi, microbes, plants, and animals. When it reaches a higher state of intelligence it becomes known as human.
The collective intelligence gains an awareness of the mind. It knows it can be the object of its own thoughts. It can inquire and answer, it can move
between the outward being and the
It is omnipresent by reason of the
or sit still, it has emotions and can
inward senses and can recall a
infinitude of its particles and it
engage in activities with other
memory and describe it in detail, and
comprehends all things. It is the
intelligences. This idea of abilities
with conscious effort change the
controlling agent or executive which
gives it power to change things in its
scene pictured in the mind and feel
organized and puts in motion all
surroundings. It has the ability to
the emotions associated with the
worlds, … by which commissioned
perceive the differences between itself
thought. These abilities give humans
agents raise the dead and heal the
and not self by the use of many
the act of free will or consciousness.
sick. Its' inherent properties embrace
senses including inner and out senses
all the attributes of intelligence and
such as: touch, smell, seeing, hearing,
So what makes all of this work?
affection. It is endowed with
and taste. Humans and other forms of
The “Supreme Intelligence” of
knowledge, wisdom, truth, love,
intelligence are part of the matter that surrounds us, such as air, water, fire,
all consciousness directs the
earth and space. Humans are capable
particulates of intelligence with
of perceiving beyond the physical senses to generalize an idea from “this” object to many objects, from one
information that encodes and enables life.
that you see as physical to one that
charity, justice, and mercy in all ramifications. In short, it is the attributes of the eternal power of God.”(P.P.Pratt)This power over life and life giving forces is inherent in humans as they progress to higher states of intelligence. The physics and
ability to think of things past, present,
cause of all intelligences and by which
patterns will lead to the controlling and
or future, and divide them into
they act. This is the great positive,
creation of all things.
sequences. We can distinguish
controlling element of all the elements.
the power to follow the correct
“This becomes the grand moving
you conceptualize. Humans have the
about gene webb Gene Webb has a passion for learning all things pertaining to life and what makes it all work. He has always had a gift to see more than what others see. So his rst science was psychology and the working of the mind. Then he began to pursue the physical sciences from the particulates of the atom to the cosmos and is on to what ever comes next
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See the Works Portfolio Here Karen Elkins
And the Wisdom to Live Consciously Connected
Powerful! Elegant! Simple! A compelling synthesis of modern science, ancient wisdom and timeless art melded into a revolutionary view of the universe, and our lives! Where do we draw the line between science, spirituality, and nature’s secrets? In a visual journey of natural rhythms, cycles and geometry Karen Elkins book InsideOut demonstrates how everything from the very large to the very small—from the birth of galaxies to the formation of atoms and cells—emerges from simple, connected and uni ed patterns of nature. In doing so she reminds us that the key to our healing, and ultimately our survival, lies in our ability to embrace ourselves, and the world, as living, conscious and connected. Whether you’re an artist or an engineer, a home maker or a body worker, this book is about you, your world, and every relationship that you’ll ever experience in life. Inside Out is destined to become a cornerstone for teaching the uni ed science of the new millennium.
Gregg Braden, New York Times bestselling
author of Human by Design and The Divine Matrix
InsideOut: Reveling the Mysteries of Creation
“Wow, this should come with a warning that opening it might cause lost time, slipped appointments, altered states, experiences of bliss, changes in worldview, and deep gratitude for you and for our participation in creation. “This is the secret teaching of all ages for our times. Thank you, bless you.” ~ Foster Gamble, Thrive Movie "A visual feast. Karen Elkins’s “InsideOut” brings the newest and most intriguing science to a lay audience in a way that combines mystery with understanding. Rarely has science and art been blended in so effective a way.” ~ Gerald Pollack, PhD. Professor, University of Washington. ‘’Karen Elkins has always had that rare ability to explain dif cult subjects with clarity and artfulness. In this book she does it again, taking the reader on a beautiful journey thru the very latest scienti c discoveries. Yet, it is more than the astounding information it contains. It is a work of art in and of itself with the transformative power to forever change how you see the world.” - Richard Merrick, M.S., Author, computer scientist, and developer of science based harmonic principles. “Karen Elkins has a natural sense of truth and she is quick to embrace what is truth. This is exactly what is needed to advance mankind into blossoming in the ways it always should have from the very beginning of civilization. “Nature is always correct, and it is nature that we should follow loyally as our authority that we embrace and learn from. “Thank you Karen for your efforts to convey this most important message!” ~ Jon DePew, Inventor, Teacher “InsideOUT is a mastery of weaving the fabric of the cosmic harp, engaged and immersed in the uni ed eld of science ~ in all the dimensions. ~ Krishna Madappa, President and Co-Founder, Institute for Science, Spirituality and Sustainability, Taos, NM
Karen Elkins InsideOUT is a provocative journey into your Self and our universe. It is a marvelous blending of light, color, form and inquisitive science - in layman’s terms and images exciting both halves of our minds and hearts. It is clear no one else has ever presented such much esoteric and exoteric knowledge in such a beautiful and inspiring way. If you have ever wondered about the beauty and mystique of Life you do not want to miss this wonderful exploratory presentation. ~ Dale Pond, Sympathetic Vibratory Physics “Karen Elkins has created a book of stunning visual beauty and great inspiration. The simple act of opening it pages—in a well lit room— provides the reader with a form of color therapy in which light from the lavish illustrations bathes the reader in radiant beauty. But it is in the accompanying words where, for me, the true inspiration lies: a combination of evocative poetry and glimpses into the minds of some great luminaries, both current and past. Elkins’ book will nd its readers in all those who have a healthy curiosity about the Natural Word and Universe.” ~ John Stuart Reid, acoustic-physics researcher “InsideOUT is the most elegant, accurate and precise written description and visual journey describing the relationship between a person’s inner and outer reality. Everything we know originated on the other side in reciprocal space and then unfolded inside out into the direct space we live in. “ ~ Don Estes What an amazing syntheses of life elements. The morsels from many of the great thinkers are depicted in superb, stunning, and colorful graphics. The wisdom of the ages beautifully blended with the mysteries of science to enlighten. The Giant thinkers of time have helped us to see more of the horizon that becomes knowledge to live by. Thank you Karen for the many hours spent on your part that we may be enlightened. This will de nitely inspire the creativity in all of us.” ~ Gene Webb
fi / available late October
“This is the secret teaching of all ages for our times. Thank you, bless you.” Foster Gamble, Thrive Movie
iving in a Mindful Universe
“The first gulp from the glass of natural sciences will turn you into an atheist, but at the bottom of the glass God is waiting for you.”
