Breakthrough Discoveries… Discoveries…
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Marko Rodin has discovered the source e of the non-decaying spin of the electron.
I t duction Introdu ti
Breakthroug ugh Discovery by Marrko Rodin Marko Rodin has disco overed the source of the non-decaying spin of the t electron. This is the natural pathway that electricity e wants to take without force. The res sult is synchronized electricity without relu uctance or friction. Scientifically, this is known k as the longest mean free pathway of least resistance. Rodin’s Rodin s Vortex Based Mathematics M enables a point energy source that can be focused; the philosopher’s stone; a reaction-less drive; a true model of an ato om; and a key to the periodic table of the elements. e
Peer Review of the he Rodin discovery: Russell P. Blake, Former Senior Researrcher at Microsoft Russ Blake discovered “Atomic Modeling” which revolutionized computer performance modeling, measurement, and sizing. He was also responsible for reductions of code size by y 50%. “I am sure that as the research momentum builds and the proper relationship betw ween the Rodin Torus and conventional science is fully understood, both areas s of endeavour will attain new heights.” Col. Thomas Bearden, Former Associate Editor Alternative Energy Research “Rodin is apparently going by elementa ary electricity concepts but augmented by excellent native intuition. What he really r is doing is attempting to separate the A-potential (i.e., the magn netic vector potential A) from the B field, and utilize the curl-fre ee A-potential as an independent field of nature in the central "crossove er" region. It is known in physics that this is possible; the well known Ah haronov-Bohm effect depends upon precisely this separation n.” Excerpt Copyright ® Thomas Bearden
Supporters of the Rodiin Solution and contributors to the e work include: • Dennis Watts, Senior Engineer off Communications for NASA and leading engineer for Boeing Aerospace; • Russell P. Blake, former Senior Research R Engineer at Microsoft; • Keith Watson, in charge of the Bikini Atoll nuclear testing research project for the U U.S. S government government, supports Rodin Rodin´s s work and introduced Marko Rodin before his presenta ation on power and propulsion systems at the Air Space America conven ntion; • James Martin, the editor of Defence Science Magazine - the largest U.S. military journal calls Rodin´s work "the most revolutionary propulsion system ever created for f outer space"; • Maury King, author of "Zero Poin nt Energy";
Vortex Based Math @ TEDxCharrlotte 2010 - Randy Powell “It is a higher dimensional energy known by y many names, such as dark energy, tachyons, monopoles, gravitons. We call it “Aetheron “ Energy”. It’s the energy that’s keeping us conscious and alive. It’s not a sttatic or stationary energy. It’s a pulse, it it’s s a surge; it it’s s a beating heart of all existe ence. ence It is the ultimate fundamental particle in all the universe – the God Particlle. And we know how to harness it. This energy is the source of all time, motion, and vibration; and it is the only thing that comes from the hole, hole the zero, zero the cen nter of the cyclone cyclone. It emanates linearly in all directions, penetrating everything witthout any resistance. It can’t be shielded. As it penetrates, it leaves a grain. It shows you how things move move, how they stick together or come apart. It animates everything. It is the source of the non-decaying spin of the electron. If you combine it with a coil, you get a perfect mathematical vortex, consisting of a positive, electromagnetic energy radiating out, and a negative back back-draft draft counter space that is the same as gravity — allowing for contraction. Aetherons are literally the glue that holds the universe together. Einstein called it an inertia aether.”
Additional Supporters an nd contributors include: • Oscar Hu, the NASA Astrophysicist who w successfully recovered the probe when it was lost going into the magnetic field of Neptune, has written papers on how Rodin Torus Coils C can be used to create artificial man-made black holes and an electrrical wheat-stone-bridge that creates a gravity-well in a laboratory. • Jean Louis Naudin, the foremost inte ernational expert in vertical lift space & aircraft, uses Rodin´s work as proof that the B-Field Torsion Effect is real; • Tom Bearden, an alternative energy expert considered one of the world´s foremost experts in zero point energ gy says Rodin has "accomplished what he has been advocating for f over 20 years y and should continue his work";
• Robert Emmerich, head of Materials Testing Department at Hewlett Packard t t d th tested the Rodin R di T Torus C Coil il and d conc cluded l d d it h had d more th than 60% greater t output than anything existing or bein ng used at time of the test.
