Unit 302 City and Guilds Work with Parents Assessment Tasks The following assessment tasks are a suggested guide on how to meet the assessment criteria for this unit. If you are currently using behaviour management techniques with parents you might like to use examples of actual work you have done with parents instead or as a supplement. E.g. Behaviour management plans, behaviour charts, sleep plans etc. Some tasks will also need to be supported by observation of practice. Assessment task 1 Attach the following worksheets from the training days: How parents can listen Getting extra help scenarios This will meet the following assessment criteria:
1.6. Explain and demonstrate how to enable parents to understand their children’s feelings and behaviour 1.7. Explain and demonstrate how to enable parents to assist children to recognise their feelings 1.9. Explain when particular/specialist help is needed, and how to refer parents to appropriate services
Assessment task 2 Describe how positive parenting strategies can support parents in managing difficult behaviour in their children. Make reference to social learning theory and parenting styles in your answer. This will meet the following assessment criteria:
1.1. Explain the importance of modelling behaviour for children and parents 1.2. Explain the effects of harsh parenting on children 1.3. Explain the importance of boundaries 1.4. Explain parental strategies for holding boundaries 1.8. Explain how to enable parents to identify strategies for them and their children to manage conflict
Assessment task 3 a) Either use a behaviour plan you have already developed for a parent who is struggling with an aspect of a child’s behaviour. Or write up implementation scenario’s two an three from the training day. b) Write an explanation of how this plan will promote children’s progression towards self-discipline and how it supports parents in setting boundaries. Discuss how you would set this up with a parent and explain the following points to them: • •
Why it is important that parents can balance parental authority and the developing autonomy of their children How this strategy will help their children understand the effect of their actions on others.
This will meet the following assessment criteria:
2.1. Explain why parents must balance parental authority and the developing autonomy of their children, and how they can be supported in this 3.3. Explain and demonstrate how parents can be supported to help their children understand the effect of their actions on others
Assessment task 4 Write a short fact sheet for parents which give tips on how parents can enjoy playing with their children. Explain the importance of this in children’s development and include ideas of where parents can go for further information. This will meet the following assessment criteria:
3.1. Explain the role of play in children’s development 3.2. Explain ways in which parents can support children’s play in developmentally appropriate ways 3.3. Explain how children can be encouraged to take the lead and develop their own ideas 3.4. Describe sources of information and advice for parents on meeting children’s play and learning needs
Assessment task 5 Fill out a home safety checklist for parents and explain how you would use this with parents to manage the risk s to child safety inside and outside the home. Further information can be found at: http://www.rospa.com/homesafety/adviceandinformation/childsafety/accidents-to-chil dren.aspx This will meet the following assessment criteria: Outcome 4.1 Explain how to raise parents’ awareness of common hazards and risks to children’s safety inside and outside the home
Assessment task 6 Draw up an eating plan and a sleeping plan for a parent who is struggling with these issues. You can use implementation strategy one from the training for the eating plan. You can draw on information from the following websites to help you with this. http://www.babycentre.co.uk/a1008600/how-to-cope-with-feeding-a-fussy-toddler http://www.mumsnet.com/toddlers/fussy-eaters http://www.webmd.boots.com/children/guide/childrens-health-child-development This will meet the following assessment criteria:
4.2. Explain how to enable parents to find strategies for addressing eating and sleeping issues
Assessment task 7 Draw up a list of where parents can go for advice on how to meet children’s physical needs. List at least three local and three national sources of information and advice including websites. This will meet the following assessment criteria:
4.3. Describe sources of information and advice on meeting children’s physical needs.1.
Assessment task 8 Complete the following reflective worksheet in relation to a recent piece of work with a parent which enabled them to develop ways of handling relationships and behaviour that contribute to every day life with children. Make a note of any additional assessment criteria that this piece of work is evidence for.
Reflective worksheet: What happened?
What were your feelings about it?
What went well?
In what ways did you help this parent to meet the needs of their child(ren)?
What didn’t go so well?
What else could you have done?
What strengths do you bring to your work with parents?
What areas for development do you have with your work with parents?
This will meet the following assessment criteria: 5.1. Reflect on own practice in enabling parents to develop ways of handling relationships and behaviour that contribute to everyday life with children, identifying strengths and areas for development