— Werner Heisenberg (1901 – 1976), Nobel Prize in Physics 1932
Video Book Trailer ~ ~ Amazon
Perception and Consciousness By Eben Alexander M.D. nature and meaning of near-death experiences,
pervasive influence of consciousness on one’s
one quickly comes to realize this is not simply a
perceptions of the world. The conventional
debate between those with various religious
scientific world-view of materialism (or physicalism)
beliefs and those with a more scientifically-minded
has never even gotten out of the starting blocks in
approach in understanding the universe. The
addressing the nature of consciousness (witness
discussion is actually one at the leading edge of
“the hard problem of consciousness”, as it was
modern science, concerning the very relationship
defined by Australian philosopher of mind David
between the mind and the brain – the fundamental
Chalmers in The Conscious Mind in 1996).
nature of reality itself, once one realizes the all-
In the ongoing discussion concerning the
Living in a Mindful Universe
My latest book, Living in a Mindful Universe, co-authored with Karen Newell, connects the dots in this discussion, one in which we see science and spirituality as actually strengthening each other – but this is best accomplished through a broad opening of our minds to accommodate all of human experience, and not just that which fits the currently accepted (yet obviously broken) scientific paradigm.
Consciousness is the thing that exists. The material realm is illusory (vibrating strings of energy in higher dimensional space-time). Modern physics suggests that our very notions of space and time, and causality, are illusory constructs of our consciousness.
I see God as the Creator and prime mover of all that is, at the core of each and every one of us. I see consciousness as fundamental in the universe – all of the observable physical universe emerges from the Collective Mind, the consciousness that originates in God. In deepest truth, there are no actual boundaries between God and us and the entire universe — apparent boundaries are part of the Supreme Illusion that the world “out there” is
actually “out there.”
A Whole New Paradigm is in Order
The issue was succinctly delineated by early quantum physicists, such as Werner Heisenberg, quoted above. A cursory knowledge of modern science (deeply steeped in the assumptions of physicalism, i.e. that only physical stuff exists) does indeed lead one toward atheism, and away from any possibility of humans actually having free will (especially given conventional science’s notion that all of consciousness is no more than the epiphenomenon of chemical reactions and electron fluxes in the
substance of the brain). But the revelations from increasingly refined experiments in quantum physics (specifically taking Einstein’s 1935 argument for the incompleteness of quantum physics, and physicist John Bell’s brilliant 1964 theorem hinting at experimental approaches to addressing Einstein’s concerns) demonstrate with increasing power the need to relinquish our broken fiction of materialist thinking – a whole new paradigm is in order.
Shift in Consciousness
The phenomenon of consciousness consists of the very relationship between the mind and the brain, especially as exemplified through all manner of human experience (including the huge swath of paranormal and other anomalous human experiences of non-local consciousness). These rather common experiences and rigorous empirical
data from the realm of quantum physics are forcing humanity to resolve some of the deepest issues raised over the last five millennia of human experience. It’s high time we woke up to these troubling contradictions to the pervading paradigm of materialism and shifted our collective worldview appropriately.
Phenomenon of consciousness
The first book about my NDE, Proof of Heaven: A Neurosurgeon’s Journey into the Afterlife (2012), hit a resounding chord with readers around the world, and yet I felt that the title prevented some in the scientific community from reading the book. Those who have read it realize that it is a commentary on the nature of the mind-brain relationship, and especially of the fundamental nature of consciousness itself. While my story certainly supports the reality of an afterlife, the book is far from being just a discourse on “heaven.”
discourse of heaven
For those who may not have read Proof of Heaven, let me recap some of my experience. In 2008 I developed a sudden onset of bacterial meningitis which quickly incapacitated me. I fell into a coma which lasted 7 days. During that time, my doctors assessed that I had a less than 2% chance of survival, which would allow at best my remaining in a vegetative state. Furthermore, my neocortex, the human part of the brain, was too damaged to allow for any hallucination, drug effect or dream state.
Proof of Heaven
connected universe
However, precisely during that time I had the most vivid, extraordinary and ultra-real experience of my life: visiting and traversing realms of what many would call “the afterlife.” I experienced a murky realm (which I called “the earthworm’s eye view”), but then, assisted by a glorious spinning melody of light, I ascended through an ultra-real valley where I saw beings laughing and playing amidst light and colors beyond the visual spectrum on Earth. Above this valley, as a speck of awareness on a butter y wing, my personal guide in these realms, who was a beautiful feminine presence, telepathically conveyed the most comforting of assurances about my loving connection with the universe. The astonishing chants, anthems and hymns from angelic choirs above provided yet another portal through multiple additional layers, all the way out to “the Core,” a realm over owing with the healing power of pure unconditional love, and of the creative wisdom of the universe. I passed through these various realms multiple times in an odyssey that seemed to go for months or years, yet must have occurred within the seven earth days of my coma.
Melody of Light
way to real to be real
Some months after the experience, after I had miraculously recovered from the physical illness and began trying to make sense of the information and experience, I was further astounded to discover that my lovely “guide” was in fact my blood-related sister whom I had never known in this lifetime (because I had been adopted into another family as a baby). This revelation helped me connect with the sense of it all being “way too real to be real,” and started me on a pathway of discovery that parallels the gigantic shift in understanding of the mindbrain relationship and the nature of reality that is emerging in the scientific world today.