Institutions where Mark ko Rodin has given instructio on: • • • • • • • • • •
University of Hawa aii Manoa Innovation Center Maui Super Compu uter San Diego State University U Air Space p America a International Biote echnology Exposition Psychotronics Global Science Co ongress Tesla Society Conferences New Energy Symp posiums
A lications Applic ti
Rodin Technologies & Applications A Include:
1. Magnetic Field Generator Coil – produces greater magnetic fields with far less copperr and much less energy consumption. 2. Communication Antenna - extreme sensitivity, range, penetration frequency, penetration, freq enc an nd bandwidth. band idth 3. Space Propulsion Drive - pollution-free, p self-orientating, preferred p e e ed frame a e of o referen e e ence ce reaction-less eact o ess nozzle. o e 4. Biophysical Harmonics - Brain B damage repair / autism treatment / increased learrning potential & intelligence. 5. Genetics - disease controll by selective cutting and splicing of sequencing at cleavage c & receptor sites.
Additional Application ns Include: 6. MRI / Medical Devices - forr neurological, musculoskeletal, cardiovascular, and oncolo ogical imaging. 7. Computer Processor - expo onentially higher efficiency processing with no heat build-up or parasitics. 8. Data Compression & Stora age - condensing complex calculations to only a few integer steps. 9 Artificial Intelligence Operrating System - with automatic 9. self- referencing (code che ecker).
1. Field Gene erator Coil
The source of the non-decaying spin of the t electron and natural pathway that electricity wants to take without force has been discovered resulting in ance or friction. This is scientifically synchronized electricity without relucta known as the longest mean free pathwa ay of least resistance. A one-minute crude demo video of a (token sample / proof p of concept) field generator coil.
2 Communicattion Antenna 2.
With the greatest sensitivity, range, frequ uency, and bandwidth, these antennas can receive and transmit through any me edia. Independent testing has shown 6000% more sensitive than any y other an ntenna existing g at time of test. This technology is adaptable into mobile pho ones resulting in the first ever microwave-free cellu ular phones.
3 S 3. Space P Propulsion l i / Vertical-Lift V ti l Lift Drive D i
A reaction-less drive has been designed by y identifying and harnessing new-found secrets of the gyroscope. This revolutionary propulsion system does not create any pollution pollution. It has a preferred frame of rreference with automatic self-centring, self-centring equilibrium, and stabilization. The design n has full & precise navigation abilities with no pitch h or yaw.
4. Biophysical Harmonics - Brain Damage Repair / Autism Treatment
Biophysical harmonics (neurogenesis) is a key k to repairing and regenerating areas of the brain damaged through injury or disease and a is key to increasing brain weight mass. How acoustics affect the human brain has been b explored using biophysical harmonics to treat autism and brain damage. The foun ndation of understanding the human brain’s neurosynaptic connections resides in mathematical patterns that model how the brain wires itself. This relates s to the underlining novel processes of learning and achieving our o full potential intelligence.
5 Genetics / DNA 5. A – Disease Control
For treating and eliminating disease by enab bling selective cutting and splicing of genetic sequencing at cleavage and receptor sites.. Mathematics reveals that the major groove nested inside the double spiral p helix of o DNA is not hollow but occupied p by ya Morphogenetic Field (Bioetheric Template)) defined by the discovery of a mathematical number pattern now called the equal poten ntial major groove gap space of the flux field of (3-9-6-6-9-3). This controls cellular comm munication and its how all genetic information i stored is t d and d reproduced, d d th through h Mittosis t i and d DNA sister i t strand t d unravelling. lli
6. Magnetic Resonance Imag ging Machine / Medical Devices
A revolutionary MRI (improved design) forr visualization of the internal structure and function of neurological (brain), musculo oskeletal, cardiovascular, and oncological (cancer) imaging. Other applications of this t technology include improved designs of life-saving medical devices and a cancer patient treatment.
7. Compute er Processor
Revolutionizing computer hardware by crreating a crucial gap space (equi-potential major groove) groove), which generates underpinnin ng nested vortices resulting in exponentially higher efficiency with no heat build-up by b eliminating all friction, resistance and parasitics. This processor only requires a few transistors. (Other current processors require many). It’s conductors touch, but do d not short-circuit, using harmonic shear to create a natural wall of insulation. No cooling or heat sink required. Has the capacity to simultaneously compute all chemiical processes transpiring in the body.
8 Data Compre 8. ession & Storage
Computer memory storage system technology enables the condensing of a trillion-fold evolutionizing computer data compression. calculation to only a few integer steps re Data storage g & retrieval hardware is ba ased upon p solid state higher g dimensional flux fields. Inscription preservation is s controlled with intense magnetic fields (similar to morphogen netic fields in genetics).
9 A 9. Artificial tifi i l IIntelligen t lli nce - Operating O ti S System t
Perfect Error Correction - with built in au utomatic self- referencing (code checker). The perfect artificial intelligence operatin ng system has been developed based on the axis (number 9) as a preferred frame of refference with fixed constants, and absolutes. This is a revolutionary new artificial intelligence operating system based upon ering six different self-referencing axis mathematical number patterns’ cove configurations over the surfac ce topology of a toroidal matrix.
