Heather Cowie

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Garden of O

by Heather Cowie

I love how nature performs, whether in its multitudinous formal variations, or in its fantastic repertoires of sound, colour or shaped action.

My art is always a statement about, and manifestation of, my relationship to the natural world.

Earth has been one of visual fascination, tactile delight and aural sensitivity.

Rhythm pulsates and throbs in much of what I make, some simple and some complex.

I also think a great deal about what makes nature the ultimate ‘source’ with which to make things happen.

Morphogenesis 8 Sculpture by Heather Cowie An increasing concern for the future of our planet has led me to make my sculptures. Though appearing in final form like large wooden seed pods or boulders, they conceal that they have complex inner histories of growth and change, that they are containers of other objects. Starting with a core object, this germinal form is added to in a sequence of layers. Each new layer becomes the foundation for the next - it is both armour and armature. The structural natures of the forms used in any layer impacts upon each subsequent layer and hence, the final form the sculpture takes. Layer by layer to form is fattened to the point where it is closed; sealed and polished. Their often egg-like shape seems to me to be a kind of embodiment of the feminine, that is, fertile and fecund.

Uncovered Chronology...

Within the inner


depths of each of us...there is


something to flower. Often it gets bound up.

Inner Beauty




5 Out inner core is like sea shells on the shore, They show up with the tide and like the autumn


leaves and rocks too, they smooth out with time as they tumbled and generate a new.


these ribbons so soft often get covered and harden with time. yet shells by their nature and design beckon for the sunshine.

Covered 8


And as, we dare to open up , our color gets lush and we look like candy , the yummy stuff.




Dare to Open


Our universe gets bigger , what was once harder looks sweeter and softer, the shells have more color ...


14 the richness

Imagine More Morphogenesis’s to view

imagine the beauty of what is, too often hidden inside...I suggest one explores natures essence, its sensual, tactile and it wild side. art by Heather cowie Words by Karen Elkins


12 years as exploration geologist in many outback areas of Australia. Purchased wool grazing property (life as a farmer!). Commenced arts practice and extensive arts studies. - Full Bio Here

My work is made to invoke; to open; to refresh and to point towards new ways of seeing. - Heather Cowie www.heather-cowie.com/ as seen in Science to Sage Magazine www.sciencetosagemagagne.com

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