Nature of Reality
map to heaven
Simultaneously, I continued to study and seek advice from other physicians about how I could have experienced what I did within the parameters of traditional materialist scientific principles. We concluded that it was indeed not possible, due to the neocortical damage. Since that time I have studied consciousness and spiritual traditions around the world in an effort to make sense of it all. I now believe that consciousness is the fundamental in our lives, and our brain functions not as the creator of that consciousness but as a filter controlling and allowing in the information with which to live our lives here. It is only when that filter is offline or pulled back by NDEs or directed activities such as meditation that we encounter the expanded realms of
which we are part. That is when we realize who we truly are, as eternal souls. My second book, The Map of Heaven: How Science, Religion, and Ordinary People are Proving the Afterlife (2014), demonstrated the ubiquity of such spirituallytransformative experiences across all cultures, religions, belief systems, and millennia. We can all come to know the spiritual realms by developing a practice of going within. Sacred Acoustics recordings are one way to thin the veil and expand consciousness in order to connect with inner guidance and intuition.
The Spirit in Science
This process of awakening will ultimately involve the synthesis of both our scientific and our spiritual nature as human beings. Some physicists are already comfortable with the notion of our universe being fundamentally mental, not physical, based on a maturing view of the metaphysics underlying the experimental results in quantum physics. The deepest lessons and refined experiments in quantum physics nudge us toward this realization.
And the wealth of human encounters that include near-death experiences and similar spirituallytransfor mative experiences richly opens our understanding of ourselves and our universe so that the most reasonable conclusion involves the fact that all of our existence is spiritual, in the sense that our lives matter. We are here for a reason, and we have great responsibility for our choices in how we deal with our fellow beings. Acknowledgement of the scientific underpinnings of our spiritual nature will help in this grand awakening of humanity. Replacing our erroneous materialist (or physicalist) world view with one based in our connectedness and purpose, i.e., our spiritual nature, will provide the most beneficial revolution in the history of human thought.
Many times each month, we are asked to give interviews and presentations. In a recent presentation in Ottawa for the launch of our book, we were able to crystallize the main points of our message succinctly. Link to the interview : Websites: and
Dr. Eben Alexander
Karen Newell
Eben Alexander, MD, was an academic neurosurgeon for over 25 years, including 15 years at the Brigham & Women’s Hospital, Children’s Hospital, and Harvard Medical School in Boston. He has a passionate interest in physics and cosmology. He is the author of the New York Times #1 bestseller Proof of Heaven, The Map of Heaven and Living in a Mindful Universe.
Karen Newell has spent a lifetime seeking wisdom through esoteric teachings and rsthand experience exploring realms of consciousness. She empowers others by demonstrating how to connect to inner guidance, achieve inspiration, improve wellness and develop intuition. She is co-founder of Sacred Acoustics, and co-author with Dr. Eben Alexander of Living in a Mindful Universe (Rodale, 2017).
Futurist John L. Petersen, specializes in thinking about
global futures and trying to in uence rapid, positive change. fl
We encourage systemic, non-linear approaches to planning and believe that effective thinking about the future is enhanced by applying newly emerging technology. Therefore, we strive to be agents of change by creating intellectual frameworks & tool-sets for understanding the transition in which we are living. TAI believes that we are living in an era of global transition, to a degree that our species has never seen before. The exponential increase of human knowledge, and the acceleration of its application through technology, is propelling humanity towards a new era of thought and endeavor. Society, science, ecology and commerce are converging at the intersection of danger and opportunity. A complexity and unpredictability that is beyond our past experience characterize the challenges at hand. If humanity's preferred future is to be realized, new tools for strategic planning and problem solving must be invented and combined. We must think differently.
We have made it our mission to help facilitate this transition, and to connect and associate with like-minded people so that we may
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together embrace the opportunities of this future. In the broadest sense, we help leadership from all sectors chart the most direct course to preferred futures by: •
• • • •
Tracking and evaluating major scienti c, technological, social, demographic, and environmental forces that drive change Conducting future-focused studies and initiatives Exploring how trends might crosscut in signi cant ways Cataloging potential 'wildcards' - low probability high impact events Helping leadership translate information - from data to scenarios - into mental maps by which to guide decision making and build sophisticated organizational visions
New Site to Explore
HACKING REALITY Main lm credits:
Is there an 8-dimensional "engine" behind our universe? Join Marion Kerr on a fun, Host: Marion Ker Written, Directed and Edited by David Jakubovi Director of Photography: Natt McFe
visually exciting journey as she explores a mysterious, highly complex structure known simply as 'E8'--a weird, 8-dimensional mathematical object that for some, strange reason, appears to encode all of the particles and forces of our 3-dimensional universe.
Lead animator: Sarah Winter Original Music by Daniel Jakubovi
Meet surfer and renowned theoretical physicist Garrett Lisi as he rides the waves and
Rerecording mixer: Patrick Giraud
paraglides over the beautiful Hawaiian island of Maui and talks about his
Line Producer: Piper Norwoo
groundbreaking discovery about E8 relates deeply to our reality; and learn why Los
Executive producer: Klee Irwi
Angeles based Klee Irwin and his group of research scientists believe that the universe
Stephanie Nadanaraja Also starring Daniel Jakubovic as
Agent Smooth
is essentially a 3-dimensional "shadow" of this enigmatic... thing... that may exist behind the curtain of our reality.
Producers: David Jakubovic,
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is life an illusion?
Article by Elizabeth Donavan
if you consider that light can create an illusion we call a hologram. the fractal universe is but a prism of
expression brought into form as a
“The Book of Life” and “The Book of
light, infinitely playing out patterns
“light being?” Does that mean
the Dead” are the records of the
within the tapestry of light. Either
everything is transitory? Yes, so why
righteous and the doomed. So
way, ancient and modern, suggests
care? From the perspective of
anyway you look at it there is a
we exist in a “living matrix” that
ancient wisdom and modern science
recording of the light in which you
functions as a universal super-
we see how matter...our
are and have been. In modern
computer storing what has been
matter...plays out in light years.
science this equates to the notions
brought to light. Life is light
of a holographic and fractal universe.
expressed and fully equipped with
From the ancient Sanskrit writings
A hologram is a photographic record
an electrical system, charged and
comes the word Akasha, which
of light which propagates information
wired into every part of your sensory
means aether and where we get the
like a computer. One of the strangest
system. This design is so you can
name Akashic Records. This Hall of
things about holograms is that you
feel every pulse that courses through
Records is a compendium of human
shatter a glass plate hologram, each
your body. This is what it means to
events, thoughts and works, past
fragment contains the entire image,
be alive, animated, and charged.