N42 Neo-Ball N Experiment
Verification of Formless R Rodin N42 Ball Experiment by Harvey Fiala, Electi tical Engineer, CalTech Harvey Fiala, Fiala Electical Engin neer Independent Aviation neer, & Aerospace Professional, from f Los Angeles, who achieved Master of Science in Electrical Engineering att C California lif i IInstitute tit t off T Tec chnology, h l has h verified ifi d our coil demonstration during ou ur presentation at the Tesla Tech Extraordinary Te echnology Conference on August 1, 2010 in Albuqu uerque, New Mexico. During the demo, Harvey held the coil and has confirmed a 1-inch diameterr,, 64-gram g N42 ball magnet g spinning at ~2000-RPM, susp pended by the inductance generated by a toroid Rodin Coil, comprised of only 9 winds of 18-gauge wire, att 2.4volts and 1.53amps consuming less than 3.7wattts.
Formless Rodin Magnetic M Field Generator Coil - N42 2 Ball Experiment In this video, a 1-inch diameter, 64-gram N42 steel ball magnet spins at ~2000-RPM suspended by the inductance generated by a formless toroid 36 Rodin Coil with only 9 winds of 18-gauge wire at 2.4-Volts & 1.53-Amps consuming less than 3.7-Watts.
N42 Ball Experime p ent Verification by Bill Grisham, former Lead Engineer for GE Independent verification of the suspended spherical N42 ball Rodin Coil experime ent has been provided by the Chief Technology Officer of ROSÆ Inc. ( Mr. Bill Grisham,, former Lea ad Engineer g for G.E. General Electric, and holderr of the first (and most revolutionary) US Patents fo or satellite architecture. Bill indicates that in his Matth Model, that is a constant, and therefore the field attraction forces off the th Rodin R di C Coil il replicates li t th t off th that the spherically h i ll radial di l and centric gravity field forc ces of the earth. This is an indirect proof for other sphe erical 3-D central force fields, and validates Rodin Coli cen ntral force field distribution, demonstrated by the Rodin N42 ball experiment.
Publica ations ations
Marko Rodin Publications: “The Rodin Number Map and the Rodin Coil� (3D modulo-9 number system & natu ural topology of node-based systems) by Marko Rodin & Greg Volk - Published in the proceedings of the Natural Philosophy Allia ance NPA17 conference. conference "The Quantum Mechanic State S of DNA Sequencing" by Marko Rodin - Publis shed in the proceedings of the International Bio--Technology Expo (IBEX) the largest genetic engineerring conference in the world. "Low Cost Propulsion n Systems Based Upon the Re-evaluation of the t Physics of Matter" by y Marko Rodin - Paper p presen p nted at the Air Space p America convention, the largest U.S. U convention of its type.
Publication by Marko Rodin & Greg Volk, Master of Science Electrical Engineering and a Physics at Stanford The paper published and presented T b Marko Rodin at the NPA17 Long by B Beach Conference with Greg Volk, w who holds a Master of Science d degree in Electrical Engineering a and Physics from Stanford. This p paper bridges math with geometry & physics! h i ! It’ It’s ffurther th verification ifi ti o the advanced applications of of R Rodin’s Vortex Based Mathematics.
The Quantum Mechanic Sta tate of DNA Sequencing "The Sequencing" Rodin DNA Publication "The Quantum Mechanic State of DNA S Sequencing" i "b by M Marko k R Rodin di published bli h d iin the proceedings of the International BioTechnology Expo (IBEX) the largest genettic engineering conference in the world. Microscopic Underpinning Nested Vortice es Every continuous medium has the inheren nt capability to be superconductive based on n harmonic cascadence. cascadence Examples of continuous mediums, in the form of a toroidal matrix, are tornados, hurricanes, water spouts, solar systems, galaxies, black holes/white holes and maelstroms. maelstroms There are many other examples of localiz zed space-time implosions which Rodin refers s to as underpinning nested vortices. Whether energy is maintained and survive es in the form of a toroid, or DNA spiral helix x, or goes through mitosis and duplicates itself, is determined by whether or not nested underpinning vortices are staggered or aligned in their World Boundary Condition.
German Society of Oncology
Dear Mr. Rodin, I consider y your paper p p of extreme impo portance. To me your conclusions are very likely y. I recommend your paper for publicatio on in the GERMAN JOURNAL OF ONCOLOGY Y Y. Please keep me informed of your furth her work. Sincerely,
Dr. Hans Nieper, world renown cancer doctor and former physician to President Reagan, invited Rodin to submit a paper to the prestigious medical journal he’s he s president of because of his belief in Rodin´s work. Dr. Jo Jonas as Salk, Sa , o offered e ed to be Rodin´s personal physician and told him his work was so advanced he´d never complete it in his lifetime unless he cloned himself.
