Climate for Peace Actions Leaflet

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Climate for Peace

Actions Contribute to a Sustainable World

SCI wants to see a world of peace; social justice and sustainable development, where all people live together with mutual respect and without recourse to any form of violence to solve conflict. That is why

SCI is responding to the call for climate justice.

Thanks to hundreds of volunteers, dozens of SCI branches and partners already strengthened climate justice in areas such as mitigation, disaster relief and in building resilience to the impacts of climate change in 2014. There are already many SCI grassroots activities taking place all over the world and SCI wants to multiply these activities and together with your support we want to make them a standard!

OUR CLIMATE ACTIONS WILL GO ON IN THE COMING YEARS! Forty-nine trained youth coordinators from all over the world already have hands-on experience in coordinating high quality Climate for Peace labeled workcamps, with more on the way. Use their know-how, skills and tools – some of which you can find in our Climate for Peace Toolkit packed full with easy to understand concepts, exciting activities and plenty of inspiration that will guide SCI activists along the next steps. Together with the campaign videos, workcamp guidelines and weekly climate justice news we offer and use these tools and experiences to pave the way for a sustainable future!

2015 continues to focus on global youth empowerment for a sustainable planet by working on capacity building within the movement with a local/ regional approach. We want you to discover, discuss and exercise

alternative solutions from a communal and regional perspective.

You can use the new GAIA MicroGrants to create and strengthen your initiatives related to sustainable living and climate justice across all SCI activities and volunteer groups!

Also in cooperation with other like-minded organisations, we will be present at the

United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP21) to support the voice for sustainability,

to visualize the outputs of the first two years of SCI’s Climate for Peace campaign, to network with civic movements and organisations fighting for climate justice and to gather SCI activists to call for the necessary change.

“I am volunteering in workcamps of SCI because I am convinced that our ideals matter as long as we stand up for them. Through practical work and theoretical perspectives we gain the tools to make a difference - first for ourselves, later as multipliers for others. The unique group atmosphere that is created within just two weeks regardless of different nationalities, backgrounds and attitudes motivates me to continue. We experienced together that a sustainable lifestyle is possible, but we have to reflect and implement it constantly. Since it is a process we have to start with little improvements in order to achieve the goal collectively.” Linn Jenschovar, volunteer | Workcamp Glücksburg II, Germany “This magical, marvelous food on our plate, this sustenance we absorb, has a story to tell. It has a journey. It leaves a footprint. It leaves a legacy. To eat with reckless abandon, without conscience, without knowledge; folks, this ain’t normal.” – Joel Salatin

▪▪ Organise or participate in a Climate for Peace workcamp ▪▪ Create sustainable youth exchanges – practice empowers ▪▪ Continue to set up regional climate actions ▪▪ Raise awareness and educate yourself and others with our Friday Updates and the Climate for Peace Toolkit ▪▪ Voice your demands and see you at COP21


▪▪ Lower your carbon footprint ▪▪ Turn your footprint into a handprint ▪▪ Stop rushing, start discovering. ▪▪ Bring your own bag and your own bottle ▪▪ Choose sustainable, organic and local food ▪▪ Think twice before you buy! ▪▪ Choose biodegradable cleaning products ▪▪ Reduce, Reuse, Recycle ▪▪ Do what you can with what you have and share it

“Every aspect of our lives is, in a sense, a vote for the kind of world we want to live in.” – Frances Moore Lappé

“There is the need for everyone to raise to the challenge of climate change, this need cannot be over emphasized, the future of the Earth’s climate depends on how quickly and effectively people can substantially reduce the activities that are warming the globe, since further emissions – that cannot be rolled back, will have much more devastating consequences on future generations. We have to go advance our relationship with nature and quit, or as the case may be, reduce those lifestyles that constitute violence on our natural environment.” Femi Aganran, volunteer | VWAN Nigeria, Training ‘Young Citizens Building Global Communities’

“You can make a lot of speeches, but the real thing is when you dig a hole, plant a tree, give it water, and make it survive. That's what makes the difference.” – Wangari Muta Maathai

DISCOVER: ▪▪ ▪▪ twitter: @sciint | #climate4peace

SCI - International Secretariat Belgiëlei 37, 2018 Antwerpen, Belgium T: 32.3.2265727 | F: 32.3.2320344 | Photos: Clara Cortadelles, Celia Diaz Box, Linn Jenschovar, Milica Milović, Anna Mortimer, Frida Puspasari, Anna Torrents, Nataté Voluntariado This publication has been funded with support from the ‘Youth in Action’ programme of the European Commission, under the project ‘Young Citizens Building Global Communities’. It reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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