and present with future probabilities.
although at a lower resolution. Then
In the Hebrew Bible it is said that the
Let’s go it an illuminated
If the substructure of the vacuum contains the hologram, then it also contains the entire pattern for everything in the universe, …and if two objects are entangled, then they act like two shards of a shattered hologram, and whatever happens to one, simultaneously and instantaneously happens to the other faster than light. Does quantum entanglement prove we live in a hologram? There are powerful arguments that are very convincing about this. In an article in Scientific American: this concept is going mainstream. The article takes it in a different direction, as there are so many facets to this that it is like looking at a gem with 12 facets—as many faces as dimensions in the universal hologram. When particle physicists began to catalog different entities, it was remarked that they never expected to become a zoologist. Then it was realized that they were looking at the same particle with a different expression in a multidimensional universe, and then M theory was born.
what does the soap bubble have to do with anything? projected from that surface to the inside. This also
each time it went back to the holographic structure of
goes along with a discovery by Kip Thorne and
the vacuum and universe (as above, so below, macro
Stephen Hawking that when matter drops inside a
mirrors the micro.) The one more shocking part of the
black hole, the mass might be destroyed, but the
theory is that just as when you go down in size and
information is preserved, stored on the event horizon
come up with more and more dimensions, when you
of the black hole in a 2D plane. Sound familiar? Kind of
get really big—big enough to stand outside the
like that 2D hologram that the universe that we live in
universe and look inside from that perspective, you
is composed of? So perhaps what we are calling black
lose the third dimension, and the universe appears as
holes are mini-universes in the process of evolution,
a multi billion light year soap bubble, with everything
just as this universe is a bubble inside a larger one.
After that we had string, and superstring theory, but
but then we have the problem of dimension. Just as information is stored in two dimensions on the event horizon of black holes in our universe, WE are seen as two dimensions in the larger universe, similar to the Flatlanders in the book by Edwin Abbott. What that means is that any interaction from “the outside” will be perceived in a very different way—as a 3 dimensional cross section of a 4 dimensional being. This also means that they can only interact with us as a projection from their reality, as their being is literally too big to fit into 3 dimensions. So perhaps what we are considering as “paranormal” is merely an interaction with a phenomena that originates in higher dimensional space, and with beings that live there as well.
Article by Elizabeth Donavan
Flatland: the Film - YOU-Tube
has had a life that most would nd unbelievable, but she has used that as a source for material in her books. She worked as an engineer for a number of years, as a consultant as well as in major corporations. In between, she has worked as an editor in small town newspapers, as well as for various authors polishing up their books prior to publishing. She also worked as an investigative reporter uncovering corruption in government, business and in the sciences. Working in health care as a nurse allowed her to see the underbelly of the health care industry, and the dark side there She was in the US until late 2011, when government agents threatened her, and left the US because of what she knew. Many colleagues and friends have turned up dead, and she is one of those that survived the abusive situations. “I recently looked at my day-timer to compile a list of contacts, and was shocked to nd that most are no longer with us...the attrition rate was way over the top, and in no way could be considered normal.” she said. She has been blessed by those who consider her knowledge and intentions as something valuable, and is in an undisclosed location in Spain, after escaping from yet another abusive situation from someone she considered a friend, that took a prototype to the United States without returning it of her design, and threatened her with bodily harm. “I really should have done a background check on her, and my intuition said something wasn’t right. But I ignored that, and suffered the consequences,” she lamented She is being helped by friends that are introducing her to those of like mind, and intends to continue both her
research as well as writing
About the Author
Elizabeth Donavan Quantum Horizons One Woman’s Journey of Discovery
By Elizabeth Donavan
© 2018 Elizabeth Donavan
Quantum Horizons “So why did you do a pure science book? “It needed to be done. Some books are like a message in a bottle—you write it not knowing how they will be received. Like a statement to the future. No publisher in the States would dare touch it, and one said, and I will quote, “They don’t want that stuff in the open.” That is CIA spook-speak. I don’t know how far the control extends, but it’s pretty much sealed up the media in the states, and I had to go to Europe to get it published. People have no clue how tight the control is in the states until they discover how short their leash is, and then it’s too late. It rivals the Soviet Union at the height of their power.
“Do you think it put you in danger publishing it? “I think not publishing would have put me in more danger. There is info in there from inventors and researchers that are no longer with us. I tried to hold my tongue and keep it apolitical, but there is simply no way of doing that. So a few of my opinions crept in there. That was unavoidable. I think if I do a sequel, that it will cover the political suppression angle, and will include interviews with military strategy experts. That was one of the angles I left out of it, thinking it was controversial enough. But I was wrong about that, as it was the science that they didn’t want “out in the open” as they said. I left out a valuable piece of the puzzle. When I did a presentation on that subject, the server was attacked several times, so much so that we decided to just record the presentation and put it online at some point. The strategy catches ‘em with their pants down, and shows what their agenda really is. The powers that be probably had a freakout moment, and did everything they could to stop it. “We discussed sequels. Any new projects that are planned?
“Yes, a novel, and with the free energy suppression and politics integrated into it, probably more serious than Send Lawyers, Gun and Money, but still quirky or tongue in cheek at times. It is a partly baked idea at the moment, and these days I like to do an outline before
writing, as a kind of road map for where the story is going. It is a loose framework, and the story sometimes goes in a path that might wander away from the original outline, but usually in an interesting direction. Writing is also a great form of therapy, and it purges a lot of things that lie beneath the surface, like outlines in muddy water. It also brings up memories that become part of the story, and I have a lot of memories of dear friends that I have lost over the years. It’s like being in an undeclared war, one that is on most of us and the future of the planet. “That sounds apocalyptic. “It is. Sure, sometimes I make it sound extremely dire, but I’m not exaggerating. I have read The Mendelov Conspiracy by Martin Caidin, Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand, and The Foundation Series by Asimov, and more. They all seem to have the same idea: that a breakaway civilization is not just needed, but absolutely necessary for our accumulated knowledge to survive. This can be little communities that preserve the collective memory in records, and hand down traditions and skills that are the core of a working civilization, and perhaps coalesce into a larger structure later to share that preserved wisdom. This may have happened before, and there are legends of Atlantis and Lemuria, and another older civilization that destroyed itself.