Dr. Hans A Nieper
Rodin third helix called the Major Groove
Rodin DNA and Microbiology
DNA is not comprised of two helices but from m three with the third helix being invisible and occup pying a displacement the M Major Groove e which di l t space called ll d th j G hi h iis located in between the two helical strands. Nature abhors ut instead is a vacuum. This Major Groove is not empty bu where all information for the genetic coding of life exists. R di ’ V Rodin’s Vortex t B Based dM Mathematics th ti iis th the sch h hematic ti ffor life revealing that inside the Major Groove off DNA exists a higher dimensional Bioaetheric Template (Morphogenetic Field) defined by the mathematical number pattern p 3, 9; 6; 6 9, 6, 9 3 revealing the existence of an All Cohe erent higher intelligence guiding evolution. Selective splicing of novel DNA sequence co ombinations are able to be performed at will for medical treatment and the elimination of all diseases by utilizing th hese higher dimensional Flux Fields to control DNA cleav vage and receptor sites. Maxwell previously stated that there must needs to exist a Monopole to symmetrise all of his electrica al equations. equations Rodin’s math is a blueprint that gives us the ability to observe this missing Monopole in the form of o an Inertia Aether Flux represented by the number 9 and it’s associated Magnetic Field represented by th he numbers 3 & 6 which are perfectly nested in unison witthin the Major Groove of DNA . The backbone of DNA’s double spiral helix is s comprised of phosphates and phosphates are known to o always have a negative electric charge and obviously witth any negative electric charge there is always going to be an a associated magnetic field.
Publications tha at Marko Rodin articles have ap ppeared in: • The Quantum Mechan nical State of DNA Presented at the Inte ernational Biotechnology E Exposition iti P Proceedin dings • Air Space America Prroceedings • Explore More Magaziine • Borderlands Science e Journal • Numerous Web Sites • Nexus Magazine g
Marko Rodin
Relevant Publica ations by Others: "Towards a Mathematical Form mulation of the Rodin Coil Torus" by Russell P. Blake, Former Senior S Researcher, Microsoft "A Fibonacci Phyllotaxiis Prime Number Sieve" An original research pap per by Dr. Scot C. Nelson University of Hawaii H at Manoa "Rodin Rodin Coil Design n" by Bill Ramsay n Nexus Magazine, Volume V 3, Number 3
Endorsem ment by:
Russell P. P Blake
Former Senior Resea archer at Microsoft Creator of “Ato omic Modeling�
Verification of Vortex Based Math & US P Patent t t found f d d on tteachings ded hi he received from m Marko Rodin
Russell P. Blake -
Former Sr. Director o of Research
p - Microsoft Corporation
“If anyone had told me about Marko Rodin n's discovery three months ago, I would have said that it was impossible... It beca ame clear to me that Mr. Rodin's work was a synthesis th i off numerical i l patterns tt wh h hi h had hich h d previously i l b been overlooked l k db by conventional science and mathematics... These patterns lay out on the surface and within the internal volume of a torus.” “These formulae suggested that the Rodin n torus lies not just on the surface of the "doughnut" shape, but into the interior as well; in other words, the Rodin Torus is three dimensional.” “In the late 1970 1970's s I discovered atomic mo odeling which revolutionized computer performance modeling, measurement, and d sizing... I mention these facts merely to convince the reader that my intuition has a history of success in the practical application of new mathematics.” “Rodin Coil antennae would be useful in any a application where sensitivity to a particular frequency was important... Now w I am completely convinced that the Rodin Torus will likewise lead to new and revolutionary advances in art and science science... I am very much looking forward d to playing a role in this adventure. adventure ” “A motor based on the Rodin Coil could be e markedly more efficient at generating electrical energy than a conve entionally constructed electric motor... The possibility of a hollow core electric m motor is exciting due to the light weight of such a design. Rodin Coil motors would d be useful in any application where energy consumption must be limited..."
This patent is founded on teachings that Ru ussell Blake received from Marko Rodin. The claims state that applications also incllude those in computer software platforms.
Ma arko Rodin Th he Rodin Coil Vo ortex Based Mathematics Bre reakthrough Discoveries Ad dvanced Technologies For additional informa ation, please contact: Marko Rodin Te el: 760-270-9690 www MarkoRodin com fluxthruster@gmail com PeterVanBakel@nasa-inc Tel: 604-780-5683