“You mentioned that in Ancient Reunion. “Yes. There is so much evidence to that effect that in my opinion it is undeniable. Melted deserts with something called “trinitite,” a glasslike mineral that was seen after the Trinity test of the atomic bomb. Indian legends of a device that contained the power of the universe, hotter than the sun that was released against armies. Glazed walls of forts that are mildly radioactive after thousands of years. Yep, I think that happened. And like it was mentioned in the book, the survivors either went underground, took their chances on the surface, or left the planet for dead. I can imagine the collective guilt that a society would have leaving, and making sure it never happened again. Very complex and con icting emotions. I tried to address some of that in the book. “It reads like sci , but there is something else about it... “Yeah, more than a little creepy, isn’t it? I think it strikes a chord in all of our subconscious—like something that happened, buried in amnesia. The dream that triggered writing the book was either like a memory, or a message. It’s dif cult to tell which one. But it was like something that needed to be told, and afterwards, there was a sense of completion and relief. Very strange.
Science & adventure Series
“How did you get the idea for that one?” “I mixed personal experiences with a good plot, and embellished a little bit. The title comes from a Warren Zevon song, and when it played it just clicked, and that became the title. Liz is a lot like me, and friends that I have known became characters as well, names changed of course. I call it a cathartic purge. A little while after getting all my books
send lawyers, guns & money By Elizabeth Donavan
online, I was thrown out of the place I was staying. I’m OK with that. It’s just more source material for another book.
“Why did that happen “Probably a combination of factors, but the woman and boyfriend that rented the place was pretty shady. It might have even been jealousy. Who knows? I just moved on, and realized that being careful was a lesson I had to
Send Lawyers, Guns and Money Broken Wings “What about that one? Where was the source?” BROKEN “Well, I was a private pilot for WINGS a while, and began ying with OF T H E SE CR E T my Dad in a ‘49 Navion. I went SPACE PROGRAM back to Illinois and took ground school after that and ying lessons. Years later, I helped my nephew with his ight school, and knew a lot of pilots that traded stories. And BY E L I Z A B E T H D ON AVA N then I learned about the secret space program, and those that recovered their memories from that. The title came from the Beatles song by Paul McCartney, “Blackbird.” The lyric, “Take these broken wings and learn to y” really applied. I guess a lot of my titles are like that, coming from songs that I knew. There really is a paper called “Antimatter Production at Potential Boundaries” about making the stuff using the Casimir effect. You can’t believe the science that just gets buried and forgotten. I mean, this is real stuff, and not sci . But it just makes sense to use real science in speculation, and it makes sci stories a little more sensible. Gene Roddenberry did that with Star Trek, as did others like Arthur C. Clarke. Those are great role models for sci writers.”
Mississippi Shadows
Ancient Reunion “Where did that one come from?” “It really started with a dream, where I looked out this large window in
“That was started by my father, and I took
the characters and tried
eshing them
out—making them
what was the Sanctuary
more real. His side
in the book, and saw 3
is probably a lot
suns. In the dream the
more darker than
writing went vertically,
mine, but he was
and the library came from
probably in that
REUNION By Elizabeth Donavan
Earth. The dreams continued for about 4 more
head space, and
think I had to live in the south to get the idioms
corner star in a pyramid shaped constellation
and dialog down right. There’s no way I could
when I was in the Proxima system. A chill went
have done that living in the Chicago area. I know
down my neck, and I knew that was it. The rest
it has a bit of anticlimactic ending, but most of
of the book was a mix of experiences and
the story has closure. That gap allows the author
speculation, but with a high probability of being
to do a sequel or two, and I would like to do a
possible. A piece of yourself always makes it into
couple of sequels to bring it into the present
your stories or characters, and it’s true with that
time. I do appreciate the irony—after all, the
one as well. I also remembered the dream.
book was a generational work.”
back toward the Sol system and saw that it was a
terribly racist, but back then it’s the way it was. I
after running Celestia, a simulation app, I looked
It was a different world back then. Now it seems
for 3 star systems that matched what I saw, and
It takes place in the 1950’s south, in Mississippi.
taking on a life of it’s own. After nishing, I looked
can understand that.
to write it down, and then the story line evolved,
needed to purge. I
nights, and then stopped. I had this compulsion
“What about Mississippi, Shadows? Her books are available at Smashwords: Broken Wings: https:// books/view/825896 Send Lawyers, Guns and Money: https:// books/view/829144 Ancient Reunion: https:// books/view/830362 Mississippi Shadows: https:// books/view/834452 Quantum Horizons: https:// books/view/841060
“The Earth spherical shape acts as a multi-frequency harmonic receiver for these extremely long waves, and we are positioned within the near-field of each of these interplanetary resonances.” ~ Ernest Richards
"The model of ‘sound waves’ is incomplete as well as a misnomer because it refers to the graphical representation of the mathematical law of the sound energy. While the term ‘sound waves’ is correct in
differently, when teachers and scientists
terms of its graphical representation it is not
describe sound as a wave they are referring to
how sound actually propagates or travels. The
its rhythmic pulsation depicted graphically, not
concept of sound as a wave is simply a label
its actual shape in space. The result of this
used to describe the fact that sound bubbles
confusion is that most people incorrectly
pulsate in and out rhythmically. It is this
visualize sounds wiggling their way through the
pulsation of the bubble’s outer surface that is
air rather than visualizing beautiful, shimmering
typically illustrated as a wave-like graph. Put
sound bubbles.” - John Stuart Reid Issue Sound Gives Birth to Light pages 44-63
New Physics → Part 1
Part 2
The first two articles in this series
the source of information involving “downloads” I began receiving in 2012 - the first article being the back story describing how and why the downloads began, the second article was a brief introduction to new physics and the eventual role of consciousness. In this third article we will explore the details of the new atomic structure, a new periodic table called the Ajax McIntosh Model, and uncover new atomic properties and behaviors.
By Len Murray Part 3
Ajax McIntosh Model & New Atomic Structure
Etheric Origins and Natural Order The etheric origins of in uence for all apparent physical manifestation implies some form of inter-dependent connectedness. There is an etheric, unified, formless force continually driving and upholding all physicality. The layers of refinement descend, from unification to eventual duality, the final expression of a charge-based universe of the two conjugate qualities
providing form – electric and magnetic.
By European Southern Observatory [CC BY 2.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons
The source of these etheric origins of force is consciousness. This topic will be discussed in subsequent articles.
The continual motion and interplay between the two counterparts, the centripetal (electric/ gravitic) and centrifugal (magnetic/radiative), describe the resonant balance of every atom, the heart of the nuclear forces. This balance is upheld in a natural harmonic order, from the simplest hydrogen atom to the complex heavy elements.
This concept extends to describe gravity, light, and begins to describe the commonality of all forces, manifesting as harmonics of each other. The ether provides the fulcrum point boundary layer for any given dimension; it is the interface, enabling form. The formless networked energy provides the fuel for each dimensional form. An atom, for example, is the ether disturbance manifesting as a charged standing wave, the proton being the “anchor” or termination point at the ether boundary. The convergence of consonant wave patterns continually upholds this ether perturbation, the reconciliation of space/counterspace tension. Gravity is that multiplied: atomic cavitational resonance, the ether pressure gradient where
the terminus is upon itself.
By Nic McPhee from Morris, MN, USA (All work and no play) [CC BY-SA 2.0 (], via Wikimedia
Standing Wave Fulcrum
By UnknownUnknown author [Public domain or Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons
Electric Universe
Universal symbol for electricity
All force, dimension and matter arise from polarized ether, in the form of vibration. The universal symbol for electricity depicts the charging electric field followed by the surrounding magnetic field. This is the form ether takes when “captured”, or polarized and contained. All force is a variation of this, with varying predominance in the two conjugate qualities of the electric and magnetic.
Voidance, cavitation and acceleration = charge → electric.
Radiation, dispersion, loss of inertia = discharge → magnetic.
Gravity vibrations have a predominance in the electric voidance; a cavitational resonance to a central point. This is a generative, charging direction of acceleration. An extension of the nuclear strong force, the gravitic vibration is a cavitational resonance which creates an inertial field, or plane. Gravitic vibration is the ether terminus in the dielectric, upon itself.
Light Light is unbound magnetism, dispersing outward from any ether bound fulcrum point. The torus shaped photon vibrations have a predominance in the repelling magnetic. The vibrations are radiated away from any central source point. The brief cavitation phase allows capacitance - the voidance driven energy to provide the rebounding magnetic discharge, and eventual loss of inertia. Light is the ether terminus in the dispersive
magnetic. The speed of light is the rate of induction.
Proton/electron pair, vortex tube tether.
Matter Matter itself is the dielectric conjugate relationship with magnetism, the termination of its radiative principle being the creation of matter. The predominance between the electric (gravitic) and magnetic is subtle, an intricate balance of resonant vibration maintaining a stable ether pressure and manifesting the varying atomic properties as a standing wave. Every atom is the eigenmode equivalent of a standing wave musical chord, with a wide range of consonance and dissonance. The eigenfrequencies of the subtle wave patterns converge as the emergence of a fundamental: the birth of a charged proton. Otherwise known as quarks, these eigenfrequencies create a charged, harmonic ether-pressure and become a resonant standing wave. Very specific ratios of consonance (harmony) and dissonance apply; beyond the form and into
the etheric, they can be engineered.
Cymatics Singular Expansion Radius Interconnected Organic & Galactic Images Courtesy of John Stuart Reid via his
Atomic components of the oxygen atom
White Vortex Every atom is the antithesis of a black hole: a white vortex. While a black hole consumes vibration once that vibration crosses its event horizon, a white vortex (atom) emits vibration, beyond its own event horizon. An atom is the miniature counterpart of a black hole, providing an inter-dimensional gateway via its singularity.
Event Horizon The white vortex, like a black hole, contains a singularity and an event horizon. From our relative perspective, the atomic event horizon is where vibration is emitted, at the boundary of the electron shell; the black hole event
horizon is where vibration is consumed.
Atomic Components The arising of each atom follows a natural order. The voiding neutrons and protons are attractive, equidistant from each other in geometric symmetry. The dispersive “electrons” follow the same symmetry, this time repelling. The magnetic column vortex tubes tether the proton to the electron, maintaining a 3dimensional shape of symmetry. Each proton/ electron pair essentially modeled after the symbol for
electricity, with the ether fulcrum point at the proton.
Neutron Emanating from the singularity, the neutron is the first to manifest. Uncharged wave patterns merge, giving form to the neutron. These wave patterns churn, in the shape of a torus. Similar to the concept of consonance and dissonance in music theory and chords, a single neutron has a minimum of three nested tori. These nested tori of the neutron follow a Platonic based geometric “shell” structure. The first neutron orbital arising from the singularity is the least established, the least stable. The gradients of neutrality and density ascend as the charge based proton orbital is reached. The neutron orbitals, like the proton/electron paired shells, rotate as units. One neutron “shell” can spin independently of others. The neutrons are responsible for atomic identity - the bridge
Example of two neutron orbitals preceding the first proton orbital of oxygen
between the form and formless.
Also a standing wave section
Proton Just beyond the final neutron orbital is the first proton/ electron orbital. The proton, like the neutron, is also comprised of a minimum of three nested tori; as the frequency ratios of the nested tori converge, charge is produced. Charge is the electric form manifestation of physicality. The ether is the boundary layer fulcrum point, allowing the electric force to shoot out in a straight line from the proton – the dielectric positive charge. When the nested tori frequencies converge in some consonant ratio of 3-6-9, charge is manifest. These ratios apply to bonding and all energy/matter interaction, and have very important implications.
Vortex Tube Arising from each of the proton tori is a magnetic column. This is a miniature tornado, or a vortex. These nested magnetic columns are the vortex tubes, tethering the proton to the electron. The innermost void of the vortex tube is the pure superconductive electric force, the surrounding columns comprise the magnetic force.
Vortex tube: A single magnetic column arises from each proton-tori, the 3 comprise a vortex tube
By Terry Virts/NASA/ISS ( [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons
Electron The end-point opening of the vortex tube is the electron. The electron is actually more of an absence than a presence. It is the destruction of the dielectric, where magnetism is created. It represents the void pointing back to the atomic singularity. The openings of these vortex tubes become the terminal end-point locations for all atomic bonding. Like the eye of a hurricane, the dielectric represents the eye of the miniature tornado. The surrounding magnetic columns are the circular spatial forces, protecting the creative counter-spatial force. Where these forces converge and manifest as matter at the atomic event horizon is the electron.
Time lapse of 8 images
The first proton/electron pair is hydrogen; the single proton attached to the electron via the vortex tube. The next proton/electron pair introduced
becomes helium, with two proton/
electron pairs. The two protons of helium are attempting to unite and fall back into the formless void; the two electrons are exactly 180° away from each other, the negatively discharging electrons repelling each other, tethered by the vortex tubes.
The third element, lithium, follows suit. Another proton/electron pair is introduced, and now the three voiding protons are being upheld by the three vortex tube electron tethers. Each electron is now 120° away from each other, in a flat plane. Again, these electrons are all repelled from each other, settling into an equidistant
location of symmetry.
Unfolding of the Elements
Lithium (Note - hydrogen, helium and lithium shown without magnetic fields)
4 The fourth element is beryllium. The fourth proton/ electron pair creates the first true 3-dimensional shape of the tetrahedron. All four electrons are equidistant from each other in the shape of a tetrahedron, as are the protons. A tetrahedral nucleus, surrounded by a tetrahedral electron shell, the vortex tubes locking these two shapes together as one unit.
Beryllium - tetrahedron
The remaining elements follow the same
configuration in ascending complexity. As the number of shells increase, the complexity and potential increases. The end result is a series of wiki/Dielectric
that describe the elements
and is the foundation for the new periodic table called the Ajax McIntosh Model.
Ajax McIntosh Model
Nested Platonic Solids
The Ajax McIntosh Model is a multidimensional depiction of the elements, represented by a series of twelve nested Platonic solids. Each Platonic solid represents an electron shell; the Ajax McIntosh Model has twelve electron shells, as opposed to the popular Mendeleev’s model of seven shells and four sub-shells.
The following table is the Platonic solid/shell assignment: Platonic
Vertex/face ratio
Dual-paired tetrahedron
0: 1st octave (squared for shell #6, cubed for #11)
Cube (Hexahedron)
2: 2nd octave (squared for shell #7)
Dual-paired hexahedron/octahedron
4: 3rd octave (squared for shell #8)
8: 4th octave (squared for shell #9)
Dual-paired dodecahedron/icosahedron
16: 5th octave (squared for shell #10)
Dual-paired tetrahedron
0: squared
Cube (Hexahedron)
2: squared
Dual-paired hexahedron/octahedron
4: squared
8: squared
Dual-paired dodecahedron/icosahedron
16: squared
Dual-paired tetrahedron
0: cubed
8: cubed
2-dimensional rendering of the Ajax McIntosh Model
Shell #
Removable individual elements with associated properties and symbols
Cross-section view of rotating electron shells
behaviors help describe and
Double-pointed ovoid
Single-pointed ovoid (tear drop)
Energetic Structure
Ovoid (egg)
Every element has an etheric source, the predecessor to its physical manifestation: the energetic structure. The element’s energetic
structure is the hand-off between the formless and the form. There are no inanimate, disconnected, actual particles
Oblate (Frisbee)
(protons, neutrons, electrons); rather, subtle wave patterns form in some harmonic fashion of consonant ratios to give the appearance of physicality via fields. The transition point for this charged appearance
is the atom’s energetic structure.
Atomic Properties & fi
Energetic Structure – name
simplify many of today’s conventional concepts.
New atomic properties and
There are ve different energetic structures:
Every element has one of these five shapes as its energetic structure. The unique combination of size, shape and speed gives any element its specific properties and identity. These shapes can be modeled as high-speed rotors used in cymatics applications to help validate the new atomic structure.
Precession Precession can be thought of as the earth wobbling on its axis; the slow and symmetrical “precess” or wobble as it rotates. This property adds much complexity and capability to any object in motion. Approximately 40% of the elements precess, and one of the main contributions of precession from an atomic point of view is enhanced electrical and thermal conduction (Is the transfer of heat (internal energy) by microscopic collisions of particles and movement of electrons within a body).
Example of elements that precess: ● Silver ● Copper ● Carbon ● Silicon ● Gold The rate of precession varies greatly, and is affected by external factors, such as temperature, electromagnetic radiation, pressure, and bonded elements. Enhanced atomic precession is the birth of a fourth proton torus and the cause of vortex tube extension, an important topic covered in the “Conduction” section. The reason silver is a superior conductor over copper is the silver atoms are able to precess in unison, a form of crystallized conduction, nearing zero resistance.
Iron and oxygen are examples of elements that do not precess. When a specific external energy is introduced to these elements, rather than precess (aka conduct efficiently), resistance in the form of heat is the result.
Conduction The current theory of electrical conduction says electrons are being shared between atoms. In a copper wire, for example, electrical conduction occurs as a result of electrons leaving one copper atom and joining another. This new physics model presents a different view.
An electron is not a particle; rather, it is a eld.. It is the boundary between dielectric destruction and magnetic creation, bound to its counterpart proton via the vortex tube tether. It is the dielectric doorway to the atomic singularity. If this electron detached from the proton, the atom would collapse. This is precisely what occurs in stars and is the cause of nuclear fusion and the subsequent electromagnetic radiation. The detached “electron” is the magnetic torus traveling at the speed of light in the form of a photon unbound magnetism. The remaining atom collapses, causing a release of energy. This is the
mechanism for fusion
Fusion of H/He: detached “electron” causes atomic collapse
A “normal” proton/vortex tube pair is comprised of 3 nested tori and corresponding 3 magnetic columns. Conduction is the birth of a 4th proton torus. If the force is magnetism (negative discharge), a 4th magnetic column (vortex tube) is created and extended. If the force is electric (positive charge), a laser-like dielectric is extended out. This energy is extended outside the valence shell of the atom during electrification, allowing conduction, while enabling the atom as a whole to remain intact, not giving up “electrons”.
4th torus proton electric discharge - positive
4th torus proton discharge - negative commons/a/ae/Photon_core_1_2013.jpg
Atomic Induction Atomic induction is the primary indicator determining an element’s chemical family. This is a very important atomic property to understand and model. Atomic induction
Two vortex tubes crossing
is the rate at which inner shells spin independently of their parent shells, causing vortex tubes from outer shells to cross or cut vortex tubes residing in inner shells. Noble gases, for example, have all their shells “locked up” - the entire atom spins as one unit, creating very little atomic induction. Alkali metals, on the other hand, have the highest rate of atomic induction - all shells spin independently of one another, having multiple polarities. Electrons do not orbit the nucleus independently. Every proton is tethered to an electron via a set of nested magnetic columns, the vortex tube. This pairing is manifest following the symmetry of the Platonic solids, in ascending complexity, following the attractive vs repulsive forces.
Copper, at 4 shells, showing atomic induction
Imagine this level of complexity multiplied out to the 12 levels of nesting, and this would depict the heaviest elements. Atomic induction defines atomic identity, the manipulation of which has important implications.
Polarity Every atom has polarity. Further, every electron shell can have an independent polarity, depending on its atomic induction potential. Bonding tends to occur at the poles, and can
include inner shell polarity bonding points.
Two oxygen atoms: single point-to-point bond.
Bonding The actual electron is the vortex tube opening, the top of a miniature tornado. It is the superconductive electric terminal end-point pointing to the imploding singularity of the nucleus. The electron is surrounded by the dispersive magnetic field. The magnetic field is a negative discharge; there is nothing attractive about it. It is the specific location of the terminal end-points of the “electron”, the vortex tube opening, that creates a suction like force; the primary location for bonding. The simplest bond is the “point-to-point”, where one vortex tube from one atom bonds with another vortex tube from another. When there is a vibratory resonance between two atoms, such as hydrogen and oxygen, this type of bond forms a water molecule, H₂O. Oxygen has polarity, a north and south pole. The north pole vortex tube from oxygen joins with the single vortex tube of hydrogen, and the south pole vortex tube of oxygen joins with another hydrogen atom.
Below are examples of various oxygen bonding types.
Two vortex tube bonding points, allowing a “hinged” action.
“Face-to-face: four vortex tube bonding points. Outer rotation diminishes, as inner proton rotation increases. Beginning of crystallization.
Another example of embedded
A more complex type of bond
vortex tubes occurs with silicon.
occurs when the event horizon/magnetic field is
While silicon has the ability to
broached, and vortex tubes become embedded:
embed its outer shell’s vortex tubes into other bonded atoms, it
Embedded vortex tubes: external, one atom to
can also embed internally. Like
iron and copper, silicon’s outer shell vortex tubes can embed into its inner shell’s vortex tubes. This is a more direct method of atomic induction manipulation. Rather than crossing or cutting vortex tubes from one shell to another as mentioned above, internal vortex tube embedding is a more controlled approach, allowing greater flexibility and potential, and explaining silicon’s superconductive capabilities.
Upcoming Articles The next set of articles will explore how to exploit some of these new atomic properties and behaviors. Sustainable energy devices are introduced, new healing modalities, and a new lexicon for the elements. A new look at the water molecule gives technical credibility to vitalized water - devices to exploit exclusion zone voltage and increase crop
yields are discussed.
Len Murray
In February 2005, Len had a near death kundalini awakening experience. This was a very powerful eight-hour experience where he essen ally crossed over to the “other side” dozens of mes. From that day, his life changed drama cally. Years of integra on and re-adjustment began to stabilize in March of 2012. It was then that Len w a s i n t ro d u c e d t o a n i n t u i v e messenger, a psychic. This was the beginning of his healing process, and the introduc on to “downloads”. Prior to 2005, Len was running a small computer consul ng rm, specializing in so ware system architecture and Internet applica ons. He was also a general contractor, building high-end custom homes in Southern CT. That all came to a halt as a result of the ’05 experience.
It was explained to Len that the 2005 near death kundalini experience was an
ini a on of sorts, the establishment of a transmi er/receiver rela onship. A connec on could be made where he, if willing, would begin receiving informa on pertaining to a new physics. Vibra on and resonance were the founda on to a Platonic solid based periodic table of elements. A new atomic structure and new atomic proper es would lead to, among other things, the development of new energy. Consciousness was the founda on, the fundamental force, where all forces resonated to. Len was asked if he wanted to proceed with the introduc on of a new physics, and begin receiving downloads. Despite having no formal educa onal background in science or physics, Len knew this was the right thing to do. Having experienced the unknown rsthand, the decision to proceed was quite simple. Since then he has been receiving informa on – downloads – on
a regular basis. This website is an overview of the technical aspects of these downloads, along with some of the devices and technologies that can be developed as a result. A new periodic table of elements, new atomic structure and proper es, and a few technologies arising from this new understanding of the forces of nature are just the beginning. Consciousness as an engineerable force is on the horizon. The informa on Len has been receiving in the realm of consciousness started in late 2016. Similar to the way in which he began receiving new physics informa on, it has started out in a very broad and abstract manner. A direc on and founda on is being established; high level concepts are incuba ng, and some me is needed for adjustment and matura on. The implica ons are important: communica on, uni ed forces, ar cial intelligence and educa on will all be a ected.
R e x r e s e a r c h SUBJECTS / OBJECTS Aether ** Agriculture ** Aero ** Air Wells ** Anti-G ** Alchemy **
Bonus Read
Antennas ** Appropriate / Low Tech ** Automobiles ** Cancer ** Cannabis Hemp ** Chemistry ** Coal / Oil ** Dental ** Bonus Read
ElectroMagnetic ** Free Energy / OverUnity ** Government ** Health ** Heat / Cold ** Herbs ** Hydrogen-Oxygen ** Light ** Longevity ** Magnetics ** Mechanics ** Mind / Spirit ** Aquanautics ** Nukeypoo ** Radionics ** Sound ** Time ** Water ** Wind **
About the Researcher : Robert A. Nelson is a 10th grade dropout with no credentials. He established Rex Research in 1982
How to Make Gold
to archive hard-to- nd information about suppressed, dormant and emerging technologies. He persists despite the seeming futility of the effort.